THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 2th, 1946 - - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ A. &. P. MEAT BUVERS BUV ONLV RED OR BLI BRAND BEEF, THE BEST OBTAINABLE, FROM NJ TIONALLY FAMOUS MEAT PACKERS. BUV THE BES' BUV AT A. & P. FOR LESS. STEAKS or ROASTS Wing Steak lb 46e Sirloin Steak lb 44 PORTERHOUSE BONELESS ROUND lb. 48, lb. 421 First 5 ribs PRIME RIS ROAST lb. 321 Blade bone out BLADE.ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST lb. 271 Ibn 29 v 4 w 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Newtonville 'b( ID8 IC JE IA- ST. 4c C C' c 3e 3e lic 19e ?àI SERVICE On Ail Makes of -Homne and Auto Radios SETS OALLED FOR AND DRLIVERED Deluxe Record Players - » $24.95 -I ~~YW. NEATS ERadio Sales & Service TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE Sunday, June 23, - 1946- and other specific dates Full information from Agents Canadian National DOMINION DAY Monday, JuIy lst SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES GRADUATB NUR8 MConcrtulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mrley Robinson <nee Wil- ma Prouse) who were married in Canton last Saturday. They will reside in Shiloh having purchas- ed the Bullied property from Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, is vis- iting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Madison Hall, Orono, vis- ited Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade, Mary Der-ault and Roy Berry motomed to Niagara Falls, Sunday. Mr. Bob Elley had a successful sale this week. He has bought the Langstaff homestead 1IQW OC- cupied by.Percy flurley, Kendal. The attendance at Sunday School was fair last Sunday mor- ning and all teachers present. Some details of the Sunday School anniversary to be held next Sun- day momning at 1l o'clock were discussed. Our own pastor, Rev. Lawrence Smith, will bing the message and Duncan Seymour is training the orchestra and child- ren's choir. We are hoping all parents and friends will be pres- ent for their own sake and for the sake of this fine organization which is doing such a good work for youth in this cornmmunity. There will be no service in the evening. Plans for the pîcnic will be announced Sunday. Last Sunday evening after the service, pictures weme shown in the basement on the work of Bri- tish and Foreign Bible Society by Dr. Alnutt. Miss Isabel Laing was made president and Mrs. A. Redknap, secretary-treasurer for coming year. A Bible reading wold is the only insurance against future wars. We extend congratulations to Ray Hughes and Beatrice Thomp- son on their marriage in Toronto, Satrday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton motored to Port McNichol to visit tjieir daughter, Mrs. Lennox Va- sey. We are sorry to report the ser- jous illness of Wilbemt Stacey in Former graduate of Bowmafl- ville High School who graduated from Toronto Western Hospital,. Tuesday, June 11. Friends from Toronto, Seagrave and Bowman- ville attended the graduation ex- ercises at Convocation hall to wish her continued success in her cho- sen profession. Miss Sleep is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A Sleep, King St. E., Bowmanville. Mrs. James Laing is still confin- ed in Port Hope hospital. Mrs. John Couch is home from the Toronto General Hospital and is improving slowly. Dr. John F4ancock stopped for a few minutes at his brother Wil- bert's on his way through by am- bulance from Toronto to his own home in Coîborne. Mary Lane, bide-elect was fet- ed by Mrs. Laurence Savery and Mrs. Alex Barclay in Oshawa last evening. Mrs. John Wade, Sr., and Mrs. Cecil Walkey have received word that their father, Mr. George Holdaway has passed away. Mr. Holdaway was 92 and a pioneer of Hope township. Besides Mrs. Wade (Mary) and Mrs. Walkey (Minty), Mrs. Chas. Bebee (Em- ma), Orono; Mrs. Frank Ander- son (Vema), Port Brittain, and six sons, Fred, Bice, R. K., Ephraim, Harry and Alfred are lef t to cher- ish his memory. His wife and son Louis predeceased him many yeans ago, and (Eva) Mrs. Wm. Jaynes, passed on in 1944. Mr. and Mms. Harold Bumley ac- companied by Mary Burley and Don Vinkle motored to Bumleigh Falls. Orono girls' softball team visit- ed Newtonville last night and again were vîctorious. Our team put up a good game and is show._ý ing signs of steadying down to real business. It has been very difficult to get the team together for practice owing to school du- ties which must come first. The Sunday School hall last Tuesday evening, June llth, was the scene of a happy gathering when this community met to hon- or Jack Wade recently of the Medical Corps and his 'English bride. The platform was decor- ated with fiags and June fiowers. Wm.. Laing was master of cere- monies. Mrs. Dudley Jones. en- tertained with readings both pa- triotic and humnorous. Mrs. Lion- el Hughes sang two very appro- priate solos and the school or- chestra with Murray Payne assis- ting gave several numbers. Mar- lowe Hancock read the address to the young couple who briefly ex- pressed their thanks for the many fine gifts and hoped their friends would visit them in their new home in Newcastle. As Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl and Mrs. Jim Stark show- ered them with confetti, Jack re- called that at their wedding in Bromley, England, owing to the shortage of paper confetti was banned. The bride's father be- ing a newspaper man scooped fmom the perforating machines a very good substitute. After the gifts which were unwrapped and admired by all, lunch and a social d time was spent. __ GOOD going tram 12.00 noon, lune 28th, until 2.00 p.m. Manday, Iuly 1sf, 1946. Rturn: Leave destination not later thau midnight Tuesday, July 2nd, 1946. Tirn.a .hown are Standardl For lares and further information apply to your nearest Ticket Agent IC~~ANADIAN N [TIONL~, I i I I Haydon Wesleyvîlle 1 - Another beautiful Sunday mor-'P ning with rather a small attend- ance at Sunday school, however all teachers and officers were present. The lessons were vemy interesting and those who did at- tend would feel well paid for theirTefnth effort. Tefnte At the Sunday evening chumch millions of% service at 7:30, Dm. C. S. Reddick, Ontario'srivez of the Sprinkville charge, in the our part to mi pulpit preached a very fine ser- mon. Dr. Oke was preaching an- pleasnt than niversamy services at Faimmount. want to retu Among those who attended the miscellaneous shower at Newton- ville in honor of Mm. and Mms. Jack Wade were: Mrs. A. Hold- away and Allan, Mrs. F. Ander- son and Neil, Mms. W. Payne, Mm.... Sidney Lockhart, Mms. C. Payne, Murray and Ruth. Mm. and Mrs. Richard Best mo- tored to Hornell 70 miles south of Rochester to spend a week's vacation with relatives. *Among Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mms. William Payne weme Mm. Stanley Payne and Miss Sybil Hood of Peterbomo, Mms. Reuben Payne, Mms. Geo. Dinner and Ross, Mms. Jim Snell and Lois, Mm. and Viaty Mrs. Bruce Dinner and son Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dmn- ner and Ronald. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Mm..George Holdaway who died at the home of his son, Mm. Alf Holdaway on Saturday evening, June l5th, in his 93rd Ontario pr( year. much fron Mm. Sidney Lockhamt visited gosiness with friends in Millbrook on Sun- g oldmiin day.buiesg Miss Ruth Payne took part in bsns the piano ectal presented by Miss Phyllis Challis of Bowman- L0 M ville, in honor of hiem pupîls at St. John's hall, Port Hope, Friday ev- ening. While driving through the country recently we noticed some TUNE UN CFRB vemy fine fields of peas, wheat "Ontario Holiday" and tomatoes, and clover, giving 10:3O.m., Thur., FrI.,S *promise of another bountiful han- ,St. G; w BI cg Ai lvi si V C ai bi Jý a: IN tg ti c ti 1 PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABAIT LIMITED No More Setting Dough Overnight! M * ~ '~: ~~ M M M M M M M M , s! M M * M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M : Briglit personality Dre8ses; M * for the young Min on th M M M : go. In fine quality ~ M M * seersuoker o r checked w M : gîngham, tailored or funy w : styles. ~Sizes il to 19. M M M M M M M M M M M M * M M $7.95 M M M M M MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ,MMM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUMU. Margaret Lurana Sleep CUT-UP CHICKEN Buy parts of Chicken your FamiUy Likes Best LEGS ANI) THIGHS8 ta Brai! or Fry.. lb. 81 BRREASTSI to Broil or Fry .............. lb. 81 WINGSÀF ta Broi or Fry.................... lb. 3 BACS M NEKSDfor Soup Stock lb. 2 BUTTER First Grade lb. 4 BLACK TE OUR OWN FLAVOURFULlb ý ASPARAGUS SOUP New Pack 2 2 TEA MIE FLOUR ROBIN HOOD Pkg.3 SWIFT'S CLEANSER 2 crs nUE" DOG BISCUITS 2 1-lb. MASE or TERRIER KIBB LE 2 Pkgs. 2 LIMITED SUPPLIES-WHILE THEV LAST LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE DEEP IIOWNEDDENS 2 Tins25i TO 16 SOIJP CAMPBELL'S, 2 Tins 17i CHICKMN NODLE SOU P Tn 12 I *4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I <I <I ~. I Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George King and arry John, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. V. Rahm, Enniskillen, Mr. and Ens. C. Avery at Mr. M. Bert- m's.-Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ilackburn and family, Mns. T. lowling, Stanley Carr, at Mm. D. .nderson's, Toronto. -Mr. and [rs. C. Avery at Mrs. G. Nid- lry's, Hampton and Mr. Nelson ice's, Zion.-Mr. and Mrs. Cecil lemon spen-t the weekend with [r. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood, AI- iston.-Mn. ane, Mrs. A. Beech at [r. Adam Sharp's, Enniskillen.- [r. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Miss lare Trewin, Bowmanville, hol- .aying at Mr. Wm. Trewin's.- Ur. and Mrs. Stan Moffatt, Osh- âwa, Miss Betty Moffatt, Peter- oro, at Mr. C. Avemy's.-Mrs. H. 1. Werry at Mr. Gordon Werry's, roronto, and Mr. W. Bmownlee's, Leaside.- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Enniskillen, at Mr. Les- ie Graham's.-Mrs. C. Rankine and Margot, Toronto, with her husband.-Mr. arnd Mrs. Wm. Meek, Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mfustard and son, Timmins, at Mr. Jim Hanna's.-Mr. and Mrs. Wal- er Rice, Toronto, Mr. Wm. Vir- ue, Tyrone, at Mr. W. Trewin's. -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and family, Leskard, Mrs. Roy Chaters, LAC. Lloyd Thompson, roronto, at Mrs. W. Thompson 's. Sinceme sympathy is extended to the family in the loss of their father, Mr. E. Brddley. Relatives from a distance at the funeral 'ere Mrs. Myrtle Greenwood, Bridgeport, Conn., Mr. Bud Lor- mer, Buffalo, N.Y., and Mr. Sid- ney Smith, Scarboro. It looks as if cement work is the order of the day with several piles of gravel at diflerent places in the village. und 9 view of the world shortage of food. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Payne and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beebe of Bailieboro on Sunday. Solina Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Lorme, Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank, Is- obel and Douglàs, attended the Holstein Field Day at Columbus, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson have moved to Mr. Wilfred San- derson's farm north of Enniskil- len. 'iheir neighbors here will miss them. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, Ty- rone, have purchased Mr. Fergu- son's property. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin and sons, Mur- ray and Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hockaday have purchased the Argue prop- erty in the village. A large number of friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Roy Langmaid was chairman and in- troduced Gail Paker and Patsy Davis who presented fiowers to the bride and groom. Mrs. Ever- ett Cryderman reaà an address in verse during which Gordon Leask and Deb Vice made the presenta- tion of a floor lamp and crystal rose bowl to Sam and Vera who fittingly replied, invîting all to visit them at HarUpton. A short program followed including a re- citation "Sandy's Courtship" by Mrs. W. J. Leask and music by Congratulations toý Mr. and Mrs. John Baker (formerly June Morris) on their marriage. Mrs. J. W. MeMaster, Zion, at A. L. Pascoe's. Mrs. Herb Richards, Bowman-a ville, with Rilda and Lizzie Hock- aday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomp- son, Lamne and Benny, Bowman-i ville; Mr. and Mrs. Don Thomp- son, Courtice, at Wes. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Walter Davis', Kedron. Y.P.U. presented their drama at Whitby, Tuesday night. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. S. Thompson and Mr. Russell Thompson and family, Toronto, on the death of Mrs. Russell Thomp- son. Starkvill.e Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Ken- dal, visited Mrs. Llew Hallowell. -Miss Alice Hallowell spent the weekend at home.-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, in Oshawa. Quite a few from here attend- ed the ice cream social at Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson in Bowmanville.-Mrs. Richard Hal- lowell spent the weekend in Port Hope.-Mr. and Mrs. Victor Far- row spent the weekend with friends.-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craig, Mrs. W. Wright, Miss H. White and Mr. Brown all of Tor- onto, spent Sunday at Mrs. Rich- ard Hallowell's.-Mrs. S. Brown- lee, Toronto, at Mr. M. Shutka. Find a big enough idea to live for and you'll neyer be unemploy- Ied. PAGE FIV~ ~..WuuoemoeumoemuUMUMMMUM~ M M M M M. M M ** Prints uIN~w -J * n * w AND * * *:Aoeaullw * ~va~~B * M M M M I Contrasts I TO CATCH j j THEEYE jM M M M M M s M * M M M M M * M M M M _ * - M * M M M M M M * M M M M m M M w M 7 Fast - Guaranteed RADIO STRAWBERRI ES The famous "Premier" variety ý1w ee 1 ~4now at their best. CANTELDUPES Salmon Flsh -eah33e PU IIS ELOWFLESH, .lb. l PEACHES FREESTON E21 PLUNS CALIFORNIA, SWEET, 5x5 Doz.35 IIENONS CALIFORNIA, FANCV 300's Doz. 37e GEORGIA, FULLV MATURED SBy the. lb. ea.$14 WATERPILU S 6 $I6 0 NIOUS VELLOW TEXAS, COOKING 2 lbs. 15e CARROTS CALIFORNIA, FRESH - lb. 99 WHOLE WREAT oz115 CRACKED WHEAT 20F CHICKEN STEW SELECT 15-oz. Tin 23e CHILI COU CARN4E .e115-00z. Tin 19e NEILSON'S COCQA « 1-lb. Ctii. 29e NUSTARD DALTON'S Horseradish BtI. 9 CHEESE OLD CANADIAN . lb. 31o FLYDED SPRAY ' B.z.ti. 23< SEAERS CROWN QUARTS * Do.99e CERTO FOR PRESERVING *.. t.25e OGILVIE v. BLENDIES f I L WREAT 2 Pkgs.23 0 r ý 1 "."ew wjjýý, ?-Or«%Vww or-*4.e ýqw ý - - a ýlmwýww-- - qwý