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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1946, p. 10

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open the scoring. Hoop- Ser kicked and J. Cattran recover- fl f hi ~ VIed o Port Hope's 18. Hooper r kicked to tie up the game., B.'H. PO RT 'EW S . hid and regained bail on the 10-yard line. Degeer piunged ov- threw to J. Cattran for convert, B.H.S. Defeats Lads The play of Tom Degeer deserves and quarter ended witlf B.H.S. FTom * recognition as he played under a leading 7-1. Port Hope kicked Hughsude Towne trying handicap. Despite his and Hooper returned a kick fora 13Y Score of 19-8 cracked ribs Degeer played a point. Port Hope kicked and very important part in the Bow- again Hooper hoisted for another manvilie cause, soing 10 his pqint. Score 9-1. A series of In a steady drizzie which caus- team's points. Under such 4con- plunges moved the bail up and ed a wet, slippery gridiron, B.H.S. ditions B.H.S. played well with down field and Port Hope kicked' trimmed Port Hope on Friday af- individual stardom going to De- to deadline for a single point t0 ternoon by a score of 18-8. Port geer, Jackman, and Hooper. end the first haîf. Score 9-2 for Hope team showed considerable Bwavle more strength than they did at First Hall BoScondii. the previous meeting in Bowrnan- Port Hope kicked off and re- Oneai PrHoekkd ville. Large groups of Port Hope covered when Hooper fumbled Oc aanPotHpe ikd and Bowmanviîîe fans stayed to After two downs had not worke off and after, severai plunges by the end to cheer their favorites.. Port Hope kicked to deadline td Hooper and Jackman the bail was Oplaced on Port Hope's 35. Hooper kicked and Port Hope ran it back. B.H.S. regained bail on moves to Port Hope's 23 -and Hooper kick- ed a nice placement to make the NEW SHE L P EMI M sre.n aba ony 7 yars out Deeertook the bail and N i crashed over for another 5 points gasoline supercnargeu with owa thgood. Port oerai towa th game PotHpe. Cont MU ter a kick by Bowmanville Port 224 T M . MHope ran the bail back to Bow- manvîlle's 40, a completed for- 2 ward by Port Hope netted them a touchdown. This was *he first When you pull into your Shell dealer's and say 'Till'er up," touchdown scored against our lads get set for a new driving experience. You will find this new by an opposing team ail season. Shel Prmiu gaslin isfourway beter ( ) ore The convert was good. On an in- Shei Pr miu ga oli e i fou wa s b tte - 1) oreterception by Linblad B .H .S. power- (2) quicker starting-(3) faster pickup-(4) more grabbed the bail and moved it mileage. Try it today and see for vourself! 1..'b-.i'+.-n th-1; 1-- Co A. DARTLETT "'A GOOD PLACE TO BUY YOUR FUEL OIL SUPPLY" ]Phone 525 152 King st. East This Simple Table Explains the HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Loan Plan Number Find hors the Cash Loan you ned... thon Of choose a Monthly-Paymont Plan Mwoathly paeus$50 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $700 $1000 24 .......... ...... ...... ...... ...... $34.95 $ 49.92 20 ...... ...... ...... $17.47 $23.30 $29.12 40.77 58.25 15.... $ 7.49 $14.99 22.48 29.98 37.47 52.46 74.94 12 $ 4.58 9.17 18.34 27.50 36.67 45.84 64.18 91.68 6 8.78 17.55 35.11 52.66 70.21 87.76 122.87 175.53 These paymnents laclude ail costs If amtsread according to schedule If you caxi use extra money you can arrange your boan at- Household Finance. Select the amount you need from the above table. Decide how long you want to take to repay. Then phone our office - or cdmie in if you prefer. You'l1 get your money quickly, usually the sanie day you apply. You'll also be glad to know -that rates at Household Finance are the lowest of any Smal Loans Company in Canada. HOUSEIIEiID FINANCE BACM!D BY 68 YEARS 0F EXPERIENCE Canoda's la-Tgesi and oldest Smali Loans ComPany wÙlh 41 offices ina 34 cia D. C. Moore, Manager 15 Simcoe St. South (Over Kresge's) OSHAWA, ONT. Phoqe Oshawa 3601 Houri 9 to 5 or by appoint nent - toani mode ta faormr and reiidents of nearbY bowae ON! -0'F 1H'i15 S E-P RI1ZE S let Prize 2nd Prlze. 3rd Priz .. . . 10 prizes of $25. each . 200 prizes of $2. each. 300 prize of $1. mach. 128 prizes for thsse under 12 * Si ,000.00 * 250.00 * 100.00 * 250.00 * 400.00 * 300.00 641 Priz.s totalling $2,535.00 128 SPECIAL PRIZES FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 S50a Flrst Prise S25: 2nd, SI 0: 3rd, and 25 consolation prix., of S2.06 and 1 à?sf $1.00 .ach. Wlnners wilI no# b. excIuded frnt consid.aatlon for Grand Open Prix.' DEAL.ER PRIZES: Write your grscer's nome on the bock of your entry. If you Win ca First, Second or Third Priz. h. too wiIl recelve ai special cash award. In the case of chain stores the. prizes wil * b. awarded the. chali store branch ymanager. FOR THE MOST DELICIOUS SOtJPS, STEWS AND GRAVIES YOIJ'VE EVER TASTED- USEOXOI 0OXO Is the woed',l adwmd .v ou w«M en Iremlge- go a meuoadu lWait i e 1XOI Aîways .k la, Ôo. THE CANADIAN STATNRMAi.T ~flWIIA ~.Y~W?? Y U~ d~..- - due4e#sfi *a4aed! , SUPPOSE for the last five years you have been carry. îig $6,000 fire insurance- Say $4, 00 on your home and $2,000 on the contents. Because values have sky- rocketed they may be worth $10,000 today. If so, your insurance is at least $4,000 shy of the amount you will need to buy and furnish an equally good home if you are burned out. How Much shy is your insurance? Figure it out now and eall gcK To meBatawaooteam playine-1in,-h,, finals £~uuems lace stright 4- andi 1-0 with Chat- ment try was blocked and Jack- INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE ham aturing the Intermeddate man recovered. Hooper kicked Successor to J. J. Mason & Son "A"W crown. Local fans saw the to the deadfline for the last scor- Bataaea in cto atPr ing point of the game. Game end- Phones: Office 681 - House 493 Hoelin the semi-finals. ed with B.H.S. leading 18-8 and King St. Bowmanville thus remain undefeated.Hosen B edr Support Wanted for Realize Good Prices Local Hockey Teams At Guelph Fail Sale The Coming Season Ken Luxton's Team James T. Brown, Newcastle sold Accrdngto oeBrsli, heSets New Record a total of five head at the Fal Acco din to M oe resintheSpecial H olstein Sale held O cto- Bowmanville businessman who F or Ailey Bowling ber 22 at Guelph. These includ- has financed., managed and coach- ed a great-grandson of Montvic ed the local Juvenile and Midget Ken Luxton's teami set a new Bonheur Pietje A. for $625; a pair hockey teams for several years record of 3326 for three games in of three-year-olds at $350 and -past, the 1946-47 championship of league play iast week at Martyn's $275; a two-year-old at $285 and Ontario in the Juvenile O.M.H.A. Bowling Academy. This year's a four-year-old at $275. A grand- section is already in the bag. The high single also was racked. up son of Montvic Bonheur Pietje B. Bowmanville Juvenile teami which at 1266 by the samne aggregation. brought $600 for Carlos Tam- is made up of former Midget stars, Doug Carter, after a slow stamt, blyn, Orono, and E. J. Brown, will be found the aggregation f0 crashed the score board with high Orono, secured $400 for a two- beat the coming winter. triple at 710, followed by Ron year-old heifer. But public support is needed Richards 706, Don Sweet 681, J. The general average at this to bring the boys along and more Bmough 678 and% E. Phillips 677. sale was $383 on 68 head. The pamticularly the direct interest of High singles were K. Luxton top price of $1,100 was paid by one or two local hockey fans who 286, F. Williams 281, and Ron Francis B. McKibbon, Glanford will take an active share in the Richards and J. Knight were tied Station to J. W. and E. H. Carney, management of the teams. Mm. at 280. Georgetown, for a yearling son of Beslin, who has been in iii health The Boys' Training Schbol team the noted three iimes Ail-Cana- for some time, states that he wil] showed the way in competitive dian Montvic Ra,- Apple Marks- again finance both teams and will spirit by taking the first two man. Highest priced female was devote his time f0 coaching, but games from Ernie Roach's power- a bred heifer consigned by W. A. in al 1ie many details necessary fui team. Roach came back in Wingmove, Campbellville, for for looking after these young the third with enough pins to gar- which Summit View Farm, players, other help will be need- ner 3 points. Brid'geport, paid $860. willHagee thlpinanagementwh Standing End of 4th Week Atgether 14 bulîs averaged willagre tohel inmanaemet 1$507; 26 milking females, $358; 23 will contact himi at his store. Team Won Lost Pts. bred' heifers, $372; 1 open year- Arrangements have already Luxton------------ il 1 26 ling, $310; and four heifer calves, been made for the teams to prac- Rundle ------- 8 4 20 $188. tice in the Orono rink and ail Hearle ------------- 8 4 18 regular league games wili be Piper--------------- 7 5 17 played there.the coming season. Foundry ------ 7 5 .16 HON. MR. GARDINER The Midget team particuîarly will Coole -------- 7 5 16 TELL~S 0F NEW FOOD require attention due to inexper- Bagriell ------- 6 6 15 CONTRACTS WITH U.K. ience in competîtive play. But Courtice ------ 6 6 13 the Juveniles are a teamn made up Roach --------- 4 ,e8 -10 Canadian food contracts with of the champion Midgets who won Westlake ----- 4 8 9 the United Kingdom totalling thmough in the 1944-45 season and Carter --------- 2. 10 4 nearly $50,000,000 in value were have both punch and, power. They B.-T.S--------------- 2 10 4 announced on September 25, by willtakethe ce ith wo etraHon. James G. Gardiner, Domin- pll aye heand bth goaland exnceAverages ion Minister of Agriculture, short- have been strengthened. Name games Av. ly after bis return from the Food Mr. Breslin states hie is confi- K. Luxton------------- 12 235 and Agriculture conference, in dent that the present Juvenile A. Osborne------------ 9 230 Copenhagen, Denmark, and meet- team will have several players J. Gay------------------ 9 222 ings with the British Ministmy of who, after" conclusion of this A. Spicer -------------- 12 221 Food in London. year's contests wîll be ready for E. Philips -------- il 217 0f these contracts the largest places, in class "A"' hockey. In A. Bell ----------------- 10 212 single item is for eggs, valued at the absence of a local rink and F. Williams ----------- 10 212 approximately $38,000,000. The the prospective development of a J_ Brough -------- il 211 Special Products Board- bas, con- recreational centre in Bowman- J. Coole ---------- il 210 tracted to deliver from February ville, if is hoped that one or more D. Carter ------------- 12 209 1, 1947, to January 31, 1948, a total public spirited citizens wiîî come W. Hearle -------- 7 208 of 7,500 long tons of sugar dried fomwamd to give their time f0 belp Dr. Rulidle -------- i 207 egg powder and 1,750,000 cases of along these promising junior B. Begley -------- 9 206 sheil eggs, (30 dozen to the case), hockey teams. R. Richards ------ 12 205 of which 600,000 cases may be E. Roach -------------- il 204 storage eggs. The quantity of F. Samis --------12 203 eggs required to fill this contmact People pbysically able f0 per- C. Rundie ------------- 10 203 is the samne as is required by the fomm the tasks set for tbemn are an W. Mutton------------- il 202 current 1946 contract, but the industrial firm's best asset, de- W. Polley -------------- 12 201 price obtained for the latest con- clames an authority in the Depart- S. Woods -------------- 12 201 tract permits an increase over the ment of National Health and Wel- T. Bagneli------------- 12 , 200 1946 price of one cent per dozen to fare, Ottawa. Healtby womkers the producer in the spriniz hnvine.c PLADiNG THE GAME 'Tis but one land-America, From gu]f to Baffin's Bay, We cali our land Canada, You call yours U.S.A. But what are lands and countries And peopies, what are they, When Freedom, Peace and Justice Demand our thought today? We speak the same dear mother tongue Our biood is your blood too- The coiors of our nations' fiags The same red, white and blue; Two fiags, one race-one people, Two nations-yet the same- One thought, one hope, one purpose, - One object-Piay the Game. Basebali Season Ends In the Ontario Amateur Leagues 0f local intere t in basebaîl cir- dles was the windup, Saturday, of the Intermediate "A" and Inter- mediate "B" Leagues for the championship of Ontario. It will be recalled that the Bowmanville Intermediate "B" teami won through to the semi-fina]s but weme ousted by Oakville in a gar- rison finish in the third contest. The finals were played by Till- sonburg who won from Oakville, and the ciassy Strathroy team. The latter won in two straight games. On the saine day the strong are metrue ey toproduction, flot plant, pay or materials, says the industrial heaith expert. It is suggested that a plant health programn is essential to modern in- dustriai practice. Look ut these Sample' OXODOODIESI Making OXODOODLES is easy - fun - proft- tablel Dont warry If you cont draw - atistic skili doosn't count, originality winsl RU 1. Sand la as maay OXODOODLES as you wIsh. 2. Eoch OXODOODLE enter.d must be accomtan.d bW ni.. OXO ube vappssor the label hrom a Mofe. Fluid OXO, ou r.aonab la cahlle, ofofeh. .Your nom* and addreu muat b. clearly printec en mach mn'. ^a*e o chlld under 12!should be shown and certilled W yParent or guardian. 3. Ail uwdes must be pol.aked mol lai., thon Dec. 3,1946. 4.Jd.'decision Anal. No eflscnb auu.Eie ll udaed on odginlity of [deus. No anuuic abillhy 3. Editous of three .ai Cana. daldng publicatios acethe 6. Enriles become the propeuty of OXO (Canada) United. 7.Wnners wilI be announced about Christmas week, 1946. 8. No of OXO <Canada) United, or thol, Ad,.,- dlslag Agent are eligibe.. MAL YOIJR iNTRUSTOi OXO (CANADA> UMITH, 1910 9. A" Street aeelO.bec Ont Harness Norses Open Faîl Season Saturday Horses wortb more than $ 100,- 000 will battie for wbat officiais believe to be the two ricbest stakes ever held in Canada dur- ing the Dufferin Park fali and winter trots, opening Saturday, November 2, for a 28-day meet. The stakes are the $2,000 Free- for-Ail Pace and the $1,500 Open Trot to be run November 9 and 16, respectively, the second and third Saturdays of the meet. Op- ening day calîs for a 2.18 trot for $400, 2.14 pace for $400, a division of the 2.17 pace for $400 and a 2.29 pace of two dashes for $200. Demand for stabling has been SQ great that ownems of running borses, whicb have wintered. at Dufferin in the past, have been asked to move their racers to Long Branch. Free-for-AI1 Pace entries in- cuide The Counit B, owned by J. W. Brown of New Liskeamd; Time Table, owned by Leger Drolet of Quebec City; Guy H., H. Coumno- yer, Sorel, Que.; Audrey Scott, R. Scott, Toronto; Fmîsky Lee, Hon Todgham, Chatham. Fmee-fom-Ali Trot entries in- clude Proximity, G. Vemhurst, Ro- chester, N.Y.; Gentleman Jim, N. Gignac, Montreal; Pine Ridge Bill, Pine Ridge Stables, London; Miss Cmeamn of Tartar, W. Dupont, St. Hyacinthe, Que. JTC H CIellJCKEDI mney 840k For quUc reUd f rom ltchlncaused b Im eDg, fo. Neamw "sma oiir eta1ahom Soodues. conforuaa" qui rcab"e lagea. Itchlg. aos uer.Aak rdulu perodFebuar 1,1947, f0 May 31, 1947, and an increase of two cents per dozen in the faîl buying perîod, September 1, 1947, to Jan- uary 31, 1948. The record quantity of apples, peas, beans and fruit pulIp which the Special Products Board has contracted to deliver fmom the 1946 crop has an estimated value of $12,000,000. Mm. Gardiner dis- closed particulars of the follow- ing contracts: Fresb Apples: Fmom British Columbia, 2,250,- 000 boxes, ahl of which will pmob- ab]y be delivered. From Nova Scotia, a minimum of 300,000 barrels, plus any fur- ther quantity which may be avail- able and which the British will accept. Mm. Gardiner commented that 450,000 to 500,000 barmels will probably be shipped. From Ontario, the United King- dom has agreed to buy approxi- mately 10,000 barrels, 'but a con- tract has not yet been signed. Canned Apples: Fmom Nova Scotia, approximate- ly 250,000 cases. Evapomated Apples: From British Columbia, one carload of 80,000 pound-s. It is doubtful if any will be available from other parts of Canada, ob- served Mm. Gardiner. Dried White and Yeilow Whole Peas: From Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and, possitoiy fmom Quebec, a minimum of 374,- 000 bushels. This contract is ex- pected to be filied and may-pos- sibly be exceeded. Dmied White Beans: Fmom Ontario, 560,000 bushels of wbicb a large part is expected to be shipped. The race advances offly by the extra achievements of the individ- ual. You are the individual. -Towne THURSDAY, OCT. 3 lut, 1946 Pointing out that economy in food values means economy of food itself, the Department of National Health and Welfare, Ot- tawa, advises the scraping and brushing of root vegetables, ra- ther than peeling. Most of the valuabie Vitamins .and minerais are found just under the skin of vegetables, say the experts. FOOD RULES - u w Be sure you get ail the food values your body requires, ad-> Also The Best Market For Your vises an authority on nutrition at LV headquarters in Ottawa of the De- L partment of National Heaith and Hogs - Lambs Calves Weifare. "If you want to look, Cikn os- feel and do your best, be sure fo h kes - H n get ail the necessamy food ele- ments," says the , expert, who points out that Canada's Food D Rules, copies of which may be ob- PICKERIN4G FARMS LIMITED tained ' free, from the provincial health department or from the WHITBY - ONTARIO federal health authority, indicate Phone 336 Day or Niglit such healthful foods as milk, fruit, vegetables., whole-grain cereaLs and meat or meat altemnates. ~oGolf *dcaie? Puy rent? Ah-hhh!.0.. Bonds Ther. sla11M time to buy Canada Savings Bonds - but don't wdt for a repr.s.ntativ. to coU on you. There wilU b. no national hous.- to-hou.. canvass - tiieue ar* 84Serve Yours.lf " Bonds, no Lt lu Up t you to make sur* you huy. Buy them through your iBanli, Inj. 'vestmont Dealer, Trust or Loar ComnPany, Or through vour Payroll Savings Plan. Th.y are saf. as CanadaIC - pay goodI inter. sI - and you oaa 90t your mon.y bock at 0317 tans. .4A ,jm nn....,, -".~M*,4LU*,,~. ~...4flt. _________________________________________________________ .WANT-ED yo u rE.ggs THURSDAY, OCT. 3le 1946 Mi, 10 Dilm EMEM ýl ýiEWEà% ftffl TARIO PREPARING FOODS Stuart R. lames

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