PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TITTRQflAV- TTTLV 1flth1946OL Accessories James), Toronto, who is a grad-h uate of the Taronto Genenal Hos- Ma neuvering cautiously hene *pital, was amang the nurses »rha s Specialists* in Glass Installation wrote the Provincial Nurses' Re-IJ: i9:44 u * gistration ExamInations recently and was successful in neceiving And Seat Covers for Al Makes of Cars her Reg. N. degree. FOR THE BEST UNION CHURCH SERVICES VAUEI W LL DO E chunches of the town are uniting fan the Sunday evening service. MNHADy < UI The following churches will con-Fr i An Invitation ~duct the services for the remaind- mUE2 o9 er of the summer: St. John's Anglican, - July 21, 28 and Trînity United - - August 4, 11i We cordially invite your inspection of our Salvation Army - - August 18, 25 V g tbe ,fiodern Funeral Chapel. H ere you will have oppor- ..enCTj$ osso tu.nity to see the facilities that are placed at the C H URC H E SSE-J disposal of our clients and also to learn of the EVANELISMC TBERACLEShopat things we do to lessen the burden of the bereaved. PVANGstr:H. .TABENAEn YEhI' fll Chapel service does not add to the cost of the funeral. P sundaH y W.O'Bien0 1 l5 il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistîc Meeting C i 4 e 'sSI~t Wednesday aers Fe F. MORRIS Co. 8p.PaerCrucery 1 Men give counsel; but they give DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS not the wisdom ta profit by it. Ta Phone M7 We Deliver EOWMANVILLE 480 - 734 ORONO 27-1 ask wisdom of God, is the begin-- --- ning of wisdom.-Mary Baker Eddy. - ------ Dorothy Clara (Dolly) Elston and NwM m ra ak and there the scribe circled along Darli Mr. Stanley V. Lawrence which NebymralPr Queen St., having been tipped off tolpae nS.GeresAngli- Explained b that Scotty Grant, on holiday Moni ,#SOCIAL AND PERSONAL can Church,Oshwo July 6. Norman Scott from Goodyear, cudadsm D.lad . ngad ono ihus e s mamily ondf skunks . eer Phone66Dran- Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, Te Bw nvle Mmial was. Nestling under the chieken move U......U UU UU UU UU UU-U Oshawa, has completed his course Park on Liberty St. south, which They are being disposed of as was gr Mr.andMr. FedSpierarewa gustof ermoter Mr. n dentistry at the University of has had the backing of the publie they emerge to view the landscape Cour Mr.itnd Mrs. Fpice aer.A.wsgusfht. mo her s f. oonathr.douglas aaciewrdhsnce its inception and particularlY and distribute their familiar trade Centra vSitn r.S e.A igmostoftheplagroud eeip.Detistganaprf esionl mn Aric ~ heE anr oot, Mr. Russell Moffatt, Toron'to, ed one of the golden keys emble- of the Lions Club which furnished mark on the evening air. Are v AisitEian r.Sier, ndo spent the weekend with his par- matic of outstanding service in Ms ftepagon qi- Dnit n rfsinlmn$5r en --i A.E. ' Mr-'. sudent and ment, is now under full swing report that they have not requir- $5r ~n. ens,. ~ IU ±VI~. JNI ityL . ~uies according to a letter read from ed anaesthetic in recent days, at B- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernelhy Miss Nan AllUn, Toronto, was iy Secretary Norman Scott, *B.S.A., least while windows are open. of Hig] dî fa y* are enjoying a Nveek's weekend guest of her parents, Congratulations to Miss Collette MsC., at the recent regular Lions The ink on the Statesman's press-esia Vaato4tPigeon Lake. Mr ndMswSohs.Aln. Fruon on the success ofuhir Club luncheon. es has even taken on a new sheen, raise ii Darî Ms.W MY'dll ad Mandste S.rdoCBase lDerit pisinheectmuc r.arenhlidyn tOihni oidyn ihM.adMs1xa ae ebrte o Mr. Scott who is Manager of but we were told by the man P. I. t, areninsula. g tOlp A . G. rookaigwthMadMs. first place with first class honours the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurser- who is capably handling the sit- spectoi eMrs.iHsula.TorontoBrowas in Grade 3 Piano and Colleen ies, has from the very first been uation that in a matter of a few regard Mrs HoblOshwaisvistin Mr Te Cark, Trono, asClarke obtained 8 marks t top aprime oe in this municipal days everything will be back to Weed er mother, Mrs. Fuller Cator at weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. the Irst class honours in Grade 2 project. He donated the trees sur- surmmer ieltht has b rough eat aing w isalEm E. MoigtfTattto Piano. rounding the property and !lis out this brief report. Now we Mat, Mis Elanoe igh, Trono, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLeüd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke and advice led to the splendid drain- proce ed with our knitting. Rt ~~ ~Kirkland Lake, were guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackney age system within the park whîc ____Rate_____ jand Mrs. J. Living last week. motored ta Midland last weex 15 now almost complete. He~ month Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson attend- where they saw the beautiful Ste. speaks highly of the freé labor Successful Pupils of Acci ed the Danniels-Reynolds wed- Marie, Shrine. They stayed at given the park committee by the F. L. Guaranteed ding in King St. United Church, *'Lakeview Cabins" owned and Local Union 189. Mrs. S. Ferguson Bell !- Oshawa, on July 6. operatedt by Mrs. Maurice Tamn- As to costs of completion of the A. Ped aU ' Wood for matches is sawed in- blyn of Bownanville. Af ter Park, Mr. Scott tells that the town All pupils of Vera McGill Fer- A. Ay to planks twa inches thick, sea- spending a wee1K at Mrs. Tamn- of Bowmanville put up $100 by guson,. A.T.C.M., who tried the N. J. soned for two years and then blyn's camp, they took in the 30 way of an off-set grant for drain- 1946 examinations of the Toronto W. H. sawed into match blocks. inousand isianci boat trip. age, and that, due to the drainage Conservatoxy of Music! were suc- sheep S erv ice There will be a hike Wednes- .Mrs. Fred Colmer returned catch-basins installed by the town cessful. The resuits are in order Claud dayJul 24 Met a th puliehome after a pleasant visit with in its sewage extensions, the Of menit. Ms school at 2 o'clock. Bring your relatives in Caigary, Sibbald and Park will be dry at all seasons. Piano Keep ow uc.BonOl Banff, Alberta. Last week, it was pointed out, Gade IX, Honors: Glen R-, J. D. Misses Helen and Gloria Hoc-aithLonClbeip nt Hodgson. Jn on ail makes of Home kett, Oshawa, are holidaying with On July lst, Mr. and Mrs. E. in GradeLVIIICHonors: Pegy Di- JuD. their grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Psatnldaw]oehomne cluding swings, slides, rotrye VII oexcisgyDi-J.D and A to Raios red for their son, Lloyd, who re- honse-rides have been installed , GynthGrffth and utoRados redLews. romoveseas an hudres o chldrn ae tere Grade VI, Finst Class Honons: Cawk Dr. and Mrs. M. A. James, To- centiy returnedfom vesandhdrsofcirnaetee Madeline Osborne. Honors, Vi- Mrs __________________________ rnto, ar spendig a fewdays xwhere he served with the Cana- daily having a good time. Mean- vinSieJye tn ee res intownarvsitning fe dsn dian Army. About 27 relatives time both hard and softball dia- Turn Ser oc Sto, e road inETS OÂLI1iDiFOR relatives and friends attended. Out of town monds are being laid out and an Guraery. irtCls Hn r: AN DLIERDMr. and Mrs. Cecil Herman, guests included Mr. and Mrs. Mac- outdoor rink will be ready for the Paige Lycett, Virginia Stutt, and mi A" DELVERED nd family, Detroit, and Mrn. Keever and Miss P. Cobbledick of winter. The Brookdale Co. sup- Shirley Morris. Honors, Tanya Mrs. Alf. Atkinson, Toronto, ande Oshawa, Mrs. Gallagher and sons plies a free motorized mower to 1Goddand Patsy Ann Smith, Wan- COi gust of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edg- Jack, Harry and Terry of Toron- cut the grass. The same company da Malley . Pass, Janie Beliman, ra er. an to, Mn. and Mrs., Lorne Cobble- will plant almost 500 new trees Diana Webber (equal). AuthrizedMr.FacsTopn dick and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cob- around the park this year. Grade IVHnr:BtyBr and family, and Mn. and Mrs. Geo. bledick of Newcagtle. It is learned that at least one ri, ax Lycett, Betty Gibson, Crosley Dealer Graham, Jr., and family, visited Fire broke out Monday after- of the buildings at the Intennment Catherine Campbell. Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. At- noon in a small shack of the Ton- Camp will be floated in to make Grade III, First Class Honors: Wil, and Mnr. M. Atwell, at onto Construction Co., near the heated dressing rooms for the Shirley Pollock. Honors, Marie Dunsford. y new disposai plant. Prompt ac- winter, together with toilets and Ann Jeffrey, Betty Gibson, Robert S Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry and tion of the Fire Brigade saved the maybe shower baths for the en- Fallis, Donaldj Snider. Fei littT * Bobby have moved to their building and damage was lîght to tire year. But all of this takes Grade II, First Class Honors: form, Roy W .Neads ew home at 1070 Simcoe St. contents. 4 money. Sally Ott, John Stacey. Honors, Unite South, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Mort. Hare, Bas- At the moment the Park Com- Pat Bagneil, Sylvia Coverley noon Radio1 Mrs. Henry has been staying adena, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. How- mittee has in bank only $61.89. (equal>, Patricia Morrill, Norma Wini. Sls&Srie with her mother, Mrs. E. Passant ard Price, Willowdale, Dr. and Aside from drains that must be Dale. Mr.z Sales &Service for the past 31/2 years while her Mrs. H. V. Slemon, and Peter, paid for as well as the $100 ad- Grade I, First Class Honors: typa( 85 King St. E. Phone 580 husband was senving with the Toronto, were guests of Dr. anci vanced by the town, it will re- Sandra Coole, Sally -Ott. of MV Canadian Army 'Ovenseas. Mns. C. W. Slemon. quire at least another $2,000 ta Theory vale. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Elston at- Mrs. B. Hall, Miss Mclntosh, make the scheme completely up Grade V History, Honors: Col- forn tended the wedding of his sistei', and Miss McClanen, Toronto, were to date. It is likely that the Lions lette Ferguson. wed( weekend guÉsts of the fonmen's Club together with other com- GrdII ityFs ,Ca M . father, Dr. J. C. Devitt. munity organizations will nally Honors: Gwyneth Griff ith. Hon- TIý Mn . . . tnkean MssA.round ta finance the nemaining ors, Peggy Dippell, Kay Lycett. hierj Cît .A.Stiean is obligations to the youth of Bow- Pass, Glen R. Hodgson. moi) j..,> > ouer, Toronto, are spenuing Grade II, First Class Honors: uine '-'their holidays at Presque Isle. manville. Mdln sanBraaVn a Mmbens of Ladies' Legion gin, Janet Dale. and Auxiliary please note that meet- Str onsH lsPci Grade I, Honans: Bona Mary rs A BIRIH RECORD SPOON 'E ings will be discontinued until' Griffith, Joyce Sutton, Helen strai WIHNMDT N Tuesday, September 3nd, at 8 p.m. At Orono Park Turner. Pass, Wanda Malley, H( QOREGAE Dance to the popular /Lifebuoy Diana Webber (equal). Mrs. Debonaire band at Bowmanv:le Teana udySha u-pink The ideal guft for the little ' 'i High School auditorium on Tues- ing oï St. John's Anglican Church Films on town planning and hea. - _new corner. A permanent day, July 22nd, starting a' 9 p.n,. took -place Wednesday, July 3rd,- housing prajects in Great Bnitain, natiý record in Sterling Silver of Dance is sponsoned by the Bow- at Onono Community Park. it the United Stte and othern - a thedae ndth kor ha wllbe manville Lions Club. Admission was the largest gathering for cu- TI th/dt and hemhed througk tke one Lifebuoy box and 50c. 29-1 some years. With Rev J. de tries have been secuned for use chui kept adceihdtr hteMn. and Mns. Wes'Davey and Pencier Wright given very splen- in Canadian centres by the Nat- gow y1 ears. daughter, Manian, Detroit, ane did co-operation by the adult lonal Film Board. soni guests of Mn. and Mns. W. A. Ed- membens of the congregatian, the Because ight is right, to fol- tion INURNTIONger.young people had a really remark- low right were wisdom in thr- was Mr.VL and Mrs. Russell Williams, able time. , dr fcneune-e ny-mo Afkâ4 si Lm Niagara Falls, N.Y., are visiE ing Taking full advantage of ail the1 son. de INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO. 0F CANADA. LIMITED a HAMILTON, CANADA Mn. and Mrs. Frank Williamis. facilities of the camp, both aduits Mn. Eanle Fogt, Rochester, MNY., and juniors enjoyed an excellent _________ iî, spending two weeks holidays luncheon and spent the nemainden with Mn. and Mns. Gea. Fogt. of the afternoon in a very well M A R S I W L E YTown Line. arranged sports programme, in- Mn. T. H. Evenson, 171 King St., cluding softball, races, swimming, East, Oshawa, celebnated his 9th and the general scrambled for birthday on Monday, July 15th, pnizes at the close of the day. when all members of his family To name just a few who took ~.were present for this important a îeading part in the programme, milestone in the life of a beloved mention is made of the followîng:FR andveeralefaterand husband. Reg. Harding, George Vine, Fred r P TheStaesmn jinswith his many Willan and Roly Bates who were relatives and friends in his native assisted by Mns. John Spencer, homeland of Durham County in Mns. Naylon, Mns. Vine and Ella LOWEST u Underoffering sincene and condial con- Halliwell. Unofficial judge of Ind rgratulations and best wishes that general events, Oliver Roberts, PRICES essities. Vis he may continue ta spread sun- beamed his appreciation of the shine and influence for good and rounded pictune. New anag m entin the hope hie may neach the Bert Parker was thene with his N ew anage uentcentury Mark. truck and did much ta make the - The-ltec p-reortf +the O nt. ven acomlet sccess. Iç t was * e )uncil adjaunned ta at 1 p.M. meet Aug. Wedding SPARKES-YOUNGMAN ied the setting in Pantypool ted Church, Saturday after- n, July 6, for the wedding of Âfred Youngman, daughter of and Mns. E. Youngman, Pan- )ol, and Kenneth Spankes, son Jn. and Mns. S. Spankes, Rich- *Rev. S. Littlewood per- ned the ceremony and the Iding music was played by ;J. Richardson: 'e bride, given in marriage by father, wore a gown af white re with a sweetheant neck- !and long sleeves. Her veil 3caught to a satin Juliet cap she carried a bouquet of ned s. Her anly jewellery was a ind of pearîs. ler attendant was her sîster, sDon Thompsan who wore a k gown, gold locket and a pink idress. She carried pink can- on.Don Thompson, Bow- pville, was best man. he receptian was held at the irch where the bride's mother, vned in black with black acces- es and a corsage of red canna- ns, welcomed the guests. She sassisted by the bnidegroam's ;her, wh,) ware a navy blue is with white accessonies and lington Council ithly Meeting ,R. asked permission ta ne- the Cattle Guards fram ilevel crossings. Request ranted. =iil made grants ta Durham al Fair and South Ontario ultural Society of $75 and spectively. Law was passed asking Dept. ghways fan a suppîementary ate af $1500.00, ta caver the in pnices on road machinery. IBenifty, County Weed In- nr, addressed the Cauncil iing the new setup of the Inspectars'-Department, and for suggestions for destnoy- 7eeds on naad sides. tten af 'striking Tawnship was laid aven until next h. ounts wcne paid as follows: .Byam, charity ---- $ 8.72 Phone Co., senvice --- 6.99 Etens, wonk in park -- 31.25 'ne, sheep damages --- 25.00 Waodley, sheep Insp. 5.50 1Brown, ) damages ---------- 10.00 [e Smith, relief ------ 21.25 M. Parker, of C. Smith -------- 35.00 Hagarth, saîary -------------------- 125.00 Hogarth, 40 ;e and postage ---------- 40 ken 's Gnacery, charity 9.78 E. V. Scabéil, surer's Bond - ------- 20.00 Is and Bridges, It- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -3 n 3 .8 5 Pass Examinations The following is a list of suc- cessful candidates in the Tanonto Canservatany of Music examina- tian. Those manked with asterisk passed twa examinations in ane year. Pupils of Reta Cale Dudley, A.T.C.M.,F.C.C.M.: Grade I-Marie Fengusan, lst class honars. Grade II-Muriel Taite, pass. Grade II-Margaret McGregar lst class honors. Grade 1V-Marilyn Spicer* and Ruth Jackson"', (equal); Darothy Hackin*, pass. Grade V-Eileen Spicen1', hon- ors. Grade VI-Joan Munday, pass. Theory Grade V-Hanmany, Mrs. Julia I Jackson, pass. Grade IV-Counterpaint, Gwen- dolyn Brooks*, honors; Mrs. Julia Jackson, pass. Grade III-Harmony, Ruth Rab- bins*; June Allchin*, pass. The Winnipeg Boys' Choir, long one of the most populan chairs participating in the Manitoba Musical Festival, appeans in "A City Sings," produced by the Na- tional Film Board in the Canada Cannies On Series. Wisdam is the principal thing; therefare get wisdom: and with ail thy getting get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7. KEEP COOL ESH and DAINTY r I.D.A. Store stocks a complete lne f hot. weather nec - sit our store and select your requirements at minimum prices. English Health Saîts ........ 1-b. 39e Arrid Cream Deodorant ...... 39c - 59c Bath Dustinz Powders .... 75c to $2.50 AIka-Seltzer................ 29c - 57e Etiquet Decdorant .............. 39c Vel-Vo-Tex Hair Remover......... 25c Wampole's Grape Sait ............5SOC Friendship's Garden Cologne .. .. $1.25 Woodbury's Face Creams - 25c-49c Kkovah TOOGTBUH . Health Saîts 29c-49c TOOT BRUI Neet Depilatory 68e CHILDj q çThree Flowers .294 SEZE Creams -------60e Sunburn Gaby Suntan Lotion --------- 35c-65c Tangel for sunburn ------- 50c Noxzema Suntan 011 ------------ 3-60c Velvetta Suntan Cream --------------39C Pure Supe.Foed item a FamousaOld Sineiiah Formule. per cake 3 for 75c BARGAINS 25e Boracie.---- 29c Blondex Shampoo ------ 15e Peroxide--- 33C Milk of Magnesla, 16-oz. 20e Tineture lodine------------ 15e Parowax - ----- $1.25 Mercollzed Wax -------------- 26e MeNulty' s Sport Shop ON HAND TENNIS: shorts, racquets, balls, nets. BASEBALL: bats, scorebooks, balis, gloves, masks. FISHING EQUIPMENT: large assortment. BICYCLES: parts, seat covers, .accessories. Paddles - Volley Balis - Jerseys Soccer and Track Shoes Scooters - Baby Car Chairs New Assortment of Darts and Dart Boards BICYCLES FOR RENT Key Duplicating - Brazing Wheel Re-tiring Racquets Re-strung Ail Work Guaranteed MARY LEE SAYSi- Now-your very own personalr- charted shade of Face Powder. q9ace Poa4de4 LARGE BOX MARY LEE SAYS:- This active creom Cleonses - Sa fins- a piprfect powder bas. .LARGE SIZE 35-S PR<SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY AIE! LAURA SECOIRD C» Fan the wedding trip ta points nonth, the bride donned a lime- green dness and matching hat with white accessories. TruIl Faily Holds Annual Reunion About seventy we re present at the Truli Family Reunion and Picnic held at Orona Park, on Satunday, July l3th, with ideal weather conditions. Relatives were present from Lubback, Tex- as; St. Louis, Missouri; Rochester, New York; Nanton,'Alberta; To- ronto, Oshawa, Bawmanville, Les- kard, Garden Hill, Ornn, Hamp- tan and Taunton. Sports were ably anranged for yaung and old by Newton Edgar, Edgar Horn and Arthur Stainton, pnizes being awarded ta winners. After al had pantaken of a bountiful sup- pen a short business meeting was held with Fred Trull, Leskand, in the chair. The Secretany-Tneas- uren, Mns. Edna Pnice, neported a goodly balance in the treasury. Lorenzo Trull was elected Presi- dent and Mrs. A. T. Staintan, Sec.- Treas. with cammittees af this yean ta carry on. As dankness came an the tired but happy gathering neturned ta thein homes agneeing ta meet at Orano Park next year first Satunday aften l2th af July. McOREOOR DRUCS PHONE 793 - WB DELIVRI Water Glasses and Juice Glasses ------ each Se Table Glass and for complete settlngs Books Pocket Books for every reader E ach -- ----- --------------- 25e Je Wu JEWELL F110 %IE 556 Bowmanville 1 King St. 7 SHADES 1 PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY