,-THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1M4 PAGE TEN THE CANA.DIAN STATESMANI BOWMANVIILLE. ONTARIO neckline. Ms~ok chose a T e black chiffon gown with touches ,eddig I H I N T à* l1waste 8M e~M ident the many lovely gifts were dis- *Phonue: Clarke 3314K played was in charge of Miss VAN DRIIELI-NI[CHOLS 9Pauline DeLine who was assist- etn he8&e *** ** *** * *** ** UUU XUed in the evening by Mrs. Garnet Gladioli and ferns formed the M=z. Vernon Black, Port Cre- the camp. Porter. Mrs. Vernon Black, Port sottng orthe afdaterofeddi di, asgusto!Mr. . . ogrtuaton t M. ndMr.Credit, looked a!ter the bride's o! Dorohy Jean daughtr o! M Co«Etwa Neofwt.W H onrattons oMrade, th guest register. The tea table and Mrs. Leslie John Nichols, TVNYFV ER G Cooe- ewtn Ahto, Mrkdlethe oked most attractive centred Bowmanville, to Lindert William, Congratulations to Nellie Boun- Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Carr former Marjorie Lycett, on the wihalre10sa olcn son o! Mr. and Mrs. J., H. Van" sali, Mary Found, Ruth Grigg, kift Saturday for their home in birth of a daughter. taining pink larkspur and with Driel, Oshawa, in Trio.ity UnteP Aileen Parker, Viola Short, and Porvamf.< Recent gueýs rejiqtered al taîl white tapers burning in sil- Church, Bowmanv<lle,,ôn August Herbert Goddard and Ross Till- part Becent guests with Reeve and "Two Elmns" includèd -Mr. and ver candlesticks. It was presid- 17. Rev. J. E. Griffith performed ey who passed their Junior Ma- at Cc Mm.. George Walton were Mr, Mrs. S. McCann, Ottawa, Mr. and ed over by Mrs. Austin Turner the ceremony and Mr. W. E. C.- triculation exams. T Stephen Dudley, Coîborne, Mr. Mrs. James Brown, Wilmington, and Mrs. Garnet Porter pouring Workman played the wedding Art Cole has opencd transpor-~ erect LynDudley, Sr. St. John, Que., Dl. Mr. ad Mrs. F. Crowley, tea i the feno and b Mrs. music. The bride, given in mar- tto evc oteliewt iSham and ýMr. and Mrs. Lynn Dudley, Belmont, Mass., H. H. Beigman, John Rickard and Mrs. Ross Dick- niage by her fte, was motor bus. Mle Jr., and two littie daughters, Shar- Detroit, Mich., F. G. Meikle, of enson in the cvening. The tea a petal pink satin gown, falling orbu.M on and Madelyn, Toronto. Terre Haute, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. assistants were Mrs. Glenn Brooks, into a train at the back, with Mrs.'Alvin Stacey, Mrs. Mit- gera Mrs. B. Huhter, Toronto, la Q. 1. Atkinson, Portland, Me., Mr. Mrs. George Walton, Mrs A. pointed sleeves. Her matching chell and Mrs. E. Smith were win- B. H. guest o! Miss Cora Butler, who and Mrs. Jack Grimm, Beaver Glenney, Misses Marion Rickard, fingertip vei. was held with a halo ners o! the 50-yard race for mar- seek also had as weekend guests Miss Falls, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Duchae, Ruth Honey, Arvilla and Ruby O! roses and she carried a bÔu- ried women at the Bowmanville dest:i Barbara and Mr. Jim Hunter. Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Kearney, Brunt, Wandla Malley. quet 'o! roses. Her only attend- Beach Associations picnic. T Mr. Wilrnot Thorne, New York Detroit. Ongs t ewateGrs ant was her cousin, Miss Marie J. H. H. Jury has been elected Lake City, is.visiting his sister, Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Haigh.has returned So!tball Team journeyed ta Whit- oem iwoen ra ble owrstoucil o! OnetaiveConege vo!lMr D. B-. Simpson. !rom spending a week in Ton- ebroideredinrylbu owsCuclofOtio ole fM.à Mn.M.Gilis nd is Tnaono.by and played Whitby girls a with matching gloves, velvet Pharmacy. a roy G1111es, London, are visiting the Be sure and plan ta attend the gametonr 1-. Newcastl etdte pleated halo and carried Ameni- M. G. V. Gould, M. J. Smith, starn lormer's sister, Mrs. S. Bonathan. presentation a! the J. Anderson hometwers by 14-8. iNewcas te can Beauty roses. The best marn J. A. Webster, and Day C War- Gali Mr. Fred CowanDr, spent Smith Cup, also the presentation was Albertboln thi thxe weekend with his mother, o! windbreakers and crests ta the scventh inning 8-5, but by scor- ers were George Walton, Ernest tourney at Belleville. them * Mrs. Fred Cowan, Sr. champion Newcastle Girls' So!t- ing 9 runs in the seventh they Simkins, and Ivan Hobbs. Mr. Congratulations ta Miss Helen Ar Misses Kay Toms, Betty Allun, bail team, winnens o! the N.O.N.' wcnt on ta wîn the game. Dor- Robent Walton, Newcastle, uncle G. Morris, public school teaching Furz, Patricia Pearce, Mary Margaret League. Presentations will take cen Enwright pitched a good o! the bride, sang during the sign- staff, on receiving !rom the On- Indei Bonihn ae actioin ata lae a te dnc a th Cm-game and a!ter the team settled ing o! the negister. tario Dept. o! Education a certifi- at Sz cottan ae ctigongmunplceithlldoncFriay teveningcdown a!ter a' bad first inning, B cotageon akeScùog.munty allon ridy eenig'Doreen had the game wcîî in The reception was held at the cate as Su-nervisor o! Vocal Music. B Miss Edi±h Cowan o! Toronto, August 29th. Your attendance hand. Manager Crowther uscd home o! the bride's parents on Gea. Humpage and E. Joncs o! Rabe was guest wi±h Mr. and Mrs. J. will show,,your support and ap- some o! his youngen players with Prospect Street. The bride's mo- Beaven Lodge, attended the Truc ion1 C. Hancock. preciation o! the splendid playing his regular catcher, pitcher, sec- ther received in 'an orchid.. far- Blue Grand Lodge at Mount For- tero Thirteenl Newcastle Trail Ran- by the girls during the summer. ond and third base players bcing conne crepe dress with matching est. on ti gersin csprentothreaer dasank r.Wn Csd a!ernon and ev- away. In the second garce bc- hat, black accessories and a rap- Sauina: Miss Marion VanNcst si( ,McMllenspet thee dys t onWedesda attrno andev-twccn the two teams playcd at turc rose corsage. The groorn's sang a solo at the W.M.S. at Ked- o! h Camp Decker Hollow. The party ening, August l4th, at a very en- ecsl nAgs c- mother assisted wearing black non.-Mcssrs. Stevens and Short- saw ýtonsisted o! Keith Mellow, Ernie joyable post-nuptial tea in hon- Necastle gan de!eatd1WhitNew- triple sheer crepe with white ac- ridge have been busy laying ce- Se and Rallie Spencer, Boyd Harris, or o! her daughtcr, Mrs. Harold c7-4.theaa e had hi sulbîg cessories and a corsage o! Talis- ment sidewalk on our village plac( Garry Hancock, Billie Fisher, Carr, (the former Riavr in frong 1 us n h Earl Foster, Keith Rogerson, Gil- Cooke), whose marniage was a sixth. Evelyn Foster was the big For travelling thé bride chose Maple Grave: Congratulations been bert AIldread, Bob Smith, Fred event o! August 5th. The bride hitter having five hits in six times a turquoise dress with matching ta Miss Irma Power on passing Hou ceanlernaer D awMr sJ.andersn ceiving tehe many getsinooed at bat, two o! them home runs. feather hat, and black suede her Middle Schoo]. exams. alter centBerard Mr J.Andrso cevin th may gest lokedNewcastle got 25 hits and Whitby gioves and shoes. A!ter the wed- Enniskillen: John Wilkinson the Smith kindly put the firm's truck very sweet and charming inl a 13 hits. Gwen Harris staxrtedi the ding trip ta Halîburton the young sang at the League meeting which Cryd at the disposal o! the Trail Rang- navy blue sheer gown with white game pitching and they got five couple will make their home at was in charge o! the second vice- pairi ers te convey them to and !rom val lace outlining the pockets and runs off lier. She was relîeved by 45 Prospect Street. president Miss May Werry. Lii s Dorcen Enwright who finished Out o! town guests were from guisl the pitching chore. Toronto, New York, Buttonville, Stibbard, Mr. Ross Rice, Miss Ella matc Newcastle W.C.T.U. met Aug- Whitby, Oshawa, Newcastle, Or- Miller, Miss Muniel Lee, Mrs. J. sucei 1Training in Stenography, Secretarial h 1 a Miss E. L. Trcnwith's ana, and Enniskillen.Milr lofTonMs.HW.mt wit VcePresident Mrs. N. Rick- Out o! town guests were Mr. Barnard, Mn. and Mns. Chas. Bar- T, and C mmercal Beins o Se t 3rd ard, presiding. In view o! the and Mrs. Ray Barnard, Mn. and nard and. family, Messrs. Ralph toa a Spt. act'that the W.M.S. did not meet Mrs. Frank Barnard and famil- and Arnold Brad aleoo M at in August, the petition ta the ies, Sudbury, Misses Marie, Kay Mr. and Mrs. Gea. B. Gibson, stocl Prim Miiste ofOntario, reg- and Bessie Barnard, Mr. and Mns. Kirkland Lake, Mr. and Mrs. L. prni istening the disapproval o! the H. N. Rice, Mn. and Mrs. Fred M. Braund and Don, London, Mn. char Dowmanville Business School new liquon legislation, was put and ____Knmit,_ingto.___e VETERÂNS IN TRAINING under the Rehabilitation into Mns. Rickard's hands. It was 0 Pln rH11 HO SUET, ilrcive careful passed anound for signatures. The Clev Plan, or HIGH SOHOL STUDENTS, wi ~foot-of-quartens was funthen cx- wEMK n iklenai INDVIUAL ATTENTION and expert guidance through piaincd b Mrs. Rieard, the r Courses. s.Rikadthe un Foh their chosen Cuss three-!old purpose o! h fn YOUR OLO Visitons:d EeyGraduate Now in a Responsible Position being: Salary of an additional sec-MnadMr.e.ConttMi.d Eeyretary, contribution ta the new CAIlSN Mandce eo Colenutt e , M. M.Mi Register now for the date on which you expect ta begi.n building fund and ta help meet L NEWClareone Chaenin Crss, atM n . Miss yor Course, whether on September 3rd or later, but the expense o! the convention in LK E ahuCaigCos tM.Ms RW~ISTER 110W. 1947. The guest speaker, Mrs. R. Sid. Tnewin's. Beri Ph r wit fo Otlie f Cures ndG. Seymour, Reconding Secretary -Mn. and Mns. F. Toms and Miss enni :Poneo rt o une of!ore n.o the Ontario W.C.T.U., gave a Jean Toms, Purple Hill, at Mn. further particulars. very fine inspirational address. Earl Trewin's. A herty oteo! tank wasac-W.M.S. and W.A. met Aug. 14 TI BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL Acord Mvotecyour hand a so- -with 16 present. Mrs. H. MeGill Trig (RgdTrade School) cial hal! hour drew ta a close the - nd Mn. O C.atstontheLe ap-rs Vo (Reg'd ~~pleasant and profitable get-toge- -Polne eeae a h edr c M54Ring 13t. East, ther. Training School at Whitby. The ~I Bowmanville, Ontanio Phone 434 Mr ccsî eso ae theme o! the worship was christ- V' MoreNewcstlenewson pgesian stcwardshîp o! aur abilities. 5 and8. Se viceMns. L. Lamb gave a rcading in the deovotional part. Bible read- Satisfaction ing by Mrs. H. McGill and prayer L LNewtonv1ie by Mrs. Seymour. Progrnm wasaî ichange o! Mrs. W. Rahm's havi Mise Gnte an Lela Yes, we repair radios in group: vocal duet by Dorcen pi Misss Grti an Lulla double-quick time - but we Rahm and Donna Lewis. Differ- pni Thompsan, Toronto; Mn. Robt. cee lgttesals e nt members took part in question thoe Johnston and ste, r. Pneyer sta lig the smntallete-y and answens which were suppiied thet Killarney, Man., with Mn. and ti.O h otay vr in place o! the study book. Vocal 15 si Mrs. Wilbert Hancock. radio repair job we do makes duet'by Mrs. T. Slcmon and Mrs. A TeJno otalta hae friends for us. That 's why W. Ashton. and ]Palmoilve Beauty Heintz Chlcken Noodle nun off threc games, winning two. eoersrhom endos tro Soap------- 3 giant cakes 23e Soup------------lO0-z. tin 27c Mn. and .Mrs. Lawrence Gilme bles T ha efraheorou-ds Obituary Saladta Tea, brown Brodie's Self-raisiiig vîsîted Mn. and Mns. Mîlt Kim- bles. live upfo the rh. label ------------1/2-b. pk. 39e Flour ------------------- 3-b. 23e baîl. F. l liv CR OWtemI Nao ofe-- b k ZcFv oe lu --7-lb. 27c Wm. Reid, Cecil Bunlcy and MISS EVELYN M. BOUNSALL Nabob Tea, Orange Fry's Stanley Epple wene in Simcoe.F. . OW The entire qommunity was Peikoe 1 - /2-1b. pk. 44e Cocoa------------½1/-1b. tin 20c Several !rom here are an ta- 52 King St. W. - Phono 2174 shocked ta leann o! the sudden Trry Our Cold fMeats bcro fars anlreprt agoodyAugust 12, 1946. crop Taken ta Bowmanvillc Hospital DRESSED PORK - CHICKEN ROLL Mn. and Mrs. Allan Gloven, Osh- on Sunday, she died the !ollow- DELICIOUS LOAF - ENGLISH BRAWN awa, Mns. Phoebc Holdaway, o!f~ ing monning. Wesleyville, and Mrs. Tone Lang- B Eldest daughter o! Mrs. F. H. staff,.with-Mns. Jh ih anm% q duM Bounsaland the late Mn. Boun- S.S. No.y,9. Uarke ai held. -Interment- toak place at M M *the !amily plot, Bowmanville SE H M Mn. and Mns. Kermer, TorontoMM TeplbaeswrHny_ _ ceeery. ~'~ ON I LA awcre gucsts o! Mrs. Gea. Barch- Mutn ar liRg ad * ad.M*ing, Frank olno,'Dv IN Mns. Wm. Barchard with her: Sept. :L. Brown and Br akr * ~~~~M mather, Mrs. Hooper, at Ajax. *M__________ * OUTR STORE M Mrs. Harold Gibson and M * : ~~~daughtcr Betty are holidaying this :ev a copeesok0: Upper School Results *WINDOWS week. *school supplies for Public andM *M Mrs. Sloan and Douglas spenta a High Schools. a (Continued from Page One) * M day or two at Mrs. McReelis whileMM Fr.C. C. *Mshe was in the hospital underga- ALL TEXT BOOKS THAT Reginald Ward: Mod. Hirst. 1, :ing a minor aperatian. ARMVIAL Bot. C, Zool. 3, Pyss 2. SWe have just received our largest shipment of the new M rM. Bert Bowen, Mrs. AldenMM Willa Ward: Trig. C. -: Gibson and Mrs. Fred Bowen went Specials Blackstock Continuation * 146 1*nra Elotre antel Radios. Corne in and seeMtaTonooSudyasethiM 19 Gn- aiIgeMri M: oornto____y o eeMhirSehool them. Three different modela to choose from and al a brother, Howard, who is still veryM Peu and Pencîl Sets M a iM. SM M BgsUpper Sehool Examlnations M backed by the General Eleotric Guarafltee. Joan Sloan who has been stay- SholBi* Standing: Div. 1, 75 per cent and a M ing with Mrs. Fred Bowen ne- a Loose Les! Note Books a oven; Div. 11, 66-74 per cent; Div. turned home on Monday. i different sizes 111I, 60 ta 65 per cent; Div. C, 50 ta --elRdis ..... 49.50 s"55.50 Guests at D. McReeis included Figer-fit Pen Holders 5 9 per cent. * ': aMrM. and Mrs. Wm. Bloye, Mn. and n alM Mrlnaom.II * * f «od layer ....... 18.95 M Mrs. Ross Bloye and Jean Ton- W Pait Boxes and: Bowers, Dorothy: Lit. C, Mod. **onto, Mn. and Mrs. Rawald and : 'Mathemsatica, Sets un Hist. C, Alg. II, Geom. II, Trig. *Mbaby and Mn. and Mrs. Kosenick, MWe wl endeavoun to give youru and Stat. I, Chem. III, Fr.A. C, ---------- Hamilton. mMoriers oun very best attnin F..C * NLR AL ELE TRM AP L_____DEALERLang!eld, Mildned: Lit. C, Alg. * i HURC ES EWE L :C, Tig. and Stat. C, Fn.A. C, Fr. o M MW * 1 McLean, Ernest: Lit. C, Hist. C, * MmnnAflEVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE * W Alg. I, Geom. I, Tnig and Stat. I, ~Electri ato:H .O'ne Chem. II, FrA. II, Fr.C. C. 199 11 M P rHO JE 556M Marlow, John: Lit. C, Hist. C,ý POE 42 KING 8T., E3. il ..BlersMetn Alg. I, Geom. I, Trig and Stat. I, * :0pm.Eag4wtcMetn "Bi G 2011 a Chem. I, Fn.A. C, Fr.C. II, Lat.A. * ~~~~~Wednesdsy L ...II.....~1, Lat.C. I. ___________________________________8 p.m.-Prayer Mountjoy, Audrey: Comp. C. "lKitty" (Adult Ententalument) A.S Foll 480 or 734 AND FOX LATE 1 *UUU UIUU UUUI this year, this being an increase of appr ýately 20 over last IST NT AST year's fiUe IISTA T PAS Included in the list is the Royal SWinter Fair, being held from No- ' ~ vember 12 ta 20 and being reviv- ed after a suspension o!f ive years **~** ***** owing to wartime conditions. FIFtY YEARS AGO The fair list includes the fol- lowing dates of special interest to August 19, 1896 residents of this district: iss Marion MéDougall took In September: Port Perry Aug. àl-September 2., in a charity concert and fete Biackstock, September 3-4. obourg. wo new buildings have been ted at Port Bowmanville, ,'s barn and Dr. Tilley's sta- LET lessrs. A. C. Williams, A. Aun- VACUUM CLEAN YOU adC. Saunders, graduates of S. have left for the west to: A OLEAN FURNA ktheir fortunes. Their first tination-Winnipeg. Repairs for ail makes o Iwo tragie deaths occurreci on______ ze Ontario at Port Bowman- ewhen Miss Lena Darch and Arthur Peate ventured out in )wboat on the high waves o! a ILI rny sea. Fred Cubitt, Donald braith and George Stiff braved Phone Oshawa 3760-J încreasing wind to rescue m, but ail efforts were in vain. Lnthony Mitchel and W. J. ze attended Grand Lodge o! ependent Order of Oddfellows Sarnia. ýst wishes to Mr. and Mrs. )ert C. Cruickshank (nee Mar- Louise Allen, fourth daugh- Th B o s of Mr. W. F. Allen, ex-mayor)he Hs theîr marriage. .dney Down has cut the thumb àis left hand badly with a rip- public ýveral changes have taken ce on our main street. The Every possible action s nt of the "Big 20" store has obnoxious pest. Ail garbagei ýn painted; the West End In a covered container. Effecti use has undergone extensive ýrations to provide more room; other insects, but are harmle! store of Couch, Johnston & your Rexaîll 1ug Store. D.IE iderman has been internally should be used- onlY as directe nted and otherwise renovated. âeut. W. C. King has returned in England where he distîn- shed himself in the rifle insecticides ches at Bisley. He was also :essful in the provincial Fly-Tox - now con- tches in Quebec. taining D.D.T ------- 24c-43c 7yrone: Chas. Saunders has le! t Fly Kil --------------- 24c-43c ittend Winnipeg Normal school. Shelltox ------------------- 43e [iss M. Cade has lef t for Wood- Flît--------23c-43c k H.S. preparatory to trying Sapho Pest Paint nary exams.-Ed. Hawkey has with 5% D.D.T.---27c47c irge of the school at White- e. ~~Fy Sprayers ------------ 69c )rono: Wm. Long has gone to weland, Ohio, to take a situ- HAY FEVER REMVEDIES n.-D. A. Gamsby and broth- have started a general store at Vick's Vatronol --------- 43c den's Corners.. Rexaîl Nose and Throat ewcastle: Jas. Parker is locat- Relief with in his handsome new store.- Ephedrine------------ 25c-50c s W a r r e n h a s g o n e to B o s to n ,st v n - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1 2 is., as a *hospital nurse.-F. Esin- ------12 Lnett has leased Mrs. Glenn- ing's hotel. rhompson, Marion: Comp. C, F ig. and Stat. II. J r Werry, Murray: Lit. C, Alg. I, om. I; Trig. and Stat. I, Chem. THE REXALL Fr.A. C, Fr.C. III. ranCamp, Jessie: Lit. C. Phone 778 List of Fail Fairs WHEN WE TEST EVES _____King St. W. Lists of the fali fairs to be held over the province this year ve now been compiled and________________ rited by the Agricultural and ________________ )rticultural Societies Branch of cOntario Department of Agri-* ture, o! which J. A. Carroîll superintendent. According to the lists, 248 fairs a*ýO A dexhibitions are being held BO MN LL * COOL - AIR CON) *Thursday - Frida.y OSHAWA Air Conditioned Aug. 22 - 23 Free Parking Phone 1011 ~ 'o a eAo g MluCmeAog THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Aug. 22 - 23 - 24* A Gay and Tender Love Story e Flyîs a Eneiuy hould be taken to elimninate this ihould be wnapped and placed ve sprays that destroy fis and ;s to humans are available at ý.T. conkpounds, also available, d. For Preserving Parawax---------------- -- 13e Certo------------------------ 25e Jar Rings------------------ 5c Whole Alispice ----oz. 5e Whole Cloves -------oz. 5e Whole Mixed Spice oz. 5e Diii Seed ------------oz. 5c Salicylie Acid -------oz. 15c Celery Seed--------- oz. 10e Cinnamon Bark ----oz. 10e Try our famous Sweet Piekie Mixture -- ea. 35e 3 for ------------------------- $1.00 Lovel Z~RUG STORE C.N.R. Tick te: IT IS DONE PROPERLY Bowmanville, i M THEATREM - PHONE 589 DMTONED - COOL M Saturday - Aug. 24 Penny Arthur Larry Singleton Lake SinunsM i 'Life With Blondie'! - PLUS- "ISaddle Leather Law"!' withM Charles JlmmeyM Starret Wakely M Colon Caýtoon 1. Ag. 2 - 2 - 2 OMM .-AuIve"2728 M NEWSOF TE DA 0ensble Plan owed by DMany People Pre-arrangement of fu.neral service in advance of need is a sensible plan bel adopted by many people who place it in the same category as having lift insurance and making a will. Sucli pre-arrangementl'as a number of adeC vantages. It avoids fin?,ncial hardship which the sudden expense pi a funeral sometimes causes. It tends to avert unneoessary extravagance aýd itý nelieves others from making decisions that can best be made by you. Information on pre-arrangement ma y be secured from, our Advisory Department.. M6orris Funeral Chapel 4 BOWMANILLE 27-1 ORONO Oshawaelptember 9-11. Lindsay, September 11-14. Orono, September 20-21. Picton, September 20-21. Belleville, September 23-25. Campbellford, September 25-26. Lakefieîd, September 26-27. Port Hope, September 27-28. In October: Markham, October 3-5. Warkworth Octceer 3-4. Woodbridge, October 12-4 R HEATING SYSfE&1ý 0CE SAV F~SIUEL )f Boilers and Furnaces 111 Elgin Mt. W., Oshawa si r