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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1946, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATE- TTTTRSDfAY . SPT. l2th. 1946 IL& t m ij.Fr rx-A. 1ýt'à ý WANTED Your Eggs HIGHEST MARKET PRUCES PAID &What Are You Receiving For Your Eggm? Our Quotation Saturday, Awg. l7th was GRA D E A LA RGE ........................................... 47c Also the Best Market for Your Live Enjoy ReIlIy Fresh 1B0KAR COFFEE b 5c FANCY NEW PACK TONATO JUICE 2 2Ooi-19 STANDARD NEW PACK PUS - - 2 20-oz.23 CHOICE NEW PACK WAX BEANS Tin«l3e CAMPBELL'8 NEW PACk Sm JP TOMATO l-oL.,Tin 9 PERFECTION cm ik *. lb. Ctn. 24e SWIFr'S CLEASEI 2 for 25'e ROYAL HOUSEHOLO FLUn - 7-lb. Bag 2à9 ORONONEWS i Miss Connie Mitchell bas re-S turned from Bowmanville and is t clerking in the Corner Store. n Mr. Roy Winter beld a very suc-b cessful auction sale of furniture i on Saturday afternoon at bis t borne, Cburch St. S.r Miss Marjorie McLaren return-a ed home last week after spending the summer with ber grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mooney, att Massey.c Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall and baby, Mrs. Hall Sr., and ber father, Mr. Williams have purchased the Knox property on Mill St. Mr.r Hall is the sanitary officer of the1 County Healtb Unit and bas beenc living in Cobourg. Miss Grace Hudson is attend- ing Business College in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Art White, Mar-1 jorie and Doreen were guests atc the Hay-Cook wedding in Trin-1 ity United Church, Toronto, Au- gust 3lst. The opening of both public and Continuation schools was delay- ed until Monday because of unex- pected trouble with the water- works system. Durham Federation of Sports- men beld a picnic in Ororio Park on Saturday afternoon wbich was the warmest afternoon we bave had for several weeks. Rev. John Cobun, D.D., Toronto, gave an splendid talk in Park St. gave a splendid talk in Park St. representative of the Ontario Temperance Federatioi. He bas been in social service and tem- perance work for many years and is a very forceful speaker. Miss Ruth Elford bas returned to Orono after a vacation at her home on Manitoulin Island. Messrs. Glen Tamblyn and Do- nald Staples have returned to Toronto to resume their studies and try examinations. Mrs. Ledrew entertained a number of ladies at a quilting last week.0 Mr. and Mrs. Len Alldred bave moved from Orono to the MeKel- vey home on the 7th Line. Mrs. J. J. Cornish bas sold ber Il TEKSor EOASTS P ORTERROUSE M SIRLOIN or WING bC IORMLSS ROUND « LAME LECS FRESH KILLED LAME FRONTS FRESH KILLED CHKJJ~IGRADE A ROASTING« 49C lb. 45e lb. 451 lb. 25e lb.. 42, CUT-UP CHICKE lb LEGS, TRIGES & EREASTS .b73e WINGS lb.- 3e RACKS & ECKS lb. 15e WREN AVAILABLE USE PALMOLIVE SGAP * 2 Reg. Cakes l1'- PALMOLIVE 5IIjP a 3 Giant Cakes 231 SUJPERISUDS 9 e 24 LINITED SUPPLIES OF »M -ma KETCHUP HEINZ Btl. 19e 'MILK BREAD TONqATOES CHOICE*. 28-oz. Tin 149 OVIN FRISH CO NCHOICE "-?"-13 2- oeiiGOLDEN BANTAM Tin ~ 22O ____ LOAVES 15C C. & 1B. iH alimi lef GIANGE CALIFORNIA FRESH 344s Dox. 27Vje âj LOU SROCALIFORNIA FRESH 300. Do&. à# C. ES CALIFORNIA - .l.q> CM S RED MALAGA No. 1 23# c APESCOMBINATION GRADE Basket 4e:S a I? ff IT IFOR~NIA MARSH 6 SEEDESSNo. 1, 126s- GIMAPeSCALIFORNIA SEEDLESS---------- CELEIT STALES White 2 ym»I o.I 1tGrade..............3 on VE LLOW BANTAM No. 1 Grade - - - - - - - - ~VIUUS WASHED AND WAXED AUAWS No 1 Grade .... MARS14GROWN4 ~IIUUANo. 1 Grade & B. WORCESTER & B. MINT AJUCE for 25s lb. 19e for 19e Ibm. 25g doz 35# lb. 3 Ibo 1 *B'l 259 * BtI. 27e * tl 1~ 7e v"IV I M Hogs -2AL - . -- - z-« " TTTV -rWTA PTt% Hampton » Lambs Chickens - NOW, MORE THAN EVER, one of Canada's ifo:dsI nt Whole wheat con- tains muscle- building proteins, energy-giviflg carbohydrates, and otiier vital elements you need. Kellogg's AII-Wheat is Cana- dian whole wheat. Busy housewives everywhere are on the alert for suggestions that wiil help them save time and effort. Thousands depend on Kellogg's ready-to-eat cereals not only for breakfast, but for quick snacks anytime! Ail-Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, Ail-Bran, Rioe Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krunibles are al made by Keilogg's, the greatest namin c erea].s. SUVE TIME..,.SAVE FUEL ...SAVE F001! - Calves Hens PAGE FIVEC HAMPTO IV.I i business to her son, Carmen and Mfr. Chas. Miller who have gone Lflto partnership.1 Mr. C. Starr who bas been showing some splendid pictures in PE the town hall every Saturday pr rigbt for several months bas thi bought a small grocery business in Toronto and will discontinue M the movie business. Many local SE people wbo were regular attend- M ants are going to miss the shows tc very much. fa Rev. Littlewood bad charge of ca the Sunday School session on te Sunday' when it was re-opened or for the faîl and winter months. Capt. F. J. and Mrs. Lorriman JE returned to Toronto after visiting el bis father, Mr. J. F. Lorriman and M' other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lorriman expect to leave for th Germany in the near future. th St. Saviour's Anglican Cburch n( has returned to afternoon service Ti after changing to the evening for the summer montbs. Ti Congratulations to Mr. Alan Cornish, son of Mr. and Mrs. C Henry Cornish on wînning a S, scholar-ship in bis Upper School t: examinations. Alan will start an ai engineering course at Toronto University this f all.E A number f rom Orono and B Clarke Union attended the wed- ding of Miss Mamie Archer in C Port Hope on Saturday.V Reeve E. R. Woodyard, M. H. Staples and J. J. Mellor attended the Durbam County Federation E of Agriculture meeting ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rey-v nolds, Morrîsb, on Tbursday ev- ening.a Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones at-1 tended tbe wedding of Mr. andc Mrs. Cecil White in Port Hope, last week. Mrs. Jones sang at the wedding. Miss E. Epps bas been in Bow- manville Hospital for the last three weeks. Tbe Women's Missionary Soci- 1ety of Park St. Church met on c Tuesday afternoon, September 3rd with the president, Mrs. M. H. Staples in the chair. The new Istudy book on India was discuss- ed and plans made for its future study and for tbe October Tbank- off ering meeting. Mrs. C. S. McLaren underwent an operation in Oshawa Hospital1 on Saturday. Her daughter, Missi Marjorie McLaren is taking bieri place as teacher in Antiocb school for two weeks. Rev. Egerton Young sbowed a film "God's Work in Foreign Lands" and addressed the meet- ing of Orono and Kirby brancb of tbe Upper Canada Bible Soci- ety in Kirby cburch last Wednes- day evening. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Sas- katoon, Sask., and Mr. Harold W. Elliott, Traversera City, Mich.,« bave been visiting relatives in Orono, Kendal and Bowmanville and attended the Golden Wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe, Kirby. Miss Laureyne Stark, daugliter of the late~ Mr. and Mrs. I. Stark, of Starkville, was married in Orono on Saturday last by Rev. S. Littlewood to Mr. Borden B. Kramp of Kitchener, Ont. Mr. W. H. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown, bas been appointed lecturer in Cbemistry at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe while in Ottawa recently was given a crys- tal shower by ber many friends there. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peter- borough, are having a week's va- cation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and son, Hornepayne, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Myles. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dean with Mrs. Ken Dean and family, Bur- lington. Mr. and Mrs. A. Perrin, Toron- to, with their daughter, MrS. W. .Reid. Mr.-and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, lterboro, at Merwin Mountjoy's Sevious to starting on a trip hrough tbe west. Mrs. F. A. Cole, Toronto, witb Ers. E. H. Cole.-Mrs. Melissa ;ervis bas returned.-Mr. and drs. Alvin Clemens, have movedj o Bowmanville, having sold theiri irm to Messrs. Carter and Dun- an, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Car-~ er and family are now residing )n the Clemens farm. Sympathy is extended to Mrs las. Hogarth and Mrs. Sam Dew- [1 in the death of their brother, [r. Will Baker, Solina. Mission Band members and heir mothers, beld a picnic in he park, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. Avery attended the fu- ieral of ber cousin, Mr. Cameron rull in Oshawa. Mrs. Leonard Hindmand, in roronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Black, :admus, Mr. and Mrs. ]Kenneth 3amelîs, Ann and Melville, Nes- leton, Mr. Milton Gray, Lotus, t Mr. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and Miss Eileen Wray, at Mrs. S. Rundle's, Bowmanville. Mr. Charles Martin, British Columbia with bis sister, Mrs. K. Wiînterburn. Mrs. Joseph Hîndman, Mr. and, vlrs. Robt. Conroy and children, Buffalo, N.Y., at L. Hindman's. Miss Lenore Reynolds, Toronto, with Miss Lulu Reynolds. Mrs. Geo. Edger, Mrs. G. Tubbs and baby, Courtice, visited Mrs. Hf. Wilcox. Mrs. Frank Starkey and twc bhildren, Oshawa, visited ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ennîs. Miss Muriel Hindman spent a week with relatives and friends in Toronto. Mrs. Helen Hall who bas been visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, bas returned to Montreal. She also visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper and Mrs. Stories, Orono. Dr. Wallace Horn, and Mrs. Horn, Mount Kisco, N.Y., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mrs. John Willis, Toronto, with her sister, Miss Beatrice Colwill. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, vis- ited ber mother, Mrs. M. Good- man, and uncle, Mr. C. H. Bur- rows, who continues quite ill. Mr. C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, Sask., who with bis cousins, Mr and Mrs. Bert Stevens bas gonE on to Montreal to attend the Gen- eral Council of the United, Churcli Miss L. Daw, Toronto, witb hei parents. We welcome to our village Mrs. Donald Adcock, who arriv. ed from Holland on the Queer Mary last week and is now at th( home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemnens Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barnes an( David, Mr. Donald Cole, Denni! and Gerry, Mrs. F. A. Cole, Toi onto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomn as and daughter Roberta, Black~ water, at Mrs. E. H. Cole's. His many friends were pleasei to see Rev. J. O. Totton,'a forme pastor, at worship service Sunda: evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wraý Oshawa, at T. Wray's. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nor tbey and baby, Wallace, Oshawi at Mrs. J. Chatterton's. Miss Ruby Clatwortby, R.N Bowmanville, at Mrs. Austin Bar ron's. Rev. J. O. Totton, Richmoni Hill, was a guest of Mr. and Mr W. W. Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barror Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth an, Miss M. Niddery, at Manilla. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox, Bloy and Madyln, and Miss Jessie Hc garth with Rev. and Mrs. Fran Cryderman, St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barrc visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Deai ing, St. Catharines. Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Oshawa, Mr Alan Wilbur and Sharon, Os] awa, àt Elmer Wilbur's. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruici sb -nk non, Pe-terboro, ai m4e YOUNOER SET Bring your youngsters to Walker's and let them pick from our grand selec- tion. .. -. We've Dresses, Sweaters, Blouses and Skirts galore. Quality value merchandise priced right! Stop în today. ADORABLE WAISTS In fine white slub broadcloth. with pretty lace edging. Sizes 3 - 6x. $1.98 KIDDIES' PLEATED SKIRTS Gay Alpine Skirts with button-on imder- waists. In ail the new fall shades. Sizes 2 - 6x. $2.98 It Makes You Feel SoM M hBetter TeVitumin Bi Tonic Extensively used for beadache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemnia, chronic__ fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60 cts. Economy size, $1.50 Dr. (hase' s Nerve Food-- $6.95 BOYS' SERGE SHORTS Well made and warmly lined, navy, brown and green. Suzes 2 to 6. $1.30 ie r, le id s d er y ay, ýr- 's. rid at rs. ['s 'l- t .r rt- BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS Fine wool striped Sweaters in wine and brown, long sleeves. Bizes 2 - 6. Wa1/Me4Sto4e , .timdd JUNIOR MISSES' DRESSES Mercerized Gabardine Dresses in adorable styles, new f ail shades of blue, gold, red and browri, lots of pleats. Sizes 7 to 12. 1 ( WHITBY PICKERING FARMS* LIMITED Phone 336- Day or Night ONTARIO BOYS' ALL-WOOL SUITS Knitted all-wool Suits . . . plain Shorts with shoulder straps, striped Jersey Top,. navy, scarlet, brown and wine shades. Sizes 2 - 6x. ;SMAN, BO-M-NVILLE- o TA-_ CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL All members present, Reeve Norman Green presiding. Com- munication from Mr. McMillan re culvert referred to road superin- tendent. Receipt from Port Perry Hospital re grant from School In- spector re payment of grants to scbool. Road Superintendent in- structed to cut bushes east of Caesarea. Clerk to bill Manvers Twp. for opening road, also) Coun- ties for use of grader. On motion necessary form for subsidy on roads was signed. Orders signed as follows: Interest on rate for August$ 9.62 A. Thompson, sec. B. of E., bal. mun. grant------------ 600.00 R. Wall, sheep valuation -- 8.00 H. Brown, lamb killed, 1 injured ----------------------- 16.00 Clerk, postage, etc----------- 25.00 A. Leighton, sheep killed 9.00 Adjourned to meet October 7th, at 2 p.m. Meeting opened witb the Insti- tute ode. Mrs. Chapman made a report of park committee. Mrs. A. Barron reported $216.10 cash on band. Miss L. Reynolds and Mrs. Mountjoy were appointed a com- mittee to enquire re getting a rink for young people. Leaders of sewing groups were delegated to collct for Salvation Army. Mem- bers were urged to start working for bazaar to be held in Novem- ber. Cards of thanks were read from Mr. J. Balson, Miss Beatrice Colwill, Mr. and Mrs. Willis. Pro- gramme was in charge of centre group, Mrs. Adcock leader. Miss L. Reynolds gave a fine talk on "The Art of Cooking and Baking." A solo by Mrs. Damant "Sunrise and You" was much enjoyed. Mrs. Honey Read an article on "The people of Czechoslovakia," wbich was followed by a piona solo by Niss Nora Horn. A social haîf bour was enjoyed. HAMPTON W.I. q04 Defore You See Your Minister See Us For Your DIAMOND WEDDING and ENGAGEMENT RINGS We have the complete assortinent you'il be after for your weddlng day. See our large selection of weddlng $50.00 rings, giffe for the plus tax bride, best man, etc. For the Best Man For the Future Bride TIE SET PEARL NECKLACE $1.50 $.0Pu a PlsTx5.0Plus Tax H OOpE R'S Jewellety& 01f t Shop King St. West Phone 747 lowimwlqw-nw 1 Bowmanviue Phone 451 $2.98 THE MODERN STORIE

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