VEILAM 1 --- - . -_ - Î--- -Mr- -l-ý 1 ANV1TX. L OTARIO THUEqSDAY, MARCH 2th, 1946 TUE u.tjinEAmIAE.A ,n Hamipton Special services were held on Sunday it being the 7lst anniver- sarY of our church2. At the af - ternoon service Rev. B. S. Mor- Wood of Northminster United Churcb, Osbawa, gave a thougbt- fui discourse basing bis remarks on the words found in Gen. l3th chap. verse 12. "Abrabam dwell- ed in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in tbe cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward So- dom." And also words from He- brews chap. il and verse 8, "By faith Abraham, when he was cail- ed to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed, and he went out flot knowing whither he went." He stressed the fact that it is the future we should be con- cerned about, and which way we pitch our tent, on what goal do we set our eyes. St. 1Paul's choir, Bowmanville, under the capable leadership of Alex McGregor, and Mrs. Reta Dudley, pianist, con- - s Youth for Christ Again!1 Hear Mr. Martin of Toronto Youth Leader recently retu.rned frorn overseas in the Arxned Forces Ellis Sisters of Pickering Beach, will sing Lau rie Hart, S.A. Toronto Pianist Corne to Town Hall Dowmanville Saturday, March 3Oth 8 p.m. Everybody Welcome Admission Free BE PRtEPARIED LET US HELP YOU GET YOUR IMPLEMENT5 READY FOR SPRING We Carry Repairs for Case - DeLaval Milkers & Separators Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Oil Heaters See us about the Quaker Oil Burning Heaters We have three sizes on hand. Corne in and see thern working Get Your Supply of Ois - rireases - Electric Fences - Batteries Put in your order now for Beatty Bros Hay Carriers, Rope and Cable. W. H. RROWN DEALER FOR 'OCase Farm Machinery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment Attention Phone 497 m Fertîlizer Users New Gov't. Order! Cease Manufacture of the following: 4.8.10 - 2.2.10 ORDER AND TARE DELIVERY 0F YOUR FER'mILIZER REQUIREMENTS NOW D. J. COURTICE Phone Oshawa 289J2 W. H. Brown, Sub-Agent 91 King St. W. Bowrnanvile Authori.zed Agent for A A Brand Fertüizers for Eleventh Conseoutive Yee.r. Orders may be lef t at 91 King St. West, Bowmanvifle for your convenence. PROMPT DELIVF1RY ON ALL ORDERS WHEN PRODUOTB AVAILAB LE .Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Philp and Bill, Coîborne, and Mrs. William Goodfellow and Miss -Shirley Goodfellow, Codrington, witb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pbilp. Miss Helen Werry, Toronto, witb ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Mrs. W. Miller, witb ber sister, Mrs. Joe McRoberts, Long Sault. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent spent a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clif- ford and Grenville witb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood and Audrey, Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron. Mr. Howard Pbilp is spending a few days witb bis brother Mr. G. Pbilp, Coîborne. Glad to know Mr. Fred Part- ner bas returned home from Bow- manville Hospital mucb improv- ed. Some farmers are busy on the land, Mr. Gussie Rosevear was sowing mixed grain on Tuesday, Marcb 26tb. Glad to sec a ligbt in Mr. Wm. Virtue's bouse again. Mr. Virtue returned home on Sunday baving spent tbe winter witb bis daugb- ters in Clarke. Sympatby is extended to the relatives of Mr. Wallace McRo- berts wbo pased away last Thurs- day. We also extend sympatby to the relatives of Mrs. Charles Vir- tue, wbo passed away so svddenly last Sunday morning. Tyrone Senior Young People presented their play "Uncle Josb Perkins" at Osbawa last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. McNicboll wbo bave been living in part of the late B. F. Gardner's bouse, bave moved into part of Mr. L. Tbomp- son 's. TYRONE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Women's Institute met at tbe home of Mrs. Geo. Alldread witb President Mrs. L. Annis in cbarge. Roll cali was answered witb "Suggestions for tbe lunch box." Somne suggestions were in- dividual meat pies, celery and carrot sticks carefully wrapped, jellies, custards, puddings, sal- ads in small dishes or screw top j ars.# It was decided to use tbe leg- islative grant to purchase a book for use in preparing devotionals, Mrs. Goodman and Mrs. S. Hoar, committee in charge of same. Ten dollars was voted to Bowmanville Hospital building fund and ten dollars to tbe new Sunday Scbool floor. Some discussion was beld concerning the care and use of the park. Tbe nominating com- mittee to prepare slate of officers for coming year is Mrs. Rosevear, Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. E. White. Letters of appreciation for re- membrances were read from Miss May and Neil Yellowlees. Mrs. R. Scott gave the devo- tional and Mrs. Rosevear a short paper on "Your Wealth and Mine." Briefly some of the things of if e mentioned as being our wealtb are our homes, our fam- ily, our bealtb, plenty of food. The speaker read the poem "Some Tbings Money Cannot Buy" wbicb tells beautifully of a cbild's smile, friends, the beauties of na- ture even life itself. Some of us dream of being ricb in leisure and money or attaining our life's am- bition but often of necessity set aside by everyday cares. In closing tbe speaker quoted the poem "Mother" as an illustration of the wealtb we have in spite of aIl tbis. I migbt bave sung great songs today, My soul was in the muses sway; And yet somebow I lost my song, My bands were busy ahl day long, I bound a burt and tbrobbing flinger, And dried the tears that tried to linger; I buttered bread and baked a cake, I kissed two sleepy eyes awake. My song is gone, but in my beart Is music that can ne'er depart. The world wîll neyer know its note, Its sweet strains do not leave my tbroat. But resting softly in tbeir beds I see tbree tousled ittie heads, And, sweeter sound tban any other, Come wbispered words, "I love you, Mother." The group in charge served lunch of salad and bread and butter. Next meeting is the annual meeting at the borne of Mrs. Friend, April 17. A gond attend- ance is requested to finish tbe year's business. Women's Institute are again collecting paper for salvage. Please tie bundles securely, this is very important, and leave in the churcb sbed as soon as pos- sible. Atomic bombs will be a nigbt- mare tili we wake up to team- work. tributed the music which consis- ted of two well-rendered anthems in which Miss D. Creaser, Mr. Don Williams and Mrs. Lunny took solo parts. Special numbers were a vocal duet "Hosanna" by Messrs. Wilfrid Carruthers and Alex Mc- Gregor, and a solo "The'Holy City" by Mrs. Kenneth Huli, al of which were highly appreci- ated, and added much to the in- spiration of the service. Our pas- tor assisted in the service. In the evening Rev. L. B. Smith of Newtonville occupied the pulpit and gave a belpful discourse on "The Way of the Cross." Our own choir under the leadership of Mrs. K. Caverly provided two splendid antbems, whicb received mucb favorable comment, and the solo "0 Lord Correct Me" by Mrs. James Smales was also mucb appreciated. A tbankoffering of ovr$230.00 was received. Trinity Young People's Union and Maple Grove young folk will be guests of tbe Hampton Y.P.U. this Friday evening. SE LE CT - , for any Room Plain and Patterned SUN-WORTHY .-.- **.SUN-TESTED Special Attractions in "1COMPANION PAPERS"e New Colour CombinationS Bring your measurements and sec for how littie you can re- new your rooms. Remnant Lots and Discontinued Patterns - Special Prices PREPARED WALLPAPER PASTE Je Wu JEWELL "MBG 20" PHONE 556 Kendal Visitors: Mrs. George Langstaff. witb friends in Port Hope ---- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoy witb tbeir daughter, Mrs. Howson at Peter- boroughb---- Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke and Wayne, Toronto, Miss Jean Hoy and Bob Stanton, Bow- manville, at Jas. Hoy's ----Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little and Alec witb Mrs. Ne'ýa Little ---Miss Georgîna Darlington and lady friend, Ajax, witb Mrs. Darling- ton and Bill. Rev. Mr. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Ross and the girls dined witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Ken- ney, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martinel visited ber 'sister, Mrs. Bill Elliott, Garden Hill, wbo bas been ill. Master Harvey Elliott returned witb tbem for a few days. Tbese fine days bave awakened a keen interest in baseball and as a result more interest in our park. A park meeting is called for Marcb 27tb in Orange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon attended the private funeral of Mrs. Jas. Reid, Oak Hill, from the Jex and Smitb funeral parlours, Port Hope. Mr. Gordon was one of the bearers. Interment in Port Hope. Bob Winn and Ariel Langstaff bave returned from a fisbing trip into the nortb country near Burk's Falls and report some fish and lots of snow and ice. In spite of the ramn and colder weatber last Friday, a good crowd gathered for W. Lewka's sale. Prices were good. Reg. Elliott made the round of the village Friday and Saturday witb bis sawing machine. Pros- pects for plenty of warmtb next winter look good. A good crowd gatbered in Ken- dal Orange hall for a welcome home celebration to two of our soldier boys, Victor Wilson and Billy Darlington. Vic bas been home about a montb while Billy just arrived tbat evening from Ajax with Mrs. Darlington, Geor- gina and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glov- er. Billy received a bearty wel- Wallpaper i m 1-1; l G. Beyaert bas completed a new hot house for the growing of young tobacco plants. Everett Cain is erecting a num- ber of summer cottages on bis property south of the Sixth Line near the trout creek. John and Brenton Fogg have been sawing wood for the farm- ers in tbis section. Dr. Miller and the scbool nurse are inoculating tbe cbildren in the section for diphtheria. The county grader bas greatly improved our road to Orono. However there are stili several dangerous wasbouts wbicb sbould be attended to. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Foster are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Soucb. Alvin recently returned from ov- erseas..where be spent some time in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and Eileen, Miss Marion Rickaby, To- ronto, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Orono. Solinà Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Murray Vice in cbarge of tbe program. Rutb Reynolds, Pearl Leacb and Ileen Balson took part in tbe worsbip service. "Tbe effect of war on art," was tbe in- teresting topic given by Gladys Yellowlees. Readings by Bruce Taylor and Stanley Milison and violin selections by Francis Wot- ten were enjoyed. At close of the program Rutb Reynolds was presented with a sterling silver bracelet as a token of affection and appreciation for ber willing service. Witb an appropriate card Harvey Yellowlees expressed tbe fond wishes of ail members, and their regrets also to Rutb on ber departure. A large number of friends as- sembled at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Tuesday ev- ening with mutual regret that tbey will so soon be moving from the family home at Solina. Roy Langmaid was chairman and George Werry read an address, expressive of the church, scbool, village and entire community, in praise and appreciation of the sincere friendsbip and good citi- zenship exemplified by Jack, Is- obel, Rutb, Arthur, Jean and Fae. Witb gratitude for ail their un- failing kindness and the fond hope that they may yet 4e retain- ed as "our good neigbbors," Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Mr. J. R. Ki- veli presented Jack, Isobel and family witb a wall mirror and corne from his many friends. Tbe evening was spent in dancing and enjoying tbe refresbments. Mrs. Frank Stoker, wbo was under tbe doctor's care is nearly well again. t~ 's, v Erîniskillen Mr. and Mrs. F. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, .at F. Dorland's. Mrs. S. Spry, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. C. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Wrigbt, Mrs. W. E. Sander- son attended 'the funeral of the late Henry Avery at Woodstock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright at- tended the Wright-Silk wedding at Uxbridge on Saturday. ]Burketon W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Plant. After tbe business Mrs. Davey gave a reading and Mrs. Plant read an Easter story. Lunch was served. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs. C. Virtue, Enniskillen, who died suddenly Sunday. Mrs. A. Hughes fell and was seriously injured. We wisb ber a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, formerly Mrs. A. Wilson, on tbeir marriage. Harold Gatcbell bas received bis discbarge and is helping bis father. Visitors: Mr. Wbittles, Toronto, visited bis daugbter, Mrs. Douglas Tay- lor. Mrs. Taylor bas a baby girl. Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, and Or- land Bailey, Toronto, witb their parents. Mrs. E. Struth, Enniskillen, with Mrs. Peal Avery. Mrs. B. Hubbard and Alden in Bowmanville. Clarke Union CLARK'S SOUPS TOM. or VEG. DICED BEETS O FLOUR ROYAL CASHMqERE SOAP 3 20-2r. Ba;23< 2-b73e * * 2 Cakes11 PLAN VOUR GARDEN NOW-AID CANAOA'S HOME GARDENING CAMPAIGN DAN DEE FLOWER or VEGETABLE 1SEEDS ItSNS Pkgs. 90 LE] JEi Blackstock On Tuesday evening, Marcb 19, fifteen Blackstock ladies met at the hall and tied down three quilts. There are now il quilts, several sweaters, mitts and socks ready for sbipment to Red Cross hieadquarters. W.A. ladies of St. John's Angli- can church served sandwiches, pie, tarts, bot dogs and coffee at Wm. Forder's sale on Friday. Tbey cleared $28. A number attended the crok- inole party sponsored by W.M.S. in the hall, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jobnson and Mrs. D. Marlow won prizes. All reported a good time and a lovely lunch. Lenten service was beld at the home of Mrs. Fbo Crawford Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. Harry Chapman and grand- daugbter Norma Broneli, Winni- peg, are visîting Mrs. L. Mount- joy. Mrs. J. McKie is visitind Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor vis- ited Mr. and ,Mrs. Garnet Mur- ray, Sunderland. Sgt. Laurence Mountjoy bas returned home to Peterboro fromn overseas. He and bis wife and two cbildren visited bis mother, Mrs. L. Mountjoy. Mrs. Herb Hooey is visiting ber daugbter, Mrs. H. McLaugb- lin, Nestieton. Maple syrup makers are dis- appointed as the run basn't been very good. Mrs. Robt . Bruce and Miss May King, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Strong. Mrs. James Douglas, Cavan, is visiting Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Mr. Fred Jarvis, R.C.N.V.R., &~ Nova Scotia, called on friends on Monday. Our Continuation Scbool pu- pils bave established quite a re- cord witb presenting their com- mencement play "Aunt Minnie From Minnesota." Besides the two performances bere tbey bave given it at Hampton, Enniskillen, Orono, Janetville, Myrtle, Hay- don, Oshawa and Port Perry. They are raising funds to get a projecting lantern and are help- ing to put a memorial in tbe school to the boys who enlisted from the scbool. Several members of tbe W.M.S. attended a special meeting at Oshawa on Tuesday. A large Farm Forum meeting of tbe whole district was enjoy- ed at the hall on Monday nigbt. Mr. A. J. Jobnston filled the posi- tion of chairman very efficiently. A sing song witb Miss Jean Mal- colm at the piano got tbe meeting off to a good start. Numbers from the different farm. forums were presented, leading off with the Blackstock forum represented by Ralpb Larmer and Stuart Dorrell witb moutb organs. Our popular Agricultural Representative, Mr. E. A. Summers, gave an interest- ing talk on "Weeds." Mr. Jack Smitb acted for No. 1 Forum witb a bumorous song. Mr. Bail- ey of Toronto was introduced and gave a talk on "Farm Forums." Nestleton Forum was represented by Jean and Lawrence Malcolm 1at the piano and saxophone. Then Cadmus was called on for their number and Leab McQuade play- cd the accordion witb Ruth Wil- son at the piano. Miss Ruth Mc- Kenzie, Toronto, also gave a talk on "Farm Forums." Mr. Earl Dorrell tendered a vote of tbanks to the fine speakers. A bounteous lunch was served and dancing fol- .lowed, with the music supplied by Ruth Wilson, Leab McQuade, Jean Malcolm, Lawrence Mal- 1colm and Clarke Williams, and Lewis Stinson called off for a ;square dance. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler spent the weekend in Peterboro. Pkg. 2eU ,mon IICE s239 7-lb. Bag 25à '>Pkgs. 1,._Ig OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 for19 HEALTHGLO SOUP 4 Cakes M7 B LENDIES OGILVIE'8*S 2 Pkgs. 15e ROYAL YEAST0 2 Pks 171 BABY FOODS HEINZ s 3 Tins 23 IANN PAGE DELICIOUSI ROT CROS DUNS Pkgf 8 1<IV VITA B CEREAL S 10<' B 25 LANCIA NOODLES 14 câ.. 1kg. 89 MlAKER NIJFFETS 2 Pkgs. 179 STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEBEOUSEE SIRLOIN. WING OR BGNELESS ROUND « « PRIME RIB ROAST SIDE BACON SLICED e WEINERS SKINLESS*e B OLOGNA CHOICE SLICED SIVEBIGT FISH SALMON SLICED IL. SALMON FILLETS SALMON FILLETS COD FILLETS - HADDOCK FILLETS KIPPERS » SISCOES 0 ANN PAGE MILK BREAD OVEN FRESH 2Loaves 15< lb. 39C " lb - 3 1 < e lb.4Mg e, lb. 27e " lb. 22e ne PIECE lb. 23 COHOE b. 48e PIK * lb. 29e -~ I a 35g a I e eb. A. & P. DOKAR COFFEE CUSTOM GROUND ILb35e . WRE AVAILAILE USE P. &G. SOAP - -*- o 3 Brs13e IVORY SNOW «O 0 . 22e IYORY SOU *e 3 Med. Cakes 17e 1MPORTED LARGE No. 1, POTl ATOES 10 lb. 35Ç Store Manager to insert dotails. TOMATOES SECTE ro xND1-lb. pkg. < SPINAIH TEXAS CURLY LEAF 2 lbo. 19e LETTUM CEBRG 0's2 fr250 GRAPERUITTEXASMARSH 10for49 GEL RAPEID EDES 6s1 9 CELERY HEAITS PACA CALIFORNIA NAVELS 344's ORANGES do.191 RAuAIiKaS Large bch. ' I~AROT~TEXAS, l b. 6e HOT HOUSE No. 1 G IHUARE 2 Tiri 5HO SES FLOUR vna rr niuaau-a g Firestone Tires We have a large supply of Firestone Tires and Tubes We handle Tractor Tires and Tubes for changeovers 91 King St. W. Courtice irade 2 lb.. 29e PAGEC tri-lite floor lamp. Bryce Brown, Francis Wotten and Bruce Potter provided violin and guitar inter- ludes during the evening. We welcome George Knox to our community he having pur- chased Mr. Arthur Millson's farm. Visitors: Mrs. Jack Yellowlees with ber sister, Miss Ida Reynolds, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Davis and Patsy at J. E. H. Davis', Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- man in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jobnson, Peterboro, at Jack Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Howerd Milison, Toronto, at E. Miflson's. Robert Smales, Oshawa, and Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, at J. Smales'. ,...ATLANTICAPACIPIC '-. ~o ORANGE 15" -o> TEA BACS PEKOE - Tin7<g 1 a m rAVAT a beh. 199 nadir à manaraim 1 1 .