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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1946, p. 6

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TEE dANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVLLL~ OM!rAwTn r&. IYOU Want to Buy or Seli Look en The Statesman CIassiFied BIRTHS' ATLJIN-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Alin ann ounce the birth of their daÙhtrPhyulis Gail, at Bow- manville Hospital, Feb. 28th, 1946. 10-1* BP*WNf-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bifmare happy to. Aun àice t]be birth of their son at Bowman- ville Hospital, Friday, Feb. 22hd, 1946. 10-1 SAYER-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Say- er (nee Dorothy Sellers> are hap- py to announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Elaine, at Tor- onto General Hospital. 10-1* DEATIl DICKINSON-In Bowrnanville on Friday, March lst, 1946, Elizabeth Dickinson, beloved wife of the late W. W. Dickinson, aged 88 years. BIRD-In loving rnerory of our dear son Trooper Thomnas Basil (Tommy) Bird, who died March 4th, 1945, in the Cambridge Hos- pital, result of a motorcycle acci- dent near Aldershot. Buried in the Brookwood Cemetery, Sur- rey, England. Peaceful be thy rest, dear Tommy, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly In death we do the saine. -Morn, Dad, Brothers and Sisters. 10-1* FRY-In loving mernory of my dear husband, John Albert, who passed away, March lth, 1943, at Newcastle, Ont. I think of hlm in silence, His narne I oft recaîl; There is nothing left to answer But his picture on the wali. -His loving Wife and Family. 10-1 * FURBER-In loving memory of Benjamin Banner Furber, who passed away March lth, 1945. God knew that you were sufer- ing, And the hilis were hard to ciimb So He closed your weary eyelids And whispered "Peace be thine." -Ever remembered by his Wif e, Minnie. 10-1"' IN MEMORIAM McGILL.-In loving memory our dear mother, Catherine Vi deil McGill, who passed av March 7th, 1945. A light is from our househ, gone A voice ,ee loved is stilled. A place is vacant by our sici Which neyer can be fflled. "Until the day break And the shadows fiee away." --Sadly missed by her daught 10 MONTGOMERY-In loving me ory of a dear rnother, Louise ' toria Montgomnery, who pas. away March 8th, 1943.. Today recails sad memories, 0f a dear mother gone to res And the one who thinks of1 today, Is the one who loved her best. -The Farnily. TRIMM-In loving memory ci beloved grandmother, Sarah Trimrn, who passed away March th, 1943. Sweet mernories wifl linger fi ever, Time cannot change them,j true; Years that may corne cannot seý Our loving rernembrance of y( -Ever rernembered by Heler David, Thomas and Kennet 1c- Shoe Repairs N. Lew announces the openi of Shoe Repair and Harness SI in Victor Manor building, Ki St. 10- Room and Board Wanted ROOM and board for gentien, Write Box 646, The Statesmar 1c HYGIENIC Supplies rubi goods) mailed postpaid in pha sealed envelope with price lisi samples 25c; 24 samples $1. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rt ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, C 9 1( SLENDOR Tablets are effecti, Two weeks' supply $1; 12 wee $5, at all druggists. 10- Cameron Oke wishes to thank EAT what you like! Wildei ail friends and organizations of Stomach Powder brings quie Burketon and Enniskillen for let- cornforting relief from indige ters and parcels sent to him dur- tion, heartburn, sour stornach, 5 ing his service overseas. 10.1* and $1 at all druggists. 10 Al Highest Quality Government Tested and Graded Seed YO1e BUY WITH CONMEDNOE WHEN YOU BUY STEWART'S SEEDS Phone 577 Bowmanville, Ont. for 100-1b. CRICK STARTER ............... $3.17 18% EGG MA&SH.................... 2.77 4 GRAIN SCRATCH ............ 2.02 HOG GROWER ..................... 2.22 DAIRY RATION .................. 2.32 54.90 39.90 43.40 44.90 Clarke3823 Barred Rock Chlcks from Our strain whlch won second place at the last Harrow Egg Laylnt Contest. (The Blghest Grade of Chlck - Obtainable la Commercial Quantities) Write for Circular and Prices on Mlxed and Pullets 1 Day-old and Started A Real Breedlng Farm ]Phone: Clarke 3811 -Net Just a Hatchery Bowmanvile, Ontario of ead- way iold le ters ýem- Vie- sed her 10-1 f a M. on for- ît's ,ver 'ou. ýth Ling h1op ing )6* an. in. ý0-1 ber1 ain, t.6 .00. )nt. 0-8 ive.c eks1 r's 2k, ýes- 50c 0- db n e p p.' lb r WQrld Day of Prayer at St. Paul's Uniteed Church, Friday, March Bth, 3 o'clock. Ail women of the town are invited. 10-1 Don't neglect to purchase your tickets in advance for the Club 15 dance on Friday, March lSth. Li- mited number of tickets to be sold. 10-1* "Uncle Josh Perkins" will be presented by the Senior Young People of Tyrone at the Coin- munity Hall, Friday, March 15. Admission 35c and 15c. 10-2 St. Patrick's Day Card Party, St. Joseph's Annual Euchre will be held in the Council Chambers, Monday, March 18 at 8:15. Ahl are welcorne. Good prizes. 10-1 Cpme to another Youth for Christ Rally, March l6th, at the town hall at 8 p.m. Paul Smith and his musical messengers frorn People's Church, Toronto, son of Dr. Oswald J. Smith. 10-1 Be sure and attend the dance on Friday evening, March lSth in the Newcastle Cornmunity Hall under the auspices of Newcastle Skating Rink Association. Russ Creighton's Orchestra. Admission 50c. 10-2 Bazaar, Goodyear Recreation Hall, March l6th, sale of home cooking, linen, notions, afternoon tea served, 25c. Proceeds to Ser- vicernen's Civic Reception. Aus- pices Goodyear Girls. Everyone welcome. 9-3 "The Cross-Cup Kiss," a 3-act play will be presented by New- castle Young People's Union at the Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, March 8th at 8:15 p.rn. Admission: adults 35c; children 12 years and under 25c. 10-1 Concert by Toronto Men Tea- chers' choir (50 voices) with as- sisting artist, sponsored by Bow- rnanville Lions Club at B.H.S. auditorium, Wednesday, March 20 at 8:15 p.rn. Admission 50c. Tickets reserved at McGregor's Drug Store, Monday, March 18, 12 noon. 10-1 Corne to the dance to be held n Enniskillen Community Hall on Saturday evening, March 9th. Mlusic by Alex Stackaruk and lis Mlusic Makers. Round and square dancing frorn 8:30 to rnidnite. Ad- nisison 35c. Corne and bring a carload of friends. Lucky door mrize for both ladies and gents. 10-1* Baby Chicks GOOD broiler mnarkets ahead for Bray February cockerels. Im- mediate delivery on sorne started heavy bmeeds. Also other started chicks varlous breeds. Order Mach-Aprii chicks now, avoid disappointment. Agent F. L. By- arn, Tyrone. 10-1 Tenders Wanted Tenders will. be received up until March 23md, 1946, for the wîring of Haydon school. Womk to be done by Sept. 1, 1946. Blue- prints an dspecificatjons can be seen at Elmer Beech's, secretary- treasurer of S.S. 21, R.R. 6, Bow- manville, Ont. 10-1 Work Wanted EX-SERVICE man and pensioner desires work. Leonard Dodds, 66 Queen St., Bowmanville. 10.1* PAINTING, paperingangera repair womk. Estimates free. C. H. Papineau, phone 2343. 10-3* BLAC7KSM:ITHIN;G -Get ready for sping. Bring your hamrows. Guamanteed satisfaction. J. En- nis, Blacksrnith, Hampton 10.3* Wanted to Re-nt FIVE to 8-roomed house or apart- ment, unfurnIshed. Mm. Steele, Walker Stores. Phone 451. 7-tf FARM in the vicinity of Maple Grove, one hundred acres or more. Write Box 645, Statesman Office. 10-2* PASTURE for 50 cattle, good fences, and running water. Al- bert Zilversmit, R.R. 1, Enniskil- len. Phone 2291. 10-2* GOOD pasture, 50 acres or more, with plenty of watem and good fences. Apply Phillip Schwarz, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone Osh- awa 491W11. 10.1* Bailiff's Sale- BILL of Sale - 1934 Buick Sedan, model 50, engine number 2828009, license No. 4B315, at Sid Lancas- tem's, East of Newcastle on Thurs- day, Mamch 15, at 4 p.m. 10-1 Lost LOST on Saturday, March 2nd, between Gamnet Rickamd's and W. G. Werry's, sack of seed grain, oats and wheat rnixed. Finder please phone 2253. 10-i FIVE month old pup, part Spitz, brown with black streak on face, answers to Joe. Return to D. McKnight, 10 Elgin St., or to the Statesman office. 10-î* LADY'S srnall pink gold wrist watch, minus stem, lost in vidin- ity of Ontario-Queen streéts. Val- ued as a keepsake. Reward for its return to the Statesman Off - ice or phone 2438. 1(),i COLLIE-On Feb. 14, black and white colle, narned Spot. Lost between Tyrone and Enniskillen will pay board and reward. W. C. White, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 10-1* FARMS-106 acres, 4 miles from Bowmanville; 100 acres, Picton. Both farmis double width, weil watered and wood lots. Apply Percyr Clark, BowmanviUe, R.R. No. 2. 10-4* HOUSE-6-roorned brick cottage, new furnace, newly decorated 3-, piece bath, hardwood floors, situ- ated corner of Duke and Argyle. Cash. Possession first of May. Apply Box 644, Statesman. 10-2* HOUSE-Brick and cernent block, metal roof, with or without 15 acres of land suitable for garden- ing and poultry, running spring water; 1% rniles off highway; 31/2 miles frorn Newcastle. Jarnes T. Brown, Newcastle. 10-1"' FARM-100 acres, lot 21, B.F., Darlington; lake frontage; near new highway; 7-roorned house, hydro, water on tap; bank barn with cernent floor and steel stan- chions; cernent silo; faîl wheat; ploughing done. Price $7,000. Apply Wilson Abernethy, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2419. 10-1 FIVE-roorn frarne house, about 8 acres of land, driving shed, barn with good stable, and chicken pen. Property is situated in the village of Seagrave.- Buyer can obtain irnrediate possession. Price $2,- 500, $1,500 cash. For particulars apply to A. J. Carnegie, Port Per- ry. Phone 6 1. 10-2* FARM-Lot 16, con. 2, Cartwright 200 acres, 125 acres workable, bal- ance pasture, wood, good creek, good buildings with brilbk house, new hien house, two miles fromn Scugog highway. Good stock and grain farrn. Near school, hydro available. Apply C. A. Larmer, 66 Scugog St., phone 2153. 10-1"' FARM-125 acres, lot 1, con. 4, Dariington, situated close to school and county road, hydro available. Two barns with stone foundation. A nine-roorned brick house, woodshed and garage. Ten acres of rnixed wood, with spring creek running ail year round. Two wells and a cistern. S. D. Souch, Bowrnanville, R.R. 4, phone Or- ono 56 r 14. 10-1"' FARM - 125 acres dlay loam, al workable, spring stream, level na- tural drainage. In good state of cultivation. Good stock and grain farm. Situated just outside Bow- manville on lake front, new 4- lane highway close to farm and 1 mile off No. 2. Large brick house with attractive setting. Barn 40x 90 ft., hydro available. This is a first class farm and will be sold cheap to settle estate. Plowing possession after harvest. Apply to Russell Osborne, Newcastle. 6-tf MAN for general farmn work. L. D. Sykes, phone 2430. 10-1. HOUSEKEEPER for ordinary household duties, live in. Write Box (633) Statesman Office. 92.* GIRL or wornan for light house- work, daily. Apply Mrs. W. C. Rowe, 73 Centre St. 9-2 MARRIED man for dairy f arm, house provided. Appiy Ross Ste- yens, Kingston Rd. West, phone 443. 9-2 FARM heip, single, fully exper- ienced man for farm with elec- tricity, modemn equipment; good wages. Phone 2471. 10-1"' WANTED Class "A" rnechanic, good experience necessary for modemn garage, please quote ref- erences, good wages. Phone 585. 10-1 WANTED imrnediately reliabie single man for mixed f arming, year around job. Apply to W.q G. Werry, R.R. 6, phone 2253. 10-1 WANTED-Woman to do house- work 3 days a week. Appiy Mrs. M. Breslin, phone 854 or 436. 10-1 CAPABLE single man for mo- demn dairy farm. Apply H. J. Brooks, phone 2636. R.R. 3, Bow- manvilie. 10-1* AN opportunity-Established rur- al Watkins district available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Mas- son St.. Montreal, Que. 10-4 Having received ingtructions from Mrs. Jennie Brooks R.R. 2, Town Line East, Oshawa, Ontario, 3/4 of a mile north of The House that Jack Bult, 1 will seli by public auction on Monday, March 1Ilth at 1 p.m. sharp The following: 1 Singer sewing machine, drop head, good as new; 1 cornpartment studio couch, nearly new; i drop side steel spring couch; 1 drop back daven- port; i 3-piece bed real good; i 3-piece bed; 1 bedstead; bed- ding; pillows; 1 electric heater, new; 1 electric plate, new; 1 Que- bec heater, stove pipes; 1 desk table, new; 5 living roorn chairs; 2 camp chairs; 4 or 5 dozen seal- ers; quantity of good dishes; cooking utensils, glassware, pic- tures; quantity of good linen; two fur driving robes; 1 ladies' fur coat; 1 man's fur coat; i large suit case and many other articles :00 numerous to mention. TERMS CASH H. LO1FTHOUSE, Clerk C. G. BROWN, Lleensed Auction- eer. Phone 723-r-2. 10-1 i E Auction sale of horses and cat- tle and farrn rnachinery, property of George AllUn, lot 6, Broken Front, in township of Iarlixigton, (turn right ftrst road eh* oBw~ manville cemetery). To" sIt by public auction on Wedniçsday, March 2th, at 1 o'clock4, sharp. Terms cash. Rond open for cars. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. 10-1 I have been authorized to sel by public auction for Harold Ev- ans, Lot 23%, Con. 3, Darlington, 11/2 miles east of Courtice, 1 mile north of highway on Monday, March l8th, ail his dairy cattle, pigs, hay and grain, harness, rnilk- ing machine, nearly new, 1 horse, and other articles. Sale at 1 p.rn. Terms cash. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 10-2 Auction sale of registered and grade Shorthorn cattie, horses, sheep, pigs, grain, poultry furni- ture. The property of William Farder, Lot 5, Con. 4, Cartwright, 2 miles west of Blackstock, to seli by public auction on Friday, March 22ad at 12:30 p.rn. Terrns cash. Farm sold. ROY FERGUSON, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. 11-110-.1* Auction sale of registered Shorthorns, property of Mrs. Bessie Walkey, Lot 35, Con. 3, Hope Township, 2 -miles east of Newtonvîlle on No. 2 highway, 1/4 mile north. To seli by public auction Wednesday, March 2th, at 1:30 p.rn. 25 head of Shorthorns, includ- ing 10 cows, due to freshen in Ap- ril and May. 6 open heifers, 4 young bulis, and 5 yearling heif- ers, this herd is full accredited and inoculated, further particu- lars see catalogue. There will also be off ered for sale 24 breeding ewes, due to lamb in April. Il hogs, 1 young workhorse, and a quantity of hay, farrn sold. Terms cash. 10-2' JACK REID, Auctioneer For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per rnonth. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf HORSES suitable for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Boultbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-tf FARM-100 acres, suitable for dairying, mnust be on good road with hydro. Chris. Barchard, Newcastle. 10-2 ONE acre of land, wîth or with- out house on the highway, Hamnp- ton vicinity. Apply Pete Stack- aruk. Phone 2668. 10-1"' WE are buyers of timothy and clovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, caîl or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf LIVE poultry and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carried on by Mr. Fiatt person- ally, no agents enployed.) 311* Registered Optometrist Special Arrangement 3-day service By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OFF. P.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. OSHAWA, ONT. 2526 MViii Feeds and Chop - Free Delivery - General Merchant, Tau.nton Phone: Oshawa 163w3 Do It Rlght WIth "lSeaitite", HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method> FRAME building, 20'x30', Liber- ty St. Cail 2137. 10-1 GOOD two-wheel trailer. Phone 496. 10-1w IPRAM-A bone:coloured Lloyd. pram, phone 2460. 10-1 SMALL cd'ok stove in good con- dition. 95 King St. 10-1* QUEBEC heater in good condi- tion; also 4 pool tables. Apply W. Wilcox, 'Queen St. 10-1'* MAROON, English style prarn, in good condition. Phone 2648. 10-1* MABEL oats. Appiy Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton. Plfone Port Perry 225-r-1l. 10-1* PLAY-PEN, large size 5'x3', good condition. Phone Clarke 3804. 10-1 QUANTITY of weil saved hay, sorne red ciover other mixed hay, appiy to E. Milîson, farm Solina. Phone 2263, Bowmanville. 9-2* LADY'S suit, mulberry, ,size 18; also wooi crepe dress, lime green, size 17. 71 King St. W., or phone 578, Bowmanville. 10-1"' STOVE-N e w Renfrew cook- stove, used only rnonth. Clar- ence Yeo. Phone 2236. 10-1"' CHEVROLET sedan, 1930, heater and defroster, 1946 license, good tires and running order, winter- ized. Serial No. 493546. $200. Thornas Luke, R.R. 2, Newcastle, mile and a haif east of Newcastle on No.- 2 highway. 10-1"' HARDIE Orchard Sprayer on truck. Ideal engine, 3-cylinder purnp, 160 gai, tank with tank filier and spray guns. Apply L. Cann, box 177, Port Hope. 10.2* CHEVROLET, '27, motor in good' condition. Heavy one-horse wa- gon, new. Phone 2697. 10-1"' NORTHERN Electric radios, 1 A.B.C. electric washer, 1 used battery radio in good condition. Can be seen in F. O. Cooper's barber . shop, Orono, or' caîl E. Cain 56-r-19. 10-1* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dies! For further. information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696.- 4-tf STOVE--Srnall Royalist kitchen range, complete with reservoir, water-front, adjustable coal or wood grate and stove pipes; price $25. Apply 73 Elgin St., phone 2165. ~-1 COCKSHUTT spring tooth scuf- fier; International scuffler; set of harness, collar; cutter; cutting box 1-horse plow; electric fence. W. J. Reynolds, phone 2181. 10-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modemn. Chester- field, bedroom and dining roorn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity rnerchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Sirncoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Notice TO NEXT 0F KIN AND OTHERS lI the Estate of Henry Thomas James Cox, deceased. The late Henry Thomas James Cox was born in London, Eng- land, a son of George Cox and El- len Ann Cox, forrnerly Stilwell, October l3th, 1877. He carne to Canada in or about the year 1893 and lived in the Township of Dariington in the County of Dur- ham for sorne years and was ern- ployed as a Farm Labourer. Il) 1908 he rnarried Mary Alicia Tun- stead, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Tunstead of the Town- ship of King in the County of York. His wife died January l2th, 1929, and in or about the year 1931 he remarried her sis- ter, Ida Theresa. Frorn Darlington he rnoved to Bowrnanville where he was em- ployed by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and from Bowmanville he rnoved to Port Hope, where he died on February 7th, 1946. Any'person.having any know- ledge of a will made by the late Henry Thornas James Cox or any person having any knowledge of the whereabouts of Ida Theresa Cox or of hem death 'and any per- son having any knowledge of the names and addressVs of any other next-of-kin of the late Henry Thomas James Cox is requested to communicate with the undersign- ed. Dated at Port Hope the l8th day of February, 1946. H. R. S. RYAN, 18 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ont., Solicitor. 8-4 NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Council of this municipality by the Board of Education of the Town of Bowmanville to pass a by-law completely closing that part of Victoria Street lying be- tween Ontario and Duke Streets for the purpose of including that part oî>the said street in the pre- mises of the proposed new public school. The Council will hear in per- son, or his solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law, at its meeting on the 4th day of March, 1946, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Dated at Bowmanville, this Sth day of February, 1946. A. J. LYLE, Munnicipal Clerk, 7-4 Town of Bowmanville Seed For Sale SEED-500 bushels Reg. No. 1 Ajax oats, lst prize Field Crop Competition 1945,, champion bu-. sghel oats Orono Fair. $1.40 per bushel; 200 bushels -Com. No. 1 barley, Nobarb No. 2,ý $1.40 per bushel; also quantity.of mixed grain (Nobarb Barley and Ajax Qats) grown from Reg. seed 1945. James T. Brown, Newcastle.10.Ï* TWO rubber-tired farrn wagons with new racks. Peter Murdoch, phone 2653. 10-1* Livestock for Sale YORKSHIRE sow due April lst. W. J. Reynolds, phone 2181. 10-1 TEN pigs 6 weeks old. Joe Craw- ford, Enniskillen, R.R. 1. Phone 2552. 10-1* JERSEY cow, just renewed, R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone. Phone 2323. 10-1 SIX year old blue- cow, three days fresh, Concession 6, Lot 16. Martin Budicky. 10-1* GRADE Jersey cow, 5 years old, due March l5th. Herd fully ac- credited. R. Stenger, Enniskillen phone 2824. 10-i PURE bred Guernsey cow, 5 yrs. old due Mvarch lSth. H. C. Ped- well, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3833. 10-1* ONE-year-old purebred Holstein bull, about 650 ibs. Bert Budai, Lot No. 16, R.R. 3,, Bowmanviile. 10.1* TWO fresh Durham cows and one Jersey caîf for vealing. Apply John Liptay, Hampton, Con. 5, Lot 15. 10-1* DARK red two-year-old Short- horn bull, registration no. (275- 456) proven breeder, also Perch- eron gelding r1sing five (black). Donald Thornpson, Nestieton 9-2 Dries as it Writes! Hot Water Botties 69e - 89C - 98e - $1.39 Rubber Gloves------------ 39e Syringe Fittings--------- 49e Vaginal Douche --------- 98c Bromo Seltzer -- 29c-49c-95c Aika Seltzer--------- 29c-57c Sal Hepatica ---- 30c-59c-$1.15 Bile Beans ---------------47c Zambuck ------------- --47c Dodd's Kidney Pills ---- 43c Fruitatives ----------23c-39c Sloan's Liniment -- 33c-63c REGISTERED Holstein cow, 5 years old, due this week. Pri- vately blood tested. Apply Aliaa Down, R.R.2, Bowinanville. Phone- 2498. 10-1* TTO registered Holst] 4 s Rag Apple blood lines, 9-»n f0 months old, from R.O.P. dams, av- erage test 3.8 per cent and 4.2. per cent. James T. Brown - New- castle. 10-o.*:. BABY chicks: Order your GaiL forth chicks now. Barred rock;jý Ne* Harnpshires, pure Light Sus-. sex, White Leghorns, hybrids, non-sexed and sexed. For prices. dnd information, phone Barron's, Hampton. Phone 2420. 9-4* AYRSHIRE cow, 6 years, due toý freshen end of May; 1 Ayrshire heifer 19 months; 1 Ayrshîre hei- fer 8 months; ahl registered and papers availabie. Also 10 rabbits for sale. Thomas Luke, R.R. 2. Newcastle, mile and a haîf east of Newcastle on No. 2 highway. 10-1* CALLING all livestock rnen to stop coughs, colds, distemper, in less time than you ever thought possible, with ZEV, the renugk- able veterinary remedy tfhat- works on nose, throat and bron- chiai tract. ZEV, made by the> makers of Buckley's Mixture, gives amazing resuits in the rnost stubborn cases. $1.00 a bottie at P. R. Cowling's. 10-1 Industry uses six times as rnuch natural gas, and four times as rnuch manufactured gas, as is con- sumed in domestic heating, cook- ing, lighting and refrigeration. Over 80 per cent of the tele- phones in the Untied States are. operated by one system; the other 20 per cent are operated by some 6,500 independent systems. -Wont Wash Off v T4àld. ýi"-7 v co1 .YI f 15 e ,d 9W e POMMTES - PEEDS - LIME - Phone: Clarke 33-12 Etc. Newcastie i e - Charm Kuri CoId Wave Outfit -------------------------------- $1.35 REVELON PRESENTS TWO NEW SHADES Tortoise Slxell - Hiîldegarde Rose Three-Plece Match Box Set ----------- ------------------------- $1.25 NYAL COUGH SYRUP Sot as a fleecy cloud! Baby Cough--------- 25c-50c Croup Syrup--------- 25c-50c Nylypters ---------- 57c Cherry Cough ------- 25c-50c White Fine & Tar ---- 25c-50c rilil p ~~Pinol ------------------ 25c-50c LOW PRICES Pinex for coughs--------- 32c 12 pads Pmkham's Comp.-- ------- 87c .5c lnpbox Kleenex------------ 2 for 25c Robinson's Barley ------ 33e Lactogen------------ 69c-$1.59 Nyal Creophos Stops Stubborn Coughs------------ Bottie $1.00 695 COWJ 111.1DRUG STORETriasses We are offering the best varieties of Beed Oats, Ajax, Erban, Victory, Spring Wheat, Field Peas, two and six rowed Bariey, Spring Rye. Al of these grains are Government Tested No. 1 grade and high germination tests. Supplies are limited in some of these varieties. PASTURE MIXTURES Alfaifa, Red Olover, Timothy, Sweet Ciover, White and Yellow B. We carry No. 1 and 2 grades ini the above. We wouid strongiy advise buying your re- quirements early this spring of both seed grain and seeds as supplies late in the season are ilely to be scarce. 'I 1 1 1 - >PAGIE Mx - THE &NÀIDIAN' STÀTEMM. :èOWMAÈVÙAX ONTAIM) ý 1

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