PAGE ELEVEN fI'IPYTRTn A V7 CU' i 7fli¶1946 THE CMNADIAN STATESMM4, ISUWMAN4VU.LEL, OJNTAIOL LONG Ju RANCR -vý ustOff Queen Elizabeth Way - Highway 27 WEST 0F TORONTO TODAY AND EVERY DAY UNTUL MONDAY, OCT. 28 FI RST .« VR R AC E 2DAY ADMISSION (Including Tax) ---1.20 Children Under Sixteen Not Admitted Parking Accommodation For Thousands of Motor Cars SPACIOUS MODERN RESTAURANT Buy Quality and Save It's Time to Think of Your Living Room If you're furnishing or, we suggest that you corne in tomorrgw to see oui really fine selection of living-room groups and individual pieces. Here is just one, with a carved frame, covered in tapestry, friezette, or mohair in con- trasting "decorator" colors. Three pieces. F. F. Morris Co. DtJRHAM'S LARGEBT FTYNERÂL DIRBOTORS BOWM FIRST; RADII Trune 'on Si 1240C c Staits Sunda 4.30 m I uui-. lim, lu-tu rhumnati vains or dastmWboroiL 10P RG MEdients wb"c act «rdlcty en t"i.kidys and belp tenrgi normal action Get DoddaLPila t e-dy. 138 LainC IKLIDC YCIJL L)IAL Rub Minard'. gonerom h and get the . beed eithat ti Mrat rubbing lniet ha& been brln15j rantwists, ache.ds oeenf al r ons for colds and ordinary x thoat; for dandrufi and akin yOctober 27th iodrMar siexnnt to5 pa. ARDS [MIMENT umumuuuuuum mmu U=UU UZU UUZ lage appeared in last week's Ô oStatesman. In Newcastle we The ewhave neat, well 'painted signs TheNewaste ndeendnt adorning the highway at theen Th e ca telde e d n trances to the village informing Phone: Clarke 3314 motorists. that the speed in the village is 30 miles per hour and _______________________________if is strictly enforced. We are Miss Mary Dewdney, Miss Ann Pearce. hrom itois nforce asa number Gardner, Bishop Strachan School, Mr. Bud Bonathan, Mr. Ed. Cur- wo cars n trcs oin thrg Toronto, spent Thanksgiving hol- tin, Toronto, were guests of Mr. ofecvillagedotucs oi n excessive iday with Rev. Douglas and Mrs. and Mrs. Morley SaUlows. and dangerous speed. On Thanks- Dewdney. Mr. .Harold DeLine, Toronto, giving Day the pet spaniel, "'Rex"Y Miss Dorothy Trenwith, Tor- spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and of littie Teddy and Morley Sal- onto, was with her aunt Miss L. Mrs. Walter DeLine. lows was the victim of one of rnit. CrsiBokiii Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright, these speed fiends, who did not gus hMrs. JtiBon Garrod. a renton, were guests with Mr. stop but left the littie dog lying Mus issThomps.on oro, svi-George Wright. a quivering, suffering little form iigMrs. S. Bonathan. Misses Aresta and Lois Martin, on the hîghway in' front of his Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Fisher Toronto, were home. onr.Teltl o id h and family spent Thanksgiving Prof. and Mrs. E. G. R. Ardagh victim on Thanksgiving Day was with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kellar, and John, Toronto, spent the hol- the littie dog but it might as eas- Mountain Grove. iday at their Newcastle residence. ily have been a little child or an C.G.I.T. group met October 8 Miss Lydia Lake, Toronto, was adult. A number of children have with President Marjorie Toms in guest of her mother, Mrs. Frank to cross the highway on their way charge. After the business per- Gibson. to and from school. We also have iod, Mrs. Garnet Porter, gave a Mrs. Frank Mason, Toronto, elderly citizens who cross the talk and demonstrated "Handi- wife of Rev. Frank Mason, formn- highway to and from the Post crafts." The devotional period er rector of St. George's Church, Office, sureiy something can be was in charge of Kaye Roushorn. was Sunday guest of Mrs. P. F. done to curb the speed and en- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gaines Le Gresley. force the law and rnake the high- and two littie daughters with Mr. Mrs. Benjamin Moise, is visit- way intersection safer for pedes- and Mrs. George Gaines. ing in Toronto. trians. Mr. Arthur Toms, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, spent Large congregations attended Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms. Thanksgiving in Ancaster and the special Thanksgiving Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton ac- Preston. services in Newcastle churches. companied Dr. and Mrs. H. Mac- The monthly devotional and A large congregation was present Donald, Toronto, on a motor trip business meeting of St. George's at the il a.m. service in St. to Lake Piacid, N.Y. Church W.A. was held in the George's Church to hear Rev. J. M.Harold Hoar and Mr. Frank Parish Hall on October 8th. Pres- deP. Wright of St. John's Church, Hoar, Toronto, spent Thanksgiv- ident Mrs. W. H. Gibson was in Bowmanville, preach an eloquent ing with their mother, Mrs. Ed. the chair. Minutes were read and inspiring sermon, taking as Hoar. by Secretary, Miss Cora Butler his topic "Thanksgiving."~ The Miss Barbara Bonathan and Mr. and Treasurer Miss Beatrix Mc- church looked exceptionally love- Neil Britton visited Mr. and Mrs. Intosh presented the« financiai re- ly, decorated with fiowers, fruit D rfihHamilton. port, and informed members that and vegetables, symbolic of the Miss E. Kimber, Toronto, is vis- the W.A. would be able to meet Thanksgiving time. A former iting Mrs. Scott Howard. their piedges in full. President mnember of the choir, Mr. George Mrs. Ross Dickenson and Ron- of the Evening Branch, Mrs. D. Vine, who is now a member of St. nie spent the holiday with Mr. Dewdney presented her report John's Church choir accompanied Dickenson in.,-Napanee. showing that the Evening Branch Rev. Wright to Newcastle and Mrs. C. F. McKeown and two had paid their pledges, and were assisted the choir. There was ai- littie daughters, Toronto, are vis- now starting on their winter so a large congregation at the ev- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. work. Miss Audrey Horrocks, enîng service when the rector, J. S. Dyer. secretary of "Littie Helpers," has Rev. Douglas Dewdney took the Miss Margaret Wright, Toron- 37 members enrolied. They were service and delivered a splendid to, with hier grandmother, Mrs. H. entertained at a very enjoyable sermon appropriate to Thanks- Wetherill. tea party in July at the Horrock's giving season. A large congrega- Mr. and Mrs. .Percy Hare who summer home, Haif-a-Hill. Mrs. tion that filled the church also at- sold their home on Mill St. to Dr. P. F. LeGresley, Secretary of "Ex- tended the morning service at A. F. Hare, of Oshawa, have mov- tra Cent a Day Fund" asked that Newcastle United Church, when ed into an apartment in their, ail members have their envelopes the pastor, Rev. W. W. Patterson block of apartments on King St. turned in at the November meet- conducted the Thanksgiving ser-- Miss Lucy Brault, Toronto, was ing. Arrangements were being vice. Mr. James S. Dyer render- guest of Mrs. W. Kenefick. made to have a speciai speaker ed a fine baritone solo and the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brereton fromi the Diocesan Board, Toron- choir sang as an anthem "0 Give and son, Owen Sound, Mr. and to, address the meeting on No- Thanks Unto the Lord." Mrs. Charles Brereton, Port Hope, vember l2th. Mrs. Horace Ward Newcastle W.M.S. met on Wed- Swere Thanksgiving guests of Mr. is now taking orders for the 1947 nesday, October 2nd in the United and Mrs. H. Brereton. W.A. Calendar. Mrs. Ward irLvit- Church Sunday school with the - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Babcock, ed the W.A. to have their fext third vice-president, Mrs. W. W. - Bowmanviile, were Sunday callers home cooking sale and tea at hier Paterson in the chair. The meet- on Mrs. George Rickard and Mrs. home. Miss Beatrix McIntosh, ing opened by singing "Jesus Calis Harold Toms. literature secretary, gave a resu-me Us, O'er the Tumult," with Mrs. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, of -the first chapter of the new stu-- Rinch at the piano. with her mother, Mrs. H. R. dy book "India at the Threshold." Minutes were read by Miss E. ______________________An invitation was accepted from M. Blackburn in the absence of the W.A. Newcastle United the treasurer Mrs. Beman, Miss Church to their meeting on Oct. Blackburn gave the financial re- Tortured By 1 i6th-, to hear Mrs. Cherry of To- port. Mrs. J. Philip read the ronto Scriturelesson, Mrs. W. W. Pat- Weregret to learn of the ser- erson gave a very impressive ious illness of Mrs. E. Fry, who talk, basîng her remarks on the SIN S P IN sînce hier husband's death has theme "God is present every- SIN U S PA IN made her home with her daugh- where, living in Christ-like lives." Voti can get qulck relief ter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Paterson also offered pray- froiii painful distress with Gerg>MÊd1s. er. Mrs. Clarence Allun gave a a few drops of May we add our voice to that splendid report on school for VicksVa-tro-noI. I<KS of the Newtonville correspondent leaders which she attended at the It works right aamm~ whose item regarding excessive Ontario Ladies' Coliege, Whitby. where misery is!lUmVUUUWOmo rate of speed that motorists are After the meeting the W.M.S. en- i ailowed to travel through our vil- tertainecl the members of the Ba- _______________________________________________by Band, and their mothers. Games were piayed by the older chîldren led by Mrs. Howard Toms and Miss Ruth Hancock leaders of the Baby Band. Tule Flooring Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Cholce of Colours Specialize j Kitchen and Bathroomas PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON MASTER BRAND DGG BISCUITS 2 PERFECTION coc C HAN F LOOR WAX OCEDAR MOISE RENNET TABLETS 2 Tins19#.< 1-lb. àe Pkgs.2b 1-lb. 9u Ctn. MS3 1-l b. 639 Tin Btl. 22e Pkg. I1< "n Page Oven Fresh MILK DREAD W h te or 2 4 0Z.1 5 C TASTY SPICED HAN 2 Tokens 12-or.37 ALL PURPOSE 5 ROSES FLOUÉR B 25 CHANGE TO SOLEX LANPS 25-40-60 e a. 15e NORVALL'S MALTED NILK - - 16-or. Ctn. 699 WHEN AVAILABLE USE SWAP PALMOLIVE 2 Cakes 119 WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPER SUS - Pkg. 244 ERISKET, FOR OILING FRESH KILLED LAMB LAM LEGS lb. 43g FRONTS FISH SUGGESTI0ONS GYSERSNORTHERN - V- HADDKK FILLETS « « SKGKED FILLETS Col) FIL'yETS FRESH CUT Up CHICKEN BUY THE PARTS VOUR FAMILY LIKE LEGS, THIGES & DREASTS WINGS- -- NECKS &BUAES- - - OEA NGES CALIFORNIA FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS I!DIEIfIUVNEW CROP camu ais 8fB 96's GRAPESTOKY N. - PURS tOREGON LSMeINTOSH REDS MUS COMBINATION GRADE MPLU GEEING APaimui.COMBINATION GRADE LEITU CECALIFORNIA 60's CEIgOTS WASHED ..- -TUEINp WASHED AND AE PSCAL OR CELEY STLKSWPAeLarge SPANISH EXTRALAG IP OTATOES P.E.I. LARGE No. 1 Ibo. 2à% 75-lb. beg 1 4 a j lb. 14e 1 lb. 25e lb.35 lb. lb. 33e BEST IL 73e lb. 304 do.29e 1Lfor 25 EIbs 29e Z lb 279 bskt 699 6-qt c< bskt 55 2 for 19e lb. Efor 19e 'p N INJOY CUSTOM GROUND A RP SGKAR tu1 1 Nualbil WAX BEANS NEW PACK FANCV TO.JUICE Fum- affl 112 ý 3