b I UDTI4QI PfMIN. FVFNTS f Auctioan S A*alesn.' t*1 e I AParrIuia Rm' nr .IPum* ~* a Effective BWiDAY, APRIL 26, 1946 Pull inforihation from Agent for Plastering or Brick Laying GRAVFIL FILL, LOAM We Have It You Name It! We Deliver It R.R., 3, Bowmanville Phone 2255 Oshawa Phone 723J12 if you are between 25 and 45 and have initiative and sales a.bllty, "not necessarily past sales experience, and are look- ing for a position offering the greatest opportunities, t h i1s position with a large financial institution will appeal to you. To the man selected we offer: (1) A liberal salary and bonus. (2) A guaranteed future with pension at age 60. (3) An opportunity to bulld a permanent business career. (4) Special training and per- sonal assistance. The greatest opportunities in the post-war world will bc in the field of distribution. There will bc a citical oversupply of tralned technicians, engineers and production men. Tomorrow will belong to the salesman. Write Box 662, Statesman Office. 15-21 Between ahl points in Canada and t. ail United States border points. FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for the round trip Tickets good going any time Thursday, April 18, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, April 22. Return Limit to leave des- tination not later than mid- night, Tues., April 23, 1946. -Mm iwn- For the present no very radical changes will be made in the op- eration of the schools of Cart- wright area. This decision was reached by the board at its regular monthly meeting, April lOth, when Inspector McEwen met with ail members of the Board to dis- cuss estimates for the coming year. It would seemn from Mr. Drew's pronouncement in the House that the Department of Education is not in favor of any extensive capital expenditures un- til such time as the flndîngs of the Royal Commission are com- pleted. In view of this and al- 50 of the fact that present general conditions are most unfavorable for expansion the board is going ahead to make the necessary im- provements on those schools which it feels sure wîll have suf- ficient enrolment to keep them open for several years, at least. Expert advice is being sought on the possibility of draining the grounds of Caesarea school as the board has been advised that cer- tain drains have been closed which formerly kept the grounds dry. Wells are to be examined and where necessary cleaned or deepened, and the condition of the dnilled weli at Caesarea School will be ascertained. Henry Thompson, secretary, has been given full authority to act as an emergency man for ahl schools and teachers are advised to notify him immediately if any emergen- cy arises. The question of a salary sche- dule for aIl teachers in the area was brought up for discussion but no decision was reached. Mrs. Bowles was asked to rep- resent the board at the Ontario Educational Association meeting in Toronto, Easter week. Town- ship school areas will have a sec- tion of their own in which discus- sion will centre around three main points: (1) Rehabîitation of rural sehools for service in the community; (2) The opportunîty of aduit education through the rural schools, and (3) Methods of sehool area administration. Routine salaries and accounts were passed: Ail those who have received questionnaires are urged to have their replies in before the next meeting as the board is anxious to know the wishes of the rate- payers it represents. Moreover, it will welcome any suggestions you have to make either by let- ier or by delegation to board ANDERSON-On April l5th to Mr. and 'Mrs. C. G. Anderson (nee Audrey Comstock) a son (stillborn). 16-1 ANONICHUK - Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anonichuk (nee Isabel Mit- chell) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, at Bow- manvilie Hospital on Apxil 7, 1946. 16-1* BERNARD-Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard of Bowmanville, Ont., are happy to announce the birth of their son, Eric Thane, on Friday, April 12, 1946, at Bowmanville Hospital. Mother, and baby are both well. 16-1 MOORE-Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore, Tyrone, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Wednesday, April 10, 1946, at Bowmanville Hospital. A brother for John. 16-1* DEATH EVANS-Minnie Florence at Bow- manvilie Hospital on Wednesday, April l7th, 1946, Minnie Florence Evans, sîster of A. E. MeGregor, il King St. East. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel until Sun- day morning. Service at the Clark Funeral Home, Huntsville, on Monday, April 22nd. Inter- ment, Methodist cemetery, Hunts- ville. 16-1 JACKMAN-In Bowmanville on April 16, 1946, Sidney James Jackman, beloved husband of Mary Jane Trimble, aged 80 years. Funeral from the residence, 63 Jackman Road, on Thursday, April l8th. Service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville cemetery. ROWE-In Hampton on April 14, 1946, Thomas Rowe, aged 92 years. MÂRRIAGE Grete Torsting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Torsting of Adr- rup, Copenhagen, Denmark, on I 23rd March 1946, to Sgt. Walter William Blackburn, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Black- turn, Hampton, Ont. 16.1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Daniel King, of Bowmanvilie, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Nyhi Esther Elizabeth to Arthur William Sheehan, the youngest son of Mrs. Lillian Sheehan and the late Thomas Sheehan, Bowmanville. Marriagét to take place early in May. 16-1*t Mrs. E. Darch, Salem, wishes1 to announce the engagement of her youngest daughter Hilda Dor- een, to Mr. Harold Hibbon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hibbon, Listowel. The marriage will take place ear- ly in May. 16-1*r Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant, Or- ono, wish to announce the wed- ding of their daughter Gwendo- lyn to Leslie Allen Darch, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darch, of Bowmanville, late in April. 16-1* Lost BLACK and white terrier dog. Reward., Phone 2686. 16-1*~ Strayed Regular round and square dan- cing at Enniskilien hall, Saturday, April 20. Fletcher's orchestra. 16-1 Corne to a Progressive Euchre in St. John's Parish Hall on Thursday, April 25th at 8:15. Ev- erybody weicome, prizes and re- freshments. Admission 25c. 16-2* Corne and see "Uncie Josh Per- kins" at the town hall, Orono, on Friday, April 26th, at 8:15. Aus- pices Clarke Union Home and School- Association. Admission: Aduits 35c, children 15c. 16-2* Corne to a progressive euchre in St. John's Parish Hall, on Thursday, April 25th, at 8:15 p. m. Everybody weicome, prizes and refreshments. 15-2* CARDS 0F TH-ANKS Wes and Hazel Stringer wish to thank ail their neighbors and friends who attended the wood bee. Also those who took or sent fruit and cigarettes to Wes during his illness in the Ontario Hospi- tal. 16-1 Mr. Ralph Ames and family wish to express sincere thanks to their friends, relatives and neigh- bors for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes ex- tended during their recent ber- eavement, also to Dr. H. B. Run- die during her illness, and to Rev. J. E. Griff ith for his services. 16.1 * The family of the late Mrs. John Robinson wish to thank the many friends and relatives for their beautiful floral trîbutes and for the many words and acts of kind- ness extended to them in their sor- row. 16-1* IN MEMORIAM BULLIED-In loving memory of my parents who passed away, Frances Ann Bullied, June 6, 1920, and Richard E. Bullied, April 19, 1939. "lTime changes many things; But love and memory ever dling." 16-1 -Gertrude and Lorne BRUCE-In memory of Robert James Bruce, who died April 19, 1938. -Ever lovingiy remembered by his wife and daughters, Mae and Erma.- 16-1* CORY-In ever loving memory of William James Cory, beloved hus- band of Maude Cory, who passed to rest, at Oshawa, at the Easter tide of 1927, on April 14th. Till memory fades and life depart, You live forever in my heart. -Fondly remembered by his Wife. 16-1* COWLING-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Tho- mas Cowling, who died March 17, 1942, and sister and aunt, Mrs. T. Tabb, who pased away, April 18, 1945. -Ever remembered by Kate, Myrtie, Eileen and Vivian. 16-1* KILPATRICK-In loving miemory of our dear son, Ernest J. Kilpat- rick (Joe), who passed away Ap- rul 18, 1936. "He has solved it, life's wonder- fui problem, The deepest, the strangest, the last; a And into the school of the angels With the answer forever has passed. How strange he should sleep so profoundly So young, so unworn by the strife; While beside him, brimful of hope's nectar, Untouched, stood the goblet of if e. God knew- il-about1hose-wh RETIRED gentleman wants room and board with prîvate family. Phone 584, Bowmanville. 16-if Notice I, Joseph P. Sheehan, of 87 El. gin St., Bowmanville, wiil not be responsibie for any debts con- tracted in my name, witlfout my written order. 15-3 Owing to the nature of our bus- iness we regret that we cannot allow flshing, hunting, or other trespassing on our property. Signed, Margwill Fur Farm Darlington Township Con. 7, Lot 10 (1 mile north of Tyrone). 14-4 Piano Tuning L. B. Tapson wîll be in Bowman- ville the week of April 22nd. Please phone 2257 for appoint- ment. 15-2 Monuments The Rutter Granite Company, Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 14-tf Wanted To Buy MODEL A Ford car, in good con- dition. Phone 2557. 16-1 USED car in good condition, 1934 -36 or '37 model. Apply 59 Wel- lington St. 16-1* CAR-'32-'36, cheap for cash. Phone 2890. 16-.* OLD buildings, houses or barns, for wrecking. Good prices. Write Box 666, Statesman Office. 16-1* FEATHERS and feather beds of aIl descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, caîl or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. -14-tf I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Miss Gard- iner, in the village of Tyrone, on Saturday, April 27, a quantity of househoid furniture, also top bug- gy and cutter. Any parties wish- ing to put furniture in this sale may get in touch with Miss Gard- iner or the auctioneer. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 16-2 I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith (haîf mile north of House that Jack Built) on No. 2 highway, on Monday, April 22nd, househoid effects, property, roof- ing equipment, mason equipment, tinsmith equipment, piumbing equipment, electric equipment, carpenter tools, digging tools, and truck, and many other articles. Sale at 12:30. Terms cash. Eim- er Wiibur, auctioneer. 15-2 The undersigned has received instructions from E. Y. Jones to seli by public auction at the res- idence of the late Miss Raynes, Wellington St. (next to Public School) a large quantity of house- hold furnîture, including walnut dining room suite; chesterfleld chairs; Quebec heater; Findlay range; electric stove; 2 small heaters; beds and springs; dress- ers; wash-stands; centre tables; library table; cane-seated chairs; pull-out couch; tub stand and wringer; hall rack; encyclopedia, complete; 1 set of Dickens'; dish- es; garden tools; and numerous other articles. Sale on Saturday, April 27, at 1 p.rn. Terms cash. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 16-2 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dies! For further information write or'phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf NEWV International two-furrow tractor plows, adjustable bottoms. Taco automatic drinking bowls, drag harrows, steel wheels with 600x16 rims in stock, used wag- ons, autotrac attachments. Carl Todd, implement dealer. Phone Newtonville 15-20. 14-3* FEED a balanced, dependable ra- tion. 16 per cent Hog Grower $43.40 per ton, plus sacks. M. H. Pedweil, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3823. 15-2 Wanted to Rent COTTAGE for the 'season, east side preferred. Phone 472. 16-1 FOR July and August, sme cottage. Don Poole, phone 654. 16-1 Building M aterials SCREENED sand, gravel, fill, and loam. Also manure. H. B. Evans, cartage, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie. Phone 2255. 13-4* Livestock For Sale SPANIEL pup, maie. Jack Me- Guire, 28 Brown St. 16-1* TWO BOARS-One 51/ months, one 3 months. Phone 289-r-3, Oshawa. 15-2* COWS-A number of Jersey cows, good milkers. Phone 578-J, Oshawa. 16-1* BRAY chicks in big demand, but hatchery is equipped to fill spring orders, if received soon, May- June orders should certainly be given now. Wide choice breeds, crossbreds-some started. Avoid disappointment, contact us now. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 16-1 JERSEY cow, 3 years old, due to freshen June lst. Apply Wm. Biekle, ltR. 4, Oshawa. Phone 1615J 1-2. 16.2* YORKSHIRE4sow, to farrow by Aprîl. 26. W. R. Robbins, phone 1648W3, Oshawa. 16-1* PIGS, six weeks old. Phone PA n rcce pl Clarke 1914. 16.1* PD keanSt. icc16.1*y DISC-3-horse 7' dise (out throw) in good condition; Holstein bull, il months old, from 4 per cent R.O.P. dam, herd accredited and iisted. Fred R. Stevens, phone 2234. 16-1* PUREBRED and Commercial Yorkshire boars of serviceable age. Also registered bred gilts and pigs of ail ages. These pigs are ail from outstanding sires and dams. Phone Orono 84-r-18. H. Egerton Hancock & Sons. 16-1* 12 pigs, 6 weeks. Clifford Aluin, R.R. 1, Enniskîllen. Phone 2656. 16-1 COCKERELS, 85 New Hampshire, 6 to 8 weeks old. Reason for sell- ing sickness in the home. Apply A. F. Spencer, Maple Grove. 16.1* BABY chicks-It's not too .late to order Gainforth chicks for May or June delivery. Phone 2420 for prices and information. Barron's, Hampton. 16-3* PIGS-10 choice Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Wesley Hilis, En- niskillen. Phone 2496. 16-1 PIGS-17 young sows, ahl bred, start to farrow last of May. Seli one or ail at a price. See them nights, Saturday or Sunday. H. Hamilton, Myrtle, Ont. 16-1* BABY chicks-If you are think- ing of Gibson Barred Rock Chicks, it's time you got in touch with Don Gibson, Bowmanville. We are practically sold out until May l7th. It wiil pay you to raise al the chicks you can this year. Phone Clarke 3811, or, better still, drop in and order your supply now. Ahl stock Blood-Tested-no reactors. 12-tf STRAWBERRY plants; Premier and Improved Senator Dunlop. T. W. Buttery, 125 Scugog St. Phone 2190. 16-1* HAY-Few loads of good hay. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton. Phone 2173. 16-1 CARTIER Reg. No. 1, also Com- mercial Oats. Colin Smith, Bow- manville. Phone 56-r-6, Orono. 16-1* STRAWBERRY plants-Improved Dunlop, $1.50 per C; also a few blackberry bushes. Arthur Bell- man, 17 Centre St., phone 2588. 16-3 MOFFAT four-burner electrie stove, in excellent condition, com- plete with oven and warmîng ov- en; oak office desk, roll top, ex- cellent condition; office swivel chair flnished in black leather. Phone 868, Bowmanville. 16-1 .AJAX Oats for sale, grown from registered seed last year, $ 1.10 per bushel. Also Renfrew separator, capacity 600 lbs., aîl stainless steel parts, nearly new. Apply Taylor and Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2402. 16-1 DOOn-Standard sîze.- Appiy Miss Carnie Martyn. Phone 461. 16-1* AJAX Oats $1.00 per bushel; Reg. Yorkshire boar, 2 years old, from qualifled stock. Priced to sell. Bill Rowland, Newcastle. Phone Clarke f902. 16-1* COTTAGE furniture, including kitchen and dîning room tables and chairs. Apply Cottage 2, East Beach, Bowmanville. 16-1"' TWO-wheeled trailer, 7 ft. long, 4 ft. wide. 90 Elgin St., Bowman- ville. 15-2* CHEVROLET Coach, 1930, Serial No. 484022. Phone 2403. 16-1* BATTERY-17-plate car battery, in good condition. Phone 2865. 16-1* TRACTOR and piow, in good con- dition and cheap for cash, $350. 517 Park Rd. S., Oshawa. Phone 3903J. 16-2* ýËMASSEY-HARRIS separator, 280 King St.E., phone 848. 16-1* CHESÛI<RFIELD, 3-piece; a gas stove and Quebec heater. Apply 10 Hunt St. 16-1 HARROW, spring-tooth, in real good condition, for tractor power. William C. Parsons. Phone 2315. 16-1 SET of six-section harrows, short and long harrow trees, ail in good condition;* low wooden - wheel farm wagon, good. Howard Pearce, Newcastle, phone 4412. 16-1* PIANO, bedroom suites, tables, chairs, Turner tent, boats, cream separator and barrel churn. Per- cy Clarke, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 16-1* WOOD, body and mixed; also 2 horse collars. J. H. Siemon, En- niskillen. Phone 2573. 16-1* QUEBEC type cookstove, com- plete with 10 lengths of pipe and 3 elbows, $10. Black Cat Inn, 1 mile west of Bowmanville. 16.1* ONE pair Velour curtains, brown and wine; single velour curtain, brown and mulberry, standard door size; small oak table. Phone 387, Bowmanville. 16-1 WOOD-Mixed hardwood and slabs. Will take orders now and deliver. J. A. Carscadden, Orono. Phone 25-r-9. 16-3* C.C.M. bicycle in good condition. Joe Mantie, Vanstone's Hill. Phone 738. 16-1 CORDWOOD-For sale or re- sawed. Ail hardwood or mixed dry slabs. Wood delivered. Neil Curtis, Pontypool. Phone Orono 81-r-10. 16-2* SMALL barn, on Temperance St. Apply Frank Williams. Phone 801. 16-1 FOR MOTHS Dichioricide--------------- 53C Larvex Spray -----83c-$1.29-$1.98 Wood's Moth Blocks ----- lO1c-25c Moth Rails or Flakes --------M.lb19e Aer-a-sol Insecticide Bomb--------------------- $4.98 Garment Bags 35c-55c-79e NEW CHARM-KURL COLD WAVE Permanent for only $1.35 Nyal Creophos Stops Coughs ---Ige. bottie $1.00 AMAZINGLY quick relief from pain of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia, with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Also in tablet form. 50c and $1 at ail druggists. 14-5 SLENDOR Tabiets are effective. Two weeks' suppiy $1; 12 weeks $5, at ail druggists. 10-36 SHOVELS, draglines, diesel trac- tors, diesel engines, diesel gener- ator sets, graders, rqck crushers, sand gravel equipment, lumber- men equipment. We quotê prices deiivered your station. Send for bulletins. Leventhal & Co., Ma- chinery Dealers, Winnipeg. 15-3 HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, seaied envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 10-9 Radio Service ARN'S Radio Service-Radios re- paired, will pick up and deliver, also lawn mowers sharpened and overhauled. Arnold Damant, Hampton. Phone 2148. 16-1* RADIO Service-If your radio is not giving the trouble-free tone and volume which you expect of it, caîl F. Crowq, 102 Elgin St., or phone 2174. 16-3* SINGER portable electrie i&our own home. $5 per month. -Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 1-tfk New Dental Office Dr. E. W. Sisson who has been a ssociated with Dr. J. C. Devitt for the past 20 years is opening his own dental office on May 1. I t will be located in his-residence on 100 Liberty Street, second house north of Lover's Lane. For appointment, phone 604. 16.2* Contracting CONTRACTOR and builder, also agent for Eastern Steel Produets. Apply Jack Leddy, Bowmanville, or Dick Leddy, 74 Queen St. 16-4* 1 NOG I-O .A' OI. OHL NOITRI Both for...........------- LOW PICES For morning Pinex for coughs ----- 32e Plnkham's Comp.-------- 87c freshness.. Lactogen-----69-l5.drink OVALTINE 100 A.SA. Tablets ---19e' Corega Powder 23c-39c-69c. Palmolive Soap - 2 for lic - Lux Soap--------- 2 for lic s Alka-Seltzer - ------- 29c-57c 8 Bromo Seltzer --25c-49c-98e ...y IT T E Bayer's Aspirin 18c.29c-79c 'JVA TiJ Ii N E Anacin --------- -22c.43c-98c ..... ,5COWLIN G'S DRUG STORE Trus Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Seed Grain Treatment Ceresan Powder --- 1.00-3.50 S Formaldehyde ---- 16-oz. 25e Halo Shampoo -- 29c-49c Kleenex ----------2 for 25c gRubber Gloves --------- 39c bRubber Baby Bibs ---25c 1 Noxzema Cream -- 39c-59c Nivea, Cream ---50c-$1.00 mm. au~uaWoodbury Soap -- 3 for 23e 29e Hutax Tooth Faste 50e Hutax Tooth Brush làr, ONTARIO ... ........... THUIRSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1946 MODESS BIELTS TWO lots. Phone 670. 15tf FARM-100 acres, 40 pioughed, 20 acres hay, 8 acres hardwood bush, good pasture and running stream. Apply Martin Budicky, Hampton, Lot 16, Con. 6. 14-3* FARM-190 acres, Lot 7, Broken Front, Clarke. Clay loam, run- ning water, good buildings. Hy- dro available. Also stock and im- plements. Possession any time. Ape~ Bruce Whitney, Newcastle. 15-2* 1 q BOVIL&NV PAGE POUR ý CANADIAN STAI 1 4 ý