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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1946, p. 3

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TRURDAY AUUST8th 194 TH6CA4D-b SAESM VàFA YMAVTTT.g ll AUTPlAGE T Pontypool A large number from Ponty- Pool and district and surround- ing comznunities attended the Decoration and Menmriai Ser- vice at McCrea's cemetery and Church on Sunday, August 4th. Flowers were piaced on the graves in memory of those who had gone on before. The service was conducted in the church by the mninister, speaking on the theme, "This I Can Believe." Next Sunday aiternoon, Aug- ust llth, wiil be the annual de- Coration service at the Fallis' ce- f1etjry, Manvers, at 2:30 p.m. T.. Harry Richardson, popular locâi merchant, who underwent a e-serious operation at the Peter- borough Civic Hospital recently, is making rapid progress and his xrnany friends are happy ta see hxrn around his store again. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hancock have returned to the village after holidaying with her mother in St. 1Botties are badly needed. 0 2 Reason - new boutle production slowed by shoqtage of materials. 3 Remedy - Returri ac- cumulated empties. Put thern back inta circulation. Check yotir basement today. 0 B ring them to nearest Brewers Retail store or telephone for pick-up. -Danclruff TO THIS SWORN FOR o~ If you are botUrd by dancdruif, rub M as geeZay into you B::sc ,tal p .ge a aealeu -odor, and drias quickly. It's the eworn fa. of dandruff-aa fi inof muncular soreneas and pain, joint aprain ,or stiffness, tired feet. Excellent for calcin and ordin' mre tbroat, top. Get a bottien Lor druggat's taday; keep it ndy. 128 MI NARD'S MOVINS WEST ad. Roalman mitesu r.~aul e omm alpHouahold ,:UmI=u. Cn mdMaUd P oo d ta Mnebse, Saaacb- wam. Aibo tia CIS olumia MW ft =e iWrtte, wfreorpbootdu..d êU~t.nOB.E.tmllab.d lma. 68 Y~. le.. Torns. Jg@4pl. 81 TOROILTO RADIO IN EVERY ROOM OTAW Thomas and other Western On- tario points. 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Caýne are holidaying in the Haliburton dis- trict. In a very interesting and excit- ing game at Community Park, Saturday evening Pontypoal de- feated Toronto (Summer Visitors) in a softball game. The Toronta team hapes ta turn the tables in a later game. At the recent District School Children's Service held in the Pontypool United Church the sum of $34.62 was contributed. by the chiidren in a speciai offer- ing -ta aid the work of the miùssion boat "The Pioneer." A letter was received an behaif af Rev. S. R. Cooper, the captain af "The Pion- eer" thanking the children for their magnificent cantribution which wiil be sufficient to oper- ate this mission boat for two of the five months it calls on the loneiy fisher folk on the narthern coast of- Newfoundland. The pupils of the recentiy con- ciuded Church Vacation School contributed $6.66 in their morn- ing offerings for a similar pro- ject. Mr. Nelsfn Wilder, Bonarlaw, spent the holiday weekend with his mother, Mrs. G. Wilder. Nestieton Mr. Sam Jeffrey, Blackstock, visited his niece, Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. John Grieves, Vonnie and Jimmie holidaying at BurrU River. Miss Ruby Veale and Mr. Chas. Fallis, Toronto, with Mr. A. H. Veale. Mr. Frank Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean and Dora with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolmn, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johblin visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joblin, Janetville. Miss Verna McNally, Coîborne, visited Miss Jean Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Miss Ethel Thomeson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Taylor, of Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man McNally, Coiborne, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Miss Viola Freeman, Lindsay, Miss Doreen Freeman, Toronto, visited their sister, Mrs. Harvey Henry. Miss Jean Malcolm sang at the Dorreil and Wright wedding on Saturday at Blackstock. No church in the United Church next Sunday. Enfield Miss Ruth Prescott with Miss Ruth Rabbins, Zion. Miss Elsie Samis, Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy and family, Peter- bora, Messrs. Ray and Stanley Webster, Miss Mary Cale, Tor- onto, Miss Corsîna Samis, Osha- wa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman and family, Sault Ste. Marie, at the Bowman homes' Miss Rase "'rie Prescatt spent a week at Richmond Hill. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Orono, with Mrs. W. Bowman. Miss Helen Smith and Miss Ruth Clarke, Oshawa, at the Prescott homes. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleemon and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Canner, Toronto, at H. Ormiston's. SMr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Richmond Hill, at 0. W. Pres- catt's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilbert, Sauina, at H. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kiley and daughter, Merritton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Ormiston, Oshawa, at J. Stark's. Miss Vera Stinson, Toronto, at N. Stinson's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormistan, Bow- manville, with Mrs. W. J. Ormis- ton. W.A. met at the home of Mrs. J. Stark as a mother and daugh- ter meeting. There was a gaod attendance and the follawing pro- gram: Paper by Mrs. F. Gilbert, Salina; piano selections by Miss Margaret Prescott and Rose Marie Prescatt; recitation by Kathleen Smith; a chorus by five daugh- ters and a paper by Miss Ruth Prescott. There wîll be no Sep- tember meeting. Salem Salem Women's Association met at the home af Mrs. H. Barrie wîth a gaod attendance. President Mrs. L. Welsh, apened the meeting and conducted the business period. Mrs. Barrie was in charge ai the programme. Mrs. L. Welsh gave a reading. The speaker ai the evening was Mrs. C. W. Siemon, who gave a vivid and pleasing accaunt ai her recent eight week's trip Obituaries MES. NEIL S. MaeDONALD On Friday, July 26, the death Qccured of Mms. Christina Eliza- beth Lamb MacDonald at her home, 20 Mapie Ave., Toronta. She was the wife af Dr. Neil S. MacDonald, a former Inspector of Toronto Public Schoals and mather of Dr. Donald G. H. Mac- Donald, Peel Caunty MOH. Mrs. MacDonald was bomn in Toronto and attendeci Jarvis Callegiate and the University ai Toronto. She was a member of Rosedale United Church and took a keen interest in missionary work. Fu- q neral services were heid fram the A. W. Miles Funeral-Chapel, with interment in St. James' cemetery, Toronto. NORMAN HOWARD WRITE A former resident of Bawman- ville, Norman Howard White died suddeniy at his home, 156 Highbaurne Raad, Toronto, on July 30. He was in his 7ist year, and was a son of the late William White who was a butcher for many years for the late J. B. Mar- tyn. Employed by' the Baller Inspec- tion and Insurance Company for 40 years, Mr. White had resided in Toronto for the past 10 years. He was born in Port Hope, and had resided also ini Peterborough and Bawmanvilie. Hie was a member of the United Church. Hie is survived by his wife, the' former Debra Stanley Bosweil; one daughter, Norma, at home; one son, Cecil Howard White of Ottawa; a sister, Mrs. Clarence Sheridan (Carnie) of Toronto, and a brolher, Arthur White, 221 Dearborn Avenue, Oshawa. MRS. HEZEKIAH HAMBLY In failing health for the past fine months, Mrs. Hezekiah Ham- bly pased away, Juiy 31, at her BANDS MONSTI Will form up at Dean 1 Ring and Liberty Streets - at 7.30 p.m. ROUTE 0F PARADE North from King on Liberty Street to Wellington Street, West on Wellington Street ta Silver Street and to the Public School Gro nids. Will be resente onte rnsatt e S dTrc m dityatr famnily residence, 32 Charles St., Oshawa. She was in her 83rd year. Formerly Emma Cox, Mrs. Hambiy was born in Narthiea, Oxfardshire, Engiand, on Decem- ber 23, 1862, and was a daughter of the late David and Mary Cox. She came to Canada with her fa- mily 68 years aga, settling in Newcastle and later moved ta Bowmanville where she was mar- ried to Hezekiah Hambly on Jan- uary 16, 1884. In 1891 Mr. and Mrs. Hambiy went ta live in Woodstock and in 1920 returned to Oshawa. She was a member of King Street United Church. Predeceased by her husband in 1928, Mrs. Hambly is survived by gnn. Public Sehool Tricycle Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best twa daughters, Mrs. J. A. Cole- man (Carnie) and Mrs. Gordon Pirie (Mary) bath of Oshawa; four sons, William, Albert, Har- oid and Jack Hambly, ail of Osh- awa; one sister, Mrs. George Ri- chards of Bowmanvilie and one brother, Albert Vox of Oshawa. There are also 13 grandchiidren and three great-grandchiidren. The funeral, conducted by Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, was held from the family residence, August 2nd, with interment ini the famiiy plot in Bowmanvile cemetery. Pail- bearers were Arthur Cox, Clar- ence Cox, Frank Cox,' Gordon Cox, Leo Hambiy and W. O'Re- PAÀRAÀ.DE PARADE PRIZES CHILDREN'S' CLASSES Decorated Dolis' Carriage, Girls Decorated Wagon, Boys ..... ..................... Decorated Tricycle, Girls and Boys.,........... Decorated Bicycle, Boys and Girls ............ P on y O u tfit ..... .................................... Character Group, at least three................. Clown or Comic Costume ................................. Patriotic Costum e ................................... OPEN CLASSES Best Merchants Decorated Motor Float ............ Best Merchants Decorated Float, horse drawn ...... B est Patriotic Float ........................................ B est D ecorated Car .......................................... Best Adult Character Group ............................ Best Aduit Clown or Comic Costume .................. Best Aduit Individual Patriotjc Costume ............ Most Unique Vebicle with Operator .................. lst 2nd 1.00 .65 1,00 .65 1.00 .65 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 .65 1.00 .65 5.00 3.00 5.00 .3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 2.00 DAZLY DOZEN If you want pep, appetIte. a«Il- ity and staniina, health authori- ties at Ottawa make this sugges- tion-"Date yourself up for ex- ercises each day, the easy wgy. Take a walk, but walk coretly. Swing along-get rhythm in it! Breathe deeply, point the tome straight ahead, lengthen the stride and let the armis swing freely fram the shoulders." The De- p antment is seeking to intereçt afl Canadians, in the National 1'hys- icai Fitness programme. A shortening ai hours of work in some categonies has resuited in. less aver-ali production. Grounds TH Icase os vain Ca.nival will be held Monday, Aug. 12*1, Free Radio ATTENDANCE Bicycle PRIZES YOU MUST BE ON THE GROUNDS TO WIN *NE 0F THE ATTENDANCE PRIZES - ONLY ONE PRIZE PER PERSON Free Nylon Bose CALITHUMPIAN -FLOATS a FLAGS ER CALUTHUMPIAN PARADE Eodgson's White Rose Service Station, the Corner of the Parade. FUN AND EXCITEMENT FOR EVERYONE 3rd .35 .35 .35 .75 .75 .75 .35 .Free Ice Cream Cone or Pop to Every ChIId In the Parade New Dooths - New Cames M, Fun for All Entire Proceois ol Carnival for Conuniny Worlk I TRU tSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1946 1 THE CANADIAN STATESUM. BOWILANvMIýE. ONTARin 9 ILLE IE I

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