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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1946, p. 7

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*47JMI&iAY, OCTr. î<tf, 1946 - - I - m_-eL__I__S .0. T vAMb% ÂNNOUNCEMENT - « THRE BALMORAL HOTEL wiII now serve meais ON SUNfDAY ft#aIs wiII be ser ved tthe following hours: BREAKFAST- - 8 to 9.30 a.m. DINNER- 12 noon to 1.30 p.m. SUPPER . 5.30 to 7 p.m. Thanksgiving Turkey Dinners We are serving Special Thanksgiving Turkey Dinners on ISUNDAY and MONDAY ~~ October 13 -14 (Mid-day and Evening) THE BALMORAL HOTEL C. JARRETT, Proprietor /ilZ PREPARE FOR WINTER While They Last Air Heaters FOR THOSE COLD CORNERS $6395 m $1125 m $14895 G OB II NVACUUM CLEANERS $68350 G 0 8L 1 N Now Available Complet. ftew Electric Ketties $l4nOO Bowmaflville's Electrical Specialists THVE]RADIO SHOP i9 KiNG ST. E. EXPERT RADIO REPAIS PHONE 513 r E. SOCIAL AND Dr. Keith Slemon, Toronto, was guest of his parents, Dr, and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Bill Edger, Peterborough, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mr. and Mrs. M. ýA. Neal, Or- chard Park, N.Y.,owere guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippefl. Mrs. Richard Sonley, Mar- wayne, Alta., has been guest of Mrs. C. A. Wight. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fîtchett, Montreal, have neen visîting her father, Mr. W. Painton. Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Miss Vesta Spargo. Mrs. George Woods, Dundas, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mr. Charles Sansom, Norwood, Mass., has returned home, after visiting his sister, Mrs. A. Hobbs. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Hoar, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mrs. Mary Flynn, Cross Creek, N.B., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Hobbs. Mrs. J. A. Tait is now home f rom Toronto Western Hospital and is progressing favorably. Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, was weekend guest with her mo- ther Mrs. N. S. B. James. Miss Lena Taylor, R.N, attend- ed Eldad Harvest Home Services as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay- lor, Solina. Mr. Robert Noble visited at To- ronto and Markham, and attended the Mann Cup lacrosse game at Maple Leaf Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Green, Miss Alfleda Slutt, Mrs. Emily Os- borne, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. W. Painton. Misses Betty McKechnie and Florence Pocta, Clevelapnd, Ohio, spent the weekend with Miss Laura Beath.' Captain Sybil Mutton, Salvation Army Headquarters, Toronto, was weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Foster, Den- holm, Sask., Mrs. Geo. Foster, Stratford, spent Monday with Mr. an&Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrison, GOLDEN BOOKS A new sbipment of tixese eutstanding Juvenie Books Attractive Hard Covers.. Beautifully Illiustrated. A good assortment of titles Ideal for Birthday and Christmas Gifts. OnIy 49c each PERSONAL Clîristmias Cards Our sample boek is ready Buy early to avoid disappoint- ment. Je Wu JEWELL *PHO ÇJE 556 4131 G 20" PERSONAL Ha miltôn, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hutchin- son, Toronto, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mrs. John Ribando, Montary Park, Los Angeles, Cali!., and Mrs. H. Kindy, Toledo, Ohio, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs.. Stuart Young. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Pascoe, Solina, and attended Eldad Harvest Home Services. Mr. Bob Evans, Bowmanville, was best man- at the Wiltshire- Mitchell wedding which took place Sept. 28 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church at Temiskaming, Que. As a mark of recognition for splendid service over a long per- iod of tîme A. G. Stories and Geo. Hart were elected Honorary Pres- ident o! the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club. Mrs. J. Coyle, Sr., and Miss Rose Bate have returned from a three- day convention in Windsor o! the Provincial Command o! the Lad- ies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Le- gion. Provincial Police Constable Hect or Gould who has been sta- tioned at Port Hope for the past six months has been transferred to the detachment at Marmora, 27 miles north of Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hancock, recently returned from an exten- ded tour of the Prairie Provinces. Mr. Hancock, local Massey-Harris agent, will attend the Internýation- al Plowing Match at Goderich, next week. Ted Lambros, reconnaissance pilot R.C.A.F. overseas, with Mrs. Lambros, recently visited their aunt and, uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laskaris, Cowan Block. Mr. and Mrs. Lambros now reside at Wiarton. War brides of Courtice, Hamp- ton, Orono, Newcastle and Bow- manville are invited by the La- dies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion to a social evening on Monday, Oct. 2lst at the Union Hall. This is your invitation. While many are predicting an open faîl and mild winter there seems reason for the forecast. Robins still chirp on lawns, Octo- ber 10, and ripe strawberries were. picked in Glenn-Larra gardens during the week. Mr. T. H. McMurtry, Oshawa, well known local insurance agent celebrated his 86th birthday on Monday, October 7. He is still active in the conduct of his busi- ness, which he founded in 1913 after moving to the Motor City from Bowmanville. Alderman Geo. W. Pin'gle, Ot- tawa, i~n renewing his subscrip- tion to his home-town paper writes: I do not know what we would do without The Statesman. We used to use Eaton's catalogue, but for many reasons we lîke your paper best. Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham, Van- couver, B.C., who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Frank Cryder- man and numerous other relatives and friends has returned to thE West and wîll vîsit her brother, Mr. Colin McLean at Irma, Alta., enroute. Herb. Cameron, Tyrone, advis- es us when writing about heavy crops o! vegetables just to men- tion that he had a hill o! potatoe.c with 20 spuds that would feed z family for a week. Besides thal he has a ca'bbage measuring l( inches across and it's stîll grow- îng. The C.P.R.-Highway No. 2 bridge, west o! tow-n is undergo. ing repairs, with traffic re-routed Oliver Roberts, in chargze o! main. Your Hair is No Prob lem at the Iris ILeauty Salcu Our operators are trained to deal with problem hair and we are proud of the splendid results they obtain. If your hair is a problem we can f ix it for you. PERMANENTS OUR SPECIÂLTY ALL TYPES O~F BEÂUTY CULTURE Phone 455 for Appointments King St. West In Jury Jubilee Building PRICES Super D Ced Liver Oil -- 90c-$1.40 Horner's lnfantol ----- 90c-$3.00 For morning freshness ... SECRET~ M 21 c 1 Relatives from this district at- tending the funeral of Mrs. T. F. Wright who died at Churchville, Ont., on Sept. 30 included Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, Blackstock; Mr. Will Wright, Tyrone; Mr. Norman Wright, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wright, Misses Annie and Effie Wright, Mrs. Frank Vice, Mrs. W. Chas. Wer- ry, Oshawa, and Miss Nora Werry, Kedron.. Sgt. Charlés H. (Bud) Pethick, Overseas Axmy Pay Corps, is hol- îdaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick, town. He returned-on the Acquitania last week. His brother, F, E. (Ted) Pethick, Detroit, came over to make the family reunion com- plete. E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative issues this weekly crop report: Silo filling is the or- der of the day with an excellent crop being harvested. Most of the Mclntosh were picked prev- ious to the damaging wind last Tuesday which caused a lot o! windfalls in the later varieties. The apple crop is even better than most had expected. For the record: The past week has been unusually warm with bright sun registering a record- breaking 82 on October 7, and a high lighting semi-full moon gleaming o'nights. Bright flow- ers still lend lustre to gardens and green lawns. But russet leaves are beginning to faîl, the calling cards of Jack Frost, an expected visitor shortly. Forbes Heyland, Rotary Pres- ident and prominent orchardist, reports having received a letter addressed to Bowmanville Cham- ber of Commerce from a North- ern Ontario town enquiring for apples. The letter states that peo- ple up north have heard of the exceptional quality of Durham County apples, hence the enquiry. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard ar- rived home Thursday, from Mich- igan where they accompanied the latter's brother, Mr. T. A. Beacock, on his way home to Regina. They visited Mrs. Geo. Beacock, son and wife, Nules, Mich., and bro- ther, Will Beacock, Hillsdale, Mich.; Russell and Carl Pickard, Kingsville, Ont., and calling on Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison, Leam- ington, an'd Rev. E. G. Armstrong and Margaret, London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitson, Kit- son Apartments, King St. West, celebrated their 45th .wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Oct. 2, when their family of five daugh- ters and two sons with their hus- bands and* wives were ail pres- ent for the occasion which was featured by a dinner party. Guests present included Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kitson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kitson, Bowmanvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Sweetman, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dancy, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Goodhand, Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stacey, of Cressville, Mr. and Mrs. Ciare Netherton. The children pre- sented their parents with a beau- tiful radio. On September 26th, 20 friends of Mrs. James Grant, formerly Gloria Richardson, Orono, gath- erLd at the home of Mrs. M. Cross- Alil Our Werk is Guaranteed MceNulty' s Sports Shop King St. E. Bowmanville START MINIMUM PRICES Bayer Aspirin --- 18c-29c-79C Alka-Seltzer -- 29c-57C Vick's Vapo-Rub 43c Frosst's 217's ---- 35c-75C-$1.5O Beecham's Pills 23-49c Anacin Tablets 25-49-74-$1.19' Grove's Cold Tablets ----- 24c-44c Chase's Nerve Food-------- 60c-$.50 Gin PlUs -_ 39c-69C man, King St. to shower her with miscellaneous gifts. Mrs. Grant ià employed in the office of the Goodyear and the girls giving the shower were her fellow em- ployees. The roomrr was tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and Gloria was seated under a large pink and white um- brella. After opening her many beeutiful. gifts she thanked the girls feelingly. An enjoyable so- cial hour was spent and lunch of sandwiches, cookies, ice cream and coffee was, served 'by Misses Nora Fagan, Evelyn Parrinder, and Jean Crossman. Solina Eldad United Church, adorned with autumn* flowers and fruit, extended a welcome to ahl its members and friends, Sunday, October 6, on the Annual Harvest Home occasion. Rev. E. Linstead conducted the services at 2 and 7:30 p.m.; imparting inspiration to ail, wîth an effective back- ground of music supplied by the choir, under leadership' of Dr. George Werry. The choir was as- sîsted in the afternoon by Mr. Alex Yonson, baritone soloist of Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa, and at the evenin1g service George Werry sang a solo and Mrs. J. C. Smales took the solo part in the anthem "Seek Ye the Lord." Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, presided at the organ for the organ-piano duos. Tuesday evening a roast fowl supper was served, and, after a lapse during the wartime years, was much enjoyed. And finally at 8:15 p.m. Maple Grove Y.P.U. presented the entertain- ing drama "Susie Steps Out" and delightful interludes between acts including vocal solos by Ross Metcalf, Lenore Collacutt, Doris CaIling Ail Kids! Bring Mom and Dad down to see our window. It is full of things just for you. PHONES: Office 410 Residence 2249 I d r. 09pe-da4mPh/ud4a44 c! We do flot mean to dismember you'of course but merely to produce a portrait for your pleasure and to our credit at The Alpha Studio0 40 King St. East BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO NOW BILLETTE TECH RAZO R comploete »-ilh 5 matf ch/exs 6illette Ail Mettal Vi-Mi Capsules ---- $1.85-$3.25 I.DA. Cod Liver 011 -- 69c-$1.19 Mead's Viosterol--------- 65c-$3.25 1 a Wyeth's Vitules ---------- $5.00 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum 75e - $3.00 i Kepler's Malt and Ced Liver 011 75c-$1.25 Scett's Emulsion ---59c-98e Vîtadiet Capsules --- $1.15-$2.70 Norplex Vitamin B Cemplex Tabs. $1.-1.75 Vitavax --- $2.50-$7. Idaphos 16-oz.- ---- $1. Idafer.Tonic ---- $1.25 !'iRED FEET & PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEJ LAURA SECORDCNDE IcOREDOR DRU«S PHONE 793 - WIE DELIVE r, E BUILDING RESISTANCE AGAINST WINTER DISEASES Vitamin products fortify your body and increase your general weil-being. Childrmi especially need vitamidns now for the building ef healthy benes and teeth. We list many proven products below. Visit our store and select one witheut delay. Neo-Chemical Food - $1.15-$2.4S-$4.45 Aiphamettes, Ayerst - $1.-$3.50-$15. aidez Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver 011 - 67c-$1.69 Ifl Neo-Chemical Food Caps. 1.25-2.25-$5. ID Idamait, Malt & C.L.0I1, 59c-98c-$1.69 )AGESAbdol Caps., improved - $2-$3.45-$7.59 Horner's Maltevol, 12-oz.- - $2.00 r., Halibut Liver 011 Caps. - 69c-$1.19-$5. Mead's Cod Liver 011l - - - 50c-$1.00 PAGE Stevens; vocal duet by Lenore and Barbara, Mr. Roy Hooey, and Doris and recitation by Mil- Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. James dred Metcalf. Mr. L. Collacutt Armstrong, Joan and Robert, Ma- was accompanist and Rev. E. Lin- pie Orove; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. stead chairman. Scott and Robert Scott, Jr., at B. Visitors: G. Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey <Other Solina news see page 12) Wlay noS order tome today? Your dollar buya more laeat that waYl TryReaingBriqe thei new streamlined econmy ue -n wtchyour heatîng coots take a nose dive. Reading Briquets are made with mli ises of genumne P o Reading Hard Ceai, pressed jute briquets, in. aise between nut and steve coal. Tbey offer the. advantages of large se fuel at mucli lower cet. Give excellent resuits ini furnaces, hot water lieaters,filreplaces-alY- where you use oid fuel. Why ix>t try tlem? We know you'Il like them. OnIy a ton BRI@UETS THENEW<ýTREAMUNED" ECONOMY FUEL OWEN NICHOLAS, FUELS BICYCLE RENTALS REPAIRS & PARTS SPORTING GOODS KEY CUTTING h m Oum iur. rAiqATITAN sTATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO q'm'm-qlA xr 1*%eNpn 1 -U . -. -

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