THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1946 Mr upert Currie, Toronto, Vlited Mrs, C. J. Smale. Mr. Kenneth Bickell visited his aUnt, Mrs. Ed. Paisley, Toronto. 'Mr. Hubert Smale visited Mr. j .s1Mrs. Allan Balson at Catar- Iqui. Viss Helen Jones visited ber rend, Miss Janet McGillis, Port Itper Harden, Toronto, was Weeken*bguest of Mr. Donald QuiWk. -~Violet Barnes, Georgetown, visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Joe eett. .Mr. C. Avery-Jobnston bas re- turned to duty after two weeks holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Osborne and Donald are visiting relatives li Simcoe. Miss Nancy Mitchell, Oshawa, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson. MARR'S JEWELLERY j Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison, Leam- ington, Were in town Monday re- newing acquaintanceS. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Living, To- ronto, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Living. Miss Selxna Bartlett, Ottawa, is vacationiflg with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C . A. Bartlett. Mrs. C. AL. Wight and Mesdames M. and 1. Jarmeson are holidayiflg in the Haliburton district. Miss Jean Living bas returnedl from vacationing in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edgerton. Mrs. K. Reade and Barbara, Toronto, spent the weekend wxth Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin. Miss Ruth Abernethy has re- turned from visiting Normal-- School friends in Peterboro. Misses Laverne Orchard and Florence Werry have returned from a visit to Niagara Falls. Miss Alne Northcutt, Bank of Montreal staff, is holidaying ai Williams' Point, Lake Scugog. Miss Ada Dadson bas returned from a pleasant holiday at Detroit, Windsor and other western points. Miss Maud Sage, North Bay, spent a few days with Miss Laura Beath at Mrs. M. J. Hutchiflson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James are spending two weeks' vacation at HaUl's Lake, Haliburton district. Miss Dorothy Smale bas re- turned home after attending Sum- mer School at Queen's University, Kingston. Misses Marie and Colleen ClarkE are visiting their aunt and unche Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grummeti, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Wing and baby, Niagara, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claii Wakelin. Miss Kay O'Neill, Canadiar Press, Toronto, spent the weekenc with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. O'Neill. Miss Helen Pritchard of Statesman staff, is enjoying twi week's vacation witb ber aunta Lake Simcoe. Chie! o! Police S. Venton, Mi Venton and daugbter, Audrey, aý holidaying at Hodgson's Caml Hall',s Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Candie have returned from bolidayingo the banks o! the St;- LaWrenct war Gananoque. ",Jq4ss June Sweet, Cadmus, ba r>turned home from a two-week trip to Bermuda and reports wonderful time. John Brooks of The Statesman Back Shop, has returned from pr week's holidays at Camp Sama, JUST ARRIVED AT S14, «& o».4 TÈ9,MODMEN UlkipA ý1 PAGE SY THE CANAIANf STATESMAN, BOWMANVIl..& ONTARIO -. - ~ ...nn +, to belI iw material of Canada's lre ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL ?hiome us fo nn er.mesnËok n hrnwt ls M. Ernest Ward, M.Sc., eldest Mn. and Mns. George Brooks. D. son of Mn. and Mrs. W. F. Ward, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham k is on bis way to Lagroya, Peru, lie Soutb Amnenica, wbere he will be engaged in research wonk with the Cerrode Pasto Copper Corp- oration. Since Ernie graduated from the School o! Practical Sci ence, University o! Toronto, in 1944, he bas done exploation Sp r s ho Qil Co., and last year was in Ton- onto with the Aluminum Com- King St. E. Bowmanville pany of Canada.____ Mr. Neil Lathangue, son o! Mn. A. and Mrs. Melville Lathangue, Pontypool, who bas been an art- icled student o! Nortbcutt & S E E Smith, funieral dinectors, Bow- manville, bas received word fromn Our New Merchandise the Ontario Board o! Examiners, that he bas passed the examin- and Prices ations for embalmer's certificate o! qualification. He received a BC C E good mark.o! 81 per cent. Mn.13 YC E Id. Ltheafneuervis suiess in Completely Overhauled by Messrs Nothcutt and Smnith (Satisaction Guaranteed) while serving bis apprenticeship as a student embalmer. His plans Sare to remain in their employ as an embalmer. WILL BUY: Every child should bave one UE RCCE quart o! pasteunized milk eveny UE RCCE day--every adult one pint. AI BCCE Liver, pre!erably perk AimerCYLE once a week is essentiki Iif fany normal diet. vlrs. L. Thompsoll. and Barti north o! Oshawa- a po Mn. and M Mr. and Mrs. Gec rge atwhs, r.J Toronto, spent a few date5 with -M5 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bulmer, daughter, Elgn t.Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Arrange .Mrs. Owen Nicholas, Mr. and Purdon and Margaret, Baltimore,fothH ,Mrs. Stephen Je!fery spent the and Dora, Port MeNichol, Helen be on Sep weekend at Niagara Falls, visiting and Burnie, Toronto, at G. Ad- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lotimner. cock's. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Law and Mary and Barbara have returned Sherilyn, Whitby, at C. Warren's. from holidays at their cottage at. Miss Kathleen Tink is vacation- Visitors: Williams' Point and Muskoka. ing in New York. Misses1 The Statesman staff has been Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens Ebenezerî,ý enjoying a treat o! Red Astrakhan and Marylin witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr. and apples this week the gl!t o! Reeve Clemens. Jimmny, E R. R. Stevens o! Glen Rae Dairy. Misses Bertha Armour and onto, M r. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw and Gwen Caverly are holidaying at Bruce, Mi two children, Oshawa, are boli- Gouldie Manor Lodge, Muskoka. Mrs. J. Ri daying with ber parents, Mr. and Mr. Walter Blackburn, Toronto, Mrs. Sari Mrs. W. J. Henderson at the lake. visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivi Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dopp, Mr. M. ab. enls otel M.T Paul and Miss Barbara Dopp, To- MseA.Mss.Luuey eolds . nr auntMrT ronto, Miss Teresa Walsh, Belle- visie isLl enls ut r vile, eregustsof aeBottrell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rickard, Mr. ai, vill, wre uest o!MaeMiss Marion Rickard, Sbaw's, Mary C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Mrs. Florence Pearce 'and Mar- Charlotte, Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ilyn, Toronto, Miss Janice Baker, Mrs. Roy Nicholson, town, were weekend Geor.getown, Mrs. George White, Mrs. A. guests o! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. M. Bowmanville, Mrs. Harold Pascoe, at Pickei 1Elliott, Toronto. Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mra Mrs. E. Lange, Bowmanville, Deweîî. Be.atrn Mrs Ev Hstigs ndStaf St. Mrs. K. Caverly and Mrs. Al- Mn. N. C. tHastings, Oshawa, have returned bert Cole were in Peterboro. JckY from visiting Mn. and Mrs. Todg- Mrs. M. Mountjoy bas bad asJakYl h amn, Elyria, Obio. ber guest for tWo weeks, Miss Misses Mn. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Dawne Black, Cadmnus. bara Stei Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson Mrs. Hilton Peters and Keith, Smales'. bave retunned !rom a ple#sant Toronto, spent Sunday hene. GlenL 'week's vacation at White Pine Mn. and Mns. Frank Dewell, El- Donald1 sGrove, Haliburton district. eanor and Murray, Thistletpwn, Miss ri Mrs. Frances Clarke arnived Mr. and Mrs. George Bowcott, Dulcie SN h.omne Tuesday after spending Phyllis and Linda, Wbitby, Miss Mrs. Wr - tbree weeks with ber daugbten Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, visited Mr. Alex Pot -and so-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Gor- and Mrs. Pency Dewell. na rdon Grummett at Ottawa. Mn. Herbent VanNest, Philadel- hoef KE Miss Doneen Brown, Toronto, phia, Mrs. Leslie Keitb and Mn. Balson's. :e ad Glmor Grham OshwaareFred VanNest , Toronto, called on e ad Glmoe Gahm, sbaa, reld friends bene and attended the MissE P, bolidaying with their grandpar- otaîgm Studyngt ing at i r, ecoMn nd S. Go bm Miss Doris Balson, Caledon Miss Sn.ast, Second St. en s, r. Packens' d Prof. and Mrs. Harold Fox and adstwi.hberandanntn. spending ýd cbildren, Washington, D.C., are M and Ms. Json .l, i home. ir isiingherbrother, Mr. Morris and Clifford, attended cburcb Congn LJoness and aunts, Misses Ethel service bere on Sunday evening coe, son nd and Helen Morris. anld renewed friendships. Pascoe, Mr andr Mrs. Wm. Caton and Mn. and Mrs. H. N. Hagerman, Honon daugter Bety ad Mis Jyce edaand naMrs.W. . TrckScbool ie Aston, Winldsor, enjoyed a !ew Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, iate. Gi vo days with bis mother, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. E. Lockwood, Osbawa, Mn. ity in Il tand brothe, Edgar. D aonadand Mrs. AsonBalson Ruth and 25,Chl .~ !amily, Mns. Hobbs and family, son's. W.Bl at Eldad re Toronto, were Sunday visitons Ted, Lloyd, Audrey and Jean service. L with thein mothen. They also vis- Kersey, at Janetville. Primary ited Mn. and Mns. E. Cain, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds basemer er Mns. Roger Alîchin, Lea and and Miss L. Reync'lds are on a til the on Andrea, Port Hope, spent a twro motor trip to Montreal and points Sunday eweeks vacation witb Mn. and Mns. east. ed Rev. Geo. Alîchin. Mn. Roger Alîchin Misses Audrey and Dianne Mac- vacatior Las visited bis parents oven the week- nab visited relatives in Oshawa. - k' end. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hall, Mn. a Misses Kaye Roberts and Brenda and Mrs. Orland Hall, London, Marshall, Montreal, returned to Mrs. Eva Bartlett, Toronto, visited I n, wonk last week after spending an Mn. and Mrs. Elmen Wilbur. a enjoyable two weeks on a bicycle Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnell, Maph hostel trip to Quebec City, Sag- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rey- met Mo -eI uenay River Cruise, Arvida, Gaspe nolds and Gordon, Toronto, Mn. tendanc Peisula and New Brunswick. and Mns. F. O. McIlveen, Bow- inessp M.and Mrs. W. R. Stnike and manville, at J. R. Reynolds. presidei Alan, and Mr. and Ms. G. Mr. John Willis, Toronto, with charge Chase are at thein summrrer cottage Miss Beatrice Colwill. Lairdf in the wilds o! Nortbenn Ontario Mns. S. Kersey and Grace at Mns. IV wbene no radio, telephone on mail Janetville. if e in service mars teqito an,idal Mn. and Mns. A. E. Jennings, Canada vacation. Oshawa, witb friends. bers s] Mn. and Mns. L. Goddard and Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Wray, Miss shortE !amily have 'retunned from two Jean Rundle, Oshawa, Miss Mar- provec weeks holiday at Hodgson's Camp, jony Rundle, Bowmanville, at T. f re@hl< Hall's Lake. They report a won- Wray's. Steveri denful time and advise anyone Mn. and Mns. S. Williams at looking for an ideal vacation spot Caesanea and attended the W.I. to try this camp, equally enjoy- gnandmotbens' meeting. able for childnen and adults. A splendid congregation greet- Floral brilliance marks The ed our pastor, Rev. E. S. Linstead Statesman office this week. at the Sunday evening cbunch Thank!ully received from Dr. E. service, on bis returnn.fnom bol- W. Sisson is a cluster o! pink idays. His text was "Whosoeven Rima Gladiolus, a variety propa- shahl come after me, let him take gated by the donor who bas just up the Cross and follow Me." netunned fromn winning many Many valuable thougbts wene pre- pnizes at the Simcoe Flower Show. sented. The choir rendered fit- Mn. and Mns. Ervin Fosten, ting selections. Amnong the beau- .Chuncb St., have had a real fard iu ioeswih'dne h ihyneuiono!theReyold fmily altar was a basket, placed thene in recent weeks when the f ollow- by Mn. and Mns. John Mfls and ing brother and sisters haviý been sons in memony o! their son, Ma- their guests, Mn. and Mns.'arold thew John, who lost bis life in Reynolds, Mrs. Russelli Smitb, the Dieppe raid. Miss Beatrice Reynolds, Windsor, __________ Mrs. Ed. Randaîl, Bothwell; Mrs. Eva Sandenson, Toronto, and Mrs. T rn J. . Ellemet, onteal ras. Alldread with ber ,Mrs. Harvey Strong. rments are being made larvest Homne which will ýpt. lst and 2nd. Solina Aura and Lyla Osborne, 41%t A. L. Pascoe's. d Mrs. James Tbompson, Helen and Janeen, Tor- ,and Mrs. Cal. Myles and Irs. W. Walters, Mr. and Richards, Orono; Mn. and n McElroy, Mvillbrook, at vell's. lm Sbortridge with bis rs. Neal, at Pickering. nd Mrs. Charles Scholl, ,atherine and Charlene, e, N.C., wiMi Mr. and yLangmaid. ýL. Pascoe witb relatives ring. rid Mrs. Stan Hodgson, and Marie, Bowmanville; n.Yellowlees, Hampton, at llowlees'. sFanny Smales and Bar- erling, Toronto, at James Larmer, Blackstock, with Taylor. Dorothy Taylor, Miss Vasson, Toronto; Mr. and 7m. Culling, Oshawa, at Dtter's. Cneam and pink gladioli against- tapering cream candles !onmed a beautiful setting in Trinty United Church, Bowmanvilhe, August 17 fon the manniage o! Audrey Eliz- abeth Rice, daughten o! Mn. and NIns. Gondon Rice, Bowmanvihle, and Merle S. Barnard, son o! Mrs. Barnard and the late Mn. H. W. Barnard, o! Bailieboro. Rev. J. E. Griffith officiated. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, was gowned in ivony bridai satin and ber finger tip veil was caught to a halo of satin and pearîs. She carried a cascade of Talisman roses. Miss Muriel Lee, Toronto, maid o! honoun, wore a gown of pale blue net and lace over taffeta witb matching beadress. Hen flowens wene pale pink gladioli. Mn. Ralph Barnard, brother o! the groom, was groomisman. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Reta Cole Dudley and during the signing o! the negister Miss Anlene Nortbcutt sang very sweetly "Oh Promise Me." The reception was held at the home o! the bride, Queen Street. The bride's mothen, dressed in navy blue and pink crepe with pink accessonies received the guests, assisted by the groom's mother in navy and white printed sheen and white accessonies. For travelling the bride donned a powder blue dress. Navy blue accessonies and'a corsage o! Talis- Lman roses completed the ensem- ble. Upon their return the young couple plan to reside in Kinkland Lake. IN 49 SHA DES * HOLLY * R:ol GOY medium ted R d perfee for *Ser almeat *very *Ser ..torIIi. *Fuschia GIN jar Rings ---------------------- 5c Parawax -----.--------------- 2e Fruit-kePe ----------------------- 5 Certo Fruit Pectin ---------- .- 25e >ii- 1#0 lTheei ot. oet i l"- - ; ýccdinr nuty aain Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin, Robert and Lloyd, Kedron, at Thos. Martin's.-Miss Lois Ham- blyn, Oshawa, at Percy David- son's.-Miss Doreen Jeffrey, Ma- ple Grove, at-Russell Robbins'- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stainton and grandson, Peter, Miss Mary Virtue, Toronto, at A. T. Stain- ton's.-Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry at Blackwater, Kettleby and Uxbridge.-Mi55 Margaret Per- kins is visiting ber aunt, at Kem- ble.-Miss Mary Geissberger at August Geissberger's, Harmony. -Mr. and Mrs. John Genry and sons, Windsor, at Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel's.-Mr. and-Mrs. Murray Mor- ga and Gail, Toronto, at Mel. Morgan's.-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and Glenn at Jack Mac- Nab's, Hampton.-Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Killen, Soutb Mountain, Que., Mr. and Mrs. David Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Killen's.-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Percy Clarke's, Greenwood.-Miss Shir- ley Stephen, Oshawa, at Russell Stainton's.-Mn. James Killen at Niagara-on-the - Lake. - Miss El- eanor Stainton, Oshawa, Mr. Ralph Stainton, Collingwood, at A. T. Stainton's.-Miss Eileen Stainton at Chas. Allin's, Bow- manville.-Alf. and Lloyd Ayre havegn to Quebec to deliver some sbeep they sold. Wedding Canada produces as much newu- print as all other countries com- bined. Fire is the greatest eneMY o! this important industry. Pre- vention o! forest fires checks needless destruction. Arnao> Stectm Trectments ~' for OiIy or Dry Ilair, or dandruif including Shampoo and Finger Wave HOOPER'S ewellery& BOOPEB61fMt Shop King St. West Phone 747 PRESCRIPTIONqS WhREn Lyou brmg yURAcitns tO usou cnD uED o the flnest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and accurately filled with the purest ingredients. We specialize li this work. When sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE 792 WE SHALL CALL FOR IIT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IT PROMPTLY. Allergitabs..............$100 - $2.50 Anti-Pollen Vaccine Reds, Browns, Greys Nasal Spray -- $1.00 Lantigen "E" -- $6.00 Idaphedrin -------- 0e Frosst's Allersol $1.0 Vick's Vatronol 43e Vick's Inhalers -- 39e Estivini------- $1.19 Quamine IÏhalers 65e amopwl-Rl tgoULAft SIX, Usipu ~ h Po stll e rath 0cs 32 *rI5IIt - Jwt * s m 'ri sm2l 5 DENTAL LIQUUD tor 3 drops pog brushing keepe your ....,LI,,,linc whiteê. _ LARGE 33 MEDIUM 19qÇ SIZE Pz£ O)n the air--Shars the w.aIth"eveo Saturdey Night. LOUs Of big cash pdaee, 31 Canadilfi stlattone-.C.B3.. S.. vo«, radio listing for "0 &DO stariom. Palm Beach White Shoe Cleaner ------ -ZS 'Nivea 8km 011l-------- 5C - $1. .pc I. $2.25 Lactogen- 19 39e A.S.A. Tablets 9 8N O " EhdneInhalent 49cJORN O S I.DA. 011 Wlntergreefl------9 BABY POW DER LD.A. Calamine Lotion, Reg. 25c -- iSe I.D.A. MAU Lait Flaxseed .--16-oz. 1cSALIz etAI Blondex Shampoo 23c Jeanette Talcum 15c I.D.A. Cocoanut 011 Shampoo ---4-oz. 19e Quinhana Powder 59e AIka Seltzer 29c-57e It" Shoe Cleaner -----15c-25je Shelîtox.-- 24e-43c-73C Fly ConIs-- 2 for 5c minora Blades lOc-25c Flrst Aid Kits ---S5e-98e-$2.OO Black Leat "40" ----33c-95c-$2.15 Noxzeffl - _ .= .a tE1 Ammon s S,0a-FÀ Fu*sper oe -1 p er c'11 B .5 pR«CIPTONSA SPECIALT A LE cOREOOR DRUS M .PHONE M -WB DEIAVM i&R -zODCNIBDU M Be sure that. God directs your way; then, hasten to follow un- der every circumstance. - Mary Baker Eddy. Forests represent pulpwood, the #t~'ksPauOP m m Evehyn Taylor is holiday- Morth Bay. Annie Potten, Canada soffice staff, Toronto, is ig two weeks' vacation at ratuhations to Gordon Pas- in o! Mn. and Mrs. Cecil on securing Finst Class standing in the Uppen exams at Oshawa Cohheg- aordon wihl enter univers- the faîl. nencing Sunday, August iunch and Sunday School id will be combined in one at 11 a.m., the Junior and .y classes meeting in the ant during the sermon, un- end o! September. 'Last y the congregation welcom- .E. S. Linstead back !rom )n. Iaple Grove de Grove Women's Institute londay evening wîtb an at- ice o! 25. After the bus- period, conducted by the ent, Mrs. Fred Stevens took Sand called on Miss Susie for a reading fnom one o! vloodie's books, describing ipioneer days in our vast a. Aften this sevenal mem- ;owed antiques and gave a explanation o! each. This dan intenesting change. Re- nents were served by Mns. LS and ber group. $1.00 1