PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, OCT. lOth, 1946 Lake Shore, Clarke r. and rs W. Stringer wt Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J Hendry visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow and frien~ds at Markham and attend- Mr. nd Mrs Stn Alin nd ailed the iair. Mr. nd rs.Sta Alin nd ail Miss E. Holmes with Mr. and wth Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar- Mrs. H. Rowland. New Tires itn the Air Sure, there are new tires in the air - i fact, the whole tire situation seems to be up in the air. Be wise, have your present tires recapped. You '11 be delighted with the extra miles and the greater safety they bring you. Corne in today. EIXPERT -EFFICIENT - PROMPT SERVICE G.F. Jamieson Tire Shop Phone 467 46 King St. W. Bowmanville This Simple Table Explains the HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Loan Plan Number Find hors the Cash Loan you ned... thon Of choose a Monthly Paymont Plan Moithly__ -__________ ___ ps"""'t $50 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $700 $1000 -w- _-_ _ 24....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... $34.95 $ 49.92 20........ ...... ...... $17.47 $23.30 $29.12 40.77 58.25 15 ... $ 7.49 $14.99 22.48 29.98 37.47 52.46 74.94 12 $ 4.58 9.17 18.34 27.50 36.61 45.84 64.18 91.68 6 8.78 17.55 35.11 52.66 70.21 87.76 122.87 175.53 muas paynmdns Iauude ail costs If paymemts are mod according to schedulo If you can use extra rnoney you can arrange your boan at Household Finance. Select the amount you need from the above table. Decide how long you want to take to repay. Then phone our office - or cornei if you prefer. You'll get your money quickly, usually the same day you apply. You'll also be glad to know -that rates at Household Finance are the lowest of any Small Loans Company i Canada. HOUSEHOLO FINANCE c aZý -tý ?1&d- BACJKD BY 68 YEARS OF EXPRIENCE Canada's lorgest and oldest Sn"U Loans Company wih 41 offices in 34 cilleS D. C. Moore,. Manager 15 Slmncoe St. South (Over Kresgo's) OSHAWA, ONT. Phone Oshawa 3601 Hours 9 te 5 or by appoint ment - Loons mode bta rmers ami esidents eofn.orby towm ~PROTECT YOUR CARSJ Today every car lias a price on its head. Keep your car in perfect condition and you will in- crease its trade-in value. We repair, rebuild and recondition cars so they look and run like new. Put your car on ihe top of the bidding list! See us for an expert repairing job today! GARTON'S GARAGE phone 2666 King St. E., Bowmanville Miss Palmner, Oshawa, is acting as teller in the Bank of Commerce while Miss Mary Somerville is on vacation. Word came last week of the sudden passing of Mr. Perry BnoWn, Whitby, who for miany years was agent at the C.N.R. sta- tion here. Since the railroad was abandoned thnough this district, Mr. Brown has been agent at Whitby and Port Hope and has been living retired in Whitby for the past yean. A numben of friends from Orano attended the funeral service at the home last Thtirsday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex have been in Graven- hurst, camping, where Mn. Drum- mond is taking advantage of the autumn scenery to do some sket- cbing. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawke who recently celebrated their golden wedding annivensary with their entire fa- mily of ten cbildren being pres- ent, the first time for several years. Almost 60 guests includ- ing relatives and neigbbors, par- ticipated in the happy event, when the bride and groom were pre- sented with a purse of money and other useful gifts. Many were the good wishes expressed that tbey would have many more years of wedded life. Lieut. and Mrs. John Coryell and cbildren, Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Lieut. and Mrs. Coryell left by plane for a week's vacation in New York City, leaving the cblîdren with their grandpanents. Mr. J. J. Mellar bas been at- tending a Community Life Con- ference this week at Camp Raw- ley, Port Severn, as a representa- tive of Durham Caunty Federa- tion of Agriculture. Miss E. Reid and Mn. Clarence Reid, Lakeview, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid, Miss Reid re- maining for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood at- tended Markham Fair on Satur- day. The death occurned in Orono on Octoben lst of Wm. Graham, aged 78 years. The funeral ser- vice was beld in Bowmanville on Thursday and interment in St. John's Cemetery, Cookstown. Dr. W. W. Shenwin bas return- ed home after a six weeks' trip ta Europe in charge of cattle for the U.S. government. Harvest Tbanksgiving services were beld at St. Saviour's Churcb an Sunday last when Rev. R. L. Seaborn, rector of St. Peter's Church, Cobourg, was the special preacher-at the evening service. Mr. Fred Honey, a former nes- ident of Orona, and bis son, Ger- ald of Redmands, Cal., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Robinson attended tbe funenal in Toronto last week of Constable David Armstrong of the Toronto Police Dept. wbo dîed very suddenly af- ter completîng his day's duties at Cowan Ave, station. A well respected citizen of Or- ono and Kirby passed away last Thursday in Bowmanville Hos- pital in tbe person of Miss Eliza- beth Epps, in ber 85th year. Fu- neral services were held in Park St. United Church by Rev. S. Lit- tlewood and burial was in Orono cemetery. Miss Epps is sunvived by two aged. sisters wbo were un- able to attend the funeral, and nepbews and nieces, Mr. Sidney Smith of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Nemei of Rochester, N.Y., wbo attended the funeral and, were giiests of Mrs. H. Curtis. Orono Band beld its annual meeting in the Town Hall last week when reports were made on last year's work and, officers el- ected for the year. The band' bas given several Sunday afternoon concerts in the park and played at fairs and other special events during the summer months wben their music bas been mucb appre- ciated. Tbe treasurer reported a balance of $260, wbicb will be us- ed for improvements within the band. Plans were made to start a class of young musicians under blyn. Of1icers3eecte- were- P- ner home. Mr. Allan Cornisb, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornisb. Miss Lorraine MacDonald witb Miss Helen Wood for the week- end. Aiduit Education Classes Organized By Orono Ladies The inaugural meeting of the Homemakers classes was beld in the school, Octobeý 2nd, and got away to a flying start witb about 70 ladies present. The number present meant that the "sitting room" was somewhat crowded, but this inconvenience was suf- fered very amiably. Some com- munity singing started the pro- ceedings led by Mrs. Pbasey with Mrs. Everett Brown at the piano. Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn spoke on the idea behind the starting of the classes, emphasizing that practi- cality was to be the keynote of al the instructions and that really down-to-earth ideas and teacb- ings would be given. The classes are jointly sponsor- ed by Oreo Women's Instîtute and Durham Federation of Agri- culture. Mrs. E. Hramar, presi- dent of the Institute, welcomed those present and said that the Institute was glad to belp such a worthwbile project. A list of tried and tested shonteuts, belpful hints and ideas for time and labor sav- ing during fail housecleaning was given by Mrs. Hamar. Mr. J. J. Mellon, township clerk, also welcomed the ladies and in- tnoduced Mr. O. R. Stalter, Ton- onto, of. the Ontario Adult Educa- tion Board. Mr. Stalter spoke of what some other places are trying to do along the same lines and saîd that from the pnogram al- ready autlined ta him he tbought that the Orono group would be used as an example and pattern for the others. Mrs. L. MeGinnis, leader of the For Your Next Appointment PHONE "453 "'ESTELLE" Beauty Salon SPECIALIZING IN ALL LUNES 0F BEAIJTY CULTURE Machine Machineless And CoId Permanent Waving . . . Shampooing Fingerwaving Arnao Steam Treatments Manicuring .. Facials Eyebrow Arching a a 0 a 0 * e * e * e 0 a 0 ""Eternal" Tints "Normandie" Bleach 011 0 a A fulllline of "Katherine Carr" cosmetics For Your Home Care and Treatment "Revion" Nail Polish. a a Lipaticks 98 YF.ARSY-OUNG John Lyle Venerable veteran ex-Town Clerk of Bowmanville, John Lyle, celebrated bis 98th birthday, on Tuesday, Octoben lst, 1946. Hale and beanty he received many con- gratulatory messages from fniends and was the life of the party at bis home attended by two daugh- ters, Gertrude, Mrs. G. J. Ellîott, Toronto; Agnes, Mrs. R. M. Mit- chell, Belleville, and bis son, Town Clerk, Alex Lyle. The editor of The Statesman once again counted it a rare priv- ilege ta wisb "Many happy ne- turns" ta this grand old man. Coming fram the barber sbop ta which be matons fan shaves, he paused ta say: "I see by The Statesman you have been in Hal- ifax." His keen, dlean blue eyes ligbted up bis unlined, ruddy face as be pnoff ered a cigar of the brand be bas enjoyed fan years. John Lyle reacbed Bowmanville fram Devon, England, May 16, 1860. For 86 years bie bas taken a leading part in the life of the community and still remains a constant reader. After retiring from business be was Town Clerk from 1897 ta 1932 when he turned the work aven ta bis son ta relax and contemplate a fast maving age. His philasophy: "Don't war- ry; things will came out alnigbt under tolerance and rigbt living." nutrition course, outlined the plans for this group and gave a short talk an "Muffins-wbat tbey should be like and bow ta make tbem that way." The muff ins used fon the demonstration wene made by Mrs. Suttan. Mrs. O. W. Rolpb, wba will lead the home management study asked the ladies ta decide just wbat phases of the subi ect tbey would like ta have empbasized and then gave a talk an the uses of gelatin. Mrs. Rolpb bad sev- eral lovely gelatin creatians on display that she bad made and she also gave the recipes fan tbem. Mrs. L. Reid, band crafts lead- er, asked those interested in this wonk ta bning materials ta the next meeting, when classes in knitting, cnocheting, tatting and any ather crafts desired will be started. Mrs. Boultbee, in change of the sewing gnoup, told of the tentative course arranged and asked the la- dies ta bring any patterns tbey bave and ta boan tbem for a pat-, tern excbange. For the next meeting ladies are asked ta wear their favorite apron and ta bring its pattern. Sewers are asked ta bning thein awn scissors, needles, thimbles, pins, tape measure, tbread, etc. Sewing machines will be provided. A talk and demonstratian on "The Cane of Hause Plants" bad ta be pastpaned because of lack af time but it will be given an October l6tb. Each lady wore a slip af paper witb ber name on it and during the evening these were caflected and one drawn. The lucky win- ner was Mrs. D. Myles and she was presented with a large box af soap flakes. Small booklets in- the shape and calor of red apples were handed out and each memben gat as many autagraphs af ather members as she could. Bath these features belped ta get everyone acquaint- ed and on a friendly basis. The response ta the request for bouse plant slips was practically overwbelming. These were an- nanged an tables so that the mem- bers could choase and help tbem- selves to wbich ever ones tbey fancied. The ladies were alsa on First Aid. Othen literature will be banded out fnom time ta time. Kendal Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Couraux and Ray are visitîng at Cacbe Bay. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Bell, Mn. Len and Miss Betty Johnson, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mrs. V. Jahnson for the weekend. Miss Doris Tbampson,, Kitch- ener, and Mn. George Mencer, spent the weekend witb the fon- mer's parents at Deseranto. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Mrs. Mary LuX~on and' Marion spent Sunday afternoon with Master* David Mercer in Civic Hospital, Peterbora. Ih is expected that David will bave ta remain there for two weeks yet. We are sorry ta learn af the illness of Mrs. Jas. Hay and hope she will soon be well again. Last Tuesday aur village was rather unexpectedly treated toaa taste of winter., The snow, ex- tremely high wind, and* the below 30 degnee tempenature did nat do tbe frost damage expected. However there were somne cald fingers getting in patataes and mangels. The lack of heavy frosts in this section this falbas been a baan ta the tabacco gnowers. Tbey have now finished picking and ap- pean well satisfied witb their crop. They are getting their stripping rooms ready for use. The Kendal W.I. are ta bave the pleasure of a visit from the Dis The Orono News Trhanksqivi"nq Blue Rouss Fruit and Veqetable. ... BRITISH EMPIRE GRAPEFUIT Lage 41 ad 64's 3 fr25e GRAN(~ESCALIFORNIA VALENCIA -dz 7 RAPEFUITf SEEDLESS 96%a 4 for 24e AP Ij5MoINTOSH RED, 6-qt.69 A"IXS COMBINATION GRADE st AP 5GREENING COOKING -t. 5 APPLUCOMBINATION GRADE st WOFRIVER COOKINGqq APPLLb WOLP ATONGRADE- 31bs. 2e 1 PEAU OREGON BOSC.. -2 b.7 GRP TCOA No. - - 21bs29e CRANIERIIESCAPE CO D -lb53 TANSTEXASSELECTED - JLIFLGWERSNOW WHITE i2fr2% ] m -S Fresh Green qt.2g an No. 1PEOITSbx PEPPER SQUASHLarge Green cd TJRIPSWASHED AND WAXED -r ni %No. 1 - - lb. 3e SPANISE GEONS SNo. 1 2 for 15e ANN PAGE OVIN FRESH SANDWICH BREAD 2 24 oz. leaves 7c Custom Ground A &P BOKAR REALLY FRESH COFFEE lb. 35c blade&backstraprernoved lb. 27c FRESH KILLED LAMB ]LEGS m - lb. 4,5c FRONTS mulb. 205C Grade,, B MiIk F.d CHICKENS lb. 41c FGWL Gr:deAg lb. 35,c FISH SUGGESTIONS NORTHERN SELECT I YSTERS 1/2 pt. 65e FILLETS SALMUOON 4E lb. 49C HADDOCK lb. 35,c SMOKED lb. 32e CUT UP CHICKEN LEGS TRIHIl. 73C WINGS . . . lb. 30e NRECKS & DACKS lb. 15C STORE CLOSED, MiONDAY, OCT. 14f trict President, Mrs. Werry of Sauina at their next meeting, Fni- day, October l8th at 2:30. The roll eall will be "How I can help our Institute. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Jas. Hoy, Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Mrs. C. A. Cooper. Ladies, young and old, are invited to attend. Please note change'of date. Starkville Miss Doreen Farrow and friend at Brampton. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim at Quay's Crossing. Mr. Marshal Dobson, Mr. and Mns. Arthur Dobson and family, Parry Sound, spent the weekend with their brother, Mr. Aif Dob- son. Mr. Dobson, Sr., returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trim in Toronto. Mrs. Hoskin, Kendal, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden. Mrs. Geo. Etwell and Mrs. Bert Trim in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and family took in Markham Fair. Sacrament was obsenved on Sunday at Sbilob, at which ser- vice Miss Helena Hallowell ren- dered a solo. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hallowell with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallo- well. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimegon, Pontypool, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. T. Falls, Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. H. Little, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mrs. H. L. Trim visited, in Osh- awa. Mrs. M. Shutka is in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson and family witb fniends on Sunday. Mn. Ed. White, Elizabetbville, with Mr. Ross Hallowell. Miss Nellie Shutka and girl friends and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shutka, Oshawa, with Mr. M. Shutka. PUBLIC MEETINO FOR THE PURPOSE 0F FORMING A Bowmanville Communîty Counil At the request of local organizations and citizens interested in planned recreation for the towil of Bowxnanville, a public meeting will be held at The Council Chambers Friday, October 18 at 8 p.m.. for the purpose of forming a Bowmanville Connnunity Council A representative of the Community Welf are Council of Ontario will be present to conduct the meeting and assist in the organizing of the proposed Community Council. Ail organizations and citizens interested in sports, recreation and cultural education are requested to attend. Meeting sponsored by the Bowmanville Town Council and the Bowmanville Chamber of Com- merce. Cà G. MORRIS, Mayor. LIMITHO SUPPLIES, WHILE THEY LAST PEACRESBRIGHT'S CHOICE "JCM- AL VES LIMITED SUPPLIES, WHILE 7MEY LAST AYLMER PRMRPLUM CHOICE LIMITED SUPPLIES, WHILE THEV LAST PLUNJAN AYLMER - L1141TED SUPPLIES, WHILE THEV LAST RELISE HEINZ --- 13ELEMEDILLED CUCUMBER» WtAX BAN CHSTEGDEN NEW PACK »JUT JUIgfE FANCY TONAT& NEW PACK - . Ti 204 - - 24 «x - - 2 20o. 23 -T 2 30~19 PAGE BIGHT THE 1 CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMÉANVILLE, OINTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. 10th,.19«