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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1946, p. 6

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____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___TEECANADLAÈ STATEMAN. IBOWMANVILLE& ONTAIO BIRTH ASHTON-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Eddy Ai- bert, a brother for Bradley, on October 1, 1946, at Strathcona Hospitai Private Patients Pavil- lon, Toronto. 40-1 BEACOCK-Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beacoç£k, Nestleton, (fiee Mar- gueriff Adams) ennounce the birth of their son at Port Perry Hospital, September 21, 1946. BECKETT - Floyd and Elsie Beckett are happy to announce the birth, of their son Donald Wayne, et Bawmenvilie Hospital, on Sunday, September 22, 1946." A little brother for Garry.' 40-1 BEGLEY-To Mr. and Mrs. E. W. (Bill) Begiey in Bowmanviile Hospital on Friday, Sept. 27, 1946, a daughter, Carole Diane, a sister for Arleen and Bruce. 40-1* BENThEY-To Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Bentley (nee Edith Lillian Lyle) a baby boy et Bow- manville Hospitel, September 26, 1946. 40-1* BROOME-Mn. and Mrs. Norman Broome (nec Reta Burgess) arc happy ta announce the 'bîrth of their son, Jeckey Norman, et Bowmenville Hospital, September 29, 1946.. 40-1* MUTTON-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mutton wish to announce the birth of their daugh.ter, Bonnie Caroline at Bowmanville Hospital, Satur- day, September 28, 1946. 40-1 * WESTLAKE-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Joan Arlene. 40-1 DEATH BURROWS - At his home in Hampton on Sept. 30th, 1946, Charles Henry Burrows, in hîs 76th year. WRIGHT-Suddenly at East Or- ange, N.J., on Sept. 28, 1946, Rev. C. Melville Wright, husband of Agnes Pearl Osborne, formerlyj of Shaw's, Darlington township, father of Dr. Kenneth O. Wright, Victoria, B.C., and Margaret- L. Wright, East Orange. Interment at Madac, Ont. EXPERIENCED HROUSEKEEPER For Toronto To take charge 'of 5-roomed duplex for business woman. Good salary and excellent working conditions. An un- usual aPportunity for woman wishing a permanent position ln a quiet one-aduit -home, centially located ini desfrable residential district. Conmort- able living quarters will bc provlded. Reply by letter stating ege and expetience, together with references from lest position. Box 766, Bowmanvllle States- man. Interviews will be ar- ranged through Bowmanville resident. MARRIAGE SIMS-HON.ýEY - On Saturdî Sept. 28, 1946, in Newcastle U ited Church, by Rev. W. W. Fý terson, Edith Ruth, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Honey, Clarence -Newton Sims, s on Mr. Wm. Sims and the late i Sims, Fenelon Falls, ont. 40- Cards of Thanks The famiiy of the late M~ Chapman Wish to express thg heartfelt thanks and appreciati for the many acts of kindness friends and neighbors during h long illness, and for the floral t: butes and cards of sympathy the time of her passing. 4C I wish to express my since thanks and appreciation to n many friends and relatives f their kindness, cheery cards ai lette s, fruit and flowers sent me iuring my illness. -Mrs. Henry Ashton. 40 IN MEMORIAM BROOKS-In memory of P.4 Glenn W. Brooks who was kili( two years ago on October 6, 194 "His smiling way and pleasan face, Are a pleasure to recaîl; He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by ail. Some day we hope to meet hir Some day we know flot when, To clasp his hand in the bette: land, Neyer to part again."1 -Ever remembered by Wife Dora. 40- BROOKS-In lovinig memoryc aur dear son and brother, Pilc Officer Glenn Wesley Brookà, offi ciaily presumed dead, followin operetions over Dortmund, Ger many, October 7th, 1944. "Glenn is gone but nat forgotter And as dawns enother year, In aur lonely hours of thinking Thaughts of bim are elweys neet Deys of sadness will came o 'er ut Friends may think the wound' i heeled, But thcy little know the sorrov That lies within aur hearts con ceiled." -Sedly missed by Mam, Ded, Gwendolyn and Grant. 40-' MANNING-In loving memory o: my dear mother, Mrs. Harr: jManning, who passed away ir IOshawa, October 2, 1943. "Loving and kînd in ail her ways Upright and just to the end of he: days; Sincere and true; in her heart and mmnd, Beautiful memories she left be- hind." -Lovingly remembered by her daughter, Jean Luxton. 40-V* Radio Service THE RADIO SHOP, Bowman- ville, offers honest charges, latesi type equipment and trained per- sonnel. Our two radio techni- cians'both hold Government Cer- tificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 33-tf Trucking SCREENED sand, gravel, loam, fili, cinders, manure. We have it, you name it. We will deliver it, H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2255. 33-tf OIL DURNING RANGES 1 See the New OIL eURNING RANGES now on display. The latest word in fast, easy, safe, economical cooking. Just Arrived the new Case Hfam.merniill . . . DeLaval Sterling and Magnetic MlIkers ... Three Models of Cream Separators Beatty Brosr. Zlectric Grain Grinders W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Flrestone Tires 'DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beattk Bros. Stable Equlpment el King St. W. Phone 497 COMINO EVIÉNTS Articles For Sale ay,' Dance et Tyrone Hall, Friday, JACKET heater. Phone 746 Bow- Un- October 4, Ruth Wilson and her manville. 40-1 'at- 6-piece variety band. 40-1*CHV LE trc,13.N of HVOE trc,1î-N ta Round an qae dniga further use for same. Phone 428 of Enniskillen Hall, Saturday, Oct. 5. or 802. 40-1 [rs- AI Fletcher and his orchestra. FIVE tube Stewart-Warner bat- 41* 40-1* tery cabinet radio, in good condi- tion. Phone 2197. 40-1 St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiiiary -is heving e bazeer and tee in the SNOOKER table with ail -equip- Er.Sunday School roomn on Thursday, ment, in good condition. Phone cir December Sth. Reserve this date. 332R1, Oshawa. 40-1 ion 4- of 4- CONVERTIBLE stroller, -3-piece her ~Jsp' boy's snow suit, size 2. Apply 29 ti S. oehsChurch Bezear on Carlisle Ave. 40-2* et Fridey, November 22nd. Draw for 0_ prizes. Reserve this date. Fur- CHILD'S 3-piece outfit, red, size ther particulers later. 40-1 5, in perfect condition. Apply ta .Mrs. M. Adams, 6 Centre St. 40-1* ere Reserve October 23rd for Tor- CEDAR fence posts, 100; mengeis MY onto Men Teechers Chair et New- yterw PhnBom vil for castle Community Hall under thebyterw PhnBwm vie nd auspicesofNwateUtd 2208 between 8 and 9 p.m. 40-2 ta Church W.A. 37-5 AUTOMOBILE-1936 Oldsmabile -iSedan with heater, radia and« - CMIN TOBOWANVLLEspotiight. Phone 2823. 40-1 By many requests a studio wiîî SIX cords of cardwood (hard- o oen oo techig opuarwood). H. Philp, Tyrone. Phonez ,ej piano pleying, age 14 and up (no 260.4 1 4 children please). For further in- FOUR-cylinder 1930 Plymouth itformation write Ragnar Steen, model car, ail newly averhauled. Whitby. 40-tf Apply Len Downey, phone 423. 40-1 * Blackstock United Church An- BIK ,0 e e p niversary, October 6th, morning BIK ,0 e eet p nservice et il a.m., W . R P ly Pigott Construction C a e BowlesI pruacher, with speciai Goodyear Tire and Rubbe 0C., rmusic by local choir. Evening Bowmanville. 40-1* service et 7:30 p.m. Rev. J. E. HEAVY brass bed, wîth pre-war 1 Griffith, preacher, and special coil spring in good condition, larged music by the Osborne quartet, ie Phone 843. Mrs. F. Tighe, 1 Bwavle 0 Bowmanville. 40-1 Attend the annuel "Fali Fair" STOVE, radio, joist 15' long, doors j ofta be held by the Trinity W.A. in and 40 gel water tank. Ail in s 9tteSunday School room, Tues- good condition. Apply* Mr. W. r :1 day, Oct. 8. The usuel attractive Wilcox, Queen St., Bawmanviile.a g9 booths wili dispiay home cooking, 40-1* fi r- aprons, country store and miscel- laneous articles. Plan ta* attend McCLARY Quebec heate-rnew t Sand bring yaur friends. 40-1 lest faîl, elso good pipes and ci- bow. Apply 62 Brown St. orb r. Thanksgiving Services, Newton-.poe 8.4 b1 Sville Presbyterian Church, Sun- TWO girl's skirts, sizes six or sev-V is day, October 13, et 2:30 and 7:30 en, wool plaid and pink wool, in di p.m. Afternoon speaker, Rev. L. good condition. Mrs. V. Jeffery. ir SFowler, B.A., D.D., Port Hope, Phone 748. 40-1 * si and evening speaker R. D. Dun-- W canson. Speciel music et bath MEDIUM size Quebec heeter and sc services. 40-1* 10 lengths of pipe 7". Phone 2858. SE i40-1 jI' Be sure ta attend the dance at F-matsodples ih ti Newcastle Community Hall, FiFn usex xNew Hamdplesire Ne )f day -evening, Oct. llth, under HSmshirx ewBaredrck.Nich 'Y auspices Newcastle Rink Assoc- adshrx aedRc.ih-6 n iation, Stan Portch and his 10 adon Farms, Pontypool. Phone6 Rhythmeires Orchestra. Dancing Orano 81r16. 40-1 g1 hý '9 p.m. Admission 50c per per- CHOICE hardwood, $18.50 per 0 rson. 39-3 cord. Cut in stove iengths and Pl delivered. Write Box 734 States- DE Elded United Church Harvest man Office, or phone 481 Oshawa. er Home will be held Sunday, Oct. 36-tf in 6th, at 2 and 7.30 p.m., E.S.T. - ul Services conducted by Rev. E. S. ALL household furniture (nearly at r Lnta ihseilmscb new) praperty of Mr. and Mrs. J. ti( -the choir assisted by Mr. Alex Stainton is offered for sale, pri- Yonson, soloist, Oshawa. Tues- vately, et the home of Herb day, Oct. 8th, a Fowl Supper wiîî Stainton, Hampton. 39-2* p -be served from 4.30 p.m., and et PROTECT your clothes, furniture W -8.30 Maple Grave Young People and wooiens from moth damage (i twili present their drame 'Susie for five years. One spraying of on -Steps Out." Admission: Supper Berlou does it or Berlou pays for ic, -end Concert, Aduits $1.00; Child- the damage. It's odonless, stain- 3 re 6c.401less and dry cieaning cannot re-lb move it. Mason and Dale, phone fNotice 408. 40-1 lb! Ibc Newcastle cider press now op- NEW Singer Sewing Machines are fol erating. Malcolm Ainslie, New- now evaiable, eiectrics and trea- Ar *castle. 37-tf dies! For further information ca. write or phone Singer Sewing Me- li The monthly meeting of the chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Sa *Maple Grove Women's Institute Oshawe. Phone 696. 4-tf Re will be held on Monday, OctoberOHAASnwurtreso- 7tb et 8 p.m. in the school. Mem- SA ' nwurireso - bers please note the change of Everything in modern. Chester- date. 40-1 field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and I floor coverings a specielty. Quai- pi. The resert'e seat plan for the ity merchandise et competitive Lion's Club flrst concert miay be prices. Before buying visit Brad- obtained et Alex MeGregar's ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Drug Store on Friday, October Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf LO llth et 9 e.m. 40-1 (Sc INTERNATIONAL Fermail H. Ga Shooting Match-For geese, trector on rubber, two yeers oid, ducks and chickens, October l2th A-i condition; tbree-furrow In- et 1 p.m. Sbotguns and .22 cal- ternational tractor plow; three- ibre rifles, open sights only, am- section International spring-tooth 1 munition supplied. Quarter mile herrow; trector corn cultivator S - - - ---1ub ---.y)zvaea, alive. Phone 631. 40-1* MILK-fcd rabbits, eny size. Ap- ply Fred Holroyd, Jr., Burkctan. 40-1 * JERSEY first ceif heifer, due Oct. lOth. R. Stenger, Enniskillen. Phone 2824. 40-11* TEN pigs 4 months ald, anc young sow due lest of Octaber. Apply Relph Simpson, phone 2437. 40-1* TWENTY-FOUR Hybrid pullets, Barrcd Rock x New Hampshire, 5 months oki. Phone 800 J. C. Ail- dread. 40-1* GEESE, ducks and Piymu-th Rock hens, ehl parent stock, rcaWoabie in price. Evenings anly. Mrs. Aima Emerton, Nestîctan, Ont. 39-.4* ROAN dual-purpose Shorthorn caw, 4 years aid, due ta freshen Oct. 12, in caîf ta Registered Shartharn bull; very goad miiker. O. Friend, Tyrane. Phone Bow- manvilie 2523. 40-1 Wanted FARMER in Bawmenviille vicin- ity ta winter sonne livestock. Write Clarence 'Ènglish, Box 507. Cobourg, Ont. 40-1* Painting & Decoating MASTER peinter and paperhang- cr Workmanship and materia] guaranteed. 1946 samples. Any- where. Ex-serviceman. Phone Bowmenvilie 2538. 37-4* TENDERS The premises in the Township of Manvers listed below arc of- fered for sale by tender ta the bighest bidder but subject to re- serve bid. East haîf of Lot 1, 100 acres, Sauth 75 acres of the wcst haîf of Lot 2 and the north 50 acres of Lot 2 alh in the lst concession and camprising in ail abdut 225 acres and cantaining about 30 acres of bush of bath bard and soft wood. Tenders will be rcceived for the ebove parcels as a whale only and must be sent post prepaid or de- livered ta the office of the under- signed on or before October 26th, 1946, in a sealed envelape pleinly merked "T'ender for Wallace Me- Roberts Estate."1 The tenders will be opened et 3 p.m. October 26th, 1946, et the office of the undensigned and thase submitting tenders may be present. Terms: Marked cheque for 10 per cent of tender price ta be en- closed with tender, balance in cash on closing April lst, 1947, whcn possession of premises, will be given. Ploughing possession this fall. The vendons reserve the right ta rejeet any tender. W. R. STRIKE, K.C., 40 King Street, West, Bowmanville, Ontario.t 40-31 Furniture Sale - I have been authorîzed ta sell by public auc- tion for Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, 184 King St. E., Bowmanville, on Saturday, Oct. l2th, their house- hold eff&cts. See itemized list next week. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. Anyone wishing to put any ar- ticles in this sale contact any of the above parties. 40-1 I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Sidney Wor- den, Lots 33 and 34, Con. 1, Dar- lington, (114 miles south of Pres- tonvale on No. 2 Highway) on Friday, October 18, his farm stock, implements, harness, pigs and some furniture (the cattie are a real good lot). Ternis cash. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills. Gordon Gîf- ford, Clerk; Elmer Wîlbur, Auc- tioneer'. 40-1 I have been authorized ta seil by public auction for W. R. Rab- bins, Lot 33, Con. 5, Darlington, an Wednesday, Oct. l6th, his herd of dual purpose Shorthorns, horses, mplements, registered Leicester sheep, pigs, hay, grain, harness. wood, etc. As Mr. Robbins has sold his farm everything is to be sold. Terms cash. See bis. Sale .2 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- ioneer. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. 39-21 Mr. Dave Vanatto, Lot 10, Con. 6j Clarke Twp., (at Kendal) is giving up farming and will seli by public auctian an Wednesday, Oct. 9th, ail his farm. stock, im- plements and feed; including 25 Durham cattie, 22 breeding ewes, nd a fulli une of good farm machinery. Fopr further partic- ilars see bills. Terms cash. Salec t 1 p.m., E.S.T. Jack Reid, Auc- ioneer. 39-21 The undersigned will seli by 1 )ublic auction for S. Everton - lhite, Lot 7, Con. 5, Darlington lrst road west of Happy Valley) - )n Monday, October 7, the fol- owing: Three good farm horses; springers; 5 Durham steers (700 )s. up); 6 Durham heifers (750 0 bs. up); 8 Hereford steers (650 - bs. up); 5 Hereford heifers (650 C bs. up); 12 Durham and Here- v rds, 12 ye arà old; 6 Polled fi ngus steers and heifers; 25 spring a dves; 15 shoats; 2 sows with F tters; 3 sows, due time of sale. - ;le at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Jack ' teid, auctioneer. 40_1 b C b- have been authorized ta selI by i.blic auctian form ,T 23, CON: 1, DARLINGTON South and West of Maple Grave Saturday, Oct. Sth The following: HORSES ay mare 14 years old, bay mare years old, bay mare 4 years old. CATTLE lack cow 6 years old, bred July 1White cow 5 years old, bred arch 28; Red and White cow 4 irs oid, bred May 28-1 ,Ayrshire w~ 4 years oid, not bred, caif at le; Part Jersey éow 4 years old, 'd August 15; Red cow 5 years d, not bred; Heifer, bred April d; Heifer, bred May 26th; Hol- ýin heifer, not, bred; Heifer calf nonths aid. ]IMPLEMENTS nder, 7-ft. Massey-Harris (good ndition); Mower 5-ft. Massey- arris; Seed drill Massey-Harris -hoe; Cultivator Cockshutt (ai-' )st new); Tractor (Case) on bber, new 1945; Tractor plow, urrow (Case) new; Manure eader, Cockshutt; Corn culti- tor (team); Scuffler (new) :kshutt; Scuffler, trailer; two tons; rake; harrows; roller 3- am good; hay rack; single plow; ng plow; disc; scales; pulper; parator DeLaval; Buggy; Cut- ,Sleighg; Wheeibarrow; 300 iata crates; forks; hoes and atbi artcles One sow and four pigs; Four pigs 3 months aid. HARNESS Team harness and collars. HAY, GRAIN, ROOTS Quantity of bey; 500 bushels of mixed grain; quantity of wheat; quentity of buckwheat; quantity of mengolds; quentity of turnips. Terms Cash. Sale 1 p.m. *Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer 40-1 Real Estate Wanted A smeli bouse wanted ta buy for cash, or small apartment ta rent, urgently nequired fan immediate accupancy. Write Box 767, States- Ha: 13-1 moC ruic 2-fi. spr( vat( Coc weji dru: gen, Sep ter; tom woing For Rent the o livini SINGER portable electric in your same own home. $5 per month. Sing- neces er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- Gene: tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf ýtures of authentic Canadian nes are ideai Christmas gifts. I for $1. Learn the întriguing ails. Up to 50 per cent clear fit. Write NOW for agents' 16 catalog. Regai Stationery .Ltd., Dept. J3 105 Simcoe St., ronto, Ont., or Dept. J3 163 W. stings St., Vancouver, B.C. Roomi and Board3749 Wanted SINESS girl desires room and trd in Bowmanville, centrally ted. Phone 455 from 9 a.m. ta m. 40-1* TGLE girl urgently requires m and board in Bowmanvilie. te Box 768 Statesman Office, &manville. 40-1 ARD and roam wanted for ter months oniy, by working ier and two daughters, one ig ta business at Goodyear, other in entrance class. Quiet g famîiy, would like ta be in ýhouse, but not absoluteiy ýssary. Mrs. W. Wonnacott, ýra1 Delivery, Bowmanville. 40-1* BOA Auction Sales I have been authorized ta sel by Public auction for Mr. E. Fice, et North Oshawa, on Friday, Oct. I lth, his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale et 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wiibur, Auctioneer. 39-2 I have been authorized to sel by public auction for Jamles E. Moore, Lot 10, Con. 6, East Whit- by, on Tuesday, Oct. 8th, ail his farm stock, impiements, hay, grain, pigs and poultry. Sale et i p.rn. Terms cash. Elmer Wiibur, Auctioneer. 39-2 I{eving said his - farm, Ed Youngman, north haîf of Lot 7, Con. 1, Manvers, 2 % miles south- west of Pontypool, will offer for sale et 1 p.m. on Tuesdey, Octob- er 15, his entire stock, impiements, 4ey, strew, grain and an excel- lent uine of nearly new machin- ery. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2 Lest BLACK wallet containing money, registration card at Orono Fair. Finder please phone 2653. Reward. 39-2 HOOD-'34 Ford Truck, red, lost on Highway Bethany-Ppntypool. Apply Mitcheil's Garage, Panty- pool. 40-1* STRAYED from farm. of Charles Luke, Raglan, red cow, about 7 years oid, white spots on horns. Please phone Brooklin 66r11. 40-2* YEARLING Holstein heifer, near- iy ail white, from the vicinity of Tyrone, since June lst. Anyone knowing whereabouts kindiy not- ify Percy Mountjoy, Oshawa R.R. 2, phone 1827j2. 40-6 Wanted To Buy LIVING room, rug. Phone 2287. 40-1 PROCESSINO apples wanted by Canadian Canners Ltd., Bowman- ville, Phone 782 or 795. 39-3 ANY quantity of manure and old straw. Appiy Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries. Phone 345. 39-2 25 TONS good tîmothy baled hay off dlay land. Write Canada To- bacco Plantations, Newcastle. 39-2* LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 37-tf SEED wanted -Highest prices paid for timothy and all clover seed. Kindly bring or mail sam- pies. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 37-tf WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwiii Fur F'arm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 35-tf PIANOS-Cash will be paid for smail and medium sized pianos; nust be in good condition. Tele- phone F. J. Mitchell, 492 Bow- nanville. 31-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- 'hines. Wiil pay cash, caîl or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 96. 14-tf 'EATHERS and feather beds of ill descriptions. Highest prices aid. Write particulars to Queen1 ity Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., ýoronto. 12-tf )LD horses for fur farm, $ 1.00 er hundred, approximate weight, elivered here. For slightly less xe will humanely destroy your orses on your own farm. Ran-t mLie Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone 3owmanville 2888. 38-tf Hllep Wanted RACTOR to pull out brush and t )reak seven acres pasture. Ap-1 Iy C. Christian, south of C.P.R.f verhead bridge at lake. 40-l*c ýIRL or middle aged woman vanted in Toronto home. Must be ound of children. Private room tnd bath. Write Miss B. Kaye, 'ontypool. 40-4' VANTED-For early in Decem- tr, a practical nurse to take full harge of mother and baby. Must ýe experienced. Live in or out. Vrite P.O. Box 301 or Phone 436 , 854, Bowmanviile. 40-1 IONEST person for permanent as aid in Oshawa, in small private .me. Live in and a good home r the right person. Sumnmer ottage for the summer months. 'rite to 84 Warren Ave., Oshawa, tating where you can be inter- iewed or caîl evenings. 39-3 OUTH Darlington Area School )ard require qualified music istructor for the nine schools in Found FOUR keys in domed leather case. Apply Statesman Office 40-1 2LADY'S black kid glo ve, found on tthe sidewalk outside 38 Ontario St. Owner may have saine by proving property and paying for this advt. 40-1 Work Wanted 7MACHINE sewing - children's ciothing and alterations. Bring material and pattern. Apply Mrs. Fuller, il Duke St. 39-2* TRACTOR custom work, plough- Eing, cultivating, discing, combin- ing. I also have John Deere trac- tor repair parts. F. S. Al1len, 44 Concession St., phone 594. 26tf INDUSTRIAL painters. Chres factaries, houses, free estimates, immediete service. No job toa big or smail. O. -Wilson, phone Charm"M et al sinceM repafred at a at'S the shopM applause forM bat stay re-M of those sky- either. M ROWEi .2174 M Bowmanvilleu a Personal WILDER'S Stomach Powder, quick relief from digestive ail- ments, acid stomach, heartburn. Pleasant, economical. 50e and $1 at all druggists.. 40.71 SELL Christmas Cards to your friends. Here's a chance to make some money for your Christmas shopping. Write today for details. National Merchandising Service, Adelaide St., P.O. Box 10, To- ronto. - 38-3* HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00.1 Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9 Unusual Potato Crop Features This District From time to time during the present season The Statesman has carried locals and short items that bear out the contention that this year's crops in almost àlli unes are above the average. Mention has been made of huge specimens of vegetables gathered fropn local gardens but none have been more spectacular than varieties on view in stores during the past week. Notable is the potato contribu- tion from the garden plot of AI Fletcher, Goodyear employee, musician, gardener and apiarist. H1e secured a plot of land on the farm of Elmer Cox and late in May planted a single bag of mar-; ble-size, unregîstered potatoes se- cured from Harry Aliin's Model Grocery. Last week Mr. Fletcher harvest- ed approximateîy 1,400 lbs. of po- tatoes from his plot, virtually al f unusual size and grade. Sam- pies on view at Allin's Grocery run from one-half to two and ne-half lbs. each and a measur- d bushel held precisely 26 pota- oes. Mr. Fletcher just planted n ordinary fashion but sprayed for blight and let nature take its course. ORAL COLD VACCINES Vacagen ----------------- $2.00 Sero Calcin ------------ $1.00 Jack ]Brough Phone 2384 3 King st.W. Kleenex ------ 15e - 2 for 29e Thermos Botties $1.19-$1.50 Lunch Kits--------------- 69c VITAMN CAPSULES Aiphamettes $1.-$1.85-$3.50 Vi-Mi Caps.----$1.85-$3.25 Calcium A ------ $1.10-$2.00 Neo Chemical Food ------- $1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Nyal A.B.D. Caps. 1.10-3.50 100 Becol Tabs.---------- $3.50 100 Beminal Tabs. ---- $3.75 NOXZEMA SPECIAL 93e Size Noxzema ---- 65c j COLD REMEDIES Nyal Laxaeld ---------25e Buckley's Caps.-------- 35c Grove's Tabs ------ 24c-44c Vick's Vatronal -------- 43e Vick's Inhaiers - - 39e Nysorba 50c-$1.00 OA% 44 REGULAR 8 NEGATIVE FILMS 2 DEVELOFED AND PRINTED3 695 UVIILII'S U UUU IUNITrusses Buckley's Mixture - ----------- 40c-75c Sloan's Liniment -- 33c-63c Minard's Liniment 29c-59c Absorbine Jr. --- 9gc-$1.95 Olympene -------50c-$1.00 Vitalis - HIR - E54c-99c Vaseline Hair Tonie 50c-85c Kreml Hair Tonie - 59c-98c Halo Shampo----------- 49e Palmalive Shampoo --- 49e Vitoff Shampoo 25c-49c-98c LOW PRICES Plnkham's Camp. ------87c Corega ------ 23c-39c-69o 100 A.S.A. Tabs. - ------ 39c John T. McCreery Optometrist Eyes Examined Thursday - 1 p.m. t. 8 p.m. Optical Repairs M..- y COWLING'S DRUG STORE THURSDAY, OCIr. ard, 19M One case of poliomyelitis with- out any paralysis has been report- ed in this Heaith Unit area from Manvers Township. The patient who was an aduit became ill on 22nd September and was admitted to the Riverdale Isolation Hospi- tai, Toronto, for investigation and treatment. The case was diag- nosed as one of poliomyelitis but there was no paralysis et any time and the patient was reported as making an uninterrupted re- covery. No further cases- have been reported. Mt Mik "N ru M aig i a rwes M htwn rear*l aM are.N M ihchr FeC *H :Kn e.W a- elumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for Oil-O-Magic 011 Burners Installed i Any Type m ------------------ MACLEANS LARGESÇ SELLINQ TOOTH PASTE IN GREAT ASWff AiNs 1 -,-*-, Entorai Caps--------$1.75 Wax Paper---------5c-25c 3 lori le Thai My: e th oneo ,es e NE op %-( ol FARM RENTED Mike Karas Glasses Pitted

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