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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1946, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 28th, 1946 Lake Shore, Clarwke Mrs. J. Hendry and Mrs. W. Rolnies attended a Red Cross tea and pres entation for the British war bridés of Newcastle and com- Munity at the home of Miss B. McIntosh, Newcastle. Lakeshore H. and S. Club met lnx the school with Brown's H. & S. Club supplying an enjoyable program and some amnusing games and contests. Next meet- ing Dec. 10 along with which will be the annual school Christmas concert complete with Santa 'n ail the fixings. Visitors: Mrs. S. Powell visited in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and faniily and Mrs. Hotson with Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott, Tyrone. Keith Adams underwent a mine- pr -operation in the Sick Child- ren's Hospital and is now home recuperating. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibson and Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gibson and Sandra with Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. (Intended for Last Week) Many from tJiis section attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair, includ- ing Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry and Archie, Bill Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry and others. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. G. Pollard and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibson, M(r. Alfred Gibson, Courtland, N. Y., Miss Mary Gibson, Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Bill Lake and Jack Hoirnes have been hunting at Maynooth. Visitors with.Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry were: Mr. Wm. Spicer, Lacadena, Sask., Mr. and Mrs, James Gilchrist, Evanston, Ill.,' and Mr. and. Mrs. Don Gilchrist and son Brian, Whitby. .Newtonville Twenty-two were present at Y.P.U. Monday evening. It was decided to meet on Tuesday even- ings. Lewis Stone was in charge of the program. The pastor gave the true meaning of the Y.P.U. pin. That old problem that was nev- er solved last year is again before us. Who is willing to sponsor the Film Board pictures? Several from here attended the bazaar at Zion Friday evening and had an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane hIve returned from visiting relatives across the border. In their ab- senge Mrs. Melville Jones and Mrs. Roy Burley were in charge of store and post office. Mrs. Sidney Lancaster is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. W. T. Nich- olîs, Port Hope.. Mrs. John Lan- caster is keeping the home fires burning at the garage. Many attended the Royal Win- ter Fair in Toronto. Inspector Carlton visited the school this week. Mrs. Chas. Reid and. Miss Ha- zel Reid, Toronto, visited her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Wood who has not been well. See The New Jeep Corne in and see the JEEÇP or let us demonstrate what this machine will do. Ask us about the Willy 's Station Wagon. Wil seat 7 passengers or you can take out the seats and use as a truck. Immediate Delivery on Jeeps or Station Wagons Both are easy and cheap to operate. NEW BEATTY BROS. ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERSIN STOCK Mr. Jerry Armstrong, Fenelon Falls, and cousin called on friends on Sunday. Mrs. Arnold Wade and. Mrs. Geo. Kimbaîl attended the Wo- men's Institute convention in Toronto. Miss Max4 Denault and Miss Mary Burley spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Langstaff and Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Tone Langstaff. Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mr. Oliver Smith and Mrs. Virgina M. Archer were in Toronto last Friday attending the funeral ser-. vice of Mr. James Vincent of Agincourt. The Community Hall was filled both Thursday and Friday even- ings for-the annual Continuation 'School Commencement Exercîses. The fine entertainment was great- ly enjoyed. (See page 9 for de- taîled account). Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs. Fred Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor were in Toronto on Saturday to attend the wedding' of Miss Pearl Taylor. Most of the young people were home for the Friday evening Commencement Exercises. These were: Jack Marlow of Toronto University; Murray Werry of Kingston University; Ernest Mc- Lean, Business College in Toron- to; Dorothy Bowers, Toronto Nor- mal; Dorothy Wright of Marvel Ha!rdressing School;- Miss Wilma Van Camp, beauty parlor opera- tor, Toronto; Miss Jessie Van Camp, teacher at Seagrave; and Beverly Veale of Toronto. Several of the young people charîvaried Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgerton, on Friday night and report a good time. Cadmus The November meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Marwood, McKee with eight members and, one vis- itor present. The meeting open- ed with the singing of "Unto the His Around" followed ýby the Lord's Prayer in unison. The stu- dy book was then taken by Mrs. Arthur Hanna dealing with fur- ther accounts of Currie's life in Africa. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Since the last meeting $3.00 more was handed in for Thankoffering. After the singing of another hymn it was decided to have the De- cember meeting in the basement of the church on the second Tues- day, Dec. lOth, the roll caîl to be answered by some Christmas message or Bible verse refer- ring to Christmas. We also planned to have an exchange of Christmas gifts once again, the price of each not to exceed 50c. It was decided to serve a pot luck supper at the congregational mee- ting. The program conUjstpeinf Ebenezer Womien Hold Joint Meeting Our November meeting proved a pleasant and profitable evening when the ladies of the afternoon and evening auxiliaries were in- vited to join with the C.G.I.T. Miss Gwen Osborne, president of the girls' group welcomed .all. The worship service was conduct- ed by the Evening Auxiliary tak- ing the topic "Christian Family Life." Mrs. Herbert Nichols was in charge, assisted by Miss A. jHoît and Miss A. Osborne. Mrs. A. Coverly sang a fitting solo. The Afternoon Auxiliary pre- sented the topic when Mrs. K. Hopkins gave an address on the very interesting subject "The Wo- men of India." Nothing in mod- ern India is more amazing than the emancipation of Indian wo- men, and in this, Christian mis- sions have had a large share. Misses Gwen Osborne and Mur- iel Down favored with a vocal duet and on behaîf of the C.G.I.T. group the president presenited ten dollars to the W.M.a. Miss Louise Osborne, president of the Afternoon Auxiliary thanked the girls and congratulated them up- on their endeavors. A social hour was then enjoyed when a contest was conducted- by Miss Fay Found. The C.G.I.T. with their leader, Mrs. Glen Pickell, served dainty refreshments. Mrs. R. E. Osborne and Mrs. Linstead poured tea. Mrs. A. Oke and Miss An Osborne expressed' appre- ciation from their respective groups, for their entertainment. In closing the Auxiliaries form- ed a large circle while the C.G.I. T. made a smaller circle within, and closed the meeting in their usual manner by repeating their Purpose, Taps and Prayer. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family, Mrs. H. J. Werry at Mr. Stuart Morton's, Maple Grove. Mr. James Hanna accompanied Rev. A. E. Cresswell to Muskoka. Mrs. H. Ashton at Mr. Stan Woollings, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King, Mrs. E. Gage, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Gage, Billie, Brian and Mary, Thorn Hill, Mr. and Mrs. George King, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Bert- rim's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herring, Miss Elsie Stevens, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Beech's. Lloyd Ashton, Harry Degeer, Melville Bertrim and Adam Sharp at Mr. S. Degeer's, Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at Mr. Russell Gilbert's, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Smith and Sally, Kingston, at Mr. Don Ca- meron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore and family, Whitby, at Mr. 'Frank Moore's, Miss Helen Moore re- turned to Whitby with her bro- ther. Miss June Anderson, in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKere and Douglas, Miss Mabel Bro,ý Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McN4 Newcastle (Continued from Page Three) WAR BRIDES HONORED On Wednesday'afternoon, Nov 20th member of Newcastle Red Cross Society entertained at a tea and presentation in honor of -the English brides of the enlisted men from Newcastle who served overseas during the Second Great War. Guests of honor were Mrs. Allan Rowe, Mrs. Jack Wade ana Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Lionel Ro- gerson. The tea which was largely at- tended and which was a most en- joyable and happy affair was held at the home of Miss Beatrix Mc- Intosh, president Newcastle Red Cross Society, who very kindly opened her home for the occa- sion. Miss Mclntosh was assisted in receiving the many guests by Mrsý Douglas Dewdney. and Mrs. Robert Gibson. In the' charniing dining room with its chintz cur- tained windows a pink and white color scheme was carried out. The tea table with its exceptional- ly handsome Madeira lace and embroidered table cloth was cen- tred with a bowl of pink 'mums and tall pink and white tapers burned in silver candlesticks. Pouring tea were Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Mrs. Percy Hare and Mrs. W. H. Gibson. Tea room as- sistants were Mrs. Herbert Toms, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Miss Ruth Hancock, Miss Ethel Lockhart, Misses Naomi and Audrey Hor- rocks and Miss Olive Thorne., Mrs. Charles H. Hancock, sec- ond vice president of the Branch, and whose untiring work as con- vener of the Christmas boxes to the enlisted men during the war has been deeply appreciated by afl the men in the services, made the presentation of very lovely luncheon sets te each of the war brides. Mrs. Hancock in making the presentation accompanied it with a very happy and witty speech1 The guests of honor although taken completely by surprise ahl charmingly replied and thanked the members of the Branch for the very enjoyable afternoon and for the lovely gifts which they were looking forward to using in their Canadian homes. They all expressed their liking for Can- ada and Canadians. The tea afforded an excellent opportunity for many members of the community to meet for the first time and enjoy a chat with these young wives of our New- castle boys, who have come such a long distance from their own people to make their home arnong ushe most recent war bride to arrive in Newcastle is the very pretty and sweet looking golden- haired: wife of Mr. Lionel Roger- son. Mrs. Lionel Rogerson who is the former Miss Jean Hart, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. D. Hart of Westfield, Woking, Englanci, was married at her parents' home on July 28, 1945. She arrived in Newcastle to rejoîn her husband on July 26th, 1946. The community ail join in wish- ing these English brides every happiness in their Canadian. homes. It was deeply regretted that owing to illness in the familyý Mrs. Jack Wade was unable to attend the tea and presentation. A report on women's styles is headlined. "Barrelj Shaped Look is latest Paris Fashion." Includ- ing hoop skirts? WHY DaIy's is Doudcous e DaIy's Tea is delicious because it is a high quality tea. Ask your grocer for Daly's Tea. You'II enjoy IL BEE-EATING TOADS Bee keepers 'in Australia are faced with a new enemy. About 12 years ago, Australian sugar growers imported- from Hawaii the the giant toad, bufa marin «us, to combat the cane beetie which had become a pest. Now the toad, in turn, is 'becoming a pest, says the Australian News. A recently kili- ed toad was found to have 500 bees in its stomach. The toads grow to about a foot in height and weigh 5 to 7 pounds. They have a tongue six inches long andý with these they sweep large numbers of bees from the entrances to hives. The toads aie breeding fast and are migrating south. They have been found in the suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland. At a bee- keepers' conference in that city it was decided to ask the Apiar- ists' Federal Council to have the toads declared a noxious pest. SOCIAL EVENINe UNDER AUSPICES Progressive Conservative Association NEWCASTLF, COMMUNITY HALL Friday Evening December 6 at 8 p.m. SPEAKERS: Wing Commander Larry Ske3), D.F.C., M.P. TRINITY RmDING, TORONTO IIarbid Timmins, K.C., M.P. PÂRKDALEý TORONTO Programme of Vaudeville and Music Followed by a Dance featured by Russ Creighton and His Orchestra Buffet Luncheon - Admission 50e Tickets nIay be secured from any member of the executive or at the door, or at any of the following places: Len Elliott, Bowmanville Chas. Reynolds - Bethany L. A. Fallis - Millbrook Thos. McClung, Garden Hill H. T. Saywell - Blackstock Richardson Bros., Pontypool Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mt. Pleasant Mitchell Drugs, Port Hope Percy Lunn -' - Orono EVERYBODY WELCOME I pr FA TI P g IF)PUI-TS & YEGET~~ABIS PCRÉA - TEXAS 96's Grapefruit - - 6 for GOLDEN RIPE Bananas> - - - Eb. WITH TOPS Carrots- 2 bches. STALKS GREEN Ce'lery- - - 2 for 2sc Domino Tea 8 oz'Ç pkg 35Ç 16 oz 9 pkg69 Several Brando Tomato Juice 2 0 oz~ Olympie12c Spiced Ham un 39 Neison's 8 oz19 16 oz29 Cocoa tin tVi' n Solex 25, 40, 60 Ec Lamps Watt Ec Brunswick 14 oz Chieken Haddie tin25 Ilc 19C Contains No Peanuts Mixed Nuts-- lb. 49c RED EMPEROR Grapes- - lb. 17c FRESH CALIFORNIA Dates - 8-oz. pkg. 35c XMAS CAKE REQUIREMENTS Cut Mlxed Peel Cut Mixed Fruit Ail Varleties Shelled Nuts Glaced Cherries Aylmer Infant Foods 5oz I07e tin£ .VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOS- IN. B ATTTRDAY. NO>V. BOTH ý Whole Evaporated -- ' Apricots lb I~~ AU merchandise sold atyuxom-I ion Store is unconditional>Dgar: Quaker XXXX 241lb 6Ç98lb $2.9 anteed to give 100% satisfaction. Bread Flour bag U bg' OOMINIOI4 STORES LIMITEO / -- f t f Pv. e a M u M E M M E M M M E M E M M u M E N M M E E E E M M E M M u M E M M E u M M M M u M M M M E M M M M M M M E -u Medium Clue) b Old Cheese 3o5erd) l 14e Aylmer or Saxonia 8 oz Cut Mixed' Peel pkg 16Ç Lynn Valley or Green Valley Green Peas Standard 20 oz 12ç Quality tin Clark'@ Heat and 15 oz I9ç Irish Stew Serve tin' Campbell'10oz21 Vegetable Soup 2 tins21 Quaker irufted Wheat 2 pkgs 3 maxwell House Ail-Purpose Grlnd 8 oz23>ç 16 oz A43Ç Coffee bag ~Dbag . rA ~ PAGE SEK THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVn..L£, ONTARIO 1 L ÀUA rs

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