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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1946, p. 7

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PAGE SEVIIN - - -- - mf'mN A &T DtiflflAMUI T I-E- OT A RIO mvI.?nt.I%.V flntflanAt I flC - "THEjCANADAN STESANr Âi..,Jff, A. " ÂMZfv"L it %i- - The Bicycle Safety Club wheel- Mr. Dave Higgon visited bis Miss Helen Tait, daughter of ed to Hampton Park, Saturday for home at Port Coiborne over the Mr. an~d Mrs. Wm. Tait, recently another enjoyable outing. The' weekend. He was accompanied discharged from the R.C.A.F. (W. next trip i planned as a visit and by Mr. and Mrs. William Slaght, D.) has accepted a position 'in Wiener feed at BondHedth who visited relatives in Tilîson- Bala, Muskoka District, for the Port of Newcastle. burg. summer. 'j MARRIS JEWELLERY */alle4ÀF4 Prepare You for a Gay CareFree Siack Suits are the Thing- -always right for any form of summer re- laxation. Particularly smart in gabardine, in navy, red, pale blue and green. SIZES 14 to 20 $7,e95 On the Sunny Side- -is this little three-plece Cotton Play Suit. Perfect for any actlvity. For active sports, wear it sans sklrt - for lounging wear it with thse flatterntn skfrt. A big salection of charin- lingfiorals or stnipes in prints and seersuekers. SIZES 12 to 20 $6995 _________________________ j Vacation Glamorous Two-piece Bather- -for those glorious vacation days just around the corner. Gay floral Seersucker in flatterlng styles. SIZES 14 to 20 $2*98 Blithe.Companion- -for summer is this gaY littie cotton. Dainty floral cotton sheers and striped seersuekers to choose from. Lovely pastel grounds in a host of colours and sixes. SIZES 12 t20 -38 to44 $3,o94 WE AUERE APY TO. JOIN iN "M~ Salut e to Agriculture in recognition of the grand job the Canadian Farmer did during the war and is doing now to f eed the starving people of Europe. Wd/l481ê&L, THE MODERN STOREg phone 451 BoWmnfville TUURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1946 summer cottage at Mountain Lake, Minden over the weekend. This issue, Salute to Agriculture happily coincides with the most promiSing crop prospects in years as well as the National Farm Hol- iday, first of its kind, which is observed locally by the Federation of Agriculture picnic at Orono Park, to-morrow, June 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and Sharron, Bowmanville, Mys. Les- lie Sleight and Dawna, Dunharton, attended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McWatters (nce Winona Brooks) at the home of the groom, 2867 Yongc St. At St. Pauil's United Church, Sunday morning, Dr. W. P. Flet- cher conducted an impressive un- veiling and dedication service, when a Communion Table was presented by Mr. George A. Cor- den in memory of his wife, Ade-. line Williams Corden, who passed away just a year ago. In a recent list of the King's Birthday Honors appears the namne of Lt.-Col. J. Charteris Pat- erson, London, Ont. Col. Pater- son was awarded the O.B.E. for distinguished services in the R.C. A.M.C. overseas. He is a brother of W. L. Paterson, manager Downham Nurseries, Bowman- ville. As we go to press a brief an- nouncement has been received from R. L. Mitchell, Chairman, Hospital Board, that the drive for funds for the new Memorial Hos- pital has been postponed to later in the year. Further pariculars will be given in next week's Statesman, including recent do- nations that have been received. Mrs. George J. M. Bray of Tor- onto gave a tea on Saturday, June 8, in honor of her hister, Miss Iva Everson, of St. Catharines, a bride-elect of this summer. Their mother. Mrs. T. H. Everson of Oshawa, received with them. Mrs. E. J. Bale, Miss B. Harris, Miss Evelyn Gay and Miss Mar- garet Snowden of Oshawa were among the guests.-Oshawa Times Gazette., .The Bowmanville Bees met at the home of Shirley' Grant on June 14. As Mf'ss Oliver will be in town on Wednesday the girls are going to meet at the home of Mrs. Buttery where they will meet Miss Oliv er. rhey wifl fin- ish their dresses for the picnic Thursday afternoon. Adjourn-f ment of business meeting was moved by Elva Green and second- ed by Joyce Buttery. Each girl worked for about two hours on her dress, after which lunch was served. EN GAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth, to Mr. George W. Weekes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weekes, Toron- to. The ma. nage will take place Pin Toronto, the last week in June. 1 Mand Mrs. blSMamifo, sawa Miss Helen Norwick, Bowman- ville, and Miss Ileen Balson, So- lina, at Roy VanCamp's. Mr. Jack Love, London, who is attached to the Ontario Farm Ser- vice Force, is employed by Mr. J. Forbes Heyland for the sum- mer months. Barn Spray with D.D.T. qts. or gais.1 Blaek Disinfectant ihur - - 5 lbs. 23c HOCKIN-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hockin1 (nee Margaret Pearce), of Newcastle, wish to announce the birth of a baby boy, (David Gor- don), on Wednesday, June l9th, 1946, at Bowmanville Hospital. Quick Fre.zing M QP Social and Persoual (con. edfrm ag spoilage. It preserves rather than w~ * qdestroys food value and assists in pi - retaining natural colour and fia- vour. Timing is very important Mv Mrs. F. G. Wood, Toronto, vis- and it is better to do small quan- N, ited Mrs. F. S. Phillips.. tities at one time. As soon as ir Mrs. Albert Lynk, Boston, is blanching is comilleted the veg- tn the guest of Mrs. A. R. Virgin. etables should be plunged, into ice w Miss Agnes Haddy, spent Sun- water. 4 - day with h-er aunt, Mrs. Harry Types of Packing. Foster. Recipes for the types of syrup b( Miss Sybil Burk has been spen- pack and dry sugar pack for fruit et ding a few days with her sister in and saît brine for vegetables were ol Orillia. given. It was learned that the ad- SI dition of lemon juice preventsA Mr. Wallace Elliott, Bolton, was discoloration in peaches. A fun- a recent guest of his brother, Mr. nel, which can be macle from a tin Len Elliott.. can, fitted in the neck of the con- Miss H. Robinson, Toronto, is tainer, is a great help in pouring spending ber vacation with Miss the liquid packing. When dry A. Hodgins. sugar is used it is placed in alter- Mrs. F. Munroe, Ottawa, is hol- nate layers with the fruit. Blue- v idaying with her parents, Mr. and bernies, gooseberrie*, sweet cher- C Mrs. Wrightson Wight. ries and cranberries may be pack- Mr. Nel.-on B. Hull, Toronto, ed without syrup or sugar. Veg- i was Sunday visitor with his son, etables packed in bnine keep fro- Mr. Kenneth Hull and family. zen longer after removal fromr Mr. Don Cox and Miss Mary lces Containers Used S Dossey, Toronto, spent the week-1 end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth The various kinds of wrappings Cox. and means of sealing were ex-E Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patfield, plained. Corn on the cob is neyer attended the wedding of Mr. ancd wrapped individually but in Mrs. T. J. Fitzgerald in Hamilton groups of five or six. Cylindrical last eek.and rectangular-shaped cardboard last eek.cartons either waxed or with Miss Novelda Berry and Mrs. transparent bag linings as cello- H. Dilling spent the weekend phane, pliofilm, etc., glasà jars, with Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, honey and jam tins make satis- Peterborough.' factory containers. Special care Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks vis- must be taken with tin cans how- ited the latter's brother, Mr. H. ever; Elliott, Fenelon Falls, in St. Mxch- Five Pointers ael's Hospital, Toronto. The pictures continued by de- k Mrs. Harry' Foster and Mrs. R. monstrating the method of cook- Whitmee have returned from To- ing the frozen food. There were ronto after spending a week with five pointers to follow in this res- Mrs. W. Tilley and Mrs. A. Had- pect, from the size of the pan to dey. . the boiling time. With the ex- Miss Louila Workman, Toronto, ception of corn on the cob, thaw- and Miss Peggy Shepherd, Oak- ing of vegetables is not recom- ville, were guests of the former's mended. Fruit should not be parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. E. C. thawed until needed for serving. Workman. By the means of freezing, it is Mr. Edward Hawty, Edmonton, possible to have a luscious straw- Alta., called on fniends and re- berry shortc ake and other de- l1atives here, Mr. and Mrs. Richard lightful fruits and vegetables us- Hawty, Wellington St. and Mrs. ually enjoyed in the summer on- MCCOY. ly, while the snow covers the Miss Nellie Parker has return-fils Ladies Ask Questions ed to Peterborough to continue At the conclusion of the slides, her training at the Civic Hospital questions put forth by the ladies after spending her vacation with were ably answered by Miss parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Parker. Newr#an. Impromptu discussions Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrison, arising from personal experien- Hamliton, spent a few days with ces were zestfully enjoyed. In her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. reference to the freezing of meat, Rowe, after returning from their honcymoon trip to the north. Little Karlyn McDonald, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- ald, entertained a group of her fniends last Saturday afternîoon on the occasion of ber fourth birthday.F JhMr. and Mrs. A Cullyn Mahrilynand Blyrontoc werey weeken ndBuesTso r.ono, Mrs W. J. C uly, anf Mr. and Mrs. ShOP Hugh McDonald. Messrs. E. C. C. Southey, James LOWEST Our p Papoe and John Kent.. Bowman- ville, Messrs. Walter Blakely and PR! CES George Shields, Toronto, official -_________ ARM NEEDS à with Confidence at Your IDA. Drug Store> )rices for quality goods are the Iowest in the Dominion of Canada. ORDERS for goods totalling $2.00 or over are postpaid * to any point within 20 miles. M WAR ON INSECTS Hot weather breeds millions of inseets that attaek your '~vegetables, roots, grain, fruits, stock and poultry. The modern farmer knows how much these insects can cost h 1m unless he uses proper pest control. Listed here are nu>nerous preparations of proven value in counteracting the ravages of inseets. Your I.D.A. Druggist carnies ail these istock or can procure them quickly. Carbopi Ground Suip H.T.H. 15 Chiorine Disinfectant 75c-1-50 D.D.T. Pest Dust i-lb. 5-1b. SOC - $3.0 Stocaid - - 16-oz. $ 1.45 AnimalaSpra Household Remedies at Minimum Prices Absorbine Jr ------------- 98c-$1.95 Alka-Seltzer --------------- 29c-57c Bayer Aspirmn--------- 18c-29c-79e Bromo-Seltzer ------------ 25c-49c Chase's Nerve Food --- 60c-$1.50 Dodd's Kidney Pis------------ 43e Ex-Lax ------------------------- 15c-33c Fruitatives------------------ 22c-39c Gilletee Blades ----- 25 for $1.00 Hygeol------------------------ 35c-60c Ironized Yeast------------------ 98e Kruschen Saîts ------------ 25c-69c Sloan's Liniment ---------- 33c-63c GIN PILLS 39c-69c CoHMR TOIe LETi w TISSUompEt.4 rp~ Wormf ix-- Pratt's St PaDint Kerol ---- EHoward's Conditioni Ler 50c-$1.85 ----- 85e ----$1.00 75e-$1.25 altry 60c-$1.00 M N il 3 7S0 SHUET ROLL ROLLS F011 27Ç BARGAINS Beckmore's Gall Salve---29c-59c Redueed Iron--------- 2-oz. '29e Saltpetre ---1-lb. 19e 50e Pinex --------- 32e 15e Writing Pads 8e $225 Lactogen $1.59 39e Mllk of Magnesia Tablets ------00s 29e FOR QUUCK FIRSI AID BAN!) 41lD ADHESIVE BANDAGES Cogte ena rem2j-0 Halo Shampoo ----------- 29e-49e1 M a d e w i t h O i e 0 8S k à b 4 *. topue shaies - $IS@tl, BARGAINS 35e" Corega ------23 25c Sweet Nitre--------- 2-oz. 19e 39e ASA. Tablets ------------ 19e 10e Envelopes --.-- 4e 7e Lux Soap 2 for -lc 25e A.B.S.& C. Tablets --------- -- 19e AIE1 LALESEOD A w .p lu. In Hot Weather Take a Health Sait English Health Saîts----------- 59 Wampole's Grape Sait-------- 50 Kkovah ---------------- 29c-79c Sal Hepatica ----- 30c-59e-$1.15 DENTAL LIQUID 2or 3 drops pet hrushing your daiding white. L^GL33Ç mEDIUM 19Ç On the air-Share the Wealth"- evf Saturday Nisht. Lots of bit cash Prises. 31Canadien sations-C.B.Ç. Ses loue radio lsting for rime sacsstation. DRESS UP FOR SUMMER Charm Kurl-------------------- $1.35 Leg Paints ------------- 15c to $1.0 "lItl' for white shoes ---- 15c-25c Lipsticks --------------- 30e to $1.25 Face Powders--------------- 30 Up PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAL X lMcO.REOOR, [ISDRUOS PHONE 79Z - WB DELIVER - dir ", )eriments on this product had )een limited because of the ra- ioning, but that considerable ad- rancement had been madle on Doultry. After all queries were ended, rs. A. S. Baker thanked Miss qewman for h&r most enlighten- ng program and declared that if ie ladies were not successful vith freezing, it was certainly not he fault of the government. Each person present received a )ôoklet "Freezing Fruits and Veg- ýtables," copies of which rnay be )btained by writing to Consumer ection, Dominion Department of ý,griculture, Ottawa, Ontario. Maple Grove Mrs. Albert Brown, son Billie, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Miss Mildred Snowden spend- ing a week in Toronto. Miss Ruth Armstrong, R.N., To- ronto, visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Arnçstrong. Miss Ruth Robins, Zion, week- end visitor with Miss Doreen Jeffrey. Mr. Albert Brown, Hamilton, at Mr. C. H. Snowden's. Mrs. W. H. Foley, town, with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. D. Ste- yens. Misses Margaret Stewart, Betty Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Intyre, Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Miss Rosella Coolidge, Provi- dence, with her cousin, Mrs. H. R. Foley. Quite a number of relatives and friends were entertained at the various homes of Maple Grove friends on the occasion of Maple Grove anniversary. Mr. Walter Blackburn, just re- turned from overseas who spcnt most of the past year in Germany, visited at his uncle's, Mr. H. R. Foley, on Saturday. Congratulations to Misses Mur- iel Stevens, Joan Munday on get- ting their entrance exams on thei year's work. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Linstead, Paul, Lois, Mrs. Kidd, Rev. and Mrs. Harry Mellows, who was guest speaker, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lodge and son, Sidney, Maryland, U.S.A.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gale, Whitby: Mr. Charles Woodcock, 'Toronto: L- 1 Glamour for Globe Trotters Vacation time is here, with post-war travel ce- portunities beokoning, and the wise gadabout will pick D. suitable coiffure com- panion for her jau.uting ensembles' something equally "right" with travel suits and dreamy dance dresses. To arrive at the end of a trip looking well- turned out is the goal of every woman traveller. And the peak of perfection lies fn a smooth, easy-to-handle hairdress. t Gay* Summer adventures call for a cool, comfy e coif. To keep your hairdo band-box neat, no matter where your travels take you, ask your hairdresser I to give your hair a basic shaping and a new perm. Then bid good-bye to droopy locks for a happy vacation-time!1 rMachine - Machineless and Coid Waves $3.50 to $10-00 d_________________ is d Telephone 2694 d Mrs. Louise Raby Mrs. Ruth Barclay 1 ,'il m 111 î î 11 liIIIi II BIRTH Animal Spray 1 LAURA SECORD CAM TIRED FEET Rexaid 1 1

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