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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1946, p. 5

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THTTRC!NADTA SATMOCT.WANVL1MNTRI1946 IV Clarke Union, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Cow- ling to our section, they having moved into Mr. Gordon Powers' house. Mr. Gaston Bayeart has finish- ed harvesting his tobacco crop. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Hawk who celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary on Sunday week. The ten children were ahl home and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. H. J. Souch while digging his potatoes weighed one which went 3 lbs. 4 oz. We think that beats the Hampton man. RtOYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE .- PHONE 589 TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY - FRIDAY - OCTOBER 10- 1il '/IN THE POWER Of ITS EMOTIONSI CONTE 2Oth CENTURY- F0> W Plus for Your Entertaiment SHORT - "'LAND 0F THE MtAYAS" SATURDAY CARTOON - OCTOBER 12TH LUM and ABNER P The Housier Hotshots ÀCr n L in "RTNERS u "THAT TEXAS IN TIME" s JAMBOREE" CARTOON IN COLOR SUNDAY - OCTOBER 13TH MiaNight Show ~ The 20,000,000-READER NOVEL SBrought Screamingly To The Screen.______ PAUlMOUNT nr.m.nts Wedding Free Parking Viectsd loiUI. S AUH vSeaPI.y bySeridn Gibey IT'S REFRESHING ! CHARMING! - PLUSq - CARTOON SCREEN SNAPSHOTS This Is One Show You Can't SHIORT Miss Doors Open 12.05 a.m. MONDAY - OCTOBER 14TH Thauksgiving Matlnee "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" CARTOON SCREEN SNAPSHOTS SHORT DOORS OPEN 1.30 P.M. - COME EARLY AVOI» THE RUSH MON. - TUES. - WED. - OCT. 14 -15 -16 rai lusi EAIIISfsi 11 LLON/Z FOX LATE NEWS Phone 1011 THURS. - FRL - SAT. October 10 - 11 12 Joel McCrea - Brlan Donlevy ln "The Virginian" wlth Sonny Tuf ts - Barbara Britton ln Flaming Technicolor SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Sunday Midnlte - after 12.05 MON. - TUES.- WED. October 14 to l6th A Musical wlth Magic al lis own "'»Do You Love Mle" starrlng Maureen O'Hara - Dick Haymes Harry James and Ris Music Makers in Technicolor STARTS THURSDAY October l7th 'Three. Wise Fools' with Margaret O'Brien - Lionel Barrymore - Eulward Arnold URBAN-MCFEETERS. Eff ie Grace McFeeters became the bride of John Joseph Urban, son of Mr. M. Urban and the late Mrs. Urban, Windsor, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McFeeters, Bowmanville, on Oc- tober 7. Rev. A. J. Love, Ham- ilton, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length gown of cornflow- er blue velvet with matching fea- ther halo. She carried a bouquet o! pink roses. The bridai attendants were Miss Violet MeFeeters and Miss Violet McAllister wearing rose and blue wool frocks wîth matching feath- er hats. The best man was Wal- ter Gaegt, Windsor. Miss Elaine Love played the weddiing music and Mrs. Harvey Skitch sang "O Promise Me" during the signing of the register. After a honeymoon in Western Ontario, the happy couple wlll re- side in Windsor. Previous to her marriage the popular bride was guest o! honor at showers at the home of Miss Elaine Love, Hamilton, and Mrs. S. McAllister, Bowmanville. Maple Grove The Evening Auxiliary met in the basement of the church, Sep- tember 26 and had as their guest Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary. President Mrs. E. Lewis was in charge. A hymn was sung and prayer offered by the president. The meeting was handed over to the president o! the visiting aux- iliary, Mrs. Sanders, who pre- sented the following program: Scripture, Kathleen Pidduck; de- votional, Mrs. ]tloyd Courtice; solo, Mrs. Arthur Coverly; piano solo,' Jean Gay. Chapter o! the study book on India was made very interesting by Miss Arnold. A duet by Mrs. C. Hockin and Mrs. Eric Courtice; reading, Mrs. Chartran; piano solo, Mrs. Bill Wade. A social time was enjoy- ed at the close. Master Bill Snowden, Toronto, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mr. and. Mrs. R. Goble, Villa Nova, visited their cousin, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Newtonville There was a good attendance at Sunday school on Sunday morn- ing. We were glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and children who have recently moved to the Willis Farrow Farm. Sunday -evening the United Church is withdrawîng evening service in order to join the Pres- byterian Church in her anniver- sary service. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster with friends at Gore's Landing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Couch, Orono, at Mrs. John Barrie's. Mr. Thos. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Lancaster and daugh- ter Joan, Toronto, with Mrs. John Lancaster and Mrs. C. Burley. Miss Jean Milligan, Peterbor- ough, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Tone Langstaff, Mr. Wm. Burley, Mr. Lanson Milîson motored to Toronto to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lang- staff. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thompson, Toronto, with his aunt, Mrs. Ar- nott. Mr. and Mrs. Beggs'and son, Lindsay, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Smith. Mrs. Harold Burley and Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer in Oshawa. Mr. Stewart's school bast the game to Mr. McMullen's school in Newcastle last week. Better luck next time 'No. 4. Mr. Pete Kesier had the mis- fortune to lose a finger while sawing planks at Wilbert Ogden's. Mr. and Mrs. James Stone vis- ited their daughter, Mrs. Doug- las Ogden in Oshawa. vtrs. Geoirge Thompson, Mx Albert Wragg and Mr. Joel Work- ,man continue in very poor health. Burketon Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Hopley invited ail the Sunday school chiltiren and teacher, for a corn and weinen roast, Monday, Sep- tember 3th after school. There were 32 present and a happy time was enjoyed by ail. Rev. Sey- mour told the a stony on the importance o! attending Sun- day School and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Hopley for their interest and kindness. At Purple Hill hall, Wednesday evening, October 2nd, a miscel- laneous shower was given to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Demille recent- ly returned fromn overseas with his English bride. Many useful gifts were received and appreci- ateti. Refreshments and danc- ing* were enjoyed. On Sunday, OctobeTr 6th Com- munion was observed with a good attendance. The thankoffering services will be held, October 20. Rev. R. E. Cresswell o! Tyrone will preach. Last week Mn. Fred Hoiroyd picked ripe strawberries, enough for a meai and treated a neighbor. Everyone reports good veget- able gardens this year andi very little frost. Many flowers are stîli blooming. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell vis- ited Mr. andi Mrs. W. Stephenson, Bethany. Mrs. Florence Caughiil with Mrs. Smale, at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hawthorn ushers, !ollowing the ceremony in St. Pauh's United Church, Bow- manville, on September 28th. Rev. G. Cameron Quigley officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mn. Peter Norwick, Toronto, and thç groom is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Darlington Town- ship. and family in Brighton while onj their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald and friends, Toronto, Mrs. E. Col- borne, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. B. Hubbard. Mrs. J. Porter in Toronto with frîends. Mrs. W. McLaughlin in Osh- awa. Mrs. B. Hubbard in Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams and Mary with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Nestieton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson and Billy, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mns. Robent Kent aiýid three child- ren, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Grace and baby, Beaverton, guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grace. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopley wene Mr. and Mrs. P. Kiffin, Toronto, Mr. J. Kennedy, Miss Isobel Lockhead, with Miss M. Hopley, R.N, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis, Mr. Ross Brown, Mn. andi Mrs. Glen Hoskin and children, Oshawa. Mrs. J. Gatchell has returned fromn Buffalo a!ter visiting her sister. Mr. andi Mrs. Meryn Gatchel andi family, Oshawa, Mrs. Clif- ford Brown, Mr. Tommy Gatcheli with Mrs. Dave Gatchell. The road to inflation appears to have many willing travellers. Normalcy will return when a netreati doesn't cost thes price as a new tire. "New Pack" Aylmer, Helnz, Banquet or Silver Rlbbon Tom ato Juice 20 o. Record or Green VaIIey Peas "New Pack" 20o. à Amsorted Brande "Extra @peclal", Cut Wax Beans 20oz. saxonia 80pz Cut Mixed Peel tin a7a Aylmer Sounnii 9'- 1 O CALIFORNIA Size 344 Oranges - doz. Lovely Local Wedding Obituary G. N.CARTER G. N. "Nick" Carter, 80 Clem- mer Ave., Toronto, manager o! Budget Sales Dept. and. for 33 years an employee o! the Good- year Tire and Rubber Co., died o! a heart attack at his residence on Thursday night, October 3. Mr. Carter was stricken at his office late Thursday afternoon and taken to his residence by am- bulance. Born in England on' October 24, 1883, Mr. Carter was first em- ployed by Goodyear at the com- pany's Bowmanville, Canada, manufacturing plant. In August, 1914, he entered the armed forces of the British, Empire and had combat duty in the Mesopotamian campaign. Returning from overseas in 1919 he was trans!erred to the Detroit district and filled various sales capacities at Toledo, Rochester and Buffalo. In 1931 he was transferred to Budget Sales Dept. and in 1937 was put in charge o! the depart- ment. He relinquished the de- partment on account o! poor health in 1944, but following his recovery he. was reinstated as manager o! the department and was planning an extended bus- iness trip at the time he was stricken. Mn. Carter leaves his widow, Mrs. Allene Bidwell. Carter and two brothens, C. Harold Carter, o! Newcastle on Tyne, Eng., and S. F. R. Carter, o! Wallington, Eng., and one sister, Mrs. P. P. Smithett, o! Hove-Sussex, Eng. "Extra Special Pric" 15 oz.'ii Burns Beef Stew2tins29 "Our Own"l Special Brand Domino Tea I lb. 9Ç 35 Booster Freshly Roasted and Salted Peanuts Ce,,l lb. 7 AUl Varieties iReinz 15 o. j Infant Foods 3 tins vJ Freshly Ground l Richmeflo Coffee lb 35Ç -.7 .. &,& ny"lo &tinsAV'Qulck Amparais, Beef Noodile, Onlon, QukrOt Tomatb,QukrOt Package of 4 S.O.S. Cleaning Pads 14Ç 48o. pkg19 WAXED 25eclTgrnips Ail merchandise sold at your Domin- Ion Store Is unconditionally guar- anteed to Rzive 100% satisfaction. CARTOON IN COLOR 1OOMINION groigg LIMITEO m - - l.3c Cowanville Miss Violet Hollingsworth vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. James Rutherford. The ladies of Clarke W.A. met in the church on Wednesday last with a fair attendance. They eh- ected Mrs. Clarence Burley as president for the balance of the year. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. W. E. Reid's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mather and daughter of Hermon and Mr. Jack Mather o! Edmonton, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Wes String- er on Monday, Mr. Jack remain- ing for a visit at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bur- ley's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer vis- ited at Mr. and Mrs. Bob Aildred's Sunday. S.S. No. 9. Clarke W. A. Downing, Mr. Geo. Dow- ning, William Bowing, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stockdale and Miss Doris, al bf Toronto, Miss Row- land, Newcastle, Rev. W. Patter- son, were guests at F. W. Bowen's. Mr. and Mrs. James Garvock and son Ronald have been stay- ing at A. F. Gibson's whîle Mrs. Garvock is recuperating from her recent illness. Mrs. W. A. Downing and daugh- ter Mary visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Laing. Apple picking is the order o! the day. The summer-like wea- ther iately is bringing wiid rasp- bernies along. Even the straw- bernies are in bloom again. Mr. and Mrs. McReelis, Marion and David attending a wedding at Sonya on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutton and sons o! Brampton visited her brother, W. Harold Gîbson on Sunday. la lob xi Our experts wvill re- store your suii-dried hair to its natural gleaming b e a nty. Corne ini today and get your beauty treatment for fall. 0 Alil Branches of Beauty Culture: Machinless - Machine - Cold Wave and the New Elasti-Curl Permanents MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLOUR 103 King St. East PHONE 852 FOR APPOUNTMENTS DOn't Be, In Doubt About Your Wiring Save yourself a lot of headaches by letting us look< after your wiring problems. We take pride in giving you the highest quality niaterials plus the best in workinanship on what- ever job you may have. Cail in anid ask for a free estimate on your particular job. YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER Higgon Electic PHONE 438 42 KING ST., B. Beauty . G.,ft front S. R. James ... your friend ut Canada Lifo When the tume cornes you may decide to work no more- ever. Or you may want to, work Juot enough to keep active at some pet project or hobby. In any case, after the age of 60 or 65, the important thlng ls financial Independence. Ask your frlend at Canada Life to tell you ail about the Canada Life contract that enables you to look forward to a secure, contented future beyond the three-score mark. He wiIl show you how such a contract can make one dollar do the work of three in ternms of a guaranteed retireenlt income. .'CANADA LIFE BRIGHTR TOMOROWS FR YOUAN D YJw URS LETS GIVE W. or* Inded apeople forunaf. b.yond oh.n... hIssd ln out children, la cil thls mood fotun, 19 os uumemb.r the sterving chlldren of the.lots........ fovoured ntions. Dy exerclainq ceue, lof us ses . la If tw. wate ne food thaf might b. used ta hall hem. i, P 0 ERrFE TUEE I t' Dog Food 2 pg 9 Wetheys Plure 24 oz.u"s 24 lb."' Orange Marmalade jarM Fve Roses Flour bag- 9 YEGET,1 SUNKIST - Size 100's COOKING Grapefruit - 5 for 25e Onions - 10-lb. bag 39c. Values Effective Until Closing Saturday, October l2th From fr ont to back are pictur- ed the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. VanCamp (nee Helen Norwick), Mrs. Hector Gould, matron o! honor; Mr. Lloyd Metcal!, best man; Miss Betty Franklin, bridesmaid; Mr. Danny Thompson and Mr. Glen Metcalf, PAGE ipivic . THE, CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO limu.TlmolAqr ewqnm iduu ldAdm ..»ý AMý

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