- - - . - -V A UTaf O NTA~ . xm T f W A R I Ol THUISDAY, AUGUST l5th, 1946 - - - - - - - - - - -- ------- £ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL - phone 643 Mr. Ernest Morris has returned Keith Shackleton is spending froin holidaying at Crystal Beach. two weeks at Doys' camp, Kawar- Miss Marion Hooper is visiting tha Park. ,Itiends and relatives at Akron, Mrs. Jesse Arnott, North Osh- %àOhio.awa, spent a week with Mrs. C. MARR'S JEWELLERY Be SaFe \Witk Your Wiring The wiring of your house is not a thing to take chances with. If you want to be absolutely sure of a safe job that will last a lifetime see us now. Our technicians are the best in their field and the materials used are of the highest quality. See the new General Electrie radios on display S in our windows. Three different models to choose from. FLAPRESORNT BIED LAMPS.............. $9.95 YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER Rîggon Electric. 42 KING ST., E. PHONE 438 See these latest Flannel- ette Suits. Just the thing you have been waiting for this fail. $9.95 Dxop into our store to see the new styles' in Fail and Winter Coats, Suits, and Dresses,. Our Millinery Department has the hat to go with whatever you choose. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman- 'HONE 836 BOWIEÂNVILLZ prettily decorated basket held many useful gifts. A dainty lunc was provided. Feature writer, Mrs. Jacque- line Sirois and staff photographer Mr. Louis Jaques of the Montreal ÇStandard, were in Bowmanville for the past three days gathering 4 be used in the rotogravure sec- tion in the middle of September *issue, which will stress the im- portance of the local paper and The new ZOTOS Cold Permanent its staff in linking up the varied are the secret of lovely, s ofter, interests of the rural community. ahinier hair .. . 50 adaptable and A daily Vacational Bible School ea yto take care of. Phone is being held at the home of M r. fra ponmntdY and Mrs. R. W. Whyte, Maple foanaontetody Grove, under the direction of Mr. Ask for a ZOTOS IMPERIAL H. W. O'Brien with about 30 chil- CBEAM COLD PERMANENT or dren in attendance. Religious ZOTOS REGULAR CREAM study, singing, handicraft, and COLD PERMANENT physical exercises comprise the day's curriculum. The children Develope. by the. molera of ti will enjoy a picnic Thursday a!- jamous ZOTOS Machineleas ternoon and Friday will mark Permanent Wave the end of the school term. It is under the auspices of the Evan- Igelistic Tabernacle.te l Maybasebaîl fans who attend -E grounds have admired and com- mented on the attractive andB Wedesvgtal adnof Dr. Beauty Salon grounds. The credit for this mo- .OU6P-% rested visitor. Other reports il Wight. del garden goes to Mrs. Ferguson's te Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitson have father, Mr. R. W. Newton who ifl eturned from visiting friends at called the editor's attention to a mf âttle Britain. tomato plant on which were ex- Si Mr. Jim Paterson is on the staff actly 100 tomatoes, truly a prolific sc ýfKilcoo Camp, Minden, for the growth. ummer months. Mr. James Painton, Marîboro, Mr.andMrs J.ShakleonEl-Mass., has been visiting his bro- Mr.andMrs J.ShakleonEl-ther, Mr. Wm. Painton. It is just ood and Keith, spent a week's 43 years ago that Jim left Blow- icaton t Noth ay.manville and he has only been Major and Mrs. J. Cooper and back once since then. Older cit- s wo sons have returned from hol- izens will recaîl that Jim was laying at Port Stanley. ernployed here by Senator Robert u Mr. A. W. G. Northcutt attend- Beith internationally known C d the Masonic Grand Lodge ses- breeder and importer of hackney ir ion held in Toronto recently. horses at Waverly Stables. In a dE Mrs. G. Mahood spent a week's reminiscent chat with Mr. Pain- t acation with her daughter, Mrs. ton the editor of The Statesman a] ;ordn Byrs, ttaw Valey. recalled attending the National s oron Byrsalttawa alse. Horse Show at Madison Square st Mrs ahial McDonaMd.spnt Garden in New York City at the weks. ihoid Aychewith er.andturn of the century when Senator Ers.RicardArchr, ethsda Beith won the national champ- Masters Charles and Clare Jen- ionship with his famous hackney, t, ns, Little Britain, have been Saxon. isiting their aunt, Mrs. Ben Kit- -____________ on. i Miss Helen Gunn and Miss Lions Club 0.o qoreen White, Toronto, have been 0 ruests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (Continued from Page One) d -unn. statements, Manager Crawford e Miss Mary Paterson has been summarized net proceeds. The P ;ending the summer at Camp total which will not be exactly n ýawendawin, St. Mary's Lake, known until next meeting, was t Uuskoka. short approximately $4,000 of last ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson year. ind children are spending their Peeig hs 'Piaepi Baain PgeonLkna Story" Charles Carter, Jr., foot- Iobcageon.noted the feeling of the meeting Mrs. A. E. Hamilton, R. R. No. that Unis $4,000 faîl in current re-r 5Bowmanville, won a cash prize venues, which can be laid to re- r f $130.00~ on a quiz programme imposed government stipulations, r .4onday night. bears directly upon the welfarea Mr. and Mrs. Kari Hall and of the entire community for the Marilyn spent last week with Mr. services rendered by Lions in and Mrs. Frank Hall at their cot- several directions will now, to aE age on Loon Lake. considerable extent have to be t Mrs. W. C. Jenkins and Miss met by levies contributed in a Florence Werry have returned much more limited municipal from visiting friends at Arthur sphere. and Mount Dennis. He told with grèat fidelity of his Mrs. Ken Buckley and thr@e trip by bus and train to Phila- daughters, Toronto, are spending delphia. He gave a descriptive a week with her mother, Mrs. panorama of the morning mists John Baird, Elgin St. rising from the Susquehana Riv- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. James er to the heights of the Alleghan- andsosNorman and Duls ies as the train approached the ard soen Dwek acouas historic city of William Penn, Ben ire Hase din etwo w eks' v cation Franklin and the statesmen who it Hll'sLak, Haiburon. gathered at Independence Hall to Mrs. Clarence Hall and Mr. and frame the document of Liberty VIrs. Eric Coombes and two enshrining democracy on this daughters are holiday at a camp continent. He went on to tell on Georgian Bay near Midland. of the beauties of the Quaker City Mr. Wm. Flaherty and sons, in a way that was almost a per- Cpl. Brian Flaherty, R.C.A., and sonal visit by each in the audi- Vernon Flaherty are holidayîng at ence. their cottage at Cedar Glen on Highlights of the convention Sturgeon Lake. embraced the parts played by the Canadian delegates among Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Papineau, those of 18 nations present and accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. the election of Walter Fisher, Charles Papineau, Toronto, have Niagara District, as 3rd Vice returned from a motor trip to President, Lions International. Montreal. The Canadians won third place in Masters Carl and Harvey the great parade and also won Sweetman, Little Britain, have third prize in the judging. of un- been guests of Misses Jean and iforms; their motif, a maple leaf. Shirley Kitson and Master Ron- An impressive part was the fiag ald Kitson. ceremonY in which tableaux fea- Miss Eleanore Wight, Toronto, tured the fiags of all nations, with is spending one week's holidays superb, inspiring music, shared with her mnother, Mrs. C. A. by two Canadian bands. Wight, the following week she is In the business sessions the set- going to visit friends in Barrie. ting was one very reminiscent of Cpl. Brian Flaherty, Radar U.S.A. presidential conventions, Technician, R.C.A., Summerside, with delegates gathered under P.E.I., after a year's absence is respective banners and accustom- visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed lobbying taking place in sep- Wmn. Flaherty at' the Balmoral arate meeting places. Concen- Hotel. trating on the election of Walter Fisher, the Canadians fell short of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bell and two having one of their number el- children, Toronto, *were in town, ected to the international direc- Sunday calling on his mother. torate, since the 3rd Vice Pres- Mrs. Marie Clark Bell who is a ident was an international officer, patient at present in Bowman- not a Canadian director. Mr. ville Hospital. Carter suggested that Lions from . Mr. Charles Paintun and his now on should press for a revis- bride who have been honeymoon- ion of convention* methods to as- ing in Eastern Canada and the sure Canadian representation in ,New England States lef t by motor future on the governing board. 1last week for their home at Es- In conclusion the speaker told :ton, Sask., where Charlie is town of the social events in which Can- iclerk among other executive offi- adians acted as hosts and the fine 1ces. reception given addresses made , Mr. and ZvIrs. Percy Greeëifield by Mayor Robt. Saunders, Tor- 'were among the guests who at- onto, and Hon. Tom Daley, Min- :tended the banquet Friday even- ister of Labor for Ontario. Space ,ing at South Beach Hotel, near precludes a full report of this 1T!Lkefield, whe-n Mr. T. Best, Pet- notable address, spoken extemn- reconnaissance prior to the inva- sion itself was told with a fidelity o! detail that cannot be reproduc- 'ed in this limited report. It was a pattern o! planning so amazing that only authenticated history can do justice to the entire con- ception. It was a picture that the world neyer saw before; a result that ought to be a lesson for all future times. ie De ac Gitor ddhrreprstae nLeo $4 et form the Hig nenoof 14ncetnd ndythomp- n's sumdaryo!athe recethrink neeting in the Town Hall. Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) on,the date of which rested on infolding events. These events in- Iuded raids on the Normany oast, the Dieppe reconnaissance n force; the desert warfare un- Ler Montgomery in North Africa; ie crashing impact o! landings dong the Moroccan shores; the ibjugation o! Tunisia and the ýa-leap to Sicily and Italy. Huns Outguessied he most minute particulars to be ransmitted to the central intell- gence staff, made up o! allied )flicers representing the nations )pposed to the Axis powers. In nap-and-chart roms, nîght and ay for almost five years, the ov- araîl plan for invasion was pin- ointed step by step. One of the main functions in planning was to estimate the Hun mentality; ais calculated defence against the ivasion ultimately to take place. 'he speaker told hovQthe German High Command was outguessed. Knowing that invasion depended upon capture of ports, the Ger- nans built amazingly intricate, einforced concrete emplacements all along the coast. But he had no conception o! the 'fioating ports" that the allies eventually employed. That was the key that opened the door to Normandy. The landing took place on schedule. From then on t was high strategy and impro- vised tactics. In some detail the speaker told o! the battles around Caen, the part Canadians took in reducing this pivot point; the sweep of Patton with armoured enfoîdment of Avranches; the cap- ture o! whole Hun corps; the crossings of the Seine; the final isveep across the low countries and the end that was planned 50 long in advance. Pattern for Victory Mr. Barrett gave an intimate picture from personal knowledge including directives set into mo- tion by General Montgomery un- der Allied Commander Eisenhow- er that resulted in the punch and power long calculated in advance that carried right through to the Rhine and beyond to final victory. His story of aerial and submarine Palm Beach White Shoe Cleaner -------------- 25e Duration Leg-do -------------49e Gaby Sun-tan Lotion--- - 35c-65c SNIP-114 1 J5v W 1YLPA.JN V M-&jý, %il-4 JL Bud Rolph expressed the thanks o! members for an able, enlightened address. As an aside he suggested that the speaker, with such great experience in planning, might be able now, back on his job, to do something to get riew automobile tires on the mar- ket to replace threadbare under- pinning of today. Presifient Forbes Heyland spoke with deep feeling in telling that Rotarian Bob Cochrane had been transferred to Peterboro. His words o! regret were ceupled with sincere wishes for success in his new environment. Bob res- ponded in his modest- way and received the heartfelt applause of hîs Rotary associates who were keenly aware of his great services during the past nine years. Ross Stutt and Cecil Carveth were honored with birthday fiowers. Visitors were Charles Cattran, Superintendent, Good- year Company, Bo.wmanville, and Mr. McDonald, West Toronto. Many People Visit Girl Guide Camp (tax included) (tax included) HOOPER'*S Jeweilery& Gif t S KING STREET WEST VACATION AND Pinaud's Lillanelle C ologn e ------ --- ----- ---- $1-00 Pinaud's Lillanelle Talcum ------------------ 60c-$1.25 TOOTHbRUSH TA47 Friendship Garden's Toilet Water ------------- $1.25 Early American Old Spice Toilet Water ------------ $1.25 lmNHANDY > $A$ TUBE i i Max Factor Face Powder Summer Tan--------- -- 75c-$1.35 Jane Seymour Face Powder Banana Golden Gleam ------------------- $1.25-$1.85 s a Fu v OODn Wampole's Grape Saits ------------ 50e Khovak Saits 29c-79e Andrew's Liver Saits------------ 44c-77c Sal kfe RGLRSJ Hepatica 30c-59c-$1.15 Usîps PNovent Bad Irsafi' s Guve Bromo Seltzer ----- 25c-49c-95c Orlghtut Tceth - Sparling Salles25 ~Z~&kWÂBAS 1( Pure Sup.r-F@td t f rom a Famous 0Wd i BEn gllh Formule. Bathing Caps -------- 39c-49c-59c N iv ea Skm O u l - -- - ---- 5 0c-$ 1 00 Cashmere Bouquet Copper Tan Face Powder ----------50C Soft as a floêcy cloud 12npod 27 n.o Halo Shampoo ------------ 29c49e Cue Dentifrice ------ 19c-33c-49c Gemey Toilet Water ---$1.25 Yankee Clover Talcum ------------- 30e Three Flowers Cologne--------- $.25 C..nv. t. SSBS...S per cake Vita-Ray Gallivanting 3 for 75e1 Cologne-------- $1.25 Black Leaf "140" .----33c-95c-$2.lS ig CANT4 34_ 9*d(, Sàs m 1!ELAURA SECORD CANDIES Ili UUIâIUUI DRUOS PHONE 793 - WB DELIVE HOLIDAY NEEDS Save'yourself money by getting your many summer needs NOW at your I.D.A. DRUG STORE. Listed here are a few suggestions from our large stock of popular products at economy prices. Sun Glasses .... 19c-25c-35c. to $1.95 111T" White Shoe Cleaner ... 15c-25c rst aidez DuBarry Leg Paint.............. $1.00 English Health Saîts ........ 16 oz. 59C RAID Velvotex Hair Rmvr...... 5 MNAGES Tangel (for sunburn) ....... 50c-$125 - "eeoFirst Aid e.GIN Kits ---- 85c-98c-$2.O0 Velvetta Sunburn P SPILLS Cream--------------- 39c e Noxzeia - l7c-39c-59c 39c-69c Noxzema Sun-tan Oil IDO ------------- 30c-60c I Alka-Seltzer __29c-75c "I A 'j s I I THE CANADIAN STATME 1 and 4 lb. --- 23-72c ' Bordeaux Mixture 1 and 5 lb. 25c-$1.00 Dixon's Vitamin B-i --- 25C-50c-$l.OO Sprayide- 30c-$.25 Sprayers -- 35c-501i-79e e PR<SCRUPTIONS A SPECIALT c'y UPPUD âtii i5ý. a - -9 mmýý comed the following visitors from Bowmanville to the Girl Guide Camp situated on Nogie's Creek, Pigeon Lake, on Sunday, August llth: Scout Master D. Pickard and Mrs. Piekard and sons, Mrs. W. J. Rickard, Mrs. Ross. Grant, Betty Grant, Capt. Eileen Couch. Mrs. H. Couch, Miss M. Couch, Lieut. Audrey Venton, Mrs. Wm. A. Clarke, Gerry Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Mrs. H. Brown, St. John's, N.B., John Virgin, Ron Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Rob- son, Pat Robson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Chambers and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson and friends, Mr. A. Frank and Ronald, Mr. Tom But- tery, Mr. Lorne MeQuarrie, Mr. Bob Bates, Mr. and *Mrs. W. Kit- son and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. Teeple, and Miss Hancock and several other parents and friends from Orono and Blackstock. The Guiders and Guides were enthus- iastîc about the wonderful holi- day they were having and espe- cially mentioned the good food. à PAGE SEVEN' Publie Warning on Again we suggest, stuidy the ad- LocalCoalSitution vertisement carefully. BOWMANVILLE LARGE Attention is drawn to the ad- USER ELECTRIC POWER vertisement of the Sheppard and ___ Gi Co. on page eight of this is- Smallest in population- of the sue. It sets forth clearly and in towns shown below, Bowmanville detail what may be expected in rates weflUp inl Hydro figures re- the coal question the coming win- leased in the :May issue of Hydro ter. It should be read with care News. In the municipal loads and it may be wise to clip the listed in the Eastern Ontario Di- story for future reference. vision (60 cycle) are the follow- It will be seen that there is a ing comparative figures: Dmsi change in both percentage of Dmsi quantities of hard and substitute H.P. Consumers fuels and also in regard to deliv- Lindsay-------- 3892 2289 ery. The caution is to look ahead Port Hope -- 3275 1455 to January, 1947, and take early Bowmanville - 3227 1234 steps to estimate requirements Cobourg ---- 2665 1443 and place orders accordingly.i Whitby--------- 1825 1054 FOR BACK TO SCiIOOL A reliable watch is your iuost valued friend . . . your constant companion. We have been matching watches to people for years. . . and we 're proud of every watch we've made. Theres a watch for you among our famous naines. . . at a price you can readily afford. Stop in and take your turne ... today! A wide selection of Boys' Watches, 4 jewel and 7 jewel movements with leather strap, lurnin- ous.dial and sweep second hands. t TIRED FEET