PAGE NIM M(ANVILLEONTARIO Th W T:S ÇIDA£ t e n ty ,n r ýb. ,s. r. àe Dn 't, he rs. T'- ých on ar ias g nt Ind me- i th- am THE PEACETIME PROGRAMME NEEDS A STRONG RED'CROSS 1946 OBJECTIVE:- * Relief of Suffering * Promotion of Health Peacetim-e Activities AID TO VETERANS HOME NURSBING AND FIRST AID HEALTH IMPROVEMENT OUTPOST HOSPITALS 9. D]ISABTER RELIEF 10. NUTRITION SERVICE Il. WATER SAFETY AND AQUATIOS 12. JUNIOR RED CROSS PEACETIME DONOR SERVICE 13. ±iuÂvii'-nJ. rziltvi WOMEN'S WORK COM.1WTTEE 14. CANADIAN RED CROWE This appeal is NOT for money. It is solely for members. $1.00 or more entities you to ful.l membership in this great organizatiofl. You will receive a letter through the mail, read it carefully and then send you.r $1.00 or more if you wish to RAY DILI5ING, BOWMANVILLE, or leave it with any of the local banks. Your. membership f ee is deductable from mncome tax, and you will receive, an officiai receipt. E I 1 1 zr= a CORPS