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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1946, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESBUN; BowmANvILE, ONTAIO 4i Mclve 32 8 .5 IMYourth -- 54. 13 .241 C.Osborne -- 39 9 .231 E.Hooper --- 22 5 .227 J. Crombie -- 20 3 .150 Ile enth mo wth n S Pti sprtshit.R. Richards -- 36 5 .136 Fortune sm ieonte a.wtha ElPtosothrt C. Cordelle -- 29 3 .103 B. Bates -------- 5 0 .000 Mlexkco lnspired the colors. Clever buying secured the B. Kent --- ---- 13 0 .000 E. Witheridge 14 0 .000 %bric- a inelinelikerayo. Coefulcritcal ailoinciTeam average ---------------- .47 Bill Bagneli won the pen and l ivs toseeas leiurey Ues.Desinedhy eym ur.pencial set for the most stolen givo thn esy .isrel lins. .sinedby eym ur.bases with 17. Maxie Yourth was next with 13. The Rayais scored (Coms i Shdesof Bown Sad, urquise Aqa, reenandWhie.)111 runs and had 83 runs scored (Cores xx hads o BrwnSan, TuquoseAqu, GeenandWhie.)against them. Ted Bagneil led the team in hits with 17 ta his credit. Tommy Cowan had 2 home runs foliowed by Bull Bag- neli and Don Willams with 1 each. Rayais won 9 games and lost 9 for an average of .500. Pitching Record Won Lost E. Hooper----- 5 3 C. Osborne ----2 0 A. Osborne - ----- 2 O L. Krichew ------ O 1 B. Hoar ---O------ -- 0 1 A. Clemence 0- O 1 E. Witheridge 0 T. Cowan - ---- 0 2 Additionai sport news wili be Ifound on another page. A j gether FrntStM -Ls ond), McDonald rf, Gay p (play- death 000A rot~ ed second in third), Blackburn c deteriï K. .Up:ets Ru rais 125ar (replaced by Art Richards in sec- lau really fighting ta get in the play- ae off s. Tuesday night they did it Bill Baignel Paces first gý the hard way by decisively up-Sh r ksU Ceta WednE MM setting the first place Rurals 12 Hampi C T *Z N 1 to 5. It was only the second timne Ontaio Field Meet tai go. thisseaon hattheRurals have Pa been beaten. Bob Williams The Shamrock AC, Oshawa 7, Pl pitched superb bail for the vic- team, running the 440 yard re- 2-0. tors; Gay and Richards shared lay, Saturday, at the Varsity Sta- again mound duties for the vanquished. diumn, Toronto, for the Central shawe Front Street toak command of Ontaria Champianship, finished a of earl the game in the first inning with close second ta West End Y.M.C. dictec a three-run rally. Masan and A., Toronto. The race was a fea- Salina Rundie were bath on through er- ture «~ the day. nessè ror. Then Hoaper and Mcllveen Anchor man for Shamrock AC, spirit Shit doubles ta drive in Masan and Bill Bagneil, Bowmanville, set a the wi Rundie. Hoaper scored when pace that pushed the winners ta Ar DeGeer graunded out. a new mark of 47.2 seconds, or the in d(, The second inning proved ta be remarkable averaged time of 11.8 whistl a heart-breaker for the Rurals as for each 110 yards. Hamp the merchants ran wild for seven The Oshawa team was made Satur( . . .. . .runs. Two walks, hits by Allun up of Bagneli; Crawford and were Brough and Williams and three Butler, Oshawa, and Ormistan of ton w Rural miscues produced the sev- Broaklin. They took the field IT IS YOU .. . OR SHOULD BE. en tallies. without previaus practice and as PP -The Rurals were held scoreless a pickup aggregation made a PP If yau are a No. 1 citizen, you will bc doing yaur until the fifth frame when a home, spectacular showing. w shar to ardoff he enac ofinfltio* faing run by Rickard, a single by Pick- trn share a wardoff th menac of iflatio* facig . o ri e circuit clout fr0 tri Caaatoa.the bat of Werry netted he Juniors Regain ntid ighc How? . .. By conservation in yaur persanal financs ... runs. They gat one in bth the Deetn oor 0 bilh Here are five ways you can flght inflation: the sixth Osborne blasted a triple grour o Hold on ta your Victary Bonds and scored when DeGeer inter- After losing three consecutive score, fered with Art Richards. In the league games Bowmanville Jun- ity c1 o Buy only those goods which are in fair supply seventh "Ace" Richards doubled iors regained their stride last. Pel and save your money for the day when goods and crossed the plate on Osborne's Wednesday night by shutting out innin now in short supply wilI be readily available two-bagger. Cobourg Kiwanis 2 tao0. Arty They Avoid black market purchases Frant Street got their other two Clemence was in rare form as he the ' a Kep upyourinsuanceruns in the sixth when Cauvier struck out nine batters and gave frarn * Kepupyor nsracehomered driving DeGeer acrass up no walks. night a Build up yoilr saviflgs account ahead of him. TeJnoshdmno ae their The Rurals cooked their own every inning but failed ta score Ths This is conservatio-the first requisite for persanaî goose on Tuesday evening by until the seventh. In the first cams security-the first attribute of good citizenship. committing a total of seven er- frame Mcllveen was on with a cm If we 4!l help in ail five ways, the thrcat of inflation rors. Most of these errors oc- triple and Hoar with a walk. In testh curred in the first twa innings the second Clemence walked but final -rampant in somte other countries and naw menacing and were a deciding factor in giv- was forced at secand on an at-fia us-can be beaten and stamped out. ing Front Street a 10 tao0 lead. tempted sacrifice by Strike whoaraibit * *After Front Street gat that 10- later reached third on two stolen run lead their supremnacy was bases; Cornish waiked. The third Let us ail be No. 1 citizens. Remember, if yau are a neyer chalienged during the rest saw bath Giihooley and McIlveen InltoNo. 1 citizen, yau will look after No. 1 . .. Save for of the game. hit but the latter was nipped off Co te ciize, Torsef an yo sav fo Canda.The sumnmary: Front Street 12 second, and so the game pragress- ttea itizy esyusl ad>aae o aaa runs, 10 hits, 2 errars. Rurals 5 ed with the Juniors getting men eanls siaupfory runs, 8 hits, 7 errors. Left on on bases but leaving themn strand- dl his liin cst bases, Front Street 7, Rurals 7 . ed there. dola .. isliin clt .' BAN K n F 1\4N T Home runs, Couvier, Rickard, Then camne the top haif of the soar as free and carces spending ..- NT A Werry. Three-base hit, Osborne. seventh. Hooper led off with a drives up the price of goods stillin ii orking witb Canadians ina evM ywa4k Twa-base hits, Hooper, Mcllveen, double but was caught off second. short supply. Inflation is no respecter af of liffo12 Williams, Richards, Osborne. Bas- Then Gilhooley singled and scor- persans . .. like the rain, its cvii falisonféor12 y.r es on balis, off Williams 2, off Gay ed when McIlveen hit a triple the ustand he nius alke.2, off Richards 2. 'Struck out, by whih bounced off the end of the thejus an th unustalie. uv lAlîrWiliams 5, by Gay 2, by Rich- left fielder's glove. Dadson fol- Thus, Canada's fight against the menace ards 4. lowed with a dlean hit ta score ofinlaiossyurIih..UIUfgt lYHA H Front Street: Masan 2b, Rundie McIlveen. of each of our citizens oA#flINdAig If, Hooper ss, Mcllveen lb, DGr Caobourg threatened in oniy two > inforh)rrog cWilam. three in the rest. In the fourth ~. :....::.ÏZ~**~~* Levitt 3b. Campbell and Jaiea sngd .....:.. .......... ~: :.: Ruraîs: Rickard cf, Pickeîî cs:perfec thraw by Hoa .... ........... Bragg If, Werry lb, "Ace" Rich-bu.ta efc tho byH r ard 2b(pichd i thrd) Huck nipped the runner off second and arsb (ptced ibnetird),eHo ended the threat. In the iast haif 3b repace byOsbrnein ec-of the seventh Jamieson was safe at first on a veryr close play and Quailey hit. There was only one out at the timne and it looked as thaugh Cobourg might tie it Up. Then Jamieson was out trying ta steai third. The next man Up ,.~o sun s.uunes .rug.uw on ou: at.ensayngt the su s in s ri hton There is one thing of note in The Juniors didn't commit an er- ror. Their errarless bail com- bined with Clemence's pitching effort ta give Cobourg only three hits. The Juniors coliected 10 safeties. Eric Mcllveen was the ... leading slugger f dr the locals with two triples and twa singles ta his The local lads have had a lay- off of a week and a baif and are now playing the brand af bail of which they are capable. They look like sure bets ta enter On- tario Junior B playdowns. Bowmanville Juniors: Hoaper OURt OWN BLACK TEA OLD CANADIAN *"4991 PERFECTION 'j O'CEDAR POLISE 0 0 Bt' WOOLSOL B CLEANER 5OBt CROWN SEALERS QUARTs DO: SWATTERS KELLOGG'S k ALL BRAN 2 k NORVALL'S NALT DUNLK TI SPIC & SPAN P ANN PAGE OVEN FRESH 12 24 m . oavei 240 23e5 1.554 PE.&S STANDARD a*a*02 20om Tins 25% F LOUEROBIN HOOD TIRA TIMI * Ikg. 0 CFOUNFAKSQUAKER z es' 150 S50 U CLARK'S MUSI.ROOM 3Tn 5 Oranges Cal. Valencia 344'. J I ÇGRAPES, iga nue~ California Red Malaga1 Ib Ibo oe 84 YAMS ouiiana O. Gra2lm le 23 Carrais anaaNo.1 Grade 2 Ib. In 69 LarotuCanHadati.No.1 Grade a2 for ~CeIery StalkS No.1 Pascal2 for COLORADO FRESH 10010 15C GRAPEFR1UIT 4 for 2v ____A&P RED or BLUE BRAN] STEAKS or ROASTS POT ROASMT Boneless Rolled E PORTEDOUSE lb. 550 WINfG lb 51< DOILING FOWL GADE A -- FISE SUJGGESTIONS FRESH Z5c 25C 14C 15C 19C 29C Biaket ibn Zlc SELOIN tb.49s *RO l b. 2 3< SAON FLLTSlb. Co FIL=ETS 29 SEODFILETSlb. 330 SNOKED KpPEISlb, 25< LEG&TICS lb.79uns IEAST VIa l- b. 35o ECSBAMS.9 flflfl.y. a t.fl.vnr, .tSt. I fliC il 1 'Off. This Week E semi-finals in the Darling- lotba11 Leaigue brought to-"B UAGIN rSolina vs Bowmanville and ton vs Courtice in sudden ILE AA I Lgames on neutral fields tu qiine the finalists for the WINÀER OF THE $50,000 SANTA ANITA DERBY ,échampionship. The out- v was that Solina-and Hamp- AL G-SI PE RM amrs meet iâ\ home and home DAN AXWORTHY -CLI I EE ýto decide the issue. The THE COUNT B AND OTHERS game takes pace at Solina, XT REFO AL iesday evening; the second at I*H ATERFR L ptonSatuday eenin, AT ails ta count. iying at Enniskillen, August lina defeated Bowmnanvilie The Bowmanviiie team, iwith a rearranged iineup, ,d littie of the fiashy form xlier games when it was pre- dthey would top the league. DFEI displayed their old fighting PARK taand were in command al real contest, with the issue fle, featured the Courtice- ýton game played at Sauina rday evening. The teams !evenly matched but Hamp- wron the contest 2-1. ,IS SWAMP LEGION 20-6 elx _____ neen btsan fa ig in defensive play the Pep- E ola nine defeated the off- Un LLegion team in the Soft- League at Public School e, 20-6, represented the quai- (AUGUST 2lst) *psis took the lead in the first Also ,g by registering 4 counters. y coasted along with 2 more in Canadian Standard Bred Two-Year-Old Futurities 2nd, counted 3 in the next Also ne, one in the 4th, and as a Hon. Earl Rowe's "Van Riddell" t-cap hammered home 10 in xlast stanza. 1 13 HEATS - IRST HEÂT 2 P.M. he Legion were held score- Admission (Including Tax) $1.20 for four innings straight but Grandstand Free ie to life with 3 in the fif th, one 1e 6th and resigned the con- EXCELLENT REI3TURAWr SERVICE Safter tallying twice in the Jframe. Coyle and Correy itrated the game. 19Ç a a lb. 33o IL A&M .

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