THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO oeu euu MU UUZ M=U ** *** ** and a lot of men without a job ten ____________________________________________and then the union cannot do a a ni SOCIAL AND PERSONAL As far as the Company goes I S: Phone 663think-the men had fair play but.C Phoe 68-- it may not be the same if and reac OUT TAN IN VA UES 11 when they go baipk. So I thinkag 01__ there are enough meninteag Mrs. F. Cator, Salem, visited ter bottie from a famous spring Goodyear Co. to tell Mr. Allison thoi with her sister, Mrs. Parnal, New- near Guildford, Surrey, Englafld, that we want to go back to work Wri castie. the home of the Hilderly's. True or give the men their rights by exp F ine Fail F ab rics r.WJ.HthnoTot, to an old English custom Mrs. letting themn have a secret ballot. thir Mrs W.J.Huthison TronoHilderly made a pot of tea o! It is 12 weeks since the strike upi is the guest of Mrs. M. J. Hutch- the much travelled water f0 cel- began and we are no nearer a wrc ifl5of. ebrate the occasion when the hap- settiement than on June 24th. Gre Our buyers scoured the mils ail Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray, Osh- py couple drank to the health of Cold weather is coming on and a - summerand have rounded up awa, were guests of her mother, the citizens of their native town. lot of members with no fuel. Two smmrMrs. W. J. S. Rundle. Mrs. Hilderly said it rechired less dollars per week per adult and for your fail sewing a collection Mr. -and Mrs Earl Pickard, sugar than usual and she did not one dollar per child and six dol- of the best quality fabrics. in Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting their thew whether to attribute this to lars for rent won't keep anyone the newest, Most flattering cousin, Mr. A. W. Pickard. th quality of the water or the in- for long. auuncolors. Ms entoal mu nis I tiiink the Company wiil keep autumfl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rs F. A. Haddy, Lena and "Brisk Tasting Lipton's Tea" us- terwr hnte a fw Agnes, Toronto, were Sunday ed. go back at 8c they will make up guess wth Ms. arryFoser.whatever the pattern is. Why can't gust .C Ms.Har Fstr .i.~ ,' Fiured ayonMr. and Mrs. Raiph Douglas u ,u we go back or are we going to fr1 $129 and sons, Miss Mary Mutton, To- VeIYII see our families go hungry and Crepe. Per yd.- ------ ronto, visited their parents, Mr. cl utbcueoeo w r qand M rs. Neil Mutton. Sunday Schooi Rally Day Ser- trying to keep us out. So if IS Up Miss Prudence Mclntosh,' o! the vice was well attended and was to the members to get together Enniskilien teaching staff. spent cmie ihhuhsrvice s0 and ask for a showdown because the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Oke delivered a fine address accordîng f0 the paper there have J. Baird. f0 the young people. Mr. Carrol been quite a few errors made. As ....A...ethe..ivsio..., ha Nichoîls also gave a splendid to 400 being af the iast meeting, I a peach tree too. He picked one story especially for the younger think there was oniy between 200 IVoo Jesey 54 is.Ç~j liast week measuring fine and a shlr.(ind WolJesy 5 n .U quarter inches girth. Mr. Roy Nicholis, Anita and (ind w'e.Fe d$dséilia 4a9ii Neal, motored to Toronto Sunday Citizen of Bowmanville. Torotospet te weked w t f join Mrs. Nicholis who had been __________ Wila a-visiting friends. Mrs. Nicholis J hr bothr, r.returned home with them. Rotary Club fnard.Mran r.J KezeUt - ~~~~Miss Kay O'Neill, Canadian M.adMs .MKniU ____ Press News, Toronto, spent thetesnatM.nd r.C.Bih (Continued from Page One) Mr. James Snell, Peterboro, atatrbethfkpthSavio wend s.J Oithhrpretl.tos hrisSAî Army perpetualiy vital, vigorous, Mrs. Stan Kitchen, Wayeadhsmte',Ms forward seeking, eternally help- Checked Wool Randy, shawa, were Sunday vis- Mrs. H. Couchman, Rochester, fui. 54jl~ 34 itr ith her parents, Mr. and at Mr. and Mrs. C ak' wid.1Fr14 Mrs. William Maynard. Mrs. L. Dunbar, Toronto, at her Mrs. Harry Hosback-(nee-Lei- home in Port Britain. The speaker quofed General Mrs. HaMr. and Mrs. A. LThorndyke and Marshall: "There is no short cut Gale) and twin daughters, Alice Cao n r Vco hrdyke f0 a better world." Character is and Jean, Detroit, Mich., spent Cithrl atives. ictolr To the quotient now recognized as Wednesday with Mrs. T. S . Hol- Mrs. W. O'Neill, Port Hope, at the query has changed from gate. her sister's, Mrs. William Payne. "What does he know?" and "What On dispiay at Harry Ailin's Several from here attended the does he do?" to "What is he?" brocery this week was a 60 lb. anniversary services at Zion on Mrs. Astor's version that crime is kwHubbard squash grown by Ai!. Sunday. the resuit o! poverty is now beîng Shrubb. If shouid have gone f0 Miss Leona Beighton, Hamilton, viewed in reverse and the Red *4m Om rono Fair. with Mr. and Mrs. C.-Beighton.' Shield organization is dealing with Cpl.Carl Tuple Cp. Mael uthPayn viite Mis Stllathe effects o! poverty across the Cpi.ksCarongTurpie, Ci abelon Ru a n e isite Mis Stilaglobe in every strafa o! society, Baroksr, Log ranchManDneravie iib k taking preventive measures by Parker, Muechant Mr.arn, wre reviving iost hope and restoring weeen gu.t o!MroanoMs. the wayward, serving negiected A. G Broks j±nnskiefl youfh. Mrs.J. . Fett as etuned ______There is no saint without a past, home after spending the summer monhswih hr on Alx nd W. M.S. and W.A. met at the no sinner without a future, was a wife at (Flett's Cabins) Cameron church Sept. l4th with 10 present. bit of phiiosophy expressed. Quot- iLake, Fenelon Falls. Worship was opened by Mrs. J. ing from the Lincoln-Douglas de- A. Werry reading a poem; reading bates, Col. Layman referred fo Mr n r.R .Bagadby Mrs. H. MeGîll; prayer on Douglas' assertion, "I am nof in- IlMr. and Mrs. M. J. Eiiiott have Canada by Mrs. E. Trewin. In- feresfed in slavery" and Lincoin's ilreturned frorn a deiightful fhree troduction of Study Bo004 on teiiing reforf: "Sorry you have weeks' trip Vancouiver, Vic- "India" a weîî given by Mrs. neyer feit, even vicariously, tfhe Wool Herringbole traadteParePoics Seymour. Margaret Seymour sang impact o! the iash on any other Suitng, 4 in. wie $Misses Freda and Isabel Carru- an Indian song. Mrs. L. Ashton back." The admonition has ifs Peruiti --------------3379. thers, Vancouver, B.C., Miss Velh reported on the Leaders' Training parailel now in seeking through y1hma Johnston, Detroit, Mich., Miss School at Whitby. generously given funds f0 correct Eleanor Johnston, Toronto, Messrs Dr. R. S. Broad, Edmonton, Mr. inequalities o! our sociefy. Alan and Clayton Johnston, Lis n Ms .Romn indsay, Quoting the oid nursery rhyme, il>towei, were guests of Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Little Jack Horner, the speaker Mrs. J. H. Johnstol. tre u Mrs. T. . A Siemon visited her broughf ouf the points connoted: Town basebal astr u cousin, Mrs. J. Tyers, Toronto, Selfishness, complacency, iii man- Wool Coating, Per y. de $3-4 in great numbers fa accompany and attended the trousseau tea ners, egotism, concern for self, 'Peryd ----------------Royals Intermediafe Team f0 and wedding o! her niece, Miss aloof in personai pleasure, forgef- àToronto, Wednesday where they Lorna Sanders. fui o! the care and inferests o! played Oakvilie in the final Mr. T. M. Siemon and John others. This philosophy, o! ne- game. Besides many private cars were at the airport at Malton on gation leads to wars, deepens hu- Sa bus was chartered fromi Garton Sunday for the send off o! Mr. man miseries. If we cannof give Jm Coach Lînes to carry the crowd. and Mrs. L. L. Currie (nee Lorna effecf f0 the oid philosophy writ- 9 & 4ý" #fMéen 1ýAOuf o! town guests aftending the Sanders) who were ieaving for Lodge-Smale wedding on Satur- Halifax. day included Mrs. Lodge, Almon- Mrs. Mary Griffin visited Mrs. _________ Phone 451. THE MODERN STORE Bowmaflvinel te, Miss L. M. Smale, Newcastle, Freda Hill also Mrs. Talmage Miss Ida W. Peebies, Coiborne, Henry, Janetville, and atfended Miss Olwen Davies, Morrisburg, Lindsay Fair. Miss Betty Bodley, Hamilton, Mrs. Mn. Alvin Page, Hamilton, Miss Frank Whitely, Coe Hill, Mr. and Lorraine Page, Toronto, with Mrs. Mrs. Ross Aluin, Toronto, Mr. and Etf a Page. Mrs. Alian Balson, Judith and Mr. and Mrs. D. Carr and Car- Peter, Cataraqui. olyn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm M.adMrs. Geo. A. McMurtry, and Ciem with Mr. Cecil Rahm. r. Toas pnth weknd Several fromn here attended the ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ~ inSt Tomas, sentteaeknddictvs- Lindsay Fair and report an enar- ingBoeave anddsrct v f is-mous crowd. yoinurthi is athe scensofi Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. LOWEST well-beir Durham. Mr. McMurtry will GodnRUCoEheSria o healthy1 Alpha Photograph Studio onjith coeainls byby.PIE soontithetoeaian classthe Ross and Ivan Sharp at Mr. ----- store and btv it's hdc0obeieveswthhedHoward Bradley's, Oshawa. 40 King St. East Bowmanville, Ontario Haive life the couesf0 led Mr. Ralph Virtue, Miss Evelyn He isohols te rcor o!be-Virtue at Buffalo and Niagara fo thînk for themselves. If we /1/~iî ?el~ .~P//,~~ wai t.uh longer for Mn. Allison Def lol to get us back f0 work we mnay-atels C! Company loses ifs expont orders, . - whîch I think is happening, there Wishes to An ounceis going 0 be a shortage o work -i-- Betweeil mais - The OPENING0 of Rer S.JOHN'S ANGLICAN VIT ~ s ST. CHURCH5899 EW B1 teauty USalon Sept. 2Tnd i1 4th Sunday affer $4 10 KIN ST.EAST8 a.m.-Holy Communion il a.m.-Morning Prayer -ON - Subject: "The Secret To js t~ Nurerys 2 years and over MIUNnAY SEPTu 23rd 2.30 pm-udySho ea êVB~UUWU3.00 p.m.-Bible Class ,y Jack McNulty, speakervi Phone 852 for Appointmiefts - 7 p.m.-EvensongU Subject: "The Church at Ail Branches of Beauty Culture: Satan'ELSTCapTAl"RNACLE 21 CurlPermnent. nday 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednea' 8 p.m.-Prayer 'PTTTi AV 5ZPI1' 10+1,1946 TART BUILDING RESISTAN( WINTER DISEP Vitamin products fortify your bo Ig. Children especiall3' need vitam bones and teeth. We list many provq id select one without delay. >1.40 p.00 PAGE SEVEN in The Book in our hope for fure of a humble cot ew wonld we shaîl not have waiting for the footstE rnew world. Man of Sorrows, emplo inspiration terval in helping other ýol Tayanconcluded wt a ward was one open fo « ol. Lymanwith o! giving, o! helping. iding dedicated ta the ladies; lift up aur heant s and1 ,em from Edwin Markham, au- Ji Dettxpse )r o! The Man With the Hoe. o! thanks in terms tha itten when he was past 80, he wifh the applause that ressed himself as done wýith Business included fina h9gs o! the pasf, turned with ments for the Rotary cý lift to the years ahead and a short report from fe a masterpiece, How the Heyland on the visit f0 eat Guest Came. If was a »ic- tary's Charter Night. ,, E ÀjEfÀdÀ£ ZÀRY61,ÀrS7W IIAv v v v' Ni0 O ILLETTE TECH RAZO Rcomple CE AGAINST wt 5 maflctles 6illett ASES heBae ody and increase your generalI ains now for the building o .~w w en products below. Visit our Ail MtaI ~ Neo-Chemical Food 1. 15 - 2.45 - 4.45 Alphamettes, Ayerst- $1--$3-50 - $15. Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 - 67c - $1.69 Neo-Chemical Food Caps. 1.25-2.254$5. Idamalt, Malt & C.L.O. - 59c-98c-$l.69 Abdol Caps., improved $2. - 3.45 - 7.59 mUarn~ ..-- -u..eMsuI*IawnI. 12-oz. - - '$2.00 Keple's Mat an Cod Liver 011 75é-1.25 Vitadiet Capsules NorplexN Complex Vitavax Idaphos 1I Idafer To -$1.15-$2.70 VitaminB Tabs. $1.-l.75 --$2.50-$7. 16-oz. -$1.00 >nidc -$1.25 Mead's Viosterol ----- 65c-$3.25 MACLEANSI LARGEST SELNGTOOT1U~ PASTE SU OREAT Wyth's Vitules------------------ $5.00 Mea.d's Oleum Percomorphim --------- 75c-$3.00 MINIMUM PRICES TIRED FEET p Bayerf Aspirin - 18e-29c-79c S Alka-Seltzer 29c-57c Vick's Vapo-Rub - 43e ciorv Frosst's j 217's - 35c-75c-$1.50 Beecham's Puis 23-49 Anacin -7 Tablets 25-49-7-1.19 Grove's Cold Tablets --24c-44c Chase's Nerve Food - - - 60c-$1.50 GinFuis --39c-69e PRISCRIPTUONS A SPECIALT ALEX McORE I OUR E79S - WEC DELIVEA >bler, who SATURDAY AT 3.30 P.M.L tps of the JUNIORS PLAY W'HITBY )yed the in- The deciding game of the Junior rs. Hlis re- League Baseball playdowns will ail, the jO3Y be held on Saturday afternoofl So let us at 3.30 at the High School be- give. tween Whitby and Bowmanville. ýd the vote This game has no standing on .t, accorded Bowmaflville'S future. The locals it followed. will meet the winners of the al arrange- Stouffville - Newraarkét playoffs anvass and as soon as they decide a winner. President If Newmarket wins, the game Barrie Ro- which Bowmanville played and won against them will count. -4qw WA a m DRUM PHONE m ý liuî - SECORD CAMES