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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1946, p. 6

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PAGE ~ 1YTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST eth, 1946 BIRTHS- KING-Mr. and Mrs. H.' G. King, 965 William Ave., Winnipeg (nee Norma Woollard), are happy to announce the birth o! their son, (Leighton Harvey), at Grace Hos- pital, Winnipeg, on July 19, 1946. Mother and baby both doing well. 32-1* MASON-To Mr and Mrs. Ed- ward Mason atÏýltoria Hospital, London, on Friday, August 2nd, 1946, a son, Brian Montgomery. 32-1* NOTICE Re Weeds Citizens are advised that ail weeds must be -cut at once in order to prevent the ripening of seeds. Failure to cornply with this notice will resuit in the penalties of the Weed Control Act being en- forced. OLIVER ROBERTS, Weed Inspector TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE DEATHS BLIGHT-At the home o! ber son-in-law, Thomas Palmer, Bow- manville, on August 4th, 1946, Evelend Harper, widow o! the late Edward Bligbt, ageà 75 years. VANSTONE-On August 2nd, 1946, at Toronto, Lucius Norman Vanstone, 392 Brunswick Ave., Toronto; dearly beloved husband o! Elizabeth Burns, father o! Frank and Edward and uncle o! F. C. Vanstone, Bowmanville. Guaranteed Radio Service on ail makes of Home and Auto Radios SETS'CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Authorized Crosley Dealer Roy W. Neads Radio Sales & Service, 85 King St. E. Phone 580 When ini operation your car should perform smoothly, quietly and efficiently. If not, btter drive in here for a check-up. We '11 givo it a thorough inspoction-checking and double-chocking you.r brakes, your lights, and any mochanical defeets that might mako driving a hazard. You.r car will pass any test-with us! P aimer Mlotor Sales PLYMOUTH - CHRYSLER - FARGO DEALER CITIEÇS SERVICE GAS and MOTOR OILS Phone 487 King St. E. New General Electriec RtADIO .S SEE THEN ON DI&PLAY IN OUR STORE WINDOWS We have just received our largest shiprnent of the new 1946 General Electric Mantel Radios. Corne in and se them. Three different modela to choose from and al backed by the Genoral Blectric Guarantee. KANTECL Radios........................- $4950 and $58.50 COMBINATION Record Player and Radio, latest design ...-.---. . .. .. ... .... . .... 11 ...$1W.00 ELECTRWIC <5ecord Player .... ....... ....... .-..... $18.95 WARNING Persons causing damage to street signs' authorized and erect- ed under authority of the Town Council are warned that for any such offence they are subi ect to prosecution to the full extent of the law with ahl the penalties thereto appertaîning. It is hoped all law-abiding citizens will co- operate with the police in this matter. C. G. Morris, Mayor. A. J. Lyle, Town Clerk. 31-2 Commnercial - Ïbomestic ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer1 announce the engagement of theirt only daughter, Elizabeth Ann (Betty), to Walter Steven Milis,1 son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Milis,1 Oshawa. The marriage will take place August 24. 32-1* Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rice, Bow- manville, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Audrey Elizabeth, to Merle S. Barnard, son of Mrs. Barnard and the late Mr. H. Barnard of Baîlieboro. The wedding will take place on August l7th. 32-1* IN MEMORIAM ILEE-In proud and loving mem- jory of our dear son and brother, 'Pte. Harry Robert Lee, B 65607, R.H.L.I. who was killed, fighting for us, at Caen, France, on Aug- ust 12, 1944. Boy of my heart, I mniss you so, Often, my darling, my tears will flow, Dimming your picture before my 1 .eyes, But neyer the one in my heart that lies, The stars seem dim as I whisper low, My darling boy, I miss you so. It is lonesome here without you There is such a vacant space, For we will neyer hear your footsteps Or see your smiling face As the angels keep their watch up there, Please, God, just let him know, That we clown here do not forget, We love and miss him so. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember hlm. -Lovingiy remembered by Mother, and Sisters Alice and Beatrice. 32-1 THOMPSON-In loving memory of :9 dear son and brother, Pte. Norman E. Thompson, who was killed in action, August 9th, 1944, in France. We littie thought when leaving home He would no more return, That he in death so soon would sleep, And leave us here to mourn. We do not know the pain he bore, We did not see hlm die, We only know he passed away And did not say good-bye. -Ever remembered by Mother, Dad and Family. 32-1* CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. A. E. Mellow, Newcastle, wishes to express her thanks to friends and neighbors for the love- ly cards and flowers which she received while a patieuit in the Oshawa General Hospitai and for their many kindnesses to ber fa- mily before and after her return home. 32-1 COMINO EVENTS The Cryderman-Ruse familles wili hold their family picnic at Hampton Park on Saturday, Aug. lth at 2 p.m. D.S.T. You are ex- pected to attend. 31-2 The' annuai Newcastle United Church Sunday Schooi picnic will be held Wednesday, August 14, at Cobourg Beach. Races and contests for young and old; iswim- ming. Transportation will be provided. 32-1 Notice The off ice of W. R. Strike wil be closed August 12th to Sep- tember 2nd, inclusive. 31-2 Mille r's Beàauty Parlour will be c losed from August l7th to Sep- tember l6th. 31-3 Dri.W imn' fiewf b1 cT sdfrmAgst)ht A- HOUSE, apartment or rooms in Bowmanville for young married couple. Possession required on or before Sept. lst. Write Box 729, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 32-1 For Rent SMALL furnished apartment with kitchen privileges. Occupation a! ter August 15. Apply Mrs. W. H. Cooke, C.P.R. Station, New- castle. 32-1 SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-t! ils Registered Optometrist 3-day service Speclal Arrangement By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 pi. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. P.O. OFFICIE l16 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Articles For S"e FRUIT-Cooking apples, yellow transparent. Phone 2886. 31-3* PONTIAC '30 Coupe. $150. Phone 418. 32-1* RADIO, Console model, 7-tube, in good condition. Apply 33 Beech Ave. 32-1 ABOUT 40 tons of straw. Apply Robt. Sim, Tyrone. Phone Orono 62r4. 32-1* THREE-piece chesterfield suite., Rep covering. In good condition. Phone 414. 32-1 G.M.C. tractor; seed-clrill; 2 hand power washing machines. Phone 2556 after 6 p.m. 32-1* EIGHT-piece oak dining room suite, orle stove, one sewîng ma- chine and other articles. Phone 2314, Bowmanville. 32-1 STEEL bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and desk. Appiy 71 Ontario St., Bowmariville, phone 714. 32-1 BABY'S crib, large size (cream); two-piece bedroom suite (walnut veneer), in good condition. Ap- ply T. J. Webb, 25 Brown St. 32-1* GOOD piano. May be seen at home of M. Tamblyn, Scugog St., èvenings. Apply owner by writ. ing Box 728, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 32-if RADIO, kitchen chairs, and cup- board, also door frames, casings and odd pieces of lumber, 40 gai. tank. Apply William Wilcox, Queen St. 31-2* ONE cabinet model Brunswick radio, 1 double bed spring and mattress, chest of drawers, 1 9x12 congoleum rug. Ail in good con- dition. Write Box 731, States- man Off ice. 32-1* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dies! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf IT will cost you only $1.25 to protect your blankets against moth damage. One spraying of Berlou stops moth damage for five years or Berlou pays for the damage. Alex McGregor Drugs, phone 792. 32-1 TWO pints of Berlou sprayed on your 9x12 rug protects it from moth damage for five years, or Berlou pays the damage. Costs you only $2.50 for five-year pro- tection. Mason and Dale, phone 408. 32-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Wanted To Buy BARN or any building to be tomn down. Phone 659. 32-1* GOOD small piano. Write Box 709, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 31-tf LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7-r-13. 29-7 * PIANOS-Cash will be paid for small and medium sized pianos; must be in good condition. Tele- phone F. J. Mitchell, 492 Bow- manville. -31-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. h 2-tf wte, Si. nr Sewîng acineCo., SPARE tank refiler'taken from Happy Valley last Tuesday« $101 reward for any information re- garding this Leslie Coombes. Phone 2518. 32-1 Real Estate Wanted FIVE or 6 roomed bouse in good condition for cash. Write Box 720, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 31-3 SMALL farm on a good road witb good buildings. Write Box 724, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 31-2 HOUSE or apartment wanted in Bowmanville. Apply at 3 Dur- ham Street or write Box 730, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 32-1* FARM on No. 2 Highway east of Bowmanville. Approximately 130 acres, electricity. Brick bouse, good farm buildings, some or- chard. Inspection by appoint- ment only. Write Box 727 States- man Office, Bowmanville. 32-3:1 LARGE bouse required. Cash purchaser desires well-kept 8 or 10-roomed bouse witb modemn conveniences and good grounds. Should be within about fifty to ninety miles of Toronto. Can ac- cept possession promptly or wait until next May. Mail particulars to R. W. James, Realtor, 29 Lons- dale Rd,, Toronto. 31-2 Real Estate For Sale TWO hundred acre farm in Clarke township, good frame bouse, 12 rooms, large barn 116' xl30' with ell 40'x30', large drive shed, wood lot. Situatu.d one mile from Highway 35. Mrs. James Burgess, Orono. 32-3* NINETY-acre farm, on Manvers Road, spring in pasture, quantity of mixed wood. . Two banked barns. Eight or 9-roomed bouse, brick veneer, hydro available. Phone 2408 or write R. C. Colla- cutt, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. 32-1* Auction sales The undersigned bas been auth- orized to sell by public auction tbe houseboid effects of the late Mrs. Ida Crawford, Blackstock, on Saturday, August lOth at 1:30 p.m. at ber late residence. Cliff- ord Pethick, Auctioneer. John Venning, Clerk. 31-2* Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Caroline Broad, late o! Bowmanville, in the Province of Ontario, Spinster, Deceased. Al daims against the above estate, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with- particulars and valuation o! security held, if any, must be sent to the under- signed before the 1l4th day of September, A.D. 1946. ROBERT L. BROAD, A ssiniboia, Saskatchewan, Canada. 32-4 Administrator of the Estate. Pets For Sale PURE bred cocker spaniel pups. Mariebob Kennels (reg'd.). For information apply 90 Concession St. or phone 2833. 32-1* Room and'Board SIJITABLE boarding place for High School girl. Phone 808 or write P.O. Box 493, Bowmanville. 32-1 SEMI-invalid would like comfort- able room on lower floor, with board. Write Box 716, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 31-2f Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 Livestock For Sale FIFTEEN Yorkshfre pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 2329. 32-1 FIFTY Rocks, Hens, 1 year old, laying, and 35 Leghorns, laying. Phone 2159.. 32-1* JERSEY cow 5 years old, due to freshen. Apply Arthur Soper, Kendal, phone Orono 16r6. 32-1* SEVERAL brood sows, some with litters; also registered sire. E. Cain, phone 56rl9, Orono. 32-1* NINE Yorkshire pigs 9 weeks old. Apply Joe Crawford, Enniskillen, phone 2552. 32-1* FIFTEBN pi g s eeks old. Also man's used biycle, in good con- dition, and r ug 15x18. Herb. Stainton, RR 1 Bowmanville 32-1* GOOD Durham stocËers, steers and heifers; also springers, Hol- steins. Ralph Davis, phone 2413, Bowmanville. 6 32-1* TWO registered Ayrshire cows, fully accredited, due to freshen about Sept. 1. Apply Wilson Ab- ernethy, Bowmanville R.R. 2 Phone 2419. 32-1 BRAY has some started pullets, at special prices, for immediate de- livery. Aiso broilers in some breeds. Cbîcks for later delivery -order now. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 32-1 Lost GRAY Persian cat, 3 months old, lost from East Beach, Tuesday af- ter 9 p.m. Anyone ýnding it or having information please notify Mrs. Gorbam, Cottage 2, East Beach. 32-1 Stolen WANTED-Life Insurance Rep- resentative for Bowmanville and district. Full or part time. Apply Gordon F. Osborne, 119 Dundas St., Whitby. 32-3 STENOGRAPHER wanted for law off ice in Oshawa. Must be capable and qualified. Experience valuable but not esserrtial. Write Box 726 Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. 32-2 AN opportunity-Estabiished rur- al Watkins district available. If you are aggressive, and between tbe ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 31-5 Work Wanted GARBAGE collected, trucking of any kind, loading wood, coal or ashes. Apply George Clayton, Phone 515. 31-2* GENERAL painting, both spray and brush. I use Brandram and Henderson paint. Contact me for free estimates. . F Carter, 24 Div- ision St. 31-3* TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, cultivating, discing, combin- ing. I also have John Deere trac- tor repair parts. F. S. -Allen, phone 594. 26-tf TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES Township of Darlington County of Durham To Wît: By virtue o! a warrant issued by the Reeve o! the Township of Dariington under bis hand and the seal of the said corporation bearîng date the 4th day of May, sale of lands in arrears of taxes irl the Township of Darlington, will be beld at my off ice at the hour of Ten O'ciock in the fore- noon on the 5th day of November, 1946, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of August 1946, and that copies of. the said iist may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 6th day o! August, 1946. J. D. HOGARTH, 32-13 Treasurer Radio Service FOR your greater convenience in securing high quality radio ser- vice we are now operating from our own shop iocated at 52 King St., West, Bowmanville, or phone 2174. F. C. Crowe. 29-3* Democracy needs a beart- your beart. And legs-your legs. ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. wiIl be i Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If ln need of service write or phone before the above day.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa 17-t! Plumbing Rot Water Hleating Repairs Instailed ini Any Type of Furnace Help Wanted WOMAN or girl for hotel work. Balmoral Hotel. 32-1* TYPIST wanted for immediate employment. Apply Box 723 Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 31-2 CAPABLE girl for office position, typing and clerical work. Apply to the Bowmanville Foundry Co., Ltd. 32-1 BO'YS wanted for remainder o! holidays, Apply to Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries near C.N.R. Station, Bowmanville. 32-1 HOUSEKEEPER: Girl o! middle age for tobacco farm during har- vest. Apply Walter Vaneyk, Bur- keton, phone 2334, Bowvmanviiie. 32-11 Softer 1 Saferi1 RELIIEVE HAY FEVER Razmah' Caps ---50c-$l.q0 Allergitabs $1.00 - $2.SO Lantigen "E" ---- - $6.00 Multinims---------------- $1.98' Estivin ---------- - $1.25 LOW PRICES Blondex Shampoo ----25e Certo --25e Parowrax 13e Lactogen .------69c-$1.59 100 A.S.A. Tabs 19c Pinkham's Comp. 87c Castile Soap, bar ------ 15e Sweet Pickle Mixture NO HEATING- NO SUGAR NEEDED Suitable for Beets and Cuciunbers 1/2 gal...... 20e - 1igal ....... 35c SUMMER NBEDS Sun-Tan Lotion -------- 39e Sun-Tan 011-------- 30c-60c Noxzema ------------- 39c-59e Trushay---------------- -- 49ec aglfrsubr a 0 First Aid Kits ------- 85c-98c aglfrsubr . 0 Skeeter Skatter --35e WVhite Shoe Cleaner ---25c Effervescing SALTS pw'Au, sofiwhit<e, comPIèej wrapped D.T. Health Salis ------ - 9e 75 SHEET ROLL Grape Salts-------------- 50c ROLLS fr(R 27Ç Andrew's Liver Saits 44-77 1 e ~~Sal Hepatica ---30-59-$1.15 HALO SHAMPOO WITH FREE VETO COUPON 29c-49c FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Phone PfUIIl~' lII TlEWe Fit 695 UU YLINGS RU SORTrusses New SHELL X-100 Motor 01 John T. MceCreery Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Thursday - 1 p.m. to 8 P.m.. Optical Repairs COWLING'S DRUG STORE ON HOLIDAYS UNTIL THURSDAY, AUGUST. 22ND) B B B s I B B B I B B K I z 1' I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I u a I I I I q I121F4 Box27cL e.-- L THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVn.LE, ONTARIO - THURSDAY,- AUGUST 8th, 1946 PAGE SIX

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