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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1946, p. 7

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THURSDAY, FEB. 2lst,& 96THECANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW14ANVILLE:~ ONTARIOPAES ~~UU UU U= .~ference for 12 years, and was sec- Col. Banister at Tlnly This was viewed as significant retary of Belleville Prsbytery al- LiJAàAn J2 ùsfl1 fien ____ and hopeful; that moral responsi- 50 for several years. The confer- _______ rm ag Oe bility was held deeply among Socic-l and Personal ence will meet at Napanee in Visitors-MrsR. Perkins and Service Club met at Mrs R the factors in race decline upon and esthor ace andt sanity. June. a Trot - M.Thompson's on e.5hwt11wihw mutagunlnigLqorQ sin M.Charles Elnier Mctlveen Of and Mrs. Aif Ayre are holidaying present. Ail enjoyed games and warfare.F uu U UBowmanvile was among the 40 at Miami, Fla., -- Mr. and Mrs. the social evening. A vote of CnldnCl aitrtuh graduates i Medicine at Queen's A. T. Stanton attended the fun thanks was moved to Beverley EconomleCause eContlug ol. Bastern.touch- Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Rogers, University, Kingston, who recelv- eral of Capt. Acher at Brace- and her helpers. The Service ed on ther'ae a u cnm nhs liquond rqestion.eer Whiitby, were guests of Mrs. G. A. ed their degrees at the Medical bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Club gave $5 as a gift to the ic problem, the tendency to ac- such deplorable conditions of Ch o llwngk.cesweee Convqcation on Friday. Mr. and Jebson and family, Mr. and Mrs. .Sunday School. Mrs. Lloyd Ash- ustvnst egr h sMrne dpaiya aeyi Th oloin ffcrswree- Mrs. P.O. McIlveen, Lieut. Robt. Donald Yelflowlees, Mrs. Walter ton moved a vote of thanks to of money as a means of leisure downtown Toronto. He quoted ected at the meeting of St. John's Mcllveen who recently returned Beth, Columbus, at Gerry Glas- the club seconded by Mrs. J. A. and pleasure rather than to raise the rise in consumption of intox- Womien's Auxlliary: Hon. presi- from overseas, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. pel's -- Mr. and Mrs. August Werry.= larger familles. Modern apart- icants and varned that no coun- a dent, Mn. C. R. Spencer; presi- Jones attended the graduation Geissberger, John, Billy and W.M.S. met Feb. l3th with 24 ments and rentai homes in too try could continue such an orgy dent, Mns. W. J. E. Ormiston; lst ceremonies. Dr. McIlveen ex- Charlie, Harmony, Mr, Lawrence present. God's Healing Power many cases were hedged with wtotutmt iaca n vice president, Mrs. Leon Dumas; .pects to leave shortly for Vic- Knowlton, Oshawa, at Hans wastetteoiosi.Ar-siuain,"oCide a t oaho liaps. e congral ated 2nd ce-president, Mrs. C. Rob-. toria, B.C., where he will interne Geissberger's ------ Mrs. A. T. can prayers were read by Mrs. j. ed."1 Thus selflshness among Bowmanville on the result of theE inson« ecretary rs . Smythe; at the hospital there. Stainton and Eileen, Mrs. W. Stephenson, Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. h white race contributed not recent dry vote and warned that tre kr, Mrs. J. A. Living; Sup- Mr. Eric Rollinson wvill con- Glaspel, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, at-F.BcetadMsE.C'Ah only to moral decline but to few- the time is at hand to take a na- eritenentto the Jr. W.A., Mrs. duct examinations for the Tor- tended a birthday party at Mirs. ton. A paper written by R er ubr.Iva.knt h toa tn o eprne worrest A. Dilling. onto Conservatory of Music in Ray Scott's, Feb. 12 -- Miss Joan Merle Ferguson was read by Mrs. cynicism of Frenchwomen, "why Tefiawod as neo Re.J. E. Beckel of Elgin, was Bowmanville, on Feb. 27 and 28. Morgan with Miss Bernice Simon, J. A. Werry. TrseE.f.iWrrylaie cilden nlytonavethe Rev.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~g fpo killed and maimed in batties?" fil ntecaswowa a-Yucndpn nteqaiyo dodtn' nomiatedfor he oficeoHePes-He ws bon inn nglnd, herehe shaw - Mr.and,-hd chrge fnpr- Ai thi wa notd bya Jaaneseserice uttns.atr1sehrvican MeauatdGns.rie. Bu at he soreaher ident Mf the Bay of Quinte Con- studied under Phillip Dore. While Robinson and Joe, Mrs. M. Rob- gram. Reading by Mrs. F. Dor- lthsw nedbaJpns ko httey avifunc ference of the United Church of there he was admitted to Fellow- inson saa, atHer Ball's -- land, "Your Part;" pian olo, pht il se hs stin"he knonstat he hae iflunc Canada by the Presbytery of Pet- ship in the Royal College of Or- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoif and ~H cil hpe Eua shretutte spi.A ult n au o.t erbrouh metng t MrkSt.gansts M. Rlliso cae t fail, Curtce atWesCa- tion is for Living" was given by Task For Youth in the physical war they have Church, Peterborough. Mr. Beck- Canada at the age of 20 and is eron's ------ Pte. Peggy Killen, Mrs. R. Stenger; vocal soloby ihawodtyohCiBn-aeywnteycn owsar el hs ben ecrtaryof he on-now on the faculty of the Con- Toronto, at Robt. Kiilen's ------ Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. A tasty Val- ister went on; "the futptre is in head the moral war, we theirW1DBIE F RISHO ADAL servatory. He is a former presi- Mr. and Mrs. John Kiveli, Miss entine Tea was served. March Su ad;yuhv enhn-edrshv moe pnte.DYSTRA den o te andia CllgeofPearl Leach, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. meeting at Mrs. H. Milis', March ed an awful world by your eld- A fitting memorial to them is to Organists. Arthur Youngman and Aian,;uo o o listee-ddca uslv ojing "SPORTSDOWN , Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, euponiiyounotle the rges dedîcintehuevit e tolon 1 ~Fett, Murray and Marie, Raglan, town, at W. E. Sanderson's. ponsiiiit that theaeoes them inish the f ith they k p.Thome i WOOL B ackstck attnded he 35t weddng ann- Sewng Cirle me save slis thesafoundationundt ofnefverythingg _____ versary of Mr. and-Mrs. Norman Plant's on Feb. 12. A nice lot under the influence and impetus there is where the fight centres. W.M.S. of United Church which Leach on Feb. 15th ---Mr. and of sewing was done on skirts and of Christianity; nothing eise canMui met at Mrs. C. Hili's was of un- Mrs. James MeMaster and Ash- shorts. Lunch was served by save us; nothing eise is visible; The musical program directed Hre onPoreo sulitrs.Miss Laura Ham- ton, Mr. Robt. Ingram, Toronto, Mrs. Plant and her committee, until this new spirit animates the by Trinity rnitW E.CPh e37 * *. . ly winieg mssinay n t lex McMaster's ---Mrs. T. Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs. H. Annis, rcPhrha en pae oWrmn ssse yMs hli Chia orfor ecde, eig he Martin had a f ew neighbors at a Ms .HobrNxtmeig a heofr ia " e old a t Chaolis ATM, incldedy ianns_________________________________ * speaker. Her talk was very much qitn nwdedy Mrs. H. Annis' o Tuesday, Feb. within 24 hours after the relief hliATM neudpaoad - enjoyed. Miss Hambly with her 26th. o hnBliaswr ho-organ selections and unusual enthusiasm for her subi ect and .~vriCongratulations topi . f i ng Belgiand rehasooomraigbaioe-orn w 4 ~her wonderful memory has just H ampton AeyRCA.. howsma-Dtc e like an enhoye d îyrenditions by Albert Hircock of Aver, RC.AF.,whowasmar Dueh erelik emloyd. nlyCobourg. Numbers and requests one diff iculty, namely, what to ____ ried in St. John's Church, Kil- the rebirth of the souls of those included, The Trumpeter, Mon- leave unsaid. She leaves her Visitors: burn, Eng., Dec. 29, 1945, to L.Cpi. countries can prevent anotheraseyGrnAepinteDe If China is backward we, not Bowmanville, with Mrs. L. Truli. man is weii known in these parts, Wihawr onisryte Hope and Glr ALHaildthe China, are to blame. We hold rsR.Lkr. and his home is at Burketon, son of ihawron isryteGlyAÏHlte th e-hitaiy r. M.adMs .LkM lhthe aeM.nd rsJonA speaker quoted Gjbbon's Decline Power of Jesus Name, and the keyChrstinit. Ms.- Mrs. Earl Luke, Ronald and Ralhtelt r n r.Jh v and Fali, traced the decay of re- concluding solo, End of a Per- for iffy Kit weaers Wright sang, Mrs. H. Hooey gave weedinrguests of Mr. and Mrs. ery. a radng. Meber rporedHarry Baldwin, Courtice. Rs stn n enWer ligion, the class struggles, the fect Day. Cotnmunity singîng A New Shipment of calîs made on sick and shut-ins. Mrs. D. Fletcher, Mr. D. Mc- attendcd a banquet at the King' coroding luxuries that undermin- was led by Ross Strike.4 The two snow plows are kept Qeta tR ues Edward Hotel, Toronto. ed Rome. 0f the 21 white civil- 6 Attractive Shades busy keeping the highway and MusisGn a v .uelyToroto, at Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett, izations in the pages of history thatthell be real on Miss Devitt .lyTor Bowmanville, at Frank Dorland's. only 7 now survive. Decline set HEIRE IS YOU R BEST Setr htwl ear a ishesieoa dets open. in hme. dsn r n r. oadOe s-in, strangely, when nations dis- addition to your wardrobe can in the Syelsoe Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and os an M sHore rudlOe, sham- played the highest in brain pow- MARKET FOR Sawl tr.wihM.adMrs. Clarence Brad-ad r tatWasloer Oen'uns , ap er. Yet hearts rotted out in frit- be quickly and easily knit. 0 . Clary enMaîwitand Mr. ey, Ashburn. Mtson aner met. Sn-tering away moral stabiîity and S FREE INSTRUCTION BOOK sister, Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Tor- a Mr. and Iv]rs. Davies, Oshawa, aScolwtPrsdnCaki bamthsoyof"edvl LIVE and onto atH. Wlco's.iss ve-dary ichaitrgesinadentCark take the hindermost." Today we Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Miss ave a W erry in cre Dn Wearn dsla a manifestations lev Awayi a"4-str" hitIn th Receptionlyn Beckett at E. Luke's aeatmeac edn.Ms. ing to decline and faîl with the Bo.sntolCndsfne R epinMr. and Mrs. Anson Phair of L. Wearn told the story. Mrs. L. lessons of history s0 plainly be- Special Prices until further ulepaebttelvletto Jm w JEW LL ourtce, t R Luk's.Ashton showed lantern slides of Mr n r.Gog .Pac onicaRCoLe, omavllwihChina andf some of the littie Chi-foeu.ntcfrTO aly Je W . JEW E L Mr. a homrsetorgeAh eir eDnhi d Coi , Bce avle. nese children. Closed by prayer Wave of Crime Live Poultry will be at hm oterfinshscuiBueCvry by Mrs. L. Ashton. Today we have a class struggie LV OL "BIG 20" at the home of their son, Ross Dr. Norman Allun, Edmonton, Sunday night service was in- as seen to the south of us where LV OL PHONE 556 Pearce, South View Villa, Feb. Alta., Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Alin, teresting with good attendance, a a whole city is paraiyzed through well fatted, -2 12 23rd, afternoon and evening, on Mr. Sam Aluin, Bowmanville, were go sermon by Rev. J. A. Plant. strife. Toa ehv hrhs up to 6 ibs. - --/2-- C- b(00 the occasion of their sixtieth wed- och NhaeEhrce r in nnvrsr. - dinner guests of Mr. C. W. Souch Aful choir quartette being well with wealthy congregations sO LIVE YOUNG BROILERS, ___________________________________________8_____ and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. rendered by Donalda Grifflin, Kay indifferent to youth that Sunayto3lb.30/ We weicome to our village Mr. and Helen Jordan and Myrtie Schoois have had to close. e 22t3Ib.01c -- and Mrs. Norman Yeilowlees who Arney. Mrs. L. Lamb was the see .the wave of crime increasing each ----------------lb have taken up residence in the organist. and the appalling state of juven- Above prices delivered to ourI " ' home formerly Mrs. Bessie Rob- Visitors-Miss June Ashton, lie delinquency. Hell is a sym- Whitby Plant R E D bis'. owmvile, a hoe ------ M. bl o hat an fer yt weare OTHR LIE O DRSSE Mr. and Mrs. Percy Aluin haye Melville Griffin at Blackstock --- witnessing what it connotes POULTRY AT PREVALLING When Aid returned fromn their wedding trp Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton and among us at this moment. With 'PRICES .Aand are now settled in the ir new Lois, Mrs. E. C. Ashton with Mrs. striking emphasis the speaker Is Needed ~home at 325 Leslie St., Oshawa. S. May, Toronto ---- Miss Lor- told that the greatest increase in e us ~Mission Band met with Pres. raine, Toronto, with Mrs. juvenile deîinquency was found PiErm fa jEvelyn Smale in charge. Grace Etta Page ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. among children 7 to 12 years of PickerIin aiiii .U Kersey read the minutes. Evelyn Rahm, Ronald, Ciem and Doreen, age. He personally sought two WIB NAT Mori mb lnc Sric 4 0Smale took charge of the business. Mrs. Roy Graham were dinner mnen to teach two Classes in Sun- WHITBY NTARI. MorisAm ulnc Srvce- 80We had election of officers. It guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank day School and failed until two Telephone Whitby 336 tadba YOUR CALL NIGHT OR DAY is our was decided to answer next Jamieson, Bowmanvville --- Mrs. returned soldiers volunteered. * ~~~~month's- roll caîl with a bible E. C. Ashton with her daughter,______ ______ opportuflity to ser've verse containing the word "love". Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry -----rýOm=== o =o 00 00 c =-=o on== = o=oU:OO David Reynolds will take the of- Mr. Claude Smith with Mr. Wal- fering next montlà and Joe Balson ter Smith, Oshawa ---Welcome take care of the hymn books. to Mrs. J. Kennedy, Toronto, who Jonn eyolstook tip the of- has rented a room from Mrs M.oPRSR I T IN fering. Joe Balson and David Griffin. f Reynolds put the pennies in the Clifford Pethick's store and bil- E U S birthday box. Grace Kersey read »liard table is doing fine these RSIP a New Year's poem; caîl to wor- days. f ship read by Evelyn Smale; scrip- I CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY CO PU EDABteWa ture reading by Grace Kersey; TeB oi poem by Jean Kersey; Madlyn T eB ck Shop Whnyubigyu rsrpinnou o Wlo gaetesoy vlnfinest possible resuits. Each one is carefully suidadacrtl iCna. Smale read a poem. . (Continue d from Page One) 0 LOWEST filled wlth the purest mngredients. We speclalizei hswr.Wen- Vtmn n _______________ don't be surprised at anything fl Y Myou see in your next issue. 0 PRICES sickness prevents you from brmnging your prescriptost sPOE72 Spakngofphtorahs 1__ _ WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIE TPOPL Fe. 4h.PesdntMs.J Gi poto g ph t actviiso A EVIA IS N WShvi ra Ifs. children. Lunchl was servea ana vens nyro raii .ii ir there was a good program and being tossed too high into the f Carter's Little Liver Pills 23c-69c Cpue -$.5$.0 _____________ many vlnie exchanged.Th ai.Js before leaving the f Fruitatives------------------- 23c-39c dpo 6 z 1O B w a vleY uh F rC rs very one to a bottie of pop, and eer Irwin, formerly with the ope iai a special valentine for each one. R.C.A.F., I personaliy found 51 Visitors: the consistency of this town's O bLuy1mwWy -.A(I Iderrn herMr. and Mrs. George Carter, at mud, crop because the wind Thel kti.. ew way Ioc-----$.5 uII uu.w herMr. and Mrs. Clarence Butson's, blew my hat off and down it 0 cleanor lîo0ua6i.ur inil* 4 Port Perry. went to the bottom of the Mr. A. J. Tompkins with hîs ditch, making yet another FI.Let Caii)H R L A TN aiyi oot.street that has been cleaned BARGAINS a FI-Leu. Chplin H ROD ARIN fmily ineTronte. and Helen in by that same lid. Ilf Padre ic% R.C.A.F. and Founder of M50er vry***DSc Pinex Comp ----32 Pon .Trikolehay Nylon> day seems to have come AMAZINS NEW 35e Corega -----------24e Mrs.H. rickin ethny. nd one ithut oo mch is- DETALLUQUD $.2op$nkam' MissRuthAlldead n Kisale tubanc. Ony on stoe intpi Com.---------87 CHRISTIAN HOMES FOR CHILDREN Mrss.Ruh Ar iearboro, natadgn ihu o uhds ETLLQI 12 ika Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter's. appeared to have any in stock0 2or3dpsu 25e A.B.S.& C. MisMrinHinsws anT-nnethey were cleaned out before b"whng keepa Tout Tablets------------------ 19e Monto ar heni e a inon n o'clock, but ail of the ladies' t".thdaisllng white. $.5Lcee - 15 Mrs M rti Sngeroto ftr hr onsl pertin.goods stores in town were pester- youv mouth $225c on -----'s.5 Mrs.Marin SngeMiss Lois McMullen, Janetville, e 60me nxou t peae r.h.brot sst Li ut . r ck K n st n . their w ives, and w om en hopeful 3ar ey - - - - -- 9 Ada's.of being the flrst to come tout LARGE19c 's-----------19 Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, who don't understand thé vernac-O On te. ft 0e. .! 25e Saccharin Bomnila .Gl'.Strdoy Nisht.. off hi cm Tablets--------- 1/4 gr. 15e 25 _ _ _ _ B.. om anvlle haw G i's. ular the last two words of the pre- Cnadian tatinsc. .. 0u prons. ubrOhaa ihhsvious sentence mean radiant radio listing rs anstat On. 30e Saccharine e - -2 aet. llmbs. The nylon event was Tablets -------½/ gr. 17e Tow Ral -5aurd y F b.George Tompkins with his somewhat overshadowed locally To al S t ra ,F h 3 father. by the re-opening of Harry AI- "ALLE N B U RYS" R SRPTO SASPCA T Mr. and Mrs. Orland Raine, Mr. lin's Self-Serve Grocery where and Mrs. E. Pallister and niece, diced beets, cookies, and a mii- PE C Joan Vicker, Toronto, Mr. and lion and one other rare food items Non-Denominational - Admission Free Mrs. Nelson Davis and Alyn and were pientiful. It seemed odd to0 AIO NG Beverley, Coiborne, at Mr. Henry see Harry, Jack and Lorne with- HAL A E LXMOEO EVERYBODY WELCOME Trick's. fo eeatne h out a couniter in front of them, 0 11»t nieat way of- grand "Welcome Home" party at grand business in their much en- I taking Haibut Liv«' f &Women Devitt's Hall in honor of the two larged, bright and cheerful store I nlOL ..E Speclal Welcome to Servicemen Sweet brothers and George Wolfe with Dorothy Nichols and MIi- M fl EOD ADE _____________________________ tkig n hemaum.who have recentiy returned fromn dred Rundie wrapping the goods p~ 850 - $1.50 - s2m2 AK EODciez R O HN 9 EDL VEN nt. 0F~ e i h war- ird te. -'I To Mo g >1 o ~-43c 39c 25e ~-40c B N ~-49c o ~-49c g~ I o

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