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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 7

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*PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoar, To- ronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Dvr. Ralph Maynard returned home *from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth. M.r. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson were guests at the Throndson- B g o dwedding in Simcoe St. UntdChurch, Oshawa, on ý4 khusd. alsCarter and Miss Eiyte Carter were recent guests L.ýWr. and Mrs. E. Houghton, To- l «nto. Don Gilhooley, local boy who starred at hardball, is again star- ring in hockey. Playing with the Barrie team this season he has won the prize as top scorer in the 4j L - Gliemour Pins (as above) In Sterling Silver Somethipig New Each - - $2.501 Metai Neeklace Chains........ King St. W. PHONE 836 league and made headiines in daily papers. Bowmanviile High Schooi Girls were at Peterboro, Saturday,J playing Peterboro rivais. Who won has not yet been announced.1 We searched- the Peterboro Ex-1 amner's three sport pages, the1 social and obituary columns andi found not a lime on this impor-g tant event. Owen Fagan, lately returnedi from service overseas with the4 Canadian Army, has resumed his position with the local branch,: Canadian Bank o!- Commerce. i A flash from the Motor Vehicles Branch warns that March 10 is the deadline for securing 1946 li- cense plates. Bowmanville depot is at Bagnell's store. Cpi. Eric Densem, R.C.A.F., has been re-posted for active duty and left Friday for overseas. The plan is to relieve overseas per- sonnel to come home on leave. Students Martin McDonald, Timmins, and Graham Campbell, Genuine Cora Pearis Single strand perfectly rnatched, very lhnited number in stock. Per&sring - - $1995 $1.95 up Mr Clearance Salé CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS and I -p BOWNÂNVE=L Bowmanville Cadmus Sorry to report Ronald Williams will bc another weck in Oshawa Hospital. Miss Audrey McQuade with her parents. Farm Forum mct at O. Mc- Quade's with an attendance o! 35. Next meeting at Bert Gibson's. TlÈere wàs only a small attend- ance at church Sunlday. Miss Bessie Edgcrton at home. Miss Evelyn Philp is home !rom Petcrboro enjoying a two weeks' holiday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ncsbitt attend- cd the wedding of Miss J. Fraser in Bowmanvîllc on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Williamson is under the doctor's care. Miss Audrey Hanna with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanna. Burketon Winnipeg, on holiday from Trin- ity Coliege School, Port Hope, were guests at the home of Miss Apha Hodgins. Our editoriai last week stated that the general meeting of the Hospital Board was to be heid March 1. This has since been changed to March 5 at the Agri- cultural Offices. Be on hand. May 24? That is the date for the "Welcome Home" and pres- entation for returned men and womcn. An amount of $4,000 is required. Leave cash andchecks at McGregor's Drug Store. The drive is moving ail too slowly. Let's get going. For readers in the sunny south: March came in like a lion on Feb. 26, with an ail-day snowstorm that blocked roads evcrywhere. In the calm of Wednesday morn- ing, snowplows and an army of shovelers were building snow- banks 6 feet high. A reminder of March 1888 as some recaîl. Bert Johnston, manager of Do- minion Stores and Bill James, ad- vertising manager of The States- man, attended the opening of the new Dominion Store warehouse n Toronto on Sunday. Miss Helen Norwick was maid of honor at the Pelosholk-Mikicel wedding which took place in the Baptist Church, Whitby, recently. Guests from Bowmanville were Mrs. Hector Gould and Mr. Sam VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Depew gave a dinner party at their home on Sunday in honor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Depew who celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary whén other members of the family and friends were present. Tpr. Jack Trimm who recently returned from overseas spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Da- vid Park, before rcporting to London. Mayor C. G. Morris, Deputy Reeve Arlie Northcutt, Roads Chairman T. A. Garton, town en- gineer Aif Bickell, P.U.C. Com- missioner Milton Elliott and del- egate at large, Len Elliott, attend- ed the Good Roads Convention, Royal York, Toronto. Congratulations to Irene Cas- boumne now promoted to the rank of Sgt.-Maj or, Womnen's Canadian Army Corps. The promotion was posted in Orders of the Day, at Trinity Barracks, Long Branch. Mr. and Mrs W J Cully had a f amily dinner asd* welcomc home party for Arthur over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cully, Marilyn and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Albcrt Cully and Johnny, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. James Cully and Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald and Karlyn, town, were present. Saturday night a double birth- day party was held at the home of Mrs. E. Willatts in honor of Mrs. Williatt's and Mrs. J. Overy's birthday. An evcning of games was cnjoyed led by Benny King and Bill Bates. Gifts were ex- changcd. A lovely three-tier birthday cake made by Mrs. Overy was lightcd with candies. Re- freshments wcre served by Misses Gwen Willatts and Maralyit 0v- ery. BUTrERICK We Bu fro sel WC fre Ne si] nur teai eve 9th Paw Kei me Ha 1 thE Sel "BIG 20" PHONE 556 Solina Iiss Fae Reynolds entertained a nber of young sehool friends, icher and neighbours, Friday ening, on the occasion of her ibirthday anniversary. MTr. Ed. Werry and Mr. A. L. ýcoe visited Mr. Fletcher Werry, adron, who is ill. ?.emember t h e Brotherhood eting next Tuesday evening at imptofl. Mirs. Wes. Yellowlees presented etemperance address at Sunday bool on Sunday. S.S. No. ý,* Clarke cc le. an Mi AI fu at fi: sc a] e] at Ej Li Mrs. H. Trick visitcd in Beth- any.1D Mrs. A. Alldread and Mrs. G. t Ca rter in Peterboro.r We arc sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook and family who arc 1 moving to En!ield this wcck. Be- forc lcaving school Mary and Florence Cook wcre presented with a gift from their teacher and pals. Harold Gi is making wondcr- fui improvements in his store by rcdecorating and re-arranging the Post Office, etc. LICpl. George Wolfe is on a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. Slingcrland and Lynda, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mrs. B. Hubbard received word that her brother, Wm. Davidson, Oshawa, had dicd suddcnly. We extend sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilson, Oshawa, Mr. Harold Wilson, Osh- awa, with Mrs. A. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook. Mr. Sam McKnight, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Irons and family, Pontypool, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan. Pte. Robert Carter, Hamilton, is home on two wecks' furlough. Welcome to Gilbert Marlow home from overseas. His wife, Mrs. Doris Marlow, taught school here until we were able to secure a permanent teacher.1 Mrs. B. Hubbard and Alden were in Oshawa attending the funeral o! Wm. Davidson. Do. our readers and organiza- tions know quilts and used cloth- ing may be sent to Holland and Europe? A shipment o! clothing for Bitain is being sent March 15. Many are stiil sending food parcels lessening the stress where 1our airmen were helped in the underground. :4 E a i THURSDAY, FEB. 28th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PATTERNIS eare glad to annuonce that we now have the agency for the well-known BUTTERICK PATTERNS tterick style counter book mn which to make your ection. 'invite you to pick up yo;ý1 ee copy of "Butterlck Fashion ews" lssued monthly. Iger Sewing Machine Needlec la Wu JEWELL Obituary MRS. CHARLES M. COWAN1 Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks and MIrs. Lamb with Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Atkinson, Dundas, and Mr. Carson Taylor, Streetsville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hl. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. Mr. Richard Hatherley received word last week of the passing of his brother, Mr. Samuel Hather- ley, Hastings. Capt. J.. L. D. Webb, Vancouver, Mrs. Webb and Maureen, Toronto, Mrs. V. E. Milison, Peterboro, at Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore's. Mr. Win. Virtue who is spend- ing th~ winter with his daughters at Orcfio and Kirby, spent Satur- day in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findlcy and Bruce, Unionvilie, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richards and Mrs. T. H. Richards. We hope a speedy rccovery for Mr. Neil Yellowlecs who under- wcnt a scrious operation for his sight last week in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. Lorne Annis and Brian ac- companied by her sister, Miss Grace Little, Toronto, are visiting Miss Aima Madili at Port Arthur Mrs. Annis will also attend thE Pattinson-Littie wedding whici takes place early in March at For, William. Jack Trimm reccntly returneÈ from overseas was in the village Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess Eileen, Laura and Ray, Antioch, a Mr. R. Burgess'. Sr. Young Peoplc's Group me at George Alldread's. Vice-Pres Art Hamilton presided after whici Ralph Glaspeli conducted the Lit erary program. It included thi devotional pcriod taken by Mrç Philp; readings by Miss Larme and Mrs. Rosevear, and a very in formative talk on the life of Isaa, Watts by Rev. H. C. Linstead Contests and games werc conduci cd by Ralph Glaspeil and Ai Hamilton. The hostess and th group in charge served a delighl fui lunch. suddenly at Bowmanvillc Hospi- given their affection and the loy- tai, Almira Maude Stapleton, be- ing care o! his daughter, Mrs. loved wifc o! Charles M. Cowan, Hindman during hîs last illness. Cowanville. It was a great shock A m m e h ntdC uc to her famly and friends as she admcmbiaer oi the nite Chuc had recovcred from an opcration antdeffofiatd ith the Indcan- and was just lcaving the hospital ctOdro dfhos ecr when shc was ovcrcome and suc- ried their principles into the cumbed almost immediatcly. tasks to which he set his hand, Mrs. Cowan was daughter o! which included cmployment in the late James Stapîcton and Je- manufacturing plants at Hamil- mima Todd who owned thc farm ton. east o! Newcastle now owncd by Surviving to mourn his passing Wellington Farrow. It was there are two daughters and threc sons : she was born May 28, 1882, and Mrs. L. Hindman, Hampton, Mrs. there shc residcd until the age of R. J. Thomas, Bellwood, George twcnty when she married Chas. at Fruitland; Norman of North Cowan. They spent thcir cntire Oshawa, and Ted at Hampton, to- married life on their farm oppo- site Clarke church and have ra- diated a true community spirit during ail those years. Every- one was sure of a warm weicome and a wealth of good mnusic. Mrs. Cowan had a genial dis- position and a lovable character that show ed in her ever-present smile and in her willingness to help wherever and whenever she could. She was a member o! Clarke church and sang in the choir for years. She was a mcm- ber o! the W.A. and assisted with ail worth-while enterprises in the church and community. She was also a member of the Community Club of Cowanville and of the Crooked Creek Home and School Club, giving freely of her musical talents. She is survived by her bercav- cd husband, two daughters, Mrs. Roy Smith (Elva), Whitby, and Mrs. John Lowery (Velma), o! Newmarket, and one son, Cecil, Toronto; also two sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Aluin, Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Lanson Milîson, New- tonville, and one brother, Blake, Port Hope. The funcral service was con- ducted by her pastor,, Rev. W. W. Patterson, on Feb. l2th, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- sville, whcre an unusually large number o! fricnds and neighbors gathered to pay their last res- pects to a dear one. The numer- -ous beautiful floral offerings were ,a sulent tribute o! esteem. Palîbearers wcrc Bert Reid, 1 Thos. Simpson, Chas. McNeil, W. eA. Reid, J. J. W. Stringer and Norman Andrews, Sr. Interment was in Orono ccmetery. 't Friends wcre present from To- ronto, Oshawa, Orono, Bowman- ýt ville, Port Hope, Ncwtonville and ;Buff alo, N.Y., as well as many h from Cowanvillc. FRDEIC JCO WO The funeral was held from the Northcutt and Smith chapel, Bow- manville, on Feb. 11, with Rev. Walter Rackham conducting the services prior to interment ini Groveside cemetery, \ Brooklin. The pallbearers were J1. D. Ho- garth, W. Craig, A. Perry, H. Sal- ter, H. Peters and A. Clarke. Among many floral tributes were wreaths from the Women's Institute, Hampton, the Electrical Dept. C.I.L. and Local 13083, Ha- milton. Among friends from Oshawa, Myrtie and the central Ontario county district who at- tended the funeral were his life- long friends Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes of Columbus. The strongest bridge to other people can be built with "beams" from your own eye. FIVE ROSES FLOUR........... 7-lb. 27C APEX TOMATO SOUP.............. 3 tins 27e HABITANT VEGETABLE SOUP .. .. .. .. .. per tin lOC Want a Better HARRY ALLINS Medium OUd Cheese COFFEE ? A Real Treat For TOD HUNTER'S Sunday's Table per lb.5c per lb. 33C ROCKWOOD'S COCOA ..................... per lb. 19C BLUE RIBBON COCOA .................. 2-1b. tin 35C FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES You'Il Enjoy Shopping at HWARRY ALLIN "THE CORNER GROCER"P Dolre PDIDTIAMQ. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson, ' uwu ourtice, at Gerry Glaspel's. f ~ Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, on I f ' CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY ýave at Robt. Killen's.B M 1Wenoubngyuprcitostosyu Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson hn oubngyrpesitost syu id family at Douglas Knapp's, finest possible results. Each one is carefully shawa. 0 LOWEST filled wlth the purest Ingredients. We specializ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett, 0l sickness prevents you from brmging your prescriv [urray and Marie, Raglan, at N. o RIE each's. f ______ WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DE Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronto, at .lex eMastr's.FIGHT WINTER CC Mrs. Wes. Cameron attended the T K IA neral of her uncle, Wm. Michael T K IA L Toronto on Saturday. 1QE Percy Davidson attended the 0 Neo-Chemical Food . $1 .ineral of his brother, Wm. David- $1 n, Oshawa. 0 N.C.F. Capsules ... $ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly d sons, Ebenezer, at Wes. Cam- Airerst 1 O-D Cod Liver 0O ron 's. Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro, tA. T. Stainton's. 29c Aiphamettes .. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and ileen, Mrs. A. Hawley at Ross s Horner's Malt Levol ... ,e0s.0 r. and Mrs. HA .Stinton at- C UGH SYRUP Abdol Capsules P.D. Co. Ir. and Mrs. A H ainessbeger mnded Milk Producers' Annuai a pl"sEtrc rieeting at Toronto Wednesday. LOWEST MINIMUM PRICES Wa plsE trc Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and 075 Haiu Lve OlCps e ileen at Hansen Richards', Osh- Buekley's Mixture-------- -5 -albtLvr j asl Lwa. Bayer Aspirin--------- 18ce-29c-79c Idamaît (Malt and Cod Liver Oi OAlka-Seltzer----------------- 29c-57c Neteo lDtdd's Kldney PilUs----------- 43 Nestleton 0* Baby s Own Tablets------------ 23 Earl Fice, Oshawa, with Mr. FrueLittes----------s23c-9e and Mrs. Lewis Fitze. Friaie - --- ----- Q-9 Mrs. John Grieves is home from Listerine --------------- 29-49-89e Jospital and improving nicely. QIN SZ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfootorh cyNeWa1.. and Bryce, Bowmanville, with TeLcyNwWY1 MisEthel Thompson. OCenrletnrgtO nIe We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nor- - man Rohrer to our midst. They f haemoved to Mrs. R. W. Mar- BARGAINS Sot .0W '5 farm; also to Mr. and Mrs. f 50e Pinex ComP.------32c arvey Henry who have moved to 24c Ered Crawford's bouse. Harvey isD AMAZING NEW 35c Corega ---------- farming with Stanley Malcolm. 0 DENTAL LIQUUD $1.25 Plnkham's Mr. and Mrs. Melville Tracey Comp.----------------87 and family, Parry Sound, with her 2o rp «25e A.B.S.& C. sister, Mrs. Harold Wheeler. brushing teeps yOUr Tablets ---------- --19e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeier , dazzlIng white. $2-25 Lactogen -----$1.59 and Diane with friends in Oshawa. Keep$ your Mouth 60c Roblnsofl's Ruslme r itze nd.onag Ln- ARu 39et seBey A.S---A.---Tab---ets 9 roe, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. 39e 9A 00S.A19ebe Nestîcton W.A. and M.S. met onth ar-,shr the Wethh" eve« 25e Saccharine Feb. 2lst. Meeting 'was in charge Saturdov Night. Lots ofbl cash prises. Tablets--------- 1/4 gr. 15e of Mrs. Wm. Steele's group. Our SCanadisn ssations-C.B..Ste. ou new president, Mrs. Kenneth Sarii- 0adio listing fo " ea;adn 30e Saccharine gr 7 euls, took charge of the meeting. Tbes------ / Miss Laura Hambly, returned mis- sionary, gave a splendid talk; Miss "'ALLEN BURYS PRESC Jean Malcolm sang a solo. A dainty lunch and cup of tea was- served. Miss Hambly and ail who AIO NG helped were given a hearty vote HAIO N EE of thanks. March meeting is in charge of Mrs. John Grieves' 0 iu wyo groUp._________takg Haibut Liv« The test of true statesmnanship 80- i5 - $2.25 LtE E~R AUE is what you do wlth bitterness. Do you cure it or exploit it? COMPOUNDED can be assured of the studied and accurately ze in this wQyk. When ptions to us PHONE 792. ELIVER IT PROMPTLY OLDS MINS NOW L.154$2.454$4.45 .254$2.254$5.00 il .... 67c-$1.69 ;1.854$3.504$15. ..12 ozs. $2.00 $2.4$3.454$7.59 ...... $1.00 e... 69c-$1.19 l59C-98c-$1.69 Vitadiet Capsules -- $1.15-$2.70 Idaphos -- 16 oz. $1.00 Noerplex Vitamin B 1 Tablets $1.-$1.75-$4.75 Idafer Iron Tonme------------- $1.25 as a fleecy cloud! i ~12 boxs RIPTIONS A SPECIALTY a* SCOTT' S EMULSION A Botter Way to take Cod Liv.' 051 Contains to Vitamine A and D 0590t and 980t Colgate's Shaving Cream --29e-43e Mennen's Shaving Cream --- 39e Listermne Shaving Cream ----- 25e Listerine Tooth Faste -- Colgate's Dental Cream ipana Tooth Faste---- Forhan's Tooth Faste --- 25e-40e 25e-40c 29c-49e 29e-49c tpw jas ~~ k for Blue ilt Blas fo McOREOOR 1I DRUOS PHONE 792 - WBE9 a COSTUITE JEWELLERY A new shipment of costume lewellery bas just arrived. Corne in and see the latest from New York THE LATEST FOR YOUR HAIR Jewelled Hair Combs.............. $1.00 - $1.95 Pearl "lair Clips...................... $1.95 Sterling Silvér Hair Clips.................... $1.00 up Please drop in and look around, you are under no obligation to buy. All -items above subject to 25 per cent. government tax MARR'S JEWELLERY Um SKI PANTS 331/i3 Off We have a fair number left and wish to clear them. All turdlly made and of good quallty cloth. A number of colours to choose fron.' Just Arrived Ladies' Spring DRESSES - COATS SUITS Cornei and see the latest styles i spring suits, coats and dresses. At present we have a large nurn ber i stock and more are coming every day. Cornei and lok around. Couch, iohnston & Crydermali NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Mellow's Drug. Hamptn -G A. Barron & Son. Enlk 11en: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gin. Blaekstock: Alex Gilert. Nestieton: J. G. Thompson. C. H. Porteous. Pontypool: Post Master. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonviile: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. U. Byam. Bowmanvlle: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jeweil, Jury & Lovehi. W. J. Bagneil, Statesman Office. From contemplation one may become wise, but knowledge comes only !rom study.-A. Ed- ward Newton. ftrEDan îllnCOBfveWOks AFcerc ac lneo Wood paesc away at ck ahbomeo his sn- aw Lteordhinmanf Hamtonn onw Feruary 9, 1946. Haspkin, diston rand hc94pful outnlo enrdispim todthewloucame to know him in thcommuniticae i no hi e iv hcd and wored during his lifetime of 72 years. Born in East Whitby Township hc spent more than 23 ycars at farming and gardening at Col- umbus. Predcceased by his wife he later ccntred his interest and care among his five children and $Mm Dzc:ýý0=0»cýý0=0zcýý0=0 qi Miss Betty Osborne at homc. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gienncy and John Charles wcnt up to .Embro to celebrate John Charles' first bîrthday and his grandmothcr, Mrs. Smtth's, 8th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen were in Toronto on Satur- day. Thcy visited Mrs. Turncr 's sister, Mrs. Arthur Doolcy. Shirley and Arvilla Brunt wcrc two of the students from Newcastle who had the privilege o! hcaring thc Detroit Symphony Orchestra in Maple Leaf Gardens Friday night. Mrs. Fred Bowen spcnt a fcw days ini 'Eoronto. Her nephcw, Bill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen, arrived home on the Qucen Elizabeth. Mr. Fred Bowcn is attending the Good Roads Convention in Toronto. Bowmanville 55 King St. E. 1 !0 ng ,e 1 ul t Ul 01 M wi tt, pli ýE \l ;e: ,n ai hi ai N Il h h E F f; a s a r c E M

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