PAGE SEVEN -- à *A% .v OWTcrA mvczffAm T UWAwmXTTTTON'TRO TI-IRSDY. MY 1th. 946THE C AN'4AJJIAN biST . TEbMLAN4, 'oJ vv yii viiir,%iiLtt - VIz I LIiil -mUU=U .-.-..- -.-.-*-* -.-.-u-.- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 6us Mrs. George Kreig, Kingston, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cully and son, John, spent- Sunday with cMr. arr4 Mrs. W. J. Cully. I~L r and Mrs. Austin Larmer a aed famlly visited Mr. and Mrs. aez Waht, Blackstock. Mrs. C7W. E. Meath, Toronto, wasjn town Saturday calling on lri fds. SMrs. Ashford, Toronto, spent *e weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hooper. Mr. William Prower and daugh- ter, Elizabeth, Toronto, were in town Saturday on business. Mrs. J. B. E. Stapies and Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. N. S. B. James. Bowmanvilie is going ta have a new hospitai. You'll be hearing about it. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allan, Lind- say. Miss Beverley Gould entertain- ed 18 yaung friends Monday, May 13, on the occasion of her ninth SHere are a Few of the New Tubes Now Available at The Radio Shop 6SÂ7 65Q7 6Q7 MX 2A5 12Z3 35Z5 25z5 MY MB MJ 1A6 106G 1H4G 1A4P 1D5GP - LIMITED IJ6G 39144 34 IR5 155 88M 6B7M 6F6 OSK7 MK 6A8 QUANTITIFES Record Players - $23.50 - $2495 - $27.50 Battery Radios - - - -$31.50 =O=O=O=0= THE RADIO SHOP J. L. Doreen 38Ring St. E. Phone .573 C. J. Elston Bowmanville .1 - Agents for - HERMAN FURS PH 0PlE Zenith P13000 An Exclusive ,4Fur Cleaning I Process 5o Mil.!Street ar~ .$4 P HON E -Zenith 13000 2 Per Cent of Your Own Fair Valuation F RE E Pick-Up and Delivery Mr. Bill Edger, Peterbora, was home for the weekend with hIs parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edg- er.Z Congratulations to Edward Mill- son who received hanors in his first term examinations of th". Business Administration course a University of Toronto. Charles Carter, Sr., recently re- turned fram a bakers' trade con- vention at Niagara Falls, was the guest speaker at the Part Perry Lions Club, Monday evening. Mrs. Hugh McDonald a n d daughter Karlyn, Mr. and Mrs. James Cully and daughter Jean spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. A. M. Stewart returned with them for a visit. Dr. G. W. Miller attended the Canadian Public Heaith Associ- ation meetings in Toronto last week. He reports a large attend- ance and a keen interest in public health matters. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Henry, Bes- sie, Margaret, Bill and Bob were in Peterboro, Friday, attending the funeral of Mr. Henry's aunt, Mrs. John Hill. Misses Darathy Richards and Nana Nichal, Mr. Kenneth Burn- side, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards. The Ontario Gazette, May il, announces that the Lieut.-Gover- nor of Ontario has been pleased ta appoint Phihip Williams, New- castle, Ont., ta be Bailiff, 2nd Div- ision Caurt, United Caunties of Northumberland and Durham. Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton and san Robert, Whitby, Fît. Lt. and Mrs. A. L. Ashton, Trenton, and Mr. Roy Ashton, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton. Dr. Harold Fergusan states that approximately 3,700 citizens were X-rayed at the recent clinic in Bowmanville. He promises a ful report covering Bawmanville and Hampton clinics for next week's Statesman. The ship's plaque, two pianos, and other items sent ta H.M.C.S. Bowmanville, were ta be sent _back according ta word from the 16 Commander. Meantime they have disappeared. Council has asked Charles Stephenson, M.P., ta try ta locate them. Our yaung lady proof readers slipped a bit when editing the council proceedings. Renewal af bicycle lîcenses read $50 per year instead of 50e but the public wii] forgive the error with usual gaod humor as have their more exper- ienced ca-warkers. Capt. John Jury, who served overseas with the Canadian Army and since VE-Day has been tea- ching at the Khaki Colege in En- giafhd, returned ta Canada this week abaard the I1e de France, Capt. Jury will be staying witl7 his aunt, Mrs. J. H. Jury, Silver street for the summer months. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mellveen, returned ta Bowmanville this week after spending severai mon- ths in Vancouver. Dr. McIlveen was interning at the Vancouver General Hospital and has been cailed east ta receive his discharge fram the army. He reports that Canon C. R. Spencer is imprav- ing rapidly after his iilness and that he and Mrs. Spencer expect ta return ta Bowmanviiie within a month. St. Paul's C.GI.T. met witha fair 'attendance. The business period opened with the rail call Offering was taken. They dis- cussed closing of C.G.I.T. for thE summer months. Worship ser- vice was in charge of Peggy Pipei and Rose Dilling who toak thE theme as "Mother's Day." ThE twa graups divided, the junioi group finishing their scrap boal and the senior group filling ou, their repart. Town Cierk Alex Lyle, upor whom is imposed, gratuitously, th( The Nittlewit family insist on' music and dim candlelight with their meals. That's why haif a dozen pancakes were placed on the phonograph the other even- ing rather than the customary dinner music recordings. "Sioboît" is a new heat-resistant lettuce deveioped by the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture; it is ready ta eat about six weeks af- ter planting and continues ta yield tender leaves for about twa months. CHURCHES TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., Minister Sunday, May l9th, 1946 1l a.m. Peace and Stability "The peace of Gad shail keep yaur minds and hearts." 7 p.m. Rev. W. W. Pattersan, B.A., B.D., . of Newcastle. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rector: Rev. J. dePencier Wright 4th Sunday after Easter "Youth Sunday"l Subject: "Family Religion." Nursery: Age 2-7 years. 2:30 p.m.-No Sunday School. Children are ta attend the mar- ning service with their parents. 7 p.m.-Evensang. Subject: "Fight the goad fight." EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor, H. W. O'Brien Sunday, May 19 il"'Christ's Four-Fold Min- istry." 7"'Adam, Where Art Thou?" May 24: Special Rally Rev. C. A. Ratz, speaker. Rev. R. A. Bombay, sang leader. ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A Representative of The Sing er Sewing Machine Co. wlll be in Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If i need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWUNG MACHINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa- 1 LOWEST PRICES Oshawa Il I 1 -di 1 t~pesegnt t ate n tedsolemynre1 oiacti. enw birthday anniversary. If duplications are found in the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Jeffrey, corrected lists of the Soldiers' Rol Willowdale, were week-end gu2sts of Honor, don't blame The States- mýan. We publish them as fur- of his son, Mr. Howard Jeffrey nished by the committee, fromn and Mrs. Jeffrey. which, in due course, we hope to Mr. Donald Venton, Aylmer, receive a final, properly arranged, spent the weekend with his par- typewritten list for publication ents Chef f Plic Vetonandprior to Soldiers' Day, May 24. ents Chef f Plic VetonandAgain you are reminded to phone Mrs. Venton. 779, Alex Lyle, Town Clerk, if you Miss Jean Patterson, R.N., Tor- have any additignal names or cor- onto, spent Sunday with her par- rections to make. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattin- ENGAGEMENT son._________________ Fil Now i moths. Gari and stored i every year. some of the announce the engagement of their youngest daugbter, Margaret Is- abel, to John l!jaxwell Morrison, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Max- well Morrison, Hamilton, Ontario. Wedding to take place June lst at seven o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, Ont. 20-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Armour of Hampton wish to announce the engagement of their elder daugh- ter, Nellie Irene, to Sidney Fred- erick Cornish, younger son of Mrs. Fred Cornish and the late Mr. Cornish of Hampton. The marriage will take place early in June. 20-1 Solina A. L. Pascoe attended the Pres- bytery at Brougham last Thurs- day and was appointed the lay commissioner of Oshawa Presby- tery to the General Council whicl meets at Montreal. Mother's Day service, with Sac- rament of Baptism, was well at- tended Sunday. S.S. Supt. E. R. Taylor was in charge of the pro- gram including scripture reading and story by Donald Taylor anc Barbara Leask, and vocal duet by Olive Cryderman and Donna Vice. Special music was given by the choir under leadership ol George Werry who also'sanga solo. Rev. W. Rackham present- ed the theme address and baptizec these children: Edgar, son of Mr and Mrs. Wesley Werry; Beverley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franlk Wright; Kenneth, son of Mr. and 1Mrs. John Knox; Donna, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yel- lowlees. t Jerry Millson has completed his first year in Medicine at thE iUniversity of Toronto and is al 1home. 1 Eldad S.S. Anniversary Thank. soffering service and éoncert wil' be held May 26 and 2Q. Se( ;Coming Events next week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs tSam Dewell (formerly Vera Bak eer) on their marriage. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees yHampton; Donald Yellowlees, To ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright sGrant and Beverley, Mapli eGrave; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellow ýlees, Carol and Donna, TyronE rand Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicotl [Peterbaro, at Ernest Hockaday'.ý à Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlee .and Harold at .Chas. Allin's, Bow manville. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthe dand Jean, Toronto, at E. MillsonE Moth Bags........... Moth Killer Blockettes . TREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SMUTS Ceresan - The Dust Disinfectant $1.10-3.50 Formaldehyde 16-oz ---------------- 25e TIRED FEET BARGAINS 50e Pinex Comp ---------------- 32c 35e Corega------------------------ 24c $2.25 Lactogen ---------- - $1.59 39e A.S.A. Tablets ---------19e 60e Robinson's Bàarley -------33c $1.25 Pinkham's Comp---------- 87c 25c Saccharine Tablets -----15e ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES GHT MOTHS is the trme - durmg Spring house cleaning - to battie .ments should be moth-proofed before they are put away in moth bags. Moths do millions of dollars of damage Prevent damage to your clothes and property by using weapons listed below. Phone 792 for speedy delivery. Aerosol Bomb, refillable ........ $4.98 Moth Killer Crystals....... 1-b. 39c Aerosol Bomb, non-reffiable .... $3.95 Larvex, 16-oz. and 32-oz. . 83c-$1.29 .lOc-4 c-25c Larvex Sprayer ---79c Dichloricide 53c-$3.24 Whiz Inseet Killer --- 24c-43c-73c Fly Tox ------- 24c-43c Lions Club (Contir'ued from Page One) dards of employability, Mr. Stol- lery named and explained them: 1, There was the requisite of phys- ical condition to the job. Every- one whether sightless or other- wise, was handicapped in some measure in some particular oc- cupations. 2, There was the re- quirement of mentality and edu- cation for particular jobs. 3, Personality was another factor, stability, honesty, accuracy and ability to get along withi others. Finally to have sound motives, job interest, a philosophy of work. These were the basic things management looked for to estab- lish harmonious relationships and increase production. The speaker told that these were well set forth in the history of the blind in the war effort. Working alongside normal associates in industry dur- ing the war years, blind workmen had rolled up the amazing total of three million inan hours. Their share in industry had gone along with their share in the national life in maintaining homes, raising ichildren, real men and women as competent and self-sustaining as the great majority. The speaker told that this was his first address before a Lions Club and he praised their efforts in behaîf of the sightless and those with defective vision. He intro- duced an intimate note by telling of Harry Grigg, a local boy, whose blindness did not prevent him from holding successfully a job in Toronto. In conclusion Mr. Stol- lery said there was much yet ta be done to encourage industry in accepting the blind as competeni -industrial workers and he invited 9the public to consider the princi- 1ple of "one for ail and ail for one." 5' Bob Kent, in expressing thanks a to the speaker, toid of the quali. Sties of morale inspired among General Motors employees by the a cheerfuiness displayed by the ,- blind superintendent of the fac- tory cafeteria. President Charles Carter, Jr., turned over conduct of the pro- kgram to Bill Fraser, chairman; dLions Blind Committee. Lion Dr. -Charles Austin received a club -gift for Mrs. Austin and their newly arrived daughter. Pasi ePresident Bill Oliver was present- ied with a silver desk set for the iargest increase in membership -during his regime. il Correspondence included an in- vitation to members to attend thE ýorganizing convention, Chambei of Commerce, Town Hall, 8 p.m. s.May 21. Ray Dilling called fa: volunteers for a Lions tug-of-wai team for the May 24 celebration Lion Boyd Slemon, Niagarz sFalls, brought greetings ta the la. )cal club and an invitation ta th( tconvention soan ta be heid at th( le Falls. He aroused much interý jest in his stary af the practic( e, af Niagara Falis. Lions in present 1ing fathers with a "circulatinl S. baby perambulato'r" which pass LIS ed -irom famiiy ta family as thi Voccasion arase. He hoped ta bi ..the next ta receive it. (Continued from Page One) q from the different parishes form-1 ed a large haîf moon in front of1 the stage backdrop with Col. Cherrier, F!L Murphy and Capt. Coffey in the centre and to the front. Marching in formations of three the warriors paraded to the fropit of the hall. At a signal from Chairman J. L. Riordan the entire hall became stilled for one minute of silence in memory of those who gave their lives. Intiéoductions Following the presentations Mr. Riordan introduced the guests on the platform starting with the representatîves of the armed ser- vices: Lt. Charles C. McGibbon, navy; Lt. Col. Murray P. John- ston, army; Air Commodore G. Norman Irwin, air force; and Lt. Col. B. J. Highfield and Major K. Milne. The parish priests introduced were: Rev. K. E. Morrow, St.J Gregory's; Rev. S. Coffey, Holy Cross; Rev. J. Pereyma, St. Geo- rge's Ukrainian, and Rev. J. O'Neill, St. Gregory's, of Oshawa; Rev. D. V. Hickey, St. John's, Whitby; Rev. S. J. Coffey, St. Joseph's, Bowmanville; Rev. B. Kyte, St. Francis de Sales, Picker- ing; Rev. W. J. Murphy, Sacred Heart, Uxbridge, and Church of the Immaculate Conception, Port Perry. Kotex------------------------ 27c-93c Modess------------------------ 27c-92c Bayer Aspirin--------- 18c-29c-79c Chase's Nerve Food -- 60c-$1.50 William's Pink Pis------------ 50 r~ HAW SHAMPO? HI HLGH1 VOUR A I S294D9 TAKE A SPRING TONIC Idaphos -- 16-oz. $1.00 Maltevol -------$2.00 Wampole's Extract------------ $1.00 I1ronized Yeast --- 98e Burdock Blood Bittersa----98e Molasses, Cream of Tartar & Sulphur 23e Idafer Iron Tonie 1.25 PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREOOR DRUOS PHONE 79Z - WB DELIER 17-tf l OSHAWA LAUNDRY à DRY ICLEANING CO. LIDU Following the introduction Rev. Murphy in a short address of wel- come pointed out that each indi- vidual parish priest is interested in the welfare of each returned man and woman and is looking forward to meeting and knowing Reffigerator REPAIRS Commercial - Domestic ANY MARE H. J. Bowyez Phone: Oshawa 244 C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist 3-day service Special Arrangement By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. P.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. KnightS ot GOIUMDUS ENNISKILLEN United Church S. Sa Amniversaly SUN., MAY l9th and FRI., MAY 24th Rev. Harold Stainton, B.A., Toronto is to preach at 2 and 7.30 p.m. Sunday, May l9th Singing by the School and Bowmanville St. Paul's Quartette Collection in Aid of School Funds AFTERNOON, FRIDAY, MAY 24TH At the School Grounds there is a Program of Sports with prizes, a Girls' Basebaîl Tournament and a League Football Game - Tyrone vs. Eainiskcillen SUPPER WILL BE *SERVEU BY THE LADIES AT 5 P.M. In the evening at 8.30 p.m. the Young People of Audley are presenting a three-act Comedy entitled: "Miliss. or My Western Miss" Other Bntertainment Between Acts All Services in Large Shed A Cordial Invitation is Extended to All. TICKETS Aduits: Supper alone or with Entertainment ---75e Entertainment only . --35e Children: Supper and Entertainment 40e Entertainment only- - - 25e REV. J. A. PLANT, Pastor. E. A. WFERRY, LAWRENC~E WEARN, Superintendent. Secretary. e_ W- > were killect juieme matftemdte embrne-c qim sofb heldtSt rneory'so May t o the32 S. Roa nth Ma 4hfrte3 oa ah Plumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for OiI-0-Magic 011 Burners Installed in Any Type of Furnace Jack Drough Phone 2384 3 Ring St.W. in acin The McNulty sports Shop BICYCLE RENTALS ON RAND Basebali - Tennis - Soccer Table Tennis - Fishing Foquipment -Scooters Bicycle Parts& Accessories Musical Instruments Crests - Dart Boards Repairs Key Duplicating