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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1946, p. 8

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45 King St. E. ,>vvr4t AND OPERATED BY 94.,ai ATLANTIC & PACIFIC r,.c d AUST. SULTANA RAISINS ' 2 Ibs. 299 WHOLE UNPITTED APRICOTS lb. 49e SMVRNA FIGS QUAKER 11ATs CL.ARK'8 IRISH STEW BLOATER PASTE . ,lb. 29e Large Pkg. 199 15-o0z. Tin, 19e 2 Tins 159 Phone 438 =Z C (ANAiXAN fl'Aq'EfMAr BWIW ANVItTvR- nWA*thr .ýSunda guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.G.I.T. held their Hallowe'en H.S ritton were Mrs. Harriet Supper Party and Initiation of MAetcalfe, Mrs. Barton and Mr. new members at their meeting on Whittaker. Oct. 22nd. FROM Higgon Electrie Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gilland- ers, Mrs. Donald Brackett and baby Beth, Leamington, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray. Mrs. W. T. Allen and Mrs. Wel- don Young, Collingwood, were weekend guests of Mrs. Stella Anderson. Mr..and Mrs. Percy Rare have returned from a two weeks' mo- tor trip through Vermont, New Hampshire and New York States. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dyer and Miss Frances Dyer were in Toron- to Saturday attending the Sage- Dyer wedding in Tîmothy Eaton Memorial Church. Miss Christine Conner and Miss Wilton of Omemee spent Sunday with the Blackburn family. Miss, E. M. Blackburn returned to Omemee with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rate and little daughter Sharon, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Browrç. Mr. and Mrs. Hawke, Leskard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, North St. Y.P.U. met Oct. 2lst with Mrs. Morley Sallows, Christian Culture Convenor, in charge and who chose as her topic "Hobbies". Af- ter the business period which was in charge of President Evelyn Allin, Mrs. Morley Sallows led in sing-song and recreation. On Mon- day evening, Oct. 28th, members o! the Y.P.U. attended the Cru- sader Cavalcade at King St. Uni- ted Church, Oshawa. Miss Louise Trenwith has clos- ed her home and left last week to spent the winter in Toronto. Messrs. Harold and Frank Hoar, Toronto, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Ed. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. John Evelys, Col- borne, visited Mn. H. T. Manes. Mr. Walter Tetzel, Hamilton, was Sunday guest of Miss Bar- bara Bonathan. Mrs.. Sydney Ferguson was hos- tess at a dinner party on Thurs- ORNGS FLORIDA NEW CROP Doz. 2à< GRAPEFRUITFLO RIDA M ARSH 1 for49 MAPEFRUIT SEEDLESS 96's 1 9 PURS OREGON BOSC, -M -d% lbs. s PEAlis EXCELLENT EATINGM GR4kES APPLES LETTUCE CALIFORN-IA EMPEROR No. 1 B.C. MeINTOSH,- EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA ICEBERG No. 1 CELEY STLKSPascal & White -lb. 17e 5 for 259 2 for 23e 2 for 19e DRUSES SROTSFresh Green Qt. e I'1DVD~ WASHED and WAXED 3el. TURNIPS No. 1 MOIOS YELLOW COOKING 10-lb. Bag 39<ë SPANISHONIONSExtra Large2 lbs. 5 CAhOTS WASHED . . . 4Ibs. 0 P.E.l. No. 1 POTATOES 10Ibs. 25< 75-1b. $1,49 2 20-oz.23 Tins*2 20.13< 2 20-oz. 2 Tins 159 . Tin 7e 3 Ro18 27e 24-lb.-73 Bag Tinoz 93e -Large Pkg. 2q - - --- ---- ---- ...~~~ ~ '- --- ---- STEAKS or ROASTI PORTERHOUSE, SIRLOIN, WING OR BONELESS ROUND B RIS K ET FOR BOULING m m FRESH KILLED TENDER LAMI LEGS IL m118H SUGGESTIONS NORTHERN SELECTS SMOKED GYSTERS V.UvAL 13MI = -. . soLi S TASSILVERBRIGHT 41c FRONTS l.25c Mb. 32e lb. M9 - ----~~.aa~~ ~wu. ... v a~a When you buy at'our store you can depend on higli quality backed by service. Corne in and see the many electric time-saving devices in oui, store. OPEN HOUSE AT SCHOOLS Next week bas been set aside as Education Week tbrougbout the Province o! Ontario. Tbere!ore on Wednesday evcning, November Cîtb, Newcastle Public and High Schools will bold Open House which the public are cordially in- vited to attend. Pupils o! every room will be putting on some dis- play to show tbeir school activities. Scbool equipment wiil be in open- ation to show their use and a number o! excellent films are be- ing obtained, a demonstration o! the new sound projector will be given to show it's teacbing value: It is hoped everyone will avail themselves of the invitation to attend the Open House and have an opportunity to sec tbe modern improvements in tbe scbool. WINNER 0F PUBLIC SPEAKING Newcastle Public Schooi beld their Public Spcaking Contest on Monday aftcrnoon 'at whicb the judgcs were Dr. J. A. Butler and Dr. F. A. Hare. Betty Lou Hager- man was winnen at the contes t and goes to Orono on Fniday'ev- ening to compete in the County o! Durham Public Scbool Contests. Other pupils who compcted were Mary Holubenko, Jean Toms, Hel- en Aikenbrach, Catherine Dewd- néy, Keith Mcllow, Norma Allun, Karen Ainsice. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY Dainty little curly bained Donna Fenguson, daugbter of Mn. and Mns. Cecil Fenguson, celebrated hen 2nd bintbday on Tbursday, Oct. l7tb, when she ententained 18 of ber little !niends and their mothers at a birtbday party. After a hilanious afternoon o! games and contests, supper was senvcd at a table festive witb ycllow paper streamers and centr'ed with a two-storey birthday cake ap- propriately decorated in blue and wbite and with two candles brigbt- ly burning. As an extra treat each little guest when leaving was pre- sented with a gayly wrapped package containing candy, pop corn, grapes, etc. The gift pack- MOVINO WEST M. RawUaofl Limited retul&rly make up and shlp Rloueho&d Pumiture. COn- mldtad p6ol Cmi t. Manitoba, 8.katcb- ,wau, Albota, Dritt* Columbia and to coflfman.wttte, wtr cpoaforrudd ftulght rate& E.tblitied 1885. bit yonte St., Toroto. Kijle 1 5 MOVINO, PIOKINI .HIpriUI a T 1108*0 SU, 'JAI £d~A~A~7 ----. - ---- ----- --.. *.. * u The -Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 day evening, Oct. 24th, ih honor of the birthday of Mrs. Cecil Fer- guson. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the relatives of the late Mrs. Eliza Jane Fry, who passed away at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. George Mead- ows on Sunday.1 Mrs. J. J. Smith, formerly o! Enn.iskillen, is a guest at "The Evangeline," the home of Mrs. E. Wicks. Baptismal Service was held' at Newcastle United Cburch on Sun- day morning, Oct. 27th, when Rev. Wm. W. Patterson christened the following childnen: Sharon Lyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Dudley; Margaret Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Stone- burg; George Brenton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard; David Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Hockin; Lorna Ann, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gil- bank; Robent Arthur, son of Mr. [and Mrs. Charles Gilkes. Miss tbel Lockbart bas been spending a week in Toronto. At St. George's Cburch on Sun- day afternoon, Oct. 27tb,. Rev. Dauglýas Dewdney christened Rich- ard James Clark, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson. God- parents were Miss Cora Butler and Dr. J. A. Butler. The rector also christened Sandra Ann and Paul Robert, children of Mr. and >Mrs. Charles Robent Beaton. Mr. land Mrs. Frank Alton, Toronto, were godparents for Sandra Ann and Paul Robert. ,,Mrs. Stella Anderson entertain- ed at a family dinner party on Sunday evening following the cbristening of ber grandson, Rich- ard James Clark Anderson. Mns. Douglas Inwin and two little sons, Walter and Peter, left on Friday to reside in Toronto. JVrs. L. Vandyne, Mrs. Hattie Wright, Rochester, N.Y., and Mns. Adolph Henry, Toronto, visited their aunt, Mns. F. Fligg and cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fergu- son. Mrs. Henry returned to Rochester with her cousins for a visit. Recent guests also of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson were Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Dudley and children, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Walton and Major Harry Dudley. Mrs. Robert Gibson spent Sun- day witb relatives in Orillia. Mrs. H. Ragen and her brother, Mn. Walter Douglas have closed their home in Newcastle for thef winten montbs. Mr. Douglas wIll spend the winter in Florida and Mrs. Ragen will be in Toronto. Tracy Embley, Ted Hoar, John Gibson and Raymond Aiken are practîsing in Oshawa with the Onono Junior Hockey Club. A Newcastle Hockey Club has been organized to play in the O.M.H.A. Juvenile and Midget teams. The Club meets eveny Mvonday. It is also intended to enter a team of Public Scbool age in the Clarke Township League. N'ewcastle Board of Trade bas donated $40..0 to the club. A collection was taken at thet Newcastle Public Scbool on Mon- iay for the Navy League when $6.11 was realized. C Mrs. J. Coulson, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wicks, celebrated, her birthday last Tues- day by neceiving a number off friends and old neighbors and a host of cards from out-of-townt friends.1 ti ci ci t. f 12 di ni Starkville A large congregation attended Shiioh Anivensary services on Sunday. Impressive messages were given by Rev. H. C. Lin- stead of Courtice. Speciai music was given by the cbiidren in the a!tennoon and the choir in the ev- ening. Mrs. Wm. Todd' and Mn. and Mrs. R. McGahey, Oshawa, visited at Mn. Lonne Todd"s. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Robinson, Kendal, Mrs. I. Paeden and, Mn. Herb. Paeden at Mn. and Mrs. Lonne Paeden's. Mrs. Willis Farrow witb Mn. and Mrs. Percy Farrow's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton and !amily, Newtonville and Mrs. Glass, Kendal, at Mn. Geo. Smitb's. Mn. anti Mrs. Herb Gilmer, Bow- manville, witb Mn. Clarence Gil- mer 's. Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtonville, witb Mn. Lorne Todd. Miss Helen Turner, Newcastle, with Miss Mary Hallowcll. Rev. H. A. Bunt and Mrs. Bunt, Rcv. H. C. Linstead wîth Miss Norma Hallowell. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Fox (nec Manian Moore) wbo were marricd October 26. Miss Josie Trim and fricnd., o! Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Miss H. H. White, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Craig and daughter and Mrs. Wright, Toronto, visitcd, Mrs. Ri- chard Hallowell. Miss Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. M. Sbutka. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and TITTTRMflAV flt!T 21 ~ 104.R ~~~~1 age also contained a present of a toy car for the boys and colormng books for the girls. An honored guest at the afternoon festivities was Donna's great grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ferguson, who with Mrs. McLaughlmn came down from Oshawa for the happy occasion. The little guests at the party were Joey Smith, Sheila Gogerty, Mar- ilyne Laking, Caroline Freidland- er, Barbara Patterson, Bobby Brown, Bobby Holmes, Susan Gray, Sonny and Eleanor Dawes, Norman and Barry Sandham, Wayne McMullen, Jimmy Scott, Benny Dickenson, David and Ric- ky Rickard, Phil McLaughlin, Oshawa. Missed from the party were three guests who were un- able to attiýnd, Benyl Brown, John Patterson and Wayne Flintoff. Two-Burner.5 Hot Plates $ AMCA$145 daughter in Pontypool. Mr. W. A. HalloweUl is on the sick lEst. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Ken'- dal, Mrs. H. Little, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mrs. Firnnie, Port Hope, at Mr. Dave Armstrong's. Miss Helen Dechert wasacalled home to Toronto, owing to the death o! ber grandmother. We extend' to her our sincere sympa- thy. Mr. Art McKay at Mr'. and Mrs. Geo. Morton's, Sixth Line. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, at home. Misses H. Decbert, N. Hallo- well and H. Hallowell at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden's. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldred and fa- mily witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Kay, Bronte. Mrs. S. Powell, Mrs. Ben Jaynes, Mrs. G. Martin and Mrs. C. Brown witb Mrs. C. Mitchell, Newtonville. Miss Rae Venner weekended with Miss Jovce Martin. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wbitney and Gladys with Mr. and, Mrs. W. Ad- ams. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard' and family, Sbaw's, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry. Mr. Alex Hendry attended the National Holstein Sale- at Oak- ville. A sewing circle meeting was beld at the home of Mrs. Gordon Martin, when one quilt was quilt- ed. Mr. and 4frs. R. Graham with Mr. and Mrs. C. Alldred. Mr. E. A. Holmes witb Mr. and Mrs. Rowland andi Mr. and' Mrs. W. Holmes. Wesleyville Carbury, Man., visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hughes. Mrs. W. T. Nichoils moved to her new home in Port Hope on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill, Port Hope, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrow- clough. Mrs. Charles Snell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Tufford, Bunker Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Liiarles Beighton visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowden at Bewdýey. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke and Carol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornîsh, Port Perry. Master Neal Nicholîs spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Earl Maynard, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow-J clough and son Billy, visited Mr.i Buy ourChristmas Gits 1u YorAT1 HART WIG'S AND SAVE. MONEY Starting Nov. lst a 15% Discount will be given on any article in the store. Corne in now and make your choice while selection of gifts is good. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. A good selection of Watches, Mantie Clocks, Rings, Compacts, Dresser Sets, Expansion Bracelets, Lockets and many other gifts. General Electric Console $4 0 Radio ---------$ 9 0 W AFFLE IRON ' Ea h -----------------$11..95 G. E. Poultry W ater Warmer More eggs with less work when you use the G.E. Poultry Water Warmer. It is easy to use, costs littie to operate. See them to-day. See Our'Technicians About Your Wiring Problems. Free Estimates TORONTO MEN TEACHERS' CHOIR WELL RECEIVED The members o! the Toronto Men 'Teachers' Choir, and assist- rng artists scored a great major success wben they appeared at Newcastle Community Hall on Wednesday evening, Oct. 25tb. The choir, which consists o! 56 members, is composed of princi- pals, teachers and music super- visors o! Toronto Public, Second- any and Vocational Scbools, with Mr. Eldon Brethour, Supenvisor of Music for the city of Toronto, as thein outstandîng and talented c.onductor. The choir were quite at ease in every number o! the diversified programme whicb ranged from sea chanties, popular numbers to sacred selections. Their diction was wonderful, every final con- sonant was sounded. Their attack and release was most accunate, and their barmony was marvelous. Their unaccompanied numbers were also exceptionally good. Katharine Irwin, concert pian- ist, wbo was one o! the assisting artists anrl wbose playing contni- buted much pleasure and enter- taînment o! the evening played: Etude in E Major by Chopin; Bal- lade in A Flat and Mendelsohn's "Andante." A funther musical treat were the solos and duet by William Math- ieson, Ronald Snow and William Gleed, boy sopranos o! St. Simon 's Cburcb, Toronto. Mn. Eric Lewis, Choir Master and organist o! St. Simon's Chunch, acted as accom- panist for the boys. Mn. Alec Turner was accompanist for the ,choir. From the finst numben until the last selection it was an outstand- ing musical treat and one long to be remembered by the aud- ience. The choir wbo appeared hene under the auspices of the Women's Association of Newcastle United Church, were guests of the As- sociation at a chicken dinner pnion to the concert. BOARD 0F TRADE HOLDý CHICKEN DINNER Membens o! Newcastle Board o! Trade beld their Octoben meet- ing on Thursday, Oct. 24th, in the form o! a cbicken dinner at the Queen's Hotel. President W. F. Rickard acted as Master of Cere- monies and introduced the guest speaker, A. F. Annis, K.C., Presi- dent o! the Osbawa Board of Trade. Mn. Annis in bis very excellent talk gave the members some splendid ideas in regard to the work that can be undertaken and accomplished in g, village. His advice wag' for ' the Newcastle Board o! Trade to stant at first with small idees and be sure and follow tbem througb to the fin- ish. The main topic o! discussion was the question o! the best way to stop the excessive speed o! moton tra!fic through the village. Some of the members advocated having astop or caution light and others were in favor o! summoning the >ffenders. After considerable dis- cussion a motion was passed that the village council be asked to take immediate steps to stop the violation o! the speed laws thnough the village. An interesting fact bnougbt out duning the discussion was that a number o! local motorists were also guilty o! speedy and reckless Iniving. Garnet Porter, Sec'y. o! New- castle Board of Trade, addressed the meeting reganding donation nrom the Board to, help Newcastle hockey team purchase hockey equipment. A donation of $40.00 vas voted to bclp the team. King At. E. Bownianville I - -~ Wa -d %ct7me4 Ycie"~ For Fail Into PRETTY COMFORT A rustlmng brunch coat, in a hip-srnooth- mng wrap around style; a flip tie front, simple classio neckline, shirred waist- lime and a full sweeping 80-inches of hernline. Cornes in fine quality, gaily flowered prints that stand up to tub- bing. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 44. $3<49 VVinter x The very essence of breath-taking splen- dor is in the new silhouette, skilfuily interpreted in our new wondrous and eye-catchîng dress collections. Fine quality rayon crepes, plain and sequin trimmed in the new fail shades. Sizes Il to 20. $10*95 Wa//e4l &g04 , .É@ede Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowma.nvllle 'N 4: P ~ 4I PAGE EXIGET and Mrs. Mortgn, Kendal. 1Fitteen imeffibers of the 'Wo- men's Institute held a quilting and tea at Mrs. C. Beighton's on Fr1- day afternoon. Mrs. Roy Nicholls and Mr. Sid- ney Lockhart attended the funer- al of Mr. Fred Nicholson, Toronto on Monday. CHANGE AND REST For that tired feeling, a change is recommended by the Depart- ment of National Health and Wel- fare, Ottawa. Declaring that < "Many tired people need a change as much as d rest" the depart- ment states, "With food and fresh air to rebuild, the body, and frth interests and a sense of leisurWYb relax the mind, fatigue will van-e ish rapidly. And a walk in the' open always helps, too." Sunday School met at il a.m. with a good iattendance and all teachens present. A large number attended the crokinole party in the basement o! the 'church Wednesday evening and also to present our newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs, with a hassock, an aluminum pressure cooker, a table lamp and a bed lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell left Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Ernest Cable at Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. B. Binsted and family, spent Sunday -with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Binsted, Peter- boro. Mount Pleasant, and her sister of Ili Reg. Price $25. 15%/ Discount - $3.75 You Pay $21.25 S.J ARTWIG, Jeweller Higgon Electric I WAX DEANS HIEGLN TONATO JniCaNEFA14CY TOmAo LOUP LR' DABY FOODS ASSLMED CASHEETISSUE F LOUE HOUSEHOLD 7-b. 2 NlOToR DiL 2M. APENN. LAECIA NOOD)LES .1-1 SPIC SPANNO RINSING SPIC& Spa O W IPING ALP TEMIMAY. OCT. 319L 19« Bowmauffle

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