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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1946, p. 9

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mv. r-fAPTAniTA?,q C'Aq'U'MAN. BOWMAVIT.T. ONTARIO .AJIJLIOAYA, uOCT. Z4th, 1946 JILi - . .-'. R~OOF A Complete Wiring Service You don't have to worry when you let us do your wiring. We guarantee the best of materials and workmanship used throughout. You can be completely satisfied. that your wiring is in there ta last for years. Drop in to-day far free estimates on your wiring problems. No job tao big or too small. Your General Electric Appliance Dealer HEÂDQUÂRTERS FOR CIL. PAINTS Higgon Electric 45 King St. E. Phone 438 rOCK YOUR'PANTRY wjith these valumi Everybody is talking about the unusual values we are offering. Sa stock your pantry now. You are assured of service, convenience and the lowest food prices. Take advantage of the variety and the quality foods we now off er. Grose's Grocery Maple Grove Phone 2582 r RtOYAL1 B9W.MA NVILLE TOPS IN ENTE ETHURSDAY -FRIDAY ESTHER :PWEt-wiw Ams. enOOW4yT MARCH OF TE THEATRE - PIIONE 589 'RTAINMENT - OCTOBER 24 -25 CARTOON IN COLOR SATURDAY - OCTOBER 26th DAVID 0. SELZNICK'S groatest bicture W~MARK TWAXINS 5. In Technticolor ~ ~ ~" 2 BIG CARTOONS LAUREL AND HARDY SHORT L Mon., Tue*., Wed., Thurs. - Oct. 28,29,30,31 EBecause of the poularity of this great picture, and many requests we are extendlng the playing date one extra day. P.anbow rgoducdom. lanc. Pvns 4' 0 I~SBY BR - FOX LATE NEWS CARTOON Burketon Thankoffering services were well attended afternoon and ev- ennsecial music by the chair assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Roblin at the piano. The Rev. E. S. Lin- stead took charge of both ser- vices and spoke an Thanksgiving. Many attended for the occasion. Thankoffering about $160.00. A quilting was clone by the W.A. ladies. We wish to extend sympathy to Mrs. J. Gill and relatives in the death of the late Mr. Thomas Richards who died in Bowman- ville hospital. Mrs. Leo Moffat underwent an operation for appendicitis this week. We welcome Mrs. L. Heasman to the village, moving into her mother's home, the late Mrs. M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson celebrated their llth wedding anniversary on' Friday, October 18th, and invited their friends and neighbors in for a party. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Avis and fam- ily, Toronto, at J. Carter's.. Mr. Gilbert Gooding, Toronto, visited Mr. Orval Greer with whom he had served in Italy. Mrs. George Carter visited Mrs. Willda in Bowmanville. Mrs. B. Hubbard visited in Osh- awa. Mrs. J. Porter visited her bro- ther and Belgian bride recently arrived in Canada. Mrs. Mary King ahdc Nina, Ma- rie Hartnette, Audrey Hartnette, Mrs. (Dr.) Kiaser ail of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm of Blackstock, at Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Moff at's. Mrs. T. Hopley and sister, Ma- jor and Mrs. Warrander of Brit- ish Columbia; Mr. ancl Mrs. G. Hussey of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Culham and family of Guelph, held a family reunion at the Ford Hotel, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Katchal of Picton spent the weekencl at Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roblin's. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and Baby Alice, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pow- ers and children, Mrs. M. Power with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton. Florence Caughill is spending a few weeks in Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massie, To- ronto, visited Mr. ancl Mrs. F. Needham. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter spent the weekend with Mr. J. A. Tomp- kins. Mrs. John Carter visited with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Needham, Miss Lochead, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs. T. Hopley. Miss Mary Adams, Miss Isabel Carter, were in Peterboro, visit- ing. Mrs. Ella Adams and Eunice Randaîl, Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams .and family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. I. Cochrane and family, of Nestleton; N. Hudson, A. Wotten, Enniskillen, at ýErnest Aclams'. Cadmus The October meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. T. Samelîs with se- yen members plesent, also 14 members from Blackstock W.A. The meeting was taken by Mrs. 0. McQuade in the absence of Mrs. W. Sweet, our president. Mrs. Cecil Hill of Blackstock gave the devotional, stressing why we es- pecially should be so grateful this Thanksgiving. Our thankoff ering amounted to $ 10.00 with several members yet to be heard from. Blackstock W.A. furnished the program, consisting of a reading by Mrs. Percy Van Camp, a solo by Mrs. Sadier, and a reading by Mrs. W. Archer, the Blackstock president. A pleasant social haif hour was then enjoyed with lunch being served by Cadmus ladies. Anniversary services on Sun- day were macle very interesting by Rev. Mr. Newell of Fenelon Falls. There was a fine attend- ance at both services and collec- tions amounted to $95.72 for the day. Giad to report that Glen Gib- son is improving at the Sick Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto, also Mr. W. Ferguson who is staying at Nestieton at present. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thoms and Miss Jean, Bethel, with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mrs. John McKee, Blackstock, with Mrs. O. McQuade. Mr. and Mrs. E. Archer, Janet- ville, with Mrs. Wm. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Bobbie with Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. -' FRI. - SAT. October 24 - 25 - 26 Claudette Colbert - Orson Welles - George Brent in 'Tomnorrow is Forever' MONDAY - TUE SDAY October 28 - 29 "Her Kind of Man" starrlng Dane Clark - Janis Palge Zachary Scott FOUR DAYS WEDNES. TO SATURDAY Oct. 3Mt to Nov. 2nd Alan Ladd - Geraldine Fitzgerald in 1'. S. Se.' sith Patrie Knowles - John Hoyt Implement Company Erects Modern VIllage Faced with the necessity of sey-Harris Company applied to families and 95 single men-in ail, working at top production in or- the government for the use o! the some 200 people-and is the be- der o met he rea deandfor .former R.C.A.F. training station ginning of a new village in which derto eetthegret dman' a Burford, just three miles from we expect to have about 750 peo- machinery for farixiers, and find- Brantford. The buildings on this pie very shortly. There is no oth- ing it difficult to get homes for station have been-rapidly trans- er post-war village like it any- the extra workers required in formed into living quarters whioh, where in Canada where private their Brantford plants, the Mas- today, are taking care of over 35, enterprise has clone ail the work. Blackstock Tyrone Mrs. J. Roy Ferguson of Saska- Mr. Bert Stire, Bethescla, has toon, Sask., has returned home gone to Regina, Sask. after visitinpg friends in Rosedale, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, Mr. Bowmanville, Blackstock and Ot- Willis Stewart and Mrs. Wm. Mac- tawa. donald with Mrs. Mary Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mount- Mr. Charles ancl Miss Helen joy and M'r. and Mrs. Earl Dor- Brown, Peterboro. reil spent the Thanksgiving hol- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent ac- iday in St. Catharines and Niag- companied Mr. and Mrs. Ross ara. Pooley to Leamington and spent Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lansing the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Phemia Hooey, Toronto, S. j. Courtice. with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mrs. Addie Miller is spending Hooey. a few days with friends in Bow- Several from this district at- manville. tended the International Plowing Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mr. Match held at Port Albert, former and Mrs. Walter Park, Cecile and airport, last week; Mr. anc Mrs. Douglas, visîted relatives at Pet- Arthur Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. erboro. Russell McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Shirley Park is visiting1 Herman Hooey with Mr. and Mrs. relatives at Sutton. Rupert Byers, Herb Swain, Mur- Mr. and Mrs. Cassel Larmar, ray Byers, Melville Griffin and Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Lar- Ivan Mountjoy. mar and Miss Leona Ball, Mill- St. John's Women's Auxiliary brook, with Mr. and Mrs. Gussie met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Rosevear. Smith, October 15. The roll caîl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and was answered with donations for Floyd, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. our fail bale. Mrs. McKibbin gave Leslie Brooks and Glenn, Bow- the report of the Deanery held in manville, Mr. Clarence Brooks, Lindsay in September. Final ar- Clarkson, with Mr. and Mrs. rangements were made for our George Brooks. On Monday Mr. bazaar and concert in the near and Mrs. George Brooks left with future. The 7th chapter of our their son, Clarence to spend the study book "More Than Conquer- winter with Mr. and Mrs. Small', ors" was ably taken by Miss Eva St. Catharines. Parr. The remainder of the ev- Messrs. W. H. Taylor, Milton ening was spent socially. Virtue, Donald Davey and Mack Church service was withdrawn Hamilton, attended the Interna- last Sunday evening in the Unît- tional Plowing Match at Port Al- ed Church for the Cadmus anni- bert. versary. A former minister, Rev. Mrs. Mina Hughson visited rel- F. Newell, of Fenelon Falls was atives in Toronto. the guest speaker and his sermons We welcome to the village Mr. were greatly enjoyed. and Mrs. Frank Wright and child- "Youth" was the subject of the ren who have purchased the pro- service at St. Johns on Sunday perty of Mrs. James Storie and ancl Rev. John McKibbin deliv- are at present living in part of ered a very fine address.Mr0.BketshuM. c- A large crowd attended theMrO.BcetshuM.Bc- public sehools speaking contest held at the Continuation School last Friday evening. There were 18 children spoke and they were ail good. First prize was award- ed to Jessie McArthur on her talk on "General McArthur." Lake Sihore, Clarke Visitors: Miss Jean Holmes, Mrs. Glenn Pollard and family, Mrs. Fred McCargar, Calgary, Alberta, Mrs. Hugh Hunter and son Bill, Mr. Percy Ransom and son Jim, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. F. Adsett at Ads- cliffe Cottage for a week of hol- idays. Miss B. Hamilton attended the teachers' convention, 'Port Hope. Archie Hendry attended the North Shore Amateur Radio Club meeting iii Oshawa, Monday ev- ening. Mrs. H. Skinner and family, Mrs. Wm. Lake, Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard and family, Beverly Hay and Mrs. Al Graham and family with Mr. and Mrs. Aif Brown. Maple Grove Misses Eunice Denby, Beverly Shea, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castle, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, weekend visitors at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. Milford Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wilkins and fam- ily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley. Mrs. Albert Brown, son Bill have returned to Hamilton after spending a week with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt were if Toronto on Saturday at- tending the funeral of their cou- sin, Mr. Art Kellam. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cunningham (nee Mae Wright) on their recent marriage. Mrs. Allan Clark, Miss Phyliss Trimble were hostesses to a mis- cellanieous shower at their moth- er's home for Miss Mae Wright, bride-to-be, when about 50 friends and relatives had gathered. Miss Wright was escorted to her seat of honor, the parcels were unwrap- ped, verses read. The bride-to-be thanked ail for the lovely gifts. An invitation was extended to al to come and see her things. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses and a social time- en- joyed by ail. For common erlnary s»M throut p, gue 01 Boulies, jars, ail sorts of glass containers are MISSING ! The warehouse sheif, the wholesaler's storeroonA, your retailer's shop ... they're ail feeling the boutle shortage. The shelves that used to be packed with fuil bottles, jars and containers are now empty-very empty. Your manufacturer and dealer are depending on you to return these empty boutles so that he can refill them a gain. You depend on him to deliver the goods you need. Doesn't it seem reasonable for you to help each other out? Remember, no boule means no refili. Please gather up and return to the dealer ALL your empty bottles today. Publishe4 by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ett having bought the property of the late Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton on the birth of a little son. Saturday evening the Senior Young People enjoyed, an evening of bowling at the Balmoral Hotel followed by a business meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar. The following are the new off icers: President, Mrs. Howard Philp; vice-presiclent, Mrs. Jack Cook; secretary-treasurer, Percy Werry. The even-ing came to a close with the serving of a deli- clous lunch, and a vote of thanks to the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. McCuish and Frances, Cookstown, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley. Clarke Union Silo filling seems to be the or- der of the day. Mr. S. D. Souch has taken up residence in Orono. A number from the section at- tended Ernie Werry's auction sale. Cattle sold well. Mr. James Ball's sale on Fni- day was not very largely attend- ed due to a wet day. Things sold fairly well. Mrs. Alberta Cummîng, Toron- to, visited her sister, Mrs. H. J. Souch. Mrs. Souch has been un- der the doctor's care due to a faîl, but we are pleased that she is im.proving. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson in Toronto on Sunday also Mn. and Mr -s. Colin Smith and family visited friends in Toronto. I'M TUC2"A'qr d-.oqm -, .-.- AT Einondstone's Market Phone 375 Harvey Joint, Proprietor 29 King St., E. THE HOME 0F HIGH QUALITY MEATS -VEGETABLES GROCERI ES . FRUIT ................... 0 ...................... :WHY A BOTTLE SHORTAGE? : Canadian glass factories normally pro. S duce MILLIONS of boules every month. : : The vital in gredient in bottle znaking is : soda ash. The only big Canadian so0la : ash factory M'as strike-bound for months. : Stocks of soda ash bave been used up ... boule factories are closed down . . boules are flot being made today. Beverage bottIers and aIl producers of : * bottled liquids must have : your boules back to keep go- TH ing. Bottling plants wilI close down too .. . if your BRoEWI empties are flot returned. : 0% 10 0IITRI MISSI NGe*00 PAGE NUM< SolinaOCa%,we do uponsomgreat what we already are; and what Visitors: we are will be the resuit af prev- ious years of self-discipline. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston and Mar- H. P. Lxddon. ian, Columbus, at Bruce Tink's. Mrs. E. V. Dyer, Battie Creek, ________________ Mich.; Mr.* and Mrs. Norman Graham and Annabel, Mrs. W. H. Bray, Pickering, at A. L. Pascoe's. .Mrs. Lynn Ashton, Toronto, at BuWM ANVI LIE Don Yonson's. Miss Ida Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Storkey and Bill, To- BD MINTON ronto, at J. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Ciarence Vice, < burnrsyKedrona t m Hp LUB Murrayaned onna tW.Hp Mrs. H. E. Tink is visiting with friends at Peterborough and Has- As the Department of National tings. Defence wiIl be vacatlng our Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the building soon, there wUi be an funeral of his oid friend. and open meeting on school mate, Geo. H. Jo11, at Bow- manville, on Saturday. MONDAV, OCT 28 - 8 pi. Charles Langmaid and Bruce Taylor lef t Sunday night for at the Badminton Club flouse Kemptville where they will at- to draw up plans for the com- tend agricultural school for a two- ing season. year course in agriculture, having shared with two other Durham Ail those interested are invltedl boys the scholarship awarded by J S. McLean, president of Can- to attend. La Packers, for efficiency shown in Junior Farmer Club work in N. B. VANSTONE, President Durham County. A. C. ANDERSON, Secretary. Sunday School and Church will1 be at the usual time, 1::30 and 31 p.m. on Sunday. ËW"il

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