PAGZEI EXVU ?TTRMnAV ULY .1i Rh.i oA THE CANADIAN STATESMAN OM.VLE. ON'TARIO D'PNal Brith Defeat Rotary Juniors e-2 Behind the 3-bit pitching of «Jack Langmaid B'Nai Brith of shawa defeated Bowmanville i ..uniors 6-2 in a Junior O.B.A. 'iardball game piayed at the High ~choo1g rounds on Saturday af- ternoon dXhe locals just couldn't hit an ey committed several erlprs contributed ta the Pwa talles. kThe game started out as though was going ta be a replica a! -the close battle which these same two teanis had in Oshawa the pre- viaus Saturday. There were only, two hits in the first two innings. Gilhooly hit safely in the first in- ning and Langmaid smashed out a triple in the second., The fourth frame brought trou- ble for the Juniors. Patte and Legree were on thraugh errors, Dell was hit by the pitcher and the bases were loaded. Then Morrison hit what might have been a double-play bail but the Juniors erred in an attempt ta cut the run off at the plate. Bathe drove in two more runs with his bingo. B'Nai Brith added another run in the next inning when Buckley crossed the plate on Aiken's long fiy into centre field. Dell and Bathe scored the ather two Osh- awa runs in the eighth. Going into the last half of the ninth Langmaid appeared ta have a shutout. It was then that Gil- hooly got on through an error at Newcastle Community. Hall Monday, July 22nd - Sponsored By Newcastle Basebali Club ADMISSION FOR DANCE One Lifebuoy Carton and 5Oe This is the opportunity for ail the young people to hear and dance to an outstanding band that has been playing to teen-age groups throughout Ontario. As a collection of experts in sweet and swing music, the Debon- aires know ail the answers, and they play the music the way the hi-crowd like it. Im Washing machine out of order? Iron need a new wire? Whatever your el- ectrical troubles may be, cali 438 now and oui re- pair man will inunediately. fix it SEE THE NEW General Electric Combination Radio Corne in and see the New GE. Record Player and Radio on display. It is the latest in cabinet designs, record playing equipment and reception. Each Set, Com plete............ $10e.50 SPECIALISTS IN HOUSE AND FARM WIRING Your General Electric Appliance Dealer Higgon Electric PHONE 438 "Johiuty Angel" GEORGE RAFT CLAIRE TREVOR A Derellet Ship . - . Stolen God ... Leads to GrIm Adventure kCartoon Shorts 42 KING ST., E.1 "i»Riverboat Rhythm!' - PLUS - UAong Ndavajo Trail" Roy "Gabby" Rogers Trlgger Hayes Cartoon lni Color fion -Tue*. - Wed. - JuIy 22 - 23 - 24 IN TECHNICOLOR Starrlng ERROL FLYNN Cartoon iColor ALEXIS SMITH Fox Late News SPORT NEWS Oshawa B'Nai Brith: Patte ýb, Aiken 3b, Legree If, Dell ss, Mor- 1 risson cf, Bathe rf, Morgan c, Buckley lb, Langmaid p.. Bowmanville Juniors: Hooper ss, Gilhooly 2b, Mcllveen cf, Hoar If, Dadson lb, Strike c (replaced by Slees in ninth>, Sturrock rf, Clemence p,. Rundle 3b. Juniors Lose Second Consecutive Game Bowmanville Juniors lost their second consecutive game Wednes- day night in Whitby, 5-2. Whitby had lost five straight games and their victory came as somewhat ai an upset. Quantrill was in rare form for the victors as hie yielded only four scattered hits. Hoar started on the mound for Bownanville but was replaced by Clemence in the fourth inning -when he ran into difficulties. In the first inning it seemed as though Bowmanville boys might walk away with t1ýe gaine when Hooper and Mcliveen bath hit, safely, but Quantrill bore down and retired the side. Majaker and Quantrill crossed the plate for Whitby in the thîrd frame. It was in the fourth that Hoar really got into trouble. Lowe hit; Quantrili was through an an error, and Mai aker was hit by the pitcher. Clemence came into the game and struck out the next batterobut a walk and a hit by McDonald netted three runs. Bowmanville scored one run in the fifth the result of three Whit- by miscues. They got their other run in the next frame when Dad- son scored after blasting out a triple. Again as in their 1-0 ioss ta B'Nai Brith Bowmanville lads had men on bases but failed ta come through with hits when they were needed, The summary: Whitby, 5 runs, 5 hits, 3 left on bases and 6 errors; Bowmanville, 2 runs, 4 hits, 7 leit on bases ançl 6 errors. Struck out by Quantrili 4, by Hoar 3, by Clemence 4. Whitby: Rae 3b, McDonald 2b, Reed lb, Yuill ss, Gates cf, Lowe If, Quantrill p, Majaker c, Me- Ewen rf. Bowmanville: Hooper ss, Gil- hooly 2b, Mcllveen cf, Hoar p, Dadson lb, Strike c, Sleep If, Sturrock rf, Cornish 3b. ROYALS BATTING AVERAGES A. Osborne ------- D. Williams ------ T. Cowan -------- T. Bagnell --------- B. Bagnell ------- C. Osborne -------- M. Yourth - ------- E. Hoaper -------- J. Crombie ------- R. Ames ----------- D. Mcllveen -------- R. Richards --------- Cordelle ------------ B. Bates --------- B. K ent ---------- E. Witheridge ----- Bill Bagneil now bases. Hits Av. 7 .367 9 .360 9 .333 12 .308 8 .296 8 .267 9 .243 3 .214 2 .200 3 .176 4 .167 4 .143 i .040 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 16 stolen 11=0=0 0=0= Air Condltloned JFree Parking Phone 101 O THURS. - FRI. - SAT. o July 18-19 -20 Greer Garson- Clark Gable n ln MONDAY - TUESDAY 0 ~July,22 -23 g:Colonel Dimp Aton Walbrook, Deborah Kerr.1 ln Technicolor As styllish as they are Accurate I Modern design demanda that a wristwatch be small and dainty. In smali sizes, no other tinxe- piece lias equalled ROLEX accuracy and dependability. A ROLEX watch is the ideai gift for any occasion. Also a, wide variety of Cheaper Watches HOO0PER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop Royals Lose 12-5- To Port Hope Sat. and Mcllveen foilowed up with his mighty home-run clout over the left field fence. Langmaid and Dell were the main characters in the Oshawa victary. Langmaid had three hits as well as limiting the Juniors to three hits. It was Bathe's hit that drove across the second and third runs and really. put B'Nai Brith on the road to victory. For the locais, Clemence, per- haps from too much mound work, wasn'i pitching his regular brand of bail, McIlveen deserves special mention for his hame-run blow, as does Hoar for his -fine catch in lef t field. The summary: B'Nai Brith, 6 runs, 10 hits, 6 left on bases and 2 errors. Juniors 2 runs, 3 hits, 4 left on bases and 5 errors. Struck out, by Langmaid 13, by Clernence '7. Football Meeting Awards Hampton Disputed Game President Lloyd Ashton of the Darlington Football League acted promptly in the matter of the disputed, Solina-Hampton, foot- ball match, by calling an execu- tive meeting in Hampton town hall, Tuesday evening to settle the issue. Two representatives from each of the seven teams were present. It was disclosed that Solina had filed a jormal protest on Satur- day's game which broke up be- fore full time with Hampton lead- ing 1-0. The pratest was that the referee had illegally penalized a Solina player. A statement was read from the reieree that he felt obliged ta cal the garne and give Hampton the Hampton and Courtice1 Win At Footbadl11 As predicted by a few soccer experts who' attend ail leaguei games, the race for top position will nat be determined until the last gaMe is played for the early leaders are -fading before the sur- prising strength shawn lately by teams getting away ta a slow start. In the two Football League games played Saturday night, Caurtice an home grounds took Solina 4-0 in a fast clean game. Hampton, with Orono as visitors won handily with another -shut- out 3-0. Few details could be se- cured by telephone sa only the bare scores are 4iven. The league meeting at Hamp- ton which dealt with the Solina- Hampton dispute is reparted to have had a good effect on dlean play in subsequent games. Ac- cording to experts and the eni- phatic opinion of Hampton's hefty fullback, it will take a strong aggregation ta edge Hampton froni the final championship. We have bden unable ta get the pres- ent league standing as we go ta press. Front Street Wins 22-9 Over Pepsi Cola sý t( _____ ecision in view ofuil thLe cru- Bowmanville Royals feli be- stances. In the general discussion SI fore the Port Hope nine by a score it was thought best ta take the t af 12-5 in a Lakeshore Intermed- opinion af the delegates and in theV iate Basebaîl League gamne play- vote it was confirmed that Hamp- ed at Port Hope, Saturday. Ac- ton had won by the score indi-V cording ta the Royals coach it cated. e was a case of tanglefoat netting It was strongly urged that the t six errors plus timely hitting by ruling af referees should be up-h Port Hope batters that caused held as a first necessity for pre- e the debacle. Royals gathered 12 serving and promoting the game hits ta the Ports nine, but mis- on a high plane. Before adjourn- 9 cues marred their batting lead. ment it was recommended that uI Tommy Cowan took the mound in future, ail referees be carefully i] for Royals but retired in favor of chosen by a board representing all Porky Osborne after 5 runs had teams in the league. It is hoped crossed the plate in the second that the decision will be accepted a frame. Five more in the fourth in the best of good sportsmranship for Port Hope put the game on and the remaining games played r ice and Cowan again came back off according ta schedule. f ta pitch out the late frames. Cow-c an and Osborne hit three times each in four tries with Don Wil- Rural. Finally Beatenl liams getting two. 1By Goodyear 16-13 Pint-size Ross Zealand for Port Hope, lashed out four hits for in Fast Monday Game four including two homers ta net 8 runs. Cawan and Bill Bagnell The high and mighty Rural also hit homers. Max Smith pit- saftball team have met their first ching for the Ports kept the Roy- Waterloo. It was the cellar- als hits well scattered. The d«relling Goodyear that humbled crowd was on its toes ail the way. the undefeated Rurals in a hard- The same teams tangle again at fought game at the Public Schaol. Bowmanville, Saturday, July 27. The score was Goodyear 16, Rur- R. H. E. als 13. Usually a high-scaring Royals ---- 011 000 210- 5 12 6 game indicates a rather dull con- Port Hope 9)50 500 llx-12 9 1 test, but this was nat the case on Bowmariville: Yourth 2b, W. Monday night as the game hung Bagneli ci, Willims lb, T. Bagneil in the balance until the final 3b, Ames rf, Osborne p 3b, MIli- f rame. veen If, Kent 1f, Cowan p nf, Ri- Goodyear scored 4 runs in their chards ss, Cordelle c. hali ai the first, as Colwell, Chant, Port Hope: Keeler ss, Hoy 2b, Mclntyre and McMurter crossed Edwardsan lb, Douglas 3b, Daw- the plate. Blackburn, Bragg and ley ci, McDonald If, Porter rf, Pickle countered with 3 runs, Walsh rf, Zealand c, Smith p. taking advantage ai two consecu- Umpires: Murphy, Bowman- tive Goodyear errons. ville at plate; Devine, Port Hope In the third inning the Rurals on bases. went ahead 6-5. McIntyre hom- _________________ ered for Goodyear while hits by Pickle and Werry and three LegonTeam Wallops walks isued by Hoar netted 3 Legione for the Rural team. Good- Pepsi Colas by 18-10 year fought back in the next trame ta take the lead 9-6 on In the first postpaned game single by Oke and Chant, a dou- played last week in the local sait- ble by Colwell and Bagnell's home bahl league the up-and-coming run biast. ILegion team trounced the Pepsi The Rurals deadlocked the IColas 18-10. The game îtself was caunt in the fifth, but Goodyear in no way interesting from the laid dawn a barrage ai 5 hits in spectators point ai vîew other the sixth which resulted in 3 than ta watch the confusion ai runs. The die-hard Rurals coun- the scarer as the runs came pour- tered wîth 2 runs and thus went ineac~rdigs the 1nThte inta the last inning trailing 12- I 'i 3 I 3q 0 --- 0DWEDNESDAY to SATURDAY0 0 Juy 24- 25 -26 -27 ftBing Crosby, Bqb Hope, Dorothy Lamour i Q "The Road To Utopia"D*0 MONDAY - TUESDAY f Jly 29 -30 I L'ýThiee Strangers"~ starrint ;Sdney Greenstreet, GraldineD Fitzgerald0 0 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY July 31 - Aug.1 Chares Coburn, Alexander Knox in l "Wilson" n inTcniooO Yaurth, the first man up, blast- ed a home run for Pepsi Cola, however, Woods tied it up. In the *second inning there came a landslide ai Legian runs. Before they were finished the score was 7-i in favor ai the Legion. The Pepsi Colas got back in the game in the fourth inning when they crept ta within one run o! the Legion making the score 8-7 for the Legion. The Legion pull- ed away again as Little, Harrison and Middleton scored in the fifth. Six runs in the sixth inning sewed it up for the Legion. Home runs were the order oi the day. Yourth, Piper, Tom De- pew, and Littletan ail pounded out circuit clouts. The summary: Pepsi Cola 10 runs, 9 hits, 7 leit on bases and 3 errors. Legion, 18 runs, 12 hits, 3 leit on bases and 2 errors. Struck out: by Hrn 2, by Dickens 1, by Couch 8. Pepsi Cola: Yourth 3b, Halîman 2b, Piper ss, Dickens cf (pitched in iourth), T. Depew lb, Cordell c, (replaced by Crombie in third), H. Depew If, Wiseman r!, (repiac- ed by Mutton in seventh), Horn p (replaced by Cordeli in fourth). Legion: Richards ss, Cameron r!, Woods lb, Calmer 3b, Couch p, McKnight ss, Little cf, Harrison 2b, Middletan c. Rui Legi Pep Froi Fa Goo SOFTBALL STANDINGS Won LostF rals ------------- - 6 1 gion -------- - 4 2 psi Cola ----- 3 3 nt St.-.------- 2 3 ,indry ------------- 2 5 odyear -- -- - 2 5 We need anly obey. There is guidance for each a! us, and by lawly listening we shail hear the ight word.-Emerson. Just ta make sure of victary the Goodyear batsmen went ta work again in the seventh inning, driv- ing in 4 more runs. Again errars almost cast Goodyear the game, but they cut short a Rural rally at 2rune The prolifie slugging af Goad- years was the main feature ai the game. Coiwell was the leading hitter with four saieties, follow- ed by Bagneil and Mclntyre each with three bingles. For the Rur- ais Werry had four hits compris- ed af three doubles and a homer; Richards had two doubles and a single. The summary: Goodyear, 16 runs, 19 hits, 8 lef t on bases and 7 errors; Rurals, 13 runs, il hits, 9 lef t on bases and 2 errons. Struck out, by Hoar 1, by Gay 4. Home runs, Goodyear, Bagneli, Hoar, Mclntyre; Rurals, Werry. Two- base hits, Goodyear, Colwell, Me- Intyre, Maynard; Rurals, Black- burn 2, Werry 3, Richards 2. Goodyear: Colwell 2b, Chant 3b, Bagnell ss, Hoar p, Mclntyre lb (replaced by Maynard in th), McMurter c, Krichew If, Oak cf, Kilpatrick rf. Rurals: Blackburn 2b, Bragg 1f, Pickle ss, Werry lb, Gay p, Os- borne 3b, McDonald r!, A. Rich- ards c, Rickard cf. TROOF LEADER RECEIVES KING SCOUT BADGE On Friday, June 28th, Troap Leader Don Dudley, son ai Major and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, was pre- sented with his King's Scout badge along with his ambulance- man's, swimnmers', rescuers' and pathflnder's badges. Perfect conformity ta the will oi God is the sale sovereign and complete liberty.-D'Aubigne. In a contest that bore more re- emblance to a cricket match than to a softball game Front Street hellacked Pepsi Cola 22-9. ACý the score would indicate the game vas a littie one-sided. Much of the interest in the game vas lost when Front Street scor- ed 10 runs in the first inning. Af- er that it was just a matter of Lýow many runs the Front Street- ers could pile up. To relate the procedure of the game would be a matter of col- umns, so here is the general gist. Front Street scored their 10 runs n the first frame on only four hits. Horn gave up four walks and his mates miscued four times. Pepsi Colas managed to get three runs in their half of the first. In the third Front Street added four more tallies. The Pepsi Colas came back with six runs in the fourth but Front Street retaliated with one run in the fifth and sixth Md ý ;ad si in he lst inin6. rror 2 s; P epsi o a sesun, a Rurals SoftbaiI Team Defrats Foundry S- The Rurals continued undef eat- ed as they won a close gaine from the Foundry Saturday evening at the Public School. The game was tied 2-2 at the end of seven in- nings and an extra frame was1 needed to declare a winner. There was no scoring until the fourth inning when bath teanis scared twice For the Rurals, "Ace" Richarâs went to first when Hately iiiterfered with his swing and scored on Gay's doublé. Gay in turn was driven in by Houck's single. The Foundry kept the game on ice when Jackman and Rundie scored on a hit by the former and a couple of Rural er- rors. The Foundry had a chance ta take the game in the lait haif af' the seventh when Fair douoled with only one out but his mates failed to drive him in. Up until the eighth inning it had been a pitching duel between Richards and Trewin, but in this extra frame it became a slugfest as the batters of both teams pounded the opposing pitcher al over the lot. Six hits and a walk netted 6 runs for the Rurals, while the best the Foundry could collect was 3 tallies. The game Saturday night was one of the best games of the sea- son as the Foundry gave the Rur- *als a real run for their money. Both Richards and Trewin pitch- 1ed valiantly. Pickell showed up *well for the Rurals hitting twice and making several brilliant snares in the field. For the i Foundry Jackman had 3 hits in 4 trips to the plate. The syýmmary: Rurals 8 runs, 18 hits, 5 left on bases and 4 er- .rors. Foundry 5 runs, 5 hits, 5 tleft on bases and 4 errors. Struck out by Richards 1l, by Trewîn 8. ADMISSION - - - 51.00plus tax Grandstand Free ITOP NOTCFI RESTAURANT FACILITIES Accounting and Secretarial Service Income and Other Government Returos Prepared BASSETT BLOCK 31/2 Simcoe 'St. S. Oshawa, Ontario - PHONiE - Office - - - 3473 'p q a Both teams used two pitchers. Williams started on the mound for Front Street and was replac- ed by McFeeters in the fifth. Wise- man took over the pitching chores for the Pepsi Colas when Horn was knocked from the mound in the third. The Pepsi Colas brought the disaster on their own heads. They made 10 errors which coupled with 12 Front Street hits resulted in the 22 runs. The summary: Front Street, 22 ~fkir' f*~#«eV TODAY, inany more Long Distance cails are being put through than our facilities were originally designed to handie. Until our current construction program is completed, the operator will at times be slow in answering ... often bc unable to put your Long Distance cail through while you hold the lime. But you may bc sure she will eall you back as soon as she eau~. She will always be grateful for your patience and understanding. FPRANI WILLIÂM Manager. hits, 6 left on bases and 10 errais Struck out, by Williams 2, by Me0- Feeters 1, by Horn 2, by WIae- man 1. Home runs, Front Street James, Brough. Pepsi Cola, ]EL Depew. Two-base hits, Front St Mason 2, Rundie, Hooper. a Ail the good of which human- ity is capable is comprised in. obedience.--Johri Stuart Mill. IHARNESS RACE S PARK TORONTO_ 2. 30 p.m. NEXT SATURDAY & MONDAY Also WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th - -ý A IMIPd% r-9 04