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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1946, p. 7

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A A T~T A ~t ~R1 A VITt~~5 A ~T ~f~U7IAA MITTI .T .W~ ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN THUBSDAY, NOV. l4th, 1946 .1 flL L..ft..L~ IIJJJ.Ii±~ ~ J. Z~ A * ~ I holldaying a week while Jack has I ~ +,s .t,.*h~V lfl ~TIV <'nhlr~e- ~LCjJ *tD a....I t.*~..* ~ -- -- Great minds had rather deserve ~ IT71S PRE-WAR 010 DUTCH General 4Dry Batteries Joy Record Players Flashlights Floor Wax! A rare chance to get an old time ,high quality fiish on your floors. Scarfe's Paints- A type for every purpose -many attractive colors tchoose from. ARADIO SERVICE For ail makes and models - for a most complete repair job. Fo Ce CROWE BOWMANVI LLE 52 King St. W. Phone 2174 Use Our Lay-Away Plan This Christmas Mfarr's Jewe11erl 43 King St. W. Phone 462 Pr r 3 M Gobin Vacuum Cloanors ~8O-s85 COMPLETE W1TH ATTACHMENTS -.850-8.0 Universal Vacuum Cleaners COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS $79.50~ Royal Upright Vacuum Cloaners ..$45 ATTACHMENTS EXTRA ---------------------- IRONS TOASTERS LAMPS PIN-UP LAMPS ELECTRI'C RAZORS HEATERS HOT PLATES To Serve You Botter THE RADIO SHOP Expert EîoctricaU Ropairs 38 King St. Zust BOWILANVILIAZ Phone 571 8 mu I ed Mi ori vis Ne Mi wz col is tei KÉ ite ily - - - - - - - - --. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phonoe8US Miss Alice Lee, Toronto, visit- dher mothen, Mrs. Selena Lee. Mrs. W. A. Edger is visitîng Ir. and Mrs. Alf Kershaw, Ton- nto. Mn. John Symons, Sudýbuny, is siting hîs daughten, Mrs. F. W. ielles. Mn. Ed. Wetherell, Mn. and Mrs. ;uce, Lifford, were visitons at nrs. W. H. Densem's. Miss Jean Hemphill, Waterloo, as guest oven the weekend o! her >usin, Mns. Geo. W. James. Mn. Sam Irvin, Rossland, B.C., svisiting his nephew, Mn. Wal- nr DeGeer and Mns. DeGeen. Miss Dorothy Richards, Mn. .enneth Bunnsîde, Toronto, vis- ted Mn. and Mns. W. J. Richards. Mn. and Mns. Jack Cully, Mar- lyn and Billie, Toronto, visited [r. and Mrs. W. J. Cully on Sun- lay. Mni. and Mns. Hugh Smale, Ot- tawa; Miss Ida Peebles, Coîbonne, spent the weekend with Mrs. C. J. Smale. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood and children, Alliston, were week- end guests with her fathen, Mn. Ira Pundy. John Webster andi Arthur Cully, Toronto, spent the weekend and Remembrance Day with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Cully. Miss Ileen Balson of The States- man office, enjoyed a weekend visit with Mn. arid Mrs. Allan Balson, Cataraqui. Miss Lillian Osborne, Peterbono Normal School, was weekend guest with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Orville Osborne. Mn. Jack Kent, assistant post- master, is recuperating at his home after an operation for ap- pendicitis at Bowmanville Hos- pital. Mrs. E. Thackaray, Toronto, and Mrs. Mabel Richards, Kam- loops, B.C., visited their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. S. H. Wood, Carlisle Ave. Statesman mailing lists have been conrected up to Novemben 6th. Please check your yellow label and advise us immediately if thene is any ernon. Mns. J. -B. E. Staples, Miss Kathleen Staples and Mn. C. H. Haddy, Toronto, visited friends and relatives in Orono and Bow- manville on Saturday. ,Mn. Gêo. E. Chase, Manager Public Utilities Commission, is now resting at his home aften undergoing a serious openation at Bowmanville Hospital. Robent Corbett, fonmerly editor with the Sentinel Stan in Co- bourg, has resigned his position and has accepted one on the' news staff of the Cobourg Wonld. Mn. and Mrs. E. Youngkin, of Phoenix, Arizona; Mns. C. Bou- cher, Joplin, Missouri; Mrs. Reid Fenguson, Couboung, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Miller. Mn. C. A. Johnston who has been laid up at his home for sev- eral weeks has su ffîciently necov- ered to corne down to the store a few hours each day. Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. M. Bell were Miss Jean Bell, Detroit, Mn. Ralph Dawson, Tillsonbung, and Mn. and Mns. W. R. Bell and daughten, Lindsay. Mns. G. A. Cook had a happy surprise in having her two nieces from Stayner, Mns. Augusta Leon- ard and Mrs. Arleigh Taylor on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. E. S. Reddick of King, called on her aunt, Mrs. G. A. Cook on Sunday while passing through town to see Mn. Reddick's sister, Mrs. H. Bowen who had undengone a seious openation. Mrs. H. Humphries and Mrs. W. H. Densem attended the opening night of "Meet the Navy" at the Imperial Theatre, Toronto. Their nephew, Brenton Scott Rowe took 1 part in this pictune. Council has decided to retain the old fine engîne as an auxil- iary to the new one as a matten of safety in any emergency arising fnom out of town calîs . Offened -for sale will be the.old fine hose truck when change-over facilities have been effected. By Tuesday's mail The States- man neceived information of the passing of two former well known Bowmanville citizens, namely, Mns. Chas. P. Blair at Dttawa and Mn. Manley R. Cryderman at Ed, monton, Alta. Panticulars of thein passing will be found in the Death Notices. Trinity Young Peopies' met or Nov. 4th, in the form of a Hard- Time Hallowe'en Party, with 34 present. The evening was spent by having a scavengen hunt, ghost walk, contests, games andi a sing CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Ministen: Rev. G. C. Quigley 10 a.m.-Sunday School il a.m.-Worship: "Jesus Took Bread." Sacrament of the Lond's Supper. 7 p.m.-Wonship: "Does it pay to be good." - You are condially invited to attend. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN 'CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Rector il a.m.-Morning Prayen andi Sermon. Nursery: Two years and oven. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.-Evensong and Sermon. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer In The Editor's Mail Editor, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ontario, Dear Mr. James: In last week's edition of your paper, there was a report of «a town council meeting, in which, it was stated that the Mayor cnit- icized the local branch of the Can- adian Legion and veterans in gen- eral for flot co-operating with him in the housing project. We would like it made known that the only time the local branch of the Canadian Legion has been asked for any assistance or co- operation on the housing project was, indirectly, at a public meet- ing which 'ail citizens interested in were requested to attend. At that time, few details were avail- able re size of hou§es, financing or anything else. That meeting was attended largely by veterans who stated their willingness to purchase a home. The Legion, officially, has neyer been approached by any member of the town council requesting as- sistance, advice or anything else by way of co-openation. For this reason, we cannot ac- cept the mayor's nepoted deroga- tory remarks concerning this body or its members. Youns very truly, Branch 178, Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. M. Breslin, President. A statistical fact says that a wild turkey can outrun a horse for considerable distances. We suppose that at Thanksgiving time they can show an even fasten bunst of speed. IT PAYS TO PLAY 'If you are giving Toys, Games, Chemistry Sets, Small Musical Instruments, Sleighs, Toboggans, Ice or R o 11e r Skates, Footballs, Gym or Bowling Shoes, Jerseys, Wind- breakers, Wool Togues, Socks, Mitts, Darts and Dart Boards, Flashlights, Key Cases, Fishing, Basebaîl, Tennis, Badminton, Hockey and Ski Equipment; Ski and Boat Carriers for automobiles, Duck and Crow Caîls; also Gun and Rifle clean- ing rods, brushes, grease and oil; Bicycles, Tricycles, Scoot- ers, Wagons, Kiddie Kars, Joy- riders, Auto Baby Chairs, Drums, Hunting Knives. Well you won't have to order from Toronto or drive to Osh- awa to buy these gifts as they are all now in my stock. So shop early and take your pick ..don't depend on old Saint Nlck, as he may be short of presents, also short of deer. So come ln and look at my stock.. . you'll find lots of it here. Mc&Nulty' s Sports Shop Bow-MANVIL.LE, ONT. song, under the leadership of Manin Foley, Donothy Faulkner and Doreen Hardy. Lunch was senved by the refreshment com- mittee, Gwen Gilmer and Shir- ley Grant. The gathering closed with "Taps." St. Paul's United Church en- couraged by the increased inter- est shown by members has made plans for an evening of social fel- lowship. Membens and adher- ents, young and old, will have an opportunity to renew friendships and fonm new ones. This social evening will be held Thursday, Nov. 2lst, at 8 p.m. Sponsored, by Women's Association groups, ail St. Paul's people are asked to ne- serve the date and to share in this informal get-together. Mr. and ivirs. nouert Overy, Marilyn, Bob and Caroline Ann; Mr. James Overy and Miss Bar- bara Bos.worth, Mr. Herbert 0v- ery, all*of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Overy over the weekend and attended the ser- vice at St. John's Church, Sun- day, when Mr. and Mrs. James Overy's niece, Caroline Ann, and their son, Franklin Thomas, were baptized. Mrs. Overy returned, to Toronto with them to visit fniends. Sunday morning, Nov. l7th, Rev. G. Camenon Quigley will conduct his first communion ser- vice in St. Paul's United Church. It is desirous that membens, in particular be pnesent to make this fali communion a memorable one and a time of vital significance to St. Paul's. Pnepanat&y service will be held Friday night at 8 p.m. Mr. Quigley will take as his theme Sunday night "Does it pay to be good?" This subject should be of particulan interest to young people. In future evening sub- jects will be of a nature intenest- ing and helpful to young people and Bowmanville youth are cor- dially welcome. M HI-HEAT OIL DURNERS for Kitchen Stoves 2 &-inch Burners Guaranlteed 5 Years $39m50 Complete Installed - $46-50 57 King St. W. Phone 8111 contemporaneous applause with- out obtaining it, than obtain with- out deserving it.-Colton. The first idea of method is a progressive transition from one Method is not less requisite ini ord.inary conversation than in writing, provided. a man would àtalk to make himsell understood.L a-Addison. Burketon Recent visitors at Mrs. L. Heas- man were Mr. and Mrs. H. Heas- marn and family of Franklin. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, with her parents. Mrs. Florence Caughill is stay- ing in Port Perry for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dean and Carson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roblin, Mrs. J. Sinclair were in Millbrook at- tending the funeral of little Dal- ton Sanders, 7 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pedien and Mrs. H. Rahme with friends. Remembrance Day service was observed Sunday morning, Rev. Seymour spoke comforting words for ail who senved in Wonld War I and II. In his remanks he said let us not forget our heroes who sacrificed their young lives for oun fneedom. The choir sang spe- cial hymns in the church. On Monday, Nov. 11, a social evening and presentation was giv- en to Mr. and Mrs. Anchie Alldred' andi family who are leaving short- ly to live in Norwood owing to their work with the C.P.R. Mr. Aldon Hubbard read the address and Miss Jean McLaughlin with Miss Dorothy Wotton presented the famîly with a beautiful elec- tric lamp, toaster and mron for their new home. Mrs. Alldned thanked all for their great kind- ness and expressed regret at leav- ing good old Burketon. Following progra mwas enjoyeci with Rev. Seymour as chairman: Readings by Mrs. Rahm, Lois Davey, Mrs. Carter, Marjorie Hawthorn, Mrs. Seymour; musical selections by Miss Jean Coulter and Alden Hubbard. Kendal gone deer hunting. Moving pictunes wene presented Wednesday evenmng in the church by the Bible Society. Many in- tenesting pictures of Russia and Japan were shown. Mn. and Mrs. V. Johnson, who bought the genenal store from Wm. Mercer -last June have sold it to a Toronto party and are moving back to Oshawa. Plans are being made by the W.I. to have the young folks of Maple Grove present their play, "Susie Steps Out" here. W.A. held a very successful sup- per and bazaar in the Orange Hall, Fniday evening. After the bountiful suppen the bazaar was opened, the riumenous and great variety of articles were a credît to the ladies and went ail too quickly. Milton Robinson, as auctioneer, cleared up articles lef t and also a good supply of baking. Proceeds about $85.00. DEMAND FOR FOULTRY ]Jomestic demand for poultry is exceptîonally goo.d. Meat ration- ing and a high level of employ- ment, says the Cunrent Review of the Agricultunal Conditions in Canada, have resulted in a great- er consumption of poultry meats. Poultny markets are now having a strong seasonal increase. The export demand for Cana- dian poultry is also strong, and the U'nîted Kingdom provides a gocddr outlet. The contnact for the expont of poultry from Canada to the United Kingdom cails for the shipment of 121/2 million pounds of fowl and chicken before the end of the calendar year 1946. The poultry must be gnaded, pack- ed, and inspected according to Do- minion Government regulations. Praise from the common people is generally false, and rather fol- lows the vain than the virtuous. Phone Orono 4« PUBLIC MEETINGI Bowmanville Community Council- For The CO-ORDINATION 0F RECREATION MEETING UN THE COUNICUL CHAMBERS TOWN HALL a pim. THURSDAY NOVEMBERi 2lst Purpose:- Election of Officers and Executive. Citizens are invited to attend and it is urgent that ail delegates attend. FALL DRUG SALE M0NEY-SAVINÎG SPECUALS AND REMINDIERS For the Full Week Wed.., Nov. 13 to Wed., Nov. 20 Stock up and save on your drug needs during the I.D.A. FALL DRUG SALE. Vitamin Products, Cough and Cold Remedies, Household Drugs, Dental Needs, Etc., Etc. - You'll find special eut prices on * popular produets in aIl these groups. Shop now and save money. 39c A.SUA. Tablets, 10019......... 19c 39c MiUk of Magnesia Tablets .. 29e Noxzema Cream, 93c jar.......... 65c1 Syrup, 4-oz. ------------- 39c Cascara Tablets 100's -------------------- 25e Boracie Acid Bromo-Seltzer -----25c-49c-95c Ex-Lax ------------------- 15C33C Alka-Seltzer ---------- 29c-57c Morses' Indian Root Pills ---23c Siendor Tablets -----$1.00-$5.00 FALL DRUG SALE FEATURE I DAM ALT MALT AND COD LIVER O]IL 1iM. - 2lb. -41b. 44c - 77c- $1.33 Pond's Creams ------------ 34c-59c Lustre-Creme Shampoo --- $1.0 Lady Esther Face Powder--------------- 29c-55c Tbree Flower Powder, Rouge or Lipstick --------------------- 60 Floress Lipstick--------------- $1.35 18C 27e 18e GIN PULLS 39C-69C 98e Value, 100's ------ 33c Everready Shaving Cream -------- 25e Iodized Throat G argle ------------- -- 23e 18e Certifled Anti-freeze Alcohol Non-Corrosive 1 gal.-------------$1.69 25e I[odized Throat Tablets ------------ 18e $1.25 Pinkham's Compound... Brownie Writing Pads.......... 29c Blondex -Slampoo .......... ~ HIGHLIGIITS VOUA HAlA Tincture of lodine, 1-oz ------- 14e 87c~ Kleenor Tooth Powder - 29e tin 23c Mllk of Magnesia Tablets, 300's ----67e 39e Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver 011, 8-oz. 29c Syrup White Pine and T ar ------------- 18C $ 1.00 Cod Livor 011 ............. loc Envelopos, 25's ............ 25e Volvetta Balm, l4-oz. .. . 2 for 67e 4c 39C TUBE 254,o49ý M ead's Pablum ------------- 45e C asto ria - -- -------------- - 33e Johnson's Powder ------ 28c-55c Baby's Own Tablets ---------23e Dextri-Maltose --- ---65c-$3.00 FALL DRUG SALE FEATURE r MUNERAL, OIL I.D.A. HEAVY GRADE For Baidness I t s G u a r a n t e e d - - - - - - - - - FALL DRUG SALE FEATURE HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES looc $3.89 Ipana Tooth Paste--------- 29c-49c Lyon's Tooth Powder -- 28c-45c Listerine--------------- 29c-49c-89c Maclean's Tooth Paste -- 29c-47c Pure Super-Pfaled fhm o Faous 0Wd english Formule. per cake 3 for 75e 15e Hydrogen Poroxido, 4-oz. .... 12e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAUKA ECORD CANDIES ik IcOREDOR DRUU PHONE 798 - WB DELIVER ~PIJP - 1 QfAn m nnother in anv course.- 1 ~SUGGE STIONS -FROM THE ORONO GIFT SHOP GLASSWARE - CHINA - NOVELTIES - HAND PAINTINGS- - HANDCRAFTS HAND MADE NUMBERS INCLUDE:- Print, Organdy and Dimity Aprons; Plastic Aprons with Floral Applique and Frilîs; Embroidered and Edged Guest and Bath Towels; PillowCases; Embroidered Tea Towels; Crocheted and Tatted Centres and Doilies. HAND WOVEN ITEMS SUCH AS:- Towels, Luncheon Sets, Men's Fine Woollen Scarves; Ladies' Hobo and Shopping Bags, Baby Blankets, Baby Knit Wear, Etc. BRYLCREEIW THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING k ý a ý PAGE SEVEN MMTXW É"AMAnTAKT QPPÀrM-.CZUAJ- lRn'VU,&MVILLE. ONTiAMO Mrs., L. A. Reid Miss Annie Thompson wvith Mrs. C. Thompson. Miss A. Brereton, Toronto, is recuperating with Mrs. F. Stoker. Joe Mantinell arrived home Saturday with a fine deer. Mn. Robt. Alexander with his parents for the Golden Wedding celebration. Mn. and Mrs. Oughtned and Donna, Wesleyville, visited Mn. and Mrs. D. Vannatto. Mn. and Mns. Ray Hughes, Pont Hope, Mn. and Mns. Fred White and daughter, Peterbono, with Mns. Mary Luxon. Mn. and Mrs. George Wilson and Ethel, Orono, with Mn. R. Wilson. Mn. and Mns. Milton Robinson and Mr. and Mns. Cecil Glass en- joyed a duck dinner with Mn. and Mrs. George Smith. Mn. and Mns. Lewko with Mn. and Mns. Wm. Robinson. Mn. and Mns. Bob Martinell and family, Peterboro, with Mn. and Mrs. Joe Martineîl. Mr. and Mns. Jas. Lewson, Jan- etville, with Mn. and Mrs. Wm, Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gloven and Joanne, and Miss Geongina Dal-- lington, Ajax, with Mns. A. G. Darlington, Helen and Joanne are 40-oz. 63e 16-oz. 33c

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