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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1946, p. 2

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PAGE TW~O TJ.L UP I - ___ Q iL__L rb____z__x_, z»_____ Established 1854 With which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News 92 Years Continuonis Service To The Town of Bowmanville and Durham County. Authorized as Second Ciass Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Member Audit Bureau ~/iI1iI~:. of Circulations Weekly Newspapers * 1> Association SUBSCRIPTION %'RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly in advance. $2.50 a Year in the United States GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Marching Toward War Under Present Inept Leadership "The Western Powers and iRussia are marching, toward war. The pace is as yet slow but it is stead3;. Let us not delude ourselves. Every so-called diplomatie inove made by Russia and by ourselves, is not diplomatie at ail; it is preparation for war, a jockeying for strategie advantages in an- ticipation of war. Statesînen in Paris are flot discussing peaee treaties; they are build- ing defences for the future war." The above opinion appears in the leading- article in Maclean's Magazine, August lst. t is writ- ten by Maclean's European Correspondent, L. S. B. Shapiro, recently home after cover- ing most of Europe and the near east, be- fore, during and after the Iast war. Shapiro is acknowledged to be a careful observer, ail able writer whose opinions carry great weight, particularly among informed people iii many parts of the globe. Hie sets forth his arguments that we are heading for another war under our present inept leader- ship in a way to open the minds of the great mass of people to the situation. Hie goes on to suggest ways andi means how real unider- standing eau be achieved and the looingi,. confliet avoided. He quotes opinion that, with 20 million recently slaughtered, we are blindly heading for an atomie confliet whichi may break ont anytime within the next six months to ten years. The writer argues that the masses should be persuaded that Coin- rounism and Democracy can exist in one world, givenl universal enlighitenuîent. Macleaîî's Magazine, as usual, in giviug prominence to this article, lias rendered a distinct service to Ganadians, for, xithout undue alarm a case is presented that will serve to înould public opinion; to inspire an immediate awareness of a danger that bas long been developing. If this kiud of true picture eould be projected to the peo- pies of the democracies andFu1ssia alike, the force of their convictions laid upon present leaders wQuld change the »'hole picture. We have been told and we realize iu some hazy way that an atoînie war would virtually wipe ont civilization. t 15 time we acted uipon that assumption. t is hoped that ail those who read Mr. Shapiro's article iin Maclean's will pass it on to others to be perused thoughtfully and carefully ,at this Most critical time in world affairs. Better Canadian Bacon To HoId Export Market The I)epartînent of rrrade arîd ('ommn- erce, O-ttawa, lias started a puiilicity eami- paigui througli a niew press bulletin, " For- eigyir Tratle News" the objeet of w-hiehi is t o induce the press to give free space ini iuforming ftie publie of the iîeeessity for mainitaiiigý, quaiity aiid (liaiiity iii supply- ing export imarkets tlîat have been greatly expandeci during w~artinue. Tihe press NviilI be found agreeable save wlien sucl releases are kept free of political eoloring iii fav- or of the presetît goverrîflielit; a factor tiîat 18 muchlu incvideiîee i soine depart- mental releases. This new bulletti tells of auir export bacon iirdnstirvwitlî Britaiiî. We are eoiuiitted to su iJiiielt oft:350 inil- lion pounds iii 1947 andi 400) millioniii 1948. To lîold this trade, the release warins, Caniadiani farmners inmst incvrease the uin- bers of grade "A'liîogs. This is preeiseINy w-bat The Statesmmfl lias been stressing for- several vears past, lookiiîg to the tiniie wheuî, Nvith war~ over, the Baltie baconl prodiicers wvould agaiii conîpete for the British muarket. Buit lead- ing the field iii st ressing betterCî~anadiain bacon lias beemi tîhe Ii dustria 1 and l)evel- opment Counceil of ('anadiaii Meat Pack- ers. Thieir regu-ilar releases give time facts and figures of quality andi quanity prod- uction, with the mniaiii eiiîphasis on striving for grade "'A" bacoim. Witli a guaranit- eed, contract price, plus subsides, figures are shown hiow a of loss of millions 0of dol- lars falîs to farmers failiing to strive for top grade braekets. A little extra care lui feeding, breeding anti weigh ing w-oui d greatiy reduce tlîis loss. But it takes a lot of telling ' Grades have improved ilu recent years, particularily ln Ontario. lu 1945 the nmarketiiIgs were 40 percent grade "A'. But this objective, to hoid the market, should run ta 75 percenît, the increase a- louie netting e3,000,000 or more ta Ontario hog producers. Bruce Cott farniers have attaiincd tîhe 75 percent aniong 108 failiers. Otiier conties eau doa the saine. It is ail a malter of making the enlîre picture clear to farmers riglit aeross the board. Fully infornied they will stnive ta hiold their market and wili niaI willingly thmow away several mîillionss in profits. The goverti3leilt, theIroeesors. the C'ounitv .Agriutiiral Comniitîees, ivill find the %veek- 13' press conllleteiy co-operative iin giviug free publiiity to thiis ail-imiportant malter of improving and holding t-he bacon trade. Ministers of Churches Involved Helping Communist Spy Who helped ex-conviet Sam Carr get ('anadian natualization papers for the se- cond lime? This question was answered in the House of Commous last week aI Ithe insistence of Progressive Conservative uîem- bers. The amaziug disclosume was made that Carr wvas vouehed for by leading iiiii- isters of the Uited Church of Caniada to- gether with iayiuen in other walks of life. Given g(ood cliaacler refercuces by these mis gu ided leaders Camr seeured his papers and coutinueci lis piotting against Canada as the national organizer of the Coinmunist party in luis country. Named bv the Royal ('ommrission as a key figure ini the Russiani sI)y disclosures, Carr is now iii hiidingo wilh a warrant once again ssued for lus arresî. Back lu 1932 lie w-as senteneed to five years lu Kingsldn Penitcnliary for subversive ac- I ivities. Among the mnisters reported signfiig Carr's papers were 11ev. G. C. Pîdgeon, Rev. Gardon Doini, Rev. Salem Bland, Rev. Johni Coburn, Rev. Manson Doyle, al of Toronto, a]so Justice J. T. Thorson, Lewis Duncan, A. J. Reauîne, Mayor of Windsor, and many others. 11ev. Bland felt that Samn was a "pretty decent sort of chap.' Rev. Coburui and others felt that sa many other promnii- ent inames on the petition xvas sufficient for thieir endorseinent too. Logicallv, 11ev. Co- burui wouid iikewise readily sigia pr~o- booze petition. Thus with innocent inca- paeity to grasp realities thiese mn lent their influence to national sabotage of tlîeir couni- try. Attempted weak excuses cannot cx- onierate ,themu. Carr (Kogan) wvas boruiii Russia, sclîool- cd lu Russian revoiutioiîary doctrine, lus enitire career deýroted ta sabotage lu Gaii- ada. This w'as kiîowni, unidoubtedly, ta tîmose who signed lus eharacter referenees. Again lie is a fugitive with luis sponsors pIaeed l in iserable defence of anu untenable positioni. People feel tlîat the cdurch lias becu bromîgltito ill-reptîte iu tis exposure. As we have said before thme truc province of preachers aind teacimers is to conifinie tiheni- selves ta their resp)ective slleres rallier Ihain to imtrude activeiy iiita a field wlîere syni)atiiy amîd compasion are poor stîbsti- lîtes for liard, practicai realities. This Carr b)usinecss us a prune examupie. Sinclair Siander Resented By People in Rural Centres A subseriber lias writtcn lthe edilor re- ,cenitly calliîug attention toanam article by Gardon Sinclair ini thc Canadian Broadeast- cx', July 6. Hee dainis lie lias slaîudered îuany smail towîus of Onîtarioanad wants us ta do sonîethunîg about it. Ail we eau do is ta quote Sinclair anîd leave tlhe result ta ltme publie. For twa seasons Mr. Sinclair lias beemi visitiîug smali towîîs giving local broad- casts for lis sponsor, a firm making choco- late bars. His story states people are bniglit iu smaller places 'but food is rottemu. Lu 64 towiis visited le got oiily amie gaod mieal. Here are saine of the tlings hie states ii lus story:"Brother lIme food iras awful, 1Ineuani terrible. Waik into a sinali-lowiu ealing- place aîd you are iooked ail witm suspicioni. In nost places food was ual fit for mnm consiumptian ; tle places depressimug, ltme ser- vice surly. No fislîi in fisling resarîs, nlo eggs iii the lîeart of thie Onitaria couitryside. Tiiaik God we carnned a feNN, dhacolate bars. Travelled ini îust countries ami earth, I flîîc iiiy niative provimnce affers lime warst cook- ing iii the w-hiewide world." Next fali Sinclair luIs lime small-lowu trail agaimi witii a packet of bicarbonate. We iiagiiie lie'll need more thliami tat for iaiy are iîow readv ta snateh the mest of is liait' froin ils baldimig clame. Bowiiiauiviile es- caped lime blast by decliiiig lis progranmne George Eliot. Tlank GoJ every iuirninig when v-ou gel upIlial y ou have sometiig ta do wliiel mîust l)c doue, whetlmer van like il or nal. BeinYg forced ta work, and foreed ta do yoîîm i)esI ivili breed iin 3ou temperamice. self- contrai, diligence, streîîgth of will, content, anîd a humdred vinlues whicl the idie mever kmoî.-Cliarlcs Kinîgsley. We must beware of trving lao build a society ini whieiu uobody counuts for anv- lhunig except a polilican or an offical, a Society wheme enterprise gainus 1no ewamd amîd tîmift no pnivilege. 0f al l te races lu the world, aur people would be the last la, consent ta be govemîued by a bureau- cacy. Freedom is lu their blood.-Win- stanu Churchill. Suppose vour wife suddenly disappeared and you deeided la advertise for somneomue ta do hem job. Youm classified annoumîcemuent %would read something, like Ilis: WXoman Wanted: To help lu hanse. Eighteen-hour day. Sevem-day week. Sleep iu. Must have kmowledge of eookinug, sewing, med- ieinue, law, child welfame, elemenlary elecî- rieîly, boakkeeping and muen. Must be strang and willing. Onie who eau help lu gandeni ipmeferred. No wage but all found. Women in Business la Bowmanville One of the features appearing in The Statesman during the next few weeks will be a series of ar- ticles telling of the success in business of women of Bowman- ville; women who have taken a leading part in commercial activ- ities without attracting any par- tîcular notice. While none have aspired to public office they have contribùted very greatly to the progress of this enterprising com- munity. We believe readers wil] be much interested *in these suc- cess stories which emphasize that women do make good in individual enterprise. Our first story deals with the Bowmanville Glove and Mitt Co. Limited, owned and man- aged by Mrs. C. S. Hailman. Cadnius A miscellaneous shower at De- vitt's hall was gîven ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phayre (nee Thelma Sweet) on their return after their wedding trip, last Saturday night. There were about 130 present to welcome the happy couple. There will be church service next Sunday morning at 10 o'- dlock, conducted by Rev. Dr. Bowles. We are glad to report that Theodore Swartz is home from Peterboro Hospital and is im- proving. Congratulations from Cadmus to Dalton Dorrell and Kathleen Wright of Blackstock on their marriage, Saturday last. Robert Philp has returned af- ter holidaying in Stirling. Visîtors. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanna of Oshawa with Mr. A. Hanna.-Mr. and Mrs. James Philp, Detroit, with relatives here.-Mrs. S. Ha- milton, Blackstock, with her mo- ther, Mrs. R. Wall.-Miss Audrey Hanna at home.-Mrs. W. Pres- ton, Stirling, with her daughter, Mrs. H. Philp.-Mr. and Mrs. J. McKee at Mr. L. McKee's.-Mrs. John McKee, Blackstock, with Mrs. Marwood McKee.-Miss Ev- elyn Philp, Peterboro, at home.- Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner of Bow- FOR WOMBN ONL Y. . . on the c subject o! industrial relations . 1 Once upon a time a man called Hit- t ler had an idea. He was flot a uery 2 important man at thre the time. but j it was a very clever idea. The idea a was tirat he could make irimsell a very big man., ndeed. ifi e could 1 smash the unit y of iis country's 5 people and turn mildly competitive E factions against each other in deep bitterness until the country became s0 disintegrated n pur pose that its veople could be bullied and broken and herded like cattle into submis- sian. He-was con vinced of thre trueM of his idea and wrote a book abolit it. and then, as tire idea proved itsell he watched the versonal freedfci of the oea pie in his country shrivel and weaken. With hîs feet planted on tire rubble and husks of his country's disunity, he tried to turfi the power of his disintegratinq pur pose on the remainder of ,the world, but tire other nations had read his book and thery had become uniteci. The def inition af the word -Unity is ". . . a thinq undivided itsell but separate front everu other thing. concord. agree- ment." Fortunatel 'u the reople of Canada. in spite of surface differences of opinion. arc still su! ficiently in agree- ment. -;uFficiently undivided in their regard for the national pood that with a littie qive and take bu al varties to current controversies. com- vlete unit y may be achieved. If and when that is done wc u'ill have a countrq lwirich tvill be a model for the wiroie worid. AS REVOLUTIONARY in the world of Interior decoating as the motor car was ta traffic in its day,*this new technique of applying ready pasted wallpaper Is opening - up new Possibilities of beauty for the average home. Always quick ta take advantage of a new idea, Holiywood stars boast that they are Trimz-ing their favaurite ',ooms and already more than a million American wamen have taken to applying Trimz themselves with equal enthusiasm. Ail you do is immerse the strip of Trimnz in a tub. boiler or sink and re-roil it under the water ta make certain the entire Surface has been mois- tened and apply it to the wall with no mare complicated tools than your awn two hands. Incredible as it may seem, Trimz can be washed with soap and water, cames in ex- quisite patterns, softly opaque, daes flot have the hard, glazed look ot most washable wallpapers. Another endearing quality, Trimz can be applie4 while the raom 15 being llved in, just a few strlps at a time! MARGERY SHARP has dane It again, flot ta repeat herself, but, in BRITANNIA MEWS ta create an Adelaide Culver, as sturdy and original a character as Cluny Brown, and one whose fine disre- gard for the trivia of convention was born of generations of solid British respect for convention. When her drawing master kissed her, Adelaide decided ta rnake an honest man of hlm, and lived tram the elghties ta the blltz ta pay the price. McClelland and Stewart. CLEANLJNESS and protection are tire foundatians of basic beauty. Duarrys BA1CBAUTY ES- SNIALS cntt o!cleansinp cream. skin freshener, lubrlcating cream and foundation. Par the dry skin (a uery cammon condition during the summer monthis) Du- Barry recammends Cieansing Cream for Dry Skin follawed by Skin Freshener for a thorauahiu cira n feeling. Special Skin Creant for Lubrication (especially effective in the Beauty Angle Position) and smaoth. creaniy Foundation Lotion for protection. and as a base for makeup. Ask tihe DuBarry Beauty AAdts:r ta suggest thre praper treat- ment for your individuel type of slin-DuBarry iras created Basic Beauty Essentiels t/rat glue cf fec- tive care for every type of s/cm. vin Nesbitt.-Mr. and Mrs. E. Sandenson, Toronto, with Mr. W. Ferguson.-Robert Philp on the excursion ý to Rochester.-Mr. andt Mrs. Wm. Jackman and family,1 Toronto, with Mrs. Williamson.- Mr. Jack Hanna with friends in Bowmanville. Newly Wed Couple Honored in Clarke On Juiy 3rd many friends o! Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson (nee Wilma Prouse) gathered at Starkville School to honor them1 on their recent marniage. After1 an enjoyable program Mrs. L. Hallowell read an address and the bride and groom were show- ered with many beautiful and useful gifts. The Charivari Gang gave them a wall mirror, table and book-ends. Littie Gwen Stark1 presented the bride with a bou- quet of flowers and Donna Stark and Mary Halloweil showered the couple with confetti. After the bride and groom thanked their friends a delicious lunch bnought the evening to a close. On July l2th at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Prouse, relatives and friends from Elizabethville gahered to honor the happy couple. After a short program Genald Trew read an ad- dress and the bride and groom were presented with two occa- sional chairs, a coffee table and an end table. On behal! of "The Charivari Gang" Clifford Reid read an address and Leveru Wood presented the couple with a dlock. The bride and groom thanked their friends, after wh ich a delicious lunch was served. On July l7th Newtonville frîends met in Newtonville Sun- day School to convey their best wishes to the bride and groom. After an enjoyabie program the bride and groom were calied to the platform. Miss Mary Burley read an address and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Mrs. Jim Stark pre- sentêd the couple with a china tea set, lace table cloth, reflector and rose bowl, card table and a sum of money. The bride and groom made suitable replies a!- ter which refreshments were served. Reduced Rail Fares Canadian railways are offering reduced rail fares for the Lab- or Day holidaýî period, from Friday noon, August 3th, un- tii midnight Tuesday, September 2nd, it was announced today by J. A. Brass, chairman o! the Can- adian Passenger Association. The special holiday fare will be based on one and one-quarter single fare for a round trip tick- et. Tickets will be good for de- parture from noon of Friday, August 3th, until 2 p.m. of Mon- day, September 2nd Ail times listed are Standard Time. Maple Grove Maple Grove Women's Insti- tute will meet at the regular hour, 8 o'clock on Monday, Aug. l2th in the school house. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden at Port Perry, guest of their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Symes. Mrs. Alfred Laird, daughter Vi- vian, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble and other relatives. Quite a severè electrical storm swept through part of this dis- trict, trees were uprooted, toma- toes and apple crops were badly damaged by the hail. Misses Gertie, Madaline White, Master Eddie White, Oshawa, with their grandmother, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Coverly, two boys, Lloyd and Keith, Ebenezer, with Mr. Morley Flintoif on Sun- day. Watch your posture. Poor posture is ugly, fatiguing and damaging to health. Tonight? Maybe! TONIGHT . ..after you have turned off the radio and put out the cat... can you go to bed with t he comfortable feeling that your property is pro- tected by Btirglary In- surance? Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor to J. J. Mason & Son Phones: Office 681 - House 493 King St. Bowmanviile Bring back new efficiency and. econoiny to you.r car . . . save costly repair bis by driving in regularly to have your mo- tor cleaned and adjusted. Modern equip- ment-trained personnel. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 BOWMANVI LLE PARCEL DELIVERY- The JA&S. Parcel Delivery is at your service Bowmanville Beach Delivery IVe now deliver to Bowmanville Beach East Side and two deliveries to the West Side. Deliveries made on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Deliveries are picked up each morning at il a.m. and in the afternoon at 3 p.m. vk1.lueipHarvesi Fruit land VeqelhUes 0 Ontario's orchards are heavy with fruit and our filds are fllled with vegetables. Alil hands are urgently needed now-to harvest peaches, tomatoos, apples and other fruits and vegetables for a hungry world. Young men and women! Join the Ontario Farm Service todoy. Get away from sticky streets into the sunny out-of-doors. Earn profit and pleasure in a worthy cause. The soabon of noed oxtends from August 1Oth to October 15th. Accommodation is in Private Farm Homes or Y Supervised Camps. For four weeks spent in the open fields, one way transportation wiIl b. given you frie.. Rekurn transportation is yours if you reoin until the end of the harvest. Fi in the attached coupon and the Ontario Farm Service Force wiIi send you a registration for.-without delayl CANNING HELP NEEDED Volunteers are alto needed ta heip can this yeor's preclous crop of fruit and vegetables. Apply t the nearet canneryl - - National Employment Service office-- or to the Ontario Faim Service Force. DOMINION-PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR Agriculture - Labour - Education mm M MOI M M M - m-- UNIf-l-m-M- - ff--fl-m-m I * MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE 1 0 li e servie Force, 112 Cfl. t. eremie. ~, eeafleLane ee". FPioe. ond ame ae es*Mm mmee ile uNn me.aey If.dmmli eboutfthe Onftie Pet.. service Perce. dim ..................................... A. ..... 1Iwl hoavu" lfrom .................................... le..................................... And w udlkee be eccomm.edoled lm An ugopded Pets HemeQ A or Suj.evlmd CampQ F. Stannard and have our truck pick up your order at any store or place and deliver it. We Deliver for: McGREGOR'S HARDWARE, STEWART'S SEEDS and ROY NEADS RADIO. L - . - 1Ir 'I PN.4-U THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1946 l'UV. rA7gAnlrAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO 1 Bowmanville King St. Phone 664 1

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