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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1946, p. 11

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- --. ..~tA W ln AMVT.LEONTBIOPAGE ELIVEN THURSDAY, OCT. 3rd, 1946 The Orono News Mr. P. F. Chapman has pur- field day on Friday afternoon. chased the property of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Winter Mrs. Alfred Chapman on MiU St. and f amily have moved into their Mrs. Bruce Mercer arrlved last new house on Church St. S. week from England and is with The Metailic Arts opened again "liher husband at the home of Mr. on Monday alter being closed for %and Mrs. H. M. Mercer. several weeks. Many local men Mrs. Philllps and daughter who and women are glad of the steady have been living in their new employment of this important in- hoE, purchased from Miss C. Mc- dustry. ay e t for their former home Mrs. Rena Pears is acting as ? exas. cashier in Orono's new groceteria ~~M. Dane Found returned on in the Corner Store. qWednesday evening alter attend- Executive of- Orono Amateur St ing a sales convention at Buck- Athletic Association discussed the horn. playing of badminton in Orono Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and family this fall and winter and appoint- have moved from Mr. F. Trull's ed the following badminton com- house on Church St. S., to Bow- mittee; O. W. Rolph, A. E. West manville. and Carmen Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph at- The third dance of Orono Hock- tended Bobcaygeon Fair where ey Club was held at Cedar Pavil- Mrs. Rolph was judging in the ion on Friday evening with Bud women's exhibits. Hill and his Lawrence Park Dip- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keat, Chat- lomats supplying the music. ham, and Mrs. E. Keat, Toronto, Messrs. Grant Savage and Dor visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rich- Harlow who have been assisting ards. at Dr. W. W. Sherwin's for the Young People's Union of Park summer months have returned to St. church started their weekly Ontario Agricultural College. meetings on Monday evening. Mrs. Ida Lang, Dr. Ross Lang The weather man was kind to and Misses Anna and AlfredE the pupils of Orono Continuation Lundberg, Chicago, have' beer School who held their annual visiting Mrs. Ila Noden and othei 0D1EVELOPINS IE L R E E T Have your best summer pictures enlarged for your Photo Album. Special Discount WB WILL GIVE A SPIECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 12 OR OR MORE ENLARGEM.ENTS. -Out of Town Work Returfled in 24 Houri - Prompt and Satisfactory Work Guaranteed. Alpha StudioO6I ABOUT THE NEW PRICE 0F MILK 0 The new price increases announced by Onder No 46-9 of the Ontario Milk Control Board, effective Octobei lst, 1946, weme bought about due ta the followini cireumstances: 1. Cancellation- of the Federal Subsidy of ap proximately 11/2c a quart ta producers. 2. Approval by the Ontario MiIk Contrai Boar of an additional 11½c a quart ta provide fo increased costs, mainly farm production. This increase in the retail pnice of milk ta the consumer applies in ali markets throughout Ontario, ta all kinds of milk including special'milk, èhocolate milk, buttemmilk, etc. Increoses for the variaus units of niflk will bé at the rate of 3 cents per quart. Oream prices have been increaaed at the rate of approximately 3 cents per hall pint. Milk Tickets purchased at the price ti effect prior to October lit will have a. value 3 cents leas per quart than the October lat price; cream tickets will have a value 3 cents less per hall pint. This means that it will be necessa.ry for con- sumers using old tickets ta pay an additional amount ini cash along with each ticket, li order ta bring the pay- ment Up ta the new prices in effect un October lit. T% E - NA ANbÂfLwÂm-cmi. -- ViA .EONAI THE CANDIANonTTypool relatives. een McKenna. Lake Shore, ClarkeP n p o Mrs. Helen. Hall, Calgary, and Basebali target-Si'., Pauline Mrs. Maggie Woodley, Santa Mo- Roýbbings; Helen Wood, Joyce Ten-____- nica, Cal., have been visiting Mr. nant. Int., Kay Garrisby, Arlene In competitiori with 21 entries Congratulations of the corn- fIV'.U IlI and Mrs. R. G. Hooper. Boyd, Betty Boumne. Jr., Jean of Yorkshire gilts at Port Hope munity are extended to the for- O5BBT R Several friends gathered at the Wilson, June Cooper, Maureefi Fair, East and West Durham Boys' mer Claudia Badluck on her rpar-WMN1L - OE58 home of Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on McKerina. Swine Club Achievement Day, niage to Morris Glls of Ida, in BMAVLE -PRN Monday evening of last week to Basketball throw -Sm., Helen Ross Adams won third prize and Pontypool United Church, Sep- TP NETRANIN celebrate hem birthday. Wood, Pauline Robbins, Patii lcMri orh tember 26th. A large number of relatives Page. Int.,- Audrey Cochranie, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow and W.A. of McCrea's Church was from Orono and vicinity attended Jean Rainey, Kay Gamsby. Jr., boys, Newcastle, Mr. T. McNeil, entertained at the home of Mrs. Thursday - Friday Saturday - Oct. SOu the 25th Wedding Annivemsary of Grace Mercer, Joyce Suttofi, Joan Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Wm. Miller on September 26th. 3-4 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormistori, Cooper. don Martin. McCrea's Church autumn an- Hi obe 3 - Enniskillell. 100 yard dash-Pauline Rob- Jean Holmes and Miss Muriel nivemsary service was- held on ANN GEORGE ueauuiu TheLoalTepeane egonbisJoceConihUeenWod.Hunter, Toronto, with Mr. and Sunday. Special preacher was SOUTHERN MURPHY sarn held its first meeting of the year 75 yard dash-Kay Gamsby, Mrs. W. Holmes. Rev. A. E. Cesswell of Tyrone. in Park St.. Church, school oom, Audrey Cochrane, Jean Rainey. M ATANA onMonday aftemnoon. There weme 50 yard dash-Shirley Flintoif, r. and Mms. F. Adsett, Toron- Mrs. Hatwell Lowry and James wvs Ail New . 43o of Kirby assisted in service of w il O'RISCOLL BEERY, J&. Cortiish pesided for the progmàmn. Bicycle riaces--Sm.,,Helen Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goode, Or- song. Duing the ervice ouMrishtLuhRo! U I lit Mr.W. H. Rowe, superintendent, Joyce Comnish, Patricia Page. Int., ono, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack DonE ainhe andofetty-LndMr-.M) IE assisted by Miss Edith Sherwin, Helen Lewis, Lorraine MacDon- Holmes. Leonard Alldmead (nee Doris JJ G ERD RDE amsb. J., Sirly MaterBobb Homes ithhisand LITTLE BEAVER semved chocolate milk and raisin ald, Kay Gab. JrSily MseBbyHomswths Moffat), and Helen Arlene, daugh- 11 p G E bread. Flintoif, Wanda Malley, Maý7' 'en gandmother, Mrs. W. Clemence, ter of Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown i Mrs Mooney, Niagara Falls, vis- McKenila. Shaw's. I ited Mm. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren Slow bicycle race -Shiriey Mrs. C. W. Baker, Montreal, (nee Mildred Cochrane) were Vi ia te over teweed Flintoif, Joyce Sutton, Wanda Mms. H. A. Rowland, Mrs. Leslie bautumn ler aoretfont - - VofA«I IE 'l Mrs. Thomas Sornerville and Malley. Fallis, Miss. Kathryn Fallis and ouuflwr dne the churclsh.ian eso Miss Mary Somerville were in Boys' Events friend, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. o h hrh Toronto Saturday attending the High jump-Sr., Mont Richard- H. Rowland. Manvers Chuch Anniversary eMit f o i s n sn o m Ian i , s n, Denor W est, DRaym o d . e vcLunno h ld S p e nb rM rc f T i eD d Miss gof nthennfo M.'s nIsn, DJunio West, Rydk nn 29th with Rev. W. E. Rowland of Cartoon Short Cartoon in Color Winslow. Henry Leamen. Jr., Raye West, Peterborough as speaker. Beth- Mm. A. A . Somerville of Tom- Ross Patton, Everett Wood. tr vleaycorsitdinhemi. 9onto is progressing satisfactorily Pole vault-Sr., Junior West, Mr. Earl Legget, C.P.R. agent, Mon. » Tues. - Wed.- Oct. 7 - 8 - 9 e after his recent operatiofi at St. Dick Wood, Mervyn Harness. Int., Missps H. Dechart and H. Hal- is holidaying in Toronto and oth- o Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Dean West, Brian O'Boyle, Ron- lowell were in Toronto. er points. Visitors:alPae JrRy WstRos MsChsRedad isH- Mrs. Harmy Richardson and Wil- 9 Mm. Russell Vanhorne, Whitby, Patton, George Jones. zel Reid, TorontoitMssNm frdviedhmanat ironMe ba with rs. Fed Tablyn.Standing broad jump-Sr., Mont ma Hallowell and also called on Mr.RbtGey istdhmados Miss Elmima Alton, Lucknow, Richardson, Junior West, Mry e rteM.RcadHlo daughter Mms. William Malley, Sadtu winhhe a nd Mrs.WWReid. Lamne nt,aynWeLunnHeJr., M.FakHys n agtm Newcastle, last week. <5eaUY Jr. Mr.Fra k a.s a d d uDean > Miss Aud rey Billings, Toronto, Ross Patton, Everett Wood, Raye Toronto, visited at Mms. Jake Mavrtecrsmeinwa flJ4À !ff&Ii wihM.adMs alBlig.West. Hallowell's. Mrs. Howse return- held at the school Friday after - W MadeUL....... ." ~ Mise Kt ad gesWa- Running bmoad jump, Sr.-Jun-'dwt hm on Public Health Nurse, Miss R aer~jay deil in Toronto. ior West, Mont Richardson, Dick A good congregation attended Burmna Morlock of Blackstock, ad-O"<~ 'i Miss June Goode, Toronto, with Wood. Int., Dean West, Raymonld Shîloh on Sunday at which Miss dessed the meeting. She stressed O O itbet isù :, Mm. and Mrs. Harold Goode. Lunn, Keith Fee. Jr., Raye West, Mary Lou Dobson and Miss Mary the value of daily health inspec- On'TO Mr. . odn n ornt. Ross Patton, George, Jones. Halowell sang a duet. tion by the teachers. Inspector T. 1Mrs Eliza Storey with hem ne- Discus throw-Sr., Junior West, Mr. O. Formester and. bride, of R. MeEwen, welcomned the newAdiEnetnfet FO LAENW phew,MmRoetodsnTy- ot Richardson, Dick Wood. Westport, called on his aunt, Mrs. teachers of the township and gave dlEnetimt one. n Int., Dean West, Bill Moff at, Bill A . Dobson. 0 a helpful talk. Officers for the CARTOON IN COLORFO AENW Mm.1 ad Mrs. Smith, Niagara Found. Jr., Ross Patton, Everett Mm. Clarence Farow, Tomont, comiflg yeam are: President, Miss Fa ls, with Mms. Fred Tamblyn. Wood, Raye West. visited his mother, Mms. R. Far- Rowan; vice-president, Mm. Camp- Ms.Piott Banfod, Shot put-Sm., Mont Richard- ow. bell; secmetary, Mm. McCaw. with Mm. and Mrs. Mac Carleton. son, Junior West, Howard Coat-- ham. Int., Dean West, Henry Leamen, Keith Fee. Jr., Evemett WEDDING Wood, Ross Patton, Raye West. Tennnt-MddleOfl125 yard dash-Morlt Richard- Tennnt-iddltonson, Mervyn Harness, Junior On Saturday afternoon, Sept. West. 21st at the parsonage, Oono, En- 100 yard dash-Dean West, A. id rraneyouges daghtr o Moffat, Henry Leamen. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Middleton was 75Patton h-ýa Ws, RossTalr united in marriage to Bruce Rex- PtoRs alr ford, son of Mm. and Mms. Arthur Bicycle races-Sm., Junior West, Tennant of Leskard, Rev. S. Lit- Howard Coatham, Orville Chat- tlwodof iitig.Te rieterton. Int., Henry Leamen, Mor- leood loffliati ithe ridenley Tennant,' Dean West. Jr., 1T h1e iM i ru.ster. of i ac chonkedlovely nga h rswite ao Ross Patton, George Jones, Ray white embroidered fingemtip veil. HafMieestMe.ynHn Hem sister, Eunice, as bridesmaid, Hl-ierc-evnHr looked lovely in Pink rayon chif- ness, Mont Richardson1, Dean West. fonwit vel t mach.Thegrorn Slow bicycle race-Ross Pat- was attended by his brother, toHoadWod ilflnd no u ne Glenn Tennant. Following a wed- Relay race was won by the din superat the bide's home, Whites. This was the concluding ding spp pe lf orat event of the day and was the clos- ta Niagara Falls, N.Y., and on etadbs ea aerni h their retumn will reside in Omono. last four yeams. SCHOOL FIELD DAY - Our church annivemsamy services Favomed by perfect weathen weme well attended. Rev. W. Omono Continuation School Field Pattersol, 'Newcastle, favomed us. Day was held Fiday afternoan. with two fine sermoéns. We con- sl All the events were closely con- gratulate aur choir which includ- tested and the day finished with ed a number of junior members, FOR PEACETIM E SUA~INGS the following winnems: Senior for their fine music. girls, Pauline Roberts; Intemmed- Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Flett, iate girls, Kay Gamsby; Junior Fenelon Falls, at hem father's, Mm. girls, Shirley Flintoif; Senior boys, Victor Thamndyke. Junior West; ntermedîate boys, Mr. and Mms. Robert Hill with Dea Wst;JuiorbosRoss Pat- Mr. aèMrs. . Barrowclough.- ton. Mm. and Mrs. Sidney Làncaster The student body was divided at hem mnother's, Mrs. William Ni- Canadians are thri.fty people. Their The general public should note that this into two teams, the Whites led by cholîs. record in war flnancing wiil stand for time there will be fewer saiesmen than ini Joyce Tennant and Junior West, Mr. George Martin with Mm. and the Blues led by Betty and Mms. William Mason. mn er ocre h aeo itr od. Atog h Boumne and Orville Chatterton. M. and Ms. Robert Jarvie and ay erstco .thcsefVioyBnd.A hugte At the end of the day the Whites soMpeGoewt r.n new Canada Savings Bonds wfll be sold weme declamed winnems with 253 Msn, ilMaPGave.ihMm n Through six, millions saved and in'- truh bns uhrzd ivs n points, as against 218 won by the truh bns uhrzd ivsmn Blues. Winners weme as follows: Mrs. Stanley Milîs and niece, vested i Victory Bonds and War Savings Tug-of-wam, won by Whites. Miss Winona Snell, Port Hope, y dealers, stock brokers and trust or loan Girls' Events with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Barrow- Certificates in a way no one thoiight posai- copnetsegece wlntbeae igh jPticia Pau inoceRab- Mrs. John Paeden, Newtonville, ble. Many thousands learned the con- toapoc0vr ndvda aain bnsn. , ArPae, ocaeTen- with hem son, Mm. Herbert Paed- vnec frglr ytmtC svn, Thi a ns tahat fr the most pCai wil asbHelen Lewis. Jr., Shir- ongratulations ta Mm. Carmoîlc sving leyFlntofJue Copr, rae icîls wo as tmardaonla-lhthrin'smail monthly amounts or by Theslet anaas t oassme the otp respon- Mercr. trda ta iss uneShieds o lager ash nvetmen. Asa rsu1tthey sib L - fr her wnpuases o a- h-pnada or I Paune Rbbis,Joye ennant., PntuliJeanRaine, orraiene ac- DnJaldRth EyLorreShir- ley Flintoif, Grace Mercer, Maur- i 0813AWA Free ParkiuK FRIDAY - SATURDAT October 4 - 5 'jTarzan and The Leopard Womau" Starrint .lohnfly WelssmuIICr - Brenda Joyce - Jobnny Sheffield mONDAY - TUESDAY October 7 - 8 'AÀ Yank iLondon' witt WEDNES. to 5ATURDAY October 9 - 10 - i1 - 12 IN 1946 TECHNICOLOR "The- Virguliai" Starrint i b.i McCres - BriaDonIevY Sonney Toits - Barbara BrittonL I 0 ONTARIO MILK DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION IN CO-GPrÂLTION WITH YOUR DAIRY Newtonville Miss Olive Johnston, Peterboro, with Wiibert Hancock's. Mrs. Chas. Morris visited Miss Rose Capel, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Daynard motored to Kitchener to visit their son Garfield and family. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Hazel, To- ronto, with her daughter, Mrs. Wilfrid Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris and Mrs. Geo. Mecullough motored to Mount Albert to visit Mrs. Morris' sister, Miss Edna Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley with friends in Buffalo. Miss Jean Milligan, Peterboro, at home. .Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen, Peterboro, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster attended Wesleyville anniversary on Sunday. W.A. met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Kim- baîl. President Mrs. J. T. Pearce had charge of the business period. Plans were laid for the bazaar. Lunch was served by the hostess. The pastor preached his fourth and last sermon in the series on St. Paulzs prayer for the Church at Ephesus. Next Sunday the World's Communion service will be observed. As we understand it, this lis not the table of the Un- ited Church but the Lord's Table. Whether you are a member of another denomiflation or a mnem- Lber «f any church ail are welcome Sunday evening at 7 pan. Let us Iras a commuflity meet there. ings Bond has been created. The issue of War Savings Certificates and Sta.mps to the general public will be dis- continued on September 3th, and final instalments on the last Victory Bond issue will have been completed in' the near future. Canada Savings Bonds, therefore, will provide an opportune means for citizens to carry on their regular savings habits without interruption. vestment for personal savings. I now amlounce the ternis of the new Canada Savings Bonds, which will b. offered commencing October l5th. MINistit ceF 40»CU t Features of the new Cnaa M4?9 Bnd Inet2%% by annual coupo. Purchase price coupo. Accrued interet Swlib. charged if puy- ment la mode after Nov- - denomlnations of $50, ie$100, $500, and $1000. .oturlng la ton years. mont- callable by the Govrn.ent, but redeemable by the own.r at any liome atIful face value Plus linterest t Icouponrate GI amy branch la Canaoa of anY chartered bonk. Nan-frane- ferable and non-asgnoble. ç k i Reglstered as f0 prin- cipal, providina pro- tection against la". Avallable for cash, on the Monthly Savings Plan or bY Peronl arrangement with a bank. I e a m m Phom 1011 1

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