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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH l4th, 1946 Maple Grove A meeting af the West Durham baple Grave Institute was held at the home of Mrs. L. C. Snow- den *on March i1. Follawing a beautiful solo sung by Miss Doris Stevens, the meeting continued with Mrs. Wm. Lycett, social con- vener in charge. Guest speaker Miss M. Han- cock, superintendent ai Children's Aid Society, Oshawa, who was introduced by Mrs. Wilred Ahl- son gave a very interesting ac- count of the Cbildren's Aid Sa- ciety and its work. Mrs. L. C. Snowden read an account on the health unit and its work, urging ifs support. Next meeting will be held at the home ai Mrs. Harry Rice, Home Economics convener. At the close ai the evening refresh- ments were served. 7I U~i~s-ere Let us give your car a Spring Conditioning Valve Grind - Brake Re-line or Adjustment DO IT NOW We will arrange ta pick up and deliver your car where necessary. Frank's Garage 72 Sougog St. Phone 2834 Bowmanville NEW SHIPMENTr Spring Top Coats of Quality and Smartness Spring is bahny but breezy . . . the season of the year when one of aur lightweight, all wool top coats just fis the bill. Choose one of aur new, fhy front models in a flatter- ing shade. Ail sizes. Just J, Arrived Ladies' Spring SDRESSES - COATS SUITS Corne in and sce the latest styles I spring suits, coats and dresses. At present we have a large num- ber in stock and more are corng every day. Corne in and look around. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE Zion FARM RADIO FORUM Obituaryý S.S. No. 4, Darlington, East Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, Group met March il at the home LUTHER MOUNTJOY Oshawa, at Frank Pascoe's. of Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Down. It A lifelong and highly respected Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane was the second meeting of the citizen of Cartwright township, and daughters, Courtice, at Wes series concerning Export Mar- Luther Edgar Mountjoy passed Caxneron's. kets. suddenly and quietly away at his Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton Government boards for the home in Blackstock, Tuesday ev- and Elleen at Howard Budd's, handling of exports were faveur- ening, March 5th, 1946, at the age Cobourg. ed. During the war government of 59. Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen boards have efficiently handled He was a son of the late Mr. at Anson Halson's, Caledon East. this. Under government control and Mrs. Wesley Mountjoy. He Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins at To- there is a greater assurance of a married Tryphena Mason in 1908 ronto. Margaret returned home steady marketxpnd standard price, and lived on the homnestead south with them. thus making it possible for the of Blackstock priar to moving ta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane producer ta plan much further in the village about a year ago. and Brian, Kedron, at A. T. acvance. When the expart mar- His cheery disposition which Stainton's. ket is controlled by the govern- wnhmmn red ilb Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and mentý there is more likelihood of osn hm omanfiendsHweas Douglas, Oshawa, at Mrs. F. B. products being sent where they loss in the mUnite was ch Glaspel's. are mast needed. tmembertai e UnidChurche, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton Private companies underbid the SPo erry Mdand ic aLode attended the funeral of Mrs. and undersell one another but rrSons fEngheMlandad e ablyu Chas. Lander at Oshawa on make sure that they will nat be rpeetdteMpeLa u Thursday. the lasers. tual Fire Insurance Co. The March meeting of the W.A. If co-operatives undertake ta The funeral service was con- held at the home of Mrs. T. C. arrange for the exporting af pro- ducted at the residence on Fri- Glaspel on March 6 was very well ducts it will be necessary ta have day, March 8th by their pastor, attended. Mrs. -T. C. GI.aspel a marketing board appointed by Rev. R. B. Harrison and was very had charge of the worship ser- the co-operatives concerned largely ..attended. The beautiful vice. Mrs. Chas. Naylor gave a which will have the authority ta floral tributes were much appre- couple of piano solos; Miss Eileen deal with ather countries. ciated by the family. Stainton gave a vocal solo. Mrs. We voted in favor af darker Paîl bearers were Norman Wallace, Oshawa, was the guest flour being used in Canada in or- Mauntjoy, LeleMunjoy and speaker. The March group serv- der ta make more bread avail- Russell Mauintjoy, Levi Tardiff, ed a deliciaus lunch. able for people in need overseas. Will Tardiff and John Tordiff. Interment at United Church cern- Ke d lObituary MsoieLoeofPot y _______ Surviving ta maurn his loss are JOHN LAMONT MURDOCH bis wife, two daughters, Frances Mr. George Pope, Jr., was in (Mrs. Harold Swain), Grace (Mrs. the village Sunday. A memorial service ta mark the Clifford McGill), and son Laur- Mr. Aylward Little with Mrs. passing of John Lamant Murdoch ence Mountjoy with the Canadian Neya Little one aiternoon this was held at Lacombe, Alberta, Treasury Office in England; also week. Feb. 3rd, 1946, in the Seventh Day one brother, Robert, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hoy and sons Adventist Church with which he He was predeceased by one broth- Donald and Grant from near Osh- was identified. The obituary ser- er, Elmer, who gave his lufe in the awa, with his parents, Mr. and vices are set forth in a seven- 1914-18 war. Mrs. Henry Hoy. page booklet which was sent ta Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid, visit- A. L. Pascoe, Sauina, by Miss Mary ed with her father, Mr. James Murdoch of Lacombe. Mr. Pas- Membership Drive Swarbrick, Sunday. coe sends it ta the editor with a Mr. Bert Holland is in the city note about the deceased and bis Rallies Members to attending the Hazel McTaggert- family. Red Cross Society Kennth Archer nuptials. They lived for about five years ____ In spite of the bad roads Mr. on the Varnum farm, 7th con- The membership drive is rally- John Thompson made his usual cession, Darlington, fine neigh- ing workers ta support the Can- trip ta Peterborough for the bors, thrifty, industriaus, and adian Red Cross peacetime pro- weekend. very much missed when they gram in 463 branches, including Miss Beatrice Thampson, Tor- moved west some time ago. Th e Bowmanville, Newcastle and Or- onto, with Mrs. Mary Luxon and sympathy ai their many friends ona, Mr. Ian R. Down revealed in Roy Mercer's for the weekend. around Soina is extended to the bis interim report ta the Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Alec Buchanan, surviving children. Division Executive Committee Toronto, are visiting her parents, The funeral service disclosed meeting held at Toronto, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cathcart. Mr. that John Lamant Murdoch was "Red Cross in Ontario wihl be Buchanan has just returned from born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in stranger in the next two years overseas and we are pleased ta 1859, died at Lacombe, Jan. 31, for the eff ort we are making in welcome him to our cammunity 1946. In 1892 he married Mar- the Division this month," said Mr. again. garet Cochrane wbo dîed 12 years Dowie. Mr. Dowie is honorary Mr. Wifred Roughley, who has ago. They accepted, loved and chairman of the Membership purchased a strawshed irom Mr. practiced the Seventh Day Ad- Drive, and the members of his D. Vannatto, is tearing it down ta ventist truth in which they were sales staff are once more assisting use in Oshawa. iollowed by their children. The branches in organizing their cam- Mr. Wasyl Lewko, SixtIb Line, family altar in the home was a has sold bis iarm (the Bostock guide for their ten children. paign. iarm) ta a returned soldier irom The father lived to see four af Toronto for a market garden. his sons graduated ta the gospel It's base living that gets you Ramn and warm weather made ministry and three daughters as- into tight corners. a vast change on our roads in just sociated with their husbands in one week. On Wednesday, Feb. the work at many points abroad. 27th we were well blocked in by His eldest son, John, his secondé snow until the plow cleared a eldest daughter, Janet and his track towards evening. Even the youngest daughter, Mary, accom- mail man decided the snow was panied him ta Canada and were too deep. However a week later at his bedside when he passed it was necessary ta get a team af peacefully away. Besides bis five 'Old Dobbîns' ahead ai the cars sons and five daughters, he leaves ~ ~ ta pull them thraugh the mud seven grandsons, five grand- hales. Indeed, rum6ur has if, daughters ta maurn his passing. ~ that Billy should apply to county council for some new harness. Kirby The W.M.S. and W.A. held their monthly meeting on Friday afler- noon, March 8th. Along with the meeting was a special meeting in observance of "World Day of Prayer." Mrs. R. Allun, president of W. M.S. opened the meeting with a reading on "Prayer" followed by a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Aluin read Psalm 46. The special pro- gram forms were followed. Mrs. K., Shackleton took the third chapter of the study book entitled "Sword and Trowel." This chap- ter tells of Dr. Currie's struggles against the slave trade and against the superstitions of the people which were deeper set than even the slave trade. Mrs. Lowery fa- vored with a very lovely solo entitled "God Speed the Right." Mrs. W. Allun presided over the W.A. meeting. After the neces- sary reports and business was finished, Mrs. Wm. Wannan gave a devotional paper entitled "Giv- ers Are Also Gainers," stressing the great truth "Give and it shal be given unto you, good measure, pressed down and shaken togeth- er and running over. For with the measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Nothing is taught more clearly in the Bible than this truth. But the greatest ai all giits is the giit ai God which is eternal lufe through Jesus Christ aur Lord. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. A. Walk- er and iamily and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bradley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. John Thamp- son ---- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Glan- ville with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Big- elow ---- Mrs. Youmans is visit- ing with ber daughter in Toronto ----- Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowery with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan - --- Mrs. H. Berry, Mrs. S. B. Ruth- erford and Mrs. Gea. Henderson held quiltîng last week. Smart Girls Always Carry Paradol in their Handbags They know that Paradai will re- lievete uci of had, ches, and other disco=frtas hwell s elp to check colds. One girl writesl,-<'Untii I used Paradai every month I suffered al- most unbearable pains. It is the most quickly effective relief I have ever used and there is no disagreeable af ter effect." - r eCas' I ARAO Foe uc Rl e f ai Domino i glass tumbler fre TEA -. with each Pound Wedding BRECK-ADAMS A very pretty wedding took place in the parsonage at Ennis- killen with Rev. James Plant offi- ciating Saturday, March 9th, when Hazel Viola, fourth daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, Bur- keton, became the bride ai Wal- lace Graham, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breck, King- ston. The bride looked lovely in a street length dress ai soit blue crepe and a corsage oi dark pink carnations. Miss Mary Adams sister ai the bride was matron aif honor and she chose a street length dress of sot pink crepe and a corsage ai cream carnations edged with pink. William Breck, brothe? of the groom was best man. The graam's giit ta the bride was a strand ai pearîs and ta the mafron ai honour a silver brace- let. A wedding supper was held at the hame af the bride's parents. The bride's mother wearing a flowered jersey dress and a cor- sage ai yellaw 'muras. The graom's mather ware a lime green silk dress and alsa a corsage ai yellow 'mums. The bridal 'couple leit' mid shawers ai confetti by train for Toronto and points west. FILM IMPORTANT TO RURAL AUDIENCES Canadian farmers have iaced the prablems ai bath depression and prosperity in tbe 26 years since the end ai the firsf World War. These problems and bow they were met are the subi ect ai "The Business ai Farming," one af the films on tbe May and June pragrams ai the National Film Board Rural Circuits. "The Business ai Farming" shows the different factors that determine the farmer 's costs bath ai living and ai running bis farrn, and compares these costs with iarm income in the years from 1926 on. All fao aiten expenses exceeded the amaunt brought in by the season 's crop-because the price ai agriculfural machinery neyer went down with the farm- er's decreasing ability ta pay for if, and the market price ai grain and live stock wenf up only with increased demand, and nof with increased cosf s ai production. Durîng the bard years affer 1929, surplus stores of grain steadily mounted in Canada's elevafors, and cheques receîved for eacb year's crop shrank just as stead- ily. Wifh the caming ai war, the demand for agriculfural produce DG)PCE UTRE 6ç Tomato lb. 6Ç JUICE Several Brands 200oz OUT WAX BEANS . tns25Ç Palmolive SOAP.. Aunt Jemima DAAAVF Fi IRI Reg' 6Ç Gt 8Ç 20 oz. 13 nl r1 3Ç. 1 Imun IUm uuInVI jf~ px- &0 Kraft Velveta 8 oz. ç CHEESE *.** pkg. Monarch BABY CHEESE Motherls CHICKEN STEW Clark's SOUP lbrl39 15 oz. 23Ç tins19Ç 12 oz. jar (2 Cream ai e.Mushroom Rose CHUTNEY PICKLE went up, but hired help and mna- chinery became hard ta get, and until the introduction af price cantrol measures, higher operat- ing costs absorbed most af the extra incarne. Taday, with costs pegged and increased production bringing greater returns, Cana- dian farmers are paying off mort- gages and building up a reserve of capital for the years ahead. An understanding ai what lay' behind farm difficulties in the 'twenties and 'thirties is impor- tant if past mistakes are to bl avoided and present prosperity maintained. "The Business of Farming" was praduced ta review the chief features of this period and ta encourage cammunity dis- cussion of post-war agricultural problems. areman kidscf milkingoo Thd, and macine?... but there n'only on magnetic" milker-the De Lavai Magnetic Speedway... that assures uni. fores, f ast and gentie milking ut-ail tisses. It is a wonderful feeling to know that your cows are being millced in the sasne tuni. fores, correct way day after day. And the remusof De Laval fait,, uniform, millcing are wonderful, too. Why flot talk le over with us today? DE LAVAL-MIUCER 0F CHAMPIONS Montvic fllemke itag Apple Patay. owned 1,, Mr. J. J. E. MoCatue, GIer.atIo Parus: Allisto, Ontaerio. boldo the i.ew words record over &Il breedo tfe senr flor ya.ion ihreeti.,,e-à-day De Levai Miiklng. lier ROP reoa4 I. La24,486lb.of isli and 1163 lb.of fat. Sie la iii,..,.aeErrai 1ho.Sw. De Lovai Separators If you want cleanest sia. oing, higheat quaiity crem proUeduction, ylongest ervice. tor-eli et Iowest coi: per yeat of use-& De Laval Separator sa your answer. And teelsa a ize and style juil right for you. Hand or niotor drive. De Lavai Sterling MiIker If you are looking for De Lavai quaiity niilking at somewhat Iower f&s: C00ttoet the facto on the De Lavai Sterling Milker. Puisator Lbu ont>'two moving parts - provides precise miiking action. Quaker Oul Heatersv We have just received a shipment of the Famous Quaker Oul Heaters. Corne in and see them on display and in action. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. Several 20 oz.j7Ç Brands tn Quick 48 oz. QUAKER OATS pkg. Mother ,ackson's Jlffy 48 ~ PORRIDGE . .u. pkg._ Vita-B 1 lb.1Ç3lb CEREAL bag 0 bag Maxwell Hanse COFFEE .... 1 IL bag 19Ç 25Ç 43Ç GRIFFIN 140oz CHICKEN HADOIE tin 29 Mdonarch Pastry Ié lÇ 2 lb FLOUR 71lb. bag à bag 84Ç SOLEX 25, 40, LAMPS.* 60 Watt each 15Ç Catellil Ready Cut MACARONI * 2 Vkgs. ç IF iSYG T, BiE British Honduras Cocoanuts each -28c Ripe, Sweet Cuban each Pineapples » - 35c Ripe, Sweet Cuban for Pineapples - 3. 1.00 California Snow-white, 12's each Cauliflower - - 29e Large Green Pascal, 48's 2 stalks Florida Celery --25e Tèxas lb. Cabbage ---07e Califoirnia Navel - Sunkist, 344 Oranges - - - 23e oie Phone 497 .4, r .9 39-7. . 1 1

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