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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 6

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PAGE SIX lTJX ýA P -XAT~M N O M N IL N A I H R D Y E .2 ,14 For Best Resuits and Money in 'Your Pocket use StateësmaratA 's BIRTI-S BAKER-Mr. and Mrs. Allan R.1 Baker, 101 Baliiol St., Toronto, are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, John Michael, Feb.1 23, 1946, at Mayfair Private Hos-2 pital. 9-1* STONEBURG-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stoneburg are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Mar- garet Mary, born February 3rd in Bowmanville hospital. 9-1 MARRIAGEZ OKE-WRIGHT -Mr. a nd Mrs. George Wright, Gladstone Aven- ue, Oshawa, announce the mar- niage of their youngest daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth to C. J. Doug- las Oke, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke, Bowmanville, R.R. 3. The marriage took place quietiy on Friday evening at 7:30 in St. George's Anglican Chapel. Rev. David M. Rose officiating. 9-1 DEATI-IS BLACKBURN -In Orono, Feb. l5th, 1946, Edith May Blackburn, beioved wif e of Frederick S. Blackburn. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, Feb. l8th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin o! Burketon wish to announèe the engagement o! their third daugh- ter Clama Margaret to Vincent Herbert Reddings of Oshawa, the oniy son of Mrs. Thomas Blake and the late Herbert John Red- dings. 9-1* CARDS 0F TI-ANKS Mr. William Wilcox wishes to thank aIl those who have patron- ized his business during the past 43 years. 91, Fred Blackburn wishes to thank ail his friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind expres- sions- of sympathy and floral tri- butes at the tîme of Mrs. Biack- burn's sudden passing. 9-1* Tpr. Jack Trimm wishes to thank all those who remnembered him whiie he was overseas, and a special thanks to the good people of Tyrone community. 9-1* The family of the late Mrs. Chas. M. Cowan wish to thank« their many relatives, friends and neighbors for their acts of kind- ness, words of sympathy and flor- al tributes, in the recent passing of a loving wife and mother. 9-1* The famiiy o! the late Mrs. Chas. M. Cowan wish to thank Dr. McKenzie, the nurses of Bowman- ville Hospital and Rev. W. W. Pat- terson for their kindness. Also their many friends and relatives for the many beautiful floral tri- butes and other expressions of sympathy. 9-1 I wish to sincereiy thank Dr. Rundie, the nurses of Bowman- ville Hospital, members of Jer- usalem Lodge, members of Pal- estine Chapter, friends and rela- tives for flowers, fruit, cards, kindness and services while in the hospitai, which was very much appreciated. 9-1* Noble Metcalf Personal COST 3e daily. VitaDiet M'ulti- pie Vitamin Capsules contai£ vit- amins A, Bi, C, D, Niacin Amide and Riboflavin. Ninety day sup- ply $2.70. Trial thirty-day supply $1.15. Sold at Independent Drug Stores. 6-4 General Contractoi AND Carpenter We are prepared to do your smallest alterations or bulld you a new home. Agent for PEDLAR PRODUCTS Have you a building problem consult Chas. L. Warren Hampton IN MEMORIAM BEACOCK-In loving memory o! a dear sister, Mary Elizabeth Bea- cock, who died Feb. 25th, 1945. Memrnoy however sad is the best and !airest link between thîs world and a better. -Lovingly rernembemed by sister and brother: Ida and Albert Moore. 9-1* RICHARDS-In loving memory o! our dear son ,and brother, Ar- thur Ray Richards who was killed at Kessel, Gerrnany, Feb. 27th, 1945, and buried at Udem. He has soived it, Li!e's wonder!ul problem; The strangest, the deepest anid last, And into the sehool o! the angels With the answer forever has past. How strange he 'shouid sleep so prof oundiy So young, so unmoved by the strife; Whiie beside him brimmed full of Life's nectar Untouched stood the goblet of Lif e. God knew ail about our dear one, How gentie he was and how brave, How bright was his possible fu- ture; Yet put him to sleep in his grave. God knew ail about those who ioved him, How heatbreaking their sorrow must be; And yet through it ahl God is loy- ing, And knows so much better than we. -Ever remembered by his par- ents, brothers and sisters. 9-1 TRIMM-In loving memnory o! my dear mother, Sarah M. Trimm, who pased away, March 5th, 1943. Peaceful by thy sleep, dear mother,' It is sweet to breathe thy namne. In life I loved you deariy In death I do the sanie; In my heart your memoi'y lingers Aiways tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear mother That I do not think o! you. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by hier daughter, Ethel. 9-i * TRIMM-Ifl loving memory o! my grandmother, Sarah M. Trimm, who passed away, Mamch sth, 1943. I shahl neyer lose sweet mem- ories Of the one I loved so much. -Ever remnembered b y h e r grandson, Jack. 9-1* Real Estate For Sale FARM - 125 acres dlay ioarn, al workable, spring stream, level na- tural drainage. In good state of cultivation. Good stock and grain farm. Situated just outside Bow- manville on lake front,1 new 4- lane highway close to fammi and i mile off No. 2.' Large brick house with attractive setting. Barn 40x 90 ft., hydro available. This is a first ciass farm and will be soid cheap to settle estate. Piowing possession after harvest. Apply to..Russeii Osborne, Newcastle. 6-tf FARM-Lot 5, Con. 8, Clarke, 100 acres, 70 acres workable, balance pasture and wood, weil watered, good buildings, one mile from county road. This farm is level 1and wouid make a tobacco famm. All kinds o! wood. Hydro avail- able. Apply Wes Falls, Kendai. 8-2 HOUSE - 5-roomed semi-detach- ed solid brick. Three-pieee bath and good furnace, good floors, sit- uated on Chumch St. Immediate possession. Laverne Clemens, Bowmanville, R.R. 6. Phone243j5. 9-1 HERE US YOUR BEST MARKET FOR VEà"_à"_ I lVE andl Sun-Ray Feeds for QUALITY and ECONOMY 100-1b. CRICK STARTER ............... $3.17 18% EGG M&SH . ... .......... 2.77 4 GRAIN SCRATCH ........... 2.02 HOG GROW ER .-................... 2.22 DAIRY RATION .. ............... 2.32 Newcaatle 1 Ton $58.90 54.90 39.90 43.40 44.90 M. H. PEDWELL Phone: 01arke3823 Wanted To Buy HOUSE-5 or 6 rooms. Centrally located. Apply Box ???, States- man Off ice. 9f HORSES suitable for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Boultbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-t! WE are buyers o! timothy and' ciovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weight. Margwill Fur Farrn, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-t! LIVE poultry and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carried on by Mm. Flatt person- ally, no agents employed.) 31* TUDOR coach made between 1938 to 1942, preferably General Mo- tors produet. Phone 2458. 9-1* Found YOUNG black and tan hound. Phone 2547, Bowmanville. 7-3* Real Estate For Sale NICE dry double lot on Durham St., 83 !t. frontage, 99 !t. deep. Apply T. Lymer, phone 379. P.O. Box 51. 9-1* Articles For Sale PRAM and go-cart. Phone 587. 9-1 * HORSE, cutter and harness, also 2 Jersey cows. Harold Allun, Hampton. Phone 2825., 9-1 QUEBEC heater, in good condi- tion. Apply Wm. Wilcox, Queen St. 9-1* COMBINATION eiéctric an d battery portable radio, good con- dition. Apply 67 King St. E., ev- enings. 91 DRY cedar rails, cut 12" 1lengths, $12 per cord; seed barley, Galore and No. Barb No. 1, $1.25 per bushel. Earl Dorreil, Nestieton, P.O., phone Port Perry 187r32. 9-1 * SPECIAL-3-pieCe walnut finish- ed bedroom suites for as low as $89.50. Ail sizes of spring filled mattresses from $29.50 to $44.95. A shîpment of Day-bed mattres- ses has just arrived. These spe- cials are featured at Morris Co. 9-1 JtJST arrived-Table iamps $10.75 to $27.50. Also bed lamps, pinup iamps and vanity lamps. Metal smokers at $4.89, $5.75, $7.95, anld $14.75. Featured this week at F. F. Morris Co. 9-1 SMALL wood stove, small coal stove. Apply Wes Cawker. 9-1 QUANTITY of well saved hay, some red clover other mixed hay, apply to E. Milison, farm Solina. Phone 2263, Bowmanviile. 9-2* QUANTITY of mixed wood, eut in stove iength, also hardwood. Apply Lorne Lamb, phone 2450. WOOD sawing outfit with comn- plete equipment. Owen Nicholas Fuels. Phone office 410, house 2249. 8-2 ABOUT 5 or' 6 cords of dry wood. Apply Nick Hasiuk, Lot 20, Con. 2, Darlington, north of Sheli gas station, Maple Grove. 8-2* BACKACHES go quickly, often after first dose. Rumacaps two- way action attacks the cause, re- lieves the pain. McGregor's Drug Store. 9-1 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dles! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- -Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Livestock iFor Sale THERE'S money in early markets -get your share with started Bray chîcks and cockerels now available, immediate delivery. various breeds. Order March- >April chicks now. Get price list. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 9-1 PERCHERON gelding, rising six years, wouid make good wagon 1horse; also red Durham cow, due eariy in March. Apply Raymond Clapp, Tyrone. 9-1* BABY ýchicks: Order your Gain- forth chicks now. Barred rocks, New Hampshires, pure Light Sus- sex, White Leghorns, hybrids, 1non-sexed and sexed. For prices and information, phone Barron's, .Hampton. Phone 2420. 9-4* 1EIGHT Leicester iambs, 1 year .old due in April. B. Jaynes, phone Clarke 1904. 9-1 YOUNG Holstein cow, due to freshen in March; 14 pigs, 7 weeks old; 6 pîgs, il weeks old. Apply Ayre Bros., Hampton. Phone Oshaa 491J3.q-1 Large black and white cat (maie) weight about 15 ibs., an- swers name (Peter) one back ieg tomn. Speciai pet, anyonc know- ing whereabouts of same, please get in touch with Mrs. E. Wii- latts, Ontario and Nelson St. 9-1 Tenders Wanted Tenders wiii be received up to March 2, 1946, for 25 single cords of No. 1 hardwood eut in 12 in. lengths, to be deiivered and piled on sehool ground at Haydon S.S. 21. The lowest or any tender not neeessariiy accepted. ALYMER BEECH, Secretary-Treasurer, 8-2 R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Notice TO NEXT 0F KIN AND OTHERS In the Estate of Henry Thomas James Cox, deceased. The late Henry Thomas James Cox was born in London, Eng- land, a son o! George Cox and El- len Ann Cox, formerly Stilweli, October l3th, 1877. He came to Canada in or about the year 1893 and lived in the Township of Darlington in the County of Dur- ham for some years and was em- ployed as a Farm Labourer. In 1908 he married Mary Alicia Tun- stead, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Tunstead of the Town- ship of King in the County of York. His wîfe died January l2th, 1929, and in or about the year 1931 he remarried her sis- ter, Ida Theresa. From Darlington he moved to Bowmanville where he was em- pioyed by the Hydro Electrie Power Commission of Ontario and from Bowmanvilie he moved to Port Hope, where he died on February 7th, 1946. Any person having any know- ledge of a will made by the late Henry Thomas James Cox or any person having any knowledge o! the whereabouts of Ida Theresa Cox or of her death and any per- son having any knowiedge o! the names and addresses o! any other next-o!-kin of the late Henry Thomas James Cox is requested to communicate with the undersign- ed. Dated at Port Hope the l8th day o! February, 1946. H. R. S. RYAN, 18 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ont., Solicitor. 8-4 Auction Sale For Rent NEW Singer Sewing Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month.1 Elec. 6port.« $5.00, Singer Sewing Machinç Co., Oshawa. Phone 696. .14-t! SIX-roorned house with bath and furnace, double garage, at Maple Grove. Possession at once. Noble Meteal!, 239 Bruce St., Oshawa. Phone 1335M. 19-1* 251h acres in village o! Hampton. House, barn, driving shed, hen house, garage. House has hard and soft water, hydro. Eariy pos- session. Apply 110 Bruce St., Oshawa. 9-2* Wanted to Rent FIVE to 8-roomed house or apart- ment, unfurnished. Mm. Steele, Walker Stores. Phone 451. 7-tf APARTMENT, 3 or 4 rooms, or smjall house, in Bowmanville. Ap- ply Mrs. F. W. Bradd, 22 Carlisle Ave., phone 404. 8-2* SMALL !arm with house and barn and smail acreage, within 7 or 8 miles o! Bowmanvilie or Newcastle. Write Box 632, The Statesman Office. 8-2* URGENTLY needed, 2 or 3 roorns or small apartment. Write Box 631, Statesman Office. 9-1* lielp Wanted HOUSEKEEPER for ordinamy household duties, live in. Write Box (633) Statesman Office. 92-* GIRL or woman for light house- womk, daiy. Appiy Mms. W. C. Rowe, 73 Centre St. 9-2 WANTED immediately reliabie single man for mixed farming, yeam around job. Apply to W. G. Werry, R.R. 6, phone 2253. 9-1* FARMV help, single, fuily exper- ienced man for farm with elec- trieity, modemn equipment; good wages. Phone 2471. 9-1* MAN wanted immediateiy for dairy farrn, good milker and teamster, steady emplyment. Ap- piy J. H. Malette, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. Phone 2616. 9-1 EXPERIENCED, reliable mar- ried man for dairy farm; separate house with iights and watem; good sehool; tractor and rniling machine. Write P.O. Box 137, Bowmanville. 9-1 MARRIED man for dairy farn,' house provided. Appiy Ross Ste- yens, Kingston Rd. West, phone 443. 9-2 AN Oppotunity-Established Ru- ral Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages o! 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business o! your own. For full partieulars write today to-The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 6-4 Work Wanted .EXPERIENCED farm hand, mar- Sried, with sepamate house, light4 fuel and milk, not too far fmom sehool. To start April 11, 1946. Appiy James E. Franks, New- :castie, Ont.. 9-1 Lost or Strayed COMING EVENTS len Community Hall, Saturday, 1 Mareh 2nd, and dance to modemn and old time music. Sponsored by the boys' hockey team. Admis- sion 35e. 8-2 The annual meeting of the Bow- manvilie Hospital Association wil be held in the Agricultural office, Tuesday, Mareh th, at 8 p.m., for the purpose o! eleeting off i- cers. Public is eordialiy invited to this meeting. 8-2 "Aunt Minnie From Minne- sota" will be presented by the young people of Blackstock Con- tinuation Sehool at Omono Town Hall, Friday, March lst, at 8 p.m. Admission 40e and 25e. Sponsor- ed by Orono Lodge No. 436 1.0. O.F. 8-2 Remember the High Sehool At Home, Friday, March lst. Danc- ing from 9 to 1 to Skip Vaughan's orchestra. 8-2 Grand dance under auspices o! Durham County Junior Farmers at Newcastle Community Hall, Friday, Mareh 1. Russ Creighton's Variety Band. Admission 50e. Everybody weicome. Evemybody corne. 8-2 Durham County Shorthorn Breeders Club will hold their 25th annual Auction Sale o! purebred Shorthorns, Thursday, Mameh 7th, at the famm of A. J. Nesbitt in East Whitby township, 2 miles east o! Brooklin Continuation Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money to Loan - Phone78l Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 91/2 King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Off ice 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental College, Toronto Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-ray ectuipment in Office Do It Rlght Wlth "lSealtîte"l Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanvile Phone 494 34-t! I have been authorized by Raiph Davis to seli by publie auction on Lot 29, Con. 6 Darling- ton, on Tuesday, March l2th, his herd o! dairy cows (16); 20 Dur- hams, 1 year oid; 12 Durhams, 2 years old; horses; grain; hay; pigs; ensilage; and some household fur- niture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. Baker, clerk. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 9-1 Auction sale of Purebred Short- horn cattie and farm machinery. The property o! Mr. Thomas Wood, Lot 29, Concession 6, Hope township. One concession south of Elizabethville. To seil by pub- lie auction on Wednesday, March 6th, at 1 p.m. sharp, two matched teams of horses, 27 head of Short- horn cattle, a fulli une o! good farm maehinery and a quantity of hay and grain. For full partie- ulars see bis. Terms, cash. Pos- itively no reserve. Farm sold. Wiliard Lord, Clerk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Road open for cars. 8-2 Notice NOTICE is hereby given that application has been macle to the Council of this municipality by the Board of Education o! the Town of Bowmanviiie to pass a by-law completely closing that part of Victoria Street iying be- tween Ontario and Duke Streets for the purpose o! including that part of the said street in the pre- mises of the proposed new public sehool.' The Council wiii hear in per- son, or his solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims that his lands wiil be prejudiciaily affected by the said by-law, at its meeting on the 4th day of March, 1946, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Dated at Bowmanviile, this Sth day o! February, 1946. A. J. LYLE, Munnicipal Clerk, 7-4 Town of Bowmanvilie Chureh are having 'an afternoon tea and sale o! hornemade cook- ing in the Sunday Sehool roôm, Fmiday, March 15, fmomn 3 to 6. Everyone welcome. 9-l* 11-1* Brooklin Will be Scene 0f Durham County Shorthorn Sale, Mar. 7 The 25th annual auction sale o! the Durhamn County Shorthorn Breeders Club, fommerly heid at the Prout Farm, Curve Inn, wiii be held this year on a famm near Brookiin. In order to make known the time, date and location o! the sale, Seeretary S. Chas. Aluin has arranged for advertisements to appear in ail local papers which is calculated to attract the largest cmowd possible. It wouid be well to make note earefully o! these partieulars: The sale wiil be heid March 7, eommencing at 1:30 p.m., at the farm o! Mm. A. J. Nesbitt, East Whitby Township. It is loeated 2 miles east o! Brooklin Continua- tion Sehool or 5 miles north o! the 4-corners, Oshawa, and one mile west on the eounty road. Watch for road signs showing direction to the sale. The sale will be held under co- ver in Mm. Nesbitt's roomy barn and lunch may be procured at the farm home. Conveyances wili be at Brooklin Hotel at noon, sale day, to transport those wishing this accommodation. Anyone unable to attend may send their bids to either o! the auctioneers, Duncan Brown, o! Shedden, or Elmer Wilbum, Hamp- ton, or to Secretary S. Chas. AI- lin, Bowmanvile. The 33 entries up for auction corne from a much larger list than formerly, with only the vemy best chosen. The Inspector, R. H. Graham, Dept. o! Agriculture, has approved the selection which consists o! 12 choice young buils, 16 heifers, some bred, and 5 young eows with calves at foot. It is genemally recognized that contributions to this sale have imrnpoved eaeh yeam, none with higher quality than this year. Health standards are high with neamly ail from aecredited herds and ail are negative to a ecent test and inoculated agaînst ship- ping fever. Lew Richardson and Son head contributors with two choice bulîs, two heifers and a well bred cow with cal! at foot. W. F. Rick- ard and Son have a richly bmed bull, two fine heifers and a cow with cal! at foot. Robt. Parmott and sons have a deep red bull, two nice heifers. Fred Philp sends three outstand- ing bulîs. Orville Burton, a new contributor, has a heifer and two young eows with calves at foot, fine foundation stock for a begin- ner. John Meîntyre has one choice young bull and two fine heifers. Hugh Miller contributes two outstanding heifers from a fine irnported sire. Ross Hallo- well sends a good heifer and a eow with cal! at foot, attractive buys. A. J. Howden sends a young bull o! choice breeding; and two well bred heifers. John Miller has a-young bull whose dam sold at a high price. Beath Farms and E. F. R. Osborne, each contribute choice young bulîs and Baker Farrns an exceptional yearling heifer. W. J. S. Riekard and Son complete this outstanding list with a fine young heifer. You can buy with confidence at this sale with a wide selection to choose !rom. Further particu- lars rnay be had fmom catalogùes by contacting Secretary S. Chas. Allin, Bowmanviile. Mapie ~ras Ebeezer Churh, with a good attendance. This prograni was. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flinto!! given: duets, piano and violin, attndd te unealin orntoonHerb OsIomne and Wallace Mc- att nde th fu era in Tor nto on K night; solos, O rville O sbo rne; Saturday o! their uncle. Mr. Wm. guest speaker, Rev. S. Littlewood,, A. Michael, formerly o! Oshawa. Orono; music, Herb Osborne, Wal- -Courtice Circuit Brotherhood lace McKnight. VITAMiNS awa 4 corners and 1 mile west on county road. There will be offer- ed 12 buils, 16 heifers, some o! which are bred, and 5 young cows with calves at foot. This is a very choice offering, nearly ail are from accredited herds, ail are ne- gative, also moculated to pre- vent shipping fever. For cata- logue write S. Chas. Allin, Bow- manville, Ont. 9-1 Dance, Saturday night, March 2nd at Goodyear Recreation Hall, 8:30. Russ Creighton's orchestra, round and square dancing. Pro- ceeds for good and welf are o! Local 189 United Rubber Work- ers.91 Concert by Toronto Men Tea- chers' choir (50 voices) with as- sisting artist, sponsored by Bow- manvilie Lions Club at B.H.S. auditorium, Wednesday, Mareh 20 at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. Tickets reserved at McGregor's Drug Store, Monday, March 18, 12 noon. 9-1 At Haydon on Wednesday, March 6 at 8 p.m., Blackstock Con- tinuation School will present their play "Aunt Minnie From Minne- sota". Admission 35e and 20e. Sponsored ,by the Bible Class. 9-1 Hampton Circuit Brotherhood will be held in Hampton United Church on, Tuesday, March Sth at 8 p.m., Mm. J. J. Mellor, Orono, wiil be guest speaker. Ail men welcome. 9-1 3-Act play "The Cross-Cup Kiss" will be pesented by Newcastle Young People's Union (by permis- sion o! Samuel French, Canada, Ltd.) in the Community Hall, Newcastle, Friday, March 8th, at 8:15 p.m., admission 35e and 25e. 9-1 Bazaar, Goodyear Recreation Hall, March l6th, sale o! home cooking, linen, notions, afternoon tea served, 25c. Pmoceeds to Ser- vicernen's Civie Reception. Aus- pices Goodyear Girls. Evemyone welcome. 9-3 ÇASHME RE ComiIetelywvapped Sofe Pure White 700 SHEETS ito the roil 3for251' LINIMENTS Saceharin Tables 1/4 gr. Absorbine Jr.----98c-$1.95 Sloan's Linimnent --- 53c-63c Nysorbo ------------ 50c-$1.00 Olympene --------- 50c-$1.00 British Troop 011--------35C Minard's Linfiment -- 29c-59c Douglas Egyptian Lin. --35C Nervilene------------------ 35e Nyal White Liniment -------------- 25c-50c .LANTIGEN Oral Vaccines A.B.C.D.E.F. Bottie -----------------------$6.00 Pinex for coughs--------- 32e Kîcenex Tissues -- 2 for 25e Robinson's Barley ------- 32e Pinkham's Comp --------- 87c 'jt Soft as a fleecy cloind! I25C lnboxj Halo ShamPoo ---29c-49e Cocoanut 011 Shampoo ------------- 25c-49c Kreml Shampoo --------- 63e mar-O-Oll Shampoo ---69e Wood's Lemon Shampoo ---------25c-50c New Bath Room Scales $7.95 Hot Water Bottles 69e - 89e - 98e - $1.39 100 Tablets ----------- 15e 500 Tablets -----------49e 1000 Tablets ------89e Phone.,l~fDIfl~flR We Fit 695 UUYVLIIIMU LilUG SUIU Trusses STEWART' S SEED STORE YOUR DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH QUALITY SEEDS No. 1 Alfalfa; No. 1 and No. 2 Red Clover; No. 1 and No. 2 Alsike; No. 1 Sweet Clover; No. 1 Timothy; No. 2 Purity No. 1 Timothy; Alfalfa and Red Clover Mixtures; Permanent Pasture Grasses, etc. Al Highest Quality Government Tested and Graded Seed YOU BUY WITH CONF'IDENCE WHEN YOU BUY STEWART'S BEEDS C. H. TUCK Registered Optornetrist Special Arrangement 3-day service By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. P.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Tile Flooring Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Cholce of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON 7-2* BABY CHICKS place at the last Harrow Egg Laylng Contest. Ali R.O.P. Sired (The Hlghest Grade of Chlck - Obtainable in Commercial Quantities) - Ali Breeders Blood-Tested No Re-actors - No Outside Flocks 1,000 Cockerel Chlcks available lnnbIebruary - at 7c each Write for Circular and Prices on Mlxed and Pullets Day-old and Started DONALD' E. GIBSON Phone: Clarke 3811 Bowmanville, Ontario h Wampole's Extract --$1.0 Waterbury Compound 93c Mead's Cod Liver 011--- 50c-$1.00 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oil 67c-1.69 Nyal Cod Liver Oil --- 65c-$1.25 Neo-Chemical Food Liquld ------ $1.15-$2.45-$4.45 Capsules ----$1.25-$2.25-$5.00 NYAL CREOPHOS Stops Bronchial Coughs Boitie -------.---- ---------- 1.00 1 THURSDAY, FEB. 28th, 1946; Ir CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW«ANVILLE. ONTAR10 V% à -- - 1 1 1 1 1,ý Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 577

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