THI CANADU iAÀi SATSMA1lBOWMANVILL, ONTARIO Let Us Plan Your New - Season Wardro be Now is the tirne to get set for the balrny spring days ahead. Corne in and let us help you put your ward- robe in working order with clothes made to "make the man." No need to trot from one store to the other and use up valuable time. We can outfit you frorn head to toe in a cornpletely satisfactory man- ner. Suits, coats, hats, slacks and what-have you are ail here under one roof awaiting your selection. Men 's Pure Wool English Worsted Suits in double or single breasted styles. Corne in popular shades of browns and blues. Aniong the patterns are pin stripes and some in solid brown. Sizes 35 to 44. $ 39350 When it's too warm for a heavy coat and too cool for no coat, then it's time to slip on one of these highly styled Spriug Topcoats. Corne in popular brown and grey tweeds and have fly fronts and balmaccaxi collars. Sizes 33 to 42. $22350 Just arrived! Men 's all-wool brown cheviot 30 to 40. Th hr ~.5O For Sports Cof ortable and easy going as a spriflg breeze. iSp u n rayon sport shirt with a-con- vertible collar. In browxi only. Boy's Windbreakers CornehI assorted two- tone patterns with knitted cuffs and waist band. Sizes 24 to 54. $2.25 $1 Our first shlpment of men's Worsted Trousers have arriv- ed. Sizes 30 th 38. $7,00