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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1946, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 2Oth, 1946 ls ...n.. I 1~ e o . . . . .t ' ..... .............. H......... Jack Brough Phono 2384 3 King St.W. p~ -- -- - - - -- -- - - .1 Step Out With Confidence *in ciothes that are spic and span, freali as a daisy in June! We'll dry-clean and press your ciothes - make them new-looking again. Send your clothes to us. Youll be satisfied. IIUcwmanviI le CIeaners and IIvers Phono 520 King St., W. Plumbîng Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for OiI-O-Magie 011 Burners Installed in Any Type of Flurnaco Health & Beauty Values. At Your REXALL STORE Bargains ... Every Home Can Use 'Mi 31 AntisepÎie, 16-oz.- ------ Silque Hand Lotion ---------- Rexail Orderlies, 60's -------- Kieuzo Shavlng Cream------- Boracie Aeid, Puret.est, 4-oz. Caseara, Puretest, 4-oz.------ Aga-Rex Compound, 16-oz - ---- Klenzo Tar Soap ------------ Epsom Sait, Puretest, 8-oz.---- Taleum, Langlois Lavender-- ---Reg. 87e 79e -------------------- ----- Reg. 60e 49e ---Reg. 50e 39e ---Reg. 39e 33e -- Reg. 20c 14c ---Reg. 50c 39e -Reg. $1.00 89c --- Reg. 25c 19c ---Reg. 15c île --- Reg. 40c 33e Ivy-Chek ---------------------- Reg.50c Klenzo Tooth Brush ------------- Reg. 25e Tannie Acid Jelly, Puretest ---- Reg. 50e "365" Bay Rtim - -- ------------------Reg. 60e Sani-Ped Corn Solvent -------- Reg. 35e Pearl'Tooth Powder ---------------Reg. 29c Milk of Magnesia., Rexaîl, 32-oz.--RegN5c Stork Baby Powder--------- Reg. 27e 2 for Rlker's Freneh faim--------------- Reg. 60c Tineture lodine, Puretest, 2-oz. ---- Reg. 25e Glo&-Kreme ------------------ Reg. 40e Nic e Deodorant Cream -------- Reg. 39c Lin-A-Septic Liniment -------- Reg. 50c 39e 19C 39C 49e 29e 23c 69C 45c 49c 21e 33e 33e 39e Vet-Aid Remedies Farm er's Friend ---------------------- Gall Salve--------------------------------------- Louse Powder --------------------------- 50c Penetratlng Bug Liniment -------------- Stock and Poultry Antiseptie Solution -- White Seours Remedy --------------- 75 30 85 75 35 35 Household Needs Fly-Kil with D.D.T.------------- 16-oz. 43e Elkay's Garden Spray ----------------- 35e 4-Square Lemon Polishing 011------------- 27c. Universal Cleanser -----------------4-oz. 25c 4-Square Glass Cleaner --------------- 25C Household Rubber Gloves------------------- 45e Toxol Antiseptic ------------ Reg. 50e 39C Puretest Sodium -Bicarbonate, 16-oz. ---- Reg. 25c 19e Summer-Time Needs Leg Silque------------------------------------ Sani-Ped Foot Powder ---------------- Sani-Ped Foot Balim ----- - Reg. 60e Sani-Ped Foot Cream --------- Reg. 50c Elkay's White Shoe Cream -------------- Fungi-Rex --------------------------------- tube Durmng the war the Canadian Farmer broke ail records for production the history of the cou.ntry and equalled or bettered the records set by othi countries. Itl Aeant long hours and much toil and labour but as usual tI farmer carne through with the goods. For this magnificent job we take prido in joining The Salute tc Agriculture PHONE 778 JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes t Us Done Properly C.N.R. TICKI M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M $1.00 M M 40e M ~ E M 25e M 60e : M -M M M M M M or M M M Lie M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ~' M M M M M M M M M M M ETS: M M lui CHURCHES TEN1 UNFiMD CHURCR Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., M~inister Sunday, Junq 23rýd, 1946 1 1 a.m.-The Sufflciency of Jesus (Baptisn*). - 11 a.m.-Jumior Church 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School 3:30 p.m.-Decoration and Mem- .orial Service at the cemetery 7 p.m.-Labor and the Public Welfare. (Next Sunday and during July we worship with St. Paul's) ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rector: Rev. J. dePencier Wright First Suuday after Trlnlty 8 a.m.-Corporate Communion for servicemen and family. 11 a.m.-Morning Prayer 'Subjeet: "The Importance of Vision." 2:30 p.m.-No Sunday School. Children to attend morning service. 7 p.m.-Evensong. "Will Jesus Come Again?" June 22nd Books for Holidays "GOLDEN BOOKS" Each - - - 49e An excellent picture story book for the littie ones. Bobsey Twins - Curly Top Adventure and Mystery Stories for boys and girls Cut Outs and Paint Books Toys Boats - Sand Pails Games Je Wu JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 LIE e«a" ei AFTR 40, IL Around 40 ou r gy louoens. But, es- mnne bas tsugbt us te deor vor wkleuba %ent The eaus abead shotld yWed the. gpeaest accornpishmsents, the. mW nsjoyment andhapinas They can, too, il we avoid thie kidney and bldder disorders such as Dack- ache, Headache, Rheuniatic Pain&, Lassitude, Lousof Sieep and Energy which seoften attack those around 40. For over hall a century Doddi'a Ldney Pilla have been helpurng men and woanen t. keep kidneys and bladder in good eider. If you are nearing 40, or pastit., f«er l.sake of your Iiathand a happier wi*e. est D.44a sidneyPilla todayi 125 The Newcastle fire brigade was called to the home .6f Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rowland, Lake shore, on ýMonday to extinguish a fire caused by an over-heated chim- ney, but considerable damage was done to the roof of the back part of the house before the firemen got it under control. Mrs. Robert Gibson spent Mon-, day in Toronto. Lieut. and Mrs. Gordon Tetley, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. John Garrod and family. Mrs. Hamilton MeLean and daughter Lynda of Toronto are guests of Miss Ethel Lockhart. The C.G.I.T. met June llth with Mary Margaret ý.onathan, first vice-president in mhe chair. After the devotional exercises Miss Pauline DeLine dîscussed First Aid. This was followed by a recreation period and the meet- ing closed with the singing of "Taps." Do not forget National Cloth- ing Collection from June 17 to 29. The receiving depot for'Newcastle is at the Community hall. "What can you spare that they can wear." Give that they may live. The residents of Newcastle are happy to welcome the very pretty dark haired English wife and handsome 21/2 year old littie son of Gnr. Charles Rogerson to the village. Mrs. Rogerson who had been preceded to Canada by her husband, was the former Miss Amy Elizabeth Cooke of Godalm- ing, Surrey, England. She arriv- ed on the Queen Mary which docked on June l5th and which carried in addition to the adult passengers, 900 children. We hope that Mrs. Rogerson and her little son will like Canadians and their Canadian home and that every happîness awaits them here. Sgt. John Fraser of Bulyea, Sask., and presently stationed with the photo section of the R.C. A.F. at Halifax spent a fêw days with Rev. and Mrs. Patterson dur- ing the past week. Mrs. Douglas Irwin was hostess at a bridge party on Monday ev- ening.I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogerson who were married recently in Toronto are now making their home in Newcastle. Mrs. Edmund Thackray spent the past two weeks in Toronto the guest of Cpl. and Mrs. Cha§. Thackray. Gnr. Alfred Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adair arrived home on the Aquitania last week after serving overseas for four years with the lst- Anti-tank Corps, lst Division, Canadian Army. Ahl the village join in saying "Wel- come Home" to Gnr. Adair who has served his country so bravely Tyrone Several from here attended the stock sale of Mr. Milton Cornish near Kirby hast Friday. Mr. Ross Pooley entertained his Sunday Sehool class last Satur- day afternoon by taking thema to Oshawa to see the show " The Behis of St. Mary's" and after- ward with Mr. and Mrs. Poohey enjoyed a picnic at the park. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tabb (nee Miss Carnie Brown) of Toronto on their re- cent marriage. Mr. Tabb gave a party in the hall hast Friday night to a large number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, .Murray and Allan moved to their new.home near Sohina hast Satur- day. Mr. Harold Skinner has return- ed home from Quebec after spen- ding two weeks attending the fairs at Ormstown and Lachute, where he had an exhibit of sheep and received quite a number of prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Phihp and Bill and Mrs. Irish and little daughter, Coîborne. Misses Mur- iel and Helen Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeNure, Doris and Freddie, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and Jack, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Mr. Royce Timlin, Roseneath with Mr. and' Mrs. Wihhis Stewart. Mrs. D. H. Fraser, Bethesda, with Mrs. Mina Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beckett, spent the weekend with Mrs. S. Beckett, Bowmanville. Miss Nina lipdgson left last week for Washington, D.C., where she has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Darch, Can- ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cann, Co- bourg, Mrs. Thos. Hill and Ross of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hayes, Harley and Lloyd, Orono, Miss Helen Partner, Oshawa, witl4 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. IThe Newcasl ideedu Phone: Clarke 3314 mu..mmzUmUm.=.**---UUU::M MFeu . and so well. Miss Mary Dewdney, Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, is home for the summer vacation. Mr. George Trenwith after spending several weeks with his sister, Miss Louise Trenwith has returned to his home in Windsor, Ont. Miss Norma Allun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun had the unfortunate 'experience of breaking her leg at the Clarke Township Public School Field Day which was held at the Park here on June 5th. Norma was re- moved to -Bowmanville Hospital where X-rays were taken and her leg set in a cast, after which she was brought home--but it will be the end of August before she will be able to have the cast removed. Miss Beatrix Mclntosh was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sutton, Coîborne. There was a splendid attend- ance at the afternon tea and dis- play of articles for their mission bale which was held in St. George's parish hall on Thursday, June 13th under the auspices of the Evening Branch Women's Auxiliary. The afternoon was much enjoyed by ail who at- tend'ed. Later the bale was des- patched to Drayton Valley, Alta. The regular meeting of the Ev- ening Branch of St. George's Church W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Gaines. Nine memibers were present. Af- ter devotional and business per- iod arrangements were complet- ed for the afternoon tea and dis- play of completed articles for the bale on Thursday, June l3th at the Parish hall. It was decided to send a gift of fruit to one of the members who was ill in Bow- manville Hospital. A very wel- come visitor at the meeting was the honorary president, Mrs. Scott Howard. The meetings will be discontinued until the fail. Mrs. La'wrence Gaines served refresh- ments. Miss Dorothy Bonathan, Toron- to, spenta week with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sallows. Mr. Charles Bonathan spent the weekend in Toronto. man; D. of C., W. Bro. C. B. Tyr- rell; organist, Bro. R. G.. Green. Congratulations to Mrs. James Burgess who celebrated her Bth birthday, June llth. Children, grandchildren and five great grandchildren spent the evening at Iier home and enjoyed with her the nappy event. Mr. J. C. Gamey attended the Postmasters' Convention in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last week. Mr. W. J. Riddell is attending Grand Lodge of' the I.O.O.F. in Toronto this week. Mr. Milton W. Cornish's sale of purebred Hereford cattie and other stock last Friday was well atténded and brought splendid re- turns. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph atten- ded a meeting of Fair Boards held at Beaverton, last week. The Sunday School class of Mr. M. H. Staples consisting of junior boys, had an, overnight camp on Friday, in the north part of Clarke township. At the Orono Park Board meet- ing plans were made for resurfac- ing the swimming tank and for other improvements later. Several carloads of Women's- Institute members attended the W.I. annual meeting at Solina last Thursday. Mrs. O. W. Rolph was one of the speakers there and algo spoke at Bethany and other an- fluai meetings in the district. Mr. Vance Cooper has returned home from Ottawa, having receiv- ed his release from the Air Force. Mrs. Paul Snodgrass, Rochester, N.Y., is with her mother, Mrs. R. Rainey who has been ill. Messrs. T. A. Reid, O. W. Rolph, Geo. Bowen and others attended Millbrook Fair on Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. L. G. McGinnis visited his parents at Elmvale over the hol- iday weekend and brought his father back with him for a week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Burns, (nee Beatrice Hamm), on the arrival of a baby boy in St. Joseph's Hospital, Pet- erborough. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm, Orono, visited with them in Peterborough last week, also with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hamm. Neil now has his discharge from the army. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, is on two weeks' vacation at her home. A number of Orono people at- tended Kîrby anniversary on Sunday, when Rev. G. W. Gard- ner, Columbus, took the services. Rev. S. Littlewood took Sunday School anniversary services at Kedron. Mr. Colin Taylor who is em- ployed at the Goodyear, Bowman- ville, is having a week's vacation. Visitors: Mrs. A. A. Henry, Toronto, with Miss Sadie Brown.-Miss Edna Myles, Hamilton, with Mr. -and Mrs. D. Myles.-Mrs. Turley, Belleville, with her mother, Mrs. J. Dickson.-Miss Audrey Billings with Mrs. Neil Porter.-Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mooney, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLar- en.-Mr. and Mrs. Shea, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen. -Mr. and Mrs. Ciff Winter and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Winter andbaby, and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, all of Long Beach, with Mrs. I. Winter. Mr. R. Sherwin and Miss Edith Sherwin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagle- son, Orono, attended the horse show at ýMillbrook, and the Un- ited Church anniversary ice creani supper in Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright of Seven Oaks, Calif., motored over to Canada for a six weeks' visit with friends in Toronto, Oshawa, Orono, Bewdley, Bailieboro and Apsley. Mr. Wright was born in Durham County at Bailieboro and for the past 40 years has lived in See our Electric Fencers - Batteries for Fonce Radios - lashlights - Etc. Oiîs and Greases for ail Purposes Place Your Order Now for Quaker 0OÙ Burning Heatei 1-4"l and 1-2"1 Electric Drills....... $23.95 and $42.9, W. H. RROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milliers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. Phone 4. 197 * r'New * i M k Lamps lU e~China Base with 22-karat Gold Trim - ideal for your new home, complete with rayon shade. * COMPLETE -THE SM.ART GIF - !HOOPER'S ewellery &E * O PE " Gift Shop m. aman--MM Tile Flooring Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Cholce of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON HAMPERS Refrigerator REPAIRS Commercial - Domestic ANY MARE H. 1. ]Bowyer Phono: Oshawa 244 BASKETS BERRY BOXES Malcolm Ainsie N EWCASTLE Agent for Canada Wood Products Ltd. BOWMANVU LLE PARCEL DELIVERY The JA&S. Parcel Delivery is at your service Bewmanville Beach Delivery We now deliver to Bowmanvllle Beach East Side and two deilverles to the West Side. Deliverles made on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Deliveries are picked up. each mornlng at il a.m. and ln the afternoon at 3 p.m. F. Stannard Phone M6p and have our truck pick Up your order at any store or place and delîver it. We Deliver for: HA.RRY ALLIN'S, DOMINION STO1&S, McGREGÔR'S HARDWARE, STE WART'S SEEDS and ROY NEADS RADIO. Clarke Union On Friday evening of last week a large number of friends and neighbors gatheréd at the sehool to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. CarI Billlngs on théir recen$ marriage. After the company had come to order, Mr. and Mrs. Billings were called to the platform and pre- sented with an address and a coffee table and picture. Mr. and Mrs. Billngs thanked their friends for their beautiful gifts, after which a short programme was rendered consisting of music by Mr. Neil Stewart and Mike Bay- Orono News aert and recitations by Ethel Daw- son and Arlene Bainey. A large number from this sec- tion attended the Hereford sale of Mr. Milton Cornish. The pri- ces ranged from $600 down. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Watson en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Neil P5r- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Souch and Miss Mamie Archer to tea one evening last week. Mrs. Carter who has been stay- ing with her daughter, Mrs. - erett Cain, was taken to Osha~% Hospital last week. We wis h a speedy recovery. ___5 Orono Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 35, held its installation meeting on Thursday evening, June l3th, when the new officers for 1946- 1947 were installed by a team from Cedar Lodge, Oshawa, head- ed by W. Bro. Norman Winter. Officers elected are as follow: I.P.M., W. Bro. C. S. McLaren; W.M., W. Bro. W. E. Hawke; S.W., Bro. A. F. McKenzie; J.W., Bro. W. W. Sherwin; chaplain, W. Bro. C. W. Billings; secretary, W. Bro. J. C. Gamey; treasurer, R.W. Bro. O. W. Rolph; S.D., Bro. J. J. Mellor; J.D., Bro. Norman Allin; I.G., Bro. J. H. Lowery; S.S., Bro. Donald Hamm; J.S., Bro. C. V. Wilson; tyler, Bro. Perey Chap- Electric Canning Machines Lot us help you with your canming. Corne and soo the Electric Canning Machines BUG KILLER We have a good supply of: Bug Killer for potatoos, etc. D.D.T. For barn and house FIy Spray for barn and House Pyradee for Insects PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMVS MADE BY D E LAVA THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMI£, ONTARIO 0 . -PAGE TWELVE THUFMAY, JUNE 20th, 1"8

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