)AARL4h 96THE CANADIAN STATESMAN . BOWMANVILLE . ONTA-RIOPAESVN New Buildings (Continued from Page One) plus $50.60 from Saturday night's dance. The Mayor recommended that Reeve and Deputy Reeve press for grant for Durham Federatton of Sportsmen; object, funds for re- stocking game and fish and gen- eral recreation. This association w&s enlarged at a recent meeting in Orono. Harry Bartlett. was reappointed to Fire Dept. as first aid expert. The sumn of $500 was approved to assist in draining Memorial Park. Roads and Streets Committee was given power to act in getting es- timates on permanent job of fix- ing \soft spots in pavement on King' St. and its widening at Brown St. Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright, Gormley, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bunt, Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, Mrs. E. Hall, London, at H. R. P'oley's. Miss Arnott, niece Sandra, ne- phew Bobby, Miss Ruth Arm- strong, R.N., Toronto with the lat- ter's brother, Jim Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Bïert Wilkins, Courtice, Mrs. J. H. Munday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden. Master Kenny Brooks with Mas- ter Teddy White. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf wi.th their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden accompanied Mrs. Franklin, Mr. Sam Wilkins to Toronto and vis- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. Geo. Evans. Mr. George Jarvie, formerly of Maple Grove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Jarvie, is on a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria for General Motors. Quarterly service and reception service will be held next Sunday. C HURC HES ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rector: Rev. J. dePencier Wright Passion Sunday 11 a.m.-Morning Prayer Subject: "The Significance of the Passion." Nursery school 2-7 years. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School 7 p.m.-Evensong Subject: "Light out of Dark- ness." Wednesday, April 10 Devotions and Address, 7:30 p.m. TRINITY UNIT~ED CHURCH Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., Minister Sunday, April 7th,'1946 11 a.m.-Lenten Meditations No.«6-The word of peace "Father, into Thy hands." 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Sehool 7 P.m.-The Significance of Pacificism, Communism and Christianity "What has Christianity to do? " FIGHT TH'sane many ldnd of muig one '«magnetic"' miller-4lie De Lva Magnetic Speedway ... tbat aure ii forni, fast and gentle millcing at-alt*me&. It isawonderful feeling to know that your cowu are being milked ini the sanie uni- form, correct way day after day. And tiie renu of 0De Lavai fast, uniform milicing ame wonderful, too. Wliy not talk it over Vith us today? DE LAVAL-MILKER 0F CHAMPIONS Montvie BlelteR,.EaAPiIe Patay,owned by Mr. J3. . M.eaEue. Gieadtma Fam. Ailiston. Outuiaodthe1new wo.Id'. rmord av",.11 breel. fer S n or to iryear-ids on thme-Iijie a-day De Lava i M ikIn . ut R OP e c ea is 24.466 lb... ofnIik and 1163 lb.. of fat. Eh. ia iikewi.e aàg"&t ShO »W-.w De Lavai Separaltors JE Vou want cleaneat alun.. Ming, hiabeut quality «rarn pouton, longest au-vce md an Masyto.waib sepaia. <or-al At Iowest cost pet yeae of us-a De Lavai Separator la your anawer. And tbere id a airse nd style just righ: for you. Hand or moto, drive. De Lavai Sterling Milker If Vou are lookins for De Lavai quality milking et somewhat Iower irst C00sget the tacts on the De Laval Sterling Mlilker. Pulsator bus only two moving parts - provides precise milking action. . eHeBROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. Phone 497 SHEET METAL WORK Gilson Furnaces Chick Brooder Stoves, Washers and Refrigerators R oofing - Eavestroughing DAVIS & GRANT Scugog St., Bowmanville1 Phones: 2842 and 2674 M«OTHS Nwis the time - during Spring house cleaning - to battie moths. Garments should be moth-proofed before they are put away and LOWEST stored in moth bags. Moths do millions of dollars of damage every PRIESyear. Prevent damage to your clothes and property by using sm _____________ of the weapons listed below. Phone 792 for speedy delivery. Larvex, 16 oz. and 32 oz. .. 83c - $1.25 Aerosol Bomb................ $4.98: GINIu-Zg Moth Bags............ 33c - 47c - 79e Made with Olive O1, Fou easiel $haves - $moothev ssn 9 Moth Killer Blockettes ......i Oc - 25c Regular $ X.for _ Regular«O $~for $2-50 CS) A wa y ta re-creote beouty in your own skiui. A remarkoble cil purpase face cream which supplies bath Vitamin A and D ta your skin. .Stimnulotes skin ce Ils ta new activity and makes yaur skin heaithier, younger and lavelier looking. r! ALEX LAURA SECORD C»E Larvex Sprayer ---- 79e Dichioricide ---- 59c-$3.24 Moth-Killer Crystals 39c Whiz Insect Killer-------- 24c-43c-73c Sapho Liquid -- 29c-49c TAKE A E U SPRING TONIC ,eKLEENEXt Idaphos ----- 16-oz. $1.50 Maltievol ------------ $2.0 Wampole's Extract $1.0013 Ironized Yeast Tablets --------------- 98c 2 % Burdock Blood Bitters--------- 9e Molasses, Cream of Tartar & Suiphur --23c BARGAINS Idafer Iron Tonic $1.25 50e Pinex --- --------------------- 32c Willilams' $1.25 Plnkham's Comp.-------- 87c Pink P1115------------- 50o ,$2.25 Lactogen----------- $1.59 35c Corega--------- -------- 24e JOHNSON'S BABY POWDEII SMALL 2W ~man559SOE cet Our Prices First We are.paying specially high prices for LIVE BROILERS AND FOWL Delivered to our plant at Whitby Pickering Farms Ltd. Whitby Ontario Phone: Whitby 336 tmi TREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SMUTS CERESAN ------------ $1.10 - $3.50 FORMALDEHYDE --- 16-oz. 25c DRUU PHONE 79S - WB DEIVER LSwift' leanseI PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY cOR EDOR .1À amumaw