"'fU RWAY. JMY ¶"4th 146 ISPORT NC1eSp1 Junorsmence ran into some trouble in b( Blank Oshawa Hunters this inning when Thompson and fi In Motor City 4-0 Elliot hit safely, but he forced th _____Perry to ground out. Neither se lthe first game of a double- team threatened to score in the ar ~derpaydo Study t seventh and final înning. ,ixander Park in Oshawa the Clemence was the main star fi l juniors shut out the Oshawa for Bowmanville. He struck out th 3mter 4-010 batters, drove in the first run sweter 40 Te lyesa t nd scored another himself. El- in *wa t~t as playing conditionslitwshebtfoteHntr,, were mEMeanything but desir- lit w ic te band warlting oncerin w abýbY the intense heat. -htigtieadwligoc nt e BWmanvili scrd their first three trips to the plate. fil the scodiei( Ha On Saturday Bowmanville were a n in ed seand advancedt o thr nminus three of their regular play- H a sacrifice by Strike and a wilderDdoH pran St-h throw. Then Çlemence came rock. Nevertheless Coach Andy ai through with a dlean hit into Thompson showed that he could c. rightfiel, scoing oar.stili field a team that was worthy The locals scored again in the OistpacHe. s upy3,b third inning. Gilhooley hit safe- sh aHutr:Mpy3,b ly and stole second. He scored Thompson ss, Sereda lb, Claus c, h when McIlveen was safe on an Ellit 2b, Perry rf, Brown f, Hay- tï error. In this same inning the ward cf, Chute p, (Elliot replac- Ii Hunersthrateedto otc thired Chute in third inning). No t, iistunter. Chuetee aond Murhy runs, 5 hits, 6 le! t on bases. q singled and Thompson walked. c omnil uir:Erw The side was retired when Ser-cf Gilhooley ss, Mcllveen lb, t, 4eda fiew out to Gilhooley. Hoar if, Strike c, Ciemence p, r In he ourh nnig CemeceDeGeer 2b, Rundie 3b, Cox rf. s nth Co bth walked. Clemence Four runs, 6 hits, 5 ieft on bases. scored on Brown's hit between tg first and second, putting Bowmnan- The sweetest ioys a heart can h ville out in front 3 to 0. holdp Bowmanville got their final run Grow up between its crosses. V in the sixth frame when Rundie -Nixon Waterman. t R E PAIR - coditin. Lt u ~ jI~ trn:k:alaihencess ryp SPECIALISTS UN HOUSE AND FARM WIRING Rural 5 0 10 Legion 3 2 6 Pepsi Cola 2 2 4 Front Street 2 3 4 Foundry 2 3 4 Goodyear 1 5 2 Next week's games: Juiy 4: Pepsi Cola vs Foundry July 8: Rural vs FoundrytS July 9: Goodyear vsFrnSt THE CANAIAN sTATESMAN, EOWMANVILE, ONTARIO iolina - Hampton Play rie Game at Football )n Dominion Day Before Hampton got into its tride in the Darlington League ootball game played at Hampton ark on Dominion Day, Solina )ooted in two easy goals in the irst hall. The count remained ,at way until 20 minutes in the ;cond haîf when Hampton scored tnd followed on with a barrage )f shots that netted another in ive minutes and at the whistle îe tallies ended two ail. Play was even and shots even n the first spasm but Trom Baker ras in the right place, close in, ýo take a left wing pass for the irst goal and converted again on iscrambie right on the goal line. [ampton's first goal came on a ard shot that hit the goal post nd caromed in. Their second ýame from a right wing lift that was headed in with the backs off alan ce. A prolonged dispute in the first iai! when the goal umps declared the bail out o! bounds before Hampton scored, was settled by the referee after a deiayed en- uiry and the tally didn't count. Wiseman o! Bowmanviile handled the game and could have been more decisive on several occa- ions. Hampton was ciearly the bet- er team ail through the second half. Their combination was su- perior at ail stages. Their for- yards were loose and unchecked tirie and again as Solina faded on ts pressing plays. Time and again Solina goalie saved when Hlampton forwards were right :hrough the defence. It was fast rnoving play all the way whiçh the crowd o! 300 or more quite evidentiy enjoyed. The teams meet again at Soi- ina, July 6, on a larger field to settie the question o! supremacy. SOFTBALL LEAGUE Last week's games: Goodyear 7 Legion 5 Legion 17 Goodyear 7 League Standing:__ Batting Champion to Get Handsome Glove On view at Jack McNulty's Sports Shop is a handsome "Reach Special" first baseman's mitt which will be presented to the champion batsman of the inter- mediate Royals Basebali teamn. The glove is one of the latest cre- ated for use in the big leagues. The donor of the trophy is El- mer Ott who backed the classy intermediate hockey teamr last winter and whose interest aside from his Pepsi-Cola business is a sports fan of large proportions in more ways than one. Don Williams was out in front with a comfortable lead in the last batting averages released, fol- lowed by Richards and Bill Bag- neli, but since the season extends to August 5, the field is open for some dark horse to get the blink- ers off and make a race o! it. Legion Gets Revenge Defeats Goodyear 17-7 Margaret E. McElroy nuî..nanuynct1ti- trihl.su.tt.a. c, which The Statesmnan is glad to reproduce. The Echoes said, "Through her charming personaiity and cheer- fui disposition Margaret made many friends since she entered the school in September, 1940. A diligent student, she took an ac- tive part in the Music Club. At the time o! her death she was head of the properties committee for the current production. "Her pleasant companionship and her wîlngness to accept res- ponsibility will long be remem- bered. She will live forever within our hearts."' Teachers, students and ex-stu- dents alike also paid tribute to a student and young lady who was admired by ail. The second haîf o! the Bow- inanville softball league schedule got under way Tuesday nîght with the Legion soundiy drubbing the Goodyear 17-7. The previous Thursday night the Goodyear had made their first entry in the win column at the expense of the Legion. The runs were too numerous to mention the why and wherefore o! each, but here is the general trend o! the game. The Legion lost littie time in starting their scoring spree. They scored three runs in the first frame and four in the second while the best that Goodyear could do was 1 and 3 in the same innings. Goodyear got back into the e in the fourth inning with two runs. The score now stood 7-6 in favour o! the Legion. Then the Legion batsmen be- gan to pound everything that Hoar could throw. They pushed across 4 runs in the f ifth, one in the sixth and 5 in the seventh, ieaving the score Legion 17, Good- year 7. In ail the Legion pounded Hoar for 19 hits whiie Couch gave up only 3 hits and struck out 7. His team-mates commîtted 6 errors. Goodyear had 3 miscues. The summary: Runs-Legion 17 Goodyear 7; left on bases-Legion 8 Goodyear 6; !irst base on er- rors-Legion 2 Goodyear 5; home runs-for Legion: Couch, Woods, Heaqurtes orGOODYEAR WINS lst GAME Moorcra!t; three base hits-for Salvage collection was held in Legion: Weish and Knight; two Orono on Saturday when over two Geneal Eectie A pliacesYes, it finaliy happened! The base hits- for Legion: Wood- tons o! paper, iron, etc., were Genra Elctic ppianesGoodyear team won a game. They ward 2, Middleton 2, Couch; for gathered by the Scouts. de!eated the Legion 7-5 last Goodyear: Colwell; struck out by The foliowing Orono and Kirby1 Thursday night in an extra in- Couch 7; by Hoar 1. pupils o! Miss Phyllis R. Challis,1 ning o! play. Legion: Harrison lb, Woodward A.T.C.M., Bowmanvilie, took part At the end of seven innings the cf, Middleton c, Colmer 3b, Couch in a recital in Trinity church: Pat- score was tied 4-4. Goodyear p, Woods 2b, McKnight ss, Welsh sy and Harold Moffatt, Jean, Jack1 Hi go le t edrove across 3 runs while ail the rf, K.night If. and Teddy Wilson; Donald Mc-1 Legion could produce was one. Goodyear: Chant ss, Colwell 2b, Laren, Charles, Bill and Maryi PHONEChant, Martyn and Colwell were Clemence 3b, Hoar p, Moorcraft Ann Armstrong, and Marion, P NE438 42 KING ST., E. the men who scored those ail im- cf, Martyn If, McMurter c, McIn- Marvieen and Arlene Boyd. portant runs that gave the Good- tyre lb, Clark r!. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. year______________________ Everett Brown, whose mother, Mrs. A. A. Pollard, Newcastle, passed away on Saturday and M cN ulty's was buried in Orono cemetery on Monday. Strawbemry Festival put on by S pring Cleaning Mlaie Easy SotSo W.A. of Park St. church was a . Spor Shop splendid success. After severai BySedig.UsYorKing St. Bowmianville years, with few social events tak- By Sndin Us our ng place, members o! the con- " DRAPES CU RTAINUS SLIP COVERS PILLOWS Keep healthy and fit - it pays gregation and their !riends en- you to play, enjoy the sunny joyed a social time on the lawn days - Ride a bicycle - Play with Orono Band suppiying many " CUSHION COVERS* BLANKETS* QUILTS at sports. very fine numbers. A brisk show- er hurried everyone indoors later but the rain was much appreci- We have a Laundry or Cleaning Service to Take Care of Alil Your ON HAND ated because o! the continued hot, Reqirmens.Fishing- Tennis - Soccer Our local Continuation School Basebali So!tbali Equip- teachers, Mr. L. C. McGinnis, Miss O rC L T R G A IIIS wiIl proteet your winter clothes ment. A. Basnet, and Miss F. Gray are Our COLDthTORAGE FACILITIES marking examination papers in durng he um er onts.Darts and Dart Boards Toronto. Tabl Tenis -Badmnton Kirby Sunday School and comn- Tabl Tenis- Bdmiton munity picnic was held in the Birds - Crests - Musical park, Saturday. OS AW AU4DR & D Y LE 1110Instruments Several Orono Boy Scouts are OSHA A LUNDY & DRY LEAING___in camp this week with Scouts COM PANY LT D. fmom Toronto, at the south part BICYCLE RENTAL of the Forestry. There are about PRICES 50 boys and leaders aitogether. P hone: Zenith 13000 HOUR ----------------- 25c Dominion Day celebrations i DAY------------------------ $1.00 OOono were spoiled to someex Collections and Deliveries Tuesday, Trhursday and Saturday WEEKEN~D ---------- 15 tent by ain in the afternoon but several sports events were held. rOrono and Newcastle girls were Your milkman makes the last step in delivering mil k te your doorstep ... but before be can do se, many ether steps must be made, too. the milk, have it ready for -pick Up" ... and do countless other chores te keep the herd clean and healtby. I Miss Greta Hunking, Oshawa, Miss Marie Mariow, Toronto and Mm. Haviland Marlow, Bowman- ville, with Mms. R. W. Marlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Nancy and Neil, Brookiin, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., of London, with Mr. and M\rs. Wm. Steele. Mrs. Frank Cossman, Oshawa, with hem sister, Mrs. Wm. Sam- ells. Mms. George Johns and Miss Jean Malcolm entertained their pupils on a picnic at the lake on Friday. Mrs. Johns teaches Cad- mus school another year and Miss Malcolm goes to Islington. Mm. and Mms. Campbell Fraser, Toronto, visited Mm. and Mms. Dan Black. Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Scott and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelem. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, with' Miss Ethel Thompson. Mm. and Mms. Smith, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Conlin, Ja- netville, with Miss Ruth Proutt. Mm. and Mms. Thos. Cole, Osh- awa with hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Wesley Beacock. A number fmom Nestieton at- tended the open-air service in Blackstock on Sunday afternoon. M Tbe dairy executIve C e keepsevrybody "i step". is i nitiative and oganizing ability have made oday 5s ig k service as economical Sand reliable as electric Ji~9 lht and running water. 4The laboratory techuician tests and safeguards the mik . .. makes sure it is ure, germ-free, te protect your health. The dairy plant operator, "usually an agricultural school graduate, using modern hy- gieniC equipment, processes and bottles the milk in accordance with the rigid regulations of the Dept. of Health. GlenRae Dairy Phono 444 Bowmanzwile Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, Ken- ora, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Powers spent the holiday With Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers. Mrs. Henry, Toronto, is staying with her sisters, Mrs. Searle and Mrs. Cooper, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond and Alex have been in Haliburton. Prof. and Mrs. H. Thompson and famiiy, Toronto, are at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Imwin, Mimico, were with Mrs. J. J. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ogden, Osh- awa, at Mrs. W. J. Lycett's. Mr. and Mrs. MeGee, Ottawa, at their cottage. Mr. Harry Grady spent the hol- iday at his home in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Fried and sons, and other relatives fromn Dakota, U.S.A., have been with Mrs. J. E. Armstrong.- Mrs. A. H. Keane is with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kearie at their new home at Birch Cliff. O bRONO POLICE TRUSTEES lt was decided to draw up a by- law for garbage collection in the village. It was aiso decided to set up a by-law re building res- trictions in the village. These bills were ordemed paid: Omono street lights - ------ $175.00 Orono fime hall lights ---- 2.00 Wm. Mitchell, painting -- 1.00 Orono 'Coal and Lumber .. 2.00 Orono Times------------------- .50 Workmen's Compensation 74.92 George Butters-------------- 20.40 Nestieton OSHAWA Air Conditioned Free Parking Phone 1011 FRIDAY - SATURDAY July 5 - 6 Juniny Cricket What a Whale of a Show * WALT DISNEY'S Wonderful 8Adventures of Pinocchio"t FuIl-Ieilgth Featurèi TECHNICOLOR MON. - TUES. - WED. JuIy 8 - 9 - 10 ,,Miss Susis Slagle's" Starring Veronica Lake - Sonfly Tuftg Joan CauIfld COMING THURSDAY The Spiral Staircase' j I I Homes - Schools m Industuial SEALTITE INSULATION with ROCK WOOL We upe only the best materials and, guarantçe our work. Bof ore investing get a price direct from the owner and save money. 47 Queen Street F.HA.E"B4U4 Bowmanville, Ontario RtOYAL TREA BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 5 COOL- AIR CONDITIONED Thursday - Friday - Jul> PAT O'BRIEN rRE -COOL STANLEY RIDGES ~11 DONALD MEEK' HELEN BRODERICKmI PLUS . JMAN ALIVE"% Starring ~ RUDY ELLEN ADOLPH VALEE DREW MENJOU Saturday Onlv - Julv 6 Canie Stars "Mike and Pearl" "SERGEANT MIKE" AND A Tops in Six-Gun Thrills Cartoon iColour "Puppet Love" Mon. -Tues. - W d. - JUIYS8- 9- 10 THAT GREAT BROADWAY COMEDY! "KISS AND TELL" Starrint TEbPLE Fox Late News Cartoon iColer Short& M r M Bstepso90fdrtp 3The higbway trucker picks up the milk at the farm, hiirries it te the dairy ... often battling blizzards and deep snowdrifts. P.C.V.S. Echoes Pays Tribute to Orono Girl KilIed on HlghwaY The Echoes a Publication o! the students o! the Peterborough Col- legiate and Vocational School. in its issue, just recently off the press, pays fitting tribute to Mar- garet E. McElroy, formerly o! Orono, a fi! th year student who in March lost her life in a highway accident just in front of her home on Charlotte St., Peterborough, when returning from school. Ac- t r unable to finish theïr softbal gamne. Orono defeated Kendal 3-2 in a hardball game, also de- feated Newtonville 11-2 in soft- bail. In theevening Courtice de- feated Orono 4-1 at football. The holiday festivities ended with a dance at the town hall with Russ Creighton and his variety dance band in attendance. Miss Mary Mason, R.N, County Health Unit staff, is on two mon- ths' vacation. Trustees and Ratepayers Fed- eration of Durham County met in Orono last week with a splendid representation from différent sections. Col. Watson, Dept. o! Education, brought some splen- did information. along modern lines of education. Miss Mary Somerville has re- turned to the Bank of Commerce after her vacation. Miss Agness Waddell is now on hoiidays. Clothing drive has had a splen- did response from residents o! this community. Parcels have been packed and sent by post office employees, who give their time freely in thîs good work. Decoration Day services were held at Orono cemetery, Sunday afternoon. Orono Band was in attendance. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren and family and Mr. Carmen Cor- nish spent the weekend in the Haliburton district. Miss Helene Waddell, Toronto, is holidaying at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walker and Frances Trenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper. Mr. C. Wood, Kitchener, at his PAGE ELEVEW WesIeyviUe silver sandwich plate as a token of appreciation for her social Sunday School at 10:30 with ailwokinte-eghohod teachers present and a small at- We were very sorry to learn of tendance of scholars due to the the illness of Neal Nichoils, son hottest Sunday of the seasoq. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nîchoils who Chuch ervceSunay vennghad an appendix operation Sun- Churh srvie Sudayeveingday morning, and also pielised that at 7:30 with Dr. Oke in the pulpitheigtinalgniey after being absent tWo previous s Mr. an Mrs. Bised ndfa Sundays preaching anniversar M.adMs ise n a services at other appointments mily visited with relatives at and, as usual preached a very. fine Claremont over the holiday. sermn. he msicwas lsoex- Miss Olive Mason visited friends ceptionally good with Mrs. Reeve at Trenton over the weekend. at he ian whleMrs Ok ply- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maynard at the pian hl r. k ly were holiday visitors with Mr. ed te oran.Clarence Nicholîs and Mr. Sid- Many of our summer visitors ney Lockhart. are in their cottages again and we A large number from the com- were glad to see several of them munity attended the sports-day at church on Sunday evening. celebration in Port Hope on Mon- Mrs. Carr and Ruth were guests day and reported a very pleasant of honour at a farewell party held day. on the lawn of Mrs. Arnold Thorn- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langman and dyke by the ladies of the com- faxpfily of Toronto were Sunday munity who presented her with a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perey large round wall mirror. Snell. The youn~g people of the com- The school children presented munity gave Miss McCaw a fare- Miss McCaw their teacher with. well party Thursday evening at many useful gifts in appreciation the home of Carroll Nichoîls for her untiring efforts in help- where she was presented with a ing them with their studies. Orono News PRONE 494 % e". V, %