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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL~, ONTABIO THURSDAY, AUGUST lit, 1946 Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren and' Don are on a motor trip 10 Pres- cott and Quebec City. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Leamen and Paul spent last week at a cot- tage on Lake Simcoe. Mrs. J. J. Cornigh and Joanie have returned rom a holiday with relatives in Mimico and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex have retuîned from a visit at Gîavenhurst with 'Mrs. Drummond's sister and husband. Rev. S. Littlewood returned on Saturday from Oak Lake summer school and left this week for a month's vacation at Lake of Bays. Bill and Harry Grady are stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arm- strong since their recent flue. Mrs. Mooney, Massey, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. L. Thornton and two children visited Mr. and Mus. C. S. McLaren, after visiting Mr. and Mis. Henry Clarke at Prescott. Mrs. Willîamson, Newcastle, is staying with Mrs. W. J. Lycett who has retuîned home after yis- iting relatives. Mrs. Hannah Greer has been selling household effects of the late Mrs. Mary Andrus at the home on Mill St. Mr. C. B. Tyrrell has opened a lending libuary at his drug store and wiil feature the most up-to- date books. Miss Viola Gilfillan fell down several 'steps and buoke her left wrist. She was in Oshawa Hospi- Wa for 24 hours. Mr. and Mis. J. C. Ganey are on a motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie and other points. In Mr. Gamey's absence from the post office, Mrs. Harry Lycett and Mis. H. Flin- tof are in cherge. Fit. Lieut. Dan Shutka uecently returned from oveuseas, called on Orono friends. Township School Are& Board met Thursday evening when Trus- tees of S.S. No. 21, Sixth Lîne ., which is joining the area Januauy lut, 1947, met with them and struck their rate. Inspector W. B. Carlton, Cobourg, attended the meeting. Mr. Ray Bryson, Kiuby,. is em- ployed at the Rolph Hardware Store. Dr. W. W. Sherwin has left for Argentina where he will assist in the care of ivestock to be trans- ported to Europe by U.N.R.R.A. lIn his absence o! about two months, Dr. Graeme Moffat will look after his practice. Mu. Neil Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, has been ap- pointed manager of the drug store at Bloor and Bathurst, Toronto. Miss Alme Cutteil o! Mr. R. R. Waddeil's law office has been on vacation. The Rickard family picnic was held at the Community Park, Sat- urday evening. Orono Coal and Lumber now have a lovely new truck and a new loader .which will be a great help to their coal business. Vîsitors: Mrs. Jas. Gilfillan, Ottawa, with bis mother, Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan and bis aunt, Miss Viola Gilfillan. Jo Ann and Heather Ruther- ford, Kirby with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKenzie, Oshawa, with Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie. Mus. Cudmore, Toronto, with Mi. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen. Mu. Sid Hughson, Toronto, with bis father, Mr. James Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Woodyard at their camp at Apsley. Mr. Harold Awde, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Awde. %Mr. and Mis. C. L. Powers and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stevenson, in Peterborough. WEDDING CRABBE-DUNCAN The Rose Arbour of Provincial Reforestation Station, Orono, was the setting on Satuuday afternoon, July 20, for the marriage of Miss Jean Martha Duncan, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dun- SIR ORAMGE PIKOEI MOVNOWEST ulitdPool C@»s to Manitoba. SadStcb- w*, iBeritish labColumbiaansd 50 CaIiiOtfl *. Wie r tphon for rduoe temlbt rate Establlabed l1it. 610 vme st.. Torooto. Kingadaie 512» MOVINU, I. AWM, .alprnIFNN S Ia 10*8 of Inseet STOPdis TCHHeat Rash Qulck! Stop Itchiflg of insect bites, heat ra8h, cea hives, pimples, cascables, :a thÎèle& foot and other externally caused akin troubles. Use Watekc acting, soothlng, antiseptic k - D.PRESCRIPTION: Greaseless, gtaieless. Itch stops or your money baek. Tour druggist stocka D.D.D. fIRESCRIPTION. 1 tle Shirley' Jean Duncan was dressed in floor length white ta!- feta and net, with trimming o! pink flowers, and matching head- dress. She carried a nosegay o! pink rose, buds. Foliowing the receptIon held at the home o! the bride's parents, the couple le! t on their honey- moon. Fou going away, the bride chose a fuchsia and grey print crepe dress, with matching bat and black accessories. She wore a corsage bouquet o! white roses and sweet peas. On their retuin they will reside in Orono. The guests fuom out o! town in- cluded Mu. and Mus. Roy Crabbe, Major and Mis. Ronald Crabbe, Mu. and Mus. R. McNeill, Miss Freda Peppeu, Mu. Harold Hayes, and Mi. Leo .Nash, Ottawa, Mi. and Mis. Hector Cameron, Mis. William Buaby, the Misses Hilda and Mary Buaby, Miss Marion McCallum, Toronto, Mus. F. Sey- mour-Taylor, and Miss Helen Seymour-Taylor, Cornwall. Nestieton Miss Eleanor Vine, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mus. Thos. Allen and Tommy, California, with Mus. H. Vine. Mi. and Mis. Fred Stuckey, Frankford, visited her sister, Mus. George Johns. Mu. Frank Jackman, Mr. and Mis. Harold Wheeleu and famîly with friends in Oshawa. Miss Jean Black, Toronto, wîth heu parents, Mr. and Mus. Dan Black. Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence, with Mis. Stanley Malcolm. Mu. and Mus. Percy Bradbury, Donald and Raymond, Toronto, at their cottage, Scugog Point. Mu. Sam Nicholson, Toronto, pueached on United Chunch cir- cuit on Sunday and was enter- tained at Mn. and Mis. Wesley Beacock's. Mr. and Mis. Dick 'Watson, Califounia, with their cousin, Mus. Wm. Steele. Mu. and Mis.,Carl Henry, Jan- etville, and Mi. and Mus. Har- vey Henry at Niagara Falls. Mi. Haviland Marlow is help- ing Dan Black with the harvest. Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, with Mu. and Mus. Malcolm Em- erson. Mu. and Mus. Wilton Cread, of "Barrie, with heu brother, Mn. Mal- colm Emerson. Miss Veina McNally, Coiborne, with Mus. Stanley Malcolm. Miss Elizabeth Mollard, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Spragg and Al- lison, Scugog Point, with Mn. and Mus. Stanley Malcolm. Don't fouget Guandmoth'eus' meeting o! the W.I. at Mus. Shep- ard's Aug,,ust 7th. Courtice Visitons: Mu. and Mus. Kozak, Toronto, with his sister, Mis. Hutton, and Harry.-Mr. and Mis. Billy Wil- son and son Billy, and Mu. and Mis. Bert Devenish, Thornton's i Corners, with Geo. and Mus. John- ston.-Mus. Catharine McLean, of Oshawa, with heu son, Haruy and Mis. McLean.-Mr. and Mis. Ar- thur Balson, Sarnia, Mis. Elsie Thomas, Toronto, with Mus. Ella Balson.-Mr. Chas. Archer with his brother-in-law, Mu. Stewart Black, Pelerboro.-Mr. and Mus. Kennelh Spaukes, who were re- cenlly married at Pontypool, wilh her sister, Mus. Thompson and Don.-Mus. E. Warburton wvas in Toronto.-Mis. Russell Gay, Mis- ses Vel>ria and Jean Gay were in Toronto.-Rev. Frank and Mus. Cryderman and daughters, Elora, with the Edgar and Tubb families. -Mr. and Mus. Norman Clemens and daughter, Marilyn, Toronto, have retuîned home after a week- end with Gordon and Mus. Tue- vail.-Mr. and Mus. Monty Millar, Oshawa, and Miss Audrey Beau- champ, Toronto, with Chas. and Mis. Found.-Mr. and Mus. Cyu il Weyrich and Barbara, Oshawa, with Eslî and Mis. Oke. To Mr. Harold Buunham we ex.- tend sympathy in the loss o! his mother, Mus. Harry Burnham, who passed away suddenly at Cobourg Hospital on July 19. Mis. Buin- ham wilh heu husband, had just arrived home shortly !uom a visit at Roche5%ter in company wilh heu son,-Hauoid and wi!e and Master Gordon. Mis. A. J. Oke and Mn. Wesley Oke, Mu. and Mis. Wm. Bickle and !amily, Maurice, Jack and Ro- nald, attended the wedding o! Ruth Fiances Oke, daughleu of Mu. and Mus. Gus Oke, and Sam- uel Peter Mainhood, son o! Roy Mainhood, Toronto, which took place July 20, in St. Nicholas An- glican Chuîch, Birchcliffe. The severe electnical storm Ihat slruck this section did quite a lot of damage. The school at No. 6, Base Line, was minus the roof. Sydney Worden had three metai sheets o! roof iifted from bain and chimney torn down, a big tree outside Oshawa Wood Puoducts was uprooted, and aiso orchards more ou iess damnaged. The ramn was veîy welcome as roots, fruit, etc., needed it very much. A very good attendance heiped at the excavation for the Highway Sunday Schooi on Saturday. This is a wothy cause, and a mnuch- needed building in the commun- ity. A misceilaneous shower wvas given at the home o! Mu. and Mus. George Johnston with the guest o! honor, a bride-elect Miss Myr- lie Scorgie. Jack Wiggins, master o! ceremonies, calied the company bo order and inluoduced the young couple who, after opening Iheir iovely gifts, lhanked ail in a genial manner. Refîeshments were seîved and a social lime en- joyed. The. Orono News EBENEZER W.M.S. Baby Band members and moth- ers were entertained by Ebenezer W.M.S. on July l7th. The meet- ing opened with the Baby Band leaders Mrs. K. Courtice and Mrs. A. J. Gay in charge. Mrs. Gay took charge of devotional period. She took "Little Children" as the theme of her Scripture readings assisted by Margaret Jollock and Mrs. R. Gay. Mis. A. J. Gay clos- ed with prayer. Mrs. Courtice then had roll cail of members of Bab Bands. The program con- sisted of recitations, by Nancy Brown, Virginia Brown, Marion Muir, Lloyd Coverly, Brian Orm- iston; solos by Lynda Osborne and Barbara Gray; piano solo by Pat- sy Hockin; and a quartet by four boys. Miss LI. Osborne told an in- teresting story. President Miss Louise Osborne took charge of the business period. Meeting closeil with Mizpah benediction. After the meeting a social time was en- joyed on the church lawn. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright co uncil held its July meeting with members ail I)resent and Reeve N. Green pre- siding. Communications were as fol- lows: War Assets re supplies; Re- Will f orm up at Dean Hodgson's White Rose Service Station, the Corner of King and Liberty Streets - at 7.30 p.m. ROUTE 0F PARADE North fîom King on Liberty Street to Wellington Street, West on Welling-ton Street to Silver Street and to the Public School Grounds. PARADE PRIZES Will be presented on the grounds at the Sou.nd Truck immediately after the Parade. FUN AND EXCITEMENT FOR EVERYONE grant, and Pire Maîshal re sale of engine. Deputation from Scugog Point requesting road widenéd and pur- chase of calcium was granted. County Weed Inspector request- ed a township inspector appoint- ed. Road superintendent will act. Orders were paid as !ollows: H.E.P.C., hall and arena ----$10.12 Mrs. H. Hooey re banquet.127.50 D. Beer, prem., grand stand 6.00 Statesman, advt -------------- 8.00 R. Wall, 4 sheep trips ------8.00 H. Emerson, prem., hall -- 45.00 Mun. Woîld, blanks ---------- 2.23 Road account ------------ -587.37 Adjourned to meet August 12, at 7:30 p.m. .. Bes..... 2. Best 3. Best 3. Best 5. Best 6. Best 7. Best 7. Best New on ill jand Mis. Robinson were te Newto villecalled forward. Mary Burley read the address and Mus. Clinton Far- (Inlended for last week) row and Bernice Milligan present- A happy lime was spent in the ed them with a tea seat, a tablecloth, table reflector and rose chureff basement, July l7th when bowl. Also an envelope with a this community gathered to hon- sum o! money. Both bride and oui Mi. and Mis. Morley Robin- groom thanked their friends grac- son nee iim Prose).Wm.iously. Gloria Lane and Marie son nee ilm Prose).Wm.Brown showeîed them with con- Laing *as masteî o! ceuemonies fetti. A bountiful lunch brought and presented the following pro- the evening to a close. gram: piano selections by Dor- Congratulations t o Eleanor othy Stapleton and Jean Stacey; Johnston, Laureen McCullough, guitar selections by Jean Stacey, Annie Worrall, Dorothy Brown, Maugaret Ovens, Russell Elliott Edna Denault and Dorothy Brwn and Eugene Noîland on success- reading by Douothy Brown, and1 fully passing their entrance exam- a brie! word from the pastor. Mr. m iations. I M I Public Groundas 1H lcase of rais, Carnival will be held Monday, Auge I2th ATTENDANCE PRIZES Tricycle Free Nylon Rose YOU MUST BE ON THE GROUNDS TO WIN ONE 0F THE ATTENDANCE PRIZES;- ONLY ONE PRIZE PER PERSON CALITH UM PIAN BANDS a FLOATS iv FLAGS PAÀRAÀDE PARADE PRIZES- CHILDREN'S CLASSES Decorated Dolîs' Carrnage, Girls ............... Decorated Wagon, Boys ........................... Decorated Tricycle, Girls and Boys ............ Decorated Bicycle, Boys and Girls ........ P o n y O u tfit ....... ..................... ......... Character Group, at least three................. Clown or Comic*Costume ................................. P atriotic C ostum e ................................... lst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.5g 1.00 1.00 2nd .65 .65 .65 1.00 1.00 1.00 . 65 .65 OPEN CLASSES Best Mendiants Decoîated Motor Float .. ......... Best Merchants Decorated Float, horse drawn ...... B est P atîiotic Float ........ .............................. B est D ecorated Car ................ .................... Best Adult Character Group ................... ....... Best Adult Clown or Comic Costume.................. Best Adult Individual Patriotic Costume ............ Most Unique Vehicle with Operator .... . ........... 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Free Ice Cream Cone or Pop to Every Child in the Parade New Booths New Games - Fun f.or All Entire Proceois of Carnival for Commuunity Worlk RAPESEED INCREASE Production of rapeseed tu Can- ada in 1945 showed a substantial increase when 10,852,000 pounds weîe produced on an aiea of 20,- 400 acres es compared with 6,600,- 000 pounds from 12,030 acres in 1944. Average yields, however, were slightly lower in 1945 with only 532 pounds per acre as against 549 pounds in 1944. The Canadian Wheat Board was auth- orized to purchase the 1945 rape- seed crop at 6 cents per pound for seed in a reasonably dlean condi- lion, with a moisture content flot exceeding 10 per cent deliyered f.o.b. shipping points nam% by the~ -Board. School F re e Radio Bicycle MONSTER CALITHUMPIAN PARADE THURSDAY, AUGUST Ist 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnJS ONTARIO 1 9 PAGE TEN ILLE

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