THE"CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO . i It's SO convenient for you to pick up the milk on your doorstep or milk box. But to get it there catis for almost miraculous cooperation and speed, from many people, in rnany digèerent jobs. Back of your friendly milkman, there's the farmer and bis helpers . .. the highway hauer ... the skilled workers in th airy.. the laboratory technicians with theitesfo purityad quaity ... the designers and manufacturers of today's sanitary dairy equipment ... the dairy executive who -keeps things rolling". If you could look from your doorstep right back to the farm and see ail these people at work, you'd begin to see the miraculous side of your milk service-so dependable, and so conveflient. Glen Rae Daizy Phono 444 hwmua le modifications o! these restrictions. Some countries have already tak- en measures to turn over the im- portation o! certain commodities to private firms. In connection with the interna- tional means o! payment, the most notable development has been the establishment of multi - lateral clearing arrangements by Great Britain. Under a recent agree- ment which was concluded be- tween the Bank o! England and the Government o! Brazil, pounds sterling accruing to Brazilian ex- porters can be utilized freely for commercial and financial purpos- es, not merely within the sterling area, but also in countries witl whom Great Britain now has cur- rency and exehange agreements, Similarly, Brazilian cumrency which is obtained by any onE o! these countries can be freelý used for purchases within thE countries with whofti Great Brit ain has made currency agree- ments. These multi-lateral agreemeni will tend to facilitate the trade o: the countries affected. Paymer will be effected through debitini and crediting the account o! ti individual countries in London Most of these countries have se curities outstanding in England These will serve to prevent ai accumulation o! sterling balanceE since such balances can be util ized feely by these countries fo the purpose o! repatriating thei own securities outstanding in th London market. The prospecti that similar agreements will b made- between other countrie thus ovecoming to some exter, the difficulties created by preva:l ing foreign exchange restrictions. Political instability and th danger that a government nia PAGE TWELVE LESS FAIM POULTRY 275,000. Geese in 1945 numbered Clarke Twp. Council jurd5 97;iBunsaHoy, als-ee 558,000, adciefo h 3, killed $18; J. Allin, rp svl Âccording to the survey of Dec. 500 in 1944. Ducks in 1945 total- TksN cino e 1;A al odwo,$0 1, 1945, just issued, the estimate led 616,600. A year ago they num- Daylight Saving Time W. E. Davey, 2 trips Oshawa, $10; for al POultry on Canadian farms bered 778,400.____ Mrs. J. J. Comnish, supplies $1.66; -tta aettald5,4,0 The Clarke Township Council Qrono Weekly Times, auditors' re- biat that aedtotl 665,4047,800 Moe New Books met May 7 with all members pre- port, etc., $'72.50; J. J. Mellor, birds on Decemnber 1, 1944, a de- tPDee -. sent. salary, etc., $95.10; A!ter care, birds, asAomparedicth 66,604 $10; Mrs. H. Morris, balance o! crease of 13.7 per cent. Hens and LUayCekwsisrce oivsi cheque, $2.25 ; Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, chickens declined 13.2 per cent. Now That April's There, by gate a relief case which had been R. v.s F., $32; Debenture acct., In 945thee wre 3,77,70 hns ais Nem~*TheHig B reported to him by Department of street widening, Orono, $430.69; Ind14 chens co red71770lie61,- are, y Nwman; and Hig all; -n Welfare. R . .Wood, care of hall, etc., 918,300 on Dc 9.Dc reases Man's1, area, by E. B. WndHile; Win- eAssessor reported on conditions $47.05; Clarke reception grant, 918e3a0o register4. ed er asMet yEt . heBn- e- somne lots in Leskard and he $300; Road Voucher No. 5, $2,508.- wer aso egsteedinturkeys,te Meeting, by te Vance;Be and the clerk were to investigate 12. geese and ducks. The number of fore the Sun Goes Down, by Eliz- as soon as possible and place on Cuélajundt etJn uresin 1945 was 2,555,500 *abeth Howard; Case of the Hal!- the assessment roll.4,a9 . ndothsmeae while a year ago they totalled 3,- Wakened Wife, E. S. Gardner. E . Marsden addressed council Couat ofa.m. andon the sameedat _________________________________________________ 1 rgarding dangerous condition of~ to Rvso il eta several bridges. Council wilofn-C:30p.m. struct Road Superintendent as to manner of dealing with these Restoring World Trade Pleas NoteMr. Riddell aadressed counicil Us Main Problem NOW __________________reporting on financial condition of Confronting Countries Reception Committee and asked for a grant of $300 to meet the One of the greatest problems remaining bills. which is confronting the world is FOR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING Caec J lirepresentingtersoaioo!henenti- Agriculture, asked counicil to pass ai movement of commodities. Service on and after December lst, 1945 a by-law authorizing treasurer to There are many obstacles to be add to the tax roll one haîf a mili overcomne before the trade o! the as a Fedemation rate on farm pro- world can assume more norma) DialOpeatorandAsk or 30Wperty with the provision that any proportions. The most serious Dia Opratr ad Ak fr 1000farmer could be freed from this difficulty at present is the short- This will connect you direct with ou.r office, with no tax by in!orming the clerk in age of commodities which exists writing that such is his wish. in ail countries. charge to you. W aladdlvrj omnil Mr. Carlton, School Inspector, With the exception of the Wes- We cll nd dlivr i Bowanvlleasked the counicil to consider a tern Hemisphere, the economies Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To insure a pick-up by-law putting the whole town- o! Most countries are badly diis- on these days please phoneth aprvos ship, Orono not included, in a rupted, and they are confronted thedayprvios.township school area. This mat- with the task of rebuilding thefi ter was laid on table. productive capacity. While this 1_____________ Clerk was instructed to draw process is going on, efforts are up a letter o! occupation of the being made to produce commod- unused road allowance between ities available for export in order lots il and 12, B.F. south part in to obtain foreign exchange. In Osha a La ndry Drythe names o! Alfred Brown and some countries, a large percen- O sha a La ndry Dry Cohning m to fnishtage of production is necessary It wa nie ofnshtera o htpurpose. inspection on May llth. The countries in the Western ownership o! the Captain Milligan ted with shortages o! ahl kinds cl monument in Newtonville it was commodities, and are unable tc decided to erect the monument meet even their domnestie de. on the lot purchased by the Com- mnands. Consequently, the sup. Bef re Y u Gomittee and the money in the plies for export are limited anc Be o e . o ohands of the committee to be us- inraycss have to be alc Inn< n V .. niurnr Following -resolutions were pass- productive capacity o! the wor]c Lo k in YIourM ir ed: has increased, the restorationo That this council at the request sound international trade will bg *0~of Durham County Federation of seriously obstructed. There you can see yourself as Agriculture agrees to pass a by- The s~econd difficulty to be ov law to raise the Federation O! ercome is transportation, notabl others will see you 1 Agriculture levy to one hal! a inîand transportation on the con Mill with the understanding that tinent of Europe, as well as in th, the matter shahl be thoroughly Far East. During the war, th Is you.r suit spotted and wrinkled? published as to the escape clause railroads and canais of mnar providing the means for farmers countries suffered mnaterialiý Is you.r dress soiled and mussed? to withdraw by writing to the Bridges were destroyed, and man clerk that such is his wish. miles o! railway tracks disappear Continuing C. F. Awde as Col- ed. Considerable progress is bE If they are, it's our job to give them lector o! unpaid taxes to June 4th, ing made, however, in reconstruc the cleaning and pressing they need 1946.. ting transportation facilities, a Granting to Clarke Township it May be expected that, by th and it wifl give you bigh class Reception Committee o! $300.. end o! 1946, the transportation sil appeaance.Expressing council's apprecia- uation in Europe wilh have w.l apparace.tion for the work done by thel nessed considerable improvemen people o! Clarke Township and In the Far East, a much longE Phoe 20for Pick-up the committee in connection with timne will be needed befome ù Phoe 20the eception celebration. system o! transportation cant -Extending assessom's time up to restored to pe-war levels. and Deimvery Service and including May lsth, 1946. The third difficulty is reprg A resolution me Daylight Sav- sented by governmeflt contro ing in the township was not pass- which deal with import licensE ed. ~as well as !oreign exehange r U cw m a n v iI le edFollowing bills were odered trictions. The !omeign trade paid: many countries is entimely in tl C lea ers n d U eirsE. L. MacNachton, hospitaliza- hands o! governmental agenCiE tion $59.76; W. W. Lord, relief and prîvate exporting or impor Phone 520 King St., W. chamgeback. $41.21; Maple Leaf ing is practicalhy non-exister Stationers, office supplies,. $12.80; Furthemmore, no extensive p ____________________________________________ Carl Pay ne, 7 sheep killed, 4 in- gress has been made in removi nom the foreign exchange restrictio: xmpo+ed.ciuring tne r t 't e t e 1 i E ;s [n 1- n- oy e- îy r- e- -id of it- it- ,he bhe ~ls as- the as,- rt- nt. ýr- f the, THRSDAY, MAY lOth, 1946 ph: of Co: thi in tii ti( tri di V( ai te e: ti li VVTHLTIS A LOAD OFF MY MINDI!" Mrs. Mason's husband gets his pay in cash. Since he's working ail day, his wife banks it for him, and she says she's always Iifterv 'tii she gets it safely there. And her brother, who runs a store, says he worries too about the money from the cash register! Safeguarding your money is on. of the prime services ren- dered by your bank. What ci relief it is when you have deposited your money in the bank! No more worry lest it should be lost or stolen! You need only keep a little ready cash in your pocket or in the bouse. Bis can be paid by cheque and your cancelled cheque is your receipt. When the toiler hands you your pass book, you glance a the balance and know to a cent how much money ycqu have. You are so accustomed to your bank's accuracy that you seldom bother to check the figures. T hovery fact ûiat you-and some 5,000,000 others-take al these conveniences as a matter of course is a daily demonstration of your confidence in the dependability and efficiency of your batik. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Luke, of Hampton, with the Anson Phair famihy.-Miss Myrtla Saltar, Pick- aring, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baldwin.-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shipman and Martha with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jewel, Tyrone.-Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oke, Mrs. H. F. Os- borne and Harold with Jesse and Mrs. Arnott, Maxwell's.-Mm. and Mrs. Norman Clemens and Mari- lyn, Toronto, with her parents, Gordon and Mrs. Trevail.-Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis, Mr. and Mms. Glen Pickehl and Master Ray Pickehh, with Mrs. Powers and Mm. and Mrs. Foster at Milton.- Mrs. K. E. Courtice accompanied Marshall Pickell home to Detroit, and enjoyed a visit with her bro- thers, Messrs. Gordon and Jack Pickelh, Marshall having spent the Eastar week here.-Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, Toronto, with her parents, Ross and Mrs. Pearce.- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston and childran with Clarence and Mrs. Turner, Bown's. IMission Circle met at the home ;o! Jean Gay with ah attendanca ,o! 21. Pmesident Mrs. Clyde Saun- .ders opened the meeting. Devo- 1tional topie on "Prayar" was ah- ly given by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. 1Reading on Christian Stewardship »was given by Mrs. Saunders; pi- . ano duet by Mrs. Wilfrid Brown .and Mrs. Harry Gay; reading, "Valma Gay. Study Book taken sby Mrs. Clarence Hoskin..- Re- freshments were served and a so- lcial time enjoyed. ;. Ladies' Berean Chass held an .executive meeting at the home o! -the president, Mrs. K. E. Courtice swith a good attendance. Plans were talkad over for the coming -year. Dainty rafreshments were ýserved by Mrs. Courtice and a so- ecial time enjoyed. ýI Many from here availed them- t salves o! the opportunity to have -the chest X-ray examination at - Bowmanville. d Home and School Club met on ýs May 7 with a good attendanca. '- Opened with "O Canada" with ,r Mrs. Fulton at the piano. The me- ;- tiring president, Mrs. Hinds, ex- g pessed hem appreciation for as- h sistance during hem term o! office. '-Mrs. Forester and Mrs. Fisher, s- Oshawa, o! the Oshawa Council, ýY installed the new officers, presi- Le dent, Mms. Hockin then taking [Y ovem. Corn'nissioner Riggs o! the ke Boy Scouts, accompanied by Mm. MOVUNG WEST M. Rawlinmon Limitso regalarly moake Dfup and mblp Hoasehold Furniture. Cou- it Ioldated Pool Cars ta Manitoba, snkatcb. igewan, Aberta, British Columubia and ta gCalfornia. Write.%%ire or phone for redaced e freight rates Established 1885. n. 610 Yonge St., Toronto. Kingadale 5125 e-MOVINI., vACKING, JIIPiNO ami ITORi 8Bak I .. . . . .. DEPRESSION Shorter Hours More Puy More Produi IIOW/ = More Jobs = More Buying Power iction = Lower Prices C%4 CANADIAN CONGRESS 0F LABOUR NATIONAL WAGE CAMPAIGN iQde/l oa GOE~iWif OUU . mmmmm«@mmý 9 This A dve rtis eme nt hase of economic activity, are ther handicaps to the restoration finternational trade which is onducted through private chan- els. In this respect, however, àere will be greater clarification a the near future. In thèse countries where par- is which favor government own- rship of the means of produc- ion are victorious, international rade is almost certain to be con- Lcted primarily by governmental tencies. Where the elections f a- ror those advocating mainten- nce of the systerà of private en- ;rprise, the controls of. the gov- ýrnment 0v er international trade nui diminish rapidly, and will ead to a restoration of interna- Lonal trade carried out through ýhannels which have been estab- ished for decades. Under any circumstances, the restoration of more normal econ- *mic conditions throughout the world is a prerequisite to the re- establishment o! international rade on a large scale. Great though the need o! many coun- ries may be for certain types of raw materials, foodstuffs, machin- ery and equipment, it is evident that these needs cannot be met in ;he immediate future. Considerable time will elapse before the economies o! some countries have been !ully convert- ed, and aie again producing large quantities of civilian goods. A rnuch longer time will be recjuir- ed before the economies o! Eur- ope, and the Far East, have been restored to a point where they will be in a position to export commodities which they ordinar- ily produce. - Alexander Hamil- ton Instittite. timely remarks on Scout work. ...... Donations were asked for "Save the Children Fund." A surprise Party was held at the home ot Anson and Mrs. Phair B e p ieD w i April 30 when relatives and B e p ie D w i !riends joined in helping Mr. and - Mrs. Will Found, Mrs. Phair's 1 X cups flour M cup mllk, or balf Powder xcap lced onlan brother,> celebrate their silver ~tP.Mgl alg ml n a ae wedding anniversamy. Miss Dor- 1IS1htopt ~ . sait 1 cal, condensed othy Phair pesented the bride cli attaiflta soup with a corsage of carnations and X top. wite pepper 34 lb. ground rsw beef Mrs. Phair made the presentation 5 the. hortenlng of a lovely table lamp on behaîf o! te gest. Te bideandSU t together our, balng powde, 34 tea- ofte us r.Tepondetan-d spoon at, celery alt and pepper; add 3 groom very ably rsone, hn tablespoonshrtenifll and mix In thoroughly king all for the lovely gift. The .. .... .wlth f ork. Add mlilk and &tir until blended. table, which was decorated with **.Meit remaining two tablespoons ahortenlng In 9"1 frylng pan, and cook antans un til soit. pink. and white streamers, silver Add trnato soup, remalning % teaspoon candle sticks and sweet peas, was salt and gi-ound nicat; bring ta boil. Spread centmed with the wedding cake 9' , baklng powder mixture on top afi nett mix- which w& cut by the bride and I ture and balte in hot aven at 4750 F. for about groa4Y served ahong with a 20 minutes. Tain out upside down on large dainty lunch by Mrs. Phnair and pae evs8 assistants. Their many friends MADE IN CANADA here extend to Acy and Will, con- gratulations and hopes for many more such celebrations. is Spo nsore d b y you r Masey-arrs C, Lmîtd a a Brntfr&avirualy cmplteduction layout. One of!R many Masey-aris o. Liitd, t t Bantor% vrtall cmplteultra-modernfeatures is a bst. a cost of $1360,000 and with its mechanized plant by underground, ventilation network which chaje characteristic energy has recently overhead and floor conveyor sys- foundry atmosphere from nir erected and has now in operation tems. It is a semi-contiluous pro- to day. Racent visitors: ,sey-Harris Erects Modern Poundry at Brantford Courtice