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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1946, p. 13

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TH1JRSDAY OCT. 94sh i1946 Weddings STAINTON-HOY A quiet but pretty wedding took Place Oct. i 2th in Newtonviile Parsonage when Jean Irene, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoy, Kendai, became the bride o! Rob- ert Wallace Stainton, youngest son o! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO Stainton, Hampton. The bride iooked loveiy in brown tailored suit with brov accessories and corsage o! Swee heart roses. Miss Myrtie Ho, sister o! the bride, acted as mai o! honour, wearing a navy tailore suit witli matching accessorie and corsage o! yellow mums an pink carnations. Mr. Williai Hoy, brother o! bride, was b* The 1 HIGHLIGHTS of INTER Blouses have suddenly be- corne coy. They transforrn you into a littie girl again. We know you'Il love thern so corne ln and see our own pet styles in wide *fnloa ~JO £xaitA SIZES 12 to 20 $3.25 up NEW PURSES See the new style purses on display. Variety of styles, colors and fabries. from $3.39 up FOR YOUR H-ANDS A large shiprnent o! gloves bas just arrived.1 In kid and fabrics, your size and colour. Per pair 98C and Up TO BE COMPLETE Visit our Millinery Department for the Hat that was made for you. Our designers are ,experts. éouch, Johnston & Cryderman' Is your car in shape for the cold season ahead? Make sure of perfect winter per- formance by stopping in for a complete winteriziiig job. We have every faciity 1, for quick, sure service. Put your winter driving cares and worries aside by bringing your car in now. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 26"f King st. E., Bowmanville a id -ed man. A reception was held at the home o! the bride. The happy couple lef t on a honeymoon to points east. On their return they will reside in Toronto. CURRIE-SANDERS 2nj Palms, white gladioli and white .m candelabra formed an effective est setting in St. James Bond United -Church, Toronto, on September l4th, when Lorna Kathryn San- ders, daughter of Mrs. Edgar Paisley and the late Mr. Lorne Webber Sanders, Toronto, (form- erly of Bowmanville), was united in marriage with Lloyd Leo Cur- rie, son o! Mrs. Currie and the late Mr. A. V. Currie, Bridge- water, N.S. Rev. S. J. Mathers1 performed the ceremony with' Mrs. M. Edger presiding at the organ. During the signing of the register Mrs. J. Kane sang "O Promise Me." Given in marriage by her step- father, Mr. E. S. Paisley, the bride wore an îvory satin gown fashion- ed with fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline and full skirt. Her fin- gertip veil was crested with a plaited coronet and she carried a cascade of white gladioli, roses and bouvardia. Joanne E. Paisley was maid of honor for her sister and Lois M. Brunskill was brides- maid. They were gowned alike in ice blue moire taffeta styled with fltted bodice, sweetheart necklinè' and bouffant skirt and shoulder length veil falling from a plaited headdress. They carried shower bouquets of pastel roses and gla- dioli. Paul G. Wigle acted as best man, and Donald E. Sanders, brother of the bride, and John L. Campbell were ushers. The reception was held at Dal- frew Manor, 54 Clairendon Ave., with the bride's mother receiving in a floor length gown of Queen's blue crepe, navy accessories and corsage of Tea roses and bouvar- dia. Assisting was the groom's mother who came by plane from Halifax for the wedding. Her floor length gown was of black crepe with blue trim and~ she wore black accessories and corsage of Butterfly roses. Following the reception the cou- ple left by plane for Montreal and the Laurentians. The bride travelled in a brown gabardine suit, alligator purse and shoes, and powder blue Harris tweed topcoat with matching hat. Mr. and Mrs. Currie later continued by plane to Halifax where they will reside. this frui seIsonthe Appei/ n winer d srig ute ves! Dr da the song-"an apple pandowdy" tantalized us. Now we can use apples in Pandowdy and many other ways. Let us process some in jars too. Canned Applesauce I Wash and cut unpeeled apples. Put in large kettle with haîf as much water as apples. Boil wîth cover on 15 minutes. Push through sieve, and to each quart (4 cups) strained apple pulp add 3/ cup of sugar. Bring to boiling point and boil 3 minutes. Fill hot sterilized jars to within haif inch of top and seal at once. N.B.: If desired, pack the sweet- ened applesauce into dlean jars fllling the jars to within 1 inch from top. Adjust cover and par- tially seal. Process in oven or hot water bath for 18 minutes. Then complete seal, if necessary. Apple and Peanut Butter Crumble Peel and slice 6 or 8 medium ap- pies and place in a long shallow baking dish. Add hall cup water, and if they need additional tart- LISTENING WITH PLEASURý Il your radio discordant? It's our business to make it a shlning exampie of clear, effective reception, at the lowest possible cost. Phone us today. Fe C. CROWE IPHIONE2174 King St. W. Bowmanville MOVUNO WEST )j. lr=wUm f Lmtod pgul a " m »Uldated Poo =L Cr g itobSkt eb- frdaht rat&salai. 88 6»8 y0go e4, T4ito. Kù*gaalo4126 MOVIKO. PASII NIPPLUONSIOAS 111 Recently Married in Toronto Mr. Lloyd Leo Currie and his ried September l4th at St. Jame s bride, the former Lorna Kathryn Bond United Church, Toronto. Sanders, daughter of Mrs. E. The groom is the son of Mrs. Paisley and the late Mr. Lorne W, Currie and the late Mr. A. V. Cur- Sanders, Toronto, who were mar- rie, Bridgewater, N.S. ness add about 2 tablespoons o! lemon juice. Season with 1 tea- spoon of cinnamon. Then mix 3/4 cup flour, 3/ cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup butter and 1-3 cup peanut butter. A pastry blender is good for this. Sprinkle the crumbly mixture'over apples and bake in an electric oven, 375 degs. for about 20 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake until ap- ples are tender. Serve warm or cold with or wîthout whipped cream. Serves 8. Senate Apple Pie Pastry Two cups flour, 1/4 cup shorten- ing, 1 teaspoon saît, 1/4 cup o! cold water. Fillîng Three lbs. green apples (7-8 me- dium size), 1 cup sugar, 1 tea- spoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon o! nutmeg, 1 tablespoon o! butter. Roll dough out on cold bread board. Line 9 inch pie pan with crust. Peel, core and cut apples into very thin pieces. Mix sugar and spice and si! t into apples. Place in pie sheli and dot with butter. If apples lack flavor, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon o! le- mon juice. Put top crust on pie, prick, and brush with 1 egg beat- en in 1/2 cup of water. Bake in electric oven 425 degrees for 50 minutes. Fruit RoIy Poly One cup o!f four, 2 tablespoons shortening, 1-3 cup o! muRk, 14d teaspoon sait, 2 teaspoons bakingý powder, sliced apples. Sif t, dry, ingredients, work in shortening with the finger tips, stir in miik, knead and roll out as biscuit dough keeping in rectan- gular shape. Spread with the slic- ed apples and roll as jelly roll. Wrap in piece o! cheesecloth. Steam for 45 minutes. Ginger Aie Fruit Salad Two tablespoons gelatine, 1/ cup cold water, 1/2 cup boiling wa- ter, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 table- spoons sugar, 1/ cup grapes (Mal- agra), 1 banana, 2 apples, i or- ange, 1 cup ginger ale, 1/ cup of chopped nuts. Soak gelatine in cold water 5 minutes and dissolve in boiling water. Add lemon juice, sugar and ginger ale. Cut grapes in halves and remove seeds. Slice banana. Peel and chop apples. Separate orange into sections and remove membrane. When ginger aie mixture begins to thicken, fold in fruit and nuts. Turn into moulds and chill in electric ref rig- eratér. Suggestion Box Mrs. C. M. says: Cut meat in julienne style (that means in long, thin strips) and dice the whites o! hard-cooked eggs. Combine with celery cut 'in strips, capers, sprig o! chîcory and minced parsley. Toss together with thick french dressing. French -dressing is thickened by beating in yolk of raw egg. Mrs. A. W. says: Try a flsh spag- hetti dish for a change. In a cas- serole put alternate layers of 2 cups cooked spaghetti minced with 1/4 cup chopped parsley, 1 cup leftover flsh and 2 cups white sauce. Add 12 cup chili sauce; heat in oven until hot; sprinkle wîth cheese and let it melt. Mrs. J. B. says: Tomato sherbet is delicious on a salad. Scoop out pulp o! tomato and crush through sieve; add dash o! curry powdler and sait. Put in freezing tray o! refrigerator and freeze to mush. Take out and f11l tomato shelîs to serve on lettuce with potato salad. Anne Allan invites you to write to ber in care o! Canadian States- man. Send in your suggestion on PAGE THIRTEM2 homemaking problems and watch Mankind will be God-governed this column for replies. in proportion as God's governmnent ________________ becomes apparent, the Golden It is not enough to have great 1 Rule utilized, and the rights of qualities, one must make good ,se, man and the liberty of conscience of them.-La Rochefoucauld. held sacred.-Mary Baker Eddy. mal Homes- --Schools SEALTITE INSULATION with .ROCKWOOL We ueql the best materials and, guarantee our work. Beoeinvesting get a price direct from the owner and save money. F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen Street Bowinanville, Ontario c cHRISTiISlOElB <« COMMERCIAL moFFATI RESTAURANT model 20-6AT. This is a six slice toaster built to solve your toasting problems. Designed for continuous duty in hotels, institutions and restaurants. It toasts ail types of, sliced bread or buns up to 1 inch thick on both sides at once, in- cluding sandwiches. Equipped with internai timer which rings bell when toast is ready. 12 features of superior construc- tion. Only 109.00 (Commtercial type) 17 cu- t dou0 edor odel combines doublaerance wîth large ca- paiYand effective refrigera« tain t ll s teel interlor tri.5 6 1 0 0 28 c ft odelsimilar to above 28 el ut.capaci~tY.An ideal ma- chine formaY 1tttoî fl6 82.00 ~4..Goods WeII Displayed are Haif SoId . a UNIVERSAL COOLER is .. ayout in front with Portable . PIug-in DISPLAY CASES Universal Cooler portable plug-in display cases are macle by one of the Iargest manufacturers of commercial refrigera- tion .quipment in the worid. Have the for VOUT store. With this Universal Cooler your foods are kept sweet and1 fresh longer. You eliminate waste. Foodi are in full view of customers where they invit, a purdiame. Uniform temperature insureid in ail sections ;;.full set OF plotters included . . . glass seoled in rubber i . enduring "Porcelite" finish cloes not check, chip or discolou ... full length wrapping sheli on bock . .. roomy base compairt- ment . . . full vision exterior lighting. MOST FOR VOUR MONEY and you can buy it ON EASY TERMS - 6 and 8 foot sizes. A Tetephone cail wili bring you complet. information. Fluorescent Units TWIN 100 WATT 4i2.00 LESS TUBES units ,23.9o5 WITH TUBES OSHAWA PHONTE 1000 m Industrial PHONE 494 M M M M M M M M M M M w M M M M M M M M M M M I. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M t4 M M M M M M M M M M M M M w CHRISTIAlYS UECRC - HARWAIRE m "quumonnum-

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