PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, O~TABIO THURSDAYJ, SEPT. Sth, 1940 BIRTiIS BROOME-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome (nee Marian Johns) an- nounce the birth of their son, Larry John, September 1, 1946, at Bowxnanville Hospital. A bro- ther for Ronald. 36-1 HENDRY-Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hendry are happy f0 announce the birth of a son, James Alfred, a brother for Robert Bruce, at Béwmanvifl, Bbspital, August 27, 1946. 36-1* NICHOLSON - Mr. and Mrs. FPloyd Nicholson (nee Mable Masters) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Faye Andrea, at Bowmanville Hospi- * tal, August 29, 1946. 36-1* SEVERS-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Severs (nee Irene Graham) wish t0 announcè the birth of a son on August 28. Baby brother for Bill. 36-1 * DEATIIS * BAKER-At the -family, home, Elmvale Farm, Solina, suddenly of a heart attack, on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1946, William Thomas * Baker, beloved husband of Mil- dred E. Rundle, and son of the late Mm. arid Mrs. Thomas Baker, aged 65 yeams. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Private service in the cha- pel on Thursday, Sept. 5th, at 2:30 D.S.T. Intemment Zion dem- etery. HOOEY -In Bowmanville, 'on August 29th, 1946, Hammy Hooey, husband of the late Jane Hather- ley, aged 82 years. COMINO EVENTS The Y.P.U. invite the Ennis- killen community f0 a Recrea- tional evening at the hall on Fi- day, Sept. 6th at 8 p.m. Bring lunch. Silver collection. 36-1 Dance under the auspices of Durham County Junior Farmers in Community Hall, Newcastle, on Friday, September 6. Russ Creighton's variety dance band in attendance. Everybody wel- come. Admission 50c. 36-1 Lost TWO Cheques in the vicinity of Bowmanville. Reward. Phone 2633. 36-1 Knox Honey SO0LODy OUI McNulty' s Sports Shop King St. E. Bowmanville Bicycles and Sporting Goods Sales and Repairs Workmanship Guaranteed Bicycles Tricycles Wagons - Scooters Baby and Doli Carrnages Wheei Retining - Brazing KEY DUPLICATING On Order:- Rugby - BasketbalI Badminton and Hockey Equlpment. Plumbig Rot Water Hleating Repairs Agent for 0Il.-Magic 011 Burners Install.d in Any Type of Frurnace I Jack Drough Phono'2384 3 Ring ,Bt.W.J M'OVINO WEST oU a pHoua.hold ulr.Cn Zk-d PaC- o o maitobSaaktcb- S.Aubore, DrlUaèh Columba §Md 10 guelwIwa. WitS tnO. forrsduoed bob ratsK.talleb.d 1U, 6je Yoe«e 8M., Trmot. Mngsain12 Bovin& passM1 ANlIruau 6BU8014 IN MEMORIAM BOWEN-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Emma T. Bowen, who passed away, Sept. 11, 1943. "We don't forget hem, we love hem f00 dearly For hem memory f0 fade fmom our lives like a dream; Our lips need not speak when our hearts moumn sincerely, For grief often dwells where it seldom is seen." -Ever remembered by Hus' and and Family. 36-1* EMERTON-In memomy of a dear husband and father, Charles Em- erton. "There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remem . rance last forever." -Lovingly remembered by wife Alma, and son, James. 36-1* LEGGOTT-In loving memomy of a dear wife and mother, Marion Leggott, who passed away, Sep- tember 5, 1944. "Love's greatest gif t- Remembrance." -Sam, Marion, Esmond and Mary. 36-1 ENGAGEM ENTS Mm. and Mrs. John G. Mason, Toronto, announce the engage- ment of their daughtem Audrey Lorene to Maurice Alan Mahood. The mariage to take place Sept. 2lst in Centennial United Chumch, Dovercoumt Road, Toronto. 36-1* Mms. J. Richardson, Omono, an- nounces the engagement of hem daughter, Gloria Marian, to James Anthony, son of Mm. and Mrs. A. A. Grant, Bowmanville, the mar- niage to take place quietly ealy in October. 36-1 Mm. and Mms. J. E. Pearce an- nounce the engagement of their daughtem Laumna Madeline f0 John Walter Whittakem, son of Mm. and Mms. Albert Whittaker, Toronto. The mamiage f0 take place in Newtonville United Chumch on September 21, 1946. 36-1 Livest ock For Sale FIFTEEN Yorkshire pigs, 6 and 7 weeks old. Apply Hemb. Stain- ton, Hampton. 36-2* TWO pure bred bacon type York- shire boars, beeding of D. Hamt. Phone 51 r 16, Orono. 36-2* TEN 7-week old pigs. Apply Bill Jgewell, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 36-1* TEN pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply f0 Earl Tewin, Enniskillen. Phone 2351. 36-1 TWO pure bmed Lincoln Bucks, ýone 3-year-old and one 1-yea-old (quiet).. Price reasonable. Phone Oshawa 3370W12. 36-1* OXFORD ram, egistered; also a number of pigs, 6 weeks oid. Ap- ply Lorenzo Mountjoy, Nestle- ton. 36-2 170 Bamed Rock x New Hamp- shire Hybrid pullets, 4 months old. Apply 55 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville. Phone 800. 36-1* TWO Percheron colts, three yeams old. Also wanted to buy, two calves, white face or Durham. Apply Albert Souch, Newtonville. Phone 16r20 Orono. 36-1* Real Estate For Sale FOUR-roomed house, frame, new, garage and woodshed acjoining. Well water, 2 acres. Immediate possession.. Phone 2819. 36-1* FARM-150 acres dlay loam with mapie bush, two creeks; 9-oomed brick house; steel 1ip-oofed barn; pig-pen; hen house; implement TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing and cultivating, sawing wood. Also quantity of Columbia asp- bermy bushes for sale. J. T. Coop- er, phone,ý,2820. 35-2* TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, cultivating, disding, combin- ing. I also. have John Deere trac- tom repair parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 26-tf MARRIED man with one chîld, having 19 yeams' famming exper- ience, desires work on farm with separate house. Willing to make other agreements with employer. Apply Harold E. Green, c/o Gor- don Stinson, Bumketon. Phone Port Pemmy 111 r 15. 34-3 Notice Dm. H. B. Rundle's office will be cbosed fmom August 30, f0 to Sep- tember 30 inclusive. 34-6 NEW GARBAGE COLLECTOR I wish f0 notify the citizens of Bowmanville I have puchased a truck and am pepared f0 collect gambage egularly and caefully for a limîted number of custom- ers. Will also do general truck- ing. Leave orders at Miller's Barber Shop or contact me dir- ect. Howard Burgess. 36-2* Articles For Sle GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, almost new. Phone Clarke 3823. 36-1 SILO rings and couplings. Phone 3908J, Oshawa. 36-1* QUANTITY of clean shavings. Apply. Brookdale-Kîngsway Nur- sery. 36-1 SQUARE type heater, almost new, gives excellent heat. Apply Mrs. C. Taylor, 170 King W. -61 MAN'S bicycle in good condition. Will sell reasonable. Phone 2112, Bowmanville. 36-1* SIX windows, 5'x11/2' to sell for barn building. Phone O. Friend, Tyrone 2523. 36-1 FIRECO range. Apply J. A. Armstrong, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2129. 36-1 UREKA potato digger in good working order. Apply D. S. Mof- fat, phone Orono, 4 r 6. 36-1* FALL wheat, Golden Chaif, free of rye. etc. Suitable for seed $1.40 bushel. Apply W. T. Symons, phone 2251. 36-1 USED coal and wood stove, warm- ing oven, reservoir, ivory. Ice box, 25 pounds. Both in good con- dition. Phone 811. 36-1* MODEL A Ford 1929, good tires and in good running condition. Apply 35 Temperance St., Bow- manville. 36-1* SINGER sewing machine, treadle, almost new; also stool and cab- inet to match. Cash wanted. Phone 2179. 36-1* RASPBERRY bushes, Viking and Latham, 4c per cane. Apply Iv- an Farrow, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3921. 36-2* LARGE quantity of plums by the basket or wholesale. Laverne Clemens, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2436. 36-2 ABOUT 100 cords of pine wood in 4 ft. lengths. Also 25 cords of 12" wood $2 per single cord. Ap- ply H. J. Murphy, Pontypool. 36-1* QUANTITY of house furniture, including some choice antique pieces, in excellent condition. Ap- ply Miss E. E. Beman, Newcastle. 36-1 CHOICE hardwood, $ 18.50 per cord. Cut in stove lengths and delivered. Write Box 734 States- man Office, ct phone 481 Oshawa. 36-tf TWO-furrowed tractor plough, two-furrowed walkîng plough, both in splendid condition. Apply Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington, phone Brooklin 3-14. 36-1* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electries and trea- dles! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St.. Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf CORN binder, McCormick-Deer- ing, a-i condition, completely ov- erhauled. Also manure spread- er, Massey-Harris, in good work- ing order. Apply John Jacks, Hampton. 35-2* TWO pints of Berlou sprayed on your 9x12 rug protects it from moth damage for 5 years or Ber- bou pays the damage. Average cost only 50c per year. Mason & Dale, phone 408. 36-1 USED stiff tooth tractor cultiva- tor; new Cushman engine, 2 used 10", grinders, used M.H. hammer- mill. Apply W. H. Brown, J. I. Case dealer, Bowmanville, phone 497. 36-1 DESIRABLE lot in good locality. Also home canning outfit, good as new, together with some 2 and 21/2 cans with tops. Good cutter, Trucking SCREENED sand, gravel, loam, f111, cinders, manure. We have it, you name it. We will deliver it. H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2255. 33-tf Personal WIN the fight for feedom fmomn indigestion with Wildem's Stom- ach Powdem. Pleasant and faste- less. gives immediate relief. Also in tab;et form 50c and $1 at all duggists. 36-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber qoods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sàmples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9 Radio Service THE RADIO SHOP, Bowman- ville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained per- sonnel. Our two radio techni- cians both hold Government Cer- fificates o! Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 33-tf For Rent SINGER portable electric ini your own home. $5 per month. Sing-. er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Wanted to Rent FOUR or 5-room apatment or house in, or close to BoWmanville umgently required. Phone 2894 Bowmanville. 36-2* HOUSE or apartment in Bow- manville urgently needed. Write Box 750 Statesman Office. Ap- ply at 3 Durham Street, Bowman- ville, or phone 516. 36-1* Waipteèi To Buy CAL VES wanted, calves suitable for vealing. Phone 389. 36-1 GOOD small piano. Write Box 709, Statesm~an Office, Bowman- ville. 31-tf LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7-r-13. 29-7* TWO rear wheels off old Clover Leaf Deering manure spreader. Apply J. W. Bowman, phone 2412. 36-1* WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tymone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 35-tf PIANOS-Cash will be paid for small and medium sized pianos; must be in good condition. Tele- phone F. J. Mitchell, 492 Bow- manville. 31-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf OLU horses for fur farm, $1.00 per hundred, approximate weîght, delivered here. For slightly less we will humanely destroy youm horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 36-1 H-elp Wanted CHAMBER maid required; also kîtchen help. Apply Mr. Jarrett, Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanvîlle. 36-1* GIRL or woman to help with housework. Fifty dollars per month. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, Duke Street. 36-1 PART timne janitor, wanted for building in Bowmanville, to care for furnace and to do cleaning. Applications to be in before Sept. 14. Write Box 749, Statesman Off ice. 36-1 MALE-Run your own business! Owing to increased production established company has opening in your locality. Excellent earn- ings, Famous Pmoducts Corpora- tion, Dept. 0-B-1, 370 Guy St., Montreal, P.Q. ý6-4 AT PARKWOOD, Oshawa, an ex- perienced housemaid or a reliable and conscientious girl wilhing to be tmained. Refemences esential. No application accepted under 20 years of age. Telephone collect, Miss Cameron, Oshawa Number 3. 36-1 AN OPPORTUNITY - Establish- ed Rural Watkins District avail- able. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55- have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable bus- iness of youm own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES Township of Darlington County of Durham To Wit: By virtue of a. warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Darlington under his hand and the seal of the said corporation beaing date the 4th day of May, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Darlington, will be held at my off ice at the hour of Ten O'clock in the fore- noon on the 5th day of November, 1946, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of August 1946, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 6th day of August, 1946. J. D. HOGARTH, 32-13 Treasurer Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravembrkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 14-tf Auction sales The undersigned has- received instructions to sell by public auc- tion the entire household effects of the late Mms. Joseph Pattinson, 17 Lowe St., Bowmanville, Sept. 14, at 1 p.m. Terms cash. W. J. Challis, auctioneer. 36-2 I have been authorized to sell by public auction for Mr. Stanley Rowicki, Lot 25-26, Con. 5, Hope Twp., one mile south of Osaca on Wednesday, September il at 1 p.m., his stock, machinery, feed and furniture., Farm sold. See bills for further particulars. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 35-2 Mr. Henry Sucee, Lot 25, Con. 9, Clarke Twp. (at Enterprise) has rented his farm and will sell by public auction on' Wednesday, September 18, at 1 p.m., alI his farm stock, implements, hay, grain and furniture. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Ted Cop- ing, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 36-2 FURNITURE SALE-I have me- ceived instructions from Albert A. Pollard, North Street, New- castle, f0 sell by public auction on Saturday, August 31, kitchen, bedmoom, parlor and dining room furniture; new electric washing machine and a lot of tools. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash. Positively no re- serve, sale at 1 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. q34-2 Solina Visitors: Miss Pauline Branch, Newcastle with Miss Betty Smales. Miss Ella Milîson, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Clayton Hallett's, Sonya. Miss Mabel Harris, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Goodwood,, at Harvey Harris'. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wood, Bowmanville, Mrs. Marks, Pick- ering, at James Smales'. Misses Lyla and Aura Osborne, Ebenezer, Mm. and Mrs. John Car- penter and son John, Mrs. Fred Cryderman and Barba, Miss Vir- ginia Sutt, BowmaqIville; Mrs. Gordon Mitchell, Whitby, at Rus- sell Gilbert's. Mm. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Harold at Chas. Allin's, Bow- manville. Mm. and Mrs. Donald Yonson and Peter are holîdaying with his parents at Simcoe. Mm. and Mrs. Myles Hutchin- son, Bailieboro; Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Webb and Grace, Ponty- pool, at J. R. Kivell's. Mm. and Mrs. Carl Potter and Harry, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. William Culling, Oshawa, at Alex Potter's. Mm. and Mms. A. J. Balson and Ileen at George Boutillier's, New Toronto. Mm. and Mms. Livingstone Mill- er and Cliff ord and Don Pascoe spent the weekend at Bancroft. Fiends here were shocked and gieved to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Wm. T. Baker, on Tuesday morning. Sincemest sym- pathy is extended f0 Mrs. Baker and family and to his brothers and sisters. Mm. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and their family entertained about 50 young people with a corn and weiner oast at their home Sat- urday evening. George and Jean and Wes and Helen supemvised games and the enjoyable even- ing closed with the group fomming a fiendship circle around the camp fime for food and songs. Roscoe Baker expmessed thanks on behaîf of everyone pmesent to the Wemmy family for their gracious hospitality 50 genemously and con- tinuously extended to the young people at aIl times. The Y.P.U. pesented their dra- 1ma "Eyves of Love" at Enniskillen Mm. and Mms. Harmy Mîlîs and Patsy, Montreal, at Mr. T. Mount- joy's. Mrs. Mountjoy accompan- ied, them to Mm. Bill Ness', Hem- mitage Farm, Pickering. Margot Rankine with hem fath- er. Miss Grace Trewin, Tomonto, at home. Mm. Arthur Trewin with friends at Petemboro and Apsley. Mm. and Mms. Bert Ashton and Brad, Toronto, at Mm. H. Ashton's. Mm. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, Mm. Gomd'on Stevens, Mm. and Mms. Don Carm and Camolyn, Ennis- killen, at Mm. A. Beech's. Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, at Mm. E. A. McNeil's. Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Wermy and family, Toronto, at Mm. Lloyd Ashton's. Hampton Miss F. M. Bradford, Toronto, with Miss M. Katerson. Miss Helen Rogers has return- ed fmom visiting hem sister, Mrs. Fred Muir, Caledonia. Miss Gwen Caverly with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Hawk Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Morley McDou- gail, Calgary, with Mr-. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mrs. W. Hoskin has been under the doctor's came. Mrs. A. McMahon and Miss M. Katerson have returned from visiting friends in Tomonto. Miss Dorothy Adamson is at- tending Normal School in Toron- to. Mm. C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, Sask., with Mm. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. Mm. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Lee and Lynda, Bowmanville, at S. Kersey's. Mrs. Lorne Robbins and Paul- ine, Leskard, at W. W. Horn's. Mrs. Emma Bennett, Bowman- ville, with Mms. W. G. Doidge. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth with hem parents, Rev. and Mms. W. Rackham, Manilla. Miss Minnie Horn with friends in Tomonto. Mm. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Keith and Ralph, Toronto, spent the weekend heme. Mm. and Mrs. C. Warren with hem sister, Mrs. A. Alexander and Mm. Alexander, Listowel. School re-opened on Tuesday with Mm. Raymond Farrow again as principal, and Mrs. C. Warren in charge of the Junior room. Miss Nancy Johns returned to hem school in Toronto. A number fmom here attended special services at Tymone on Sunday and Monday. Women's Institute meeting this Thursday affemnoon in charge of the centre gmoup. Misses Evelyn and Eunice Rundle entetained about 14 lit- tle girls at a birthday pamty on Friday affemnoon when a happy time was spent by the liff le tots. Lake Shore, Clarke ISchool opened on Tuesday with Miss B. Hamilton teaching and seven pupils enrolled, two begin- ners, Barbara Ann Alldred and Elaine Powell. Mms. Campbell, Newtonville, continues as musical instructar. Miss E. Holmes, who has been holidaying with hem sister, Mrs. H. Rowland, has returned, to hem duties as principal o! King Street Public School, Oshawa. Joyce, Alec and Lloyd Martin, Dorrene and Rannie Powell are attending Newcastle High School and Archie Hendry goes to Bow- manville High. Threshing is almost finished and tamato picking is in full swing. Jack Frost won't be wel- comed for a few weeks to came. ýArchie Hendmy and Farncomb Le Gresl'ey attended the North Shore Radio Club Hamfest at Ojshawa on Monday. Both won. valuable prizes and met many other amateurs with whom they have talked over the air. Vis itors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Holdaway and son, Port Britain, Mr. and Mrs. L. Payne, Newtonville, also Len Buckler ' 'just home from averseas, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Jaynes. Mr. and Mms. W. Adams and family at A. A. Gibson's, New- castle. Mrs. Wm. Huggins, Oshawa, Mrs. M. Verstranten, Lockport, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham at C. T. Alldred's. Dr. and Mrs. B. Murray and family, Stirling, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry's. ~Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Alldred spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer. Russel Powell visited in Osh- awa and Hazel and Domene Pow- ell in Toronto. 'Mm. and Mrs. W. Amch and fam- ily, Streetsville, at G. Skelding's. Mr. and Mms. W. Baskemville and family at Mr. Frank Johns, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. C. T. Alldmed and family at Les. Alldred's, Oiono. Mr. Les. Allin at Les. Alldred's, Orono. Mms. W. Holmes was a weekend visitor in Toronto and Brampton. Mr. and Mms. Jack Holmes at PoticMh, wih Mms Ho- Warren, Mms. Arnold Warren, Oshawa, Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Mms. Lorne Henry, Tomant o, at How- ard Brent's.-Miss Coma Scot t. Toronto, at R. B. Sctt's.-Mr. F.* Moore, Miss Lefa Jackson, Bow- manville, at Harold Skinner's.- Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Brunt, Mm. and Mms. A. W. Clemence, Tom- onto, at L. Goodman's.-Mm. and Mms. Percy Cann and family, Sa- 1em, Miss Marguerite Wright, Sf. Catharines, Mm. and Mms. Nom- man Wright, Mm. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Mrs. Sherwood Rundle, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mms. K. Squair and Mrs. J. Souch, Bow- manville, at Russell Wight's.- Mm. and Mms. Lomne Mortson, To- onta, Mm. and Mrs. G. Graham and Barbara, Mm. and Mms. H. Moses, Mm. and Mms. Stan Hodg- son and childmen, at Les Thomp- son's.-Mms. Andrew Thompson, Rosebank, Man., Misses Marjomy and Eileen Couch, Bowmanville, af W. Millem's.-Mm. and Mrs. Vic- for Hooper and Helen, and Nomma Jean Boyd, Toronto, Mms. E. Sil- ver, Bowmanvîlle, at F. Werry's. -Mms. Will Cann, Salem, at Lu- ther Hooper's.-Mms. Gertrude Stephens, Toronto, at R. Burgess'. -Miss Emma Wermy, Tomantoa, Miss Florence Wemry, Mm. and Mrs. George White, Bowmanville, at Alden Hoar's.-Mr. and Mms. Fred Bignell, Toronto, Mm. and Mr%. Allan Annis, Oshawa, at Lorne Annis'.-Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Larmar and Marshall, Millbrook, at G. Rosevea's.-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoar and Domothy, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mm. and Mms. A. W. Clemence, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hammy Turmell and Patsy, Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. Evemett Ijoar, Bow- manville, at S. T. Hoam's.-Mms. F. B. Glaspell, Mrs. W. W. Glas- pell, Mm. and Mrs. Germy Glas- peIl and family, Zion, Miss Doris Reynolds, Port Hope, at Ralph Glaspeli's.-Mm. and Mms. George Annis, Miss Hazel Rundle, Eben- ezer, Mm. and Mms. A. E. Billett, Hampton, at Gordon Brent's.- Mm. and Mrs. T. Douglas, Toronto, at F. L. Byam's.-Miss K. Mac- donald, Oshawa, at Wm. Macdon- ald's.-Miss Lillian McRobemts, Toronto, af F. McRobets'.-Mrs. D. K. Fraser, with Mrs. Mina Hughson.-Mr. and Mms. N. Wright, Mm. and Mms. F. Wright, Miss Marguerite Wright, af Wm. Wight's.-Mm. and Mrs. Russell Hoaey, Mm. and Mms. Cecil Hooey, New Toronto, Frank and Harmy Hathemly, Port Credif, Mms. Reg. Adams, Toronto, at R. Hatherly's. A number of relatives and fiends atfended the funemal of Mm. Hamry Hooey at Bowmianville Eyes Examined on Monday. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Howard Philp in the death of her brother, Mr. George Cross, of To;- ronfo, who was in an accident on Monday and passed away early Tuesday morning. Theme has been no school this week owing to the death of Mrs. Ph*lps' brother. M r and Mms. Leon Moore, John and Paul at Theo Down's, Lake- field.-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trimble and son, Roseneath, with Mm. andt. Mrs. Willis Stewa1I.--Mr. Murmayit" Tabb, Dorset, at T. Tabb's.-Mr.W and Mrs. Chas. Parker, Betty and" ~ Don, Oshawa, at F. L. Byam's. Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Bellr.arLpnd fam 'ily, Mm. and Mrs. Russeli Nom- den, and Mm. Albert Bellmano#y Bowmanville, and Mm. and Mrse. Russell Luke and Miss Yvonne t; Williams, Hampton, at- Mm. and Mms. Don Hill's.-Mr. and Mms. Arthur Smith, Messrs. Neil, Glen and Donald Smith, Columbus, Mm. and Mms. Lorne Hoskin, Alan and Murray, Solina, Mm. and Mms. Gordon Hill and childmen, Hamil- ton, wifh Mm. and Mms. Albert Hill.-Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Enfield, with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Woodley.-Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowmanville, wifh Mm. and Mrs. Bill Phillips. SIt's the leading firms of Dur- Sham who are the consistent adver- tisers in The Statesman. They maintain their leader- ship and business success by giv- ing greater values-and better semvce-and telling YOU about They recognize the fact that readers of The Statesman are men and women o! intelligence- able ta think for themselves-and qualified ta make their own de- cisions. That is why advertisers bring you intelligent, truthful, factual *information in their advetising- information that is always valu- able ta yau. "DURHAM COUNTY'S GREAT FAMILY JOURNAL" Oral CoUd Vaccines, Vitarax Caps-------_ Vacagen Tabs -------- Entoral ------------- Serocalcin ----------- $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.001 JFor Bay Fever Lantigen "E"- ----------- $6.00 Aliergitabs --- $1.00 - $2.50 Multivims ------------- $1.98 Estivin -------------------- $1.19 Razmah Caps ---50c - $1 - $5 Vick's Vatronol------ -- 43e Actephedrin--------------- 50e Ephedrin Jelly------------ 50e Respirin -------------- 50e START NOW NEO CHEMICAL FOOD $4.45 - $2.45 - $1.15 REMININGTON ELECTRIC RAZOR Duai Head ------------- $19.95 Triple Head------------ $23.95 Glasses Fîtted TIRED FEET 'Ponds Make Up 0 ip# Lipsticks ---- ----- 9-5 S'r sr ~Face Powders------------ 29e S* Make-up Pats ---- 69e - $1.25 Fly Coil----------- 2 for 5c FIy Tox ----- 24c-43c-73c Fit ---------------- 23c-39c-69e Shelitox Spmayers ------39e Low Prices 10 A.S.A. Tabs -------- 19c mu Blondex Shampoo 23e Lactogen------------ 69c-$1.59 Corega Powder 23c-39c-69c FILMS DEVELOPED FREE .C OWLING'S DRUG STORE rse John T. McCreery Optometrist Thursday - 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repairs COWLING'S DRUG STORE PAGZ SM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIL&NVn.LE, 014TARIO THURSDAY., SEPT. 5th, 1946