PAGE FIVE - : TAT.X OMMîV'M5W! "l%¶1UIA,&VTTT T.P.C rTARM< THTRnAY.MAY lRth. 1946 THEJJ AN A.UI&LN bru LoFuL1N, DBJWMN. V JLiJ, VIN.Jlu I l * WHOLE OR BY THE PIECEM Glidden's well-known high M ~AI~ mA~.~ m Mgrade product M MM $1.35 quart M IoDIfl~DhI!'FFLORIDA MARSH 5 for 29g M____ M ~ SEEDLESS 96s&~ BOWM4 OU CS FORIDA VALENCIA, doz. 590 l * 1D CLOq" i GRANGESE xra Large 150'&LDCLOY M ~~~ CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 300'& doz. d A very satisfactory, medium KEK UDD MZ N 430~fI~i~ priced paint made by P R E M ~~LOUISANA GREEN FRESH, lb10 ImeraVrnsGoJ.SPaelDi SEMJI Round Stringless 95e quart The JS aclDl i TGNTGESIMPORTED, HAND Pk____ MOATE SELECTED QUALITV 25 We will deliver an M potatoes or pick-up a phoi CUBA RE SPNISH301 o& 29 CoId Water Paints store to your home for c CUBN RD SANSH 0's3 or S0 UWLL-CSI articles prices available on or 3owf UthNU-bWALfor-resering Nowat hor butforPrserin and MEZZO-TONE We are ready to serve 'i * Amateurs can use with most appreclate a M * satisfactory resuits. M~~~ CAL., Large Original BunchesF.Sanr TEXASb.< and have bur truck pick 011N YELLOW lb' M 70 * EbIIor place ai MNATIVE GROWN, Special No. 1 eDlvrfr AR ~FLORIDA PASCAL PHONE 556 SEEDS anc * CEI.ERY HEARTS bch.19 i CEM lie- The Nfewcastle Independent d(i Phone: Clarke 3314 An TI A..U U UU U UU= U U~ Um Rev. John Bonathan, rector of chased from the estate of the late tù *St. Mark's Chuch, Longueuil, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. ai :Que., visited his mother, Mrs. S. Mrs- Douglas Irwin, A.T.C.M. Pl * Bnatan.scored an outstanding success w * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephen- when she appeared as assisting ar- dg 0 son are occupying the Hudson tist with the Brantford Collegiate Pg : towe cottage at the lake and Mr. Glee Club at their annual concert 01 * and Mrs. Richard Anderson and on Friday evening, May 2nd. S *baby son are spending the sum- Lieutenant Governor of Ontar- ni *mer months at the Patterson cot- io has appointed Mr. Philip Wil- SI MMtage at Nlewcastle-on-the-Lake. liamns, bailiff for the 2nd Division 01 a Cpl. Charles Thackray, Toronto Court of Northumberland and fi Mwas guest of his father, Mr. Ed& Durham. Miss Irene Rinch who c. M*mund Thackray and Mrs. Thack- was also appointed clerk of the tc ray. 2nd Division Court, has now re- W Residents of Newcastle learned ceived the further appointment ai withsiorowof he uddn dathas Commissioner for taking affi- a :on May 9th, at lis home in Port davits. a Perry of Rev. E. B. Cooke, a for- NeaseInrmdteaebla ATATC M mr vry stemedandbelve team are playing their first game w *W~'U FIRST GRADE * lb. Amer*pastr of ewcmdat le nied in the Lakeshore League at Bow- tc M*"E 429 AK111 Church. manville on Friday, May 24th at t. * .Un.W9m OUR OWN s lb. M.adMs .S rto n 10:30 a.m., when they play Bow- ei 49éA.L L M r.adMs .S rto n manville. Plan to attend this game t( FINE ANADAN l Neil spent Sunday with Dr. and and show the members of the M BLD CHMEESE FIE-NDA b 29e a Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. McKen- Newcastle Club that they have 0: M* o lb. a zie, Toronto. your support and interest and ri * PERFECTON COCOA% 319 Harold, Frank and Ted Hoar that you are behind them to wifl. m muww.~,a nuuueuum * Ti"nisM were home to spend Mother's Day Mrs. Horace Ward who is visit- e, SWIaaaS CLANaIMam2 259 with their mother, Mrs. Ed. Hoar. ing her parents in Kingston pend- a' flWIlw N uin AYLMER 2 Tins 17 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown and ing moving into the lateSct - ai *three children were Sunday guests Montgomery home which theyC Mof Mr. and Mrs.'Matthew Brown. have purchased, spent a few days t( Miss Mildred Ballagh, Toronto, in the village with Mr. Ward at I: OC.JA &*.S U E pn h weedwt e u the Queen's Hotel. 0 : MsetRheweend wt eran, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay c C.& B. S C E P R O D IC SMW& Cr . W l e D L n have returned to their Newcastle il THICK 25e CM N59an rnduheMisCole home after spending the winter ti M:C A i r ndMs atrDLn * Btl.DlI B. Friediander, spent Sunday in Tor- months at their Florida home. * W 8I. 7<23 Monto. Mrs. N. Duncan and her son,a * BtI.E Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, Cat0rkn ucn oot, 0 aMINaB 17 BtI. M visiting her mother, Mrs. George set Sunday at their cottage at a ICA W Riekard who also had as Sunday Nwateo-h-ae * -~ guests Mrs. E. Joli, Mrs. H. R. o C.G.I.T. met in the board room _________________ MPearce and Miss Minnie Pearce. o Newcastle United Church with MMr. George Dawber, Toronto, president Christine Alldread in ANN PAGE a spent the weekend with Mrs. the chair. The meeting opened MDawber and her parents, Mr. and with singing. Marjorie Tomsa *ui Mrs. Robert Duck. played a piano solo and also hadI ]IC B IAU Miss Minnie Pearce, 'Toronto, charge of the worship period. Af- r ' ter recreation the meeting closed1 *OVEN FRESH DAILV Mr. Joseph Hochen, Brockville, at with "Taps."t 24-OZ a~~ Mrs. H. R. Pearce's.UntdCuc nayShos * 4OZ ~ M Mr. George Bonathan, Bank of Uied Chrcia hersunDay shoo% M* £ L~~~OAVES19 11 Commerce, Toronto, was home on hl pca ohrsDysr ME B a week's vacation, vice at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Mr. A.c MMr. and Mrs. Emmerson Fisher E. Mellow conducted the service.1 a and family, Mrs. Gordon Garrod Claire Allun read the Scripture,1 *~~~ .1K T I I .e Pkg. and son Gordon visited Mr. and Norma Allin and Helen Turney Tin 2311< elr MutinGo took up the offering. Pauline De1 * ee* in2 Mrs. A.ellar, Mount aain rve n Line read the story. Mrs. Mar-i 4-oz Pkg 24her home atter spending the xfi- garet Hockin was at the piano 1 * WAIWIT PI!PC * o 4-ozerPg. 91h with her daughterý and Glenn Allin with the violin M LJ * W)U AYMRTnMrs. Wright, Toronto. asse ihtemsc EL I CO DKM VME m 129 Sunday, May 19th, will be the Mr. Adair Hancock, Trno *FAMILY 20,. TnM United Church Y.P.U. anniversary spent Mother's Day with his par-1 M* NO ASES* 2.o. un139< services, when Mr. Edwin Han- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock. * . . Large Pkg. a cock will be guest speaker at il O* 22eDVI £: a.m. Rev. J. E. Griffiths, Bow- ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH * o 1W~ Ul o . 4Cakes 60 manville, wîll be the speaker at A congregation that filled St. C*M SII'UIP 3IU4 1I B 7 p.m. There will be special mu- George's Church attended the ** Cakes sic by the choir. special service of Thanksgiving WOODBURjlY'S SOUAP 215 Mrs. Mary Ash and Helen, Of on Sunday morning, May l2th, to WAI] PAPER URM 12ft - Pkg.Rug Hilîs, spent the weekend a mark the fact that ail men who SCGT TGWE S -219 a home:.dtei T had served in the war, and whose May 4thunder auspices of Trail turned o Canada. The service.,j Rangers. also on moatthehur Honor CHUCE r FISH DAILYa Mr. and Mrs. Leighton, Oshawa, niversary of V-E Day. There are ______________________________________ : Mrs. William Leighton. Her many Roil and a great many of these CHC E rMEDIUM a friends regret to learn of Mrs. men were present at the service; M MWilliam Leighton's serious illness. also in attendance were a number ~~II~ii Slced~ * Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rowe have of veterans of the 1914-1918 war. *.A LIBU. I!edwb. M moved Up from the lake and are The opening hymn, "Onward MMi MRS b now occupying their new home Christian Soldiers" was one well memSEl HERIRIN RS b 129 on Manvers St., which they pur- known to all, particularly theme E lb 8 of the forces. SÀLK I F5VUE...COHOE * l.___ _______ The rector, Rev. Douglas Dewd- *51 U yy"~p~ PINK lb. ney, in extending a welcoxie to *iLql *I8A'U I L IaU'M89 à the returned men of St. George's M *Uflh~fl~wvV W . * e lb. uj MU I I parish told themn that ail men ser- S*~ IK ILUD [IIILATS '33 E PA ving in the forces had been re- * Plf~fl~"~- * - * lb.fl membered in our prayers at ev- CO ]VUILLETS '294 ery service during the war. C*C V lbf~~- * Rev. Douglas Dewdney based - 33e~ his sermon on a text from Acts 2, MM IPPRSo W0 lb. d) 37: "Men and Brethren what shall M A5 M - 't- .---7- [erchants Phone 24.20 Such soFt and sltmning h< and smart and becoming . .. e 1t's hair with a ZOTOS Colc AINVI LLE right permanent for you. DE I E YMace an ponmntda DELI'EIIYZOTOS IMPERIAL CRI very is at your service ZOTOS REG iorder of groceries, a sack of Bath.. by the Mnal« ne order from your grocery only loc. For other larger z you at ail times, and wll caîl fromn you. Phone 4L Phone ~ Ianicuring up your order at any store Eye-brow Arching tnd deliver ILt Facials %LLIN'S, DOMNION STORES, Tratments R1'S HARDWARE, STEWART'S Sealn id ROY NEADS RADIO. Treant BUY ATI Dowmanvllle Auto Parts JL 1 iviLri JL lut'il, 1 ve do?" He remarked in part: DARLINGTON COUNCIL ffe have come to the hour of glor- ous victory as a resuit of great An explanation and correction lecisions-the decision of men and of Darlington Council notes of iomen to serve-of leaders-of May 4th, 1946, follows: nen in conflict with the enemy. The haif miii to be levied on ail Mil have so much to be thankful farms of five acres or more is for or, the men of the active army the purpose of assisting the Feder- iat they came through the war ation of Agriculture. The pay- ind. that ail they gave, time, de- ment of this tax is optional. )rivation, ioneliness enid suffering The motion ta caiacel the order ras not in vain. "What shall we for caterpillar tractor and angle- Io?" In the iight of what hap- dozer was defeated, and the fol- ?ened-our glorious victory over lowing motion which was passed, )ur enemies -we should neyer should have been included in the top being thankful and should notes to the eifect, That this coun- ot be afraid ta show the thankful cil do not accept the tractor and ;pirit. Our church is giving us an angie-dozer until they know the )pportunity to show our thank- cost of the sanie. .iiness for victory in the Angli- ýan Advance Appeal. It is a caîl Claim of $34,500 tadvance for God. No matter Reduced te $6,500 what we are doing to advance ____ gainst the spiritual enemy. I Anabirtinwa el efr acali ta thankoifering. The men teAnaritatMunicialdBore wlho were in France and BelgiumthOnaiMucplBor e'4 nd Hoiland know what it is like cently in connection with the when a cruel enemy occupies a li oMr.AneLvefr twn or village. They know what compensation for the new No. 2 that place is like by the timethe Hîghway running from Toronto nemy are driven out. A question to Oshawa.- Lo consider is what 'would it be The amount fixed by arbitra- w.orth ta us to keep the enemy out tion was that the Department of 0g f aur village. We don't have ta Highways shouid pay ta Mrs. Le- 10 eaily answer that question. Even vine for her farm of 169 acres in o when things were worst not an Lots 1 and 2, Broken Front Con- 1 enemy set foot in Canada except cession, Township of East Whitby,o as prisoners of war. the amount of $6,500, with inter- 0 est. Mrs. Levine was ta pay the 00 A worthy act of thanksgiving ta costs of $100. Mrs. Levine's dlaim g0 God for victary, a decent answer was for $34,500. 0 ao the question "What Shahl We 0 Do?" wauid be ta do paur best- 0 our best for Gad, aur fellawmen, 0 our families, aur own happiness. 0 do aur best for the happiness of g he worid.NU S S The lavely flawers adorning the gfrsr 0 altar on Sunday were in memory 0 of the late Mrs. David J. Gibsan. 0 and were the gift of lher husband U g and her children. A D So UNITED CHURCH We have an opening for gg There was a large attendance several young ladies, with g at the ýUnited Church, Mother's 0tlattoyasHg Day Sunday marning servide. The gtlattoyasHg pastor, Rev. W. Patterson, toak as School standing, who are 00 hjis text "Suifer the littie children interested in training as 0 La came unta Me," and during the 00 service the follow nine children Practical Nurses. 10 were baptized: Frank Wayne, son 0 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMullen; 0 Phyllis Gail, daughter of Mr. and Thr0l ntutos g Mrs. Stanley Aluin; Fred Kimbail, 0odlvn cniin son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gra- godlvn cniin ham; James Douglas, son of Mr. g and Mrs. Irwin Colwill; Christo- 0g phier Henry, son af Mr. 4nd Mrs. A0 Christopher Barchard; Sandra Apply: The Superintendent, 0 Norene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ontario Hospital, 0g Clarence Gibsan; Douglas Everett Whitby, Ontario. 00 Bernard, Barry Leigh Bernard 19-2 g0 and Robert Gardon Bernard, sans of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard. _______________ Mrs. Waite sang a solo, "Mather of Mine." The carnations, sweet peas, tulips, daifodils and hy- drangea in front of the pulpit were exceptionally beautiful and were the gifts of Mrs. Cecil Carveth, Mrs. Walter DeLine, Mrs. J. Awde, Mrs. George Rickard, Mrs. Earl h e e y Fisher, Mrs. C. A. Cawan and Mrs. Percy Hare. v l Congratulations ta Miss Vir- ginia Cooke, staff of Part Credit public school and daughter of Mrs. W. H. Cooke. The primary room rhythm band which she trained ie won the cup for first prize in the Peel music festival at Brampton. They won first place over keen L of trophy, shieid, cup and gold medal winners of the music fes- tival heid at Clarke Hall, Part Credit, an Monday evening, Miss Virginia Cooke was the recipient A% of a lavely presentatian bouquet of fiowers in recognition of her Lv autstanding work as instructor of the band. People, like baats, toot loudest when they're in a fag. ,11 ALL WORK GUARANTEED ONLY THE BE8T 0F LEATHER USED THROUGHOUT FAST SERVICE YOU WILL BE SATriSFIED ai * . . so short oa tempting to touch. Id Permanent the t..- 4J for a kEAM COLD PERMANENT or c ers of the famous Machineles .Permanent Wavp' 53 for Your Next Appointment " Estelle " BEAUTY SALON M. and Mrs. H. Bickle Corner George à Ohurch 8Bts. BOWMAILLE COLD WAVES A BPECIALTY Division St. S. t Veedol 100% Pennsylvania- Oil, Special Prices Per Gallon or More B lue-Spot Lights ........................................... $1.75 Bumper Grill Guards ................ .... from $3.50 to, $9.50 Sealed. Beam Driving and Fog Lights ....... 4.5.0 to $7.00 Heavy Duty Trailer Hitches .................. $4.95 to $6.45 Batteries - Tires - Electrical Parts and Other Accessories K. A. CAVERLY & SON IL. m 1 Are You Proud 0f Your Shoqs With new shoes so liard to get why not get more wear out of the old ones. If they need repairing bring them into us for a complete renovating job and walk out with as good as new pair of shoes. BOWMANVILLE Shoe Repair Shop Bowmanville In Holgate Buüding 3 Division St. PHONE 402 3ULAR CREAM COLD PERMANEINT ý àý qqp