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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1946, p. 8

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È"AGE IGET, I SPORT-,NEWS Juniors Crash Into ville hurlers for their efforts but Finale by Defeating the fact is that Clemence, Bow- manville hurler, was master al StOUffVllle 240 the way in the nine innings. Bow- manville beat the same team in Bowmanviile Rotary Junior Stouffville 6-5, Wednesday, and basebaîl team smashed their way the two wins puts them into the into the finals of the Ontario Jun- Ontario finals. ior "B" basebail championship, by More than five hundred fans defeating Stouffville on the local massed the bleachers to see the High School diamond, Saturday outcome of this second contest. afternoon, with a 24-0 score. The They rezlàained throughout to shutout was earned. It was ai- cheer Stouffville in a try for a -most unprecedented.' The char- comeback. But pitching power itable reportorial approach is to and aggressiveness were absent. give due credit to the three Stouif- The whole Stouffville team seem- - ----- - The Carter Family - Home of Taste Treats Your Bld for Better Bread When you bid for our bread, you 're aces higli in choosing bread that 's finer-textured... better-baked . '. . and has a richer, -appetite- whetting flavor .. . High in vitamins ... tops ini norishent ... yet low in price. That's our bread - the better bread. THE CARTER FAMIILY Phone 855 25 King St. E. w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w I Peift4ed seu4ce To ease your burden in your hou.r of bereave- ment is our chef responsibility. Our service brings to you the dependability, experience and consideration so necessary, and every member of our staff is eager to serve you with courteous respect. You can fully rely on us and on the adequacy of the service we render. =0=0=0=0= NDRTHCUTT & SMITH Funeral Directors - Amubulance Service 20 King St. W. Phones: 668 - Res. 523 or 726 THE CANADIA14 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLU < ONTARIOl Bowmanville Wl Championship at ed disorganized as the summary indicates. They could not hit, steal, walk, score as Clemence and his teammates held them almost helpless. But ail credit to them 1they went down trying. The town of Stouffville ought to be proud of their boys who came to strange grounds and fought so valiantly. Here is the entire story told in tabloid: Stouffville: No runs, 4 hits, 6 errors, 2 walks, 13 fanned, not a man stole. Bowmanville: 24 runs, 19 hits, 0 errors, 9 walked, 19 stole. Stouffville got one double. Bow- manville not only got a double play in the first, but Hoar hit a homer in the sýcond; Dadson crashed a three-bagger as well as Rundle and Hooper, Sturrock and Clemence hit for two sacks. It was in short a basebaîl debacle. ,Coach Andy Thompson and Ro- tary Mentor Walt DeGeer intro- duced Merve Brown, young Cox and Arnold Sleep as pinch hit- ters during the contest just to pep up hitting power after the decis- ion was in the bag. Junior Basebali Teani Enters Ontario Finals With Delhi or Dresden eowmanville Rotary Junior Baàeball Team, won a bye in the playdowns for the provincial championship and now enter the finals, Junior "B" section. This information was telephoned to Walt DeGeer, Tuesday, by Pres- ident Snyder, Hamilton, head of the O.B.A. for Ontario. The draw for the semi-finals fell to Delhi and Desden who play Wednesday and Saturday this week with the deciding game, if necessary, next Tuesday. Bow- manville will then play the win- ner, home and home games, with the third on neutral grounds, If required. Dates will be announc- ed following the Delhi-Dresden outcome. This will mark the first occasion a local junior basebaîl team bas made a bid for a provincial championship and climaxes three seasons of play in whicl! the locals have taken part with much suc- cess. Meantime the playoffs for the Lakeshore League are sus-1 pended with the likelihood they may not be played out since the rugby season commences Satur- day. Walking Stick Insects Stili Needed For Cancer Research Reports have been received from the Banting Institute at Jun- ior Red Cross Headquarters to the effect that within the past three days various districts and groups in Ontario are responding enthus- iastically to the caîl for the walk- ing stick insect so urgently need- ed in cancer research. Fîfteen thousand walking sticks in one carton from the children of the Del'hi Public School, 10,000 in another carton from the Kins- men's Club of London, and 15,000 in yet another from Miss Elsie McCallum of Grand Bend, On- tario, have arrived within the past three days. Contributions of 100 and 150 are also arriving. The B4nting Institute advises that it will welcome all suc'h con- tributions. Until the frost comes, the "walking stick" will continue to lay its eggs-and it is the eggs that are necessary for the win- ter's work on cancer research. Those interested in assisting in this cancer research are asked to gather these sticklike insects, pack them with leafy twigs in large ventilated cardboard car- tons and ship them express col- lect to Dr. W. R. Franks, Banting. Institute, 100 'College Street, Tor- onto.- 4 4 4 4 4 E 4 E 4 4 4 4 4 4 I H~op, step and jump-J, - F. Eooper (B); 2, B. Norton (U); 3, >Bull (U). High jump-l, F. 'Hooper (B); G. Sturrock (B); 3, D. Hewlett Senior Boys' Events 100 yards-J, J. Gains (W); 2, S. Johnson (U); 3, T. Ross (B). Shot put-J, L., Yuill (W); 2, D. Ross (W); 3, G. Kydd (U). 220 yards-J, L. Yuill (W); 2, G. Bracey (W); 3, S. Johnson (U). Pole vault-1, A. Noble (U); 2, B. Williams (P); 3, J. Leask (U). 440 yards-J, G. Bracey (W); 2, G. Hodgson (B); 3, A. Noble (U). Broad jump-1, L. Yuill fW7; 2, W. MacRae (P); 3, S. Johnson (U).- Mile run-1, G. Bracey (W); 2, P. Shewan (W); 3, W. Stewart (P).- High jump-1, L. Yuill (W); 2, W. McCrea (P); 3, D. Ross (W). Hop, step and jump-1, W. Low (U); 2, T. Degeer (B); 3, M. Mow- at (W). 440 relay-1, Bowmanville; 2, Whitby; 3, Uxbridge. Individual Champions' Junior Girls' Champion-1, G. Westgarth (U); 2,, M. Thomson (P) and B. Hooper (B) tied..1 Intermediate Girls' Champion ins Inter-Scho.1 1UxbridgeMeet At the inter-school track an, field events held at Uxbridgf Friday, athletes of 'Bowmanvill 1High School again won the dis trict championship. With fou High Schools entered, Uxbridgf Whitby, Port Hope and Bowman ville, the issue was in doubt unti the final event, with Uxbridg pressing Bowmanville for toi place. Final point standing: Bow manville 93, Uxbridge 87, Whitb., 71/2, Port Perry 30%. In the boys' events, R. CoombeE Bowmanville, won the junio championship and Frank Hoope the intermediate championship In the girls' section, B. Hooper tied for second in the Junio: Girls' events; Rhona Evans wa second in intermediate and Joai Greenfield second in senior con tests. With nearly 150 individua students taking part it was an ticipated that a few records woulc be broken but the only one re, ported was in junior hop-step. and-jump in which R. Moore. craft, Bowmanville, bettered th( previous record of 33 ft. 8 inche! by 3 inches. Individual m-arks made in th( various events were also not re. ported but for the record the fol. lowing placements signify win. ners. Designations are: Whitbý (W), Bowmanville (B), UxbridgE (U), Port Ferry (P). Junior Girls' Events 60 yards-l, Grace Westgartli (U); 2, P. Bowles (B); 3, Heleni Standing broad-1, G. West- garth (U) and N. Sweetman (P) tied; 3, B. Grant (P). Softball catch and throw-1, V. Hopkins and G. Griffiths (B); 2, 0. Wilson and J. Gould (U) tied with C. and E. Sweetman (P). Softball throw-l, M. Thomson (P); 2, T. Pindar (W); 3, J. Wal- lace (P). Basketball throw-l, B. Hoop- er (B);> 2, R. Church (W); 3, D. Hockley (U). 220-yd. relay-l, Uxbridge; 2, Bowmanville; 3, Port Ferry. Intermediate Girls' Events 75 yards-l, R. Gibson (P); 2. R. Evans (B); 3, D. Cummings (U).- Standing broad jump-l, J. Gordon (U); 2, R. Evans (B); 3, A. Henderson (U). Softball catch-1, M. Carpenter and E. Tomlinson (B); 2, P. Dip- pell and A. Northcutt (B); 3, R. Gibson and R. Williams (P). Softball throw-1, J. Gordon (U); 2, D. Cummings (U); 3, L. Fisher (B). Basketball throw-l, R. Gibson (P); 2, 'R. Evans (B); 3, D. Cum- mings (U). 220-yd. relay-l, Uxbridge; 2, Bowmanville; 3, Port Ferry. Senior Girls' E'ifents 75 yards-l, J. Archibald (W); 2, -V. Prout (B); 3, J. Mclntyre (W).- .Standing broad jump-1, S, oster (W) ; 2, M. Forsyth (U);3, J. Greenfield (B). Softball catch-l, D. MePhail and G. Yule (U); 2, J. Archibald and J. Mclntyre (W) tied with R. Kibsey and D. Evans (B). Softball throw-l, R. Kibsey (B); 2, F. Nasmith (P); 3, J. Arch- .bald (W). Basketball throw-l, J. Green- field (B); 2, M. Griffin (P); 3, B. Emorey (W). 220-yd. relay-1, Uxbridge; 2, WVhitby; 3, Port Perry. Junior Boys' Events 100 yards-1, R. Coombes (B); 2ý T. Cleland (U); 3, E. Lick (W). 8-lb. shot put-1, N. Levine 'W); 2, C. Love (W); 3, R. Coombes (B). 220 yards-1, R. Coombes (B); 2, N. Levine (W); 3, T. Cleland (U).- High jump-1, R. Moorcraft B); 2, W. Piper (W); 3, N. Le- vine (W). 44AardsJl.Cobs() -J, R. Gibson (P); 2, R. Evans (B) and J. Gordon (U) tied. Senior Girls' Champion-l, J. Archibald (W); 2, J. Greenfield (B).- Junior Boys' Champion-l, R. Coombes (B); 2, R. Moorcraft (B) and N. Levine (W) tîed. Intermediate Boys' Champion -J, F. Hooper (B); 2, G. Friend (B). Senior Boys' Champion-J, Len Yuill (W); 2, G. Bracey (W). lncreased Value NEZARLY everything you buy lias "gone Up. " In turn, since this increases the value of your household goods and equipment to an extent probably flot cover- ed by your fire insurance a fire could cause you a serious loss. Better dis- cuss your need of increased insurance with Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor te, J. J. Blason & Son Phones: Office 681 - Houa. 493 Ki"g St. Bowmunvile 'lilU XSUA , OCT. 3d1M i Neucastle Mrs. Stella Anderson is spend- ing a week in Toronto, guest of Mrs. Mary Hyde. ýd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr, Port eCredit, were guests of Mrs. W. H. le Cooke. raMoes. Scott Howard is spending Mrs. Dk n ogarn AToCM. a, Jeavs.ouMgnas ora.Tcncer L- touafeaster Monafro. oner el tue ommuser ntariod.ah~ e Te ecomemiyet Q.MS.a Frn - Da wes, wnhomhs een oveS rsask '- Davesyear asl with te am o fv occupat iermany, theand t of otecFredadaninr o as bend r, stationed inEnand. ho ae ot r arived ihomengondhe "Aquita docking at Halifax last week. The name of- Mrs. Ross Dicken- rson was inadvertently mte 'last week from the list of names of the committee in charge of îthe presentation to Mrs. Clar- ence Sîms (the former Miss Ruth SHonéy). Mr. and Mrs. N. Smith, Buffalo, -N.Y., called on Miss Meda Couch. There was a large congregation eat St. George's Church, Sunday S evening when Rev. J. dePencier Wright, rector of St. John's Church, Bowmanville, had charge of the service. The lovely fiow- ers adorning the altar were in memory of th~e late Mr. and Mrs. William H. B. Anderson. Mrs. W. H. Cooke spent Thurs- day in Toronto. Mr. Samuel Lawrence and son John, Toronto, were guests of Mr. Fred Blackburn. Miss Dorothy Trenwith was home for the weekend with her aunt, Miss L. Trenwith. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dusen and baby, Toronto, were guests of Miss Kenefick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Gascoigne, Whitby, (the former Miss Mary Purdy) whose marriage took place last- week. A very highly esteemed former resident of Newcastle died in To- ronto on September 24th in the person of Anin Jane Herdman, wi- dow of the late James Edward Matchett. The late Mr. and Mrs. Matchett conducted for a number of years, the general store now owned by Mr. Howard Toms. They were valued members of the village both in church and communîty work. It was largely due to the late Mrs. Matchett's efforts and indefatigable work that the Newcastle Horticultural Society was formed' It was also through her interest tlat bowling was first started in the village. She was also a valued and active member of the different organiz- ations of the Newcastle United Church. The deepest sympathy in the loss of a 'beloved mother is extended to her children, Miss Jean Matchett, Mrs. Gladys Coch- rane, Toronto; Harvey, Petawawa; Reginald, Highland Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aiken en- tertained a large group of young people at a combîned, birthday and farewell party on S'aturday evening in honor of their son Hugh Aiken on the eve of his de- parture to join the Royal Can- adian Navy. He reports at Toix- onto for dispatching to Victoria, B.C. AIl the commurnity join in saying good-bye and good luck to this popular young man and wish- ing him every success. Mrs. D. Schwalm and Mrs. Geo. Toyne, Rouge Hill, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gordon Ash. Miss Margaret Wright, Toronto, was with her grandmother, Mrs. H. Weatherall. Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, was guest of Miss Evelyn Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade atten-E ded a wedding at Ottawa.t Mrs. Harriett Metcalf was guest1 of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. 1 United Church choir provided special music at the evening ser- vice of Clarke Church anniver- Blackstock Here it is October lst and with it came another rise in the price of milk and our first scîff of snow. Rev. John McKiýbbon preached at Coboconk on Sunday. Mr. Fred Hamilton took the service at St. John's in his absence, with Mrs. Hamilton telling the children's story. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Miss B. Morlock spent the week- end at London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and baby visiting with Mr." and Mrs. Geox'ge Crawford, Sr. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Finlayson. W.A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. C. Marlow, September 24, with 19 members present. Devotional was taken by Mrs. C. Marlow the subject being "Prayer." Letters were read from members with thanks for fruit and fiowers. W.A. had John Ven- ning and Charlie Venning decor- ate the church interior and it cer- tainly looks lovely. Plans were made for special services to be held next Sunday with Dr. R. P. Bowles taking the morning ser- vice and Rev. J. E. Griffith the evening service. An added at- traction will be the quartette from Bowmanville. Program was: A lovqly song 'Brightenthe Corner" Iby Mrs. Jabez Wright; reading "Value of a Smile" by Mrs. Neil MValcolm; lovely song "Safely Abide Forever" by Mrs. Robt. Sadler. On Friday evening in the Com- Tlunity Hall a shower of useful and pretty gifts was given to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Henry, one of our local boys now living at Bowman- ville. An enjoyable hour was spent in a "quiz contest" conduct- ed by Charles Venning and Gil- bert Marlow. A couple of stunts wvere also enjoyed. There was also community singing, vocal solo by Trudie Finlayson; 'piano solo by Joan Venning and music on the guitar and mouth organ by Gib Marlow. Lunch was serv- ed then Beryl Larmer and Mar- ion McMullen played for dancing. Everyone wishes Merle and his bride a long and successful life. A s lc i b 1 Maple Grove Mrs. L. C: Snowden, Mr. Thos. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, spent a few days last week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Proinotion of the Junior grades sary on Sunday. Rev. Oke, Weîcome, had charge of the morning service at New- castle United Church while Rev. W. W. Patterson took the services at Welcome and Morrish. Mr. and Mrs. Adair Hancock and son, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hancock. Y.P.U. met Monday evening and opened with a sing song led by Mrs. Charles Cowan. Christian Felîowship Convener Glenn Allun had charge of Worship Period during which Pauline Deline sang a sacred solo. Th~is was followed by a short 3-act play entitled "Loyalty to Jesus' Cause." Mr. C. Carveth showed a reel of pic- tures he had taken while out west this summer. C.G.I.T. group met Tuesday ev- ening at the home of Mrs. Clar- ence Allun. The new president, Marjorie Toms, took charge of the meeting. Claire Allin had charge of the worship period. At the next meeting parcels are to be packed to send to Europe. Recre- ation brought the meeting to a close. High Sehool Field Day The annual Field Day at New- castle High Schooî was held at the park on September 25th with these results: Senior Girls' Champion-lst, Joan Duck; 2nd, Joyce Martin; 3rd, Kay Roushorn. Senior Boys' Champion-Jst, Neil Britton, but as he was also the winner last year, it reverted to Murray Walton; 2nd, Keith Pedwell; 3rd, Ronald Powell. Junior Girls' Champion-lst, Audrey Graham; 2nd, 'Hazel Far- row; 3rd, Margaret Ovens. Junior Boys' Champion-îst, Alec Martin; 2nd, Spence Cream- er; 3rd, Sam Turner. After the sports, adjournment was made to the kitchen of the Community hall where the High School pupils were hosts to the Acting Chairman Board of Edu- cation, Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Dewdney and the staff of the High and Public Schools at a very sumptuous supper which was fol- lowed by a recreation period of games, etc., and moving pictures with the sehool moving itr machine. place next Sunday. Hope to see a good turnout. Quarterly ser- vice on Sunday with Communion. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp (nee Helen Nor- wick) oh their recent marriage. We welcome Mrs. VanCamp to our community. Mrs. Walter Foley, Hampton, WANTED Your Eggs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Also The Best Market For Your Hogs LIV!I PICKERING -FARMS LIMITED WHITBY - ONTARIO Iime Calves Phone 336 Day or Niglit p Appliance Insi Have your appliances checked bel defeet appears. Periodic adjustmei save you the trouble and expens damage. We are equipped to givg service, prompt attention at moder HOUSE AND* FARM 1 OURSPIAT Your General Electric AI Dealer Higgon Eleci PHONE 438, arance fore a major tnts can often e of serious ,e you expert, ate cost. WIRING ppliance Iricr 42 RING ST., E, mi CANDIN A, OI-L 1 LJUVI HARRY ALLIN' ,,TiHE CORNER GROCERY C9i9a Presents your Monthly Ration C na Consumer' s Ration Coupon SUN MON TUES WED THURSDAY FR1 SAT 'BUTTER COUPON B27E - ___ 1 2MEAT COUPON M53 voI id 4 5 16 7BUTTER COUPON 82 g g 6 7 8 9 1O MEAT COUPON M523 VaId 1 2 i 13 14 145 16 17 SUGAR-uNfESERES31,32 13 1 1 6 MEAT COUPON t5à VoIid 18 19 20 21 2 23 24BUTTER COUPON 1829 5 2 20.2122 232MEAT COUPON M~56 VliId26 30 31 BUTTER COUPON B30 273O83' MEAT COUPON M57 Valid BUTTER COUPONS R18 to R21 on d 826 to 628 EVI OCTOBER 3lst Il EAT COUPONS 01 to 04 ond'M51 t. M55 EIR P -!ne 367 for Free O CTODER De ver $3.50Orer of- the Sunday school will take visiting her son H. R. Foley. Hen- rrý=IVDOT%.Ar 51 Phone 336 Day or Night Phone 855 25 Kiag St. E. La Chickens

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