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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1946, p. 9

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I look on that man as happy, Knawlcdgc is knowinig the ,who, when there; is question o! tacts. Insight is secing tîcir cause. suiccess, looks into lis worfo Wisdom is knowing what ta do reply.-Emrson. about thcm. lSPO RT NEW S" SOFrBALL SCHEDULE runs sconcd wlcn Don Williams -POSTPONED GAMES clouted a lomer. --T-c-bo score slows that Front * Tlursday, August 8: Goodyear St. outhit the Foundry 13 ta il -. ~vs. Front St. but it also slows tat McFeetcns -~ ~ M Monday, August 12: Legian vs. and Williams gave up9wakbe j -Pepsi Cola. tween them while Trcwin oniy *Tuesday, August 13: Foundry gave thrce batters frce passage * ----*~ - -~- *vs. Legion. ta first. Tlerein lies the cause -~ M TlurdayAugst 1: Leionof the Front Street defeat. The summary: Front St. 13 runs a Game bctween Legion and 13 lits, 5 errors. Foundry 15 MFront St. will not be piayed un- runs, il lits, 6 errons. Left on *less it aff ects the league standing. bases, Front St., 7, Fôundry, 11. a M Home runs, Front St., D. Wil- *It pays to keep in touch with the newest products liams; Foundry, Hateiy and Jack- : ronrnen Corne Thru man, Rundie. Tîrce-base lits, -ob nomdabout the latest styles and : Wt 51 . Front St., James; Foundry, Tre- a -to be15-1orWen win. Two-base lits, Front St., Fashion trends-to be familiar with todays fabrics: Over Front Street Couvier, Brougl; Foundry, Jack- *and materials. Our store is the scene of con-maan udeBssonbl, a On Tlursday evening Front off McFeeters 5, off Williams 4, *tinuous atvt as the new items are arrivng off Trewin 3. Struck out, by Mc- ** activity M~~1V119 Street blew an 8 ta 2 lead whicl etrhb iias1 yTe * ee n ndwekou.Jonau satet hp-*tîey piîed up in the first two in- win 2.,b Wlias1,b Te wek n n wekot.Jon u saret ho- nings and allowed tIc Foundry ta Fon S.: ao b .Rn * pers. Don't miss the things you need' Watch Mcame tram behind and win 15 ta iFrJameStl.. Williams2b, L ou-dl MM*13. MeFeeters and Wlim Jmslb, D. Wivelcfliog armtuts,C- oui windows and our various departments, Corne* pitcled for the merdhants while Feersfp replaced by W. Wil M- MTrewin went the full lengtl fan liames in fortî, lun cby . Wl a in and check our counters often.* the Foundry. Fous ndfry W.'olly c. Pl * Front Street got four runs in ley ss, Hately c, Jackman 2b, C. M*the first ofa singles by Mason, Run- Rni f ie b rwnp *die and Don Williams and a two-RWe ll, Faipr 3,if.inp *bagger fram the bat of Jack WlhlFi f *Brougl. Walt Polley and HatelyUmrpires: Plate, Crossey; bases, IMason U Dale: lla'yf fth nif acosinterediates MM M~~~~ scorcd a pair for the Foundry inLitescrrAm. HARDWARE - SPORTING GOODS - FRIGIDAIRE i n thc top haif of thc second, Ma- ELECRICL APLIACZS- FNDLA STVESson, Rundie, McFectcrs and Allun Subdue Newcastle 6-1 *being tIc marksmen, and s0 at * B-H1 ENGISH PAINT - STROMBERG.CARLSON M the end of two innings Front St. Everything seemed ta go riglt AN A CN AISwere leading 8 to 2. for the Rayais iast Wednesday E AD MRCOI RDIO * Thc Ironmen gained somne evcning as tley took Newcastle * Phone 408- King Street East* ground in tIc third. Tlcy gave 6 ta 1. Altlougl they a one *up anc run but came back witl run behind in the first frame the M3 o n a lit by Piper, a couple Of Rayais tîed it up in tIc tlird walks, an error and a home run and trrm tîen on assumned ab- by Jackman. TIe Foundry tied solute command of the game. it up in tIc next frame witl a 4- TIe visitors notclcd tîcir run raily in whicl Charlie Run- counter in the first frame when die got tIc second lamer of the Middletan lit and scorcd ona Plan ling to B ildgame. couple of Royal errons. TIc Roy- Pla nin to DuiiFront St. again took the iead ais tlreatened ta tic it up in bott in tIc fiftl when Rundie and Don the first and second. In tIc firsl PHONE 611 Williams scored on Cauvicr's bin- Yourtl lit and advanced ta tlîré gle, but the Foundry tcam replicd on Al Osborne's two-bagger, bu, Bowmanville Sand and Gravel Supply witî 5 taîlies. Jackmian scored Lycett made a stupendous stol on Piper's lit, Trewin drove Run- on Williîams' lot grounder anc die and Piper across witl lis tri- retired thc sîde. In thc secon( pie and Trewin and Welsh came Amies was out at home an a rati R3. H. FICE, Proprietoi in on fiy bails. Hately lamrcrd er questionable decision after h ta gîve the Foùndry another run had blasted a triple. GRAVEL - SAND - CINDERS in the sixtl.' The locals finally got tIc equal LOA.M FILL - MANURE The Front Streeters went into izer in tIc tlird on real Ieads u] tIc last frame trailing 15 ta 11. bahl. Crombie lit and was sacri 'Tîcir rally was cut short at two ficed ta second by Ted Bagne.' He went ta third on a passed bal inen z uui n n.nuv..... Our lakes this summer are going to attract thousands of friendly visitors from the States. We want them to enjoy themselvs... it's in oui own interest to see theyget the very fmnest of everything we can give them. The next inning saw a 4-ru Royal splurge. Williams, AmE and Hooper hit safely which, aié ed by a Newcastle error ult mately resuited in Ames, Cowai Hooper and Crombie scoring. ' was in this inning that Tomr Cowan was credited with one( the two Royal thefts of hon The other came in thc sixth f( the final Bowmanville run whE Ted Bagneli performed the pa, off theft. Every Rdyai was on lis toi (last Wednesday night) as ti locals stole 8 bases including tv tlefts of home and worked Kir ble and Gilbert for eight hits. was good to see Ralph An pound that old apple as RalpI h neyer been a proiific hitter. Hooper pitched a good game lowing oniy 3 scattered hits. the Royals can continue ta pl the brand of bail whicl they d. piayed in their win over Ne, castie they should go a long w in provincial intermediate pia downs. The summary: Newcastle 1 rL 3 hits, 4 errors. Royals 6 runs hits, 4 errors. Left on bas Newcastle 6, Royals 8. Three-bi hits, Royals, Ames. Two-ba hits, Newcastle, Winters; RoyE A. Osborne. Bases on balis, Kimble 1, off Gilbert 4, off Hoc er 3. Struck out, by Kimble by Gilbert 2, by Hooper 6. Newcastle: Middleton 3b,I cett 2b, G. Walton ss, Sprout D. Walton rf, Graham If, Wint lb, Rickard c, Kirmble p placed by Gilbert in fourth). Royals: T. Bagneli 3b, W. B neli cf, Yourtl 2b, A. Osborne SWilliams ss, Arnes If, Cowan Pi Wort hi. wight in goldf The Province of Ontario profits to alraoot the same extent £romn tourist busi- ness as it does from the gold mining industry. It's up to each of us to uee that it goes on growing. This diagrm shows how everyone benefits frorn the Ontario tourist incarne. Every dollar in shared tbia way . . . 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse- ments; 6. Garages. Tune ln "Ontarlo Holiay CFRB, 10.-30pm. ,'fhutSdY, ZFloy and Solwdaoy It works both ways! They treat us royally when we visit them .. ie can't do tes than return the com- phùnent. Remember that it coets money to take aholiday ...' Bo Iet's see they get a good returu for every penny they Bpend. ON lm PIuJCm fl rieASi Iil Murphy. God las so made tIc mind man that a peculiar deliciausr resides in the fruits of persc industry. -Wilberforce. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1946 Enniskillen tailied cleanly at 20 minutes in the first hlf, but Referee Tom Baker, Jr., declar- ed it void since the bail was arm- fouled in the penalty area. The penalty. shot awarded was con- verted by sure-shot Frank Bray wlo starred for Enniskillen at outside lef t. Pressing hard on goal several times, Ennîskillen was turned back by the Bow- manville goalie from tIen on. Arnold Lobb, Bowmanville centre, neatest bail artist on the field, and Sanderson, outside rigît, combined in fine passing but En- niskiilen backs held tlem in the -. pinches. Enniskillen was good in ail departments. The league ends with Courtice * j at th, top with 17 points, foUlow- cd by Hampton 16, Sauina 14, Goi-N eualt..Bowmanville 13, 'Enniskilleri il and Lots of Pep and Tyrone and Orono in 6th and Dr. Chaae's Kidney-Liver PU playoffs, Courtice will meet bave a long record of dependability Hampton and Sauina vs. Bow- se a regulator of liver and kidflBys manviUce in single sudden-death ad bowOIS. - ~ og games. The finals will be home They quickly rsets rgo and home games, dates and places to heitnhul activityr-hYlef the ap- shown in another column. petite and help to umprove dgsin Enniskillen: Goal, Fred Griff in; Clean out the poisons wt r Chas'a Kidney-Liver Fifla and re backs, J. Siemon, L. Ashton; gai yur ad happineus. halves: C. McLaughlin, -I. Sharpe, Pin YO a G. Stevens; forwards: F. Bray, 35ct. a VX*H. McLaughlin, R. Sharpe, R. LJ~IJ~Ashton, J. MoLaughlin. *1 Bowmanville: Goal, T i c e, Backs, Grahamn and Bathgate. Halves; Wiseman, MurdockBate. a S I Forwards; Lobb, Perfect, Carter, Potter, Sanderson. THE~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO >rei it Iln ,Dwe s o b mt Newcastle Wins ts 1 First Game of Season E Trounces Royals 10-9 d The holiday weekend didn't ti prove very f ruitful for Bowman- ri vilie's intermediate lardball E team. After losing to Port Hope n on Saturday tlcy travelled to ii Newcastle and were beaten 10 ta t] 9 ini quite a basebail gaine. The s progrcss of the game was hinder- t, ed by frequent verbal outbursts t] whicl became sa numerous and t] boisterous towards the end of the r gaine that it is a wonder that some alert-eared citizen in Bow- v manville didn't report the uproar t to the local police and have s someone run in for dîsturbing the r peace. Cowan, Hoar and Cie- t mence ail pitcled for the Royals t while Giibart looked after the c hurling dhores for Newcastle un- 1 tii the eigltl wlen le was re- c lieved by Graham.C The Royals got off to a good 1 start with two runs in the first. Giihooley walked, was sacrificed to second by Ames and' scoredJ on Clemence's double. Clemence crossed the plate wlen Ai Os- borne lit another ýtwo-ibagger. Gray and Joînston tied it up for Newcastle in the second. TIen came the third inning, an innîng whicl seemns to bold a jinx for the Royals. Osborne notcled one counter in tIe top hlf of the framne but in the bottom hlf tIe roof feul in as Newcastle 3drove in five runs. Their rally was hîghliglted by two-base clouts by Gîlbart and Lycett and a triple by Joînston. Gillooley scored for the locals in the sixth making the score Newcastle 7, Bowmanville 4. it The Royals finaliy found them- yselves in tIe eigîtl wlen tley lknocked Gilbart out of the box te and drove in four runs. Gil- te looiey tripled and scored on ýAmes' double. Hoar was on D_ tîrough an error, and botl Mc- Ilveen and Cowan lit. TIen Ted r Bagneli doubled to bring in the n final two runs. Newcastle were a now traîlîng by one run but y-Graham came trough witl the th equalizer in their hlf of the st inning. rd Again Gillooiey came to tIe utfront scoring on a wîld tlrow to Dpthird and gave the Royals anot- rder iead of one run, going into the rdlast haif of the nintl. It was at ,-this point that ail the silver- he tongued oratory took place, but nevertleless Newcastle came Stlrougl witl two runs to win upthe bal game. Waton doubled ri- and scored on Gray's single. Gray Sgot the other taliy wlen le stole home. ih The Royals outhit Newcastle ie. umpire8 but fate and a couple of ,un mpie'sdecisions secmed to fav- es or the Newcastle boys. Gilhooley i-was best for tIc locals scoring ti- four runs and playing a steady an game in the field. BotI Ames and ItCowan lad tîrceelits in five off i- ny cial times at bat. Giibart did a of good job of holding the Royals in Me. check until thc cigîth striking f®r out 12 Bomavile batters en- lits, 5 errors. Newcastle 10 runs 8 lits, 3 errors. Left on bases ues Royals 13, Newcastle 7. Tîrcee tie base hits, Gilhoolcy, Johnston rn- Osborne, T. Bagneil; Lycett, G . tWaiton, Gil ert. Bases on balis .îes off Cowan 2, off Hoar 2, off Cie has mence 1, off Gilbart 4, off Gralan E.1. Struck out, by Cowan 1, b, ai- Hoar 4, by Clernence 1, by Gil If bet1,b rhm1. )lay ClRoyanc Gilhooley 2b, Ames ri dis-Clemnce3b (pitced in nintl, ewjA. Osborne b (replaced in thir, wyby Hoar wlo pitcled), D. Ml ay- veen if (rcplaced by W. Bagne] ayin fiftl), Cowan p (played lst bas un, in third), Richards ss (replace -s, by T. Bagneli in fourtl), Kent c: is's Strike c (replaccd ly Crombie i bse fifth). ase Ncwcastle: Middleton 3b, C ais G'ray rIf (repnlaced by Winters i rhird Inning Rally Mives Ontarlos Win 1 On Saturday in Port Hope a lisastrous third inning in which :e home town boys scored four Luns cost the Royals the game. Except for one frame Arty Cie- ,ence, a junior trying his luck in ýtermediate ranks for the first âme, pitched his best bail. He ;truck out seven and issued only two waiks both of which came in te third inning. Pointer was on te mound for Port Hope until relieved in the ninth by Woods. Port Hope drew first blood with their four-run splurge in the third. Smith walked and tole second on a somewhat dis- puted decision. Clemence gave Lp the second walk of the inning o Pointer. Both men advanced on Ashby's bunt and scored when Keeler hit a blooper into short centre. Ashby crossed the plate on a long fiy and Keeler when Douglas tripled. The Royals were held off the score sheet until the sixth when Don Williams broke the goose egg by walking, advancing to third on Vlcllveen's hit and scoring on a Port Hope error. They notched their other counter in the eighth, Clemence aiding lis own cause by driving in McIlveen. Erie Mcllveen playing his sec- ond game for the Royals con- tinued to exercise a potent bat. He had 3 hits in four appearances at the *plate. Clemence had two safeties. Incidentally it was not the Royals' hitting that lost the game although an extra hit or two would have been welcomed. The locals inatched bats with the Port boys for seven hits. It ail bouls down to that ill-fated third in- ning when two walks combined with three hits for the four Port Hope runs. "One false step is ne'er retrieved!" The summary: Royals 2 runs, 7 lits, 1 error. .'Port Hope, 4 runs, 7 hits, 4 errors. Left on bases, Royals 10, Port Hope 5. Three- base lits, Douglas, Dawley. Bas- es on bails, off Clemence 2, off Pointer 5, off Woods 1 . Struck out by Clemence 7, by Pointer 8. Royals: T. Bagneli 3b, W. Bag- neil cf (replaced by D. Mcllveen in ninth), Yourtl ss, Wiliams lb, E. Mcllveen rf, Gilhooley 2b, 1Ames If (repiaced by Cowan in 1eightl), Ciemence p, Strike c (replaced by Combie in eiglth), Osborne batted for Crombie in ninth, and Richards ran for Os-. OSHAWA Air Conditioned 1 Free Parking Phone 1011 ri FRIDAY - SATURDAY 9 August 9-10 3 ANN SOTHERN and S, GEORGE MURPHY in S,"Up Goes aisie"l X.MON., - TUESDAY - WED. August 12-13-14 M BARBARA STANWYCK and GEORGE BRENT in "My Reputation"' 1-THURSDAY - FR1. - SAT. edi August 15-16-17 ýf 'The Bad Dascomb' n with G.WALLACE BEERY n MAGRT BRN Roofing - Eav lesohil DAVIS & GRANT Phones: Bus. 2842 Res. 2674 Business Courses and Approved Rehabilitation Training Courses (including commercial) FALL TERM BEGIINS SEPTEMBER 3rd Write or phone for particulars and Syllabus of Courses. Early registration Is advlsable. Bowmanville Business School (Reg'd Trade School) 154 Klng St., East Phone 434 Bowmanville, Ont. MW, Glen lae Dairy Phne 444 Dwmaaviil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - of eu Ile, ie ild I I I I I I THURSDAY FRIDAY, AUGUST 8-9 92dlnd STREET with WIWAM LLOYD SIGNE A2Oti, Pict-r. COLOUR CARTOON - SHORT SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 lammr, mýà 111 a 1 v Edwardson lb, Douglas 3b, Zea- in ninth). RBOWMANVILLE -PHONESS!E8i COLOUR CARTOON L. MON., TUES., WEMU, AUGUST 121,13, 14 ROBRTWA NE * JACK MOIX WA 1 j% jOPtN F055 PRODUCTION Captain U. S. N. R.L ]FOX LATE NEWS SHEET METAL WORK Gilson Furnaces V.fbnL Eavestroughing ý 1 Roofing -

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