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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1946, p. 4

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liAGE POlI THE CANADIAN STATMSIAN, BOWMANVULLE, ONTARIO THMRSAY, "AiCH 28th, 1946 DEATII FLAHERTY - At the Toronto General Hospital, on Saturday, March 23rd, 1946, Ella M. Web- ster, deaily loved wif e of John Flaherty. Interment Union Cern- etery, Thornton Corner's, Oshawa. GOHEEN-Passed away at Tor- onto, March 23rd, 1946, Elizabeth Irwin, beloved wif e of William John Goheen. GATCHELL - In Burketon o n March Z7th, 1946, James Henry Gatcheil, beloved husband of Tressia Cline, aged 69 years. Resting at Northcutt & Smith's Yuneral Chapel, BoWmanville, un- tii noon, Friday, March 29th, then rthe United Church, Burketon, ~or service at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton cemetery. MANTLE -In Bowmanvilie, on March 25th, 1946, Richard Jesse Mantle, beloved husband of Lou- isa Wilkins, aged 65 years. VIRTUE-Suddenly at Enniskillen on March 24th, 1946, Christina A. Sanderson, beioved wife of the late Charles M. Virtue, aged 59 years. ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sellers, Hunt St., wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Louise to Alec Edward Lyle, son of Mrs. George Lyle, Prospect St. The wedding ta take place quietiy the latter part of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Burketan, wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter Ella Ruth ta Walter Arthur Nel- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grave. Wedding ta take place in April. 13-1* Mrs. C. Philp annaunces the engagement of her daughter, Laura Irene ta John Maynard Pummeil, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Pummeli. The wecIing will take place on Saturday, April 20th, in North Parkdale United Church, Toronto, at 5 p.m. 13-1* The engagement is a.nounced of Evelyn Anne Evans, Reg. N., of Toronto and Cornwall, daughter of Mrs. l.aroid and the late Mr. Evans, ta Mr. Ernest Floyd Béck- stead, youngest son of Mr. Gearge and the late Mrs. Beckstead, of Aultsville, Ont. The marriage will take place quietly in April. MEN WANTN APPLY Brookdale- Kingl LEMITED ýsway NEAR C.N.R. STATION SHEET METAL1 WORK Roofing.- ...Eavestroughing Gilson Furnaces DAVIS & GRANT Scugog St., Bowmanville Phones: 2842 and 2674 ÀIUCTION4EER Good Prices Guaranteed by Experienced Auctioneer - Licensed -, C. G. BROWN Phone 723-R2 Oshawa -. Ontarjo C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist Speclal Arrangement 3-day service* By appointinent: 9.30 t. 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. P.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. FOR FOLLOWING INSERTION Otherwlse a Charge of~ 25c extra t. cover bookkeeplng costs Wanted To Buy BUILDING lot, anywhere in Bowmanville. Box 654 Statesman Office. 13-1*1 USED hall-ton delivery truck or coupe in good condition. Appiy Jack Brough, 3 King St. W., or phone 2384. 13-1 FEATHERS and feather -beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Torontto. 12-tf POSTAGE stamps, before 1900, on envelopes or original paper. Fair prices paid. Box 414 Statesman Office. 13-8a SINGER Drop Head Sewng Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 ta $10 accord- ing ta weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanvilie 2679. 52-tf LIVE poultry and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carried on by Mr. Flatt persan- ally, no agents empioyed.) 3-11* Help Wanted MAN wanted ta look after gar- den and iawn. Apply M. Bres- lin, Bowmanville. 13-1 GIRL over 18, or yaung woman for hatel work. Apply The Bal- moral. 13-1* WANTED at once, single man for dairy farm, must be experienced and able ta take charge. Write Box 652, Statesman Office. 13-l* SALESLADY for ladies' ready- ta-wear. Older girl preferred, experience not necessary. Hoap- er's Ladies' Wear. 13-1* HOUSEKEEPER ta look after in- valid. Wiil consider woman with one chiid. Write Box 655 States- man Office. 13-1 CAPABLE girl or woman for generai housework for famiiy of two aduits. No washing or wax- ing required. Good wages. Ap- ply Miss Olga Tod, 67 Division St. Phone 666. 13-1 AT once-Married man for gen- eral farm work. Free house, with electricity, and other privileges. Top wages. For further particu- lars apply Howard Gibson, phone 2482. 13-2 WOMAN or girl ta help with housework in home with ail mo- demn conveniences and electrical appliances. Private living quar- ters and bathroom. Guaranteed annual employment. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, Duke St., Bowman- ville. Telephane 345. 13-l'* AN opportunity-Established rur- al Watkins district available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is yaur opportunity ta get estab- iished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today ta The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Mas- son St.. Montreal, Que. 10-4 -Real Estate For Sale FARM-100 acres, timber and buildings. 1 mile east of Newton- ville and 1 mile north. Robert FARMS-106 acres, 4 miles from Bowmanviile; 100 acres, Pictan. Bath farms double width, well watered and wood lots. Apply Perey Clark, Bowmanville, R.R. No. 2. 10-4* FARM-125 acres, lot 1, con. 4, Darlington, situated close ta school and caunty road, hydro available. Twa barns with stone foundation. A nine-roamed brick hause, woodshed and garage. Ten acres of mixed wood, with spring creek running ail year round. Twa wells and a cistern. S. D. Souch, Bowmanville, R.R. 4, phone Or- ana 56 r 14. 12-2 FARM-150 acres, 85 workable, 20 acres hard and soft wood, bal- ance in pasture. Ten-roomed hause, garage and woodshed. Gaod barn and chicken house. (Al buildings steel covered). Two wells, 1 mile ta No. 2 highway. Schooi two miles. Fred Hryniuka con. 3, Lot 3-4, R.R. 1 Clarke. 12-3 FARM-100 acres, lot 17, con. 1, Cartwright, frame hause and barn, hydra available, 80 acres work- able, good well, immediate pos- session. Apply Mrs. Glen Mar- tyn, 119 Elgin St., Bowmanville, phone 618 evenings. 12-tf FARM-100 acres, on pavement. Hydra, bathroom. Immediate possession. Apply Victor Szold, R.R.l Bowýmanville, phone 2173. 13-i FARM-100 acres, lot 21, B.F., Darlington; lake frontage; near new highway; 7-roomed house, hydmo, water on tap; bank barn with cement floor and steel stan- chions; cement silo; fali wheat; ploughing done. Price $7,000. Appiy Wilson Abernethy, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2419. 131* FORTY-FIVE acres of land with- out buildings on No. 2 highway, two and a hall miles west of Bow- manvilie. Apply ta Alex Anoni- chuk, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie. 13-2* CHEAP-A house partially de- molished by fire, near C.N.R. sta- tione, one and one-haîf acres of land. Any reasonable offer ac- cepted. Apply Harry Spencer, 32 Sorauren Ave., Toronto. 13-i Men really begin ta feel equal when they're ahl at the end of their rope. Canada's exports of non-war goods rose during January, 1945, from $115 million ta $188 million. Imports rose ta $140 million from $129 million. Those from Britain rose from $9 million ta $20 mil- lion. Imports from U.S.A. de- clined by 4.3 per cent% at the sàme time. Livestock For Sale MUSCOVY ducks. Wellington1 Farrow. Phone 2522 Clarke. 13-1*s 25 Rock hens. K. Butson. Phonei 2823. 13-11 CLYDE mare, young. Appy Nelson1 Robbins, Hampton. Phone 2349.1 13-3* SHEEP-15 Dorset Sheep, ewes and lambs. Or will exchange for young cattie. David Craig, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2365. 13-1* HOLSTEIN grade heifer caîf, 3 months old. Leon Standish. Phone 2406. 13-1 DUAL purpose and 3-part Jersey springer cQws. Blood and T.B. tested. Phone Clarke 3904. 13-1 TEAM of horses, 9 years aid; 50 bushels Mabel oats; 75 bushels of turnips; buggy; single plow and scuffler. Apply R. Roberts, R.R. 3, Burketon. 13-1* WORK horses weighing from 1200 ta 1450. Douglas Cale, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 13-1* COW-5-year-ald grade Jersey cow, just fresh. 2 grade Jersey heifer calves, suitable far caif club calves. Herd accredited. R. Stenger, Enniskilien. Phone 2824. 13-1* BRAY April-May Chicks should be ordered naw. Hatchery has limited supply started for immed- iate delivery. Cockerels too for the meat market. Whatever you need, let us know, save time cor- responding, we're Bray agent, F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 13-1 BABY Chicks-If you are think- ing of Gibsan Barred Rock Chicks, it's time you gat in touch with Don Gibson, Bawmanville. We are practically sold aut until May l7th. It will pay you ta raise al the chicks yau can this year. Phone Clarke 3811, or, better stili, drap in and order your supply naw. Ail stock Bload-Tested-no reactors. 12-tf Building Materials SCREENED sand, gravel, fil, and loam. Also manure. H. B. Evans, cartage, R.R. 3, Bowmariville. Phone 2255. 13-4* Lost FORD wheel and tire, south of Courtice. Reward. John Bonk, Courtice. 13-1* Shoe Repairs N. Lew announces the opening of Shae Repair and Harness Shop in Victor ýManor building, King St. 10-6* Roofing DO not replace that roof until .you have enquired about Battie- ;ship Asbestos, asphaît roof coat- .ing, 7-year guarantee. Phone S2475, Bowmanville. 11-3 Articles For Sale MASSEY - HARRIS 15 dise seedrill complete; Massey-Harris two-furrow riding plough, a roll- ing coulter and skim, self-llft. In-C ternational large size manurer spreader, good condition. Four- horse, stiff-tooth cultivator, trac- tor hitch self-lift. Two sets irans harrows, 10 fi. and 12 ft. Appiyj ta W. Payne, R.R. 3, Newcastle.r 13-if FURNITURE-On Friday, April 5, at 1:30 p.m., the undersignedE will seli for James Allin, Ennis-1 kilien (8 miles north of Bawman- ville) thefoiiawing: 5 piece kit- chen set, 3 piece chesterfield suite, gas stave, chairs, beds, bedroom suites, and other articles toa nu- meraus ta mention. Anyone wish- ing to put articles in this sale may do sa. Terms cash. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 13-2 CORONATION spring seed wheat this seed was fertiiized last year. Two cook stoves for quick sale. Brown geiding, 16 years, white face and white feet, good work- er single or double, weight 12 ta 13 cwt. Purebred Shorthorn bull, dark red and low set, 18 months aid. A quantity of hay, and rug carpet 9 ft. by 10 ft. in good condition. Apply Kenneth His, Orono. Phone 5-r-3. 13-1* BOY'S beige coat and cap set, size 4, Mrs. Reg. Cramp, 94 Wel- lington St. 13-1* Personal SUFFERING fram backaches, rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago is not necessary. Use Rumacaps at once for quick relief. McGre- gor's Drug Store. 13-1 HYGIENiO_ Supplies (rubber goods' maiied postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price iist. 6 sampies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nav-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 10-8 SLENDOR Tablets are 'effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weekçs $5, at ail druggîsts. 10-35 EAT what you like! Wilder's Stomach Powder brings quick, camforting relief from indiges- tion, heartburn, saur stomach, 50c and $1 at ail druggists. 10-4 For Sale hy Tender PAINTED new frame building 36 .feet by 14 feet, with full length verandah 7 feet wide. Wired for electricity. Contains toilet, wash basin and kitchen sink. Could bt 1used for summer cottage, refresh- ment 'booth for park or taurist camp. Tenders close at noon, .April th, 1946. ; For further particulars apply ta W. Oeçar Labelle, 36 Beach Ave., BoýVimanville. 12-2 Found 'WRIST watch found at thoï High School after Palestine Chapter dance. Owner may have sae fby identifying watch and paying fr advt. L. W. Dippeil, Principal B. H.S. 13-il LARGE ST IN DURHAM Articles For Sale AUDIENCEà COUNTY (Approximately 12,000 Prcspective Customers) DY USING Articles For Sale WHITE pram, $15. Apply 9 Duke A teami wagon. A. Laird, Mapie St., Bowmanville. 13-1* Grove. Phone 2109. 13-1 CHEVROLET coach, 1930. Serial GOOD hay. Appiy Victor Szold, number 484022. Phone 2403. 13-1* R.R. 1, Bowmanvilie. Phane 2173. ___________________________13-1 OLDSMOBILE, '29; 12-gauge, single barrel shotgun; 1 guitar. Apply 20 Second St., after 5 p. M. 13-1* ONE 3-piece mohair chesterfieid; one 2-piece mohair chesterfield; 619"x9' Axminster rug. Mrs. D. Bunner, 38 Wellington St. Phone 584. 13-1* SPRING coat, size 16. Apply Evelyn Fernlund, 128 Maniiers Rd., Bowmanviile. 13-1* RASPBERRY bushes, Viking and Latham, 4 cents a cane, alsa straw- berry plants. Premier 1%c each, and Senatar Dunlop le each. Phone Clarke 3921. Ivan Farrow, Newcastie, Ont. 13-2 FRUIT trees-5,000 apple and pear trees, twa, three and four- years old. Place order eariy and avaid disappointment. Special prices in quantities. Oshawa Nurseries, 159 Verdun Rd., phone 3235. 13-6 DUTCH set onions, hardy West- ern No. 1 Dutch Set Onions; Cer- tified P.E.I. patataes, Cobbiers, etc. Be wise-buy eariy. Stewart's Seed Store, Bawmanville. Phone 577. 12-tf SECOND grade hardwood con- sisting of oak, hickory, soft maple, hard maple, beech, ironwood, elm and birch. $12 per cord deliver- ed, 2 or 3 cords per iaad. Appiy H. Robîtaille, R.R. 3, Pantypool, Ont. 11-4* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- iey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S", Oshawa. 46-tf WE are again able ta offer ta the public the famous Viking cream separatoxrs direct from Sweden. The separators that get larger cream cheques. Eight sizes, one quality-the best. Hand or pow- er drive. For prompt and cour- teous service caîl Ethan E. Jones, Newtonviiie. Phone Clarke 7-r-' 21. 13-1* ELECTRIC vegetable juice ex- tractor, makes quart of raw car- rot juice in 3 minutes or quart of celery juice in 2 minutes. Am- azing resuits for arthritis, rheu- matism or what have yau? Write H. Chamberlain, Box 106 Osh- awa, or phone Oshawa 161J2. 13.1* WOOD-Mixed hardwood. Will take orders now and deliver. J. A. Carscadden, Orono, phone 25- r-9. 13-3* Announcement "Streamiiners Dance Band" are naw booking engagements. Phone Oshawa, 2436J or 449J. 11-4* MASSEY-HARRIS 13-hoe drill, perfect condition. Phone Clarke 1202. Gray Bras. 13-1* POSTS-200 cedar fence posts, good size, 8 ft. long. Raiph Sad- 1er, Nesý1etan, Ont. 12-2* COMBINATION radio phono- graph, also 1 used battery radio. Appiy E. Cain, phone 56-19, Or- ana. 13-1* USED McCiary electric range, in good condition, reasonable price. Phone 2588. 13-1 STOVE and ail burner complete, hot water coul hooked up. Apply Pooie's Bakery. 13-1* HAY-A quantity of timothy hay. Apply Green Bras., R.R. 3, Bow- manvilie. Phone 2161. 13-1 HAY-About 25 ta 30 tans of mix- ed hay, aifalfa and timothy. Fred Partner, Tyrane. Phone 2328. 13-1 FORDSON tractor, in good con- dition. Also gaod broader stove. Blake Short, Bowmanviile, phone 2479. 13-1 MASSEY-HARRIS 13-disc drill, compiete with grass seed and fer- tilizer attachments, A-i condi- tion. James T. Brown, Newcastle. 13-if HAY-A quantity of well saved hay, some red claver. $12 per ton. Apply ta E. Milîson Farm, Sauina. Phone 2263, Bowman- ville. 12-2* CORDWOOD for sale or re-saw- ed. Ail hardwood or mixed dry slabs. Wood deiivered,' Neil Cur- tis, Pontypool. Phone Orono 81- r-10. 11-4* LIMITED quantity of Commer- cial No. i Barboff Barley. Price $1.40 per bushel. Aiso Reg. Na. 1 Ajax Oats. Price $1.35 per bu- shel. Apply Clare E. Allun. Phone 2847. 13-1* GOOD wire gate, 10 foot, a goad spinning wheel, reel and couch, gasoline stove with aven; wainut wash stand; a boy's wagon; com- mon white dishes and other ar- ticles. Phone 2371. 13-1 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dles! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf BRICKS-Several thousand brick cleaned and in gaad shape, from building being dismantled back of Poole's Bakery. Apply Gus Annis, at pool room over Agri- cultural Offices, Bowmanvilie. 13-1 Wanted to Buy or Rent FIVE ta 8-roomed house or apart- ment, unfurnished. Mr. Steele, Walker Stores. Phone 451. 7-tf M I YoU CAN PUT YOUR MESSAGE FAIRM SOLO 1 have been authorlzed to seil by public auction for Roy Burley LOT 3, BROKEN FRONT t CLARKE TOWNSHIP (3 miles south of Newtonvllle 1 and 1 mile east) on Tuesaday, April 2nd the followlng: HORSES Black horse 8 years aid; gray horse, 7 years old; Percheron horse, 4 years aid; bay mare, 13 yeais aid; brown mare, 12 years aid. CATTLE Durham cow 9 years aid, bred June 8; Hereford cow, 6 years, bred Juiy 14; Ayrshire caw, 6 years, hred July 15; Hereford cow 7 years, bred July 22; Hereford cow, 7 years, bred Aug. 2; Here- fard caw, 9 years, bred Aug. 16; Hereford cow, 5 years, renewed 7 weeks; Hereford cow, 6 years, re- newed 8 weeks; Durham caw, 6 years, bred Aug. 3; Hereford bull rising 2 years; 4 heifers rising 2 years; 2 steers rising 2 years (Hemefards); 8 steers and heifers rising 1 year; 3 fat steers apprax- imately 1400 lbs. PIGS 13 shoats; 15 pigs 10 weeks aid; 2 saws (bred); sow bred Dec. 28; s0W bred Dec. 30; hog rising 2 years; hag, 5 month (eligible ta register). HENS 90 Rock pullets. GRAIN 800 busheis of mixed grain suit- able for seed. HAY Quantity of goad hay. HARNESS Set of team harness (goad); 2 long-strawed collars (new); set of team uines (new). IIMPLEMENTS Binder 6 f t. (Cockshutt); mower 5 ft. (M.-H.); disc drill (13) M.-H. (goad); cultivator (Cockshutt) new; hay loader (Cockshutt Na. 3) new; manure spreader (Cack- shutt) goad; disc plow (3-disc) Case, nearly new; horse rake M.- H.; steel rouler (3-drum); farm wagon; set of sleighs; stoneboat (new); fanning miii; scaies; har- raws; scuffler; hay rack; pig crate; buggy; cutter; hay fork rope (125 ft.); puiper; siing ropes; gravel box; brooder stove (coal); stock rack; gas drum; grain bags; forks; hoes; shovels; whiffietrees; neck- yokes, and many other articles. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Beatty grinder with 3 h.p. motor, good condition; electric separa- tar (Viking) 800 lb. capacity god.FURNITURE Quantity of furniture. Terms Cash. Sale 12:30 Harold Reeves, Clerk. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 13-1 Auction Sales, I have been autharized ta sel by public auction for James Simpson, Lot 17, Con. 4, Clarke on Thursday, April 1 lth,. ail his farm stock, including 50 head of goad Durham cattie, horses, pigs and machinery. Sale at 1 p.m. See bis. Terms cash. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 13-2 I have been authorized ta sel by public auction for William McDonald, Lot 21, Con. 8, Clarke township, i mile north of Les- kard, on Frida y, March 29th, al his farm machfinery, feed, and ful uine of carpentry tools. Reason for selling, ill-health. Sale at 1:30 sharp. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-1* I have been authorized ta seli by public auction for I. Vinson, Lot 2, Con. 3, East Whitby (1/2 mile west of Taunton and south) on Tuesday, April 9th, ail his farm stock, implements, hay, grain and hamness. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at i p.m. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tianeer. ,13-2 I have been autharized ta sel by public auctian for Mr. Jack Archer, lot 27, con. 8, Hope Twrp., at Elizabethviiie, on Thursday, April 4, ail his farm stock, impie- ments, hay, grain and furniture. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Farm sold. Terms cash. Willard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auctianeer. 12-2 I have been authorized ta sel by public auction for Sydney Lockhart, Lot 2, Broken Front, Clarke township, i1/2 miles south of Elliott's garage, on Wednes- day, April lOth, ail his farm stock, implements, hay grain and some furniture. Terms cash, positive- ly no reserve. Farmn sold. For further particulars see bis. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 13-2 I have been authorized ta seli by public auction for Lamne H. Fisher, north haîf of lot 35, con. 9, Darlington (3/ mile west of Enfield and N.) on Thursday, Ap- rul 4, ail his farm stock; impie- ments (many are new); hay; grain and harness. See bis. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Ther- an Mountjoy, clerk; Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 12-2 FARM SOLD-I have been au- thorized ta seil by public auction for Elmer Bradley, lot 13, con. 8, Darlington, 1 mile east of Ennis- killen, on Friday, March 29, full uine of farm stock, implements and quantity of furniture consist- ing of an Acme coak stove, large cupboard, tables, beds, dressers, odd stands, couches, 6 chairs, rocking chairs, and other articles taa numerous ta mention. See bis. Sale i p.m. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctianeer; Theron Mountjoy, clerk. 13-1 Wanted Room and Board ROOM and board desired by bus- iness girl. Box 653 Statesman Office. 13-1* For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf COTTAGE-Fuil season, April 1 to Aug. 31,. furnished. A. G. Ter- ry, 235 Medland St., Toronto. 12-3 AUCTION SALE I have been authorized to seli by public auction for the execu- tors of the estate of the late Wil- liam Argue, Lot 10, Con. 2, in the village of Newtonville, on Saturday, April 6th, ail his f!arni il_ machinery, feed and fik«ture7f There will be several pXes of antique furniture offered for sale. Sale of farm machinery at 1 d'ýý clock sharp. Furniture sale atNà 2 p.m. Terms cash. Jack Reid, ' auctioneer. 13-2 AUCTION SALE I have received instructions fromn D. A. MacKinnon LOT 25, CON. 7, CLARKE TWP. (at Kfrby) to seli by public auction on Monday, April 1 ail bis farm stock, implements, hay, grain, wood and furniture. Sale includes: LIVESTOCK Two matched teams of Perch- eron harses; 8 springer caws; 20 head of choice Durham stockers; 20 feeder hogs. MACHINERY M.-H. spreader, large size; M.-H. 13-disc fertilizer drill; M.-H. cul- tivator, 13 tooth; M.-H. binder, 7 ft.; M.-H. hay-rake, 10 ft.; Mc- Cormick Deering ail-bath mow- er. FURNITURE McClary white enamel cook stove, new; Beatty electric wash- ing machine; eiectric vacuum cleaner; black wainut dining room suite; Gerrard Heintzman piano. This is only a few of the pieces of machinery and furniture ta be offered for sale. For further par- ticulars see bis. Farm sold. Terms cash. The sale of farm machinery will commence at 12:30 sharp, furni- ture sale at 2:30 p.m. A. E. Morton, Clerk. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 13-1 P lumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for Oil-0-Magic Oil Burners Installed in Any Type of Furnace Jack Drough Phone 2384 1I % ' 3 King St.W.1 Do It Right Wlth "Sealtite" Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method> F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf Tile Flooringr Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Cholce of Colours Speclalize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON No Installation Charge MET-WO INDUSTRIES LTD. E. W.W. Rundie Phone 521 Bowmanville1 SALES Before The THE S'TAT ESM AN -0 1 .

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