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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1946, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILL~ ONTA mn mYY?,n r, 1% À t. n.,,nm q ~,. - -- - - J. n u ILbLJA Y, bLI~J.. .LUtfl, BOWMAN - Wilfrid and Ella Bowman are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Laura Embyln, at Bowmanville Hospital on Thursday, Sept. 12th, 1946, a sister for Bruce. 38-1* MAJOR - Gordon and Joyce Major are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Penny Major, in Bowmanville Hospital, on Sunday, September 15th, 1946. 38-1* POTTER-To Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Potter, a daughter, Brenda Ellen Jean, at Bowmanv;ille Hos- pital, on September 15th, 1946. 38-1 STAPLES-Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Staples (nee Vera Triinble), Bethany, are happy to announce the birth of their son on Sept. 9th, 1946. A little brother for Barry. 38-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. James Hoy, Ken- dal, wish to announce the engage- ment of their third daughter, Jean Irene, to Robert W. Stain- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stainton, Hampton. The marriage will take place quietly in October. 38-1* Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFeet- ers, Bowmanville, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their younger daughter, Effie Grace, to Mr. John J. Urban, youngest son of Mr. M. Urban, and the late Mrs. Urban, Windsor, Ont. The marriage will take place quietly the early part of October. 38-1* Reg'd Grading Station No. 029 Highest Prevailing Market Prices Paid CASES RETURNED FREE Careful Grading and Prompt Remittance We Pay a Premium For: Poultry Farm Strictly Fresh, Large Brown or White Shell Eggs.1 The following Varleties of have just arrived TULIPS: Double and Single TULIPS: Darwin named and mixed varieties. HYACINTHS: in different varieties DAFFODILS - NARCISSI CROCUS - SNOWDROPS GRAPE HYACINTHS If interested please order early as there is only a limited quantity. J. LARMOUR PHONE 4621 Shakespeare DeLuxe Casting Reels Windbreakers Footballs - Rugby Balls Basketballs - Volleyballs Shoes -- Track, Bowling Bas- ketball, Football and Gym. Key Duplicating - Guaranteed Bicycle Repairs BICYCLE RENTALS By the Hour, Day or Week Mrs. W. T. Baler and family wish to thank their friends and neighbours and especially George and Wes. Werry, for the sympathy and help extended during their recent bereavement. 38-1* I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. C. J. Austin and my many friends and relatives for their kindness, cheery cards, fruit and flowers sent to me during my illness. Will Wotten. 38-1 W. H. Thickson and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses during his recent ill- ness. 38-1* Miss Ethel Luxton wishes to thank Dr. Slemon, Dr. Birks and Dr. Ferguson, staff of Bowman- ville Hospital, and relatives and friends for the lovely cards, flowers and fruit received at the time of her operation at the Hos- pital. 38-1* COMING EVENTS Come and dance to Ruth Wilson and her 6-piece variety band at Tyrone Hall, Friday, Sept. 27th. Dancing from 9 to 1 a.m. 38-2 Reserve October 16th for Tor- onto Men Teachers Choir at New- castle Community Hall under the auspices of Newcastle United Church W.A. 37-5 Clarke United Church Anni- versary and Thank-Offering will be held Sept. 29th. Services at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., E.S.T. Dr. C. C. Oke will be the guest speaker. Special music at both services. 38-1 LODGE-SMALE - At Bowman- ville, on Saturday, Sept. 14th, 1946, by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Dor- othy Grace, daughter of Mrs. Smale and the late Clarence John Smale and Ian John Lodge, son of Mrs. Lodge and the late Joseph Lodge of Almonte. 38-1 DEATH ELLIOTT-At Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, on Sept. 17, 1946, John Elliott, B.A., 800 William St., London, husband of the late Margaret McMullen and father of Ida M. Elliott, London; Wilton H. Elliott, Toronto; Elmer A. El- liott, Chicago, Ill.; and sister of Mrs. M. A. Sparling, Ninga, Man., in his 92nd year, Resting at Harri- son & Skinner Funeral Home, London, until 5.30 p.m. Thursday, when remains will be taken to Colborne St. United Church to lie in state until 8 p.m. when ser- vice will be conducted by Rev. A. Murray Stuart. 38-1 ALLIN-In loving memory of our beloved son and brother, William (Bill) Alln, who passed away September l8th, 1939: The years have changed in many ways But one thing changes -never The memory of those happy days When we were all together. -Lovingly remembered by Moth- er, Dad, brothers and sisters. 38-1 * HANTHORN-In loving memory of our dear little son and brother, Keith Morris, who left us two years ago September 19th, 1944, aged four years and four months: He was only a little white rosebud, A sweet little flower from birth; God took him home to Heaven Before hehwas soiled on earth. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His loving breast. -Lovingly remembered by his Mother, Daddy, Sisters and Bro- thers. 38-1 Room and Board Wanted IN Bowmanville or vicinity, near highway, warm, comforta>le room with board for elderly lady. Reply to P.O. Box 263, Bowmanville. 38-1* We are equipped to give a complete repair service to your tractor tires. Our vulcanizer will handle the biggest tractor tire made and we have the calcium chloride liquid inflator to finsh the job. A Complete Service in One Depot ENGLISH bicycle, in good con- dition,- nine months old. Apply Sam Olver, 8 King St. East. 38-1 QUANTITY of clean shavings. Apply Brooksdale-Kingsway Nur- ery. 38-1 FOLDING chairs, ideal for schools Home and School groups, etc. See 10 Mann St. 38-1o 1930 Oakland roadster, tires new. Ron Johnson, Phone 356 or call at 10 Mann St. 38-1 BARN-24' x 16', price $150.00 Frank Williams, Phone 2622 or 801. 38-1 QUANTITY of pine scantlings, 2 x 6 by 9 ft. long. Apply P. O. Box 485, Bowmanville. 38-1 MASSEY-HARRIS Corn Binder, with tractor and horse hitch. Apply James Brown, Base Line, Phone 617. 38-1* 19328FrontenacoSedan, Serial G-1842, Good condition. Apply Poole's Bakery or after 4 p.m. at 24 Liberty St. 38-1* R.C.A. Victor car radio, complete. In excellent condition. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon, Phone: Port Perry 78r13. 38-1* SET of oak diners; some choice pieces of walnut; also lawn mower 16" cut, practically new. Apply 76 Queen St. 38-1 HIGHCHAIR, small crib, also large crib, all in good condition. Apply 89 King St. E., Phone 2374, Bowmanville. 38-1* FINDLAY Gas Stove, wood and coal annex, complete with pipes, in good condition, $30.00. Phone 2529. 38-1 BOY'S genuine horsehide leather coat in good condition, also boy's winter overcoat, both size 8 or 9. Phone 2366. 38-1e* CARD tables, stock of heavy and inexpensive card tables now in stock, suitable for clubs, lodges, etc., at F. F. Morris Co. 38-1 LARGE ice refrigerator suitable for store or camp. .Apply C. Christian, south of C.P.R. over- head bridge at lake. 38-1* 600x16 TIRES, suitable for wagon or trailer, set of 4 complete with good tubes and reliners, $25.gr3 Sisson's Garage, Orono. 38-l* The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Parish Hall, Wed., Sept. 25th, at 2.30 p.m. Miss K. McLaurin will speak on "Agriculture in India." Also reserve October lst for Annual Bazaar. 38-1 Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT school teacher to supply for about five or six weeks. Apply Joseph J. Mellor, Orono, Sec'y.-Treas. Clarke Township School Area. 38-1 THE Bowmanville Board of Edu- cation needs teachers for supply work. . Any person who is qual- ified and interested in supply teaching at either High or Public Schools is requested to contact the Secretary-Treasurer at an early date. Bowmanville Board of Edu- cation. S. R. James, Sec'y.-Treas. 38-1 Notice Newcastle cider press now op- erating. Malcolm Ainslie, New- castle. 37-tf Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closed from August 30 to to Sep- tember 30 inclusive. 34-6 Cartwright farmers interested in calfhood vaccinations for the September period are requested to send the number of calves at once to Earl Dorrell. Calves should be from five to eight months old. 38-1* For Rent- SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month.1Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Help Wanted GIRL wanted. Apply Bowman- ville Cleaners and Dyers, Bow- manville. 38-1 POLICE Constable, night duty, for the Town of Bowmanville.' State age, experience, salary ex- pected. Applications must be fil- ed by Sept. 30th, 1946. Apply Chief Constable S. Venton, Bow- manville, Ont. 38-2 MALE-Run your own business! Owing to increased production established company has opening in your locality. Excellent earn- ings, Famous Products Corpora- tion, Dept. O-B-1, 370 Guy St., Montreal, P.Q. 36-4 WOOD workers wanted, two ex- perienced men capable of operat- ing all types of woodworking machinery. Also two young men or boys interested in learning the woodworking trade. Apply in person to Mr. E. G. Hay, The Grayson Guild of Woodcraft, 31 Centre St., Bowmanville. 38-1 AN OPPORTUNITY - Establish- ed Rural Watkins District avail- able. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55- have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable bus- tess of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 36-4 EARN extra money this "easy" way with Regal's 21 card Feature Assortment. Sell Canada's new- est, fastest - selling Christmas Cards. Exclusive with Regal. Sell the 21-card feature box for $1, or Regal's famous "Friendship" Box of all-occasion cards. Double sales! Introduce Regal's wonder- fui newCanadian Scenes Box. 16 cards by famous Canadian artists $1. Regal's new Framed Gift Pictures of authentic Canadian Scenes are ideal Christmas gifts. Sell for $1. Learn the intriguing details. Up to 50 per cent clear profit. Write NOW for agents' 1946 catalog. Regal Stationery Co. Ltd., Dept. J3 105 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont., or Dept. J3 163 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. 37-4 CHOICE hardwood, $18.50 per cord. Cut in stove lengths and delivered. Write Box 734 States- man Office, or phone 481 Oshawa. 36-tf LET us show you the new white enamelled Oil Burning kitchen range on display this weekend. W. H. Brown, J.I. Case Dealer, Bow- manville, Phone 497. 38-1 5-TUBE Westinghouse electric radio; also Remmington electric razor, both in good condition, sacrifice. Lawrence H. Tabb, Box 17, Tyrone. 38-1* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dles! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine, Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf McCLARY Crown cook stove, equipped with water front, prac- tically new. Apply Fred H. Gra- ham, Newcastle or Phone Clarke 2640. 38-1* DOUBLE barrel shotgun. Apply 61 Brown St., Bowmanville. 38-1* LADY'S coon fur coat, size 18 or 20. Apply 133 Church St. or Phone 762. 38-1 WOOD dry pine cordwood, $4.00 per cord; 1ais6 cords choice hard- wood. Harold Murphy, R.R. 3, Pontypool, Lot 2, Con. 10, Dar- lington. 38-1* EIGHT cents a year will protect a man's or lady's suit from moth damage for 5 years. One spraying of Berlou Guaranteed Mothspray does it, or Berlou pays for the damage. Mason and Dale, Phone 408. 38-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf USED oat rouler, 2 used 3 h.p. gas engines, 2 used grain grinders, used M.H. hammermill, new air- cooled Cushman engine, used 17- tooth Cockshutt tractor cultivator, used stiff tooth tractor cultivator. Apply W. H. Brown, J. I. Case Dealer, Bowmanville, Phones 2610 and 497. 38-1 Lost FOUR $10 dollar bills on Monday, Sept. 9th, on King St. or Liberty St. Reward. Finder please re- turn to Statesman Office. 38-1 Strayed STRAYED onto my property, one cow. Owner may have same by identifying an paying for advt. Bert Johnson, Phone 2290. 38-2 Work Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, de- sires position in gentleman's home. Write Box 758, Statesman Office. 38-1* YOUNG man wants work clean- ing walls, cisterns, cellars, etc; also garden work. Write Box 757, Statesman Office. 38-1* TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, cultivating, discing, combin- ing. I also have John Deere trac- tor repair parts. F. S. Allen. 44 Concession St., phone 594. 26tf Livestock For Sale YOUNG pigs. Apply G. Keetch, Hampton. 38-1* YOUNG calf for vealing. L. An- derson. Phone 2215. 38-1 YOUNG Yorkshire sow, due in two weeks. Phone Clarke 1904. 38-1* COWS, young cattle, and two horses. Apply W. G. Wotten, Burketon, Phone 2377. 38-1 JERSEY first calf heifer, due Oct. 10th. R. Stenger, Enniskillen, Phone 2824. 38-1 SIX Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Lot 14, Con. 6, Darlington, James E. Delaney. 38-1* FIVE choice Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Apply Harry Bart- lett, Bowmanville. 38-1* LEICESTER ram lambs; also stack of wheat and oat straw. Apply Carl Wright, Blackstock. 38- f 2 Milk cows, due April; 25 stockers and 8 fat steers; also 1 yearling colt. I. Bernstein, Pontypool, Phone Bethany 20r4. 38-1 SOW with 11 pigs, 2 weeks old; also Percheron mare rising four. Apply Joe Crawford, Enniskillen, Phone 2552. 38-1 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, six weeks old; also Yorkshire sow due to farrow end of September. Apply Charles Rundle, Hampton. Phone 2246. 38-1 SHORTHORN bull (10 months) eligible for registration; team of good work horses; Cockshutt Kid gang and single walking plow. Donald Thompson, Nestleton. 37-2* SELL Christmas Cards to your friends. Here's a chance to make some money for your Christmas shopping. Write today for details. National Merchandising Service, Adelaide St., P.O. Box 10, To- ronto. 38-3* WIN the fight for freedom from indigestion with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Pleasant and tasteless, gives immediate relief. Also in tablet form. 50c and $1.00 at all druggists. 38-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9 Radio Service DON'T let a defective radio spoil the entertainment it can give you. We can repair it. F. C. Crowe, 52 King St. West or Phone 2174. 38-1*. THE RADIO SHOP, Bowman- ville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained per- sonnel. Our two radio techni- cians both hold Government Cer- tificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 33-tf Real Estate For Sale COTTAGE - Newcastle Beach. Apply Mrs. Hay, 31 Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 772. 38-1 $5,000-King St. E., Bowmanville, 2-storey frame house, 8 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, dou- ble lot, barn. Write P.O. Box 5, Bowmanville. 37-2 FARM-150 acres clay loam with maple bush, two creeks; 9-roomed brick house; steel hip-roofed barn; pig-pen; hen house; implement shed; good well. Close to No. 35 highway. Write Box 737 States- man Office. 34-tf-1* LAKE front farm, 100 acres, all under cultivation, completely tile drained, free from stones. Seven acres fall wheat. Queen Eliza- beth Highway about 40 rods from farm. Phone 2280. Arthur E. Osborne, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 37-2* SMALL enamel sink. Phone 2287. 38-1 ANY quantity of manure and old straw. Apply Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries. Phone 345. 37-2 GOOD small piano. Write Box 709, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 31-tf LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 37-tf SEED wanted - Highest prices paid for timothy and all clover seed. Kindly bring or mail sam- ples. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 37-tf WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 267.9. 35-tf PIANOS-Cash will be paid for small and medium sized pianos; must be in good condition. Tele- phone F. J. Mitchell, 492 Bow- manville. 31-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, call or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. é 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf 2 or 3 rooms or apartment, furn- ished. Young couple, no children. Write Box 755, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 38-1* HOUSE or apartment in Bow- manville vicinity, suitable for 2 married business couples. Write Box 754, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 38-1* APARTMENT or small house, wanted by ex-serviceman and wife, no children, references, urgently required. Write Box 756, Statesman Office. 38-1* Trucking SCREEIIED sand, gravel, loam, fill, cinders, manure. We have it, you name it. We will deliver it. H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2255. 33-tf Auction Sales I have received instructions from George Wleatley, Lot 4, 'Con. 7, Cavan Twp., 2 miles west of Cavan Store, to sell by public auction on Monday, Sept. 23rd, at 1 p.m., all his farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain and furniture. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash, positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 38-1 The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. L. H. Gib- son, Lot 12, Con. 2, Cavan Twp., at Carmel, to sell by public auc- tion on Thursday, Sept. 26th, at 1 p.m. all his farm stock, imple- ments and poultry. This sale will include a full line of nearly new farm machinery. For further partiiculars see bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer, A. Thorne, Clerk. 38-1 Auction sale will be held at 1.30 o'clock D.S.T., at Haydondale Farm, east of Enniskillen about one and a half miles, on Monday, Sept. 23. I will offer 100 head of beef breed stockers, yr. old and 2- year-olds, all Ontario cattle; 25 Leghorn pullets; 2 bulls, Durhams of serviceable age; good work horse; 2 purebred Yorkshire gilts, 5 months; M.H. binder, good' nearly new. Free delivery. Terms cash. E. A. Werry, owner. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 38-1 Dispersal Sale Maris Herefords, Owing to ill-health of owner en- tire herd will be sold at Long- arces Farm, on No. 2 Highway, 1 mile East of Newtonville, Ont., (Farm 6 miles west of Welcome) Sept. 26th, at 1.30 E.D.T. The 25 head consist of the herd bull, Brae Mischief 31st-111905, born December 7th, 1937, and bred by McNeil and McNeil, Dutton, Ont. Breeding of females. The 10 cows are of Brae Dale breeding, while there are also 2 bred heifers and 3 open heifers. Included are two top heifers purchased from the Buckridge Farms Estate of T. R. Buchanan and sired by Peter Mischief, one of Canada's leading herd bulîs and owned by Fred Reicheld & Son. Balance of of- fering comprises 5 bull and 4 heifer calves, born after January lst. All cattle are T.B. and Blood-Tested. T. C. Maris, owner. Del. Whitney, mgr. R.R. 3, Port Hope, Ontario. Auctioneer, W. S. O'Neil, Denfield, Ont. 38-1 TENDERS FOR COLLECTION OF GARBAGE The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville is prepared to let a contract covering collection of garbage within the municipality to a responsible party. Tenders may be submitted to the Town Clerk stating license fee offered for this contract and whether tendering party is prepared to maintain and supervise all use of town dump. All garbage collec-- tion must be nade as specified by the County Health Unit regula- tions. Tenders must be filed with Town Clerk by Sept. 30th, 1946. A. J. Lyle, Town Clerk 38-2 Visitors of Mrs. C. Ashton were Mr. and Mrs. B. Powers and fam- ily, Mrs. M.kPowers, Cookstown, Mms. J. Trick, Miss Ethel Trick, Mrs. Desney and Mrs. F. White, Oshawa. Mrs. Leslie Taylor (nee Annie Ashton) has returned home from Bowmanville Hospital with a baby daughter, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massie, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shipley, Mrs. Mansfield and Mr. Frank Mans- field, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Needham. Mrs. J. Gatchell is visiting her sister in Buffalo, who is ill. W.A. met in the church with a good attendance. Mrs. J. Car- ter gave the Missionary story on China. Mrs. Hopley offered her home for the quilting. Program and lunch was in charge of Mrs. Aldred's group. Next meeting will be in charge of Mrs. C. Ashton's group. Sewing and do- nations will be gratefully accept- ed for W.A. Bazaar. Hoskin Bros. have purchased the property of the late Jas. Dart. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slingerland, Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair. Mrs. Florence Caughill with friends in Toronto. Miss Jean Coulter at her home in Pontypool. BlackStock The A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church held their Sept. meeting at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton on Thursday ev- ening, Sept. 12th, and it was in the form of a corn roast. The camp fire was built in a clearing in their bush and the corn was cooked in a large black sap kettle. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. McKibbon the following program was enjoyed: Music by Roy Ashton on his violin and John Archer on his guitar; community singing and humorous stunts rounded out a fine evening. Steaming hot corn, bread and but- ter, coffee and apples were ser- ved. Miss Annie Fee, President, voiced the gathering's apprecia- tion to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and family for the trouble they had gone to provide such a pleasant meeting. The Sept. meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was at the home of Mrs. Stanford VanCamp. Ernest McLean was at home for the weekend. Ernie is taking a business course at the Canada Business College, Toronto, and also has a part-time job. We wish him success in his new un- dertakings. Miss Peggy Finlayson, Toronto, who is working for the Bell Tele- phone Co., with her parents for the weekend. Stan Williams and Norman Mc- Curdy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning. Misses Gertrude Henry and Vivian Sadier, Toronto, home for the weekend. Mrs. Arthur Pritchard, Toronto, and Mrs. Levi McGill, Nestleton, with Mrs. Howard Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Vincent, Leaside, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Henry, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. This community was well re- presented at the Lindsay Fair and report a good time. The W.M.S. of the United Church held their Sept. meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Wright. Rev. and Mrs. McKibbon and Margaret spent several days visit- ing Rev. and Mrs. Clinton Cross at the rectory in Lindsay. Ruby Ramsay Rouse of C.F.R.B. was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. W.M.S. met at Mrs. C. Wright's on Sept. l1th. Mrs. Roy Taylor, President, opened the meeting. Mrs. Norman Mountjoy concluded the Study Book on Africa in an interesting talk; Mrs. Harrison gave a sketch of an African boy's life whom she knew personally, The new Study Book will be on India and was introduced through the worship service. Plans were made for the fall term. A social time over cookies and tea brought a lovely afternoon to a close. Y.P.U. opened for the fall by being invited to the home of the President, Stuart Dormeil, for a corn roast on Tuesday evening. Everyone voted it a splendid even- ing. A bonfire on the hill with games and then the corn. games and then the dom. Scott's Emulsion --- 59c-98c Wampole's Extract -- $1.00 Neo Chemical Food Capsules --$1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Liquid -- $1.15-$2.45-$4.45 Alphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 Becol Tablets---- $3.50 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver Oil --. 4 oz. 67c - 16 oz. $1.69 Vi-Magna Tabs. $2.95-$5.00 Low Prices Blondex Shampoo ---- 23e Parowax - Lactogen.- 100 A.S.A. Tabs. -c------- 11 69c-$1.59 Corega Powder 23c-39c-69c Certo -------.--------- 23e | - FILMS DEVE PhoneG 695 Phone or Write Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 Roofing Eavestroughing1 Have your heating system checked, cleaned and repair- ed before winter. Sougog St. - Bowmanville Phones: Bus, 2842 Res. 2674 TUBE Vitalis -- ---. - .- 54c-99c Krem - ----- - 59c-98 Fitch Hair Oil -------- 15c-25c Vitof Shampoo 25c-49c-98c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo --_----- 25c-49c . Drene Shampoo 39c-67c-1.10 Vaseline Hair Tonic 50c-85c M For Hay Fever " Lantigen E -_ _------- ...- $6.00 Allergitabs -.....-. $1.00-$2.50 Estivin Drops -.--------- $1.23 Razmah Capsre50c-$1.-$5. Vick s Vatronol ------ -43 Taylor's Bath Soap 2 for 25c Velvetta Bath Salts ..-- 69e Sea Pine Bath Salts.....- - -- .. 25 c- 9c Bath Charm ------.$1.25 P Clifton Bath Crystals 89cM ELOPED FREE - a We Fit LantigenETruse t/s 194E TREASYRER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Township of Darlington County of Durham To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Darlington under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 4th day of May, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township"ôf Darlington, will be held at my office at the hour of Ten O'clock in the fore- noon on the 5th day of November, 1946, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is he*y given that the list of lands o,, sale for arrears of taxes was pub., lished in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of August 1946, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 6th day of August, 1946. J. D. HOGARTH, 32-13 Treasurer 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ,rwirmortàýv cimrpr inii. -rnà,& S 1Bus. 2842 Res. 26741 -19ce Castile Soap - -- bar 15ce

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