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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1946, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. l9th, 1946 Qlo4io6à '~ulc~ll &d4~ gadia Be»C When autunmn rounds the corner with lier cascades of faliingy leaves - sun dulled hair and rougli complexions go out. Now is the time to get 'a complete beauty -4ieatment from head to toe. Greet the new season with glearning beauty. Cali today for your appointrnent to loveliness. Thursday - Friday September 19 - 20 "Yolanda and The Thiefl" IN TECHNICOLOR Starring* FRED ASTAIRE Cartoon LU CILLE1 BREMER Short Saturday - Sept. 21 ""SENORITA FROM THE WEST" ALLAN BONITA JONES GRANVILLE Added Attraction THE EAST SIDE KIDS "'DOCKS 0F NEW YORK", with LEO GORCEY Cartoon HUNTZ HALL Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Sept. 23 - 24 -25 MARRIED ... THREE DAYS ... BUT NO HONEYMOON WHY? "THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFE"7 ROBERT WALKER Fox Late News s Cartoon JUNE ALLYSON Short The blending of good fashion and good taste this all-wool fitted coat with its snug col- lar and patch pockets. In brown, green, beige. See Our Wide Selection of Plain and Fur Trimmed COATS from $16.951 up ALI WOOL SUITS Corne ini and see the latest styles in our new fal suits. Smartly styled to suit your every whin. from $9.95 up SLACKS See our wonderful new line of slacks. In wool and corduroy. Large assort- ment of colours and sîzes. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman New castle "Es telle " BEAUTY SALON Phone 453 For Appointments 95 Churcli Street Free Parking Phone 1011 THURSé - FR1. - SAT. September 19 - 20 - 21 Gary Cooper - Ingrid Bergman in "SARATOGA TRUNK"y A Story of Violent Love MONDAY - TUESDAY September 23 - 24 "THE DARK CORNER"y Starring Lucilie' Bail - William Bendix <Aduit Entertainment) WEDNES. - THURSDAY September 25 - 26 Phyllis Calvert - Stewart Granger in "MADONNA 0F THE SEVEN MOONSOY To the Taxpayers of Municipality of The Village of Newcastle Ladies and Gentlemen: At the September meeting of your Village Council for 1946, the Tax Rate for the year was struck at 48 milîs, which you will note is an increase of 5 mills over the 1945 rate of 43 milis. This higher rate, as you will no doubt real- ize, was made necessary by the increased cost of conducting the affairs of the municipality. This year in order to give the citizens better and more efficient police protection, a constable was engaged at a salary of $400.00 per annum. It has also been found necessary to raise the salary of the caretaker of the Community Hall to $1,200 a year. As you have noticed the street lighting has been greatly improved by instail- ing more and stronger lights. We have also undertaken and ac- complished quite a number of other village improvements, which necessitated a further outlay of money. Then in the past there has been considerable tax arrears paid in. Last year we received about two thousand dollars from this source. This year there is only about one thousand dollars in arrears. As your Reeve I can assure you that the members of the Village Council of 1946 have always the best interests, and well being of the residents of the municipality at heart, and we endeavour in every way to discharge our duties to you in an efficient, competent and satisfactory manner. George A. Walton, Reeve Municipality of Village of Newcastle. Newcastle, Ont. Sept. 17th, 1946. Miss Marion Allen was a guest at the wedding of Miss Mamie Archer and Mr. George Cole which took place at Port Hope United Church.,. Miss Allun was also one of the tea assistants at the wedding reception. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn have closed their cottage at Newcastle- on-the-lake and returned to their home in Brantford. Mr. Walter Douglas, who has been spending the past month at Cape Cod, returned home on Mon day. Miss Ethel Wade is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital where she underwent an operation on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brachett and daughter, Mary, Leamington, at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray's. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp spent the weekend in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilkinson, To- ronto, and Mr. Henry Verdier, Montreal, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sandham. Miss Margaret Wright, Toron- to, with Mrs. A. Wetherall. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, at home. Miss Ruth Kernegon spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. Harvey Fisher, Belleville, and Mr. Walter Crowhurst, To- ronto, called on Mrs. Geo. Rick- ard. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howard, Toronto, were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Scott Howard. Guests of Mrs. Norman Allun and Miss Marion Allin were Miss- es Florence and Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, Mrs. Ida Trenouth, Nap- gnee, and Mrs. John Allin, Bow- manville. Mr. James P. Lovekin, Toronto. who received the degree of B.A. at the University of Toronto this summer, will enter the School of Graduate Studies this autumn to do an M.A. thesis on "The Con- ditions of Immigrant Labour in the New England Textile Industry in the l9th Century." As not al relevant material is in Toronto, he -il1laer1 nte-HavarTUn- TIME TABLE ICHANGES SUNDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1946 IFull information from Agents Weddmng* Canadian Army, had been stat- ioned at Montreal. His many fri- ends join ini wishîng him every success. Miss BeatrIx Mcîntosh and Miss Ethel Lockhart have left on a motor trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith and Mrs. Robert Gibson spent the weekend in Ancaster, guests of the former's daughter and son- în-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Bur- bridge. Miss Mary Dewdney who.. has heen spending her vacation with her parents at the rectory has left to resume her sttidies at Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. Mrs. Stanley Uglow, who has been spending the past six weeks as guest of her sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Carveth, lef t Wednesday for her home in Chicago, Ill. NOTICE Starting midnight, Saturday, Sept. 28th, 1946, the municipality of the Village of Newcastle, will revert to Standard Time. George A. Walton, Reeve. 38-1 Haydon W.A. met at Mrs. Cecil Sle- mon's on Thursday. Bible read- ing was taken by Mrs. A.- Read and devotional by Mrs. Slemon; readings were given by Mrs. T. Mountjoy, Mrs. W. Thompson and Mrs. C. Garrard. Miss Winni- fred Trewin rendered a solo. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Blackburn's group. Mr. Jack Potts and Mrs. W. Martin attended the funeral of George Ferguson at Oshawa. Several from here attended Oshawa and Lindsay Fairs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Meek, San- ford, Miss Muriel Meek, Toronto, at Mr. James Hanna's. Mrs. W. St. Germain took her grandson to Montreal to attend school after spending the summer holidays at home. Mr. .W. Gifflar, Sunderland, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens at Mr. Art Moore's, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Perry, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. George King and baby, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brooking, Brenton Brannigan, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. Slemon 's. Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Dun- bar and son, Toronto, at J. Smales' -----Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Storkey and Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, at J. Yellowlees' ---- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison, Bancroft, at E. Millson's.---- Miss Betty Smales at Toronto and Niagara Falls---- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Osh- awa, at Ralph Davis'.---- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoar at Bobcaygeon --- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson, Judy and Peter, Cataraqui, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balson and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson and Gene, Bowmanville, at A. J. Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- man entertained the members of the play "Eyes of Love" and their director, Mrs. Roy Langmaid with a chicken dinner at their home Tuesday evening. It was also a birthday anniversary celebration for two- of the leading characters, Harvey Yellowlees and Bruce Taylor. Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turner of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dew- ehl, Hampton, with the latter's sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin (nee Aureyp Newtonville Rev. Dr. Oke occupied the pul- pit on Sunday evening in the absence of Rev. H. A. Bunt who was guest speaker at Zion an- niversany. Women's Missionary Society met at Mns. Geo. McCullough's on Sept. 10. Owing to the busy season and nain storm onhy seven were present. Mrs. Norman Rick- ard, Newcastle, who was to ad- dress the meeting was unavoid- ably absent. Mns. Bunt, Mns. Morris and Mns. Geo. McCullough întnoduced the new Study of In- dia. A delightful lunch was sen- ved by the hostess. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Fonsythe, Peterbono, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. For- sythe, Toronto, with thein sisten, Mns. Roy Stacey. Mn. L. D. Bell and Misses Hilda Bell and Gwynne Thompson, Kendal, at Geo. Stapleton's Mrs. Frank Gilmer who has ably senved as organist fon the past year has resigned. Her work with the junior choir was espec- ially appneciated. Mrs. Ross Hal- lowell was onganist on Sunday evening and we hope she wilh see hen way clean to carry on. Mr. Robent A. Gowilay vetenan officer, Pont Hope, intends to spend a half-day on the second Thursday of each month at the garage of C. Bundley & Sons. This is to better serve the boys of this area. We trust our boys will take 'advantage of this and bning their pnoblems to him. Many problems faced alone look like mountains but after intelligently talking them oven with one of ex- penience, they eithen shrink to mole hilîs or a path can be found to climb the mountains. Keith Burley who has been at- tending rehabihitation classes in Toronto has neturned home to go into business with his brothens, Ronald and Harold in the Newton- ville Garage. W.M.S. held a successful quilt- ing Tuesday aftennoon. Arnold Wade and his helpens made a fine job of distributing ration books. Dean Editon: I am sorry about last week's news being too late. It spent a day in a maiý's pocket in Toronto. This is the second time and I am lçanning if you want your letters posted do it yourself.-A.B. IWALLPAPERI NEW PAPERS NOW IN STOCK Plain and Patterned Attractive Coiour Combinations and Companion Papers If you are planning to decorate make your choice eaniy. We will be giad to help you esti- mate the quantity and cost. SEE OUR Lending Library Shipment of New Books 3c a Day - 15c a Week - No Charge k> Join - Je W. JEWELL PRO «.E 556 -Bi G 201, BINNELL-COCHRANEý At a double ring ceremony in Westmoneland United Church, To- ronto, Sept. 7, wedding of Jean Amehia, daughter of Mns. L. Coch- rane and Arthur John Binnehi, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. , . Bin- nell, was solemnized by Rev. L. I. Hunter. The bride given in mar- niage by her uncle, Sidney Ped- ian, was gowned in slîpper satin panelled with lace, with sweet- neant neckline, fhaor-length veil and carried deep red roses. Ada Rahm, cousin of the bride, was her only attendant, attired in blue net with shoulder-length veil and cannied yehlow roses andi gladioli. The best man was Victor JBird. Ushers wene Earh Bnomhey and Harold Cochnane, brother of the bnide. Duning the signin.g of the negisten Mns. Effie How- ard sang '"Because." The neception was held at the bride's home. The bnide's mothen received in navy blue with black accessor-ies. The bride's aunt act- ing for the groom wore salmon pink jensey with black accessonies. The happy couple left later fon Ottawa and Kingston, the bnide wearing a pale blue silk jensey dress and blue coat with black accessonies. M.and Mrs. John Baker Jr., Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Miss Madlyn Wilcox with Miss Alne Northcutt, Bowmanville. Mrs. J. Chaterton visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Northey, Osh- awa. Mr. C. W. Hoskin and Mrs. H. Mountjoy, Kedron, visited Miss Beatrice Colwill. Many from Hampton vicinity attended Lindsay Fair. A number of Hampton young ladies attended a presentation and social evening in honour of Mrs. Donald Adcock (recently manried from Holland) at the home of Mrs. D. Rackham, Bowmanville, on Friday evening. She was the recipient of a set of dishes. Rally Day will be observed in our Sunday School next Sunday afternoon. C.G.I.T. had a weiner noast at the home of the Kersey girls on Monday evening. Miss Gladys Chapman has gone to Toronto whene she will take a nurse 's course. Mr. Walter Blackburn, Toronto, visifed his parents, Mn. and Mrs. M. Blackburn. Owing to The Statesman's er- rons and omissions hast week, the following corrections in sevenal items in the Hampton cornes- pondence are being made: Mr,, Brown's pleasing solo at the and Mrs. Bert Stevens were not previous Sunday evening churcli in Montreal. Mr. C. E. Brown service,, which was much appre- who has been visiting them, is ciated and added to the inspir- attending "Genenal Council" of ation of the service. Mrs. Helen the United Chunch at Montreal. Hall returned from Montreal not Reference was also omitted to Mn. to Montreal. Enfield Mn. and Mns. L. Rahm, Rich- mond Hill, at the Pnescott home.i Mns. M. Samis at F. Aber- nçthy's, Peterboro. Mr. ànd Mrs. W. Pascoe, Mar- ion and Evelyn at H. Beaton's, Oshawa. Mns. W. J. Ormiston with Mr. and Mns. E. Ormiston, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Niddery, To- ronto, at the Gray cottage. Mr. and Mrs. James Davison and Mr. and Mrs. John Davison, Oshawa, at A. W. Prescott's. Mrs. J. Parr with friends in Toronto. Congratulations to' Mr. and Mrs. H. Grills on the arrival of a son, also to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bow- man on the annival of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and family. with E. Pnescott's and Mrs. Hooey, Long Sault. EBENEZER W.M.S. Meeting of Ebenezer W.M.S. opened with prayer by President Miss Louise Osborne. Wonship period was in charge of Mrs. R. C. Pearce who also offered prayer; Mrs. Hanold Muir favouned with a vocal solo "Lead Kindly Light." Our study was conducted by Mrs. H. F. Osborne who introduced the book "India at the Threshold" written by Dr. Winnifred Bryce, one of our United Church mission- aries. Some interesting inform- ation concenning the ndces, lang- uages, clihaate and beauty of India was given by Mrs. Linstead and Mrs. E. Wenry. The people of India in their worship spend much time in quiet meditation. The hymn "Prayer to a heart of lowly love" written by one of In- dia's Christian saints was sung by Mrs. G. F. Annis. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. H. F. Os- bonne, Mrs. H. Hancock and Mrs. Chas. Found. STyrone Sunday School Rally will be held next Sunday morning in- stead of the negular church ser- vice, commencing at 10.30 a.m. Mr. Herb Camenon fell down a chute striking his head on the cement floor causing a eut on his head and painful bruises. Mr. and Mns. Errol Hughson, Toronto, with Mrs. Mina Hugh- son. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonnacott, Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. McWatters, To- ronto, Mn. and Mrs. Les. Brooks, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. George Brooks. Mn. and Mrs. I. W. Larmer, Mrs. Melville Baîl and Sharon, Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosevear. Mns. Archie Macdonald, Co- bourg, with Mrs. Wm. Macdon- ald. Mr. Murray Tabb, Dorset, with Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Tabb. Lake 'Shi-ore, Clarke Sevenal from here attended the Lindsay Fair including: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry and Archie and wîth them Farncomb LeGresley, Mn. and Mns. Jack Holmes, Miss Audrey Adams and friend, Mr. 'Sam and Miss Hazel Powell. Reg Elliott and his men fnom Kendal are putting up a silo for H. Rowland. Visitors: Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, home ----- Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams, Keith and Ross visit- ed Mrs. E. Weston, Tononto, at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Kendal ---- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, Sr., Miss Annie Wnagg and Miss R. Bragg at C. Alldred's ------ Mr. and Mrs. H. Cryderman and family, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and family, and Mrs. Fred Wilson, TOOTH CARE Colgate's Tooth Powder. Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder. Pepsodent Tooth Paste- Kolynos Tooth Paste Squibb's Tooth Paste Listerine Antiseptic --- 25c-40c 28c-45c .29c-49c .29c-49e .43e -29ë-49c-89c Hygeol............-----35c-60c Wernet's Plate Powder -- 27c-54c-89c Fasteeth Plate Powder -- 29c-49c-89e Poli-Grip Plate Paste ------------ 39e Staze Plate Paste ------ 39c-59c DOG REMEDIES One-Spot Flea Killer............-----35e Seargeant's Sure-Shot Capsules --- 60c Bell's Condition Powders...........-----15c-30c Seargeant's Skip-Flea Soap.................---------25c Pard Dog Food.........-----15e Jury C& VITANMS Vitamins Pius...........------$1.00-$1.75 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules -- $1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Alphamettes $1.-l-85-3.50-$15 Puretest Multiple Vitamin Capsules $1.-$1.75 Puretest Pienamims wlth Liver and Iron.......----$1,85 Puretest Vitamins and Minerai Capsules.-----$1.85 Kepler Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract.-----75c-$1.25 Puretest Cod Liver Oil. --.---------------- 75c-$1.25 Neo-Chemical Food Tonie......--$1.15-$2.45-$4.45 WALNUT FRAME SPECIAL Have your negatives enlarg- ed, mounted and framed. Black and White.......----79e Coloured...........-------- 99e Loveli THE REXALL ZRUG STORE Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets WHEN WE TEST EVES IT IS DONE PROPERLY King st. W. Bowmanville September Specials Jello Custard Powders .... 4-oz. tins. Devon Peas, new-pack ...... 2 tins Figs ........................1-lb. l-einz Tomato Soup new-pack 25c 27e ....* .2 tins 19c - 1 0-fl. oz. Brodie's Cake Flour .......... 3 Ibs. Fresh and Cooked Meats 23e School Supplies GROSE'IS GROCERY MAPLE GROVE PHONE 2582 Bed Davenports m Studi Loungesm-Chesterfi"eld Suites .Featured this week in the Septem Furniture Sale At Fe Fe MORRIS CO SPECIALS IN RIED OUTFITS While They Last t. ..AIl Siz M M j M M o:. M M 'i M M M M M M M M iber E M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M oeA M M M M M M M M M M M M M M est Scientiflc training, a rich heritage of pharmaceutical experience and a constant awareness of his responsibilities qualif y your Rexail pharmacist to serve you and the com- munity faithfuliy In ail prescription work. RtOYAL THEATRE BWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVMANýý, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1946 PAGE TWELVE with hirn and after explaining some of its features, he took a picture of the group. Mns. S. Jef- fery moved and Mrs. L. Snowden seconded a vote of thanks which was readily responded to. With a short reading Mns. Munday clos- ed her part and Mrs. Snowden closed the meeting. Refreshments wene then served. Time Table Changes Effective SUNDAY. SEPT. 29, 1946 and other speclfic dates. Full information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL t 1 0--t

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