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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1946, p. 3

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-. TEU1~S»Ay, DEC. th, 14 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTTJ~U! ON'rA ~Tfl Darlingion Township Football Le ague Ènterained rdyb 1yW ihl More than 1 ,000 People Participated in this Unusual Event "Miss Darlington" Being Shown a. New Pontiac hy Mr. Nichols League 1'resents Flowers to Mrs. Nichols In this photo, Mrs. Nichols has just- League, at extreme right, express- been presented with a greu ed the gratitude of the gathering bouqet f 'mms y Ms. Grdo toMr. and Mrs. Nichols for their bouqet o 'mms b Mr. Godongenerosity. In reply, Mr. Nichols, Wîlbur, Hampton. Jack Reynolds, at left, said that he hioped the Secretary of Darlington Football affair would be an annual event. Eunice Leask of Solfia Chosen 'Miss Darlington' At Football Entertaiîment Over 1,000 people from this dis-i trict were royaiiy entertained at Newcastle Community Hall, Fri- day evening at the first event of its kind in Durham County. The dance was heid in honor of the players who participated in Darlington Township Football League this year and ail present were guests of genial host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Nichois, General Motors Dealen in Courtice. The football season wili long be remembered as one of spirîted en- counters, marveilous team ivairy and good football. After leading the league to the piayoffs, Cour- tic~e was put out in the first round by Hampton who went on to de- feat Solina in an exciting two- game final. But, on Friday night field fouis and injuries were for- gotten with ail out to enjoy them- selves to the utmost. Thene was plenty of opportun- ity for a splendid evening, be- the best in music when he obtain- ed the services of George Wade and his Corn Huskers. Many Darlington Beauty Queen Receives Chcst of Silver Miss Eunice Leask, 14-year-old at the function. In Daying tribute daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordo to her beauty, Bob MacIntyre, Leask, Solina, was selected as the1 Advertising Manager of General most attractive single girl present 1 Motors of Canada, is pictured pre- 0 Kendal Miss Annie Thompson home for the week-end. Mrs. Alva Roughley, Oshawa with ber mother, Mrs. L. Thomne. Mrs. Tremaine lef t for Buffalo after visiting here with her sis- ter, Mrs. Milton Robinson' SSome folks are lucky -Neil Stewart is sporting a fancy 1946 Pontiac. Mir. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Da- vid jepd Donnie spent Thursday Sat W&est Hill, David bas had the cast- removed from his leg and i-the fracture is reported in first class condition. He has now stant- ed back to school We are pleased to welcorne Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Reynolds tnd small son Peter Toronto to our community. They have bought the general store from Mr. and MyrsN V. Johnson. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kawa and Mrs. Geo. Langstaff writh Mrs. Kawa's sister, Mrs. Jas. Yarrow, Trenton. The W. A. held their moth- iy meeting at the %ome ofmrs. Evan Quantrili, Wed. afternoon. Due to the bad noads there were not so many out as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott, Mr. Arthur Thompson and Mre Roy Mercer of Kendal Farm Forum attended the meeting Monday evening at Kirby, sponsored by the Durham County Federation of Agriculture when W. R. Strike and Chas. Osborne spoke on Pro- vincial and Dominion gov'ts. Rev. Brent conducted a christ- ening at Kendal UnIted Church Sunday morning-these were the infant son, Ray Edmond, of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux and the three youngest children of Mn. and Mrs. Russel Sutcliffe-Leon- ard Leroy, Winnifred Lorraine and Connie Louise. Mrs. W. Mercer attended the funeral of ber uncle, Fredrick senting her, on behaif of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, with a beautiful chest of silver.1 White of Lindsay, Monday, Nov. 25. The late Mn. White was in his B4tb year and, until about 30 years ago resided on the bound- ary (the farm now occupied by Howard Quantnill). He moved to Mariposa and later to Lindsay where hîs wife, the late Mary Louise Ray, predeceased him. The one son, Melvin, resides on the farm near Little Bitain. The young folks of Ebenezer presented their play 'A pair of Country Kids' in Kendal Orange Hall under the auspices of Ken- dal W. II. last Wed. evening. It was well given, proved very mîrth-provoking and was greatly en.îoyed as were the fine quar- tette selections between acts. The W. I. met recently at the home of Mrs. T. Hilditch and quilted a quilt for the I.O.D.E. The ladies enjoyed the tasty lunch served by Mrs. Hilditch. Another top is to be quiited soon: The regular meeting of the W. I. will be cancelled this month thought that Mr. Wade's orchestra specialized in square dance music only but they soon demonstrated their versatility by playing both square and round to perfection. Highlight of the evening was a mystery affair. Foliowing seven- ai presentations, a young lady whose name was announced laten as Miss Eunice Leask, 14-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Leask, Taunton, was brought to the platform. She was taken completely by surprise as were most of the guests. It appeared that Mrs. Frank Taylor, Oshawa, and Mrs. John James, Bowman- ville, ably assisted by Dr. Brown- lee, Oshawa, had spent most of the evening pickîng out the most attractive single girl present. Miss Leask had been their unanimous choice. She was presented with a beautiful chest of silver and a banner whîch read "Miss Darling- ton." Additional presentations in- cluded one by the vice-president of Darlington Football League, Harry Davey, Orono, who present- ed the group leaders, Courtice football team, with a new foot- ball and congratulated them on their fine showing throughout the campaign. Maurice Breslin, Bowmanville, presented the Hampton squad with his new, attractive trophy which will be for annual compe- tition until one teamn wins it three years in succession when the tro- phy will be retained. The winner of a spot dance and the prize, a pair of nylon hose, was Mrs. Sid Murdoch, Bowman- ville. During his introductory remarks as master of ceremon1ies, Mr. Bob MacIntyre, advertising manager of General Motors of Canada Ltd., paid tribute to Mr. Nichols for the community spirit which had sponsored such an event. Mr. Ni- chois, has always been interested in the aiffairs of his community, Mr. Maclntyre continued, and one of the best examples was that of ail the General Motors cars sold by Mr. Nichols this year, over 90 per cent had been delivered to people in this area and had not gone to city customers. He as- sured those present that General Motors were turning out new cars as fast as they could and were continuing their policy of making their products dependable. In conclusion, he called upon Mr. and Mrs. Nichols to come to the piatform where they were received and warmly thanked for their kindness and generosity by Jack Reynolds, secretary of Dar- lington Football League. Mrs. Gordon Wilbur presented Mrs. Sflchols with an exquîsite bouquet of 'mums. Both host and hostess replied fittingly, stating that they hoped that this would be an annual event. It was quite apparent to the wniter and to the other guests hat this happy couple were en- oying themselves as much or more than anyone present. They had spent the early part of the evening meeting many whom they knew and could caîl friends. They also made many more friends duning the evening. due to the meeting in Orono Wed. Dec. 1l on Developing Community )Enterpnises. the speaker being Mrs. Clarence Hayes of Georgetown. The meet- ing is from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. with lunch .served at noon by Orono W. I. Ail members are in- vited to be present. The United States has bountiful natural resources of many raw materials needed for modern liv- ing but has littie or no natural rubber, tin, nickel, manganese, cobalt, industrial diamonds or quartz crystals for electronic equipment. Dep. Reeve Contested Following Nominations Darlington Council The- resuit of the nominations for the Municipal Council, Town- ship of Darlington, held in the Town Hall, Hampton, Friday. was that ail offices save that of Deputy Reeve, were filled by ac- clamation. An election becomes necessary for this office, the con-1 testants being Councillors S. Ev- erton White and Arthur Milîson. Elected by acclamation for 1947 we6re: Reeve, Kyle Squair, former Deputy; Counciliors Har- old Skinner, Roy W. Nichols and Roy McGili. They represent re- a fair disposition of the seats. spectiveiy the districts of Shaw's, Tyrone, Courtice aqd Enniskillen, Among those nominated. for Reeve were R. R. Stevens, pre- sent Reeve and Ex-Reeve Geo. F. Annis and W. R. Pîckel to- gether with Councillor Arthur Million. Ail declined to stand and, madLe way for Mr. Squair. Nominated for council were Adam Sharp, Ivison Mund*ay, W. R. Pickel, Albert His, Lloyd Ashton, R. R. Stevens, Lloyd Crago, Wm. Lycett, Forbes Hey- land, Ted Chant, Gordon Brent and. G. F. Annis, ail of whom de- clined in favor of Messrs Skinner Nichols and McGill. Hlampton Mrs. Elgin Wight, Bowmanville with Mrs. Sam Dewell on Thurs- day. Mrs. S. E. Werry, Solina, with Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf CHEVROLET and. son Larry, Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman, Joan and Grant, Oshawa at L. Cryderman's and Gordon Wilb- ur 's. Mrs. Ethel Bradley, Hampton, at Lorne Bradley's. Misl' Ruby Clatworthy, RXN, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Lorenzo Trull's. Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa, vis- ited her sisters here, Thursday. Misses Dora Purdon, Port Mc- Nichol and Maigaret Purdon, Cherrywood, were home for the week end. Mr. and Mns. Wes. Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mn. andi Mrs. Geo. Farncombe, at Newcastle. Miss Gwen Caveriy at home. M rln r . T o r y w r p a s n g ,o'u d y dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray, Oshawa, Saturday evening. Mr. and, Mrs. Perey Allun, Osh- awa, at C. E. Horn's. The correspondent would like to make a correction of an error which the Statesman staff made last week in reporting the Church Thankoffering being $75.00 which should have read $275.00. We have since learned that $280.00 was, received. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carrick, * TronoMiss Bessie Reynolds, R. N. and Mr. Arthur Haskill, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds. Rev. C. G. Quigley Bowman- ville was a guest of Rev. E. S. Linstead and Mrs. Linsteed at the' e BUICK CHEVROLET and GMC TRUCKS Todlay , as neyer before, there rests every merchant an obligation both to his customers and ta the common good * .. n obligation ta justify confidence and goodwill and ta co-aperate, unreservedly in the maintenance of a stable ecanomy. We, General Matars dealers in this community, recagnizing these obligations, will continue, in aillaur business dealings, ta adhere ta the fallowing principles: *We will seil ail New and Used Cars and Trucks at flot more than the authorized prices. *We wilI do our best, under present con- ditions, to allocate ail the New Passenger Cars and Trucks we receive, on the fair- est possible basis, with special considera- tion to any Veteran of World War Il who may require a car with special controls; to practising Physicians and Surgeons, and others whose urgent need is apparent. *We will make allowances based on an honest appraisal and a fair valuation to purchasers who have cars or trucks to trade. *We will give purchasers the benefit of those accessories which are available, but delivery of a new car or truck will not be conditional upon the acceptance of accessories other than those desired. *We will charge only equitable prices for parts, accessorjes and services, and when requested will gladly provide advance estimates for the benefit of the customer. *We will, at ail times, strive to serve our customers' needs - with efficiency, fair- ness and courtesy. 446.1 c W . COURTICE A STATEMENT 0F POLIcY by GENERAL'MOTORS DEALERS handling IlOLDSMOBILE ,, PONTIAC ROY NICHOLS r PAGE TUM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVILL& ONTARIO

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