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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 11

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77 77 -'!". THU 3SDAY, TEE. 28th, 194, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO of the second period. 1«alluvnils DeeatLinsay The gaine was again tied at 4- AJ taDIS,,ay U.f Fred Cowle scored and Lewis o! To nmvaice in Onti8Xo Lindsay creased the net. Ta finished the Lindsay lads and Bowmanville romped on ahead The Red Raider Juveniles ad- each scored for Lindsay while the to score three more talles. Dad- Vanced one more notch into the Raiders took tinie to get used to son, Hooper and Cowle were the Juvenile pI.ayoffs when they de- the strange ice surface. s corers and Don Rundie should Il feated Lindsay 7-4 in Whitby on Fred Cowle first broke the ie have been on it but was disailow- Monday night. This gave the for the boys in re dscoring just ed by the referee for some un- Raiders 12-6 score in the two after a minute of play in the sec- known reason. Bud Hooper in 'w gaines. They will now move ond fraine. Don Rundle was the the nets played his usual superb te ahead to the next teain and the next to score for the locals when gaine. In the absence of Coach fi #Mmes wil llikely start some time he made a beautiful play onl a Mo. Breslin, Jack Cameron han- to X= week. pass froin Dadson right down the dled the teain. Line-ups: i It looked bad for Bowmanville ice to fool the Lindsay goalie. Lindsay: Goal, Greag; defence, w the st perid when they McPhie scored for Lindsay and Mackey, Arthur; centre, Henes- al e helcoreless by the North- Frank Hooper for Bownlanville sey, L.; wings, Burns, McPhie; e boys. Henessey and McPhie to tie the score at 3-all at the end alternates, Richards, Preston, bý ZMMllllllllý Henessey, C, Logan, Puffer, Lew- d, is. Y Bowmanville: Goal, Bud Hoop- Ir er; defence, Strike, Tighe; centre, t, Cowle; wings, Dadson, Rundle; tt alternates, Pollard, Cattran, Hoo- Role W at hes per, F., Sturrock, Woodward. First Perlod e Rolex Watches Lindsay, Henessey, L ------ 8.30v Lindsay, McPhie -- ------- --12.40 0 Second Perlod For MenBowmanville, Cowle Foi fdela l~~~(Rundle) ------------------1.10u Lindsay, McPhie ------------5.18 Bowmanville, Rundle Men's Waterproof Rolex Watches, sweep second hand, black (Dadson) ------------------13.12 Bowmanville, HooperE or plain dail, durable case, leather strap, 17-jewel niovement. (Cowle, Woodward) ----14.59 C Penalty: Mackey. Third Period Each 37.50Bowmanville, Cowle Eah(Hooper, Strike)------------30 Plus Tax Lindsay, Lewis -------------13.07 Bowmanville, Dadson (Rundle) ------- ---------- 14.14 pJt% ewellery & Bowmanvjlle, Sturrock 164 H O O P E R S(Cowle, Hooper) ---------- 64 G it Shop Bowmanville, Cowle 164 Phone 747 Bowmanvile Pnly rhr _______________________________ hird Game Taken By Local Midgets 0 T Win League Titi. 9 There was little doubt who was 0the better teain when Breslin's HRed Raider Midgets defeated Co- I T "s BIl bourg 7-2 in Whitby Saturday a- ternoon. This gaine was the third for the league championship with 0 Cobourg Midgets. The last gaine 0 0 resulted in a tie score after over- The EW 0time. TheeNRanscrs hed obur fwhile they managed to score NAD< ~ i m three goals. Bob Gallagher play- * - (; il ing defense made the first score on 0 a pass froin Levett. Frank Hoop- 0 er made a lovely breakaway to- astm p 0 wards the end o! the period to Pastefl score on Cobourg. John Stutt in hent played a brilliant gaine, fthroughout. IJIL The third stanza started off with HBowmanville a little on the slow O Il side. The result, goals by Hes- g DUINiN~Jsin and McMullen for Cobourg. It 0~~ ~ rockG as' long before Hooper, Stur- rokand Levett took charge o! Dthings again and knocked in an- 0 other four tallies. Line-ups: j HOM HEAT R flCobourg: Goal, Urquhart; de- 110r«E 11EATE fence, Smith, MeMullen; centre, Caine; wings, Hessin, Goody; al- 0 I ternates, Midhurst, Wilcox, Camp- o 1 bell, Jamieson, Baker, Hariott, 0 Now on Display ~Rox. GaSut e 0, fence, F. Hooper, Sturrock; cen- ilThis sensational home heater Is ideal for the small home wlth tre, Hamilton; wings, Lunney and Il B Bird; alternates, Cattran, Lobb, flno furnace, or garages, workshops, etc. No ashes to bother Breslin, Levett, Gallagher, De- Ilwlth, no dust . . . to combat. In fact lt's the most econ- Geer. on te makettoda. O Referee: Jin Crombie, Bow- 0 First Period H Spaee capacity for average construction - to maintain 70 de- I Bowmanville, Gallagher gre nsd epeaue h-(Levett)------------------------ 4.15 flgresinid tmpraur wth-Bowmanville, Hooper -------7.40 flOutslde Temperature 0 degrees- 5,500 cu. feet Penalty: Bird. 1.1Outside Temperature 0-20 deg.- 6,873 cu. feetD Second Period Outslde Temperature 20 degrees plus - 9,166 eu. feet Bowmanville, Sturrock 1 (Lunney) ---------------------- 6.01 0 Penalties: Goody, Hamilton. Unit- $ 34.0 ~Third Period W. wIllIb. glad t. show you how a "hoandi1-chef"" mak« cooklngl a roui pleasurel Colt in and s»e Iti flidgets Badly Beaten n Wliitby Monday Playing their first gaine with Vhitby Midgets Bowmanville team, suffered a 7-2 defeat in the frst o! two play-off ganies goals to count. The battle was staged in Ernie Taylor's Whitby arena with a good crowd o! local fans in ttendance. Whitby lads held the Breslin boys scoreless right up until the lying moments o! the gaine when Frank Hooper slapped two goals in the net. Yuill for Whitby was the big scorer getting four o! his teams seven goals. Second gaine o! series was play- ed last night in Whitby and the * esuit will appear in another part of the paper. Bowmanville: The same as Sat- urday's gaine. Whitby: Goal, Dally; defence, Alard, Corner; centre, Williams; wings, Yuill, Pitcher; alternates, Eesson, Balson, Neal, Moss Mc- Gregor. Newcastle Enters Team Lakeshore Bali League At the meeting of the .Lake- shore Basebali League held in Cobourg on Friday night, New- castle entered a team in the lea- gue. Messrs. Porter, Wright, Weyrich, McMullen and Carveth represented the village at the meeting. One of the points under discus- sion was whether the league should sponsor a Juvenile group. As yet no decision has been reach- NEWCASTLE TOWN LEAGUE STARTS HOCKEY PLAYOFFS The four teains in the Newcastle Town League started the playoff s last week with the leading Vil- lagC* team playing the third place Smith Factory teain in the first game of the semi-finals. The Wey- rich factory and the High Sehool teain featured the second game. In the first period the Smith teain took an early lead with two goals. The Village team tried desperately during the first two periods to eut down the lead but the Smith boys proved to be too much. The last period was a different story for the Village when they tied the game up and in the last few minutes of play tore ahead to win the game by a two-goal margin.I The final gaine o! the afternoon between -Weyrich and the High School, found the factory workers at the top end of a 10-5 score. Mecullough led the Weyrich's and didn't give the school boys much o! a look-in except for a few minutes in the last frame. The two 'Wright boys and Ward were among the outstanding play- ers for the winners. The gaine ended 10-5. ShurIBhock Electrical Fencers ...Complete $14.95 Westin.ghouse 25, 40, 60-watt Lamps . 2.. for 25e Improved Batteries for Hearing Aids Extension Speakers ....$7.45 Blectric Soldering Irons ......... 27 Auto Aerials ...... $4.50 up Complete Repair Service for Irons - Toasters - Etc. MR W. NEAT Radio Sales & Service] $4 4 t " #7 Loaipgitereat-IOa ing friendaashe neyrer wem Sd a ny more-ai ways 1.0 fi"ed "NerveW, ahe lers of ber blood-ç that needed atenio.She uned Douda Kidnsey Pilla at once. The improved acion of ber kidneya lped 10 clear away bwod inpujje adexceaa acide. Fatigue. akahehedache, Iack ofef ry i- apeaK&Do d ney Pillacontais eumeai ilsaM &cialmgreenta that act directly upon the kidnya-and blp retore theirnorfll aciolL 144 SPORT NEWS SHO4 GGDWL Huntsman Bobble Parr This picture shows Robert (Bobbie) Parr o! Enniskillen,t holding a timber wolf he corner-t ed oý:d shot on the farin o! Wil- fred Bowman, Feb. 5, 1946. The photo was taken by Mrs. AIL Prescott when neighbors caine to see the marauder and to congrat- ulate Bobbie on his prowess as aE huntsman. This episode, entirely authenticated, recalîs pioneer days when wolves, bears and deer roamed the densely wooded areas of Durham County. It also offers occasion to com- ment on a inap recently appearing on the backs of envelopes sent through the mails by citizens of our sister town o! Port Hope. This map, embracing the district froin Toronto to Sinith's Falls, purports to show the gaine and fish to be found contiguous to the towns listed and no doubt is intended as a guide for tourists. Whether by design or over- sight the mnap omits entirely the naine Bowmanville. The town, apparently, doesn't even exist, but in the country back o! this non-existent, thriving centre the map shows only rabbits and rout as offering inducement to sports- men. Strangely, all other bowns are shown including Whitby, Osh- awa, Çobourg, Lindsay, Peterboro and even Bewdley. During the past year The Statesman has carried stories bel- ling o! deer found at several points hereabouts, o! Wild ducks nesting at many more as well as the acknowledged rabbit drives and trout catches. Now, happily we can go one better by offering visual evidence that a wol! or s0 may entice nimrods. Congrat- ulations Bobbie. Your picture and capture will make a fine frontis- piece for a map showing BOW- MANVILLE as a centre o! an un- usual range o! wildlif e. Basketbaii Juniors Double Score on Trinity beain won a 30-15 decision over Trinity College boys in a gaine played here last week. The bo-s in red, black dnd whibe set a faot pace right froin the opening whis- tle and at the end o! haîf lime had the school boys by a 14-2 count. Gary Tighe was the main spark plug for the Bowmanville beain scoring 15 o! his teamn's points. Paberson, Rowe and Snowden al- so made the score sheets quite frequenbly. Bowmanville: W in. Rundle, Gary Tighe 15, Morris Tamblyn, Jin Paterson 4, Harry Snowden 4,' Bob Gallagher 2, Harvey Rowe 4, Tom DeGeer, Duncan Phillip 1. Fouls: Bowmanville 13, T.C.S. Lucky Strikes Drop From First to Third Friday was a sorry night for Bern Carter's Lucky Sbrikes when they dropped froin first to third place by losing 7 points to Ada Tomlinson's Head Pins. The Head Pins, who last week were tied wibh Vi Coole's Coo-Coos, are now head o! the league by a mar- gin o! two points. Dpris Polley's Winsome Winners wibh only three players out pub up a valiant fighb against the Coo-Coos who had 5 players and managed bo win the firsb gaine by nearly 100 pins. Given one more player they might have repeated the perfor- mance. High single: Vi Coole 280, Joyce Major 236, Kay Beauprie 236, Lo- la Marjerrison 235. High -triple: Joyce Major 635, Vi Coole 613, Kay Beauprie 605. Just bo keep the record sbraighb, girls, if you are gunning for the prize for high single you have to beat Doris Polley's 348 and Edibh Andrew's 323. If you are not in- terested in that, but would like bo carry off the high triple you have bo top Doris Polley's 713 and Marg E. King's 685. Averages: Ada Toinlinson ---------- -187 Bern Carter ------------------ 182 Edibh Andrew - --------- ------ 180 Vi Coole -------------- --- 178 Marg E. King ------------- 175 Joyce Major -------------------- 175 Doris Polley---------------------- 175 Joyce Buttonshaw --------171 Marg Jackson --- -- ----169 Kay Beauprie ---------------- 168 Aida Luxton ---------- 164 Clara Needham ---161 Lola Marjerrison -___161 Muriel Henderson -_161 VSr q"lckredIromi W ornons auai forfrt a C Thue's edninf te Lecure room on Was ednsday Leteb i3t wth godattedace This week froin Feb. 10-16 was known as C.G.I.T. Week and was celebrated all over the Dominion. Our mothers and members o! the W.M.S. were invited to at- tend. The meeting opened with the C.G.I.T. hymn, choral response and was followed by the Lord's Prayer. The business period op- ened wibh the minutes o! Feb. 6th, and roll caîl. Our meeting was carried out in the regular way with the leaders Miss Creas- ser, Miss McAllisber and Mrs. Fletcher being in charge o! the worship service. The theine for the service was "On Earth, Peace." Quiet nmusic was played followed by the Caîllbo Worship and the singing o! Hymn No. 17. Scripture responses were then read, followed by the offering and we closed wibh Hymn No. 280." A recreation period was then held when the girls became ac- quainbed with the women. A number o! contests were held followed by a sing-song led by the leaders. A delicious lunch was served after which a vote o! bhanks was given to, the girls by the ladies o! the W.M.S. The girls then formed a circle in the centre of the floor and clos- ed the meeting by the singing o! taps. i E L, À 16I OSHAWA Free Parking Phione 1011 THURS. - FR1. - SAT. son, Gene Kelly la "Anchors Aweigh"y wlth Jose Iturbi IN TECUNICOLOUR MONDAY - TUESDAY March 4 - 5 Fred Allen la "The Fifth Chair"f eAechetaWillamk BenDon WEDNES. TO SATURDAY March 6 - 9 Ed dG o'binsonMrae "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes" IrheMostExctingTrueto-if ing . are the naines o! those who High Scbod Cadets took part la their respective StL Pauls Girls Hoid Meeting The regular meeting of St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held in the primary room on Wednesday, Feb. 20, with 14 girls in attend- ance. Rose Dilling was in charge of the worship service taken from the Guide Book. Business period opened with roll cali and minutes of the last meeting. The rest of the torches were given out and offering was taken followed by the singing of the off ertory hymn. Shirley Grant moved that the business meeting be adjourned and Grace Abernethy seconded the motion. Mrs. Fletcher was in charge of the fourth chapter of the study book. A contest called "Do You Know Your Materials" was led by the leaders. Meeting closed by the singing of taps. Attention Now Open BOWMANVILL.E Shoe Repair Shop Bring Your Shoes To Us For AM GEO. ELLIOTT, Prop. p h OYAL THEA' M' Bowmanvilie - Phone 589 Thursday - Friday Feb. 28 - March 1 That Lovable Laughabjle Ace of Comedy GEORGE FORMbY in "'MUCH TOO SHIY" Added Comedy "'Little Witch" and Cartoon BLONDIE and DAGWOOD 'Footlight Glamour' And a Western Action Song Fest 'Song of the Range' Also Cartoon Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Mardi 4 - 6 A DOUBLE BELL TO PLEASE AND THRILL Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Jack Oakle in "ICail of the Wild" And a Laugh Riot that wll leave you in stîtches "Don Juan Quilligan" Starrlng William Bendix, Joan Blondell, Phil Sîlvers Fox Late News Motorists Paimer MWotor Sales Bowmanviile King St. BREAJCAST IN A FULL MEAL MOIKANDY-ON SMALL HANDY-fOI iii JIFFY FOUR QUARTERSHOSTISS Cerool boom Md C..&. a coumpète Plut-in oppliomU. Serve ppi"g ha 699,toast MMI assi ii meti*e Smeil, compact, rourgéwa ufront Dowmanville and District Our Modern Brake Drum Lathing Equipment wiii soon be SAFETY and SATISFACTION S ee It Soon! Operated by Bob Staîker TUE HYDRO SHOP [King St. G. E. C HASE Bowmanvilie PAGE ELVW 1 j 1 jurama oi me x car 1 a Workmanship Guaranteed Best Grade Leather Used 1 a m ýl Rcivsce Ceiiatos As Army Signaliers Winning outstanding success in signalling contests conducted un- der authority o! the Departipent of National Defence, Bowmanville High School Signallers came through to top Military District No. 3, with an over-ali average of 93 per cent. Coached by Major L. W. Dip- peUl, M.M.-and Bar, Officer Coin- injanding 2nd Midlands, and High School Principal, the classes in "Advanced" and "Morse" using fiags, buzzer and lamps, won $5 each and signed certificates. In the Semaphore Class, no cash bo- nus was provided, certificates on- ly being awarded. The exains were conducted by officers froin M.D. No. 3. Follow- 1 classes: .Advanced: Kenneth Criwford, Donald Dudley, Ralph His, John Muriday. Morse: Ray Dudlebr, James Fraser, William Hardner, Robert Knox, Peter Kowal, Ger- ald Morris, John Reynolds, Fred Tuerk. Semaphore: James Allin, Rudolph Budicky, William Bur- gess, John Buttonshaw, Ivan Crawford, Rowland Coombes, Edward Colliss, Chas. Disley, Raymnond Davey, Philip Finney, Nelson Gardiner, Frank Hooper, Everett King, Kay Lycett, John Moffatt, Jack Mantle, Robert Mor- ris, Arthur Maguire, Ross Met- cal!, Bruce MacDonald, Francis IMohun, George Osborne, Ray- Imond Rundie, William Slaght, IDonald White, Grant Williamns. He that stays in the valley shall neyer get over the hil.-John Ray. In Holgate Building 3 Division St. Quick Service available for your

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