- mu UZUU UUUU succumbed ta the sense of infer- Bowmanville to Have New T ea e Members of Bowmanville Leg- A movement is under way to - MU mmmIssue theneonss&rYperinlssi ionl attended a district meeting re-establish a men's and 3youfg iority nd tookon adde excessTO iCeeto ndfrterl at Peterboro, Sunday. Vice- Pre- men's softball league in towfl lhs AA ÀN» E So f baggage. And the speaker sage- PaclD lveySrie on e uidn aeras ao sident A. J. Frank was in charge season. Ail interested are asked SO IA observed, "ony pope oulove e citizens ofBowmanvilleare FrPr i orswelcnatdlt i nbhl ocnatJYý oewoi cighv h power ta hurt." Forbear- ta have a new pick-up-afld-de- It has enlando eibeapae eoecuclt of thesideegtiMon, actin sinbltanteact Jof CaeLionis atn ance anid understafldiflg are the îivery system starting this week.athrytatpns rebig hnadiftddapa confined t his home through il- so soigthe p oe .A meh-avtde s t e e olet h tThes! W aitssn sdaysstated hatdnmadifl ness. ~~~~~~ing wiil be cailed shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkins, last week through Eastern Orltario st e ot o!life.adtk h iey prtd ye-evcra rn op ta mu u mu - - mu mu mu z mu a~~~tid oteua etmo i e ntstha bu nhsnew bsinr essowe and aebgh har msmn ness. ~ ~~~~~~Toronto, were guests of!lher aunt, calling on 50 publishers a! weekly Sanr sarayrcilgair-condtr e harei o-ain Mrs. H. H. Dilllng. newspapers. While in Ottawa on Readj1u1ÎIent popular acclaim. manvilejsta ashen -____________ Mr. nd rs.ChalesCoxEm-Friay heyhad the privilege of Now having shown some of the The name o! the new business cessary aeil qimn n porum, pennsylvania, aie vi'siting attending the installation o! Field factr htla aapreuli J&s aclDlvr e-atoiyfrte"oaed r Mr.adMsGsBona. Marshal Viscaunt Alexander a! tiedness in Sa many lives, Mr. vice" and they promise ta deliver availale.stshv nmn Mr ndMs GsBunal doTunis as Canada's new Governor- Jahnston turned ta cansideratian anything fromn a teacup ta a re- SeverlM i u y spentJthe n d G th hisnar General which tok place in the of means whereby the individual frigerator at a nominal charge. tionedfothprecbutade Nt i eents, Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Graham. SenteBChambrs o te a loo~~k. "Start ta give yourselves glad o! this service ta send home nothIlg~S or u tTemiigls fTeSae- Ladies' Auxiliary ta Canadian away" was the way he put it; her heavy parcels. tails vilb vial hrl n mari________Th a cnglitd The tMa es- wr peetdwihter pn aisl f iendship andi Frank Stannard was bornnd clN ¶udinC Tg ALL PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS Pte. Billy Rhines, who ecently of this district. Mrs. Mary Morley, eryane, then, and then only can majorîty o! his stay here in Bow- plansaniohrdtis reundfromn Overseas, visiteti Taronto, Past Presitient a! Ontar~io one expemience the true joy of life. manville anti surrountiing district. Thish l ewlaenw o I N BOWMANVILLE 1is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Auxiliary, was present; also Mrs. These cultivateti and attainable He joined the airforce anti was theatregigptoswohv IN B W A VLEMaynari. % ar Waller, Zone representa- concepts rest on every hearth anti posteti as an instructor for the stootiid n atn o etn Mm. anti Mrs. F. S. Harnden, tive fromn Cobouirg. Miss Ruth are in every human heart. With duration o! the war. Prior ta en- spaceinteRylhat.Te Mi'. and Mms. F. A. Black, Gra!ton, Hutchinson gave an interesting them wil come an inner radiance listing he was a mechanic at congesto !lt a eni-PrsadAcsol setSunday with Mr. and Mrs. talk on hier experiences overseas. that wiil banish every fear anti Garton's Garage. ces Whereas the contrai of building and allottiflg of C. H. Papineau. Misses Maria anti Coleen Clark wcry and vital living will me- ai W.O. II Don Camemon, Eglinton gave a clever immitation of mar- place the tievitalizing influences G. Chartran; recortiing secmetamy, queue o ogprid osea building materials in short supply is entirely a Station, R.C.A.F., Toronto, was at mieti life. There weme 75 members o! excess bagge. Mrs. A. S. Baker; corresponding autstanifgpcueziyl eti home for the weekend with hîs present inclutiifg six men of the Key Dupllcatlflgrs A Adeso; s- Th municipal matter, notice is hereby given that father anti brother Jack. Legian. Lunch was seveti. Ini sumrmation he re-emphasiz- sistant corresponding secretary, ent an& rvasmngmn a Mr. and Mrs. S. Dowson. Provi- The Executive o! the Homne andi et his points: Give fuiiy anti free- Mrs. V. H. Storey;, executive, Mrs. servetitelclpplto el no new building will be permitted ini Bowifan- dence, visited their gantidaugh- School Association met at the y of yourselves; be kinti one to . R. Stutt, Mrs. W. H. Birks. Miss provitigh bspcumshaBrzn ter, Miss Ruth Neal and otiher home of Mrs. H. Phillips on Mon- anather; and above ahl, release Helen Morris, Mrs. Charies Wight can beotiei1btanwte ville except by building permit issued by the relatives at Victoria Road. day evening ta bid her !arewell. the innate love that is a God- anti Mrs. Ross Dickenson. OPN N UNAY Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Mms. Phiilips has been an execu-. given attribute ta evemyone. The___________ar hulictinybngme Tw lrAJ.Ll.Nancy, John and Alice, Waterloo, tive member for eight years anti speaker ciosed with a bit of phil- peoplv aBwavieihol IYL ETL Town lerkA. J.Lyle.wre weekend visitors wth Mr. treasumer for thmee years. She has osphy gleaneti from a frienti, an Hospital Report ment fryugadad anti Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. been a valueti member and a ageti minister past ninety, who Cometn onheppsti KgS.Bwn Miss Giadys Houghton, with her willing workem and hem presence saiti: "Aiways carry about with (Continued fmom Page Onie) theatrwhc mutbgieth parents; Mr. anti Mrs. Houghton, will be greatly mnisseti in this yaU the two bears, bear anti fore- for the yeam was $3,746.93, matie santoo!heTw Cuncil h Toronto, visiteti with the Carter Association. Mrs. A. J. Frank bear." In the realm of human up of~ current, bequest anti buildi-___________________________ C. G. MORRIS, Family over the weekenti. matie the presentation of a plastic corpduct theme were three great ing funtis. Frientis calieti at the home Of rase bowl table centre anti ex- principies, faith, hope anti love, Isrnei oc:Bidns Mayor. Mrs.Jas. Pattinson, Fiday, April prepseti the wishes of the execu- anti the greatest o! these was Isrnei oc-Bidns Mao. 12th, ta offer congratulations ta tive in a f ew well chosen womds. love. This repart is ail too brie! $39,500. Contents, $17,300. Boiler NW her an attaining her 93rti bith- Mrs. Philips ant iher f amiiy are ta encompass ail the remarkabie plant $5,000. Public Liabîlity, 5/ ay. takng up resience south of ant inspiring worti pictures drawn 10,000, anti Palmer property, eý Mr. anti Mrs. L. B. Nichais, Courtice on the Lake Shore Roati by, the speaker in his splendid motgage, $2,000. Calabogie, spent the weekenti in and wil be glad ta see hem mnany message. Assets, inclutiing accounts me- Ai!. Nichais who is in Oshaw~a Mr. Fred Plexman, manager of plause when the president moveti ments, $26,650, total $31,476.07. E e t u Henita tinlnes.o h The Royal Theatre here for the the vote o! thanks. Mm. Johnston Renuurntfds nl- Seniai n's olng eaguoe past year ieft yesterday for added a word ta express his ap- ing room rentais, $28,347.81, plus SE ED GA INVecmltdthswe n manager o! the Hume Theatre.. love for Canada with a word for 022.25. I full report given in next week's Mr. Plexman came here for a the sheiteming Ememalti Isle that Genemal expenditures- Foodi, $6,- l i ~I thee-month terni ta f il in until stood as a European buffer in the 021.45, medical supplies $3,001.37,1 igMton VTecnica ho aend-the permanent manager amiveti north Atlantic. housekeeping supplies $825.64, ahoefrteEse oiasbut his stay was stretcheti con- Business iighting, heating, $2,224.11, taxes WT UC X R C O at hme fr thaEaser hiidas siderably. He has been replaceti Tebsns eprsicuei$258.04, maintenance $448.63, of- D arI y an i O a s Mr aJo ntsir.gindho s. Attnd-es eprs nlu R. Vigin, oncesion treet by M. Davd Bukspan forrerlya ver excficet $44.3of7te sunt$44.7 $246.7$46.7 sasa- wit hi prensMr.ani Ms.A. Tyor.oanto Bucsp iand ormyavr xeletrve fteaies anti wages $21,682.51, total (n erG aate -rowR. irint Covnceson Stbreet. o!oonAtoi, wh1e6iand atintw6 seasan's pragram o! atitresses by $35,152.82. We DistrictvGovemnaruGabourey, sons, HuthurQu16, anti Marting6, Mms. A. S. Baker, ecortiing sec- W. til hae sme unataLionsW K C.,lubl,ZQue.A, aa reprntn accompanieti himn. They are now retamy; a summamy by the cor- Expenditures me haspital by- Smoot-awne Barey letLinsClub, one Ai4tr was ae- residing in the apartmnent over the responding secmetary, Mms. Ken- law $242. Thi Brly smooth-aWIiOGd Be N. ,ermiaton CentrgesCateo!,irictonemn-2. theatre. Mm. Plexman expresseti neth Wemry, who gave much cre- consupi uigya Thî Baleyis ovenmnt radd N. 1 Grmiatin M Wate Ber, wenSoutihis deep regret in leaving what dit ta the presitient for hem asss$10,145.11. Total cash receiveti Mr atrBeOe onhe termeti "a very fine, friendly tance anti the tmeasur's m r 24896.Exrscageia n Test 100%, and judging from what growers tell us who atnit the 93md bimthday pamtytow" ntihoesrhaethortens$y2MsS.5.9har67n.sowig ithoter rinti gt f hk as .$i3i- have gon hs acitfoiheental ersi i op ivninhtarofMs.Jgent-eralan opsthtth rinoperati.Gonatrn soin cdntltog$4,-oeato $, as f r as B ar ey g es.tinson on F riday a ter noon. H e B urlingtm nd e i a iso t ak hi s A R iagnceto do f$the 7chai r o e 904.42. gro n t is ari ty or he pas tw ye rs t i to s ie in onaur o M r rs. Ja s P t- e h s ti e will s i ak t hm n AR ia n o h hanir !f$6 .77. Ml- Bonds helt in respect o ! the be- asfra aiyge.while in town. oppartunity oa thaning the ection o! offîcers, the siate o! quest funti inclutie one, Province for theiL.J. Gfinenco- which was presenteti by Mms. W oiino aaaa e et A lso O.A .C. N o. 21 6-row ed G ov't. G raded -N o. 1 , G erm in- M .1nt M s. L. J. Go dm n peatian oan tias ita n R StWkeofo hem com m ttee.plus a/6½ per cent m ma geV A L B L 6W A ation 100%. This va iety is stili the peer of six-rowed Mm. ntiMrs. Clarence Goodman p le a antdraitive .meni. s trk o ircm ite o iino a a aa e e t varieties and is the only six-rowed Barley that the ant Judy spent Suntay in To helti ast ltvom e u m n ti Ms. Officers pls2, 6/0pr0en0.rgae M alting montaiantiuyattendetingtherchristen- Leslie Keith (nee Marion Van The following officers for 1946- Bonds helti in respect o! the Malin Ca wli uyfo Matig Briy.ing o! eter Wayne, son o! Mr. Nest) anti Miss Florence VanNest, 47 weme the unanimous choice a! building funti include 15 Domin- Both these varieties are put Up in new 2-bus. sacks anti Mrs. Earl Goodiman. on Saturday evening. Dinner was the meeting: ion o! Canada 3 per cent. Total P taged nd eald.Mr. anti Mms. E. S. Naylor have serveti at 7 o'clock ta about 16 Presitient, Mrs. F. S. Phillips; amounts o! the two funtis are taggedand seled. etumned fromn a motor trip ta guests fmom. Bowmanvîlle, Eltiat past presitient, Mrs. L. C. Langs; shown above. A futher break- 3 igS.E Noranda, Que., where they spent anti Toronto with other Toronto lst vice-presitienw ek ihterduherltvsjiigtepryltr u ;t, Mms. H. Fer- down o! the statemnent is founti Ajxand Cartier Seed. Oats tOweswt hi iuherltvsjiin h at ae.gsn n iepeîinMms. incanvenient due ta lack o! Ajax ~~~~Miss Lilianna Naylar who return- hsefamtisaeawo ten-T.W Cw e resme, Ms .sae Te t 9 % etiwith the m for a short visit at' Ti i cue m tisDm. at M s. o g ed .W a k r r a u e ,M s . s a Both Gov .emument Gaded No. 1, Germination Ts 6 home. emmy, EludDand Mrs. Noran Miss Edith Jones, St. John's, Wergh, EMms N. MS. .oJ m an Ms Se ConN.B., anti Miss VPamela Daîl, Ta-GeWrhMs S . James, Mm.atiM s.mMRYL See Con onta, bath students o! Havergal Geo . James, M . an Ms. onM. We can quote especialiy good prices on ail varjeties of College, Toonto, are spending James, Bowmanville, anti thaseL ATRGFS bot Hyridand Open Poiinated Corn again this year. part o! their holitiays with their fram Toronto who weme present great aunts, the Misses Allen., were Miss Iene Bray, Miss Olive ES Beech Avenue. ueMrJonRnlr.Fd By the action o! the O ttaw a a N s , D . nd M . M . A Govrnmntthecouse f sat-James, Mr. anti Mms. Gea. Bray, GovemmentGthecoure o! st-.VanesD. Bati Mms . DM. A.R5ESE A . W . G I..E N N E Y ~ ~~~~~~~t run aiong, smooth anti egular, othy M. James, Mm. anti Mms. WardEseEgsadholteoeteswlbeamtipssbeoby as o! olti. The immediate esult Hoffman, Mr. anti Mms. Gilbemd is tat oatiFmiay, hiswee, Gibson, Mm. anti Mms. John Bradi-L WETaantsyerdet htieofuarbtouID .Sreasmn PHO E: LARE 3-1 NE CASLB anti Eastem Montiay are bank holi- fard. LO E Taan thyaret ake excelentfEar brsts Vitorsoean days. g______________excllnt____r re Seaman Ab. Graham (C) s, 5son PRICES select yourS from the many gi!ts on display. ~<c o't Second Street, member o! the ________ Clu in New omk lat Tuesiay, a- evemyhereoaoutlthmDchitçmen astrdîe1C3 n eS $12 17 22 ada' newaîrcaft arrir, dcke (Cotinuti fam Pge Oe) iz~i'ij,4 AsEastr Tos &-arta.-. 4O-- 5- --6cd2 la thali e Fu rte partc ls will c nge, meato! whih came fm m inlSg h CARNATrs $1ItO$N5 l H ND tha t ahe publ ceaysharetin tedta dy eisenc fe, eothie a!thtodr ------$.0 C oErvAnc ue. giutua hs spir f it" that a tieit bO I H Q ALT E D epgiventaivin h pm ess in rem uscarmig ancie t k' ath aits 0e TUB VetmansTam Cart igtoanngth e carming o! ecaes bag a. ITSON I lad a nunprecedn ated. eqoeii otattepcueBceo' "~7 lc ht No 1an N .Revlie N . W itlDteSonined"rstxfllw7" Coyloured-ovr-uren ad e wind'w & haecegivnFl haa uti httdfengM. the ix earwat efort stli on- r,an t6 p ati cary ine fCAN T NCLG E 'ti yn o th jo thelp a out te fther burtienseti with rfe tings~n goveN. ioh; o urt e1MnmeantwtrsJ.Eguamlar clle- tpack. Te;ad atenetilreve '3 2AttraWtlvelY 5o ete tons a l dereati t isya nti sit , unaffteti h; nelpfu ns o-L P!k------ 5 YriOUR DEPAlfaisfa and e Ad QUAW M xtreRs; avser aya St. JohnhomCeuchi cn sptc talwas dvthi i elso dr----10 u Rsalail cAh .,pro t o, ar e tu one t hulyevten a! thexethc ! th Pe m n n at r r s e ,ec hE A.u mms erers, grctumo al th i st ae so! am d, that duts IE Y RDE'ash e eS FOR HGH QULITY EEDS ere ei e in is5eekye- stnreapirne ta ash of acieti- Certified Seed Potatoes ago. rt.ates: uite asnubrn o! burt if en.e hagdot egySg lyn o i am ltnhave tcomeeieing o Fo n er ad W orry oise 0 et$.5P No. Alfifa No. alt on No. 2 edd 110; oentin theer on the lowdrtoeTracig ases th atnlatiJ4m- GrddBe n uyresince TheyD hutenf ssboy o! 10. hileo f h i moeh- -- wbth avghersgiven Fa WHam- aesUd ina ge7Usolo"ILov No. an No.2 AsikeNo.1 Wite utc Coninuti rsthsolofbor siet hantieapfeeling, Mm Clover; No. 1 CLad IoNCE RN 1Sweet sero ansetwbak.Thre is pacg- OJahtan sait tentin !fer B B iW e avnol$13 22 ticaily no farm help availablerwoy, an xiety, artuarl nL± h.in ol 12 Clv r;Man tiwhMrs. J. E. hary~ether iomestichere wtersenstigsoe hOlv s Rose57lomavne nt awng Ave.,Torofatohe n ia lone t ac i leetieriadtveFeShieslng Lotion 85e $1 45RDCAN Certlfied Seed Potatoos Boanvihely e antirsAsoHamb ly ooingt mentt.Hetoi ! Pshe50 e 12 iHiton, ath co0ming mta o- tri ho erit mprtetby an apmm-e on for ýasepo! C. G. Wed- g had ) date ut that Lr, the nsider- les ates linent oters FOR >NLY ýanviIIe ione 513 E SAYS. our verY hode of der. AÀDES 049 >CaLS oquet /IW JR